NORTH BAY HORSE COMPANY DISPERSAL - large amount of quiet riding horses
Listing ID#: 1434343

Auction Location

Gaylord, MI 49735
Auction Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Sep 10, 2022 Completed
Auction Type
 Live Auction with Online Bidding  VIEW ONLINE CATALOG
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Leist Auctioneers

Contact: Frank Leist
Phone: 1-833-323-2BID
Website: ID#: 1746
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*Cash, Check and Credit Card are accepted methods of payment. Credit Card transactions will incur a 3% transaction fee. *Sales tax will be applicable. *All horses are sold AS-IS with no guarantees. NBH Co. LLC has owned most of these horses for several years and will disclose any known characteristics which may affect value. Owners and Agents of NBH Co. LLC do not regularly ride or interact with the stock as they are leased to camps. Much of the information regarding the horses has been relayed by a third party from the lease agreement. *All bids are final. Do not bid if you cannot pay for the horse. *Online bidders must be approved through Leist Auctioneers or Northern Michigan Livestock *Ages of non-registered stock will be estimated based upon information and belief of the seller, and/or the qualified opinion of the veterinarian completing a coggins test.
Listing Information



After 4 generations in the business of leasing horses, North Bay Horse Co., LLC has made the decision to cease their leasing operation and offer their string of horses, saddles and various tack at auction. Beginning with Charles "Pappy" Leist and continuing with Frank Leist Sr., Frank Leist Jr. and ending with Wade Leist, the business of renting horses was a hallmark of the family for over 60 years. This group of horses will range in age from 3 to over 20 years old, with generally pleasing dispositions and a variety of disciplines.

*Note: we ended up with 87 horses for this sale. There were 2-3 that our kids decided they wanted to keep for their enjoyment, and 3-4 that we will keep and put into retirement. 

Dr. Michelin completed coggins tests on September 1st. We relied upon her judgement, and our experience to determine the ages on our grade horses. These horses are in good condition after returning from camp. We noted any soundness issues that we were previously aware of, noticed while testing, or were advised of by camp staff. 


