New & Returned Merchandise Auction #286 - Mr. Big Deals
Listing ID#: 1527716

Auction Location
Toronto, ON M1P 3E4
Full Address Available on Wednesday, Jun 28
Auction Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Bidding Starts: Thursday Jun 29
Bidding Ends: Wednesday Jul 5
Auction Type
Company Information
Mr. Big Deals 2575714 Ontario Inc

Website: ID#: 4016
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions - To Bid and Buy REGISTRATION & IDENTIFICATION: At the time of registration, we may collect information about you to verify who you are before you can bid. All bidders must be of legal age of majority in the province or state they reside in order to bid. REVIEWING YOUR BIDS: During an auction you can check the status of your bids at anytime. Note that no bids can be withdrawn after the auction for any reason. All items are sold as is, where is, with all faults. BIDDING NOTIFICATIONS: You can choose to be notified by e-mail during the auction if you have been outbid. Please note that outbid notifications may not be sent out during the last two hours of the sale, so it is still your responsibility to track your bids. WINNING NOTIFICATION & INVOICING: All winning bidders will receive an e-mail invoice by 12 noon the following day after the auction closing. PICKUPS & REMOVALS: Dates and times for pickup will be posted on our website and information about these deadlines will also be provided in the email you receive with your invoice. It is important that you read and follow these dates and deadlines and we kindly ask that you do not bid if you are unable to have your items picked up within the scheduled pickup dates. Any item not picked up during the posted pickup times will incur a $25.00 late/storage administration fee per invoice, per week and any items that are not picked up within 28 business days after auction closes will be considered abandoned and will be sold for accumulated storage fees. Please understand that we will not offer any extension to these pick-up deadlines for any reason. It is your responsibility to assure you pick your items up on time. Items are sold as is, where is, with all faults. If you choose to abandon an item after any auction, you will be blocked from placing any further bids on any of our future auctions. As a courtesy to our customers who travel long distances or can't make a scheduled pickup for unforeseen circumstances, Mr. Big Deals provides a 1 week hold option. Please read the terms to this extended hold below as these terms will be enforced with NO exceptions. 1. In order to qualify for a one week, hold of your won goods, Mr. Big Deals must receive FULL PAYMENT for your won items by 3pm the first Saturday after auction closes. Only after full payment is received will you be permitted to have your items held for 1 week without penalty. If your items are not picked up by 4pm the second Tuesday after auction closes a $25.00 late pickup/storage fee will be applied to your invoice regardless of how many items are on your invoice and additional $25.00 storage/administration fee will be applied for each week beyond the allowed hold and charged to your credit card on file. If your items are not picked up by 4pm the fourth Tuesday after auction closes, your items will be deemed abandoned and your entire invoice will be re-sold for the accumulated storage fees. You will also be blocked from bidding on any future auctions and may be blocked from bidding with other auction companies on the HiBid platform. Please understand that we will not offer any extension to these pick-up deadlines for any reason. It is your responsibility to assure you pick your items up on time. 2. If full payment is not provided by 3pm the Saturday after auction closes a late payment/storage charge of $25.00 invoice will be applied regardless of invoice size and you will be required to pay this fee plus all outstanding lot fees, buyers premium and taxes before your items are released. You will also not be permitted to bid on any Mr. Big Deals auctions until your outstanding balance is paid in full. If you fail to pickup and pay for your won items including all late payment/storage fees, buyer's premium and taxes by the second Saturday after auction closes you will remain blocked from bidding on any future Mr. Big Deals auctions, you will also be reported for non-payment to other auction companies on the HiBid platform and you may be blocked by other auctioneers on the HiBid Platform. 3. Large items must be picked up on a weekly basis. No holds will be permitted for items marked as "NO HOLDS" Failure to pickup items marked as "NO HOLDS" by 4pm the Tuesday following the auction close will result in a late/storage administration fee of $25.00 per "NO HOLDS" item being applied to your invoice and charged to the credit card on file along with all lot fees, buyers' premium and taxes. If these items are not picked up by 4pm the second Saturday after auction close your items will be deemed abandoned and your entire invoice will be re-sold as one auction lot for additional storage fees. CONDITIONS OF ITEMS SOLD & OUR ONLINE CATALOGUE: Our best efforts are made to represent all items accurately in descriptions and photographs; however, all items are ultimately sold on an 'as is, where is' basis, with all faults. We strongly encourage all bidders to personally verify the condition of each item. No responsibility is assumed by Mr. Big Deals or the consignor for any errors or omissions. We have provided a more detailed explanation of our condition descriptions and what does and does not qualify for our industry leading return policy that can be found in the 2nd lot at the beginning of each auction. If you have any questions regarding these description please email us at prior to placing any bids. CLAIMS: No claims regarding goods purchased will be allowed. Bidders are reminded that all goods are sold on an 'as is, where is' basis, with all faults. PERSONAL & PROPERTY RISKS: We will not be liable for damage or injury to individuals or their property. ADDITIONS & DELETIONS: We reserve the right to remove and/or add lots and/or items to the sale at any point during the auction. BUYERS: The BUYER expressly agrees to indemnify and save Mr. Big Deals, the Seller, and their consignors harmless from and against all claims, losses, expenses, damage or liability, directly or indirectly caused by or resulting from an act, including the negligent acts or omissions of Mr. Big Deals, or anyone acting in his/her behalf in connection with or arising out of any auction. All bidders/buyers must be of legal age of majority in the province or state in which they reside order to bid at one of our auctions. . RESERVE: Seldom are items sold with Reserve. If an item is being sold with a reserve, it will be clearly marked and identified. For items sold with a 'reserve', you will be required to pay a minimum amount in order to win the item. AUCTION RECORDS: In the unlikely event of a dispute, you agree to accept as true the information that we have in our records. SOFT CLOSE: Items close at regular intervals. All bids made in the last 2 minutes of the auction will force an item to be extended by an additional 3 minutes. This will continue until all bidding has stopped. STRATEGY: We recommend that ALL BIDDERS put in their maximum bid when placing a bid online. This does not mean you will have to pay the amount you bid; you only pay one bid more than the next highest bid, and only up to your maximum bid. The software system will play out the bids as you would at a live auction and only uses the funds required to beat out the under-bidder at the prescribed bid increment. CATALOGUE ERRORS & OMISSIONS: If a description does not match a picture in a lot, the description takes precedence. All items are sold on an 'as is, where is' basis, with all faults. PRIVACY POLICY: Your personal information is collected through our contact forms only. This website currently has no applications or programs that gather information from your computer without your consent. 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Listing Information
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1. Click on the auction info tab to find all information about this auction including where this auction is being held from, how to book an auction pickup appointment and when the mandatory pick up dates are. 2. Mandatory pick up dates are not flexi...

