Robert White Estate Auction
Listing ID#: 1399675

Auction Location

Alba, MI 49611
Auction Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday May 21, 2022 Completed
Auction Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Leist Auctioneers

Contact: Frank Leist
Phone: 1-833-323-2BID
Website: ID#: 1746
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Cash or negotiable check on date of auction. All items sold AS-IS with no warranties or guarantees of any kind. Leist Auctioneers acts as an agent for the seller and is not responsible for accidents, nor warranties of condition stated or implied by the seller. All buyer settlements must be made at the immediate conclusion of the auction. Statements made day of auction will take precedence over printed material.
Listing Information


Antique Tractors

*John Deere 2 cylinder, (unsure of model, no markings)

*Ferguson TO-30 Tractor, in running condition

*9N Military Ford Tractor, in working condition

*Case Tractor, (no markings)

*McCormick Deering Tractor, "project tractor"

*Several Hit & Miss Engines, Fairbanks Morsel Z, 1/2 HP, 500 RPM *Monitor Brand Engine

Seagrave Firetruck & Firefighting Equipment

*1938 Seagrave Firetruck, w/ V12 motor, was last running in 2001 when it was parked. Some of the firetruck has been torn down and rebuilt, all parts and a diagrams are included. Even the orignal booklets go along with it as well. This truck was Ionia, Michigan's very first water carrying firetruck! It was later purchased by the Huron Department (where Robert White worked as a firefighter), it was used as a main attraction in parades to represent the department. Later on the truck was put up for auction and the winning bidder just so happened to be Dawn White (Roberts wife)! This truck has a unique history behind it and would be a really neat restore project to bring it back to life. 

*Several Fire Hoses

*Hose Adapters

*Firetruck Lights

*Air Horns 

*Seagrave Box

*Huge Collection Of Fire Hose Nozzles 

*Seagrave Fire Extinguishers

*Collection Of Seagrave Models

Fire Fighter Memorabilia & Collectibles

*Several Firetruck Wall Art *Engine No. 7 Childs Firetruck *Multiple Antique Fire Extinguishers *Fire & First Aid Blanket *Numerous Fire Fighter Helmets *Emergency Light Kit *Many Antique Flashlights *Antique Fire Alarms *Fireman Tools *Fire Station Signs *Several Firetruck Toys *Firetruck Models *Game Well Fire Alarm Station *Firetruck Sign *Fire Extinguiser Chem Cart

Farm Equipment

*Sickle Bar Mower

*3Pt Back Blade

*3Pt Finish Mower

*3Pt 2 Bottom Plow, 2 to choose from

*Tractor Loader

*Agri-Trac 11.2-28 4 Tractor Tires x2

Lawn & Landscape Equipment 

*Craftsman GT 5000 Riding Lawn Mower, 54" mower deck *Lawn Tractor, (no markings) *Husqvarna 150 BT Backpack Blower *Lawn Roller *Several Misc Chainsaws *Poulan Pro 446 Pole Saw *Craftsman 5HP Shredder *Craftsman 9HP Shredder/Vac *Craftsman Blower *Misc Hand Tools 

Shop & Tools

*Military Generator, on trailer *New Pittsburgh 2000 LB Transmission Jack *New Pittsburgh 1 Ton Cherry Picker/Engine Hoist *2 Ton Chain Hoist *Motorcycle Stand/Lift *12 Volt Winch *Parts Washer, (2 to choose from) *10 Ton Porta Power *Gear Pullers *Sawyer Weber Tool Crank-Pin Re-Turning Tool *Torque Wrench *Power Washer *Small Toolbox, w/ misc tools *Craftsman Tool Box, on rollers, w/ multiple drawers *Manual Tire Changer *Several Jack Stands *Floor Jack *Bottle Jack *Gas Pump *2 Large 5 '' Vises, Columbian/Olympis *Craftsman 6" Bench Grinder, w/ stand *Older Drill Press *Lincoln Electric AC 225 Arc Welder *Craftsman Professional Air Compressor, 6.5HP, 60 gallon *Kennedy Tool Box, full of tools *Reddy Heater Pro 155 *Snap-On Graphing Scanner *Many Snap-On Hand Tools *Several Werner 21' Step Ladders *Boxes and Boxes of Hand Tools!