  1. 1. "Quinn": Peppys Poco Hancock- registered 5 year old AQHA gelding with a right hip brand. This gelding came out of SD as a 3 year old. He's green, but can be handy and quick. Grandson of Smart Little Lena and going back to Freckles Playboy. Approx 14.2hh. Has worked cattle at the stockyards.
  2. 2. "Dottie": 17 year old grade appaloosa mare. Good for confident beginners on up. More potential than what she has been used for. Approx 15hh.
  3. 3. "PG-13": 15 year old bay and white paint gelding. Been at the same camp for several years. Approx 15hh.
  4. 4. "Annie" or "E-D": Zans Cowgirl Parr T- registered 14 year old AQHA mare with a left hip brand. We traded for this mare several years ago. She's been to a few camps and settled in nicely at the last one. Approx 15.1hh. 
  5. 5. "Buzz": 13 year old quarter pony gelding standing about 51inches. He came out of Illinois a few years ago and was kind of spunky. Has settled in nicely at the same camp for 5-6 years now. Easy keeper.
  6. 6. "Jedi": 6 year old grade app gelding, standing 15.2hh. Was lightly trained as a 3 year old and then given another 30 days last fall with Chad VanHouten. Made great strides this year. Consider him green, but getting better every day. 
  7. 7. Morgan-Fresian 6 or 7 year old gelding. Standing about 15.1hh and filling out. Nice movements and loads of potential but currently not many buttons. Previous owner spent big money as a showing prospect and then turned attention elsewhere before investing in his training. Received a big scratch down his left side on his first day of camp and it appears to be staying. 
  8. 8. "Peep": Shesa Familytradition is a 9 year old APHA mare. She has been in the same camp since we purchased her two years ago. They said she can have some frisky days but is otherwise dependable. Very pretty. Approx 15hh.
  9. 9. "Sonne": Driftin Firefly SK is an 11 year old AQHA buckskin mare. Grand daughter of Yellow Cord. She is a really sweet mare that is gentle for the beginners. There is a video on our Facebook page of her with an 8 year old rider. Smart, pretty, broke and kind. Perfect lesson or 4H mare. Stands around 15hh.
  10. 10. "Cookie": Faceit Ima Cookie -10 year old AQHA mare with a wonderful temperament. Tall and good looking. Goes back to Zips Chocolate Chip and Zippos Mr Good Bar. Sells with a copy of her papers. Cut her right hind foot two years ago while working in Illinois. Seems to have healed fine. Went back to camp in Michigan this year and worked well as usual. About 15.1hh.
  11. 11. "Bonanza": Powered By Bonanza -21 year old AQHA gelding. Finished rope horse according to previous owner. We purchased him in the spring hoping he would work for camp, and he turned out being the camp favorite. The lesson kids enjoyed his rocking horse canter and responsive nature. PO said he can get hot in a box at rodeos, for what it's worth. Stands around 15.2hh. Perfect older gelding for 4H or aspiring rodeo cowboys/cowgirls. 
  12. 12. "Big Red": 17 years old cross-bred gelding. Has been in the same camp for many years. Pictures do not do justice to how big he really is. Can puff up on the ground, but turns to a puppy when you get the halter on. We've never actually rode him so we are relying on the fact that the camps keep having him back. Has to be 16hh.
  13. 13. "Scout": 14 year old grade cross-bred gelding. Super horse. Excellent disposition. Stocky build. Listens to his rider and takes care of them. Stands at 15hh. Big enough for large adults, and gentle enough for beginners. Perfect camp horse.
  14. 14. "Little Scout": 14 year old grade pony gelding. Has been in a few different camps and he found it hard to settle in. He rides off fine in a group, but isn't as confident riding out alone. Was rode by an 8 year old this summer on a few trail rides and he did fine. We can see why he might not work in camp with the little beginners, but he is pretty good for a confident beginner with a little supervision. Approx 13.1-13.2hh. 
  15. 15. Palomino Gaited Gelding: this gelding is 20 years old or more. He is an easy keeper and a smooth mover. Nice neck rein, lots of buttons. Very dependable ride for any beginner and up. Approx 15hh.
  16. 16. "Clifford": we absolutely love this gelding and so has camp. He's 18 or 19 years old and stands around 15.2hh. So gentle and easy to get along with. Gets along with all other horses. The perfect gentleman.
  17. 17. Paint Pony Mare: about 14 or 15 years old and standing 42 inches. This little pony works nice and is a good looker too. 
  18. 18. "Frost": 5 year old grade app gelding. Wade purchased this horse as a unbroke 3 year old and sent him to Chad VanHouten for 60 days of riding. Frost came back a completely different horse. He's respectful and very pleasant to ride. Has moved cattle at the stockyard and spent all summer at camp. Ridden exclusively by counselors this year as he's not ready for the little kids yet. One of our favorites even though he's not the easiest to catch sometimes. He might be 15.1hh. Great trail horse.
  19. 19. "Buster": we got this Percheron Cross-bred this summer with intentions to get him riding and have him for camp next year. Previous owner said he is broke to all farm equipment for driving. Doesn't appear like he's ever been ridden. Had a crack on his hind left foot when we got him. Looks like it's grown back together fine.
  20. 20. "Ariel": Badgers Nifty Xera is a 10 year old AQHA mare. She's not big, but she is BROKE. Probably the handiest horse we have. We've moved cattle at the yard with her, trail rode, used for E-team, and been great at camp too.  Previous owner re-connected with us and shared how much time she had spent breaking her with Phil Oakes. No marish attitude. Lots of try. Cowy. This mare is the real deal! One of our favorites. 
  21. 21. "Twig": gaited gelding that's probably 16 years old.  Stands 15.3. Probably the smoothest horse of the sale. Very gentle. Looks like a Tennessee Walker to us. 
  22. 22. "Jet": looks to be around 15 years old. We thought we had some registration papers for him, but if we did..we lost them. This nice gelding has always been a little forward, but easy to handle. A very fun ride. We have had him in camp every year we've owned him and he's always been asked for back.
  23. 23. "Diva": Certainly A Diva -12 year old double registered mare. AQHA and IBHA. Katie owned this mare and used her for 4H for a couple years. This was her first year in camp and they really liked her. She has show potential and pretty movements. Sweet mare but has painful ovulation cycles. Camp moved her out of a stall and into a round pen when she was in heat to help her out. Approx 14.3hh, maybe 15hh.
  24. 24. "Bullseye": 16 or 17 year old gelding standing 16hh. Big horse that has been asked back at the same camp for the last few seasons since we have owned him. Been used to carry the bigger campers.
  25. 25. "Mocha": we traded for this mare when she was 6 years old. She had been in a "high dollar" boarding facility near Holly, MI. When we first got her she didn't act like she had been out of an arena. She's been used for trail rides at the first camp she was at, and this last camp gave lessons and trail rides with her. She's now about 13 years old. She cribs, but keeps weight on. About 14.3hh, maybe 15hh.
  26. 26. "Patsy": lovely little paint mare standing about 13.2hh. She's probably 20 years old and really takes care of her rider. Easy keeper. Gets along with the other horses. Excellent kids horse.
  27. 27. "Daisy": 6 year old grade mare standing around 14.1hh. We were told that she was shown in 4H, but she doesn't act like it. Pretty green, but tries to get along. Was used at camp this year and got better as the year went along. She could have a bright future in the right hands.
  28. 28. "Molly": spoiled little pony mare that is just 8 years old. Has a ton of potential and would benefit from 30 days in the Pony Challenge. She went to camp the last 2 years, and gave rides to kids, but they had to watch her. She has spells where she tries to get away with being bad. With a little correction she goes right back to work. A great little pony that can be very valuable with the right rider. Probably 50 inches tall.
  29. 29. "Cash": we purchased him last fall as a 5 year old. He looks a lot closer to 3 years old to us. Went to camp this summer and they loved him. Can be a little lazy, but we attributed that to being young. Previous owner said he's haflinger-morab cross. Around 13.1hh. Likes to be the boss in the pasture.
  30. 30. "Gary": big red gelding about 16 years old. We have had him for 10-12 years now, and he's been in the same camp the whole time. Pictures don't show how big he really is. Probably 16hh. Was registered but we don't have the papers. Originally from South Boardman area.
  31. 31. "Cinnabon": 17 year old grade mare. Nice riding horse. Got a saddle sore on her this year and wasn't used for most of the season. Ride her bareback, or wait for it to heal. Has been at the same camp since we've had her. 
  32. 32. "Thrasher": not sure but his name might have been Slayer. Either way, it doesn't fit him. He's a big gelding that has a nice mindset. Has been in the same camp for many years. About 15.2hh and 18 years old. Easy keeper.
  33. 33. "Larry": we got this gelding out of Wisconsin two winters ago. This horse really has a lot of buttons that we never use. Lopes in small circles and really knows what he's doing. We've had him in the same camp for both years and he's been great. He's around 17 years old and stands 15.1hh or so.
  34. 34. "Jughead": he got his name from a goiter under his jowel. It's been there since way before we owned him. Nice and steady for camp. Has been to the same one for many years. He's around 17 years old and stands 15.2hh.
  35. 35. Dunn mare approx 20 years old. We bought her with Patsy and they've both been the perfect camp horses. Sweet, gentle and good for kids. Previous showing or 4H experience according to previous owner.
  36. 36. Haflinger gelding approx 20 years old or more. Easy keeper. Aubrey rode him after camp. She found him to be a little pushy but she had him in a hackamore and he wasn't responding to it very well. He followed our group on the trail fine, but wasn't sure what she wanted when asked to ride out alone. A better bit would suit him. Gentle as can be. 52" tall. Been at the same camp for multiple seasons.
  37. 37. "Captain": Captainswisperinghawk- 20 year old registered APHA gelding. Morgan rode this gelding for several years in high school equestrian team, as well as 4H. He was also used for the SPUR program held at Cow Camp which focuses on teaching rodeo events to special needs individuals. He'll be hard for us to part with. Stands around 14.3hh
  38. 38. "Twister": Double Roan Bar was his registered name. He's 21 years old. We received a copy of his papers and a transfer at one time. We've lost some of that paperwork. We've had him for a couple years and he has been the perfect kids camp horse. This year camp shared a story of a frightened girl who refused to ride a horse until she met Twister. She trusted him, and he took care of her. Excellent beginner horse. Stands about 15hh.
  39. 39. "Stick": 16 year old gelding. Walk-Trot-Canter but he prefers to just walk and trot. He was used as a pack horse in Arizona for a few years before making it to us. We've only used him at camp and they've goten along really good with him. Gets along fine with other horses. Great trail horse. 15.1hh
  40. 40. "Sue": we have had this mare for about 4 years. She's been in camp and requested back each year. Can be bossy to the other horses. Easy keeper. She's 14 years old and around 14.2hh.
  41. 41. "Bud": grade gelding about 14 years old and standing 14.2hh. We got him from a girl on the east side of the state, and put him in camp immediately. He's been requested back each year. Easy to catch and handle in our herd.
  42. 42. "Lacey": Sunny Satin Ann Lace -15 year old AQHA mare. Grandson of Sonny Dee Bar. Around 15hh tall. We aren't sure how we acquired her, but we are glad we did. She's been a great camp horse.
  43. 43. "Blackie": 20 year old grade mare pony. Stands around 13.2hh. Great little kids lesson horse. Has been in the same camp for many years. Easy keeper.
  44. 44. Grade Dunn mare about 12 years old. Stands 15hh. This mare is really broke with a good neck rein. We walked around a barrel pattern and she seemed to understand what it was about. She can toss her head if she's falling behind the group. Rides good alone. Good handles on her. 
  45. 45. Grade chestnut mare about 13 years old.  Stands approx 13.3hh. We aren't sure where she came from, or her back story. She has been at the same camp for a few years and they request her back. She's easy for us to handle when catching, loading, etc.
  46. 46. "Eleven": we tossed around the idea of calling her "Lucky", but settled on 11 because she has one eye and one ear. This mare is really broke well, and smooth to ride. Can be a little forward, but nothing an intermediate rider can't control. She's 20 years old at least. Has been an easy keeper for us. Stands 15hh. Always has to be around you when you go out in the pasture.
  47. 47. "S29": 20 year old grade mare with a brand on her left shoulder. Has been to two different camps for us, including a new one that had beginner beginners. She has been requested back everywhere she's gone. Pretty good sized at 15.1hh.
  48. 48. "Rosie": big, gentle cross bred mare about 18 years old. Stands 15.2hh. Standardbred-Percheron cross. Has been hooked to every piece of farm equipment at her previous Amish home. Has been in our string for two years and is loved by the camps.
  49. 49. "Cowboy": 14 year old gelding was registered at one time, and previously used as a pony horse at a race track in the midwest. 15.1hh. Nice broke horse.
  50. 50. "Maddy": little cross bred paint mare that we've had for a long time. The camp she attends had a riding staff member that grew up and learned how to ride on her. She's over 20 years old but has a lot left to teach kids. She's perfect sized at 13.1hh.
  51. 51. "June": 6 year old cross bred roan mare. Smooth ride, sensible mare, lots of Amish training...but still learning how to take care of kids. She's about 13.1hh. Nice neck rein. She isn't beginner ready, but she is well on her way. Smart mare. Can be a little tricky to catch, but settles down once the halter is on. We've had her a couple years and she has attended camp both years. They used her mostly for lead line for young riders, but turned experienced riders and staff loose with her.
  52. 52. Blue roan grade mare, 20 years old at least. She doesn't have a lot of buttons but she walks right on down the trail with others. Video on our Facebook page shows her following along like she's supposed to.
  53. 53. "Lillo": Black Ty Topsail is a 10 year old APHA registered buckskin mare. Super sweet personality. Is sometimes sore in the front. She seems kind of tight in her shoulder area. She got foot sore at a camp in Illinois and they did not treat her properly. She came back after the season and her feet bothered her. We treated her, but she still isn't 100%. Dr. Michelin was unable to determine an obvious issue. She was at camp this summer and they used her in between her bouts of soreness. They took good care of her and used her for smaller riders in lessons. Easy to catch. Around 14.3-15hh. Beautiful mare.   
  54. 54. "Katie": 20 year old app mare. Extensive 4H and show experience. About 15hh. Camp gets along great with her. She can be a bit of a hard keeper so we give her oats in the winter. 
  55. 55. Grade bay mare probably in her late teens. Has a big knee on her right front. Is not lame on it that we have noticed. Has been in the same camp for years and they depend on her for their younger riders. Katie rode her a couple years ago on the trail. She did great in just a halter and lead rope. 14.3hh
  56. 56. "Jackson": 10 year old grade gelding. We bought him about 7 years ago from a friend who was moving west. He had barely been started. We put a few rides on him and sent him to camp. He has bounced around a few camps through no fault of his own. He's always rented and lasted the year. He has a naturally gentle nature which is why he worked at such a young age. Ed's daughter used him for one year and Ed spent considerable time working him. Really good minded gelding, that's never had a ton of training. Stands close to 15hh.   
  57. 57. Grade grey mare that came from a family over east. She's about 12 years old and 14.3hh. Easy keeper. Was trained by a young girl before we got her. Had trouble staying in camp the first couple years but started catching on lately. Had a great year at camp this year where they depended on her much more than they had in the past. This mare has settled in and been one of our better ones.
  58. 58. "Ghost": 13 year old cremello mare. Stands 14.3hh. Bit of a boss mare at times, but camps have gotten along good with her. Can use a firm hand at times. Gets along good in the pasture and has always been easy to catch.
  59. 59. Grade grey gelding. Ed bought this horse several years ago and he has went to camp and worked each year. The first couple of years were not as dependable as the last few have been. He has settled in nicely. He's 18 years old and 15hh.
  60. 60. Watch-Eye bay and white paint mare. This big bodied mare is a babysitter. She's at least 20 years old and stands around 15.1hh. We've used her the last couple years and found her to work good. Easy keeper.
  61. 61. "BB": 17 or 18 year old cross-bred mare. Little strong but camp has always asked for her back. This past year we had to use her in a different camp and they really liked her. They had a hard time saying goodbye. Easy keeper.
  62. 62."Pancake": we don't recall her name, but she looks similar to a mare we had that was named waffle. She's 19 or maybe 20 years old and we've had her for a number of years. Stands 15hh. Easy to catch, good with the other horses.
  63. 63. "Bubbles": daughter of "Willow" and they were purchased together. Leon got these two for use a number of years ago. They've both worked great in our camps. Always been an easy keeper. Around 20 years old, and standing 15hh.
  64. 64. Grade grey mare. We've had this mare for a number of years after purchasing her with a large group in Illinois. She wasn't the easiest to have for a couple of years but has since settled in well. She's 14 years old and 15hh. Stocky and well made. Easy keeper, and easy to handle.
  65. 65. Grade grey mare with a brand on her left shoulder. She's 19 years old. Easy to get along with. Been in the same camp for several years. 15hh
  66. 66. "Spirit": 16-17 year old buckskin gelding. He came from a family in Wisconsin 5-6 years ago. After getting him home he immediately lost his right eye to unknown circumstances. It took a couple years for him adjust, but once he did he's been in the same camp and worked well. 15.1hh
  67. 67. "Happy": 20 plus year old app mare. Stands 14.2 or 14.3. Perfect little camp horse for us and we've had her a long time. She will crib, on anything, especially her lead rope. She loves to untie herself while sucking air. Always been an easy keeper.
  68. 68. "Willow": mother to Bubbles. Over 20 years old and started showing her age the last couple years. We put her in a slower camp this year and she got along fine. Camp said she can be a little grumpy but she tolerated the kids and took care of them. 14.3hh
  69. 69. Grade paint mare about 18 years old. We've had this mare a number of years. She came with #59 at the same time. They both were trouble makers for a couple years and have since settled in. Worked at a camp that wasn't afraid to reject a horse that didn't work. Very pretty.
  70. 70. "Johnnie": also known as "Cash" but we already had one named that. Well broke gelding, easy neckrein. Point him in a direction and ride right off. Has a good lope and smooth trot. Coggins from last year says he should be 14 years old, but we believe he's closer to 17. Stands 15.1. Nice gelding for about anyone.
  71. 71. Grade paint mare, aged. We got her last year as a last minute substitute and ended up keeping her because she worked so nice. She's not big, only about 14.2hh. Worked well at a camp that has predominantly beginner riders.
  72. 72. "Scotty": red roan gelding, around 18 years old and standing 15.1hh. This gelding is really broke but he can be cinchy. Snug his girth and walk him a few steps to get his mind right. Had a few bouts of sore feet during this camping season. Camp said they had to give him periodic rest before using him in lessons. 
  73. 73. "Tiffy2": this pony is the reincarnation of one of our all-time greats that was named Tiffany. Tiffany had some tough moments when we first acquired her but ended up being incredible. This pony has all the same traits and looks identical. She will need a patient owner, and a persistent little rider to get her settled in. She's just 10 years old and has a lot of life. She punctured her shoulder this summer after she was expelled from camp. We got her sewed up and it has healed nicely.
  74. 74. "Hank": this 5 year old gelding has an extremely bright future. He was originally purchased by a family in Iowa to be a roping horse. They didn't realize how green he was so they moved on from him. We were lucky to scoop him up. He's got the perfect mindset to be a kids horse for a long time. He could use some more training to build confidence but as a walk-trot trail horse you won't find one with a better suited mindset. 14.3hh
  75. 75. "Sis": we acquired this mare when we bought out a large riding stable downstate about 8-9 years ago. She's a wonderful mare that has been training kids for many years. She'll be over 20 years old and 15.1hh. Great mare for a beginner.
  76. 76. "Vicky": Zippos Red Roan-20 year old AQHA mare. 14.3hh. Good riding mare. Sweet personality. Worked at a camp that had small beginners and did mostly trail riding.
  77. 77. Grade bay quarter pony gelding. About 18 years old. Perfect size, perfect temperament. Easy keeper, easy to handle. Awesome little horse. Stands 14hh.
  78. 78. Grade paint mare. 18 years old and 15.1-15.2hh. Well broke mare that rides up on the bit, and is strong. She'll be too much for a kid, but an adult or confident intermediate rider will have fun with her. She can cover the ground.
  79. 79. Small grade chestnut gelding. We seem to recall getting a set of papers with him, but they must be lost, or didn't exist. He's 17 or 18 years old and 14.2-14.3hh. This gelding does what he's supposed to at camp.  We never hear anything bad about him...or anything good for that matter. About mid-way through the winter he'll start losing weight on just a hay diet. We bring him out of the pasture and supplement him with oats and he blooms right back up. He's done the same thing every year we've owned him. Sweet personality. Always one that walks up to you in the pasture.
  80. 80. Aged gaited gelding. Around 20 years old, and 14.2hh. Lower on the pecking order in the herd. We usually have to sort him out quick when gathering because he's always in the wrong place at the wrong time. Really kind gelding that moves smooth. Camp likes him for the littlest kids. Can be a hard keeper but we've only ever had to supplement him a time or two.
  81. 81. "ShadowFax": branded white gelding. Not sure where the name came from. Has been in the same camp for many years. Started showing his age a little the last year or two. We've only ever given him dry hay. 20 plus years old and 15hh. Occasionally will develop a lump on his left rear knee.
  82. 82. "Misty": an older mare that is easy keeping. Always looks nice. Probably over 20 years old.  Stands 15hh. Was at the same camp for many years until we needed her in another camp for beginners. 
  83. 83. Black and white paint gelding. Early teens, somewhere between 13 and 15 years old. We've only had him for two years and he's been in the same camp both of those seasons. 14hh or so.
  84. 84. "Redford": 15.2hh gelding thats about 15 years old. His right knee has acquired some deposits on it that have slowed him down. He's been a fixture at one camp for several years and he's one of their favorites. They did say that he has a good sense of who he's with and he'll nip people he doesn't like. Camp has always been ok with it because they're not fond of the people he has nipped. They've reduced him to just giving lessons to smaller riders. 
  85. 85. "Hatter": 20 year old medicine hat paint gelding. 15.2hh. One of our better kids horses because he's slow and easy. One front knee will swell on occasion. After a few days it has gone down and he's put back in service.
  86. 86. Standardbred Mare: We've never ran her tattoo, but she appears to be over 20 years old. She's been at the same camp for several years. She seems to get along with the other horses and has never been hard to catch.
  87. 87. Game Seven Winner -20 year old AQHA gelding. We do not know much about him other than this was his first year at camp and the got along fine with him. He did bump his left eye and cause an injury. Camp treated it but it appears he may have lost some vision. He may need some continued treatment. Tall gelding that's easy to handle. Probably stands 15.2hh.                                                                                                                                               Tex Tan show saddle-Longhorn 15"-Simco and Big Horn Cordura-Silver Royal 15"-Santa Fe youth saddle-bridles-halters-pads-blankets

