James Valley Farms Retirement Auction
Listing ID#: 1441153

Auction Location

Letcher, SD 57359
Auction Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Bidding Starts: Friday Sep 2, 08:00 AM
Bidding Ends: Monday Sep 12, 06:00 PM
Auction Type
 Online Auction 
Company Information
Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC

Website: www.deanedwardsauction.com

GoToAuction.com ID#: 2926
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions


Preview Date: Contact Auctioneer 605-999-4239.
Buyers Premium: 8%
Payment: Winning bids will be paid by guaranteed funds within 24 hours of auction close. You may pay by guaranteed check or bank check or wire transfer. A limit of $2500.00 per invoice for Credit Card charges. Any Invoice totals under $100.00 will automatically be charged to the Credit Card on record. A 3% Convenience Fee will be charged to all Credit Card purchases.

Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers ONLINE AUCTIONS Feature “A MAX BID” Option as well as a “SOFT CLOSE”.
“A MAX BID” may be placed on any item and the computer will bid on your behalf, thus eliminating the need to continually watch your bids. This option is highly recommended so you do not miss out on an item you are bidding on. In the event you do not use the MAX BID feature and you are out bid you will be notified via e-mail or text that you have been outbid and will have the opportunity to raise your bid.

“THE SOFT CLOSE” feature means any bid received in the final minutes of the auction will automatically extend bidding on that particular item or lot by 1 minute to allow another bidder the opportunity to raise their bid.

GENERAL TERMS: The auction will be conducted by Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers on behalf of the owners of the property, referred to as the Seller. Auctioneer is not responsible for the acts or representations of Seller. The auction shall be governed by the terms set forth herein (the agreement), and any additional terms and conditions that are posted concerning the specific property. The Agreement constitutes a valid, binding contract between individuals participating in the auction with the intent to purchase property, referred to as the Bidder or Buyer, and Seller/Auctioneer. The term Bidder or Buyer shall include, but not limited to, the individual or the company represented by the individual and any and all of its agents, employees, representatives, officers, and directors. Auctioneer is not responsible for statements made by the Bidder, Buyer, or other parties. Auctioneer reserves the right to periodically change the terms and conditions of the Agreement, which shall be effective immediately upon posting. It is the Bidders responsibility to review any and all changes made to these terms and conditions prior to bidding on property. The act of submitting a bid shall constitute Bidder acceptance of each and every term and condition contained herein, any additional terms and conditions posted with the property, and any changes made within the full agreement. All persons attending, inspecting or removing property assume all risks whatsoever of damage or loss to person and property and specifically release the Auctioneer from all liability. Auctioneer is not liable by reason of any defect in, or condition of, the property or the premises on which the preview/sale is held. Auctioneer is released for any claims to actual damage to the property sold and/or consequential damages that may result from the sale of defective property.

DISCLOSURES/NO WARRANTY: There is no warranty offered, expressed or implied, by Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers or Sellers for any property. All property is sold AS-IS, WHERE-IS, and with all faults and defects therein. All information provided is believed to be correct but NO warranty as such is either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Bidder is solely responsible to determine condition, age, authenticity, value or any other determinative factor. Bidder inspection of the property prior to submitting a bid is strongly recommended. ALL SALES ARE FINAL!!
Auctioneer reserves the right to add or withdraw property from the auction, and/or regroup items. Auctioneer reserves the right to sell property absolute or with reserve, at Sellers discretion. The Seller does have the right to make the final bid and the Auctioneer does have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. The auctioneer reserves the right to open the bid as the result of a tie bid or discrepancies in the bid.
Buyer assumes full responsibility of property at time of purchase, and all risk of loss and damage to property. All titles will be assigned to registered buyer unless notification is received by auctioneer at the end of auction. NO TITLES WILL BE ISSUED UNLESS COMPLETELY FILLED OUT.

BIDDER REGISTRATION: Bidder must be 18 years of age or older, and are required to register for the auction. In registration, Bidder must submit information found to be current, complete, and accurate for proper identification. Auctioneer does not sell or rent this information. Auctioneer uses email mailing lists to notify customers about online and live auctions. Customers who do not wish to be notified should contact the office of the Auctioneer and request removal from the email mailing list. Bidder is responsible for security of his/her bidding number/user name and password, and any and all bids placed under the assigned number/ID. Auctioneer should be notified immediately if Bidder believes number and/or password have been compromised. Auctioneer reserves the right to terminate registration, deny any person for any reason permission or access to bid, to reject any and all bids, and to suspend or ban Bidder from bidding, at Auctioneers sole discretion. Bidder registration is not transferable or assignable.

BIDDING: Bidder must register to participate in the auction. Read the descriptions of each lot and view photographs carefully. If you have any questions call 605-999-4239. Should you visit the viewing location, please personally inspect the property on which you intend to bid during the date(s) indicated in the details per item when applicable. Using YOUR knowledge and experience, form your own opinion of the property and bid accordingly. If you are in doubt, DO NOT BID. All items are sold “AS-IS WHERE IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS” this is an AUCTION and all SALES ARE FINAL. Bids cannot be retracted and are binding contracts between Bidder and Auctioneer/Seller. Bidder is accountable to be informed about property and associated costs before bidding. A maximum bid can be placed on property. A maximum bid is kept confidential, and Bidder authorizes Auctioneer to place bids on his/her behalf up to the amount of the maximum bid. Upon sale of property, identifying information and purchase amount will be posted for a designated period of time. All questions or disputes must be resolved immediately; no changes or adjustments will be made at a later date. Auctioneer reserves the right to reopen bidding. Auctioneer decisions will be final.

BUYERS PREMIUM: A Buyers premium of 8% will be charged on each purchase. Unless otherwise stated. A buyers premium, an advertised percentage of the high bid or flat fee added to the high bid will be added to the high bid and become part of the purchase amount at settlement. Buyer agrees to these provisions and will pay the applicable buyers premium. Example if an item is sold for $100.00 + 8% buyers premium = Final bid price $108.00. There is a $750.00 BP cap per item.

PAYMENT TERMS: Sales tax, when applicable, will be charged on both the purchase price and buyers premium. Taxes, fees, shipping, handling, insurance, storage and security charges are Buyers expenses, and will be calculated and rendered due at the sale of the property. Payment will be made in full by the buyer. Upon making payment for property, no stop payment of funds will be honored, Any stop payment order of a check, or giving a check which is returned marked insufficient funds, shall be deemed by the parties to be a prima facie evidence of fraud existing at the time the transaction was consummated and shall be construed by the parties as intent to defraud. If you are from another country other than the US, you must pay in US funds.

REMOVAL OF PROPERTY / SHIPPING TERMS: Buyer assumes full responsibility of property at time of purchase, and all risk of loss and damage to property. Property will not be removed from sale premises until payment in full has been received. Any and all methods of lifting, towing, and/or hauling are the Buyers responsibility. Packing and shipping costs are the responsibility of Buyer and can be conducted by a third party of choice. The final day of removal will be posted with property information. Any and all property not removed by Buyer by the final day of removal will revert back to the Auctioneer/ Seller, and may be resold at auction or disposed of in any other manner that seems to be suitable.

CHOICE OF LAW: The laws of the State of South Dakota governs this agreement any dispute arising from the terms of this auction shall be brought in a court of Sanborn County, South Dakota.

ADDITIONAL TERMS: The following are property specific Terms & Conditions that are posted online with the individual property information and will override any likewise terms stated in this Agreement. - Buyers Premium - Sale Date and Time (Beginning and Ending) - Inspection Location, Dates, and Times - Final Date of Removal - Shipping Arrangements - Special Notes/Comments/Announcements

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BIDDING IN THE ONLINE AUCTION: Once you are registered and have your User Name & Password, you may place bids as soon as a lot opens for bidding. Your bids are FINAL and constitute a binding contract. Please be aware that lots will close at various times and possibly different days and may be extended. You are responsible for monitoring these close times. Please bid early to avoid disappointment. Bidder acknowledges that hardware malfunctions, software malfunctions, viruses, and similar issues do occur and are beyond the knowledge, scope, and control of Auctioneer. We are NOT responsible for your system malfunctions, connection to the internet or your e-mail client stopping any of our e-mails to you in regard to bid confirmations and/or outbid notifications. All lots for the on-line auctions shall be paid in full by Certified Funds prior to pick up. An invoice will be sent to your registered e-mail address within 24 hours following the conclusion of the auction.

