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Thoma Estate Auction
Listing ID#: 1454185
Auction Location |
Grafton, OH 44044 |
Auction Dates and Times |
Friday Nov 4, 2022 Completed |
Auction Type |
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Company Information |
Nick DeFelice Auctioneer Contact: Nick DeFelice Phone: (330) 464-1302 Email: ID#: 10450 View company information and listings |
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Listing Terms and Conditions |
Terms and Conditions: Cash or Good Check, day of sale w/ 2 forms of ID. All items sold AS-IS with no warranties or guarantees. Announcements sale day take precedence over all other advertising. Buyers responsibility to remove all purchases in a timely manor as announced on sale day.
Auctioneer, auction staff or sellers are not responsible for accidents.
Listing Information |
Thoma Auction Tractor – Forklift – Woodworking Equip. Shop Tools – Lawn & Garden Fri. Nov. 4th @ 10:00AM Grafton, OH We will sell on location at: 40549 Banks Rd. Grafton, OH 44044 From LaGrange take SR. 301 approx. 2 mi North to Banks Rd. Go East to location (watch for signs)
Sale Highlights Include: IH 574 gas tractor w/ loader, showing approx. 3070 hrs. good rubber; Nice Caterpillar V50D yard model propane forklift w/enclosed cab, showing approx. 1,833 Hrs.; JD X530 Multi Terrain mower w/ 54in deck; 14ft tandem axel equip. trailer w/ elec. winch; Swisher 25ton 6.75 hp. log splitter; Set of Goodyear 16.9-34 tractor duals; 3pt. 6’ back blade; 5’ 3pt. rotary mower; shoeing stock; older carriage; Peerless roller/crimper mill; diesel fuel tank w/ Fill-Rite pump; several pieces of square door track and trolly; pallet of new Hydrafiber ground cover; like new Tory-Bilt Pony rear tine tiller; lawn roller and sweep; poly lawn cart; small fiber glass row boat. Shop Tools, Lumber & Woodworking: nice anvil; Milwaukee metal chop saw; bench grinder; oxy acetylene torch set; large selection and many species of dried rough cut lumber; 3+ bunks of new 3/4” MDF board; Delta wood lathe and tooling; Delta X5 shaper w/ power feed; Powermatic model 54A jointer; Grizzly Industrial 20” G5850Z variable speed planer; Delta X5 unisaw w/ext. table; Woodstock Shop Fox dust collector; Powermatic model 2700 shaper w/ Delta power feed; Delta model 14-651 mortiser mach.; Delta air cleaner; Porter- Cable router mounted in cabinet; Grizzly single hopper dust collector; Delta 10” contractors saw w/ unifence; Delta model 17-965 upright drill press; Delta X5 drum sander; Delta shaper; Kreg biscuit cutter; Delta Platinum Edition shaper w/ power feed; Porter-Cable dovetail mach.; Grizzly G0440 2hp. dust collection system; Grizzly belt/disk sander; Hitachi C12LSH sliding dual compound miter saw; Enlon sander; Craftsman radial arm saws; multiple dust collectors; dust collector tubing; Nice selection of hand and small power tools; lots of bar, pipe and squeeze clamps; many saw blades, router bits and accessory tooling; Craftsman rolling tool chest; socket & wrench sets; extension & step ladders; ext. cords; pancake compressor; shop rollers; chains and binders; pressure washers; Stihl commercial string trimmer. Household and Misc.: Winchester gun safe; small deep freeze; oil lamps; flat screen tv; Tiffany style lamp; oak cabinet & dresser; guitar; records; porcelain Christmas tree; lots of holiday and décor items; misc. barn items including: feeders, harness, saddles, primitives, traps, etc.; fishing poles & tackle; scrap pile; good box lots and much more!
Note: This is a good auction from start to finish with a wide variety. The wood working tools & equip. are mostly in like new condition! Lots more to be discovered by sale time. Running 2 auction rings most of the day, bring a friend and plan to attend. Good off road parking weather cooperating. Food stand.
Terms and Conditions: Cash or good check, day of sale w/ 2 forms of ID. All items sold AS-IS with no warranties or guarantees.
For more info and pictures visit: (click on chattel auctions).
Sale by order of: Dale Thoma, Ex. for the estate of Dion Thoma Lorain Co. probate # TBD
Auctioneers: Nick DeFelice (330) 464-1302, Dave Acker, Jed Acker & Paul Emerson |
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