Western and English Riding -Registered and Grade -All Colors and Breeds 

Some With Exceptional Abilities and Ranching Backgrounds

Good Dispositions - Gentle to Handle - Easy Keepers




Contact Wade Leist for further questions at 231-330-1042

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NORTH BAY HORSE COMPANY DISPERSAL - large amount of quiet riding horses

Leist Auctioneers

Leist Auctioneers

Contact: Frank Leist
Phone: 1-833-323-2BID
Sale Location
1848 N Townline Rd.
Gaylord, MI 49735
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Sep 10, 2022 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
*Cash, Check and Credit Card are accepted methods of payment. Credit Card transactions will incur a 3% transaction fee. *Sales tax will be applicable. *All horses are sold AS-IS with no guarantees. NBH Co. LLC has owned most of these horses for several years and will disclose any known characteristics which may affect value. Owners and Agents of NBH Co. LLC do not regularly ride or interact with the stock as they are leased to camps. Much of the information regarding the horses has been relayed by a third party from the lease agreement. *All bids are final. Do not bid if you cannot pay for the horse. *Online bidders must be approved through Leist Auctioneers or Northern Michigan Livestock *Ages of non-registered stock will be estimated based upon information and belief of the seller, and/or the qualified opinion of the veterinarian completing a coggins test.
Listing Details



After 4 generations in the business of leasing horses, North Bay Horse Co., LLC has made the decision to cease their leasing operation and offer their string of horses, saddles and various tack at auction. Beginning with Charles "Pappy" Leist and continuing with Frank Leist Sr., Frank Leist Jr. and ending with Wade Leist, the business of renting horses was a hallmark of the family for over 60 years. This group of horses will range in age from 3 to over 20 years old, with generally pleasing dispositions and a variety of disciplines.

*Note: we ended up with 87 horses for this sale. There were 2-3 that our kids decided they wanted to keep for their enjoyment, and 3-4 that we will keep and put into retirement. 

Dr. Michelin completed coggins tests on September 1st. We relied upon her judgement, and our experience to determine the ages on our grade horses. These horses are in good condition after returning from camp. We noted any soundness issues that we were previously aware of, noticed while testing, or were advised of by camp staff. 


