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May Toys, Tools and Coins
Listing ID#: 1402059
Auction Location |
Artesian, SD 57314 |
Auction Dates and Times |
Bidding Starts: Friday May 6, 08:00 AM Bidding Ends: Monday May 16, 06:00 PM |
Auction Type |
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Company Information |
Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC Website: ID#: 2926 View company information and listings |
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Listing Terms and Conditions |
Terms and Conditions
GENERAL ONLINE AUCTION TERMS & CONDITIONS VERY IMPORTANT!!! READ CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU ATTEMPT TO BID. ONCE YOU BID, YOU WILL BE BOUND LEGALLY BY THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS STATED!! Preview Date: Contact Auctioneer 605-999-4239. Buyers Premium: 8% Payment: Winning bids will be paid by guaranteed funds within 24 hours of auction close. You may pay by guaranteed check or bank check or wire transfer. A limit of $2500.00 per invoice for Credit Card charges. Any Invoice totals under $100.00 will automatically be charged to the Credit Card on record. A 3% Convenience Fee will be charged to all Credit Card purchases. Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers ONLINE AUCTIONS Feature “A MAX BID” Option as well as a “SOFT CLOSE”. “A MAX BID” may be placed on any item and the computer will bid on your behalf, thus eliminating the need to continually watch your bids. This option is highly recommended so you do not miss out on an item you are bidding on. In the event you do not use the MAX BID feature and you are out bid you will be notified via e-mail or text that you have been outbid and will have the opportunity to raise your bid. “THE SOFT CLOSE” feature means any bid received in the final minutes of the auction will automatically extend bidding on that particular item or lot by 1 minute to allow another bidder the opportunity to raise their bid. GENERAL TERMS: The auction will be conducted by Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers on behalf of the owners of the property, referred to as the Seller. Auctioneer is not responsible for the acts or representations of Seller. The auction shall be governed by the terms set forth herein (the agreement), and any additional terms and conditions that are posted concerning the specific property. The Agreement constitutes a valid, binding contract between individuals participating in the auction with the intent to purchase property, referred to as the Bidder or Buyer, and Seller/Auctioneer. The term Bidder or Buyer shall include, but not limited to, the individual or the company represented by the individual and any and all of its agents, employees, representatives, officers, and directors. Auctioneer is not responsible for statements made by the Bidder, Buyer, or other parties. Auctioneer reserves the right to periodically change the terms and conditions of the Agreement, which shall be effective immediately upon posting. It is the Bidders responsibility to review any and all changes made to these terms and conditions prior to bidding on property. The act of submitting a bid shall constitute Bidder acceptance of each and every term and condition contained herein, any additional terms and conditions posted with the property, and any changes made within the full agreement. All persons attending, inspecting or removing property assume all risks whatsoever of damage or loss to person and property and specifically release the Auctioneer from all liability. Auctioneer is not liable by reason of any defect in, or condition of, the property or the premises on which the preview/sale is held. Auctioneer is released for any claims to actual damage to the property sold and/or consequential damages that may result from the sale of defective property. DISCLOSURES/NO WARRANTY: There is no warranty offered, expressed or implied, by Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers or Sellers for any property. All property is sold AS-IS, WHERE-IS, and with all faults and defects therein. All information provided is believed to be correct but NO warranty as such is either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Bidder is solely responsible to determine condition, age, authenticity, value or any other determinative factor. Bidder inspection of the property prior to submitting a bid is strongly recommended. ALL SALES ARE FINAL!! Auctioneer reserves the right to add or withdraw property from the auction, and/or regroup items. Auctioneer reserves the right to sell property absolute or with reserve, at Sellers discretion. The Seller does have the right to make the final bid and the Auctioneer does have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. The auctioneer reserves the right to open the bid as the result of a tie bid or discrepancies in the bid. Buyer assumes full responsibility of property at time of purchase, and all risk of loss and damage to property. All titles will be assigned to registered buyer unless notification is received by auctioneer at the end of auction. NO TITLES WILL BE ISSUED UNLESS COMPLETELY FILLED OUT. BIDDER REGISTRATION: Bidder must be 18 years of age or older, and are required to register for the auction. In registration, Bidder must submit information found to be current, complete, and accurate for proper identification. Auctioneer does not sell or rent this information. Auctioneer uses email mailing lists to notify customers about online and live auctions. Customers who do not wish to be notified should contact the office of the Auctioneer and request removal from the email mailing list. Bidder is responsible for security of his/her bidding number/user name and password, and any and all bids placed under the assigned number/ID. Auctioneer should be notified immediately if Bidder believes number and/or password have been compromised. Auctioneer reserves the right to terminate registration, deny any person for any reason permission or access to bid, to reject any and all bids, and to suspend or ban Bidder from bidding, at Auctioneers sole discretion. Bidder registration is not transferable or assignable. BIDDING: Bidder must register to participate in the auction. Read the descriptions of each lot and view photographs carefully. If you have any questions call 605-999-4239. Should you visit the viewing location, please personally inspect the property on which you intend to bid during the date(s) indicated in the details per item when applicable. Using YOUR knowledge and experience, form your own opinion of the property and bid accordingly. If you are in doubt, DO NOT BID. All items are sold “AS-IS WHERE IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS” this is an AUCTION and all SALES ARE FINAL. Bids cannot be retracted and are binding contracts between Bidder and Auctioneer/Seller. Bidder is accountable to be informed about property and associated costs before bidding. A maximum bid can be placed on property. A maximum bid is kept confidential, and Bidder authorizes Auctioneer to place bids on his/her behalf up to the amount of the maximum bid. Upon sale of property, identifying information and purchase amount will be posted for a designated period of time. All questions or disputes must be resolved immediately; no changes or adjustments will be made at a later date. Auctioneer reserves the right to reopen bidding. Auctioneer decisions will be final. BUYERS PREMIUM: A Buyers premium of 8% will be charged on each purchase. Unless otherwise stated. A buyers premium, an advertised percentage of the high bid or flat fee added to the high bid will be added to the high bid and become part of the purchase amount at settlement. Buyer agrees to these provisions and will pay the applicable buyers premium. Example if an item is sold for $100.00 + 8% buyers premium = Final bid price $108.00. There is a $750.00 BP cap per item. PAYMENT TERMS: Sales tax, when applicable, will be charged on both the purchase price and buyers premium. Taxes, fees, shipping, handling, insurance, storage and security charges are Buyers expenses, and will be calculated and rendered due at the sale of the property. Payment will be made in full by the buyer. Upon making payment for property, no stop payment of funds will be honored, Any stop payment order of a check, or giving a check which is returned marked insufficient funds, shall be deemed by the parties to be a prima facie evidence of fraud existing at the time the transaction was consummated and shall be construed by the parties as intent to defraud. If you are from another country other than the US, you must pay in US funds. REMOVAL OF PROPERTY / SHIPPING TERMS: Buyer assumes full responsibility of property at time of purchase, and all risk of loss and damage to property. Property will not be removed from sale premises until payment in full has been received. Any and all methods of lifting, towing, and/or hauling are the Buyers responsibility. Packing and shipping costs are the responsibility of Buyer and can be conducted by a third party of choice. The final day of removal will be posted with property information. Any and all property not removed by Buyer by the final day of removal will revert back to the Auctioneer/ Seller, and may be resold at auction or disposed of in any other manner that seems to be suitable. CHOICE OF LAW: The laws of the State of South Dakota governs this agreement any dispute arising from