PRODUCT CONDITION DEFINITIONS Mr. Big Deals stands behind the products we sell by offering an industry leading return policy for items that are ever sold in a condition other than as described. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT ANY ITEM SOLD IN "USED" CONDITO...

The source of this information can be found at Information about dates on pre-packaged food is a valuable source of information for consumers. A basic understanding of what terms are used can help you to better understand these labels....

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Pack of 2 Nylon Braided Cat 8 Ethernet Cable, 50ft
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Pack of 2 Cat 8 Ethernet Cable 50ft, Nylon Braided High Speed Heavy Duty 40Gbps 2000Mh...

50 Count Peekapoo Disposable Changing Pad Liners
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE 50 Count Peekapoo Disposable Changing Pad Liners Super Soft, Ultra Absorbent & Waterpr...

FUNTECK Universal Spray Guide Accessory Tool
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE FUNTECK Universal Spray Guide Accessory Tool for Wagner Titan Airless Paint Sprayer 7/...

Pack of 3 Koala Lens Cleaning Cloths - READ
CONDITION ISSUES. Please See the listing description for full details and description of any imperfections found. Items sold in with condition issues are always SOLD AS IS MISSING 3 OUT OF 6 CLOTHS Pack of 3 Koala Lens Cleaning Cloth | Japanese Mic...

KULED Vacuum Sealer Machine
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE KULED Vacuum Sealer Machine,Professional Automatic Vacuum Sealing System for Food Pres...

Grip-It Non-Slip Rug Pad 2 by 4ft
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Grip-It Ultra Stop Non-Slip Rug Pad for Rugs on Hard Surface Floors, 2 by 4-Feet (F)

4 Count Vachon Passion Flakie AppleRaspberry -READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE: JUNE 11, 2023 NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE 4 Count Vachon Passion Flakie Apple-Raspberry Cak...

5 Count The Fart Brothers' Big Book of Farty Facts
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Count The Fantastic Flatulent Fart Brothers' Big Book of Farty Facts: An Illustrated Guide to the Science, History, and Art of Farting (Humorous reference book for p...

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

AC 250V 3A 1NO 1NC Foot Pedal Switch
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE AC 250V 3A 1NO 1NC Foot Pedal Switch TFS-402 Electric Pedal Momentary Foot Padal Switc...

Yesland Retractable Cup Drying Rack - READ
CONDITION ISSUES. Please See the listing description for full details and description of any imperfections found. Items sold in with condition issues are always SOLD AS IS MISSING 1 OUT OF 2 RACKS Yesland Retractable Cup Drying Rack, Plastic Non-Sl...

Pack of 8 ASPECTEK Bed Bug Trap
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Pack of 8 ASPECTEK Bed Bug Trap, Bed Bug Interceptor, Insect Trap, Safe Eco Friendly,...

LEGO Guardians of The Galaxy Advent Calendar Set
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE LEGO Marvel Studios' Guardians of The Galaxy Advent Calendar 76231 Building Toy Set an...

RioRand Wax Warmer Hair Removal Kit with Wax Beans
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE RioRand Wax Warmer Hair Removal Kit with Hard Wax Beans and Wax Applicator Sticks (Bla...

VOSTIN Space Heater for Indoor Use,1500W
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE VOSTIN Space Heater for Indoor Use,1500W Fast Heating Electric Ceramic Heater with Rem...

Pack of 3 AQUA CREST Refrigerator Water Filters
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Pack of 3 AQUA CREST EDR3RXD1 Refrigerator Water Filter, Replacement for Whirlpool EDR...

Pack of 36 Chore Boy Copper Scrubbers
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Pack of 36 Chore Boy Copper Scrubbers RETAIL $35 (F)

Among Us: Ejected Edition - PlayStation 5
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Among Us: Ejected Edition - PlayStation 5 RETAIL $96 (F)

Precision Defined Paint Roller Kit
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Precision Defined Paint Roller Kit - Paint Roller Self-Lock and Roller Cover Set Preci...

Lego Speed Champions Mclaren Elva Building Kit
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Lego Speed Champions Mclaren Elva 76902 Building Kit; Top Toy Car; Cool Toy for Kids; ...

Boyata Adjustable Laptop Riser
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Boyata Adjustable Laptop Riser with Slide-Proof Silicone and Protective Hooks, Aluminu...

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

Box Of 8 Nerds Rainbow Candies - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE 2023 APRIL 17 NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Nerds Rainbow Box, 142g, 8 Count NO US SHIPPING (B)

Box Of 8 Nerds Rainbow Candies - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE 2023 APRIL 17 NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Nerds Rainbow Box, 142g, 8 Count NO US SHIPPING (B)

Box Of 8 Nerds Rainbow Candies - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE 2023 APRIL 17 NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Nerds Rainbow Box, 142g, 8 Count NO US SHIPPING (B)

Box Of 8 Nerds Rainbow Candies - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE 2023 APRIL 17 NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Nerds Rainbow Box, 142g, 8 Count NO US SHIPPING (B)

Box Of 8 Nerds Rainbow Candies - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE 2023 APRIL 17 NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Nerds Rainbow Box, 142g, 8 Count NO US SHIPPING (B)

Box Of 8 Nerds Rainbow Candies - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE 2023 APRIL 17 NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Nerds Rainbow Box, 142g, 8 Count NO US SHIPPING (B)

2 Packs The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toning Solution
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution 240ml each RETAIL $66 NO US SHIPPING (B)

2 Packs The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toning Solution
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution 240ml each RETAIL $66 NO US SHIPPING (B)

2 Packs The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toning Solution
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution 240ml each RETAIL $66 NO US SHIPPING (B)

2 Packs The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toning Solution
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution 240ml each RETAIL $66 NO US SHIPPING (B)

2 Packs The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toning Solution
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution 240ml each RETAIL $66 NO US SHIPPING (B)

BDTCTK Benz G63 AMG Pickup Car Model
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. BDTCTK 1/22 Benz G63 AMG 6x6 V12 Off-Road Black Pickup Model Car, Zinc Alloy Pull Back...

