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Listing ID#: 1521894
Auction Location |
LANSING, MI 48917 |
Auction Dates and Times |
Saturday Jun 24, 2023 Completed |
Auction Type |
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Company Information |
Mel White Auctioneer Contact: Mel White Phone: 5173943006 Email: Website: ID#: 7062 View company information and listings |
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Listing Terms and Conditions |
Terms: cash, check, credit cards w/3.96% used fee
All items will be sold as is.
The seller nor the auctioneers will be responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold.
Listing Information |
SCOTT T. NELSON ESTATE AUCTION Saturday, June 24, 10:00 AM 825 Robins Rd, Lansing, MI 48917 Directions: I496 to the Waverly Rd exit #3, north on Waverly Rd .8 miles to Saginaw St, west on Saginaw .6 mile to Robins Rd, north to the sale. The following estate items will be sold at public auction: GUNS: (FFL, purchase permits, or CWP required for hand guns.) Remington Model 700 30-06 w/scope Remington Model 1187 SP 12ga shotgun w/scope slug & bird barrels High Standard Model Field Classic 12ga VR shotgun Ruger Model 10/22 .22cal carbine w/scope Olympic Arms Car-AR .223-5.56cal w/grenade launcher Remington SP-10 magnum 10ga shotgun Mossberg 500A 12ga shotgun Remington 1187Camo SP 12ga shotgun Stevens-Browning Model 620 12ga shotgun Crossman Model Classic 2100 BB gun Remington Model 700 30-06 rifle Savage Arms Model 67 series C 12ga shotgun Mossberg Model 500AB 12ga shotgun Browning Citori 20ga O/U shotgun Invest Arms .50cal BP rifle Remington Model 700 .50BP w/scope rifle Fire Arms Model The Best .25cal pistol Walther Model P22 Special Edition .22cal pistol w/laser Colt Model Match Target .22cal pistol Smith & Wesson SW.357 magnum revolver Fort Knox Guardian 1200 gun safe Assorted shooting accessories UAW Pocket knife & buckle Winchester hunting knife Military M-2 compass Assorted shotgun shells & ammo Bear Cobra compound bow WickedRidge RDX-400 crossbow w/scope Free Spirit dog trainer Coho rods & tackle Lowrance X65 fish finder Midway Model 1292 shell tumbler Radisson 14’ fiberglass canoe Master Bilt Signature Series electric smoker Raytheon Type M92559 scanner unit Walkie talkies Assorted Size L hunting clothes SNOWMOBILES/TRAILERS 2020 Polaris Indy Adventure 600 snowmobile (low hours) Model S2OEDE6PS 2001 Polaris Classic 700 ModelSO2ND7CS 1800 miles Rough Rider by Rance V-nose 8’x10.5’ER snowmobile trailer Northern Lite double aluminum snowmobile trailer COMPACT TRACTOR/YARD 2019 LS MT125H compact tractor w/loader & backhoe attachments (LOW HOURS) 2001 Skag Tiger Cub zero turn mower w/rear bagger Mac 3516 chainsaw Homelite 16” electric chainsaw Patriot chipper/shredder True Temper Big 8cf plastic wheelbarrow Virgo lawn wagon AllFit HD tow lawn spreader Brinley plastic lawn roller 20 Gallon lawn sprayer Yard tools Echo gas line trimmer GARAGE: Large assortment hand tools Assorted power & air tools CM One Ton arbor press (small) 2 Craftsman machinist chests Wilton bench vise Task Master floor drill press 3 HD tool cabinets Shop Vac shop vac HD steel 2 door storage cabinet Husky air tool kit Maddox MacPherson Strut Spring Compressor 6 Small cart wheels Kennedy 2 pc machinist chest Assorted machine shop tooling Lincoln Electric Tig 200 Square Wave welder & cart & supplies Lincoln Electric Port-A-Torch Chicago Electric VS bandsaw Rolling toolchest w/HD vise 2 HD shop tool carts 4 AC Delco 2t jackstands DeWalt radio Pro-Lift 2 ½T floor jack Pipe furniture clamps Chicago HD10” chop saw Hilti DX36M piston drive tool Craftsman electronic reciprocating saw Craftsman rolling tool chest CM belt/disc sander Clarke HD Plus rolling tool chest w/2 machinist chests Bott/Kennedy 6 drawer tool chest Reddy Heater Pro110 salamander Chicago Electric folding portable welding table 8” Bench grinder on stand Campbell Hausfeld 11 gallon air tank Werner 24’ aluminum extension ladder Werner4’ aluminum stepladder 6’ & 8’ Wood stepladders Coleman Powermate Black Max Series 3.5hp portable air compressor YesWelder Cut-55DS 55 Amp Non-touch pilot arc air power plasma cutter YesWelder ARC 145DS argon stick welder YesWelder helmet Power washer H2010 electric washer DeWalt DW 660 HD cutting tool kit Haulmaster adjustable hitch mount Roadmaster Falcon 2 6,000# hitch Motorhome tow bar Hitch carrier Plastic tarps Battery chargers Collapsible extension ladder Craftsman shop vac HOUSEHOLD/MISC. Oak armoire Amana auto washer & gas dryer set Lifetime plastic picnic table Sunpak Platinum 6000PG medium duty tripod 2 Meade HD telescope tripod stands Jamstands compact music stand Huffy Flatbed bike NighWind Mt bike Quentin bicycle Free Spirit Fastback Mt bike 8’ Air deflector for PU Sentry safe w/combo Powers Bilt golf club set w/cart Assorted flash lights Cobra XRS 9990 radar detector Garmin GPS Uniden Stalker laser detector Wire dog crate Large dog crate Ice chests Caravan 12’ X12’ canopy Stanley shop vac Drop cords Folding camp chairs Cared rolling walker Misc. kitchen items Tappan chest freezer Sunbeam ship clock RC AIRPLANES/DRONES/BOATS Flyzone Nieuport 17 Hobbyzone Champ Drifter II sail plane Blade GX Gopro quadcopter BNF UMX Radian Vaterra 2014 Corvette Flame Wheel F550 drone Spektrum DX9 SPM9900 remote control kit Blade Nano QX drone 2 Superior UL-1 RMC boats Motley Crew 00 RMC boat ELECTRONICS: TEAC 3300S reel-to-reel tape recorder AKAI CR-83D 8 track/cassete deck TEAC A-100 cassette deck Pioneer RG-1 Dynamic Processor Pioneer SG-9500 Graphic Equalizer Pioneer SX-1010 stereo receiver Toshiba DVD player Sanyo Betacord VCR 6400 HP copier Makerbot Replicator 2X 3-D printer w/accessories Cool Master & AES computer systems Fortress portable air compressor Panasonic 42” TV w/surround sound Cobra SCH digital VCR Panasonic SA-BT100 Blue Ray recorder Commodore 128 computer (in original box) Commodore 64 computer (in original box) Packard Bell Legend 386XH computer system Assorted 1.75mm 3D printer wire Many more items This will be a 5 to 6 hour sale, please plan accordingly. Terms: cash, check, credit cards All items must be settled for in full day of sale. The seller nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold. Gary Nelson, seller Mel White auctioneer Okemos, Mi 517-394-3006 |
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