Bidding Increments
$0.00 - $10.00 = $1.00
$10.01 - $25.00 = $3.00
$25.01 - $100.00 = $5.00
$100.01 - $250.00 = $8.00
$250.01 - $500.00 = $10.00
$500.01 - $1,000.00 = $25.00
$1,000.01 - $5,000.00 = $50.00
$5,000.01 - $10,000.00 = $100.00
$10,000.01 - $25,000.00 = $250.00
$25,000.01 - $50,000.00 = $500.00
$50,000.01 - $100,000.00 = $1,000.00

Currency: USD
Buyers Premium: 8% Buyers Premium added to final bid only on Online Purchases. $750.00 BP cap
Payment Terms: Cash or Bankable Check
Full payment within 24 hours of auction close via guaranteed funds. You may pay by guaranteed check or bank check or wire transfer. Credit Card is used for verification purpose only and will not be charged. Any Invoice totals $100.00 or less will automatically be charged to the Credit Card on record. A 3% Convenience Fee will be charged to all Credit Card purchases.

Shipping / Pick Up
Items will be picked up after paid in full the day after the auction or make arrangements with auctioneer. Items not picked up within 30 days will be deemed abandoned and resold, unless arrangements are made with the seller.
Listing Information
James Valley Farms Retirement Auction
Rodney and Dennis VanOvershelde have made the decision to retire and have up for sale their farm equipment at an Online Only Farm Equipment Auction will starting Sept. 2 and closing on Sept. 12, 2022.  Pickup Dates: Sept. 13 & 14, 2022 from 10:00 AM - 4 PM each day or by Appointment.

There will be some nice equipment in this lineup. Please check out the items up for sale and if you have any questions, please contact Rod or Dennis.

James Valley Farms Retirement Auction
James Valley Farms Retirement Auction
Rodney and Dennis VanOverschelde have decided to retire and have up for sale a full line of farm equipment. This will be a nice line up of well taken care of equipment and is ready to go to work. 

Online Only Farm Equipment Auction will starting Sept. 2 and closing on Sept. 12, 2022.  Pickup Dates: Sept. 13 & 14, 2022 from 10:00 AM - 4 PM each day or by Appointment.

Call Steve Larson 605-770-9818, Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005, Myron Grosz 605-999-4087, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, for information on this auction.

Location Information, Invoice Information, Payment Information
Location Information:
The location of each item will be listed in the description as well as the phone number for the owner. There will be several different owners with various locations.

Invoice Information:
Upon successfully winning the bid of an item, an invoice will be emailed to you following the auction. Please look for your invoice following the auction in your registered email account. Please read the invoice at the bottom. If paying with cash or good check, please pay the Cash Total Due. Do Not Pay the Convenience Fee Total (This is the Credit Card Fee). Any invoice totals under $100.00 will automatically be charged to the credit card on file.

Payment Information:
Payments (Cash or Good Check) not received by Friday Noon the week of the auction, the balance will be charged to Buyers Credit Card on File! Please mail your payment no later than Wednesday after the Auction to avoid Credit Card Charges. If payment cannot be paid by Thursday, please contact Auctioneers to make arrangements. NO Items will be released or removed until entire invoice is paid in full.


Sales Tax & Buyers Premium, Notice Information, App Information
 Sales Tax & Buyers Premium  
Buyers Premium is Charged on a Per Item Basis.
8% BUYERS FEE ON ALL PURCHASES $750.00 cap per item

4.5% SD Sales Tax - Unless you have a SD sales tax form on file with us. Contact Us prior to purchasing with your Sales Tax Information to purchase for resale

The Sellers/Auctioneers DO NOT provide transportation or shipping services for buyers to remove their merchandise. Any and all methods of towing and/or hauling, as well as all other methods or requirements for the removal and transport of the Equipment, is the sole responsibility of the buyer. All items must be picked up at auction address,


App Information:
Download our Bidding App on you Android or Apple phone, Ipad, etc. Go to the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and search “Dean Edwards” Sign Up and then Register to bid!


Practice Bidding & Covid Information
Practice Bidding & Covid Information
Use this lot to practice bidding, go ahead and bid away using the bid button, learn how to increase your bid amount by clicking on the Plus button in each lot, or setting a max bid. Also, if you click on the Star in any lot, it will add it to "Your Items" section so you can watch that particular item without having to bid on it. Any questions, call Steve at 605-770-9818 or Justin @ 605-999-4239.
Covid 19 Information:
Please limit Person to Person contact with Sellers/Agents when picking up your items. If you are feeling ill or have any symptoms, please call ahead a we will make sure your purchases can be set out for you to pickup safely. Please pickup your items as soon as possible after payment. Thank you for your cooperation and everyone please be safe!


Pride of the Farm 1 1/2 ton Bulk Bin
Pride of the Farm 1 1/2 ton Bulk Bin
no boot on the bottom of the bin

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Pride of the Farm 3 ton Bulk Bin
Pride of the Farm 3 ton Bulk Bin
does have some rust on the bottom cone

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Bazooka brand Bulk Bin Auger system w/Farm Duty Brand 120 vlt motor
Bazooka brand Bulk Bin Auger system w/Farm Duty Brand 120 vlt motor (South one in the Barn)

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Bazooka brand Bulk Bin Auger system w/Farm Duty Brand 120 vlt motor
Bazooka brand Bulk Bin Auger system w/Farm Duty Brand 120 vlt motor (North one in the Barn)

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

1500 Gallon Poly Tank w/2" Banjo Valve- only had water in it
1500 Gallon Poly Tank w/2" Banjo Valve- only had water in it

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

 Radco Topper for a full-size Chevy 1500 box- missing back window 
 Radco Topper for a full-size Chevy 1500 box- missing back window 
This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD add-on Fuel Tank with mounts for a JD 4630
JD add-on Fuel Tank with mounts for a JD 4630

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

500 Gallon Pull-Type Sprayer w/45' booms and a Boom-Jet Valve
500 Gallon Pull-Type Sprayer w/45' booms and a Boom-Jet Valve
Hydraulic pump driven with a new valve controller

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Steiger Bear Cat ll 4x4 Tractor- Salvage
Steiger Bear Cat ll 4x4 Tractor- Salvage

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Antique Stationary motor
Antique Stationary motor
missing  the gearbox cover, has been stored inside and is currently not running- the motor is not stuck

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

8" Feteral Jump Auger
8" Feteral Jump Auger
single auger, hydraulic drive with variable speed control

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Makita Chop Saw
Makita Chop Saw
no stand, model # 2414NB

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Miller Millermatic 210 Wire Feed Welder
Miller Millermatic 210 Wire Feed Welder
.035", NO TANK, 220 volt
This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

15' MidStates 4" Pencil Auger- 1/2 hp motor works OK
15' MidStates 4" Pencil Auger- 1/2 hp motor works OK

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD Antique Single Shank Sub Soiler
JD Antique Single Shank Sub Soiler

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Antique 2 Bottom Plow
Antique 2 Bottom Plow

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Antique Field Cultivator
Antique Field Cultivator

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Antique Field Cultivator
Antique Field Cultivator

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD 4 Bottom Plow- 2 point hitch
JD 4 Bottom Plow- 2 point hitch

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

15' Steel wheel dump rake
15' Steel wheel dump rake

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Noble 8 row spring tooth cultivator hyd. fold
Noble 8 row spring tooth cultivator hyd. fold
3-point, missing a tire, missing some chisels

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Antique 8' Straight Disc ​​​​​​​
Antique 8' Straight Disc

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

1/2" Heavy Duty Log Chain 25'
1/2" Heavy Duty Log Chain 25'

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Vintage McCormick-Deering No. 7 Sickle Mower
Vintage McCormick-Deering No. 7 Sickle Mower

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

24 - new 3-4" x 7' pointed posts
24 - new 3-4" x 7' pointed posts

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

3/8" Log Chain 20'
3/8" Log Chain 20'

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Pile of Drag Sections
Pile of Drag Sections

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Tractor tire chains 20.8x38
Tractor tire chains 20.8x38

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Miller Offset 16' Disc
Miller Offset 16' Disc
good rubber, s/n 2H14528

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

33 ea. Reclaimed 2"x4" x 8' + boards (always kept inside)
33 ea. Reclaimed 2"x4" x 8' + boards (always kept inside)

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

3 pt Bale Spear w/ Hydraulic Tilt- no cylinder
3 pt Bale Spear w/ Hydraulic Tilt- no cylinder

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

6 ea. Reclaimed 2"x6" x 9' + boards (always kept inside)
6 ea. Reclaimed 2"x6" x 9' + boards (always kept inside)

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Case IH 1200 Planter Parts (cover wheels and discs)
Case IH 1200 Planter Parts (cover wheels and discs)

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

12'x20' calf shelter w/ new 6"x6" runners
12'x20' calf shelter w/ new 6"x6" runners

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

3 pt Homemade 8' Tire Scraper
3 pt Homemade 8' Tire Scraper

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Vintage Deering Giant 5' Horse drawn mower
Vintage Deering Giant 5' Horse drawn mower