JIAOZZZ Whirlpool Washer Drain Pump Replacement
OPEN DISTRESSED OR MISSING PACKAGING These items may be NEW or show minor signs of use but look to be in "LIKE NEW" condition. Packaging may have been opened, damaged or distressed, it may even be missing its original packaging entirely. W10130913(...

Panifra Cast Iron Manual Wood Splitter Wedge
OPEN DISTRESSED OR MISSING PACKAGING These items may be NEW or show minor signs of use but look to be in "LIKE NEW" condition. Packaging may have been opened, damaged or distressed, it may even be missing its original packaging entirely. Panifra Ma...

adidas Women's Grand Court Tennis Shoes,7.5
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. adidas Women's Grand Court Tennis Shoes, White/Carbon/Wonder White SIZE 7.5 RETAIL $65...

Pack Of 2 VIVOHOME Air Stones,4" x 2"
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. VIVOHOME Air Stones 4 x 2 Inch, Cylinder Airstones Diffuser for Aquarium Fish Tank Hyd...

TWUTGAYW Candle Wick Accessories Set
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. TWUTGAYW Candle Wick Accessories Set, Elegant Candle Wick Trimmer Cutter Set, Storage ...

Pack Of 2 GeekNi Walkie Toys for Kids
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. GeekNi Walkie Toys for Kids, Toys for 3-12 Year Old Boys or Girls, 3 KM Range Indoor O...

U-Taste 10 Piece Measuring Cups and Spoons
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. U-Taste 10 Piece Measuring Cups and Spoons Set in 18/8 Stainless Steel RETAIL $35 (B)

FORWEWAY Direct Drinking Water Bottle with Filter
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. FORWEWAY Direct Drinking Water Bottle with Filter Water Bottle 50 OZ / 1500ML Water Bo...

Pack Of 2 KIDECCE Rechargeable Headlamps-READ
CONDITION ISSUES. Please See the listing description for full details and description of any imperfections found. Items sold in with condition issues are always SOLD AS IS ITEM IS MISSING EXTRA CLIPS AND USB CABLES KIDECCE Headlamp Rechargeable,2 P...

Spa Luxetique Spa Gift Set for Women
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Spa Luxetique Spa Gift Sets for Women, Ocean Bath Kit,Travel 6pc Gift Box with Body Lo...

Hasbro Monopoly Family Bilingual Board Game
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Hasbro Monopoly Game, Family Board Game for 2 to 6 Players, Monopoly Board Game for Ki...

BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. KOTN NEO MEN'S CREW NECK TSHIRT , WHITE HAS NEO SYMBOL ON CHEST SIZE SMALL (J)

BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. KOTN NEO MEN'S CREW NECK TSHIRT , WHITE HAS NEO SYMBOL ON CHEST SIZE XX-LARGE (J)

Tickless ultrasonic natural tick and flea repeller
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Tickless Human ultrasonic natural tick and flea repeller - Orange RETAIL $33 (J)

200 Count- Jiffy 7 Peat Soil 42mm Pellets Plugs
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE 200 Count- Jiffy 7 Peat Soil 42mm Pellets Seeds Starting Plugs: Indoor Seed Starter- S...

Logitech for Creators StreamCam Premium Webcam
OPEN DISTRESSED OR MISSING PACKAGING These items may be NEW or show minor signs of use but look to be in "LIKE NEW" condition. Packaging may have been opened, damaged or distressed, it may even be missing its original packaging entirely NOT INSPECT...

Logitech H111 Stereo Headset w/ 3.5 mm Audio Jack
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Logitech H111 Stereo Headset with 3.5 mm Audio Jack Black RETAIL $20 (J)

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New & Returned Merchandise Auction #286 - Mr. Big Deals