the terms of this auction shall be brought in a court of Sanborn County, South Dakota. ADDITIONAL TERMS: The following are property specific Terms & Conditions that are posted online with the individual property information and will override any likewise terms stated in this Agreement. - Buyers Premium - Sale Date and Time (Beginning and Ending) - Inspection Location, Dates, and Times - Final Date of Removal - Shipping Arrangements - Special Notes/Comments/Announcements ONLINE BIDDING INFORMATION: If you are participating in an online auction, the following additional terms will apply to the Auction Terms & Conditions set forth above: OBTAINING A USER NAME & PASSWORD: Click on BUYER LOGIN on our Home Page and then CREATE NEW ACCOUNT. Follow the instructions. If you need assistance feel free to contact us at 605-999-4239 or 605-770-9818. BIDDING IN THE ONLINE AUCTION: Once you are registered and have your User Name & Password, you may place bids as soon as a lot opens for bidding. Your bids are FINAL and constitute a binding contract. Please be aware that lots will close at various times and possibly different days and may be extended. You are responsible for monitoring these close times. Please bid early to avoid disappointment. Bidder acknowledges that hardware malfunctions, software malfunctions, viruses, and similar issues do occur and are beyond the knowledge, scope, and control of Auctioneer. We are NOT responsible for your system malfunctions, connection to the internet or your e-mail client stopping any of our e-mails to you in regard to bid confirmations and/or outbid notifications. All lots for the on-line auctions shall be paid in full by Certified Funds prior to pick up. An invoice will be sent to your registered e-mail address within 24 hours following the conclusion of the auction. Bidding Increments $0.00 - $10.00 = $1.00 $10.01 - $25.00 = $3.00 $25.01 - $100.00 = $5.00 $100.01 - $250.00 = $8.00 $250.01 - $500.00 = $10.00 $500.01 - $1,000.00 = $25.00 $1,000.01 - $5,000.00 = $50.00 $5,000.01 - $10,000.00 = $100.00 $10,000.01 - $25,000.00 = $250.00 $25,000.01 - $50,000.00 = $500.00 $50,000.01 - $100,000.00 = $1,000.00 PAYMENT INFORMATION Currency: USD Buyers Premium: 8% Buyers Premium added to final bid only on Online Purchases. $750.00 BP cap Payment Terms: Cash or Bankable Check Full payment within 24 hours of auction close via guaranteed funds. You may pay by guaranteed check or bank check or wire transfer. Credit Card is used for verification purpose only and will not be charged. Any Invoice totals $100.00 or less will automatically be charged to the Credit Card on record. A 3% Convenience Fee will be charged to all Credit Card purchases. Shipping / Pick Up Items will be picked up after paid in full the day after the auction or make arrangements with auctioneer. Items not picked up within 30 days will be deemed abandoned and resold, unless arrangements are made with the seller. |
Listing Information |
May 6th - 16th Silver, Gold, Toys, Tools & Coins Online Only Auction. Some very fine quality Silver 1 oz. rounds, 10 oz. bars, 100 oz. bar and 1 oz. Gold coin. Vintage and used toys, Tools and more. 1 May 6th - 16th Silver, Gold, Toys, Tools & Coins Online Only Auction. Some very fine quality Silver 1 oz. rounds, 10 oz. bars, 100 oz. bar and 1 May 6th - 16th Silver, Gold, Toys, Tools & Coins Online Only Auction. Some very fine quality Silver 1 oz. rounds, 10 oz. bars, 100 oz. bar and 1 oz. Gold coin. Vintage and used toys, Tools and more. Starts May 6, 2022 @ 8:00 AM and Closes May 16, 2022 starting @ 6:00 PM. Pickup Dates: May 17 & 18, 2022 from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM each day or by Appointment. Pickup Location: 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 Please make every attempt to pick up your items on the scheduled pickup date or call if you need to schedule and appointment for pickup. Please pickup your items as soon as possible after payment. Thank you for your cooperation and everyone please be safe! Call Steve Larson 605-770-9818, Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Kelbi Dean-Messmer 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, Derrick Schnabel 605-661-0005, Myron Grosz 605-999-4087, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, for information on this auction. 1a Location Information, Invoice Information, Payment Information Location Information: The location of each item will be listed in the description as well as the phone number for the owner. Invoice Information: Upon successfully winning the bid of an item, an invoice will be emailed to you following the auction. Please look for your invoice following the auction in your registered email account. Please read the invoice at the bottom. If paying with cash or good check, please pay the Cash Total Due. Do Not Pay the Convenience Fee Total (This is the Credit Card Fee). Any invoice totals under $100.00 will automatically be charged to the credit card on file. Payment Information: Payments (Cash or Good Check) not received by Friday Noon the week of the auction, the balance will be charged to Buyers Credit Card on File! Please mail your payment no later than Wednesday after the Auction to avoid Credit Card Charges. If payment cannot be paid by Thursday, please contact Auctioneers to make arrangements. NO Items will be released or removed until entire invoice is paid in full. 1b Sales Tax & Buyers Premium, Notice Information, App Information Sales Tax & Buyers Premium Buyers Premium is Charged on a Per Item Basis. 8% BUYERS FEE ON ALL PURCHASES $750.00 cap per item 4.5% SD Sales Tax - Unless you have a SD sales tax form on file with us. Contact Us prior to purchasing with your Sales Tax Information to purchase for resale PLEASE NOTE: The Sellers/Auctioneers DO NOT provide transportation or shipping services for buyers to remove their merchandise. Any and all methods of towing and/or hauling, as well as all other methods or requirements for the removal and transport of the Equipment, is the sole responsibility of the buyer. All items must be picked up at auction address, ALL DESCRIPTIONS & CONDITIONS INDICATED ARE DEEMED RELIABLE BUT NOT GUARANTEED. ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD "AS-IS, WHERE-IS". NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS. App Information: Download our Bidding App on you Android or Apple phone, Ipad, etc. Go to the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and search “Dean Edwards” Sign Up and then Register to bid! 1c Practice Bidding & Covid Information Practice Bidding & Covid Information Use this lot to practice bidding, go ahead and bid away using the bid button, learn how to increase your bid amount by clicking on the Plus button in each lot, or setting a max bid. Also, if you click on the Star in any lot, it will add it to "Your Items" section so you can watch that particular item without having to bid on it. Any questions, call Steve at 605-770-9818 or Justin @ 605-999-4239. 1d 1981 Mint Set P&D Mint 1981 Mint Set P&D Mint These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 2 1981 Mint Set P&D 1981 Mint Set P&D These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 2b AC 190 XLT Tractor, Yellow tractor and ERTL IH Manure spreader AC 190 XLT Tractor, Yellow tractor and ERTL IH Manure spreader These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 2c (2) 2015 Liberty 1 Oz. Silver Dollars (2) 2015 Liberty 1 Oz. Silver Dollars These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 3 1981 Mint Set P & D Mint 1981 Mint Set P & D Mint These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 3b Craftsman 1/2" drive Torque Wrench Craftsman 1/2" drive Torque Wrench These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 3c (2) 2015 Liberty 1 Oz. Silver Dollars (2) 2015 Liberty 1 Oz. Silver Dollars These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 4 1984 Mint Set P&D 1984 Mint Set P&D These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 4b NyLint Pickup w/stockrack and trailer NyLint Pickup w/stockrack and trailer These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 4c (2) 2015 Liberty 1 Oz. Silver Dollars (2) 2015 Liberty 1 Oz. Silver Dollars These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 5 1988 Mint Set P&D 1988 Mint Set P&D These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 5b 3 rolls new duct tape and misc. tape 3 rolls new duct tape and misc. tape These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 5c (2) 2015 Liberty 1 Oz. Silver Dollars (2) 2015 Liberty 1 Oz. Silver Dollars These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 6 1989 Mint Set P&D 1989 Mint Set P&D These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 6b Tonka Dump truck metal - used Tonka Dump truck metal - used These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 6c 1 Oz American Flag Silver Bar 1 Oz American Flag Silver Bar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 7 1991 Mint Set P&D 1991 Mint Set P&D These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 7b 3 - New 6" Irwin C - clamps 3 - New 6" Irwin C - clamps These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 7c 1 Oz American Flag Silver Bar 1 Oz American Flag Silver Bar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 8 1991 Mint Set P&D 1991 Mint Set P&D These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 8b NyLint Pickup w/stockrack and trailer NyLint Pickup w/stockrack and trailer