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Gehl 9 Wheel Rake model #219
Gehl 9 Wheel Rake model #219
missing some teeth

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD #37-515 Sickle Mower 9'
JD #37-515 Sickle Mower 9'
7.00-15LT Tires

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Avco New Idea Manure Spreader
Avco New Idea Manure Spreader
model # 353, 5' x 17' floor, single beater, 8.25-20 tires with a Tandom Axle, wood floor, 

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Dakon Inline Ripper
Dakon Inline Ripper
3 point mount, 10' 
This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Allis Chalmers 16' Chisel- Pull-Type
Allis Chalmers 16' Chisel- Pull-Type
model # 410-16, s/n 10222

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Lahman Stackmover 15' x 29'
Lahman Stackmover 15' x 29'
12-16.5LT Good Tires

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Aerway Aerator w/ 3 Bar Mulcher
Aerway Aerator w/ 3 Bar Mulcher
95L-15SL Tires, s/n J02000090N

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Feterl 8" x 60' Auger
Feterl 8" x 60' Auger
540 PTO

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Case IH 4900 Vibra Tiller - 30'
Case IH 4900 Vibra Tiller - 30'
good rubber, auto transport locks

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD 9550 Combine
JD 9550 Combine
3525 Engine hrs, 2493 Separator hrs, has a hopper tarp cover, Vittetoe Chaff Spreader, Rubber is OK, does not have the yield monitor
Always stored inside when not in use, s/n H09550W685359

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

International 50 Heavy Duty Trailer used as a bale carrier
International 50 Heavy Duty Trailer used as a bale carrier

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Westfield MK 100-71 Auger w/ swing hopper
Westfield MK 100-71 Auger w/ swing hopper
540 PTO, Hydraulic lift and hydraulic wheels on swing hopper

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Harms MFG 40' Landroller Model H3451
Harms MFG 40' Landroller Model H3451
24" Diameter drums, LT245/75R16 Tires

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD 712 Chisel Disc 16'
JD 712 Chisel Disc 16'
11L-15 Tires

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD 630F Hydraflex Bean Head
JD 630F Hydraflex Bean Head
good shape, everything works as it should, stored inside when ot in use s/n H00630F706599

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Demco 750 Grain Cart
Demco 750 Grain Cart
manual roll tarp, Goodyear 30.5L-32 Tires, 1000 PTO, lights, takes 2 sets of hydraulics ( 1 for the door gate and 1 for the auger fold)
stored inside in the off season

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

2007 Rogator Sprayer Model # 1074
2007 Rogator Sprayer Model # 1074
3843 hrs, 90' full hydraulic booms, 1100 gal. stainless steel tank w/ wash tank, Good Hi-Traction 380/90R46 Tires, Raven SCS4000 Monitor w/ EZ Boom 2010, AC/Heat, AM/FM CD radio, 
New Holland GPS Monitor w/ EZ-Guide 500 Lightbar Guidance System and Trimble Auto-Pilot Steering System, buddy seat, the pressure washer on the machine does not work

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

2006 International 9200 Day Cab Semi Tractor
2006 International 9200 Day Cab Semi Tractor
724,372 miles, Meritor 10 speed Transmission
ISML Cummins Motor, Driver tires-275/80R22.5
Steer Tires-295/75R22.5

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD 8440 4 Wheel Drive Tractor
JD 8440 4 Wheel Drive Tractor
8766 hrs, the motor has never been touched, no oil leaks, starts and runs good- THE D RANGE does not work, 18.4x38 tires, 3 hydraulic outlets, Big 1000 PTO, air-ride seat, AM/FM radio, A/C and Heat work good, has a foot throttle, Comes with the JD Quick hitch that is on the tractor

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Homemade Header Trailer
Homemade Header Trailer
2" ball 7.00-15 tires
this trailer works with the JD 630F Bean Head in lot # 45
it will also work with lot # 58 the trailer dolly

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Sioux 10,000 Bushel Grain Bin -TO BE MOVED
Sioux 10,000 Bushel Grain Bin -TO BE MOVED with Temp cables,
Stormax Grain Temperature Sensor, Reads temp in 5 places in center of bin. 30' diameter w/ Hutchinson 8" Unloader with a Marathon 220 volt 3HP motor, Also comes with a Centrifugal Super Flow Fan and Sukup LP System. The drying system has not been used since the fall of 2020 but everything worked as it should. You will have until July 2023 to have the bin moved if you are the successful bidder

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Bin Sweep for a 30' Diameter Bin with a Dayton Motor
Bin Sweep for a 30' Diameter Bin with a Dayton Motor

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

1998 Mauer Grain Trailer
1998 Mauer Grain Trailer
Shurco- Shurlock Electric Roll Tarp System, 11R24.5 tires, has ag hoppers, does have some damage on the right side of the trailer that has been repaired (see pics)

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD 8100 2WD Tractor w/Rear Duals
1995 JD 8100 2WD Tractor w/Rear Duals
10,326 hrs, 16 Speed Full Powershift w/4 reverse gears, 18.4R42 Rear Goodyear tires, 14L-161SL Front tires, 18 Front Suitcase Weights, AM/FM CD Radio, A/C and Heat, Air Seat, Big 1000 PTO, 3pt. and comes with the JD Quick Hitch, 
S/N RW8100P001361
JD AutoTrac Steer w/a Starfire 3000 Globe (AutoTrac Universal Steering Kit 200)
This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD 893 Corn Head
JD 893 Corn Head
Poly Snouts, hydraulice deck plates, s/n H00893X680376
good shape,everything worked as it should last season,  stored inside in the off-season

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

New Holland 650 Auto-Wrap Narrow Baler
New Holland 650 Auto-Wrap Narrow Baler
no monitor, 540 PTO, Hay Kicker Wheels, Good teeth and Bands on the Pickup, Bale Kicker, 31 x 13.50 Tires, s/n 916409

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Case IH 1200 3pt mounted 12 Row Narrow Planter
Case IH 1200 3pt mounted 12 Row Narrow Planter
Ground Driven, Pro-Stitch Closing Wheels, 2 1/2 bu. boxes, bean and corn cells come with the planter, also the markers and trash whippers will come with the planter

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Header Trailer Dolly- pin hitch with a 2" ball on the dolly
Header Trailer Dolly- pin hitch with a 2" ball on the dolly

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Kory 340 Gravity Wagon w/ a 278 Kory Running Gear
Kory 340 Gravity Wagon w/ a 278 Kory Running Gear
12.5L-16SL Tires, extendable hitch for easy hook-up

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Mauer MFG M32 Header Trailer
Mauer MFG M32 Header Trailer
 pin hitch
this trailer works with the 893 corn head from lot # 55

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

IH 490 Disc 28' W/ 3 Bar Mulcher
IH 490 Disc 28' W/ 3 Bar Mulcher
9.5L-14SL Tires, 19" front and rear main blades and 18" blades on the front and rear wings

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

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James Valley Farms Retirement Auction

Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC

Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC

Sale Location
40790 243rd St
Letcher, SD 57359
Sale Dates and Times
Sale Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions


Preview Date: Contact Auctioneer 605-999-4239.
Buyers Premium: 8%
Payment: Winning bids will be paid by guaranteed funds within 24 hours of auction close. You may pay by guaranteed check or bank check or wire transfer. A limit of $2500.00 per invoice for Credit Card charges. Any Invoice totals under $100.00 will automatically be charged to the Credit Card on record. A 3% Convenience Fee will be charged to all Credit Card purchases.

Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers ONLINE AUCTIONS Feature “A MAX BID” Option as well as a “SOFT CLOSE”.
“A MAX BID” may be placed on any item and the computer will bid on your behalf, thus eliminating the need to continually watch your bids. This option is highly recommended so you do not miss out on an item you are bidding on. In the event you do not use the MAX BID feature and you are out bid you will be notified via e-mail or text that you have been outbid and will have the opportunity to raise your bid.

“THE SOFT CLOSE” feature means any bid received in the final minutes of the auction will automatically extend bidding on that particular item or lot by 1 minute to allow another bidder the opportunity to raise their bid.

