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Listing ID#: 1522952
Auction Location |
HOWELL, MI 48843 |
Auction Dates and Times |
Saturday Jul 15, 2023 Completed |
Auction Type |
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Company Information |
Mel White Auctioneer Contact: Mel White Phone: 5173943006 Email: Website: ID#: 7062 View company information and listings |
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Listing Terms and Conditions |
Terms: cash, check, credit cards w/3.96% used fee
All items will be sold as is.
The seller nor the auctioneers will be responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold.
Listing Information |
OLD THINGS & COLLECTIBLE AUCTION Saturday, July 15, 10:00 AM 9516 Highland Rd (M59), Howell, MI 48843 Directions: US23 to the M59 Howell exit #67, west on Hartland Rd (M59) 8/10th mile to the sale. The following items will be sold at public auction: Milk bottles Old bottles Gilbert porcelain mantle clock Old pictures Ice cream stool Brass horn Brass pail Old tools Wood chest Wall clock Wood baby stroller Willow ware China Commode Wood bird cage Several reproduction antique porcelain dolls Brass music box discs Case battery radio Burled walnut buffet Ladies’ vintage leather, cloth, fur coats & jackets 2 Dress forms Pump organ Navy uniform Books Japan wood jewelry chest Marble topped parlor table Oak kitchen cabinet Assorted glassware & china Mahogany music cabinet Floor lamps Pie crust tilt top game table Costume jewelry Odd arm & dining chairs Purses Hats Hand mirrors Brass garment rack Walnut bed frame Tin coffee box Copper water urn Brass oil lamp Marble top commode Marble top end cabinet GE tabletop radio/phono Gilbert gingerbread clock Record cabinet Wicker floor lamp Stained glass hanging lamp French ivory Folding screen Carboy jug Assorted jugs & crocks Austinprod 1987 cast pottery statue Shoe lasts Admiral Bakelite table radio Nicole Freres music box Walnut hanky box Stained glass table lamp Child’s bentwood rocking chair Oak cylinder bookcase/desk Steel water tank Lightning rod 13’8”x18’ shade tent nib Rogers ice chest Curved glass counter display case Sterling silver pc’s Arnold No14 malt mixer Carnival plaster collection Porcelain top kitchen table Spongeware water crock Curved glass curio cabinet Japan hand painted dishes Brass candle sticks Tea cups Assorted smalls Hat boxes Bennington spittoon Plank bottom rocking chair Wicker dressing table Oriental rugs Christian Feigensoan Brewing Co beer tray 2 Stenciled vases Quilt Mesh & beaded hand bags Regulator wall clock PR ruby hanging candle lamps Yard long pictures Doll house Cast iron pc’s Wrought iron floor lamps Numerous boxes of misc. items Atwater-Kent battery radio Dry sink CONTEMPORARY ITEMS: Modern East Asia table Several DVD players Sony DE197 stereo receiver Many other items too numerous to list Terms: cash, check, credit cards All items will be sold as is. The seller nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold. Mel White Auctioneer Okemos, MI 517-394-3006 |
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