These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 8c 1 Oz American Flag Silver Bar 1 Oz American Flag Silver Bar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 9 1992 Mint Set P&D 1992 Mint Set P&D These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 9b TrueBolt security cable w/ key 2 locks, Heat magnet TrueBolt security cable w/ key 2 locks, Heat magnet These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 9c 1 Oz American Flag Silver Bar 1 Oz American Flag Silver Bar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 10 1993 Mint Set P&D 1993 Mint Set P&D These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 10b ERTL Cab over semi, ERTL van, Tootsie Toy truck and Trailer - used ERTL Cab over semi, ERTL van, Tootsie Toy truck and Trailer - used These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 10c 1 Oz American Flag Silver Bar 1 Oz American Flag Silver Bar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 11 1994 Mint Set P&D 1994 Mint Set P&D These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 11b Misc. tote of misc. nails, screws, bolts, nuts, peg board hooks Misc. tote of misc. nails, screws, bolts, nuts, peg board hooks These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 11c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 12 1995 Mint Set P&D 1995 Mint Set P&D These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 12b Tonka Road grader w/ wing missing cab - used Tonka Road grader w/ wing missing cab - used These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 12c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 13 1996 Mint Set P&D Mint 1996 Mint Set P&D Mint These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 13b 3 organizers of misc. screws and nails 3 organizers of misc. screws and nails These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 13c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 14 1997 Mint Set P&D Mint 1997 Mint Set P&D Mint These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 14b Vintage metal American Thermos Bottle Co. Lunchbox - no thermos, Silo and Toy animals Vintage metal American Thermos Bottle Co. Lunchbox - no thermos, Silo and Toy animals These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 14c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 15 1999 Mint Set Denver 1999 Mint Set Denver These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 15b 2 JD AR26350 filters and Ford Motor craft gas cap. #FC-954 2 JD AR26350 filters and Ford Motor craft gas cap. #FC-954 These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 15c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 16 1999 Mint Set Philadelphia 1999 Mint Set Philadelphia These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 16b ERTL IH NF tractor, missing front wheel & Playschool Bigfoot truck ERTL IH NF tractor, missing front wheel & Playschool Bigfoot truck These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 16c (2) 2019 Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Coins (2) 2019 Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Coins These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 17 2000 Mint Set Denver 2000 Mint Set Denver These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 17b Tote of misc. drill bits, wood bits, masonry bit, torque bits and more! Tote of misc. drill bits, wood bits, masonry bit, torque bits and more! These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 17c (2) 2019 Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Coins (2) 2019 Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Coins These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 18 2000 Mint Set Philadelphia 2000 Mint Set Philadelphia These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 18b ERTL Ford 9600 tractor missing top of roof - used ERTL Ford 9600 tractor missing top of roof - used These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 18c (2) 2019 Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Coins (2) 2019 Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Coins These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 19 2001 Mint Set Denver 2001 Mint Set Denver These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 19b Dog collars Leashes, food tray, cables, grooming supplies, flea & tick drops Dog collars Leashes, food tray, cables, grooming supplies, flea & tick drops These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 19c (2) 2019 Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Coins (2) 2019 Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Coins These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 20 2001 Mint Set Philadelpia 2001 Mint Set Philadelpia These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 20b Tonka dump truck missing wheel & Tonka back hoe - used Tonka dump truck missing wheel & Tonka back hoe - used These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 20c (1) 2019 Buffalo and (1)Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Coins (1) 2019 Buffalo and (1)Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Coins These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 21 2002 Mint Set Denver 2002 Mint Set Denver These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 21b Jumper cables Jumper cables These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 21c Sunshine Minting 10 Oz Fine Silver Bar Sunshine Minting 10 Oz Fine Silver Bar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 22 2002 Mint Set Philadelphia 2002 Mint Set Philadelphia These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 22b JD 6600 combine w/ straight head metal - used JD 6600 combine w/ straight head metal - used These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 22c 1924 Peace Dollar 1924 Peace Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 23 Lakota 1oz Copper Round Lakota 1oz Copper Round These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 23b No Hunting signs, slow moving sign & No Hunting Letters No Hunting signs, slow moving sign & No Hunting Letters These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 23c AThese items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SDmerican Nickels 20th Century American Nickels 20th Century These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 24 Indian Head 1oz Copper Round Indian Head 1oz Copper Round These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 24b ERTL JD 5020 tractor missing front tires, 2 plastic cars - used ERTL JD 5020 tractor missing front tires, 2 plastic cars - used These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 24c '07 US Mint 10 of 14 Proof coins & '07 US Mint Presidential Coin Proof set '07 US Mint 10 of 14 Proof coins & '07 US Mint Presidential Coin Proof set These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 25 Indian Head 1oz Copper Round Indian Head 1oz Copper Round These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 25b Outers brackets Outers brackets These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 25c Shell Case Penny Collection Shell Case Penny Collection These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 26 Indian Head 1oz Copper Round Indian Head 1oz Copper Round These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 26b Tonka Truck & Car Carrier - used Tonka Truck & Car Carrier - used These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 26c 2009P & 2009D Lincoln Log Cabin Reverse First Day of Issue Penny's 2009P & 2009D Lincoln Log Cabin Reverse First Day of Issue Penny's These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 27 Half Dime Seated Liberty Half Dime Seated Liberty These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 27b 4 - 4" Solar Post cap lights & Miracle grow 4 - 4" Solar Post cap lights & Miracle grow These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 28 1892 Barber Quarter 1892 Barber Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 28b Vintage Lumar Contractors dump truck w/ loader all metal, metal tires, missing front grill - Neat! Vintage Lumar Contractors dump truck w/ loader all metal, metal tires, missing front grill - Neat! These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 28c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 29 1893-S Barber Quarter 1893-S Barber Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 29b Master Force Pipe Vise 3' Master Force Pipe Vise 3' These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 29c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 30 1896 Barber Quarter 1896 Barber Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 30b Case plastic tractor, 2 - yellow road graders (1 missing blade) - used Case plastic tractor, 2 - yellow road graders (1 missing blade) - used These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 30c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 31 1897 Barber Quarter 1897 Barber Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 31b Hvy Dty Drop cord on reel Hvy Dty Drop cord on reel These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 31c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 32 1897-O Barber Quarter 1897-O Barber Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 32b Vintage JD 2 cylinder tractor and 2 bottom plow (needs work) - used Vintage JD 2 cylinder tractor and 2 bottom plow (needs work) - used These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 