Mr. Big Deals 2575714 Ontario Inc

Mr. Big Deals 2575714 Ontario Inc

Sale Location
Toronto, ON M1P 3E4
Full Address Available after 9 am
on Wednesday, Jun 28
Sale Dates and Times
Sale Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions - To Bid and Buy REGISTRATION & IDENTIFICATION: At the time of registration, we may collect information about you to verify who you are before you can bid. All bidders must be of legal age of majority in the province or state they reside in order to bid. REVIEWING YOUR BIDS: During an auction you can check the status of your bids at anytime. Note that no bids can be withdrawn after the auction for any reason. All items are sold as is, where is, with all faults. BIDDING NOTIFICATIONS: You can choose to be notified by e-mail during the auction if you have been outbid. Please note that outbid notifications may not be sent out during the last two hours of the sale, so it is still your responsibility to track your bids. WINNING NOTIFICATION & INVOICING: All winning bidders will receive an e-mail invoice by 12 noon the following day after the auction closing. PICKUPS & REMOVALS: Dates and times for pickup will be posted on our website and information about these deadlines will also be provided in the email you receive with your invoice. It is important that you read and follow these dates and deadlines and we kindly ask that you do not bid if you are unable to have your items picked up within the scheduled pickup dates. Any item not picked up during the posted pickup times will incur a $25.00 late/storage administration fee per invoice, per week and any items that are not picked up within 28 business days after auction closes will be considered abandoned and will be sold for accumulated storage fees. Please understand that we will not offer any extension to these pick-up deadlines for any reason. It is your responsibility to assure you pick your items up on time. Items are sold as is, where is, with all faults. If you choose to abandon an item after any auction, you will be blocked from placing any further bids on any of our future auctions. As a courtesy to our customers who travel long distances or can't make a scheduled pickup for unforeseen circumstances, Mr. Big Deals provides a 1 week hold option. Please read the terms to this extended hold below as these terms will be enforced with NO exceptions. 1. In order to qualify for a one week, hold of your won goods, Mr. Big Deals must receive FULL PAYMENT for your won items by 3pm the first Saturday after auction closes. Only after full payment is received will you be permitted to have your items held for 1 week without penalty. If your items are not picked up by 4pm the second Tuesday after auction closes a $25.00 late pickup/storage fee will be applied to your invoice regardless of how many items are on your invoice and additional $25.00 storage/administration fee will be applied for each week beyond the allowed hold and charged to your credit card on file. If your items are not picked up by 4pm the fourth Tuesday after auction closes, your items will be deemed abandoned and your entire invoice will be re-sold for the accumulated storage fees. You will also be blocked from bidding on any future auctions and may be blocked from bidding with other auction companies on the HiBid platform. Please understand that we will not offer any extension to these pick-up deadlines for any reason. It is your responsibility to assure you pick your items up on time. 2. If full payment is not provided by 3pm the Saturday after auction closes a late payment/storage charge of $25.00 invoice will be applied regardless of invoice size and you will be required to pay this fee plus all outstanding lot fees, buyers premium and taxes before your items are released. You will also not be permitted to bid on any Mr. Big Deals auctions until your outstanding balance is paid in full. If you fail to pickup and pay for your won items including all late payment/storage fees, buyer's premium and taxes by the second Saturday after auction closes you will remain blocked from bidding on any future Mr. Big Deals auctions, you will also be reported for non-payment to other auction companies on the HiBid platform and you may be blocked by other auctioneers on the HiBid Platform. 3. Large items must be picked up on a weekly basis. No holds will be permitted for items marked as "NO HOLDS" Failure to pickup items marked as "NO HOLDS" by 4pm the Tuesday following the auction close will result in a late/storage administration fee of $25.00 per "NO HOLDS" item being applied to your invoice and charged to the credit card on file along with all lot fees, buyers' premium and taxes. If these items are not picked up by 4pm the second Saturday after auction close your items will be deemed abandoned and your entire invoice will be re-sold as one auction lot for additional storage fees. CONDITIONS OF ITEMS SOLD & OUR ONLINE CATALOGUE: Our best efforts are made to represent all items accurately in descriptions and photographs; however, all items are ultimately sold on an 'as is, where is' basis, with all faults. We strongly encourage all bidders to personally verify the condition of each item. No responsibility is assumed by Mr. Big Deals or the consignor for any errors or omissions. We have provided a more detailed explanation of our condition descriptions and what does and does not qualify for our industry leading return policy that can be found in the 2nd lot at the beginning of each auction. If you have any questions regarding these description please email us at prior to placing any bids. CLAIMS: No claims regarding goods purchased will be allowed. Bidders are reminded that all goods are sold on an 'as is, where is' basis, with all faults. PERSONAL & PROPERTY RISKS: We will not be liable for damage or injury to individuals or their property. ADDITIONS & DELETIONS: We reserve the right to remove and/or add lots and/or items to the sale at any point during the auction. BUYERS: The BUYER expressly agrees to indemnify and save Mr. Big Deals, the Seller, and their consignors harmless from and against all claims, losses, expenses, damage or liability, directly or indirectly caused by or resulting from an act, including the negligent acts or omissions of Mr. Big Deals, or anyone acting in his/her behalf in connection with or arising out of any auction. All bidders/buyers must be of legal age of majority in the province or state in which they reside order to bid at one of our auctions. . RESERVE: Seldom are items sold with Reserve. If an item is being sold with a reserve, it will be clearly marked and identified. For items sold with a 'reserve', you will be required to pay a minimum amount in order to win the item. AUCTION RECORDS: In the unlikely event of a dispute, you agree to accept as true the information that we have in our records. SOFT CLOSE: Items close at regular intervals. All bids made in the last 2 minutes of the auction will force an item to be extended by an additional 3 minutes. This will continue until all bidding has stopped. STRATEGY: We recommend that ALL BIDDERS put in their maximum bid when placing a bid online. This does not mean you will have to pay the amount you bid; you only pay one bid more than the next highest bid, and only up to your maximum bid. The software system will play out the bids as you would at a live auction and only uses the funds required to beat out the under-bidder at the prescribed bid increment. CATALOGUE ERRORS & OMISSIONS: If a description does not match a picture in a lot, the description takes precedence. All items are sold on an 'as is, where is' basis, with all faults. PRIVACY POLICY: Your personal information is collected through our contact forms only. This website currently has no applications or programs that gather information from your computer without your consent. 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Listing Details
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1. Click on the auction info tab to find all information about this auction including where this auction is being held from, how to book an auction pickup appointment and when the mandatory pick up dates are. 2. Mandatory pick up dates are not flexi...

PRODUCT CONDITION DEFINITIONS Mr. Big Deals stands behind the products we sell by offering an industry leading return policy for items that are ever sold in a condition other than as described. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT ANY ITEM SOLD IN "USED" CONDITO...

The source of this information can be found at Information about dates on pre-packaged food is a valuable source of information for consumers. A basic understanding of what terms are used can help you to better understand these labels....

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Pack of 2 Nylon Braided Cat 8 Ethernet Cable, 50ft
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Pack of 2 Cat 8 Ethernet Cable 50ft, Nylon Braided High Speed Heavy Duty 40Gbps 2000Mh...

50 Count Peekapoo Disposable Changing Pad Liners
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE 50 Count Peekapoo Disposable Changing Pad Liners Super Soft, Ultra Absorbent & Waterpr...

FUNTECK Universal Spray Guide Accessory Tool
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE FUNTECK Universal Spray Guide Accessory Tool for Wagner Titan Airless Paint Sprayer 7/...

Pack of 3 Koala Lens Cleaning Cloths - READ
CONDITION ISSUES. Please See the listing description for full details and description of any imperfections found. Items sold in with condition issues are always SOLD AS IS MISSING 3 OUT OF 6 CLOTHS Pack of 3 Koala Lens Cleaning Cloth | Japanese Mic...

KULED Vacuum Sealer Machine
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE KULED Vacuum Sealer Machine,Professional Automatic Vacuum Sealing System for Food Pres...

Grip-It Non-Slip Rug Pad 2 by 4ft
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Grip-It Ultra Stop Non-Slip Rug Pad for Rugs on Hard Surface Floors, 2 by 4-Feet (F)

4 Count Vachon Passion Flakie AppleRaspberry -READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE: JUNE 11, 2023 NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE 4 Count Vachon Passion Flakie Apple-Raspberry Cak...