Antique & Collectible

*Beautiful Wooden Snow Shoes *Large Safe *Antique Wooden Coo Coo Clocks, (4 to choose from) *Numerous Antique Telephones *Antique Electric Fan *Old Water Hand Pump *Mighty Mite Boat Motor *Parking Meter *Antique Horns *Misc Car Parts *Antique Scale & Tub *Old Till *Pump Jack *Trolley *Old Corn Sheller *Rail Road 3 Light Post *Several Military Metal Gas Cans *Slot Machines, (4 to choose from) *Several Old Bicycles *Kids Yard Toys *Many Lanterns *Standing Candy Dispenser *2 Old Radios *Sleigh Table *Exotic Wooden Scupltures *RCA Tubes *Cast Iron Pans *Big Bang Cannon, uses Magnesium Nitrate to shoot *Spittoon *Electra Antique Mower *Johnson Boat Motor *Rail Road Lanterns *Honda Motorcycle 

Firearms & Ammo

*1945 Fabric Arms, 7.9 caliber, bolt action

*SS G&G 45-70

*Remington Gamemaster Model 760, 30-06, w/ Tasco 3x9 scope

*Savage Model 19 NRA, 22 long rifle 

*R6086 Rifle, (no markings)

*Stevens Model 58, 20 gauge 

*Remington Model 870, 410 bore pump action

*JC Higgins Model 583, 12 gauge, 2 3/4 chamber

*Springfield Model 511, 12 gauge, 2 3/4 chamber double barrel

*Several Boxes of Ammo, 45-70, 30-06, 410, 8mm, 16 gauge

Wildlife Mounts

*Antilope, shoulder mount *Whitetail, shoulder mount *Fisher, full body mount *White Ermine, full body mount *Bat, mounted in picture frame *Mouse, in display case *Moose Hide *Skunk Pelt *Elk Horn Sheds *2 Squirrel Mounts *Standing Mink Mount, Pheasant, flight mount *Pheasant, standing mount *Reptile, full body mount *Bird, full body mount *Turtle Shell *Blue Buffalo *Longhorn Cow, horn mount  

Star Wars Memorabilia & Collectible

*Numerous Star Wars Collectibles

*Multiple Star Wars 4 Foot Tall Figures

*Numerous Star Wars Action Figures

*Several Star Wars Life Size Stand-Up Cutouts 

*Star Wars Yoda Comes To Life Figure 

*Star Wars Hero Droid BB-8, follows voice commands

*Star Wars Masks and Costumes

*Too Many Star Wars Collections and Memorabilia to list!

Collectible Toys & Models

*Spider-Man Memorabilia *Avengers Memorabilia *Batman Collectibles, hotwheels, figures *Star Trek Models and Memorabilia *Superman Memorabilia *Multiple Themed Blankets *Hot Wheels *The Beatles Themed Hot Wheels *Iron Man Collection *Cars The Movie Collectibles *Incredibles Action Figures *Steam Engine Model Kits, (4 total) *Tons Of Train Sets and Models *Train Tracks and Controllers * Multiple Puzzles *Board Games *Vintage Car Models *John Deere Models *Erector Sets *Batman Beverage Cooler *Farm Toys *Construction Toys *Many Marvel Collectibles 

Man Cave Decor & Bar Collectibles

*Numerous Themed Shot Glasses *Cocktail Glasses *Swizzle Sticks *Themed Glasses *Bar Decor Sculptures *Beer Mirrors *Coasters *Goblets *Dirty Old Men Themed Glasses And Serving Tray *Several Beer Steins *Misc Beer Themed Lighted Wall Decor *Playboy Memorabilia *Ice Bucket *Shakers *Mini Pool Table *Dart Board  


*Hot Point Refridgerator, double door, w/water & ice despensor 






The Robert White Estate is an incredible local collection of Fireman memorabilia inlcuding an old fire engine, antique farm equipment, firearms, shop and tools, Star Wars figures and items, antique collectibles and much more. 