32c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 33 1898 Barber Quarter 1898 Barber Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 33b Hvy Dty drop cord Hvy Dty drop cord These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 33c 10 Oz APMEX Fine Silver Bar 10 Oz APMEX Fine Silver Bar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 34 1898 Barber Quarter 1898 Barber Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 34b Vintage JD Metal loader Vintage JD Metal loader These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 34c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 35 1899 Barber Quarter 1899 Barber Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 35b Vintage Coffee grinder Vintage Coffee grinder These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 35c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 36 1902-O Barber Quarter 1902 -O Barber Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 36b Jeep Jogging stroller Jeep Jogging stroller These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 36c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 37 1902 Barber Quarter 1902 Barber Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 37b Honda Oils - 12 full plus 1 partial mostly 10W-30 Honda Oils - 12 full plus 1 partial mostly 10W-30 These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 37c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 38 1903 - O Barber Quarter 1903 - O Barber Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 38b Vintage Nylint Metal Tractor Rolloff Trailer w/ winch - NICE Vintage Nylint Metal Tractor Rolloff Trailer w/ winch - NICE These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 38c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 39 1903 Barber Quarter 1903 Barber Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 39b Nu-Way Stove Co. camp stove with pipe. Nu-Way Stove Co. camp stove with pipe. These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 39c 10 Oz APMEX Fine Silver Bar 10 Oz APMEX Fine Silver Bar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 40 1907 - D Barber Quarter 1907 - D Barber Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 40b JD disc & red drag - used JD disc & red drag - used These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 40c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 41 1907 Barber Quarter 1907 Barber Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 41b Misc. Oils - 14 quarts Misc. Oils - 14 quarts These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 41c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 42 1908 Barber Quarter 1908 Barber Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 42b Vintage Mar Toys windup track dump truck - track broke on one side does work. - Neat! Vintage Mar Toys windup track dump truck - track broke on one side does work. - Neat! These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 42c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 43 1908 - D Barber Quarter 1908 - D Barber Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 43b Wel-Bilt 11 pce 1/2" deep well impact set Standard 3/8" - 1" New Wel-Bilt 11 pce 1/2" deep well impact set Standard 3/8" - 1" New These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 43c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 44 1908 - O Barber Quarter 1908 - O Barber Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 44b Tonka Metal forklift - used Tonka Metal forklift - used These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 44c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 45 1909 Barber Quarter 1909 Barber Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 45b Vintage Dazey Churn No. 60 Butter churn Vintage Dazey Churn No. 60 Butter churn These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 45c 10 Oz APMEX Fine Silver Bar 10 Oz APMEX Fine Silver Bar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 46 1909 Barber Quarter 1909 Barber Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 46b Nylint Crane truck missing parts - used Nylint Crane truck missing parts - used These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 46c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 47 1910-D Barber Quarter 1910 - D Barber Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 47b 2 Vintage JD wrenches 2 Vintage JD wrenches These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 47c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 48 1914 Barber Quarter 1914 Barber Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 48b Nylint loader missing parts, Tonka Fork lift - used Nylint loader missing parts, Tonka Fork lift - used These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 48c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 49 1914 Barber Quarter 1914 Barber Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 49b 2 Vintage Oil lamps no globes 2 Vintage Oil lamps no globes These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 49c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 50 1915-D Barber Quarter 1915 - D Barber Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 50b Tonka dump truck metal - Fair shape Tonka dump truck metal - Fair shape These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 50c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 51 1916-D Barber Quarter 1916-D Barber Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 51b SS Receiver hitch, Reese 2" drop hitch w/ /2" ball and spare 2" ball SS Receiver hitch, Reese 2" drop hitch w/ /2" ball and spare 2" ball These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 51c 10 Oz APMEX Fine Silver Bar 10 Oz APMEX Fine Silver Bar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 52 1925 Standing Liberty Quarter 1925 Standing Liberty Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 52b Vintage Tonka Toys No. 150 Clam Crane - Nice! Vintage Tonka Toys No. 150 Clam Crane - Nice! These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 52c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 53 1925 Standing Liberty Quarter 1925 Standing Liberty Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 53b Reese 5 1/4" drop hitch w/ Interchangeable ball hitch 1 7/8", 2" & 2 5/16" and hitch pin. Reese 5 1/4" drop hitch w/ Interchangeable ball hitch 1 7/8", 2" & 2 5/16" and hitch pin. These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 53c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 54 1925 Standing Liberty Quarter 1925 Standing Liberty Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 54b Vintage Nylint Toys TraveLoader (Model authorized by Adams) - front chain is broke. - Nice Vintage Nylint Toys TraveLoader (Model authorized by Adams) - front chain is broke. - Nice Pin came out of chain. These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 54c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 55 1925 Standing Liberty Quarter 1925 Standing Liberty Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 55b 2 Antique Hand drill w/ misc. wood bits 2 Antique Hand drill w/ misc. wood bits These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 55c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 56 1926 Standing Liberty Quarter 1926 Standing Liberty Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 56b Vintage Structo Toys metal earth scraper - Nice Vintage Structo Toys metal earth scraper - Nice These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 56c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 57 1926 Standing Liberty Quarter 1926 Standing Liberty Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 57b Organizer full of misc. nails, screws, washers, hose clamps and more! Organizer full of misc. nails, screws, washers, hose clamps and more! These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 57c 10 Oz APMEX Fine Silver Bar 10 Oz APMEX Fine Silver Bar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 58 1926-D Standing Liberty Quarter 1926-D Standing Liberty Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 58b Mar Toys "The Magic Garage and Car" metal w/ box - Car is missing. Mar Toys "The Magic Garage and Car" metal w/ box - Car is missing. These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 58c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 59 1926-S Standing Liberty Quarter 1926-S Standing Liberty Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 59b 3 Stanley C clamps and 2 hitch pins 3 Stanley C clamps and 2 hitch pins These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 59c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 60 1927 Standing Liberty Quarter 1927 Standing Liberty Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 60b Plaster type statues Bronco Buster & Girl 1936 written on bottoms. Plaster type statues Bronco Buster & Girl 1936 written on bottoms. These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 60c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 61 1927 Standing Liberty Quarter 1927 Standing Liberty Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 61b Misc. Oil funnels & oil filter wrench Misc. Oil funnels & oil filter wrench These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 61c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 62 1927-S Standing Liberty Quarter 1927-S Standing Liberty Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 62b Vintage Metal Model Shooting gallery, appears to work but missing wind up Turn Key - Neat! Vintage Metal Model Shooting gallery, appears to work but missing wind up Turn Key - Neat! These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 62c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 63 1928 Standing Liberty Quarter 1928 Standing Liberty Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 63b Organizer w/ misc. nuts and bolts Organizer w/ misc. nuts and bolts These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 63c 10 Oz APMEX Fine Silver Bar 10 Oz APMEX Fine Silver Bar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 64 1928 Standing Liberty Quarter 1928 Standing Liberty Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 64b 3 plastic Ford Cars 1 - 1966 Fairlane, 1 - 1966 Galaxy 500, 1 - 1965 Galaxy 500 XL, 2 plastic toys 3 plastic Ford Cars 1 - 1966 Fairlane, 1 - 1966 Galaxy 500, 1 - 1965 Galaxy 500 XL, 2 plastic toys These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 64c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 65 1928-S Standing Liberty Quarter 1928-S Standing Liberty Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 65b Cement trowels, wire brushes, table vise Small Cement trowels, wire brushes, table vise Small These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 65c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 66 1928-S Standing Liberty Quarter 1928-S Standing Liberty Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 66b The A.C.Gilbert Co. Erector "100 Toys in One" set. - Looks pretty complete. - Nice The A.C.Gilbert Co. Erector "100 Toys in One" set. - Looks pretty complete. - Nice These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 66c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 67 1928-D Standing Liberty Quarter 1928-D Standing Liberty Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 67b Hydraulic jack w/ case Hydraulic jack w/ case These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 67c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 68 1929 Standing Liberty Quarter 1929 Standing Liberty Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 68b Tool Shop 18 ga. brad nailer Tool Shop 18 ga. brad nailer These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 68c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 69 1929 Standing Liberty Quarter 1929 Standing Liberty Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 69b Sewer snake Sewer snake These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 69c 10 Oz 9 Fine Mint Fine Silver Bar 10 Oz 9 Fine Mint Fine Silver Bar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 70 1929-D Standing Liberty Quarter 1929-D Standing Liberty Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 70b Bostitch Electric Stapler & nail gun w/ brad nails Bostitch Electric Stapler & nail gun w/ brad nails These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 70c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 71 1929-S Standing Liberty Quarter 1929-S Standing Liberty Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 71b Konwin Ceramic Utility heater Konwin Ceramic Utility heater These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 71c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 72 1929-S Standing Liberty Quarter 1929-S Standing Liberty Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 72b Plastic tool box w/ air accessories, 12 vlt air pump and Skil grip sander Plastic tool box w/ air accessories, 12 vlt air pump and Skil grip sander These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 72c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 73 1930 Standing Liberty Quarter 1930 Standing Liberty Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 73b Heat Blaster Ceramic heater 110 vlt Heat Blaster Ceramic heater 110 vlt These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 73c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 74 1930 Standing Liberty Quarter 1930 Standing Liberty Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 74b Vintage Copper boiler missing 1 handle Vintage Copper boiler missing 1 handle These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 74c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 75 1930-S Standing Liberty Quarter 1930-S Standing Liberty Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 75b Chicago Pneumatic 1/2" air wrench w/ impact sockets w/ case Chicago Pneumatic 1/2" air wrench w/ impact sockets w/ case These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 75c 10 Oz 9 Fine Mint Fine Silver Bar 10 Oz 9 Fine Mint Fine Silver Bar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 76 1930-S Standing Liberty Quarter 1930-S Standing Liberty Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 76b Tin w/ misc. bungee straps & tie down ropes. Tin w/ misc. bungee straps & tie down ropes. These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 76c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 77 1930 Standing Liberty Quarter 1930 Standing Liberty Quarter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 77b 20"x20" 4 compartment metal box w/ lid 20"x20" 4 compartment metal box w/ lid These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 77c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 78 1903-S Barber Half Dollar 1903-S Barber Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 78b 2 totes of flotation devices 2 totes of flotation devices These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 78c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 79 1918-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1918-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 79b Organizer with screws, nuts, bolts & more! Organizer with screws, nuts, bolts & more! These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 79c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 80 1920 Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1920 Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 80b Organizer with screws, nuts, bolts & more! Organizer with screws, nuts, bolts & more! These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 80c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 81 1923-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1923-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 81b Steel Shooting target Steel Shooting target These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 81c 10 Oz 9 Fine Mint Fine Silver Bar 10 Oz 9 Fine Mint Fine Silver Bar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 82 1927-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1927-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 82b Organizer with screws, nuts, bolts & more! Organizer with screws, nuts, bolts & more! These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 82c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 83 1929-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1929-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 83b Benchtop 10" random orbit polisher/waxer in case Benchtop 10" random orbit polisher/waxer in case These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 83c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 84 1933-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1933-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 84b Tie Rod bar, gear pullers, Bufallo Chain detatcher Tie Rod bar, gear pullers, Bufallo Chain detatcher These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 84c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 85 1934 Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1934 Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 85b Golden Rod fence stretcher & wire clamp stretcher Golden Rod fence stretcher & wire clamp stretcher These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 85c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 86 1934 Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1934 Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 86b Skil variable speed reversible drill and B&D Electric drill Skil variable speed reversible drill and B&D Electric drill These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 86c (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds (Highland Mint) (2) Buffalo 1 Oz Silver Rounds These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 87 1934-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1934-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 87b Misc. saws and shears Misc. saws and shears These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 87c 10 Oz Geiger Fine Silver Bar 10 Oz Geiger Fine Silver Bar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 88 1935-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1935-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 88b Misc. pry bars and nail pullers Misc. pry bars and nail pullers These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 88c APMEX 100 Troy Ounce .999 Fine Silver Bar APMEX 100 Troy Ounce .999 Fine Silver Bar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 89 1936-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1936-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 89b 3 - 6" c-clamps &2 - quick clamps 3 - 6" c-clamps &2 - quick clamps These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 89c United States Mint American Liberty 225th Anniversary $100 Gold Coin (1 Oz Fine Gold) United States Mint American Liberty 225th Anniversary $100 Gold Coin (1 Oz Fine