GENERAL TERMS: The auction will be conducted by Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers on behalf of the owners of the property, referred to as the Seller. Auctioneer is not responsible for the acts or representations of Seller. The auction shall be governed by the terms set forth herein (the agreement), and any additional terms and conditions that are posted concerning the specific property. The Agreement constitutes a valid, binding contract between individuals participating in the auction with the intent to purchase property, referred to as the Bidder or Buyer, and Seller/Auctioneer. The term Bidder or Buyer shall include, but not limited to, the individual or the company represented by the individual and any and all of its agents, employees, representatives, officers, and directors. Auctioneer is not responsible for statements made by the Bidder, Buyer, or other parties. Auctioneer reserves the right to periodically change the terms and conditions of the Agreement, which shall be effective immediately upon posting. It is the Bidders responsibility to review any and all changes made to these terms and conditions prior to bidding on property. The act of submitting a bid shall constitute Bidder acceptance of each and every term and condition contained herein, any additional terms and conditions posted with the property, and any changes made within the full agreement. All persons attending, inspecting or removing property assume all risks whatsoever of damage or loss to person and property and specifically release the Auctioneer from all liability. Auctioneer is not liable by reason of any defect in, or condition of, the property or the premises on which the preview/sale is held. Auctioneer is released for any claims to actual damage to the property sold and/or consequential damages that may result from the sale of defective property.

DISCLOSURES/NO WARRANTY: There is no warranty offered, expressed or implied, by Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers or Sellers for any property. All property is sold AS-IS, WHERE-IS, and with all faults and defects therein. All information provided is believed to be correct but NO warranty as such is either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Bidder is solely responsible to determine condition, age, authenticity, value or any other determinative factor. Bidder inspection of the property prior to submitting a bid is strongly recommended. ALL SALES ARE FINAL!!
Auctioneer reserves the right to add or withdraw property from the auction, and/or regroup items. Auctioneer reserves the right to sell property absolute or with reserve, at Sellers discretion. The Seller does have the right to make the final bid and the Auctioneer does have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. The auctioneer reserves the right to open the bid as the result of a tie bid or discrepancies in the bid.
Buyer assumes full responsibility of property at time of purchase, and all risk of loss and damage to property. All titles will be assigned to registered buyer unless notification is received by auctioneer at the end of auction. NO TITLES WILL BE ISSUED UNLESS COMPLETELY FILLED OUT.

BIDDER REGISTRATION: Bidder must be 18 years of age or older, and are required to register for the auction. In registration, Bidder must submit information found to be current, complete, and accurate for proper identification. Auctioneer does not sell or rent this information. Auctioneer uses email mailing lists to notify customers about online and live auctions. Customers who do not wish to be notified should contact the office of the Auctioneer and request removal from the email mailing list. Bidder is responsible for security of his/her bidding number/user name and password, and any and all bids placed under the assigned number/ID. Auctioneer should be notified immediately if Bidder believes number and/or password have been compromised. Auctioneer reserves the right to terminate registration, deny any person for any reason permission or access to bid, to reject any and all bids, and to suspend or ban Bidder from bidding, at Auctioneers sole discretion. Bidder registration is not transferable or assignable.

BIDDING: Bidder must register to participate in the auction. Read the descriptions of each lot and view photographs carefully. If you have any questions call 605-999-4239. Should you visit the viewing location, please personally inspect the property on which you intend to bid during the date(s) indicated in the details per item when applicable. Using YOUR knowledge and experience, form your own opinion of the property and bid accordingly. If you are in doubt, DO NOT BID. All items are sold “AS-IS WHERE IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS” this is an AUCTION and all SALES ARE FINAL. Bids cannot be retracted and are binding contracts between Bidder and Auctioneer/Seller. Bidder is accountable to be informed about property and associated costs before bidding. A maximum bid can be placed on property. A maximum bid is kept confidential, and Bidder authorizes Auctioneer to place bids on his/her behalf up to the amount of the maximum bid. Upon sale of property, identifying information and purchase amount will be posted for a designated period of time. All questions or disputes must be resolved immediately; no changes or adjustments will be made at a later date. Auctioneer reserves the right to reopen bidding. Auctioneer decisions will be final.

BUYERS PREMIUM: A Buyers premium of 8% will be charged on each purchase. Unless otherwise stated. A buyers premium, an advertised percentage of the high bid or flat fee added to the high bid will be added to the high bid and become part of the purchase amount at settlement. Buyer agrees to these provisions and will pay the applicable buyers premium. Example if an item is sold for $100.00 + 8% buyers premium = Final bid price $108.00. There is a $750.00 BP cap per item.

PAYMENT TERMS: Sales tax, when applicable, will be charged on both the purchase price and buyers premium. Taxes, fees, shipping, handling, insurance, storage and security charges are Buyers expenses, and will be calculated and rendered due at the sale of the property. Payment will be made in full by the buyer. Upon making payment for property, no stop payment of funds will be honored, Any stop payment order of a check, or giving a check which is returned marked insufficient funds, shall be deemed by the parties to be a prima facie evidence of fraud existing at the time the transaction was consummated and shall be construed by the parties as intent to defraud. If you are from another country other than the US, you must pay in US funds.

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CHOICE OF LAW: The laws of the State of South Dakota governs this agreement any dispute arising from the terms of this auction shall be brought in a court of Sanborn County, South Dakota.

ADDITIONAL TERMS: The following are property specific Terms & Conditions that are posted online with the individual property information and will override any likewise terms stated in this Agreement. - Buyers Premium - Sale Date and Time (Beginning and Ending) - Inspection Location, Dates, and Times - Final Date of Removal - Shipping Arrangements - Special Notes/Comments/Announcements

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Bidding Increments
$0.00 - $10.00 = $1.00
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$25.01 - $100.00 = $5.00
$100.01 - $250.00 = $8.00
$250.01 - $500.00 = $10.00
$500.01 - $1,000.00 = $25.00
$1,000.01 - $5,000.00 = $50.00
$5,000.01 - $10,000.00 = $100.00
$10,000.01 - $25,000.00 = $250.00
$25,000.01 - $50,000.00 = $500.00
$50,000.01 - $100,000.00 = $1,000.00

Currency: USD
Buyers Premium: 8% Buyers Premium added to final bid only on Online Purchases. $750.00 BP cap
Payment Terms: Cash or Bankable Check
Full payment within 24 hours of auction close via guaranteed funds. You may pay by guaranteed check or bank check or wire transfer. Credit Card is used for verification purpose only and will not be charged. Any Invoice totals $100.00 or less will automatically be charged to the Credit Card on record. A 3% Convenience Fee will be charged to all Credit Card purchases.

Shipping / Pick Up
Items will be picked up after paid in full the day after the auction or make arrangements with auctioneer. Items not picked up within 30 days will be deemed abandoned and resold, unless arrangements are made with the seller.
Listing Details
James Valley Farms Retirement Auction
Rodney and Dennis VanOvershelde have made the decision to retire and have up for sale their farm equipment at an Online Only Farm Equipment Auction will starting Sept. 2 and closing on Sept. 12, 2022.  Pickup Dates: Sept. 13 & 14, 2022 from 10:00 AM - 4 PM each day or by Appointment.

There will be some nice equipment in this lineup. Please check out the items up for sale and if you have any questions, please contact Rod or Dennis.

James Valley Farms Retirement Auction
James Valley Farms Retirement Auction
Rodney and Dennis VanOverschelde have decided to retire and have up for sale a full line of farm equipment. This will be a nice line up of well taken care of equipment and is ready to go to work. 

Online Only Farm Equipment Auction will starting Sept. 2 and closing on Sept. 12, 2022.  Pickup Dates: Sept. 13 & 14, 2022 from 10:00 AM - 4 PM each day or by Appointment.

Call Steve Larson 605-770-9818, Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005, Myron Grosz 605-999-4087, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, for information on this auction.

Location Information, Invoice Information, Payment Information
Location Information:
The location of each item will be listed in the description as well as the phone number for the owner. There will be several different owners with various locations.

Invoice Information:
Upon successfully winning the bid of an item, an invoice will be emailed to you following the auction. Please look for your invoice following the auction in your registered email account. Please read the invoice at the bottom. If paying with cash or good check, please pay the Cash Total Due. Do Not Pay the Convenience Fee Total (This is the Credit Card Fee). Any invoice totals under $100.00 will automatically be charged to the credit card on file.

Payment Information:
Payments (Cash or Good Check) not received by Friday Noon the week of the auction, the balance will be charged to Buyers Credit Card on File! Please mail your payment no later than Wednesday after the Auction to avoid Credit Card Charges. If payment cannot be paid by Thursday, please contact Auctioneers to make arrangements. NO Items will be released or removed until entire invoice is paid in full.


Sales Tax & Buyers Premium, Notice Information, App Information
 Sales Tax & Buyers Premium  
Buyers Premium is Charged on a Per Item Basis.
8% BUYERS FEE ON ALL PURCHASES $750.00 cap per item

4.5% SD Sales Tax - Unless you have a SD sales tax form on file with us. Contact Us prior to purchasing with your Sales Tax Information to purchase for resale

The Sellers/Auctioneers DO NOT provide transportation or shipping services for buyers to remove their merchandise. Any and all methods of towing and/or hauling, as well as all other methods or requirements for the removal and transport of the Equipment, is the sole responsibility of the buyer. All items must be picked up at auction address,


App Information:
Download our Bidding App on you Android or Apple phone, Ipad, etc. Go to the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and search “Dean Edwards” Sign Up and then Register to bid!