  1. 1. "Quinn": Peppys Poco Hancock- registered 5 year old AQHA gelding with a right hip brand. This gelding came out of SD as a 3 year old. He's green, but can be handy and quick. Grandson of Smart Little Lena and going back to Freckles Playboy. Approx 14.2hh. Has worked cattle at the stockyards.
  2. 2. "Dottie": 17 year old grade appaloosa mare. Good for confident beginners on up. More potential than what she has been used for. Approx 15hh.
  3. 3. "PG-13": 15 year old bay and white paint gelding. Been at the same camp for several years. Approx 15hh.
  4. 4. "Annie" or "E-D": Zans Cowgirl Parr T- registered 14 year old AQHA mare with a left hip brand. We traded for this mare several years ago. She's been to a few camps and settled in nicely at the last one. Approx 15.1hh. 
  5. 5. "Buzz": 13 year old quarter pony gelding standing about 51inches. He came out of Illinois a few years ago and was kind of spunky. Has settled in nicely at the same camp for 5-6 years now. Easy keeper.
  6. 6. "Jedi": 6 year old grade app gelding, standing 15.2hh. Was lightly trained as a 3 year old and then given another 30 days last fall with Chad VanHouten. Made great strides this year. Consider him green, but getting better every day. 
  7. 7. Morgan-Fresian 6 or 7 year old gelding. Standing about 15.1hh and filling out. Nice movements and loads of potential but currently not many buttons. Previous owner spent big money as a showing prospect and then turned attention elsewhere before investing in his training. Received a big scratch down his left side on his first day of camp and it appears to be staying. 
  8. 8. "Peep": Shesa Familytradition is a 9 year old APHA mare. She has been in the same camp since we purchased her two years ago. They said she can have some frisky days but is otherwise dependable. Very pretty. Approx 15hh.
  9. 9. "Sonne": Driftin Firefly SK is an 11 year old AQHA buckskin mare. Grand daughter of Yellow Cord. She is a really sweet mare that is gentle for the beginners. There is a video on our Facebook page of her with an 8 year old rider. Smart, pretty, broke and kind. Perfect lesson or 4H mare. Stands around 15hh.
  10. 10. "Cookie": Faceit Ima Cookie -10 year old AQHA mare with a wonderful temperament. Tall and good looking. Goes back to Zips Chocolate Chip and Zippos Mr Good Bar. Sells with a copy of her papers. Cut her right hind foot two years ago while working in Illinois. Seems to have healed fine. Went back to camp in Michigan this year and worked well as usual. About 15.1hh.
  11. 11. "Bonanza": Powered By Bonanza -21 year old AQHA gelding. Finished rope horse according to previous owner. We purchased him in the spring hoping he would work for camp, and he turned out being the camp favorite. The lesson kids enjoyed his rocking horse canter and responsive nature. PO said he can get hot in a box at rodeos, for what it's worth. Stands around 15.2hh. Perfect older gelding for 4H or aspiring rodeo cowboys/cowgirls. 
  12. 12. "Big Red": 17 years old cross-bred gelding. Has been in the same camp for many years. Pictures do not do justice to how big he really is. Can puff up on the ground, but turns to a puppy when you get the halter on. We've never actually rode him so we are relying on the fact that the camps keep having him back. Has to be 16hh.
  13. 13. "Scout": 14 year old grade cross-bred gelding. Super horse. Excellent disposition. Stocky build. Listens to his rider and takes care of them. Stands at 15hh. Big enough for large adults, and gentle enough for beginners. Perfect camp horse.
  14. 14. "Little Scout": 14 year old grade pony gelding. Has been in a few different camps and he found it hard to settle in. He rides off fine in a group, but isn't as confident riding out alone. Was rode by an 8 year old this summer on a few trail rides and he did fine. We can see why he might not work in camp with the little beginners, but he is pretty good for a confident beginner with a little supervision. Approx 13.1-13.2hh. 
  15. 15. Palomino Gaited Gelding: this gelding is 20 years old or more. He is an easy keeper and a smooth mover. Nice neck rein, lots of buttons. Very dependable ride for any beginner and up. Approx 15hh.
  16. 16. "Clifford": we absolutely love this gelding and so has camp. He's 18 or 19 years old and stands around 15.2hh. So gentle and easy to get along with. Gets along with all other horses. The perfect gentleman.
  17. 17. Paint Pony Mare: about 14 or 15 years old and standing 42 inches. This little pony works nice and is a good looker too. 
  18. 18. "Frost": 5 year old grade app gelding. Wade purchased this horse as a unbroke 3 year old and sent him to Chad VanHouten for 60 days of riding. Frost came back a completely different horse. He's respectful and very pleasant to ride. Has moved cattle at the stockyard and spent all summer at camp. Ridden exclusively by counselors this year as he's not ready for the little kids yet. One of our favorites even though he's not the easiest to catch sometimes. He might be 15.1hh. Great trail horse.
  19. 19. "Buster": we got this Percheron Cross-bred this summer with intentions to get him riding and have him for camp next year. Previous owner said he is broke to all farm equipment for driving. Doesn't appear like he's ever been ridden. Had a crack on his hind left foot when we got him. Looks like it's grown back together fine.
  20. 20. "Ariel": Badgers Nifty Xera is a 10 year old AQHA mare. She's not big, but she is BROKE. Probably the handiest horse we have. We've moved cattle at the yard with her, trail rode, used for E-team, and been great at camp too.  Previous owner re-connected with us and shared how much time she had spent breaking her with Phil Oakes. No marish attitude. Lots of try. Cowy. This mare is the real deal! One of our favorites. 
  21. 21. "Twig": gaited gelding that's probably 16 years old.  Stands 15.3. Probably the smoothest horse of the sale. Very gentle. Looks like a Tennessee Walker to us. 
  22. 22. "Jet": looks to be around 15 years old. We thought we had some registration papers for him, but if we did..we lost them. This nice gelding has always been a little forward, but easy to handle. A very fun ride. We have had him in camp every year we've owned him and he's always been asked for back.
  23. 23. "Diva": Certainly A Diva -12 year old double registered mare. AQHA and IBHA. Katie owned this mare and used her for 4H for a couple years. This was her first year in camp and they really liked her. She has show potential and pretty movements. Sweet mare but has painful ovulation cycles. Camp moved her out of a stall and into a round pen when she was in heat to help her out. Approx 14.3hh, maybe 15hh.
  24. 24. "Bullseye": 16 or 17 year old gelding standing 16hh. Big horse that has been asked back at the same camp for the last few seasons since we have owned him. Been used to carry the bigger campers.
  25. 25. "Mocha": we traded for this mare when she was 6 years old. She had been in a "high dollar" boarding facility near Holly, MI. When we first got her she didn't act like she had been out of an arena. She's been used for trail rides at the first camp she was at, and this last camp gave lessons and trail rides with her. She's now about 13 years old. She cribs, but keeps weight on. About 14.3hh, maybe 15hh.
  26. 26. "Patsy": lovely little paint mare standing about 13.2hh. She's probably 20 years old and really takes care of her rider. Easy keeper. Gets along with the other horses. Excellent kids horse.
  27. 27. "Daisy": 6 year old grade mare standing around 14.1hh. We were told that she was shown in 4H, but she doesn't act like it. Pretty green, but tries to get along. Was used at camp this year and got better as the year went along. She could have a bright future in the right hands.
  28. 28. "Molly": spoiled little pony mare that is just 8 years old. Has a ton of potential and would benefit from 30 days in the Pony Challenge. She went to camp the last 2 years, and gave rides to kids, but they had to watch her. She has spells where she tries to get away with being bad. With a little correction she goes right back to work. A great little pony that can be very valuable with the right rider. Probably 50 inches tall.
  29. 29. "Cash": we purchased him last fall as a 5 year old. He looks a lot closer to 3 years old to us. Went to camp this summer and they loved him. Can be a little lazy, but we attributed that to being young. Previous owner said he's haflinger-morab cross. Around 13.1hh. Likes to be the boss in the pasture.
  30. 30. "Gary": big red gelding about 16 years old. We have had him for 10-12 years now, and he's been in the same camp the whole time. Pictures don't show how big he really is. Probably 16hh. Was registered but we don't have the papers. Originally from South Boardman area.
  31. 31. "Cinnabon": 17 year old grade mare. Nice riding horse. Got a saddle sore on her this year and wasn't used for most of the season. Ride her bareback, or wait for it to heal. Has been at the same camp since we've had her. 
  32. 32. "Thrasher": not sure but his name might have been Slayer. Either way, it doesn't fit him. He's a big gelding that has a nice mindset. Has been in the same camp for many years. About 15.2hh and 18 years old. Easy keeper.
  33. 33. "Larry": we got this gelding out of Wisconsin two winters ago. This horse really has a lot of buttons that we never use. Lopes in small circles and really knows what he's doing. We've had him in the same camp for both years and he's been great. He's around 17 years old and stands 15.1hh or so.
  34. 34. "Jughead": he got his name from a goiter under his jowel. It's been there since way before we owned him. Nice and steady for camp. Has been to the same one for many years. He's around 17 years old and stands 15.2hh.
  35. 35. Dunn mare approx 20 years old. We bought her with Patsy and they've both been the perfect camp horses. Sweet, gentle and good for kids. Previous showing or 4H experience according to previous owner.
  36. 36. Haflinger gelding approx 20 years old or more. Easy keeper. Aubrey rode him after camp. She found him to be a little pushy but she had him in a hackamore and he wasn't responding to it very well. He followed our group on the trail fine, but wasn't sure what she wanted when asked to ride out alone. A better bit would suit him. Gentle as can be. 52" tall. Been at the same camp for multiple seasons.
  37. 37. "Captain": Captainswisperinghawk- 20 year old registered APHA gelding. Morgan rode this gelding for several years in high school equestrian team, as well as 4H. He was also used for the SPUR program held at Cow Camp which focuses on teaching rodeo events to special needs individuals. He'll be hard for us to part with. Stands around 14.3hh
  38. 38. "Twister": Double Roan Bar was his registered name. He's 21 years old. We received a copy of his papers and a transfer at one time. We've lost some of that paperwork. We've had him for a couple years and he has been the perfect kids camp horse. This year camp shared a story of a frightened girl who refused to ride a horse until she met Twister. She trusted him, and he took care of her. Excellent beginner horse. Stands about 15hh.
  39. 39. "Stick": 16 year old gelding. Walk-Trot-Canter but he prefers to just walk and trot. He was used as a pack horse in Arizona for a few years before making it to us. We've only used him at camp and they've goten along really good with him. Gets along fine with other horses. Great trail horse. 15.1hh
  40. 40. "Sue": we have had this mare for about 4 years. She's been in camp and requested back each year. Can be bossy to the other horses. Easy keeper. She's 14 years old and around 14.2hh.
  41. 41. "Bud": grade gelding about 14 years old and standing 14.2hh. We got him from a girl on the east side of the state, and put him in camp immediately. He's been requested back each year. Easy to catch and handle in our herd.
  42. 42. "Lacey": Sunny Satin Ann Lace -15 year old AQHA mare. Grandson of Sonny Dee Bar. Around 15hh tall. We aren't sure how we acquired her, but we are glad we did. She's been a great camp horse.
  43. 43. "Blackie": 20 year old grade mare pony. Stands around 13.2hh. Great little kids lesson horse. Has been in the same camp for many years. Easy keeper.
  44. 44. Grade Dunn mare about 12 years old. Stands 15hh. This mare is really broke with a good neck rein. We walked around a barrel pattern and she seemed to understand what it was about. She can toss her head if she's falling behind the group. Rides good alone. Good handles on her. 
  45. 45. Grade chestnut mare about 13 years old.  Stands approx 13.3hh. We aren't sure where she came from, or her back story. She has been at the same camp for a few years and they request her back. She's easy for us to handle when catching, loading, etc.