Gold) These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 90 1936-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1936-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 90b Star wrench & fencing pliers Star wrench & fencing pliers These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 91 1938 Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1938 Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 91b Hand stapler and misc staples Hand stapler and misc staples These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 92 1939-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1939-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 92b Bull Dog Bolt cutter Bull Dog Bolt cutter These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 93 1939-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1939-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 93b Box of misc. hammers, hatchet, rubber mallet Box of misc. hammers, hatchet, rubber mallet These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 94 1940-P Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1940-P Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 94b 3 Hand saws 3 Hand saws These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 95 1940-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1940-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 95b Craftsman jig saw w/ case Craftsman jig saw w/ case These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 96 1940-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1940-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 96b Box of misc. door knobs & brass valves Box of misc. door knobs & brass valves These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 97 1940 Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1940 Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 97b 24" Pipe wrench 24" Pipe wrench These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 98 1941 Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1941 Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 98b 2 wedges & axe head 2 wedges & axe head These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 99 1941-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1941-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 99b 14 pce SAE combination wrench set 3/8" - 1 1/4" 14 pce SAE combination wrench set 3/8" - 1 1/4" These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 100 1942 Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1942 Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 100b Tool Shop Jack stands Tool Shop Jack stands These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 101 1942 Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1942 Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 101b Misc. chisels, punches and wrench Misc. chisels, punches and wrench These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 102 1942-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1942-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 102b 2 Hyd hose and 2 fittings 2 Hyd hose and 2 fittings These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 103 1942-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1942-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 103b Hi lift jack Hi lift jack These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 104 1942 Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1942 Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 104b Rex Rivet punch Rex Rivet punch These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 105 1943-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1943-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 105b 16 piece Punch & chisel set 16 piece Punch & chisel set These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 106 1943-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1943-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 106b 8" Bent C-clamps, 3/4" breaker bar and extension 8" Bent C-clamps, 3/4" breaker bar and extension These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 107 1943 Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1943 Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 107b Game hanging racks Game hanging racks These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 108 1943 Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1943 Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 108b Minnow cage & aerator Minnow cage & aerator These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 109 1943 Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1943 Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 109b Heated flat back bucket w/ misc. De Icer fluid & Stihl 2 stroke oil (8) Heated flat back bucket w/ misc. De Icer fluid & Stihl 2 stroke oil (8) These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 110 1943 Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1943 Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 110b 3 chain binders 3 chain binders These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 111 1943-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1943-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 111b 3 caulk guns 3 caulk guns These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 112 1944 Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1944 Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 112b Color Go Flames & 3 Strike-a-Fire starters Color Go Flames & 3 Strike-a-Fire starters These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 113 1944 Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1944 Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 113b Mad Dog ATV Air Ride Utility rack - double Mad Dog ATV Air Ride Utility rack - double These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 114 1944-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1944-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 114b Tote of J brackets Tote of J brackets These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 115 1944-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1944-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 115b Tote with several ratchet straps Tote with several ratchet straps These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 116 1945 Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1945 Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 116b 3/8" electric drill & B&D jig saw 3/8" electric drill & B&D jig saw These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 117 1945-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1945-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 117b Tow smart towing lights - NEW Tow smart towing lights - NEW These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 118 1945-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1945-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 118b Skilsaw 7 1/4" circular saw & blades Skilsaw 7 1/4" circular saw These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 119 1947 Walking Liberty Half Dollar 1947 Walking Liberty Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 119b Mitre saws, square & electric sander Mitre saws, square & electric sander These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 120 1950 Franklin Half Dollar 1950 Franklin Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 120b WildView 2.0 Megapixel game cams WildView 2.0 Megapixel game cams These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 121 1951 Franklin Half Dollar 1951 Franklin Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 121b Garage door lubricants, safety lights, light bulb Garage door lubricants, safety lights, light bulb These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 122 1951-S Franklin Half Dollar 1951-S Franklin Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 122b metal Number markers metal Number markers These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 123 1952 Franklin Half Dollar 1952 Franklin Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 123b Bucket of ice melt Bucket of ice melt These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 124 1952-D Franklin Half Dollar 1952-D Franklin Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 124b Prestone 4 - 1 gal. De-Icer plus partial Prestone 4 - 1 gal. De-Icer plus partial These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 125 1953-D Franklin Half Dollar 1953-D Franklin Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 125b Prestone Antifreeze coolant 1 full 1 partial and Partial gal. of RainX Prestone Antifreeze coolant 1 full 1 partial and Partial gal. of RainX These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 126 1954-D Franklin Half Dollar 1954-D Franklin Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 126b 1.25 gal of Pennzoil 10W-30 motor oil full 1.25 gal of Pennzoil 10W-30 motor oil full These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 127 1954 Franklin Half Dollar 1954 Franklin Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 127b Sta-bil RV-Marine Antifreeze 1 full 1 partial Sta-bil RV-Marine Antifreeze 1 full 1 partial These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 128 1957-D Franklin Half Dollar 1957-D Franklin Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 128b 2 - 1 gal. FVP RV & Marine Antifreeze - full 2 - 1 gal. FVP RV & Marine Antifreeze - full