Practice Bidding & Covid Information
Practice Bidding & Covid Information
Use this lot to practice bidding, go ahead and bid away using the bid button, learn how to increase your bid amount by clicking on the Plus button in each lot, or setting a max bid. Also, if you click on the Star in any lot, it will add it to "Your Items" section so you can watch that particular item without having to bid on it. Any questions, call Steve at 605-770-9818 or Justin @ 605-999-4239.
Covid 19 Information:
Please limit Person to Person contact with Sellers/Agents when picking up your items. If you are feeling ill or have any symptoms, please call ahead a we will make sure your purchases can be set out for you to pickup safely. Please pickup your items as soon as possible after payment. Thank you for your cooperation and everyone please be safe!


Pride of the Farm 1 1/2 ton Bulk Bin
Pride of the Farm 1 1/2 ton Bulk Bin
no boot on the bottom of the bin

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Pride of the Farm 3 ton Bulk Bin
Pride of the Farm 3 ton Bulk Bin
does have some rust on the bottom cone

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Bazooka brand Bulk Bin Auger system w/Farm Duty Brand 120 vlt motor
Bazooka brand Bulk Bin Auger system w/Farm Duty Brand 120 vlt motor (South one in the Barn)

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Bazooka brand Bulk Bin Auger system w/Farm Duty Brand 120 vlt motor
Bazooka brand Bulk Bin Auger system w/Farm Duty Brand 120 vlt motor (North one in the Barn)

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

1500 Gallon Poly Tank w/2" Banjo Valve- only had water in it
1500 Gallon Poly Tank w/2" Banjo Valve- only had water in it

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

 Radco Topper for a full-size Chevy 1500 box- missing back window 
 Radco Topper for a full-size Chevy 1500 box- missing back window 
This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD add-on Fuel Tank with mounts for a JD 4630
JD add-on Fuel Tank with mounts for a JD 4630

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

500 Gallon Pull-Type Sprayer w/45' booms and a Boom-Jet Valve
500 Gallon Pull-Type Sprayer w/45' booms and a Boom-Jet Valve
Hydraulic pump driven with a new valve controller

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Steiger Bear Cat ll 4x4 Tractor- Salvage
Steiger Bear Cat ll 4x4 Tractor- Salvage

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Antique Stationary motor
Antique Stationary motor
missing  the gearbox cover, has been stored inside and is currently not running- the motor is not stuck

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

8" Feteral Jump Auger
8" Feteral Jump Auger
single auger, hydraulic drive with variable speed control

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Makita Chop Saw
Makita Chop Saw
no stand, model # 2414NB

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Miller Millermatic 210 Wire Feed Welder
Miller Millermatic 210 Wire Feed Welder
.035", NO TANK, 220 volt
This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

15' MidStates 4" Pencil Auger- 1/2 hp motor works OK
15' MidStates 4" Pencil Auger- 1/2 hp motor works OK

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD Antique Single Shank Sub Soiler
JD Antique Single Shank Sub Soiler

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Antique 2 Bottom Plow
Antique 2 Bottom Plow

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Antique Field Cultivator
Antique Field Cultivator

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Antique Field Cultivator
Antique Field Cultivator

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD 4 Bottom Plow- 2 point hitch
JD 4 Bottom Plow- 2 point hitch

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

15' Steel wheel dump rake
15' Steel wheel dump rake

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Noble 8 row spring tooth cultivator hyd. fold
Noble 8 row spring tooth cultivator hyd. fold
3-point, missing a tire, missing some chisels

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Antique 8' Straight Disc ​​​​​​​
Antique 8' Straight Disc

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

1/2" Heavy Duty Log Chain 25'
1/2" Heavy Duty Log Chain 25'

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Vintage McCormick-Deering No. 7 Sickle Mower
Vintage McCormick-Deering No. 7 Sickle Mower

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

24 - new 3-4" x 7' pointed posts
24 - new 3-4" x 7' pointed posts

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

3/8" Log Chain 20'
3/8" Log Chain 20'

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Pile of Drag Sections
Pile of Drag Sections

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Tractor tire chains 20.8x38
Tractor tire chains 20.8x38

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Miller Offset 16' Disc
Miller Offset 16' Disc
good rubber, s/n 2H14528

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

33 ea. Reclaimed 2"x4" x 8' + boards (always kept inside)
33 ea. Reclaimed 2"x4" x 8' + boards (always kept inside)

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

3 pt Bale Spear w/ Hydraulic Tilt- no cylinder
3 pt Bale Spear w/ Hydraulic Tilt- no cylinder

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

6 ea. Reclaimed 2"x6" x 9' + boards (always kept inside)
6 ea. Reclaimed 2"x6" x 9' + boards (always kept inside)

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Case IH 1200 Planter Parts (cover wheels and discs)
Case IH 1200 Planter Parts (cover wheels and discs)

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

12'x20' calf shelter w/ new 6"x6" runners
12'x20' calf shelter w/ new 6"x6" runners

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

3 pt Homemade 8' Tire Scraper
3 pt Homemade 8' Tire Scraper

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Vintage Deering Giant 5' Horse drawn mower
Vintage Deering Giant 5' Horse drawn mower

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Gehl 9 Wheel Rake model #219
Gehl 9 Wheel Rake model #219
missing some teeth

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD #37-515 Sickle Mower 9'
JD #37-515 Sickle Mower 9'
7.00-15LT Tires

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Avco New Idea Manure Spreader
Avco New Idea Manure Spreader
model # 353, 5' x 17' floor, single beater, 8.25-20 tires with a Tandom Axle, wood floor, 

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Dakon Inline Ripper
Dakon Inline Ripper
3 point mount, 10' 
This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Allis Chalmers 16' Chisel- Pull-Type
Allis Chalmers 16' Chisel- Pull-Type
model # 410-16, s/n 10222

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Lahman Stackmover 15' x 29'
Lahman Stackmover 15' x 29'
12-16.5LT Good Tires

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Aerway Aerator w/ 3 Bar Mulcher
Aerway Aerator w/ 3 Bar Mulcher
95L-15SL Tires, s/n J02000090N

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Feterl 8" x 60' Auger
Feterl 8" x 60' Auger
540 PTO

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Case IH 4900 Vibra Tiller - 30'
Case IH 4900 Vibra Tiller - 30'
good rubber, auto transport locks

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD 9550 Combine
JD 9550 Combine
3525 Engine hrs, 2493 Separator hrs, has a hopper tarp cover, Vittetoe Chaff Spreader, Rubber is OK, does not have the yield monitor
Always stored inside when not in use, s/n H09550W685359

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

International 50 Heavy Duty Trailer used as a bale carrier
International 50 Heavy Duty Trailer used as a bale carrier

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Westfield MK 100-71 Auger w/ swing hopper
Westfield MK 100-71 Auger w/ swing hopper
540 PTO, Hydraulic lift and hydraulic wheels on swing hopper

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Harms MFG 40' Landroller Model H3451
Harms MFG 40' Landroller Model H3451
24" Diameter drums, LT245/75R16 Tires

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD 712 Chisel Disc 16'
JD 712 Chisel Disc 16'
11L-15 Tires

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD 630F Hydraflex Bean Head
JD 630F Hydraflex Bean Head
good shape, everything works as it should, stored inside when ot in use s/n H00630F706599

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Demco 750 Grain Cart
Demco 750 Grain Cart
manual roll tarp, Goodyear 30.5L-32 Tires, 1000 PTO, lights, takes 2 sets of hydraulics ( 1 for the door gate and 1 for the auger fold)
stored inside in the off season

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

2007 Rogator Sprayer Model # 1074
2007 Rogator Sprayer Model # 1074
3843 hrs, 90' full hydraulic booms, 1100 gal. stainless steel tank w/ wash tank, Good Hi-Traction 380/90R46 Tires, Raven SCS4000 Monitor w/ EZ Boom 2010, AC/Heat, AM/FM CD radio, 
New Holland GPS Monitor w/ EZ-Guide 500 Lightbar Guidance System and Trimble Auto-Pilot Steering System, buddy seat, the pressure washer on the machine does not work

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

2006 International 9200 Day Cab Semi Tractor
2006 International 9200 Day Cab Semi Tractor
724,372 miles, Meritor 10 speed Transmission
ISML Cummins Motor, Driver tires-275/80R22.5
Steer Tires-295/75R22.5