  46. 46. "Eleven": we tossed around the idea of calling her "Lucky", but settled on 11 because she has one eye and one ear. This mare is really broke well, and smooth to ride. Can be a little forward, but nothing an intermediate rider can't control. She's 20 years old at least. Has been an easy keeper for us. Stands 15hh. Always has to be around you when you go out in the pasture.
  47. 47. "S29": 20 year old grade mare with a brand on her left shoulder. Has been to two different camps for us, including a new one that had beginner beginners. She has been requested back everywhere she's gone. Pretty good sized at 15.1hh.
  48. 48. "Rosie": big, gentle cross bred mare about 18 years old. Stands 15.2hh. Standardbred-Percheron cross. Has been hooked to every piece of farm equipment at her previous Amish home. Has been in our string for two years and is loved by the camps.
  49. 49. "Cowboy": 14 year old gelding was registered at one time, and previously used as a pony horse at a race track in the midwest. 15.1hh. Nice broke horse.
  50. 50. "Maddy": little cross bred paint mare that we've had for a long time. The camp she attends had a riding staff member that grew up and learned how to ride on her. She's over 20 years old but has a lot left to teach kids. She's perfect sized at 13.1hh.
  51. 51. "June": 6 year old cross bred roan mare. Smooth ride, sensible mare, lots of Amish training...but still learning how to take care of kids. She's about 13.1hh. Nice neck rein. She isn't beginner ready, but she is well on her way. Smart mare. Can be a little tricky to catch, but settles down once the halter is on. We've had her a couple years and she has attended camp both years. They used her mostly for lead line for young riders, but turned experienced riders and staff loose with her.
  52. 52. Blue roan grade mare, 20 years old at least. She doesn't have a lot of buttons but she walks right on down the trail with others. Video on our Facebook page shows her following along like she's supposed to.
  53. 53. "Lillo": Black Ty Topsail is a 10 year old APHA registered buckskin mare. Super sweet personality. Is sometimes sore in the front. She seems kind of tight in her shoulder area. She got foot sore at a camp in Illinois and they did not treat her properly. She came back after the season and her feet bothered her. We treated her, but she still isn't 100%. Dr. Michelin was unable to determine an obvious issue. She was at camp this summer and they used her in between her bouts of soreness. They took good care of her and used her for smaller riders in lessons. Easy to catch. Around 14.3-15hh. Beautiful mare.   
  54. 54. "Katie": 20 year old app mare. Extensive 4H and show experience. About 15hh. Camp gets along great with her. She can be a bit of a hard keeper so we give her oats in the winter. 
  55. 55. Grade bay mare probably in her late teens. Has a big knee on her right front. Is not lame on it that we have noticed. Has been in the same camp for years and they depend on her for their younger riders. Katie rode her a couple years ago on the trail. She did great in just a halter and lead rope. 14.3hh
  56. 56. "Jackson": 10 year old grade gelding. We bought him about 7 years ago from a friend who was moving west. He had barely been started. We put a few rides on him and sent him to camp. He has bounced around a few camps through no fault of his own. He's always rented and lasted the year. He has a naturally gentle nature which is why he worked at such a young age. Ed's daughter used him for one year and Ed spent considerable time working him. Really good minded gelding, that's never had a ton of training. Stands close to 15hh.   
  57. 57. Grade grey mare that came from a family over east. She's about 12 years old and 14.3hh. Easy keeper. Was trained by a young girl before we got her. Had trouble staying in camp the first couple years but started catching on lately. Had a great year at camp this year where they depended on her much more than they had in the past. This mare has settled in and been one of our better ones.
  58. 58. "Ghost": 13 year old cremello mare. Stands 14.3hh. Bit of a boss mare at times, but camps have gotten along good with her. Can use a firm hand at times. Gets along good in the pasture and has always been easy to catch.
  59. 59. Grade grey gelding. Ed bought this horse several years ago and he has went to camp and worked each year. The first couple of years were not as dependable as the last few have been. He has settled in nicely. He's 18 years old and 15hh.
  60. 60. Watch-Eye bay and white paint mare. This big bodied mare is a babysitter. She's at least 20 years old and stands around 15.1hh. We've used her the last couple years and found her to work good. Easy keeper.
  61. 61. "BB": 17 or 18 year old cross-bred mare. Little strong but camp has always asked for her back. This past year we had to use her in a different camp and they really liked her. They had a hard time saying goodbye. Easy keeper.
  62. 62."Pancake": we don't recall her name, but she looks similar to a mare we had that was named waffle. She's 19 or maybe 20 years old and we've had her for a number of years. Stands 15hh. Easy to catch, good with the other horses.
  63. 63. "Bubbles": daughter of "Willow" and they were purchased together. Leon got these two for use a number of years ago. They've both worked great in our camps. Always been an easy keeper. Around 20 years old, and standing 15hh.
  64. 64. Grade grey mare. We've had this mare for a number of years after purchasing her with a large group in Illinois. She wasn't the easiest to have for a couple of years but has since settled in well. She's 14 years old and 15hh. Stocky and well made. Easy keeper, and easy to handle.
  65. 65. Grade grey mare with a brand on her left shoulder. She's 19 years old. Easy to get along with. Been in the same camp for several years. 15hh
  66. 66. "Spirit": 16-17 year old buckskin gelding. He came from a family in Wisconsin 5-6 years ago. After getting him home he immediately lost his right eye to unknown circumstances. It took a couple years for him adjust, but once he did he's been in the same camp and worked well. 15.1hh
  67. 67. "Happy": 20 plus year old app mare. Stands 14.2 or 14.3. Perfect little camp horse for us and we've had her a long time. She will crib, on anything, especially her lead rope. She loves to untie herself while sucking air. Always been an easy keeper.
  68. 68. "Willow": mother to Bubbles. Over 20 years old and started showing her age the last couple years. We put her in a slower camp this year and she got along fine. Camp said she can be a little grumpy but she tolerated the kids and took care of them. 14.3hh
  69. 69. Grade paint mare about 18 years old. We've had this mare a number of years. She came with #59 at the same time. They both were trouble makers for a couple years and have since settled in. Worked at a camp that wasn't afraid to reject a horse that didn't work. Very pretty.
  70. 70. "Johnnie": also known as "Cash" but we already had one named that. Well broke gelding, easy neckrein. Point him in a direction and ride right off. Has a good lope and smooth trot. Coggins from last year says he should be 14 years old, but we believe he's closer to 17. Stands 15.1. Nice gelding for about anyone.
  71. 71. Grade paint mare, aged. We got her last year as a last minute substitute and ended up keeping her because she worked so nice. She's not big, only about 14.2hh. Worked well at a camp that has predominantly beginner riders.
  72. 72. "Scotty": red roan gelding, around 18 years old and standing 15.1hh. This gelding is really broke but he can be cinchy. Snug his girth and walk him a few steps to get his mind right. Had a few bouts of sore feet during this camping season. Camp said they had to give him periodic rest before using him in lessons. 
  73. 73. "Tiffy2": this pony is the reincarnation of one of our all-time greats that was named Tiffany. Tiffany had some tough moments when we first acquired her but ended up being incredible. This pony has all the same traits and looks identical. She will need a patient owner, and a persistent little rider to get her settled in. She's just 10 years old and has a lot of life. She punctured her shoulder this summer after she was expelled from camp. We got her sewed up and it has healed nicely.
  74. 74. "Hank": this 5 year old gelding has an extremely bright future. He was originally purchased by a family in Iowa to be a roping horse. They didn't realize how green he was so they moved on from him. We were lucky to scoop him up. He's got the perfect mindset to be a kids horse for a long time. He could use some more training to build confidence but as a walk-trot trail horse you won't find one with a better suited mindset. 14.3hh
  75. 75. "Sis": we acquired this mare when we bought out a large riding stable downstate about 8-9 years ago. She's a wonderful mare that has been training kids for many years. She'll be over 20 years old and 15.1hh. Great mare for a beginner.
  76. 76. "Vicky": Zippos Red Roan-20 year old AQHA mare. 14.3hh. Good riding mare. Sweet personality. Worked at a camp that had small beginners and did mostly trail riding.
  77. 77. Grade bay quarter pony gelding. About 18 years old. Perfect size, perfect temperament. Easy keeper, easy to handle. Awesome little horse. Stands 14hh.
  78. 78. Grade paint mare. 18 years old and 15.1-15.2hh. Well broke mare that rides up on the bit, and is strong. She'll be too much for a kid, but an adult or confident intermediate rider will have fun with her. She can cover the ground.
  79. 79. Small grade chestnut gelding. We seem to recall getting a set of papers with him, but they must be lost, or didn't exist. He's 17 or 18 years old and 14.2-14.3hh. This gelding does what he's supposed to at camp.  We never hear anything bad about him...or anything good for that matter. About mid-way through the winter he'll start losing weight on just a hay diet. We bring him out of the pasture and supplement him with oats and he blooms right back up. He's done the same thing every year we've owned him. Sweet personality. Always one that walks up to you in the pasture.
  80. 80. Aged gaited gelding. Around 20 years old, and 14.2hh. Lower on the pecking order in the herd. We usually have to sort him out quick when gathering because he's always in the wrong place at the wrong time. Really kind gelding that moves smooth. Camp likes him for the littlest kids. Can be a hard keeper but we've only ever had to supplement him a time or two.
  81. 81. "ShadowFax": branded white gelding. Not sure where the name came from. Has been in the same camp for many years. Started showing his age a little the last year or two. We've only ever given him dry hay. 20 plus years old and 15hh. Occasionally will develop a lump on his left rear knee.
  82. 82. "Misty": an older mare that is easy keeping. Always looks nice. Probably over 20 years old.  Stands 15hh. Was at the same camp for many years until we needed her in another camp for beginners. 
  83. 83. Black and white paint gelding. Early teens, somewhere between 13 and 15 years old. We've only had him for two years and he's been in the same camp both of those seasons. 14hh or so.
  84. 84. "Redford": 15.2hh gelding thats about 15 years old. His right knee has acquired some deposits on it that have slowed him down. He's been a fixture at one camp for several years and he's one of their favorites. They did say that he has a good sense of who he's with and he'll nip people he doesn't like. Camp has always been ok with it because they're not fond of the people he has nipped. They've reduced him to just giving lessons to smaller riders. 
  85. 85. "Hatter": 20 year old medicine hat paint gelding. 15.2hh. One of our better kids horses because he's slow and easy. One front knee will swell on occasion. After a few days it has gone down and he's put back in service.
  86. 86. Standardbred Mare: We've never ran her tattoo, but she appears to be over 20 years old. She's been at the same camp for several years. She seems to get along with the other horses and has never been hard to catch.
  87. 87. Game Seven Winner -20 year old AQHA gelding. We do not know much about him other than this was his first year at camp and the got along fine with him. He did bump his left eye and cause an injury. Camp treated it but it appears he may have lost some vision. He may need some continued treatment. Tall gelding that's easy to handle. Probably stands 15.2hh.                                                                                                                                               Tex Tan show saddle-Longhorn 15"-Simco and Big Horn Cordura-Silver Royal 15"-Santa Fe youth saddle-bridles-halters-pads-blankets