Check back soon for a complete listing including photos.

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Robert White Estate Auction

Leist Auctioneers

Leist Auctioneers

Contact: Frank Leist
Phone: 1-833-323-2BID
Sale Location
6696 Arthur Lane
Alba, MI 49611
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday May 21, 2022 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
Cash or negotiable check on date of auction. All items sold AS-IS with no warranties or guarantees of any kind. Leist Auctioneers acts as an agent for the seller and is not responsible for accidents, nor warranties of condition stated or implied by the seller. All buyer settlements must be made at the immediate conclusion of the auction. Statements made day of auction will take precedence over printed material.
Listing Details


Antique Tractors

*John Deere 2 cylinder, (unsure of model, no markings)

*Ferguson TO-30 Tractor, in running condition

*9N Military Ford Tractor, in working condition

*Case Tractor, (no markings)

*McCormick Deering Tractor, "project tractor"

*Several Hit & Miss Engines, Fairbanks Morsel Z, 1/2 HP, 500 RPM *Monitor Brand Engine

Seagrave Firetruck & Firefighting Equipment

*1938 Seagrave Firetruck, w/ V12 motor, was last running in 2001 when it was parked. Some of the firetruck has been torn down and rebuilt, all parts and a diagrams are included. Even the orignal booklets go along with it as well. This truck was Ionia, Michigan's very first water carrying firetruck! It was later purchased by the Huron Department (where Robert White worked as a firefighter), it was used as a main attraction in parades to represent the department. Later on the truck was put up for auction and the winning bidder just so happened to be Dawn White (Roberts wife)! This truck has a unique history behind it and would be a really neat restore project to bring it back to life. 

*Several Fire Hoses

*Hose Adapters

*Firetruck Lights

*Air Horns 

*Seagrave Box

*Huge Collection Of Fire Hose Nozzles 

*Seagrave Fire Extinguishers

*Collection Of Seagrave Models

Fire Fighter Memorabilia & Collectibles

*Several Firetruck Wall Art *Engine No. 7 Childs Firetruck *Multiple Antique Fire Extinguishers *Fire & First Aid Blanket *Numerous Fire Fighter Helmets *Emergency Light Kit *Many Antique Flashlights *Antique Fire Alarms *Fireman Tools *Fire Station Signs *Several Firetruck Toys *Firetruck Models *Game Well Fire Alarm Station *Firetruck Sign *Fire Extinguiser Chem Cart

Farm Equipment

*Sickle Bar Mower

*3Pt Back Blade

*3Pt Finish Mower

*3Pt 2 Bottom Plow, 2 to choose from

*Tractor Loader

*Agri-Trac 11.2-28 4 Tractor Tires x2

Lawn & Landscape Equipment 

*Craftsman GT 5000 Riding Lawn Mower, 54" mower deck *Lawn Tractor, (no markings) *Husqvarna 150 BT Backpack Blower *Lawn Roller *Several Misc Chainsaws *Poulan Pro 446 Pole Saw *Craftsman 5HP Shredder *Craftsman 9HP Shredder/Vac *Craftsman Blower *Misc Hand Tools 

Shop & Tools

*Military Generator, on trailer *New Pittsburgh 2000 LB Transmission Jack *New Pittsburgh 1 Ton Cherry Picker/Engine Hoist *2 Ton Chain Hoist *Motorcycle Stand/Lift *12 Volt Winch *Parts Washer, (2 to choose from) *10 Ton Porta Power *Gear Pullers *Sawyer Weber Tool Crank-Pin Re-Turning Tool *Torque Wrench *Power Washer *Small Toolbox, w/ misc tools *Craftsman Tool Box, on rollers, w/ multiple drawers *Manual Tire Changer *Several Jack Stands *Floor Jack *Bottle Jack *Gas Pump *2 Large 5 '' Vises, Columbian/Olympis *Craftsman 6" Bench Grinder, w/ stand *Older Drill Press *Lincoln Electric AC 225 Arc Welder *Craftsman Professional Air Compressor, 6.5HP, 60 gallon *Kennedy Tool Box, full of tools *Reddy Heater Pro 155 *Snap-On Graphing Scanner *Many Snap-On Hand Tools *Several Werner 21' Step Ladders *Boxes and Boxes of Hand Tools!