5 Count The Fart Brothers' Big Book of Farty Facts
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Count The Fantastic Flatulent Fart Brothers' Big Book of Farty Facts: An Illustrated Guide to the Science, History, and Art of Farting (Humorous reference book for p...

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

AC 250V 3A 1NO 1NC Foot Pedal Switch
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE AC 250V 3A 1NO 1NC Foot Pedal Switch TFS-402 Electric Pedal Momentary Foot Padal Switc...

Yesland Retractable Cup Drying Rack - READ
CONDITION ISSUES. Please See the listing description for full details and description of any imperfections found. Items sold in with condition issues are always SOLD AS IS MISSING 1 OUT OF 2 RACKS Yesland Retractable Cup Drying Rack, Plastic Non-Sl...

Pack of 8 ASPECTEK Bed Bug Trap
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Pack of 8 ASPECTEK Bed Bug Trap, Bed Bug Interceptor, Insect Trap, Safe Eco Friendly,...

LEGO Guardians of The Galaxy Advent Calendar Set
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE LEGO Marvel Studios' Guardians of The Galaxy Advent Calendar 76231 Building Toy Set an...

RioRand Wax Warmer Hair Removal Kit with Wax Beans
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE RioRand Wax Warmer Hair Removal Kit with Hard Wax Beans and Wax Applicator Sticks (Bla...

VOSTIN Space Heater for Indoor Use,1500W
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE VOSTIN Space Heater for Indoor Use,1500W Fast Heating Electric Ceramic Heater with Rem...

Pack of 3 AQUA CREST Refrigerator Water Filters
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Pack of 3 AQUA CREST EDR3RXD1 Refrigerator Water Filter, Replacement for Whirlpool EDR...

Pack of 36 Chore Boy Copper Scrubbers
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Pack of 36 Chore Boy Copper Scrubbers RETAIL $35 (F)

Among Us: Ejected Edition - PlayStation 5
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Among Us: Ejected Edition - PlayStation 5 RETAIL $96 (F)

Precision Defined Paint Roller Kit
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Precision Defined Paint Roller Kit - Paint Roller Self-Lock and Roller Cover Set Preci...

Lego Speed Champions Mclaren Elva Building Kit
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Lego Speed Champions Mclaren Elva 76902 Building Kit; Top Toy Car; Cool Toy for Kids; ...

Boyata Adjustable Laptop Riser
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Boyata Adjustable Laptop Riser with Slide-Proof Silicone and Protective Hooks, Aluminu...

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

Box Of 8 Nerds Rainbow Candies - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE 2023 APRIL 17 NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Nerds Rainbow Box, 142g, 8 Count NO US SHIPPING (B)

Box Of 8 Nerds Rainbow Candies - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE 2023 APRIL 17 NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Nerds Rainbow Box, 142g, 8 Count NO US SHIPPING (B)

Box Of 8 Nerds Rainbow Candies - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE 2023 APRIL 17 NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Nerds Rainbow Box, 142g, 8 Count NO US SHIPPING (B)

Box Of 8 Nerds Rainbow Candies - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE 2023 APRIL 17 NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Nerds Rainbow Box, 142g, 8 Count NO US SHIPPING (B)

Box Of 8 Nerds Rainbow Candies - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE 2023 APRIL 17 NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Nerds Rainbow Box, 142g, 8 Count NO US SHIPPING (B)

Box Of 8 Nerds Rainbow Candies - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE 2023 APRIL 17 NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Nerds Rainbow Box, 142g, 8 Count NO US SHIPPING (B)

2 Packs The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toning Solution
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution 240ml each RETAIL $66 NO US SHIPPING (B)

2 Packs The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toning Solution
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution 240ml each RETAIL $66 NO US SHIPPING (B)

2 Packs The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toning Solution
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution 240ml each RETAIL $66 NO US SHIPPING (B)

2 Packs The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toning Solution
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution 240ml each RETAIL $66 NO US SHIPPING (B)

2 Packs The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toning Solution
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution 240ml each RETAIL $66 NO US SHIPPING (B)

BDTCTK Benz G63 AMG Pickup Car Model
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. BDTCTK 1/22 Benz G63 AMG 6x6 V12 Off-Road Black Pickup Model Car, Zinc Alloy Pull Back...

JIAOZZZ Whirlpool Washer Drain Pump Replacement
OPEN DISTRESSED OR MISSING PACKAGING These items may be NEW or show minor signs of use but look to be in "LIKE NEW" condition. Packaging may have been opened, damaged or distressed, it may even be missing its original packaging entirely. W10130913(...

Panifra Cast Iron Manual Wood Splitter Wedge
OPEN DISTRESSED OR MISSING PACKAGING These items may be NEW or show minor signs of use but look to be in "LIKE NEW" condition. Packaging may have been opened, damaged or distressed, it may even be missing its original packaging entirely. Panifra Ma...

adidas Women's Grand Court Tennis Shoes,7.5
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. adidas Women's Grand Court Tennis Shoes, White/Carbon/Wonder White SIZE 7.5 RETAIL $65...

Pack Of 2 VIVOHOME Air Stones,4" x 2"
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. VIVOHOME Air Stones 4 x 2 Inch, Cylinder Airstones Diffuser for Aquarium Fish Tank Hyd...

TWUTGAYW Candle Wick Accessories Set
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. TWUTGAYW Candle Wick Accessories Set, Elegant Candle Wick Trimmer Cutter Set, Storage ...

Pack Of 2 GeekNi Walkie Toys for Kids
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. GeekNi Walkie Toys for Kids, Toys for 3-12 Year Old Boys or Girls, 3 KM Range Indoor O...

U-Taste 10 Piece Measuring Cups and Spoons
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. U-Taste 10 Piece Measuring Cups and Spoons Set in 18/8 Stainless Steel RETAIL $35 (B)

FORWEWAY Direct Drinking Water Bottle with Filter
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. FORWEWAY Direct Drinking Water Bottle with Filter Water Bottle 50 OZ / 1500ML Water Bo...