Western and English Riding -Registered and Grade -All Colors and Breeds 

Some With Exceptional Abilities and Ranching Backgrounds

Good Dispositions - Gentle to Handle - Easy Keepers




Contact Wade Leist for further questions at 231-330-1042

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NORTH BAY HORSE COMPANY DISPERSAL - large amount of quiet riding horses
 Live Auction w/Online Bidding
Auction Date(s)
Saturday Sep 10, 2022 Completed
Auction Location

Gaylord, MI 49735
Leist Auctioneers

Contact: Frank Leist
Phone: 1-833-323-2BID

Listing Terms and Conditions
*Cash, Check and Credit Card are accepted methods of payment. Credit Card transactions will incur a 3% transaction fee. *Sales tax will be applicable. *All horses are sold AS-IS with no guarantees. NBH Co. LLC has owned most of these horses for several years and will disclose any known characteristics which may affect value. Owners and Agents of NBH Co. LLC do not regularly ride or interact with the stock as they are leased to camps. Much of the information regarding the horses has been relayed by a third party from the lease agreement. *All bids are final. Do not bid if you cannot pay for the horse. *Online bidders must be approved through Leist Auctioneers or Northern Michigan Livestock *Ages of non-registered stock will be estimated based upon information and belief of the seller, and/or the qualified opinion of the veterinarian completing a coggins test.



After 4 generations in the business of leasing horses, North Bay Horse Co., LLC has made the decision to cease their leasing operation and offer their string of horses, saddles and various tack at auction. Beginning with Charles "Pappy" Leist and continuing with Frank Leist Sr., Frank Leist Jr. and ending with Wade Leist, the business of renting horses was a hallmark of the family for over 60 years. This group of horses will range in age from 3 to over 20 years old, with generally pleasing dispositions and a variety of disciplines.

*Note: we ended up with 87 horses for this sale. There were 2-3 that our kids decided they wanted to keep for their enjoyment, and 3-4 that we will keep and put into retirement. 

Dr. Michelin completed coggins tests on September 1st. We relied upon her judgement, and our experience to determine the ages on our grade horses. These horses are in good condition after returning from camp. We noted any soundness issues that we were previously aware of, noticed while testing, or were advised of by camp staff. 