These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 129 1958-D Franklin Half Dollar 1958-D Franklin Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 129b 2 matchette's 2 matchette's These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 130 1959-D Franklin Half Dollar 1959-D Franklin Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 130b Cordstand rollers with rope Cordstand rollers with rope These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 131 1960 Franklin Half Dollar 1960 Franklin Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 131b 4 solar lights 4 solar lights These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 132 1960-D Franklin Half Dollar 1960-D Franklin Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 132b Vintage Coop 5 gal. metal can Vintage Coop 5 gal. metal can These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 133 1961-D Franklin Half Dollar 1961-D Franklin Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 133b jumper cables & drop cord jumper cables & drop cord These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 134 1961-D Franklin Half Dollar 1961-D Franklin Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 134b Toro Power Sweep blower 110 vlt Toro Power Sweep blower 110 vlt These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 135 1961-D Franklin Half Dollar 1961-D Franklin Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 135b Quick Silver Gear lube Marine, water plug for outboard motor. Quick Silver Gear lube Marine, water plug for outboard motor. These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 136 1962-D Franklin Half Dollar 1962-D Franklin Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 136b Misc. Plastic organizer cases Misc. Plastic organizer cases These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 137 1962-D Franklin Half Dollar 1962-D Franklin Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 137b Coleman Propane lantern & Orimus 2158 lantern top & propane Coleman Propane lantern & Orimus 2158 lantern top & propane These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 138 1962-D Franklin Half Dollar 1962-D Franklin Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 138b Cabela's Gun Dog Digital Remote Trainer 100 yard range Cabela's Gun Dog Digital Remote Trainer 100 yard range These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 139 1962-D Franklin Half Dollar 1962-D Franklin Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 139b Harvest King Hydraulic oil about 2 gal. Harvest King Hydraulic oil about 2 gal. These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 140 1963-D Franklin Half Dollar 1963-D Franklin Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 140b 21 - 1/16" 5 pt star center replacement lawn mower blades - NEW 21 - 1/16" 5 pt star center replacement lawn mower blades - NEW These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 141 1963-D Franklin Half Dollar 1963-D Franklin Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 141b vintage Gas can 4 gal vintage Gas can 4 gal These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 142 1963-D Franklin Half Dollar 1963-D Franklin Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 142b Vintage Corn Cob cutters Vintage Corn Cob cutters These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 143 1963-D Franklin Half Dollar 1963-D Franklin Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 143b 2 - 4" pulleys, heat lamp bulbs, magnetic tape holder 2 - 4" pulleys, heat lamp bulbs, magnetic tape holder These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 144 1964 Kennedy Half Dollar 1964 Kennedy Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 144b Vintage livestock hot shot/prod Vintage livestock hot shot/prod These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 145 1964 Kennedy Half Dollar 1964 Kennedy Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 145b Vintage 8# shot put ball, hay hooks and bracket Vintage 8# shot put ball, hay hooks and bracket These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 146 1964 Kennedy Half Dollar 1964 Kennedy Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 146b 5 gal. heated flatback bucket, 2 LP tanks (small), lawn edging. 5 gal. heated flatback bucket, 2 LP tanks (small), lawn edging. These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 147 1964 Kennedy Half Dollar 1964 Kennedy Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 147b 6 - metal hanger brackets 6 - metal hanger brackets These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 148 1964 Kennedy Half Dollar 1964 Kennedy Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 148b Ceramic yard bird, 2 cases Ceramic yard bird, 2 cases These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 149 1964-D Kennedy Half Dollar 1964-D Kennedy Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 149b 3 hoes, cob fork, metal hook, dandelion digger 3 hoes, cob fork, metal hook, dandelion digger These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 150 1964-D Kennedy Half Dollar 1964-D Kennedy Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 150b Fish spear & Gaff hook Fish spear & Gaff hook These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 151 1964-D Kennedy Half Dollar 1964-D Kennedy Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 151b 4 snow shovels, 2 metal and 2 plastic 4 snow shovels, 2 metal and 2 plastic These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 152 1964-D Kennedy Half Dollar 1964-D Kennedy Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 152b Misc. belting 16" and smaller Misc. belting 16" and smaller These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 153 1964-D Kennedy Half Dollar 1964-D Kennedy Half Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 153b Aluminum Scoop shovel, 4 tine fork, Silage fork Aluminum Scoop shovel, 4 tine fork, Silage fork These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 154 1879-O Morgan Dollar 1879-O Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 154b 2 - Hay forks 2 - Hay forks These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 155 1896-O Morgan Dollar 1896-O Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 155b 2 - Tell - O Post adjustable post 7'3" to 7'7" 2 - Tell - O Post adjustable post 7'3" to 7'7" These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 156 1879-S Morgan Dollar 1879-S Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 156b Potato fork, metal rake, hand digger Potato fork, metal rake, hand digger These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 157 1881-S Morgan Dollar 1881-S Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 157b Axe, sledge hammer and a sledge axe Axe, sledge hammer and a sledge axe These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 158 1881-O Morgan Dollar 1881-O Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 158b 4' round table 4' round table These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 159 1882-S Morgan Dollar 1882-S Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 159b 5'x2' table with folding legs, heavy duty 5'x2' table with folding legs, heavy duty These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 160 1883 Morgan Dollar 1883 Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 160b 8' folding table 8' folding table These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 161 1883-S Morgan Dollar 1883-S Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 161b Rubber Maid tote 18" x32" x 12" Rubber Maid tote 18" x32" x 12" These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 162 1885-O Morgan Dollar 1885-O Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 162b 12 Gun case, key glass front 12 Gun case, key glass front These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 163 1886 Morgan Dollar 1886 Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 164 1886 -O Morgan Dollar 1886 -O Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 165 1889 Morgan Dollar 1889 Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 166 1889-O Morgan Dollar 1889-O Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 167 1890-S Morgan Dollar 1890-S Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 168 1896 Morgan Dollar 1896 Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 169 1897-S Morgan Dollar 1897-S Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 170 1898 Morgan Dollar 1898 Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 171 1899-O Morgan Dollar 1899-O Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 172 1899-S Morgan Dollar 1899-S Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 173 1900 Morgan Dollar 1900 Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 174 1900-O Morgan Dollar 1900-O Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 175 1900-O Morgan Dollar 1900-O Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 176 1901-O Morgan Dollar 1901-O Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 177 1903 Morgan Dollar 1903 Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 178 1921 Morgan Dollar 1921 Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 179 1921 Morgan Dollar 1921 Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 180 1921-D Morgan Dollar 1921-D Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 181 1921-D Morgan Dollar 1921-D Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 182 1921-S Morgan Dollar 1921-S Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 