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD 8440 4 Wheel Drive Tractor
JD 8440 4 Wheel Drive Tractor
8766 hrs, the motor has never been touched, no oil leaks, starts and runs good- THE D RANGE does not work, 18.4x38 tires, 3 hydraulic outlets, Big 1000 PTO, air-ride seat, AM/FM radio, A/C and Heat work good, has a foot throttle, Comes with the JD Quick hitch that is on the tractor

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Homemade Header Trailer
Homemade Header Trailer
2" ball 7.00-15 tires
this trailer works with the JD 630F Bean Head in lot # 45
it will also work with lot # 58 the trailer dolly

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Sioux 10,000 Bushel Grain Bin -TO BE MOVED
Sioux 10,000 Bushel Grain Bin -TO BE MOVED with Temp cables,
Stormax Grain Temperature Sensor, Reads temp in 5 places in center of bin. 30' diameter w/ Hutchinson 8" Unloader with a Marathon 220 volt 3HP motor, Also comes with a Centrifugal Super Flow Fan and Sukup LP System. The drying system has not been used since the fall of 2020 but everything worked as it should. You will have until July 2023 to have the bin moved if you are the successful bidder

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Bin Sweep for a 30' Diameter Bin with a Dayton Motor
Bin Sweep for a 30' Diameter Bin with a Dayton Motor

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

1998 Mauer Grain Trailer
1998 Mauer Grain Trailer
Shurco- Shurlock Electric Roll Tarp System, 11R24.5 tires, has ag hoppers, does have some damage on the right side of the trailer that has been repaired (see pics)

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD 8100 2WD Tractor w/Rear Duals
1995 JD 8100 2WD Tractor w/Rear Duals
10,326 hrs, 16 Speed Full Powershift w/4 reverse gears, 18.4R42 Rear Goodyear tires, 14L-161SL Front tires, 18 Front Suitcase Weights, AM/FM CD Radio, A/C and Heat, Air Seat, Big 1000 PTO, 3pt. and comes with the JD Quick Hitch, 
S/N RW8100P001361
JD AutoTrac Steer w/a Starfire 3000 Globe (AutoTrac Universal Steering Kit 200)
This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD 893 Corn Head
JD 893 Corn Head
Poly Snouts, hydraulice deck plates, s/n H00893X680376
good shape,everything worked as it should last season,  stored inside in the off-season

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

New Holland 650 Auto-Wrap Narrow Baler
New Holland 650 Auto-Wrap Narrow Baler
no monitor, 540 PTO, Hay Kicker Wheels, Good teeth and Bands on the Pickup, Bale Kicker, 31 x 13.50 Tires, s/n 916409

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Case IH 1200 3pt mounted 12 Row Narrow Planter
Case IH 1200 3pt mounted 12 Row Narrow Planter
Ground Driven, Pro-Stitch Closing Wheels, 2 1/2 bu. boxes, bean and corn cells come with the planter, also the markers and trash whippers will come with the planter

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Header Trailer Dolly- pin hitch with a 2" ball on the dolly
Header Trailer Dolly- pin hitch with a 2" ball on the dolly

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Kory 340 Gravity Wagon w/ a 278 Kory Running Gear
Kory 340 Gravity Wagon w/ a 278 Kory Running Gear
12.5L-16SL Tires, extendable hitch for easy hook-up

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Mauer MFG M32 Header Trailer
Mauer MFG M32 Header Trailer
 pin hitch
this trailer works with the 893 corn head from lot # 55

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

IH 490 Disc 28' W/ 3 Bar Mulcher
IH 490 Disc 28' W/ 3 Bar Mulcher
9.5L-14SL Tires, 19" front and rear main blades and 18" blades on the front and rear wings

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

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James Valley Farms Retirement Auction
 Online Only Auction
Auction Date(s)
Bidding Starts: Friday Sep 2 , 08:00 AM
Bidding Ends: Monday Sep 12 , 06:00 PM
Auction Location

Letcher, SD 57359
Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC

Website: www.deanedwardsauction.com

Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions


Preview Date: Contact Auctioneer 605-999-4239.
Buyers Premium: 8%
Payment: Winning bids will be paid by guaranteed funds within 24 hours of auction close. You may pay by guaranteed check or bank check or wire transfer. A limit of $2500.00 per invoice for Credit Card charges. Any Invoice totals under $100.00 will automatically be charged to the Credit Card on record. A 3% Convenience Fee will be charged to all Credit Card purchases.

Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers ONLINE AUCTIONS Feature “A MAX BID” Option as well as a “SOFT CLOSE”.
“A MAX BID” may be placed on any item and the computer will bid on your behalf, thus eliminating the need to continually watch your bids. This option is highly recommended so you do not miss out on an item you are bidding on. In the event you do not use the MAX BID feature and you are out bid you will be notified via e-mail or text that you have been outbid and will have the opportunity to raise your bid.

“THE SOFT CLOSE” feature means any bid received in the final minutes of the auction will automatically extend bidding on that particular item or lot by 1 minute to allow another bidder the opportunity to raise their bid.

GENERAL TERMS: The auction will be conducted by Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers on behalf of the owners of the property, referred to as the Seller. Auctioneer is not responsible for the acts or representations of Seller. The auction shall be governed by the terms set forth herein (the agreement), and any additional terms and conditions that are posted concerning the specific property. The Agreement constitutes a valid, binding contract between individuals participating in the auction with the intent to purchase property, referred to as the Bidder or Buyer, and Seller/Auctioneer. The term Bidder or Buyer shall include, but not limited to, the individual or the company represented by the individual and any and all of its agents, employees, representatives, officers, and directors. Auctioneer is not responsible for statements made by the Bidder, Buyer, or other parties. Auctioneer reserves the right to periodically change the terms and conditions of the Agreement, which shall be effective immediately upon posting. It is the Bidders responsibility to review any and all changes made to these terms and conditions prior to bidding on property. The act of submitting a bid shall constitute Bidder acceptance of each and every term and condition contained herein, any additional terms and conditions posted with the property, and any changes made within the full agreement. All persons attending, inspecting or removing property assume all risks whatsoever of damage or loss to person and property and specifically release the Auctioneer from all liability. Auctioneer is not liable by reason of any defect in, or condition of, the property or the premises on which the preview/sale is held. Auctioneer is released for any claims to actual damage to the property sold and/or consequential damages that may result from the sale of defective property.

DISCLOSURES/NO WARRANTY: There is no warranty offered, expressed or implied, by Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers or Sellers for any property. All property is sold AS-IS, WHERE-IS, and with all faults and defects therein. All information provided is believed to be correct but NO warranty as such is either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Bidder is solely responsible to determine condition, age, authenticity, value or any other determinative factor. Bidder inspection of the property prior to submitting a bid is strongly recommended. ALL SALES ARE FINAL!!
Auctioneer reserves the right to add or withdraw property from the auction, and/or regroup items. Auctioneer reserves the right to sell property absolute or with reserve, at Sellers discretion. The Seller does have the right to make the final bid and the Auctioneer does have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. The auctioneer reserves the right to open the bid as the result of a tie bid or discrepancies in the bid.
Buyer assumes full responsibility of property at time of purchase, and all risk of loss and damage to property. All titles will be assigned to registered buyer unless notification is received by auctioneer at the end of auction. NO TITLES WILL BE ISSUED UNLESS COMPLETELY FILLED OUT.

BIDDER REGISTRATION: Bidder must be 18 years of age or older, and are required to register for the auction. In registration, Bidder must submit information found to be current, complete, and accurate for proper identification. Auctioneer does not sell or rent this information. Auctioneer uses email mailing lists to notify customers about online and live auctions. Customers who do not wish to be notified should contact the office of the Auctioneer and request removal from the email mailing list. Bidder is responsible for security of his/her bidding number/user name and password, and any and all bids placed under the assigned number/ID. Auctioneer should be notified immediately if Bidder believes number and/or password have been compromised. Auctioneer reserves the right to terminate registration, deny any person for any reason permission or access to bid, to reject any and all bids, and to suspend or ban Bidder from bidding, at Auctioneers sole discretion. Bidder registration is not transferable or assignable.

BIDDING: Bidder must register to participate in the auction. Read the descriptions of each lot and view photographs carefully. If you have any questions call 605-999-4239. Should you visit the viewing location, please personally inspect the property on which you intend to bid during the date(s) indicated in the details per item when applicable. Using YOUR knowledge and experience, form your own opinion of the property and bid accordingly. If you are in doubt, DO NOT BID. All items are sold “AS-IS WHERE IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS” this is an AUCTION and all SALES ARE FINAL. Bids cannot be retracted and are binding contracts between Bidder and Auctioneer/Seller. Bidder is accountable to be informed about property and associated costs before bidding. A maximum bid can be placed on property. A maximum bid is kept confidential, and Bidder authorizes Auctioneer to place bids on his/her behalf up to the amount of the maximum bid. Upon sale of property, identifying information and purchase amount will be posted for a designated period of time. All questions or disputes must be resolved immediately; no changes or adjustments will be made at a later date. Auctioneer reserves the right to reopen bidding. Auctioneer decisions will be final.