  1. 1. "Quinn": Peppys Poco Hancock- registered 5 year old AQHA gelding with a right hip brand. This gelding came out of SD as a 3 year old. He's green, but can be handy and quick. Grandson of Smart Little Lena and going back to Freckles Playboy. Approx 14.2hh. Has worked cattle at the stockyards.
  2. 2. "Dottie": 17 year old grade appaloosa mare. Good for confident beginners on up. More potential than what she has been used for. Approx 15hh.
  3. 3. "PG-13": 15 year old bay and white paint gelding. Been at the same camp for several years. Approx 15hh.
  4. 4. "Annie" or "E-D": Zans Cowgirl Parr T- registered 14 year old AQHA mare with a left hip brand. We traded for this mare several years ago. She's been to a few camps and settled in nicely at the last one. Approx 15.1hh. 
  5. 5. "Buzz": 13 year old quarter pony gelding standing about 51inches. He came out of Illinois a few years ago and was kind of spunky. Has settled in nicely at the same camp for 5-6 years now. Easy keeper.
  6. 6. "Jedi": 6 year old grade app gelding, standing 15.2hh. Was lightly trained as a 3 year old and then given another 30 days last fall with Chad VanHouten. Made great strides this year. Consider him green, but getting better every day. 
  7. 7. Morgan-Fresian 6 or 7 year old gelding. Standing about 15.1hh and filling out. Nice movements and loads of potential but currently not many buttons. Previous owner spent big money as a showing prospect and then turned attention elsewhere before investing in his training. Received a big scratch down his left side on his first day of camp and it appears to be staying. 
  8. 8. "Peep": Shesa Familytradition is a 9 year old APHA mare. She has been in the same camp since we purchased her two years ago. They said she can have some frisky days but is otherwise dependable. Very pretty. Approx 15hh.
  9. 9. "Sonne": Driftin Firefly SK is an 11 year old AQHA buckskin mare. Grand daughter of Yellow Cord. She is a really sweet mare that is gentle for the beginners. There is a video on our Facebook page of her with an 8 year old rider. Smart, pretty, broke and kind. Perfect lesson or 4H mare. Stands around 15hh.
  10. 10. "Cookie": Faceit Ima Cookie -10 year old AQHA mare with a wonderful temperament. Tall and good looking. Goes back to Zips Chocolate Chip and Zippos Mr Good Bar. Sells with a copy of her papers. Cut her right hind foot two years ago while working in Illinois. Seems to have healed fine. Went back to camp in Michigan this year and worked well as usual. About 15.1hh.
  11. 11. "Bonanza": Powered By Bonanza -21 year old AQHA gelding. Finished rope horse according to previous owner. We purchased him in the spring hoping he would work for camp, and he turned out being the camp favorite. The lesson kids enjoyed his rocking horse canter and responsive nature. PO said he can get hot in a box at rodeos, for what it's worth. Stands around 15.2hh. Perfect older gelding for 4H or aspiring rodeo cowboys/cowgirls. 
  12. 12. "Big Red": 17 years old cross-bred gelding. Has been in the same camp for many years. Pictures do not do justice to how big he really is. Can puff up on the ground, but turns to a puppy when you get the halter on. We've never actually rode him so we are relying on the fact that the camps keep having him back. Has to be 16hh.
  13. 13. "Scout": 14 year old grade cross-bred gelding. Super horse. Excellent disposition. Stocky build. Listens to his rider and takes care of them. Stands at 15hh. Big enough for large adults, and gentle enough for beginners. Perfect camp horse.
  14. 14. "Little Scout": 14 year old grade pony gelding. Has been in a few different camps and he found it hard to settle in. He rides off fine in a group, but isn't as confident riding out alone. Was rode by an 8 year old this summer on a few trail rides and he did fine. We can see why he might not work in camp with the little beginners, but he is pretty good for a confident beginner with a little supervision. Approx 13.1-13.2hh. 
  15. 15. Palomino Gaited Gelding: this gelding is 20 years old or more. He is an easy keeper and a smooth mover. Nice neck rein, lots of buttons. Very dependable ride for any beginner and up. Approx 15hh.
  16. 16. "Clifford": we absolutely love this gelding and so has camp. He's 18 or 19 years old and stands around 15.2hh. So gentle and easy to get along with. Gets along with all other horses. The perfect gentleman.
  17. 17. Paint Pony Mare: about 14 or 15 years old and standing 42 inches. This little pony works nice and is a good looker too. 
  18. 18. "Frost": 5 year old grade app gelding. Wade purchased this horse as a unbroke 3 year old and sent him to Chad VanHouten for 60 days of riding. Frost came back a completely different horse. He's respectful and very pleasant to ride. Has moved cattle at the stockyard and spent all summer at camp. Ridden exclusively by counselors this year as he's not ready for the little kids yet. One of our favorites even though he's not the easiest to catch sometimes. He might be 15.1hh. Great trail horse.
  19. 19. "Buster": we got this Percheron Cross-bred this summer with intentions to get him riding and have him for camp next year. Previous owner said he is broke to all farm equipment for driving. Doesn't appear like he's ever been ridden. Had a crack on his hind left foot when we got him. Looks like it's grown back together fine.
  20. 20. "Ariel": Badgers Nifty Xera is a 10 year old AQHA mare. She's not big, but she is BROKE. Probably the handiest horse we have. We've moved cattle at the yard with her, trail rode, used for E-team, and been great at camp too.  Previous owner re-connected with us and shared how much time she had spent breaking her with Phil Oakes. No marish attitude. Lots of try. Cowy. This mare is the real deal! One of our favorites. 
  21. 21. "Twig": gaited gelding that's probably 16 years old.  Stands 15.3. Probably the smoothest horse of the sale. Very gentle. Looks like a Tennessee Walker to us. 
  22. 22. "Jet": looks to be around 15 years old. We thought we had some registration papers for him, but if we did..we lost them. This nice gelding has always been a little forward, but easy to handle. A very fun ride. We have had him in camp every year we've owned him and he's always been asked for back.
  23. 23. "Diva": Certainly A Diva -12 year old double registered mare. AQHA and IBHA. Katie owned this mare and used her for 4H for a couple years. This was her first year in camp and they really liked her. She has show potential and pretty movements. Sweet mare but has painful ovulation cycles. Camp moved her out of a stall and into a round pen when she was in heat to help her out. Approx 14.3hh, maybe 15hh.
  24. 24. "Bullseye": 16 or 17 year old gelding standing 16hh. Big horse that has been asked back at the same camp for the last few seasons since we have owned him. Been used to carry the bigger campers.
  25. 25. "Mocha": we traded for this mare when she was 6 years old. She had been in a "high dollar" boarding facility near Holly, MI. When we first got her she didn't act like she had been out of an arena. She's been used for trail rides at the first camp she was at, and this last camp gave lessons and trail rides with her. She's now about 13 years old. She cribs, but keeps weight on. About 14.3hh, maybe 15hh.
  26. 26. "Patsy": lovely little paint mare standing about 13.2hh. She's probably 20 years old and really takes care of her rider. Easy keeper. Gets along with the other horses. Excellent kids horse.
  27. 27. "Daisy": 6 year old grade mare standing around 14.1hh. We were told that she was shown in 4H, but she doesn't act like it. Pretty green, but tries to get along. Was used at camp this year and got better as the year went along. She could have a bright future in the right hands.
  28. 28. "Molly": spoiled little pony mare that is just 8 years old. Has a ton of potential and would benefit from 30 days in the Pony Challenge. She went to camp the last 2 years, and gave rides to kids, but they had to watch her. She has spells where she tries to get away with being bad. With a little correction she goes right back to work. A great little pony that can be very valuable with the right rider. Probably 50 inches tall.
  29. 29. "Cash": we purchased him last fall as a 5 year old. He looks a lot closer to 3 years old to us. Went to camp this summer and they loved him. Can be a little lazy, but we attributed that to being young. Previous owner said he's haflinger-morab cross. Around 13.1hh. Likes to be the boss in the pasture.
  30. 30. "Gary": big red gelding about 16 years old. We have had him for 10-12 years now, and he's been in the same camp the whole time. Pictures don't show how big he really is. Probably 16hh. Was registered but we don't have the papers. Originally from South Boardman area.
  31. 31. "Cinnabon": 17 year old grade mare. Nice riding horse. Got a saddle sore on her this year and wasn't used for most of the season. Ride her bareback, or wait for it to heal. Has been at the same camp since we've had her. 
  32. 32. "Thrasher": not sure but his name might have been Slayer. Either way, it doesn't fit him. He's a big gelding that has a nice mindset. Has been in the same camp for many years. About 15.2hh and 18 years old. Easy keeper.
  33. 33. "Larry": we got this gelding out of Wisconsin two winters ago. This horse really has a lot of buttons that we never use. Lopes in small circles and really knows what he's doing. We've had him in the same camp for both years and he's been great. He's around 17 years old and stands 15.1hh or so.
  34. 34. "Jughead": he got his name from a goiter under his jowel. It's been there since way before we owned him. Nice and steady for camp. Has been to the same one for many years. He's around 17 years old and stands 15.2hh.
  35. 35. Dunn mare approx 20 years old. We bought her with Patsy and they've both been the perfect camp horses. Sweet, gentle and good for kids. Previous showing or 4H experience according to previous owner.
  36. 36. Haflinger gelding approx 20 years old or more. Easy keeper. Aubrey rode him after camp. She found him to be a little pushy but she had him in a hackamore and he wasn't responding to it very well. He followed our group on the trail fine, but wasn't sure what she wanted when asked to ride out alone. A better bit would suit him. Gentle as can be. 52" tall. Been at the same camp for multiple seasons.
  37. 37. "Captain": Captainswisperinghawk- 20 year old registered APHA gelding. Morgan rode this gelding for several years in high school equestrian team, as well as 4H. He was also used for the SPUR program held at Cow Camp which focuses on teaching rodeo events to special needs individuals. He'll be hard for us to part with. Stands around 14.3hh
  38. 38. "Twister": Double Roan Bar was his registered name. He's 21 years old. We received a copy of his papers and a transfer at one time. We've lost some of that paperwork. We've had him for a couple years and he has been the perfect kids camp horse. This year camp shared a story of a frightened girl who refused to ride a horse until she met Twister. She trusted him, and he took care of her. Excellent beginner horse. Stands about 15hh.
  39. 39. "Stick": 16 year old gelding. Walk-Trot-Canter but he prefers to just walk and trot. He was used as a pack horse in Arizona for a few years before making it to us. We've only used him at camp and they've goten along really good with him. Gets along fine with other horses. Great trail horse. 15.1hh
  40. 40. "Sue": we have had this mare for about 4 years. She's been in camp and requested back each year. Can be bossy to the other horses. Easy keeper. She's 14 years old and around 14.2hh.
  41. 41. "Bud": grade gelding about 14 years old and standing 14.2hh. We got him from a girl on the east side of the state, and put him in camp immediately. He's been requested back each year. Easy to catch and handle in our herd.
  42. 42. "Lacey": Sunny Satin Ann Lace -15 year old AQHA mare. Grandson of Sonny Dee Bar. Around 15hh tall. We aren't sure how we acquired her, but we are glad we did. She's been a great camp horse.
  43. 43. "Blackie": 20 year old grade mare pony. Stands around 13.2hh. Great little kids lesson horse. Has been in the same camp for many years. Easy keeper.
  44. 44. Grade Dunn mare about 12 years old. Stands 15hh. This mare is really broke with a good neck rein. We walked around a barrel pattern and she seemed to understand what it was about. She can toss her head if she's falling behind the group. Rides good alone. Good handles on her. 
  45. 45. Grade chestnut mare about 13 years old.  Stands approx 13.3hh. We aren't sure where she came from, or her back story. She has been at the same camp for a few years and they request her back. She's easy for us to handle when catching, loading, etc.