Antique & Collectible

*Beautiful Wooden Snow Shoes *Large Safe *Antique Wooden Coo Coo Clocks, (4 to choose from) *Numerous Antique Telephones *Antique Electric Fan *Old Water Hand Pump *Mighty Mite Boat Motor *Parking Meter *Antique Horns *Misc Car Parts *Antique Scale & Tub *Old Till *Pump Jack *Trolley *Old Corn Sheller *Rail Road 3 Light Post *Several Military Metal Gas Cans *Slot Machines, (4 to choose from) *Several Old Bicycles *Kids Yard Toys *Many Lanterns *Standing Candy Dispenser *2 Old Radios *Sleigh Table *Exotic Wooden Scupltures *RCA Tubes *Cast Iron Pans *Big Bang Cannon, uses Magnesium Nitrate to shoot *Spittoon *Electra Antique Mower *Johnson Boat Motor *Rail Road Lanterns *Honda Motorcycle 

Firearms & Ammo

*1945 Fabric Arms, 7.9 caliber, bolt action

*SS G&G 45-70

*Remington Gamemaster Model 760, 30-06, w/ Tasco 3x9 scope

*Savage Model 19 NRA, 22 long rifle 

*R6086 Rifle, (no markings)

*Stevens Model 58, 20 gauge 

*Remington Model 870, 410 bore pump action

*JC Higgins Model 583, 12 gauge, 2 3/4 chamber

*Springfield Model 511, 12 gauge, 2 3/4 chamber double barrel

*Several Boxes of Ammo, 45-70, 30-06, 410, 8mm, 16 gauge

Wildlife Mounts

*Antilope, shoulder mount *Whitetail, shoulder mount *Fisher, full body mount *White Ermine, full body mount *Bat, mounted in picture frame *Mouse, in display case *Moose Hide *Skunk Pelt *Elk Horn Sheds *2 Squirrel Mounts *Standing Mink Mount, Pheasant, flight mount *Pheasant, standing mount *Reptile, full body mount *Bird, full body mount *Turtle Shell *Blue Buffalo *Longhorn Cow, horn mount  

Star Wars Memorabilia & Collectible

*Numerous Star Wars Collectibles

*Multiple Star Wars 4 Foot Tall Figures

*Numerous Star Wars Action Figures

*Several Star Wars Life Size Stand-Up Cutouts 

*Star Wars Yoda Comes To Life Figure 

*Star Wars Hero Droid BB-8, follows voice commands

*Star Wars Masks and Costumes

*Too Many Star Wars Collections and Memorabilia to list!

Collectible Toys & Models

*Spider-Man Memorabilia *Avengers Memorabilia *Batman Collectibles, hotwheels, figures *Star Trek Models and Memorabilia *Superman Memorabilia *Multiple Themed Blankets *Hot Wheels *The Beatles Themed Hot Wheels *Iron Man Collection *Cars The Movie Collectibles *Incredibles Action Figures *Steam Engine Model Kits, (4 total) *Tons Of Train Sets and Models *Train Tracks and Controllers * Multiple Puzzles *Board Games *Vintage Car Models *John Deere Models *Erector Sets *Batman Beverage Cooler *Farm Toys *Construction Toys *Many Marvel Collectibles 

Man Cave Decor & Bar Collectibles

*Numerous Themed Shot Glasses *Cocktail Glasses *Swizzle Sticks *Themed Glasses *Bar Decor Sculptures *Beer Mirrors *Coasters *Goblets *Dirty Old Men Themed Glasses And Serving Tray *Several Beer Steins *Misc Beer Themed Lighted Wall Decor *Playboy Memorabilia *Ice Bucket *Shakers *Mini Pool Table *Dart Board  


*Hot Point Refridgerator, double door, w/water & ice despensor 






The Robert White Estate is an incredible local collection of Fireman memorabilia inlcuding an old fire engine, antique farm equipment, firearms, shop and tools, Star Wars figures and items, antique collectibles and much more. 