BUYERS PREMIUM: A Buyers premium of 8% will be charged on each purchase. Unless otherwise stated. A buyers premium, an advertised percentage of the high bid or flat fee added to the high bid will be added to the high bid and become part of the purchase amount at settlement. Buyer agrees to these provisions and will pay the applicable buyers premium. Example if an item is sold for $100.00 + 8% buyers premium = Final bid price $108.00. There is a $750.00 BP cap per item.

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CHOICE OF LAW: The laws of the State of South Dakota governs this agreement any dispute arising from the terms of this auction shall be brought in a court of Sanborn County, South Dakota.

ADDITIONAL TERMS: The following are property specific Terms & Conditions that are posted online with the individual property information and will override any likewise terms stated in this Agreement. - Buyers Premium - Sale Date and Time (Beginning and Ending) - Inspection Location, Dates, and Times - Final Date of Removal - Shipping Arrangements - Special Notes/Comments/Announcements

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Bidding Increments
$0.00 - $10.00 = $1.00
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$25.01 - $100.00 = $5.00
$100.01 - $250.00 = $8.00
$250.01 - $500.00 = $10.00
$500.01 - $1,000.00 = $25.00
$1,000.01 - $5,000.00 = $50.00
$5,000.01 - $10,000.00 = $100.00
$10,000.01 - $25,000.00 = $250.00
$25,000.01 - $50,000.00 = $500.00
$50,000.01 - $100,000.00 = $1,000.00

Currency: USD
Buyers Premium: 8% Buyers Premium added to final bid only on Online Purchases. $750.00 BP cap
Payment Terms: Cash or Bankable Check
Full payment within 24 hours of auction close via guaranteed funds. You may pay by guaranteed check or bank check or wire transfer. Credit Card is used for verification purpose only and will not be charged. Any Invoice totals $100.00 or less will automatically be charged to the Credit Card on record. A 3% Convenience Fee will be charged to all Credit Card purchases.

Shipping / Pick Up
Items will be picked up after paid in full the day after the auction or make arrangements with auctioneer. Items not picked up within 30 days will be deemed abandoned and resold, unless arrangements are made with the seller.
James Valley Farms Retirement Auction
Rodney and Dennis VanOvershelde have made the decision to retire and have up for sale their farm equipment at an Online Only Farm Equipment Auction will starting Sept. 2 and closing on Sept. 12, 2022.  Pickup Dates: Sept. 13 & 14, 2022 from 10:00 AM - 4 PM each day or by Appointment.

There will be some nice equipment in this lineup. Please check out the items up for sale and if you have any questions, please contact Rod or Dennis.

James Valley Farms Retirement Auction
James Valley Farms Retirement Auction
Rodney and Dennis VanOverschelde have decided to retire and have up for sale a full line of farm equipment. This will be a nice line up of well taken care of equipment and is ready to go to work. 

Online Only Farm Equipment Auction will starting Sept. 2 and closing on Sept. 12, 2022.  Pickup Dates: Sept. 13 & 14, 2022 from 10:00 AM - 4 PM each day or by Appointment.

Call Steve Larson 605-770-9818, Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005, Myron Grosz 605-999-4087, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, for information on this auction.

Location Information, Invoice Information, Payment Information
Location Information:
The location of each item will be listed in the description as well as the phone number for the owner. There will be several different owners with various locations.

Invoice Information:
Upon successfully winning the bid of an item, an invoice will be emailed to you following the auction. Please look for your invoice following the auction in your registered email account. Please read the invoice at the bottom. If paying with cash or good check, please pay the Cash Total Due. Do Not Pay the Convenience Fee Total (This is the Credit Card Fee). Any invoice totals under $100.00 will automatically be charged to the credit card on file.

Payment Information:
Payments (Cash or Good Check) not received by Friday Noon the week of the auction, the balance will be charged to Buyers Credit Card on File! Please mail your payment no later than Wednesday after the Auction to avoid Credit Card Charges. If payment cannot be paid by Thursday, please contact Auctioneers to make arrangements. NO Items will be released or removed until entire invoice is paid in full.


Sales Tax & Buyers Premium, Notice Information, App Information
 Sales Tax & Buyers Premium  
Buyers Premium is Charged on a Per Item Basis.
8% BUYERS FEE ON ALL PURCHASES $750.00 cap per item

4.5% SD Sales Tax - Unless you have a SD sales tax form on file with us. Contact Us prior to purchasing with your Sales Tax Information to purchase for resale

The Sellers/Auctioneers DO NOT provide transportation or shipping services for buyers to remove their merchandise. Any and all methods of towing and/or hauling, as well as all other methods or requirements for the removal and transport of the Equipment, is the sole responsibility of the buyer. All items must be picked up at auction address,


App Information:
Download our Bidding App on you Android or Apple phone, Ipad, etc. Go to the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and search “Dean Edwards” Sign Up and then Register to bid!


Practice Bidding & Covid Information
Practice Bidding & Covid Information
Use this lot to practice bidding, go ahead and bid away using the bid button, learn how to increase your bid amount by clicking on the Plus button in each lot, or setting a max bid. Also, if you click on the Star in any lot, it will add it to "Your Items" section so you can watch that particular item without having to bid on it. Any questions, call Steve at 605-770-9818 or Justin @ 605-999-4239.
Covid 19 Information:
Please limit Person to Person contact with Sellers/Agents when picking up your items. If you are feeling ill or have any symptoms, please call ahead a we will make sure your purchases can be set out for you to pickup safely. Please pickup your items as soon as possible after payment. Thank you for your cooperation and everyone please be safe!


Pride of the Farm 1 1/2 ton Bulk Bin
Pride of the Farm 1 1/2 ton Bulk Bin
no boot on the bottom of the bin

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Pride of the Farm 3 ton Bulk Bin
Pride of the Farm 3 ton Bulk Bin
does have some rust on the bottom cone

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Bazooka brand Bulk Bin Auger system w/Farm Duty Brand 120 vlt motor
Bazooka brand Bulk Bin Auger system w/Farm Duty Brand 120 vlt motor (South one in the Barn)

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Bazooka brand Bulk Bin Auger system w/Farm Duty Brand 120 vlt motor
Bazooka brand Bulk Bin Auger system w/Farm Duty Brand 120 vlt motor (North one in the Barn)

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

1500 Gallon Poly Tank w/2" Banjo Valve- only had water in it
1500 Gallon Poly Tank w/2" Banjo Valve- only had water in it

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

 Radco Topper for a full-size Chevy 1500 box- missing back window 
 Radco Topper for a full-size Chevy 1500 box- missing back window 
This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD add-on Fuel Tank with mounts for a JD 4630
JD add-on Fuel Tank with mounts for a JD 4630

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

500 Gallon Pull-Type Sprayer w/45' booms and a Boom-Jet Valve
500 Gallon Pull-Type Sprayer w/45' booms and a Boom-Jet Valve
Hydraulic pump driven with a new valve controller

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Steiger Bear Cat ll 4x4 Tractor- Salvage
Steiger Bear Cat ll 4x4 Tractor- Salvage

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Antique Stationary motor
Antique Stationary motor
missing  the gearbox cover, has been stored inside and is currently not running- the motor is not stuck

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

8" Feteral Jump Auger
8" Feteral Jump Auger
single auger, hydraulic drive with variable speed control

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Makita Chop Saw
Makita Chop Saw
no stand, model # 2414NB

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Miller Millermatic 210 Wire Feed Welder
Miller Millermatic 210 Wire Feed Welder
.035", NO TANK, 220 volt
This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

15' MidStates 4" Pencil Auger- 1/2 hp motor works OK
15' MidStates 4" Pencil Auger- 1/2 hp motor works OK

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD Antique Single Shank Sub Soiler
JD Antique Single Shank Sub Soiler

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Antique 2 Bottom Plow
Antique 2 Bottom Plow

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Antique Field Cultivator
Antique Field Cultivator

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Antique Field Cultivator
Antique Field Cultivator

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD 4 Bottom Plow- 2 point hitch
JD 4 Bottom Plow- 2 point hitch

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

15' Steel wheel dump rake
15' Steel wheel dump rake

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Noble 8 row spring tooth cultivator hyd. fold
Noble 8 row spring tooth cultivator hyd. fold
3-point, missing a tire, missing some chisels

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Antique 8' Straight Disc ​​​​​​​
Antique 8' Straight Disc