  46. 46. "Eleven": we tossed around the idea of calling her "Lucky", but settled on 11 because she has one eye and one ear. This mare is really broke well, and smooth to ride. Can be a little forward, but nothing an intermediate rider can't control. She's 20 years old at least. Has been an easy keeper for us. Stands 15hh. Always has to be around you when you go out in the pasture.
  47. 47. "S29": 20 year old grade mare with a brand on her left shoulder. Has been to two different camps for us, including a new one that had beginner beginners. She has been requested back everywhere she's gone. Pretty good sized at 15.1hh.
  48. 48. "Rosie": big, gentle cross bred mare about 18 years old. Stands 15.2hh. Standardbred-Percheron cross. Has been hooked to every piece of farm equipment at her previous Amish home. Has been in our string for two years and is loved by the camps.
  49. 49. "Cowboy": 14 year old gelding was registered at one time, and previously used as a pony horse at a race track in the midwest. 15.1hh. Nice broke horse.
  50. 50. "Maddy": little cross bred paint mare that we've had for a long time. The camp she attends had a riding staff member that grew up and learned how to ride on her. She's over 20 years old but has a lot left to teach kids. She's perfect sized at 13.1hh.
  51. 51. "June": 6 year old cross bred roan mare. Smooth ride, sensible mare, lots of Amish training...but still learning how to take care of kids. She's about 13.1hh. Nice neck rein. She isn't beginner ready, but she is well on her way. Smart mare. Can be a little tricky to catch, but settles down once the halter is on. We've had her a couple years and she has attended camp both years. They used her mostly for lead line for young riders, but turned experienced riders and staff loose with her.
  52. 52. Blue roan grade mare, 20 years old at least. She doesn't have a lot of buttons but she walks right on down the trail with others. Video on our Facebook page shows her following along like she's supposed to.
  53. 53. "Lillo": Black Ty Topsail is a 10 year old APHA registered buckskin mare. Super sweet personality. Is sometimes sore in the front. She seems kind of tight in her shoulder area. She got foot sore at a camp in Illinois and they did not treat her properly. She came back after the season and her feet bothered her. We treated her, but she still isn't 100%. Dr. Michelin was unable to determine an obvious issue. She was at camp this summer and they used her in between her bouts of soreness. They took good care of her and used her for smaller riders in lessons. Easy to catch. Around 14.3-15hh. Beautiful mare.   
  54. 54. "Katie": 20 year old app mare. Extensive 4H and show experience. About 15hh. Camp gets along great with her. She can be a bit of a hard keeper so we give her oats in the winter. 
  55. 55. Grade bay mare probably in her late teens. Has a big knee on her right front. Is not lame on it that we have noticed. Has been in the same camp for years and they depend on her for their younger riders. Katie rode her a couple years ago on the trail. She did great in just a halter and lead rope. 14.3hh
  56. 56. "Jackson": 10 year old grade gelding. We bought him about 7 years ago from a friend who was moving west. He had barely been started. We put a few rides on him and sent him to camp. He has bounced around a few camps through no fault of his own. He's always rented and lasted the year. He has a naturally gentle nature which is why he worked at such a young age. Ed's daughter used him for one year and Ed spent considerable time working him. Really good minded gelding, that's never had a ton of training. Stands close to 15hh.   
  57. 57. Grade grey mare that came from a family over east. She's about 12 years old and 14.3hh. Easy keeper. Was trained by a young girl before we got her. Had trouble staying in camp the first couple years but started catching on lately. Had a great year at camp this year where they depended on her much more than they had in the past. This mare has settled in and been one of our better ones.
  58. 58. "Ghost": 13 year old cremello mare. Stands 14.3hh. Bit of a boss mare at times, but camps have gotten along good with her. Can use a firm hand at times. Gets along good in the pasture and has always been easy to catch.
  59. 59. Grade grey gelding. Ed bought this horse several years ago and he has went to camp and worked each year. The first couple of years were not as dependable as the last few have been. He has settled in nicely. He's 18 years old and 15hh.
  60. 60. Watch-Eye bay and white paint mare. This big bodied mare is a babysitter. She's at least 20 years old and stands around 15.1hh. We've used her the last couple years and found her to work good. Easy keeper.
  61. 61. "BB": 17 or 18 year old cross-bred mare. Little strong but camp has always asked for her back. This past year we had to use her in a different camp and they really liked her. They had a hard time saying goodbye. Easy keeper.
  62. 62."Pancake": we don't recall her name, but she looks similar to a mare we had that was named waffle. She's 19 or maybe 20 years old and we've had her for a number of years. Stands 15hh. Easy to catch, good with the other horses.
  63. 63. "Bubbles": daughter of "Willow" and they were purchased together. Leon got these two for use a number of years ago. They've both worked great in our camps. Always been an easy keeper. Around 20 years old, and standing 15hh.
  64. 64. Grade grey mare. We've had this mare for a number of years after purchasing her with a large group in Illinois. She wasn't the easiest to have for a couple of years but has since settled in well. She's 14 years old and 15hh. Stocky and well made. Easy keeper, and easy to handle.
  65. 65. Grade grey mare with a brand on her left shoulder. She's 19 years old. Easy to get along with. Been in the same camp for several years. 15hh
  66. 66. "Spirit": 16-17 year old buckskin gelding. He came from a family in Wisconsin 5-6 years ago. After getting him home he immediately lost his right eye to unknown circumstances. It took a couple years for him adjust, but once he did he's been in the same camp and worked well. 15.1hh
  67. 67. "Happy": 20 plus year old app mare. Stands 14.2 or 14.3. Perfect little camp horse for us and we've had her a long time. She will crib, on anything, especially her lead rope. She loves to untie herself while sucking air. Always been an easy keeper.
  68. 68. "Willow": mother to Bubbles. Over 20 years old and started showing her age the last couple years. We put her in a slower camp this year and she got along fine. Camp said she can be a little grumpy but she tolerated the kids and took care of them. 14.3hh
  69. 69. Grade paint mare about 18 years old. We've had this mare a number of years. She came with #59 at the same time. They both were trouble makers for a couple years and have since settled in. Worked at a camp that wasn't afraid to reject a horse that didn't work. Very pretty.
  70. 70. "Johnnie": also known as "Cash" but we already had one named that. Well broke gelding, easy neckrein. Point him in a direction and ride right off. Has a good lope and smooth trot. Coggins from last year says he should be 14 years old, but we believe he's closer to 17. Stands 15.1. Nice gelding for about anyone.
  71. 71. Grade paint mare, aged. We got her last year as a last minute substitute and ended up keeping her because she worked so nice. She's not big, only about 14.2hh. Worked well at a camp that has predominantly beginner riders.
  72. 72. "Scotty": red roan gelding, around 18 years old and standing 15.1hh. This gelding is really broke but he can be cinchy. Snug his girth and walk him a few steps to get his mind right. Had a few bouts of sore feet during this camping season. Camp said they had to give him periodic rest before using him in lessons. 
  73. 73. "Tiffy2": this pony is the reincarnation of one of our all-time greats that was named Tiffany. Tiffany had some tough moments when we first acquired her but ended up being incredible. This pony has all the same traits and looks identical. She will need a patient owner, and a persistent little rider to get her settled in. She's just 10 years old and has a lot of life. She punctured her shoulder this summer after she was expelled from camp. We got her sewed up and it has healed nicely.
  74. 74. "Hank": this 5 year old gelding has an extremely bright future. He was originally purchased by a family in Iowa to be a roping horse. They didn't realize how green he was so they moved on from him. We were lucky to scoop him up. He's got the perfect mindset to be a kids horse for a long time. He could use some more training to build confidence but as a walk-trot trail horse you won't find one with a better suited mindset. 14.3hh
  75. 75. "Sis": we acquired this mare when we bought out a large riding stable downstate about 8-9 years ago. She's a wonderful mare that has been training kids for many years. She'll be over 20 years old and 15.1hh. Great mare for a beginner.
  76. 76. "Vicky": Zippos Red Roan-20 year old AQHA mare. 14.3hh. Good riding mare. Sweet personality. Worked at a camp that had small beginners and did mostly trail riding.
  77. 77. Grade bay quarter pony gelding. About 18 years old. Perfect size, perfect temperament. Easy keeper, easy to handle. Awesome little horse. Stands 14hh.
  78. 78. Grade paint mare. 18 years old and 15.1-15.2hh. Well broke mare that rides up on the bit, and is strong. She'll be too much for a kid, but an adult or confident intermediate rider will have fun with her. She can cover the ground.
  79. 79. Small grade chestnut gelding. We seem to recall getting a set of papers with him, but they must be lost, or didn't exist. He's 17 or 18 years old and 14.2-14.3hh. This gelding does what he's supposed to at camp.  We never hear anything bad about him...or anything good for that matter. About mid-way through the winter he'll start losing weight on just a hay diet. We bring him out of the pasture and supplement him with oats and he blooms right back up. He's done the same thing every year we've owned him. Sweet personality. Always one that walks up to you in the pasture.
  80. 80. Aged gaited gelding. Around 20 years old, and 14.2hh. Lower on the pecking order in the herd. We usually have to sort him out quick when gathering because he's always in the wrong place at the wrong time. Really kind gelding that moves smooth. Camp likes him for the littlest kids. Can be a hard keeper but we've only ever had to supplement him a time or two.
  81. 81. "ShadowFax": branded white gelding. Not sure where the name came from. Has been in the same camp for many years. Started showing his age a little the last year or two. We've only ever given him dry hay. 20 plus years old and 15hh. Occasionally will develop a lump on his left rear knee.
  82. 82. "Misty": an older mare that is easy keeping. Always looks nice. Probably over 20 years old.  Stands 15hh. Was at the same camp for many years until we needed her in another camp for beginners. 
  83. 83. Black and white paint gelding. Early teens, somewhere between 13 and 15 years old. We've only had him for two years and he's been in the same camp both of those seasons. 14hh or so.
  84. 84. "Redford": 15.2hh gelding thats about 15 years old. His right knee has acquired some deposits on it that have slowed him down. He's been a fixture at one camp for several years and he's one of their favorites. They did say that he has a good sense of who he's with and he'll nip people he doesn't like. Camp has always been ok with it because they're not fond of the people he has nipped. They've reduced him to just giving lessons to smaller riders. 
  85. 85. "Hatter": 20 year old medicine hat paint gelding. 15.2hh. One of our better kids horses because he's slow and easy. One front knee will swell on occasion. After a few days it has gone down and he's put back in service.
  86. 86. Standardbred Mare: We've never ran her tattoo, but she appears to be over 20 years old. She's been at the same camp for several years. She seems to get along with the other horses and has never been hard to catch.
  87. 87. Game Seven Winner -20 year old AQHA gelding. We do not know much about him other than this was his first year at camp and the got along fine with him. He did bump his left eye and cause an injury. Camp treated it but it appears he may have lost some vision. He may need some continued treatment. Tall gelding that's easy to handle. Probably stands 15.2hh.                                                                                                                                               Tex Tan show saddle-Longhorn 15"-Simco and Big Horn Cordura-Silver Royal 15"-Santa Fe youth saddle-bridles-halters-pads-blankets

Western and English Riding -Registered and Grade -All Colors and Breeds 

Some With Exceptional Abilities and Ranching Backgrounds

Good Dispositions - Gentle to Handle - Easy Keepers




Contact Wade Leist for further questions at 231-330-1042