183 1921-S Morgan Dollar 1921-S Morgan Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 184 1922-D Peace Dollar 1922-D Peace Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 185 1923 Peace Dollar 1923 Peace Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 186 1923-S Peace Dollar 1923-S Peace Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 187 1923-D Peace Dollar 1923-D Peace Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 188 1924 Peace Dollar 1924 Peace Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 189 1925 Peace Dollar 1925 Peace Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 190 1925 Peace Dollar 1925 Peace Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 191 1926-S Peace Dollar 1926-S Peace Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 192 1926-S Peace Dollar 1926-S Peace Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 193 1934 Peace Dollar 1934 Peace Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 194 1934 Peace Dollar 1934 Peace Dollar These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 195 1992 Silver Eagle - 1oz Silver 1992 Silver Eagle - 1oz Silver These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 196 1994 Silver Eagle -1oz Silver 1994 Silver Eagle - 1oz Silver These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 197 2002 Silver Eagle 1oz Silver 2002 Silver Eagle 1oz Silver These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 198 2004 Silver Eagle 1oz Silver 2004 Silver Eagle 1oz Silver These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 199 2007 Silver Eagle 1oz Silver 2007 Silver Eagle 1oz Silver These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 200 2009 Silver Eagle 1oz Silver 2009 Silver Eagle 1oz Silver These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 201 2013 Silver Eagle 1oz Silver 2013 Silver Eagle 1oz Silver These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 202 2014 Silver Eagle 1oz Silver 2014 Silver Eagle 1oz Silver These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 203 2015 Silver Eagle 1oz Silver 2015 Silver Eagle 1oz Silver These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 204 2017 Silver Eagle 1oz Silver 2017 Silver Eagle 1oz Silver These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 205 Hatfield - SAS - 12ga. 3" VR Walnut Stock (Screw in Choke tube) Hatfield - SAS - 12ga. 3" VR Walnut Stock (Screw-in Choke tube) FFL paperwork will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd. Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long guns. For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 206 Escort - Slugger 12 ga. 3" -18" Barrel Escort - Slugger 12 ga. 3"-18" Barrel FFL paperwork will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd. Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long guns. For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 207 OEM 18V Grease Gun OEM 18V Grease Gun These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 208 Sanborn 3/8" Air Drill Sanborn 3/8" Air Drill These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 209 Thorsen 3/8" Air Drill Thorsen 3/8" Air Drill These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 210 Masterforce Utila Tool Masterforce Utila Tool These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 211 Skilsaw Worm Saw 7.25" Skilsaw Worm Saw 7.25" These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 212 Semi Tie Downs Semi Tie Downs These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 213 Grabber Screw Gun-Model Rocker 4063 Grabber Screw Gun-Model Rocker 4063 These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 214 Lonestar 24x4.5 Special Chain Binder Lonestar 24x4.5 Special Chain Binder These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 215 Stacy Special 1-D Chain Binder Stacy Special 1-D Chain Binder These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 216 Durbin Durco Chain Binder Durbin Durco Chain Binder These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 217 Canton C Products No. 24 Chain Binder Canton C Products No. 24 Chain Binder These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 218 Ducks Unlimited Beam's Decanter (50th Anniversary) Ducks Unlimited Beam's Decanter (50th Anniversary) Must be 21 or older to purchase this item. These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 219 Ski Country Wing Teal Decanter Ski Country Wing Teal Decanter Must be 21 or older to purchase this item. These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 220 Ski Country Decanter (Gray Fox w/Butterfly) Ski Country Decanter (Gray Fox w/Butterfly) Must be 21 or older to purchase this item. These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 221 Ski Country Decanter (Buffalo Stampede) Ski Country Decanter (Buffalo Stampede) Must be 21 or older to purchase this item. These items will be located for pickup at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For questions or information please contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 Pick up times May 24-25 from 10-4 222 John Deere E150 Riding Lawnmower John Deere E150 Riding Lawnmower Like New, only 32.3 hrs on the JD V-Twin 22 HP motor (hrs may go up a bit by sale day) Has the 48" Edge cutting system deck This lot is located at 508 N. Tibbits Mt. Vernon, SD 57363. For questions or to view this lot, call Keith at 605-999-3472. For auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 223 Full Size Aluminum Pickup Toolbox with Diamond Tread Design Full Size Aluminum Pickup Toolbox with Diamond Tread Design both lids are lockable and comes with 2 keys This lot is located at 508 N. Tibbits Mt. Vernon, SD 57363. For questions or to view this lot, call Keith at 605-999-3472. For auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 224 Poulan Wild Thing 40cc/18" Chain Saw w/case Poulan Wild Thing 40cc/18" Chain Saw w/case good condtion This lot is located at 508 N. Tibbits Mt. Vernon, SD 57363. For questions or to view this lot, call Keith at 605-999-3472. For auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 225 Poulan Wild Thing 40cc/18" Chain Saw w/case Poulan Wild Thing 40cc/18" Chain Saw w/case good condtion. comes with some bar and chain oil and a Oregon file guide and file This lot is located at 508 N. Tibbits Mt. Vernon, SD 57363. For questions or to view this lot, call Keith at 605-999-3472. For auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 226 MVP Pro-Lift 2 ton Floor Jack w/ handle MVP Pro-Lift 2 ton Floor Jack w/ handle This lot is located at 508 N. Tibbits Mt. Vernon, SD 57363. For questions or to view this lot, call Keith at 605-999-3472. For auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 227 Pipe wrenches, vise grip, screwdrivers, 4-way wrench, fencing pliers, and misc. tools Pipe wrenches, vise grip, screwdrivers, 4-way wrench, fencing pliers and misc. tools This lot is located at 508 N. Tibbits Mt. Vernon, SD 57363. For questions or to view this lot, call Keith at 605-999-3472. For auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 228 Montgomery Ward 20" 3.5 HP Push Mower Montgomery Ward 20" 3.5 HP Push Mower This lot is located at 508 N. Tibbits Mt. Vernon, SD 57363. For questions or to view this lot, call Keith at 605-999-3472. For auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 229 2 Sets of Jumper Cables and a 2 Gallon Gas Can 2 Sets of Jumper Cables and a 2 Gallon Gas Can This lot is located at 508 N. Tibbits Mt. Vernon, SD 57363. For questions or to view this lot, call Keith at 605-999-3472. For auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812 or Austin Messmer 605-353-5001 230 Commercial Grade Stainless Steel Vollrath ServWell Steam Table with extra pans Commercial Grade Stainless Steel Vollrath ServWell Steam Table with extra pans This lot is located in Stickney SD and can be seen by appt. only. For questions or to view this lot, call Clyde at 605-770-6458. For auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, or Derrick Schnabel @ 605-661-0005 231 Smokes Poutinerie Commercial Grade Stainless Steel Fry Factory Smokes Poutinerie Commercial Grade Stainless Steel Fry Factory works ok This lot is located in Stickney SD and can be seen by appt. only. For questions or to view this lot, call Clyde at 605-770-6458 For auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, or Derrick Schnabel @ 605-661-0005 232 Commercial Grade Stainless Steel Biaggia Pizza Cooker Commercial Grade Stainless Steel Biaggia Pizza Cooker works ok This lot is located in Stickney SD and can be seen by appt. only. For questions or to view this lot, call Clyde at 605-770-6458 For auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, or Derrick Schnabel @ 605-661-0005 233 Commercial Grade Stainless Steel Biaggia Pizza Cooker Commercial Grade Stainless Steel Biaggia Pizza Cooker works ok This lot is located in Stickney SD and can be seen by appt. only. For questions or to view this lot, call Clyde at 605-770-6458 For auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, or Derrick Schnabel @ 605-661-0005 234 20 Used Steel Folding Chairs 20 Used Steel Folding Chairs This lot is located in Stickney SD and can be seen by appt. only. For questions or to view this lot, call Clyde at 605-770-6458 For auction questions contact Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818, Kelbi Dean-Messmer @ 605-999-8812, Austin Messmer 605-353-5001, or Derrick Schnabel @ 605-661-0005 |
Photo Gallery