Pack Of 2 KIDECCE Rechargeable Headlamps-READ
CONDITION ISSUES. Please See the listing description for full details and description of any imperfections found. Items sold in with condition issues are always SOLD AS IS ITEM IS MISSING EXTRA CLIPS AND USB CABLES KIDECCE Headlamp Rechargeable,2 P...

Spa Luxetique Spa Gift Set for Women
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Spa Luxetique Spa Gift Sets for Women, Ocean Bath Kit,Travel 6pc Gift Box with Body Lo...

Hasbro Monopoly Family Bilingual Board Game
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Hasbro Monopoly Game, Family Board Game for 2 to 6 Players, Monopoly Board Game for Ki...

BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. KOTN NEO MEN'S CREW NECK TSHIRT , WHITE HAS NEO SYMBOL ON CHEST SIZE SMALL (J)

BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. KOTN NEO MEN'S CREW NECK TSHIRT , WHITE HAS NEO SYMBOL ON CHEST SIZE XX-LARGE (J)

Tickless ultrasonic natural tick and flea repeller
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Tickless Human ultrasonic natural tick and flea repeller - Orange RETAIL $33 (J)

200 Count- Jiffy 7 Peat Soil 42mm Pellets Plugs
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE 200 Count- Jiffy 7 Peat Soil 42mm Pellets Seeds Starting Plugs: Indoor Seed Starter- S...

Logitech for Creators StreamCam Premium Webcam
OPEN DISTRESSED OR MISSING PACKAGING These items may be NEW or show minor signs of use but look to be in "LIKE NEW" condition. Packaging may have been opened, damaged or distressed, it may even be missing its original packaging entirely NOT INSPECT...

Logitech H111 Stereo Headset w/ 3.5 mm Audio Jack
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Logitech H111 Stereo Headset with 3.5 mm Audio Jack Black RETAIL $20 (J)

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New & Returned Merchandise Auction #286 - Mr. Big Deals
 Online Only Auction
Auction Date(s)
Bidding Starts: Thursday Jun 29
Bidding Ends: Wednesday Jul 5
Auction Location
Toronto, ON M1P 3E4
Full Address Available on Wednesday, Jun 28
Mr. Big Deals 2575714 Ontario Inc


Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions - To Bid and Buy REGISTRATION & IDENTIFICATION: At the time of registration, we may collect information about you to verify who you are before you can bid. All bidders must be of legal age of majority in the province or state they reside in order to bid. REVIEWING YOUR BIDS: During an auction you can check the status of your bids at anytime. Note that no bids can be withdrawn after the auction for any reason. All items are sold as is, where is, with all faults. BIDDING NOTIFICATIONS: You can choose to be notified by e-mail during the auction if you have been outbid. Please note that outbid notifications may not be sent out during the last two hours of the sale, so it is still your responsibility to track your bids. WINNING NOTIFICATION & INVOICING: All winning bidders will receive an e-mail invoice by 12 noon the following day after the auction closing. PICKUPS & REMOVALS: Dates and times for pickup will be posted on our website and information about these deadlines will also be provided in the email you receive with your invoice. It is important that you read and follow these dates and deadlines and we kindly ask that you do not bid if you are unable to have your items picked up within the scheduled pickup dates. Any item not picked up during the posted pickup times will incur a $25.00 late/storage administration fee per invoice, per week and any items that are not picked up within 28 business days after auction closes will be considered abandoned and will be sold for accumulated storage fees. Please understand that we will not offer any extension to these pick-up deadlines for any reason. It is your responsibility to assure you pick your items up on time. Items are sold as is, where is, with all faults. If you choose to abandon an item after any auction, you will be blocked from placing any further bids on any of our future auctions. As a courtesy to our customers who travel long distances or can't make a scheduled pickup for unforeseen circumstances, Mr. Big Deals provides a 1 week hold option. Please read the terms to this extended hold below as these terms will be enforced with NO exceptions. 1. In order to qualify for a one week, hold of your won goods, Mr. Big Deals must receive FULL PAYMENT for your won items by 3pm the first Saturday after auction closes. Only after full payment is received will you be permitted to have your items held for 1 week without penalty. If your items are not picked up by 4pm the second Tuesday after auction closes a $25.00 late pickup/storage fee will be applied to your invoice regardless of how many items are on your invoice and additional $25.00 storage/administration fee will be applied for each week beyond the allowed hold and charged to your credit card on file. If your items are not picked up by 4pm the fourth Tuesday after auction closes, your items will be deemed abandoned and your entire invoice will be re-sold for the accumulated storage fees. You will also be blocked from bidding on any future auctions and may be blocked from bidding with other auction companies on the HiBid platform. Please understand that we will not offer any extension to these pick-up deadlines for any reason. It is your responsibility to assure you pick your items up on time. 2. If full payment is not provided by 3pm the Saturday after auction closes a late payment/storage charge of $25.00 invoice will be applied regardless of invoice size and you will be required to pay this fee plus all outstanding lot fees, buyers premium and taxes before your items are released. You will also not be permitted to bid on any Mr. Big Deals auctions until your outstanding balance is paid in full. If you fail to pickup and pay for your won items including all late payment/storage fees, buyer's premium and taxes by the second Saturday after auction closes you will remain blocked from bidding on any future Mr. Big Deals auctions, you will also be reported for non-payment to other auction companies on the HiBid platform and you may be blocked by other auctioneers on the HiBid Platform. 3. Large items must be picked up on a weekly basis. No holds will be permitted for items marked as "NO HOLDS" Failure to pickup items marked as "NO HOLDS" by 4pm the Tuesday following the auction close will result in a late/storage administration fee of $25.00 per "NO HOLDS" item being applied to your invoice and charged to the credit card on file along with all lot fees, buyers' premium and taxes. If these items are not picked up by 4pm the second Saturday after auction close your items will be deemed abandoned and your entire invoice will be re-sold as one auction lot for additional storage fees. CONDITIONS OF ITEMS SOLD & OUR ONLINE CATALOGUE: Our best efforts are made to represent all items accurately in descriptions and photographs; however, all items are ultimately sold on an 'as is, where is' basis, with all faults. We strongly encourage all bidders to personally verify the condition of each item. No responsibility is assumed by Mr. Big Deals or the consignor for any errors or omissions. We have provided a more detailed explanation of our condition descriptions and what does and does not qualify for our industry leading return policy that can be found in the 2nd lot at the beginning of each auction. If you have any questions regarding these description please email us at prior to placing any bids. CLAIMS: No claims regarding goods purchased will be allowed. Bidders are reminded that all goods are sold on an 'as is, where is' basis, with all faults. PERSONAL & PROPERTY RISKS: We will not be liable for damage or injury to individuals or their property. ADDITIONS & DELETIONS: We reserve the right to remove and/or add lots and/or items to the sale at any point during the auction. BUYERS: The BUYER expressly agrees to indemnify and save Mr. Big Deals, the Seller, and their consignors harmless from and against all claims, losses, expenses, damage or liability, directly or indirectly caused by or resulting from an act, including the negligent acts or omissions of Mr. Big Deals, or anyone acting in his/her behalf in connection with or arising out of any auction. All bidders/buyers must be of legal age of majority in the province or state in which they reside order to bid at one of our auctions. . RESERVE: Seldom are items sold with Reserve. If an item is being sold with a reserve, it will be clearly marked and identified. For items sold with a 'reserve', you will be required to pay a minimum amount in order to win the item. AUCTION RECORDS: In the unlikely event of a dispute, you agree to accept as true the information that we have in our records. SOFT CLOSE: Items close at regular intervals. All bids made in the last 2 minutes of the auction will force an item to be extended by an additional 3 minutes. This will continue until all bidding has stopped. STRATEGY: We recommend that ALL BIDDERS put in their maximum bid when placing a bid online. This does not mean you will have to pay the amount you bid; you only pay one bid more than the next highest bid, and only up to your maximum bid. The software system will play out the bids as you would at a live auction and only uses the funds required to beat out the under-bidder at the prescribed bid increment. CATALOGUE ERRORS & OMISSIONS: If a description does not match a picture in a lot, the description takes precedence. All items are sold on an 'as is, where is' basis, with all faults. PRIVACY POLICY: Your personal information is collected through our contact forms only. This website currently has no applications or programs that gather information from your computer without your consent. 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1. Click on the auction info tab to find all information about this auction including where this auction is being held from, how to book an auction pickup appointment and when the mandatory pick up dates are. 2. Mandatory pick up dates are not flexi...