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

1/2" Heavy Duty Log Chain 25'
1/2" Heavy Duty Log Chain 25'

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Vintage McCormick-Deering No. 7 Sickle Mower
Vintage McCormick-Deering No. 7 Sickle Mower

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

24 - new 3-4" x 7' pointed posts
24 - new 3-4" x 7' pointed posts

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

3/8" Log Chain 20'
3/8" Log Chain 20'

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Pile of Drag Sections
Pile of Drag Sections

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Tractor tire chains 20.8x38
Tractor tire chains 20.8x38

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Miller Offset 16' Disc
Miller Offset 16' Disc
good rubber, s/n 2H14528

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

33 ea. Reclaimed 2"x4" x 8' + boards (always kept inside)
33 ea. Reclaimed 2"x4" x 8' + boards (always kept inside)

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

3 pt Bale Spear w/ Hydraulic Tilt- no cylinder
3 pt Bale Spear w/ Hydraulic Tilt- no cylinder

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

6 ea. Reclaimed 2"x6" x 9' + boards (always kept inside)
6 ea. Reclaimed 2"x6" x 9' + boards (always kept inside)

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Case IH 1200 Planter Parts (cover wheels and discs)
Case IH 1200 Planter Parts (cover wheels and discs)

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

12'x20' calf shelter w/ new 6"x6" runners
12'x20' calf shelter w/ new 6"x6" runners

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

3 pt Homemade 8' Tire Scraper
3 pt Homemade 8' Tire Scraper

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Vintage Deering Giant 5' Horse drawn mower
Vintage Deering Giant 5' Horse drawn mower

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Gehl 9 Wheel Rake model #219
Gehl 9 Wheel Rake model #219
missing some teeth

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD #37-515 Sickle Mower 9'
JD #37-515 Sickle Mower 9'
7.00-15LT Tires

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Avco New Idea Manure Spreader
Avco New Idea Manure Spreader
model # 353, 5' x 17' floor, single beater, 8.25-20 tires with a Tandom Axle, wood floor, 

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Dakon Inline Ripper
Dakon Inline Ripper
3 point mount, 10' 
This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Allis Chalmers 16' Chisel- Pull-Type
Allis Chalmers 16' Chisel- Pull-Type
model # 410-16, s/n 10222

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Lahman Stackmover 15' x 29'
Lahman Stackmover 15' x 29'
12-16.5LT Good Tires

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Aerway Aerator w/ 3 Bar Mulcher
Aerway Aerator w/ 3 Bar Mulcher
95L-15SL Tires, s/n J02000090N

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Feterl 8" x 60' Auger
Feterl 8" x 60' Auger
540 PTO

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Case IH 4900 Vibra Tiller - 30'
Case IH 4900 Vibra Tiller - 30'
good rubber, auto transport locks

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD 9550 Combine
JD 9550 Combine
3525 Engine hrs, 2493 Separator hrs, has a hopper tarp cover, Vittetoe Chaff Spreader, Rubber is OK, does not have the yield monitor
Always stored inside when not in use, s/n H09550W685359

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

International 50 Heavy Duty Trailer used as a bale carrier
International 50 Heavy Duty Trailer used as a bale carrier

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Westfield MK 100-71 Auger w/ swing hopper
Westfield MK 100-71 Auger w/ swing hopper
540 PTO, Hydraulic lift and hydraulic wheels on swing hopper

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Harms MFG 40' Landroller Model H3451
Harms MFG 40' Landroller Model H3451
24" Diameter drums, LT245/75R16 Tires

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD 712 Chisel Disc 16'
JD 712 Chisel Disc 16'
11L-15 Tires

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD 630F Hydraflex Bean Head
JD 630F Hydraflex Bean Head
good shape, everything works as it should, stored inside when ot in use s/n H00630F706599

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Demco 750 Grain Cart
Demco 750 Grain Cart
manual roll tarp, Goodyear 30.5L-32 Tires, 1000 PTO, lights, takes 2 sets of hydraulics ( 1 for the door gate and 1 for the auger fold)
stored inside in the off season

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

2007 Rogator Sprayer Model # 1074
2007 Rogator Sprayer Model # 1074
3843 hrs, 90' full hydraulic booms, 1100 gal. stainless steel tank w/ wash tank, Good Hi-Traction 380/90R46 Tires, Raven SCS4000 Monitor w/ EZ Boom 2010, AC/Heat, AM/FM CD radio, 
New Holland GPS Monitor w/ EZ-Guide 500 Lightbar Guidance System and Trimble Auto-Pilot Steering System, buddy seat, the pressure washer on the machine does not work

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

2006 International 9200 Day Cab Semi Tractor
2006 International 9200 Day Cab Semi Tractor
724,372 miles, Meritor 10 speed Transmission
ISML Cummins Motor, Driver tires-275/80R22.5
Steer Tires-295/75R22.5

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD 8440 4 Wheel Drive Tractor
JD 8440 4 Wheel Drive Tractor
8766 hrs, the motor has never been touched, no oil leaks, starts and runs good- THE D RANGE does not work, 18.4x38 tires, 3 hydraulic outlets, Big 1000 PTO, air-ride seat, AM/FM radio, A/C and Heat work good, has a foot throttle, Comes with the JD Quick hitch that is on the tractor

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Homemade Header Trailer
Homemade Header Trailer
2" ball 7.00-15 tires
this trailer works with the JD 630F Bean Head in lot # 45
it will also work with lot # 58 the trailer dolly

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Sioux 10,000 Bushel Grain Bin -TO BE MOVED
Sioux 10,000 Bushel Grain Bin -TO BE MOVED with Temp cables,
Stormax Grain Temperature Sensor, Reads temp in 5 places in center of bin. 30' diameter w/ Hutchinson 8" Unloader with a Marathon 220 volt 3HP motor, Also comes with a Centrifugal Super Flow Fan and Sukup LP System. The drying system has not been used since the fall of 2020 but everything worked as it should. You will have until July 2023 to have the bin moved if you are the successful bidder

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Bin Sweep for a 30' Diameter Bin with a Dayton Motor
Bin Sweep for a 30' Diameter Bin with a Dayton Motor

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

1998 Mauer Grain Trailer
1998 Mauer Grain Trailer
Shurco- Shurlock Electric Roll Tarp System, 11R24.5 tires, has ag hoppers, does have some damage on the right side of the trailer that has been repaired (see pics)

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD 8100 2WD Tractor w/Rear Duals
1995 JD 8100 2WD Tractor w/Rear Duals
10,326 hrs, 16 Speed Full Powershift w/4 reverse gears, 18.4R42 Rear Goodyear tires, 14L-161SL Front tires, 18 Front Suitcase Weights, AM/FM CD Radio, A/C and Heat, Air Seat, Big 1000 PTO, 3pt. and comes with the JD Quick Hitch, 
S/N RW8100P001361
JD AutoTrac Steer w/a Starfire 3000 Globe (AutoTrac Universal Steering Kit 200)
This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

JD 893 Corn Head
JD 893 Corn Head
Poly Snouts, hydraulice deck plates, s/n H00893X680376
good shape,everything worked as it should last season,  stored inside in the off-season

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

New Holland 650 Auto-Wrap Narrow Baler
New Holland 650 Auto-Wrap Narrow Baler
no monitor, 540 PTO, Hay Kicker Wheels, Good teeth and Bands on the Pickup, Bale Kicker, 31 x 13.50 Tires, s/n 916409

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Case IH 1200 3pt mounted 12 Row Narrow Planter
Case IH 1200 3pt mounted 12 Row Narrow Planter
Ground Driven, Pro-Stitch Closing Wheels, 2 1/2 bu. boxes, bean and corn cells come with the planter, also the markers and trash whippers will come with the planter

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Header Trailer Dolly- pin hitch with a 2" ball on the dolly
Header Trailer Dolly- pin hitch with a 2" ball on the dolly

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Kory 340 Gravity Wagon w/ a 278 Kory Running Gear
Kory 340 Gravity Wagon w/ a 278 Kory Running Gear
12.5L-16SL Tires, extendable hitch for easy hook-up

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

Mauer MFG M32 Header Trailer
Mauer MFG M32 Header Trailer
 pin hitch
this trailer works with the 893 corn head from lot # 55

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005

IH 490 Disc 28' W/ 3 Bar Mulcher
IH 490 Disc 28' W/ 3 Bar Mulcher
9.5L-14SL Tires, 19" front and rear main blades and 18" blades on the front and rear wings

This Lot is part of the James Valley Farms Retirement Auction.
For questions or viewing by appointment please contact
Rodney @ 605-630-0447 or Dennis @ 605-321-7120
Items will be located at 40790 243rd St Letcher SD 57359

For Auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson 605-770-9818. Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005