PRODUCT CONDITION DEFINITIONS Mr. Big Deals stands behind the products we sell by offering an industry leading return policy for items that are ever sold in a condition other than as described. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT ANY ITEM SOLD IN "USED" CONDITO...

The source of this information can be found at Information about dates on pre-packaged food is a valuable source of information for consumers. A basic understanding of what terms are used can help you to better understand these labels....

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Twizzlers & Jolly Ranchers Assorted Candy-READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE APRIL 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Twizzlers & Jolly Rancher Misfit Gummies Assorted Gummy Candy & Licorice, Candy Bulk Individually Wrapped To Share - 160ct, 1.9kg RETA...

Pack of 2 Nylon Braided Cat 8 Ethernet Cable, 50ft
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Pack of 2 Cat 8 Ethernet Cable 50ft, Nylon Braided High Speed Heavy Duty 40Gbps 2000Mh...

50 Count Peekapoo Disposable Changing Pad Liners
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE 50 Count Peekapoo Disposable Changing Pad Liners Super Soft, Ultra Absorbent & Waterpr...

FUNTECK Universal Spray Guide Accessory Tool
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE FUNTECK Universal Spray Guide Accessory Tool for Wagner Titan Airless Paint Sprayer 7/...

Pack of 3 Koala Lens Cleaning Cloths - READ
CONDITION ISSUES. Please See the listing description for full details and description of any imperfections found. Items sold in with condition issues are always SOLD AS IS MISSING 3 OUT OF 6 CLOTHS Pack of 3 Koala Lens Cleaning Cloth | Japanese Mic...

KULED Vacuum Sealer Machine
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE KULED Vacuum Sealer Machine,Professional Automatic Vacuum Sealing System for Food Pres...

Grip-It Non-Slip Rug Pad 2 by 4ft
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Grip-It Ultra Stop Non-Slip Rug Pad for Rugs on Hard Surface Floors, 2 by 4-Feet (F)

4 Count Vachon Passion Flakie AppleRaspberry -READ
PAST BEST BEFORE DATE: JUNE 11, 2023 NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE 4 Count Vachon Passion Flakie Apple-Raspberry Cak...

5 Count The Fart Brothers' Big Book of Farty Facts
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Count The Fantastic Flatulent Fart Brothers' Big Book of Farty Facts: An Illustrated Guide to the Science, History, and Art of Farting (Humorous reference book for p...

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Energizer MAX Alkaline D Batteries, 8 Pack NO US SHIPPING (F)

AC 250V 3A 1NO 1NC Foot Pedal Switch
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE AC 250V 3A 1NO 1NC Foot Pedal Switch TFS-402 Electric Pedal Momentary Foot Padal Switc...

Yesland Retractable Cup Drying Rack - READ
CONDITION ISSUES. Please See the listing description for full details and description of any imperfections found. Items sold in with condition issues are always SOLD AS IS MISSING 1 OUT OF 2 RACKS Yesland Retractable Cup Drying Rack, Plastic Non-Sl...

Pack of 8 ASPECTEK Bed Bug Trap
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Pack of 8 ASPECTEK Bed Bug Trap, Bed Bug Interceptor, Insect Trap, Safe Eco Friendly,...

LEGO Guardians of The Galaxy Advent Calendar Set
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE LEGO Marvel Studios' Guardians of The Galaxy Advent Calendar 76231 Building Toy Set an...

RioRand Wax Warmer Hair Removal Kit with Wax Beans
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE RioRand Wax Warmer Hair Removal Kit with Hard Wax Beans and Wax Applicator Sticks (Bla...

VOSTIN Space Heater for Indoor Use,1500W
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE VOSTIN Space Heater for Indoor Use,1500W Fast Heating Electric Ceramic Heater with Rem...

Pack of 3 AQUA CREST Refrigerator Water Filters
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Pack of 3 AQUA CREST EDR3RXD1 Refrigerator Water Filter, Replacement for Whirlpool EDR...

Pack of 36 Chore Boy Copper Scrubbers
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Pack of 36 Chore Boy Copper Scrubbers RETAIL $35 (F)

Among Us: Ejected Edition - PlayStation 5
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Among Us: Ejected Edition - PlayStation 5 RETAIL $96 (F)

Precision Defined Paint Roller Kit
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Precision Defined Paint Roller Kit - Paint Roller Self-Lock and Roller Cover Set Preci...

Lego Speed Champions Mclaren Elva Building Kit
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Lego Speed Champions Mclaren Elva 76902 Building Kit; Top Toy Car; Cool Toy for Kids; ...

Boyata Adjustable Laptop Riser
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Boyata Adjustable Laptop Riser with Slide-Proof Silicone and Protective Hooks, Aluminu...

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

MARS Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Bars - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE FEB 13, 2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. MARS Variety, Assorted Chocolate Box, 120 Fun Size Bars RETAIL $35 NO US SHIPPING (B)

Box Of 8 Nerds Rainbow Candies - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE 2023 APRIL 17 NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Nerds Rainbow Box, 142g, 8 Count NO US SHIPPING (B)

Box Of 8 Nerds Rainbow Candies - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE 2023 APRIL 17 NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Nerds Rainbow Box, 142g, 8 Count NO US SHIPPING (B)

Box Of 8 Nerds Rainbow Candies - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE 2023 APRIL 17 NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Nerds Rainbow Box, 142g, 8 Count NO US SHIPPING (B)

Box Of 8 Nerds Rainbow Candies - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE 2023 APRIL 17 NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Nerds Rainbow Box, 142g, 8 Count NO US SHIPPING (B)

Box Of 8 Nerds Rainbow Candies - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE 2023 APRIL 17 NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Nerds Rainbow Box, 142g, 8 Count NO US SHIPPING (B)

Box Of 8 Nerds Rainbow Candies - READ
PAST BEST BEFORE 2023 APRIL 17 NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Nerds Rainbow Box, 142g, 8 Count NO US SHIPPING (B)

2 Packs The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toning Solution
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution 240ml each RETAIL $66 NO US SHIPPING (B)

2 Packs The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toning Solution
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution 240ml each RETAIL $66 NO US SHIPPING (B)

2 Packs The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toning Solution
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution 240ml each RETAIL $66 NO US SHIPPING (B)

2 Packs The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toning Solution
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution 240ml each RETAIL $66 NO US SHIPPING (B)

2 Packs The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toning Solution
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution 240ml each RETAIL $66 NO US SHIPPING (B)

BDTCTK Benz G63 AMG Pickup Car Model
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. BDTCTK 1/22 Benz G63 AMG 6x6 V12 Off-Road Black Pickup Model Car, Zinc Alloy Pull Back...

JIAOZZZ Whirlpool Washer Drain Pump Replacement
OPEN DISTRESSED OR MISSING PACKAGING These items may be NEW or show minor signs of use but look to be in "LIKE NEW" condition. Packaging may have been opened, damaged or distressed, it may even be missing its original packaging entirely. W10130913(...

Panifra Cast Iron Manual Wood Splitter Wedge
OPEN DISTRESSED OR MISSING PACKAGING These items may be NEW or show minor signs of use but look to be in "LIKE NEW" condition. Packaging may have been opened, damaged or distressed, it may even be missing its original packaging entirely. Panifra Ma...

adidas Women's Grand Court Tennis Shoes,7.5
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. adidas Women's Grand Court Tennis Shoes, White/Carbon/Wonder White SIZE 7.5 RETAIL $65...

Pack Of 2 VIVOHOME Air Stones,4" x 2"
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. VIVOHOME Air Stones 4 x 2 Inch, Cylinder Airstones Diffuser for Aquarium Fish Tank Hyd...

TWUTGAYW Candle Wick Accessories Set
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. TWUTGAYW Candle Wick Accessories Set, Elegant Candle Wick Trimmer Cutter Set, Storage ...

Pack Of 2 GeekNi Walkie Toys for Kids
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. GeekNi Walkie Toys for Kids, Toys for 3-12 Year Old Boys or Girls, 3 KM Range Indoor O...

U-Taste 10 Piece Measuring Cups and Spoons
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. U-Taste 10 Piece Measuring Cups and Spoons Set in 18/8 Stainless Steel RETAIL $35 (B)

FORWEWAY Direct Drinking Water Bottle with Filter
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. FORWEWAY Direct Drinking Water Bottle with Filter Water Bottle 50 OZ / 1500ML Water Bo...

Pack Of 2 KIDECCE Rechargeable Headlamps-READ
CONDITION ISSUES. Please See the listing description for full details and description of any imperfections found. Items sold in with condition issues are always SOLD AS IS ITEM IS MISSING EXTRA CLIPS AND USB CABLES KIDECCE Headlamp Rechargeable,2 P...

Spa Luxetique Spa Gift Set for Women
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Spa Luxetique Spa Gift Sets for Women, Ocean Bath Kit,Travel 6pc Gift Box with Body Lo...

Hasbro Monopoly Family Bilingual Board Game
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Hasbro Monopoly Game, Family Board Game for 2 to 6 Players, Monopoly Board Game for Ki...

BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. KOTN NEO MEN'S CREW NECK TSHIRT , WHITE HAS NEO SYMBOL ON CHEST SIZE SMALL (J)

BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. KOTN NEO MEN'S CREW NECK TSHIRT , WHITE HAS NEO SYMBOL ON CHEST SIZE XX-LARGE (J)

Tickless ultrasonic natural tick and flea repeller
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Tickless Human ultrasonic natural tick and flea repeller - Orange RETAIL $33 (J)

200 Count- Jiffy 7 Peat Soil 42mm Pellets Plugs
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE 200 Count- Jiffy 7 Peat Soil 42mm Pellets Seeds Starting Plugs: Indoor Seed Starter- S...

Logitech for Creators StreamCam Premium Webcam
OPEN DISTRESSED OR MISSING PACKAGING These items may be NEW or show minor signs of use but look to be in "LIKE NEW" condition. Packaging may have been opened, damaged or distressed, it may even be missing its original packaging entirely NOT INSPECT...

Logitech H111 Stereo Headset w/ 3.5 mm Audio Jack
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE Logitech H111 Stereo Headset with 3.5 mm Audio Jack Black RETAIL $20 (J)