Check back soon for a complete listing including photos.

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Robert White Estate Auction
 Live Auction
Auction Date(s)
Saturday May 21, 2022 Completed
Auction Location

Alba, MI 49611
Leist Auctioneers

Contact: Frank Leist
Phone: 1-833-323-2BID

Listing Terms and Conditions
Cash or negotiable check on date of auction. All items sold AS-IS with no warranties or guarantees of any kind. Leist Auctioneers acts as an agent for the seller and is not responsible for accidents, nor warranties of condition stated or implied by the seller. All buyer settlements must be made at the immediate conclusion of the auction. Statements made day of auction will take precedence over printed material.


Antique Tractors

*John Deere 2 cylinder, (unsure of model, no markings)

*Ferguson TO-30 Tractor, in running condition

*9N Military Ford Tractor, in working condition

*Case Tractor, (no markings)

*McCormick Deering Tractor, "project tractor"

*Several Hit & Miss Engines, Fairbanks Morsel Z, 1/2 HP, 500 RPM *Monitor Brand Engine

Seagrave Firetruck & Firefighting Equipment

*1938 Seagrave Firetruck, w/ V12 motor, was last running in 2001 when it was parked. Some of the firetruck has been torn down and rebuilt, all parts and a diagrams are included. Even the orignal booklets go along with it as well. This truck was Ionia, Michigan's very first water carrying firetruck! It was later purchased by the Huron Department (where Robert White worked as a firefighter), it was used as a main attraction in parades to represent the department. Later on the truck was put up for auction and the winning bidder just so happened to be Dawn White (Roberts wife)! This truck has a unique history behind it and would be a really neat restore project to bring it back to life. 

*Several Fire Hoses

*Hose Adapters

*Firetruck Lights

*Air Horns 

*Seagrave Box

*Huge Collection Of Fire Hose Nozzles 

*Seagrave Fire Extinguishers

*Collection Of Seagrave Models

Fire Fighter Memorabilia & Collectibles

*Several Firetruck Wall Art *Engine No. 7 Childs Firetruck *Multiple Antique Fire Extinguishers *Fire & First Aid Blanket *Numerous Fire Fighter Helmets *Emergency Light Kit *Many Antique Flashlights *Antique Fire Alarms *Fireman Tools *Fire Station Signs *Several Firetruck Toys *Firetruck Models *Game Well Fire Alarm Station *Firetruck Sign *Fire Extinguiser Chem Cart

Farm Equipment

*Sickle Bar Mower

*3Pt Back Blade

*3Pt Finish Mower

*3Pt 2 Bottom Plow, 2 to choose from

*Tractor Loader

*Agri-Trac 11.2-28 4 Tractor Tires x2

Lawn & Landscape Equipment 

*Craftsman GT 5000 Riding Lawn Mower, 54" mower deck *Lawn Tractor, (no markings) *Husqvarna 150 BT Backpack Blower *Lawn Roller *Several Misc Chainsaws *Poulan Pro 446 Pole Saw *Craftsman 5HP Shredder *Craftsman 9HP Shredder/Vac *Craftsman Blower *Misc Hand Tools 

Shop & Tools

*Military Generator, on trailer *New Pittsburgh 2000 LB Transmission Jack *New Pittsburgh 1 Ton Cherry Picker/Engine Hoist *2 Ton Chain Hoist *Motorcycle Stand/Lift *12 Volt Winch *Parts Washer, (2 to choose from) *10 Ton Porta Power *Gear Pullers *Sawyer Weber Tool Crank-Pin Re-Turning Tool *Torque Wrench *Power Washer *Small Toolbox, w/ misc tools *Craftsman Tool Box, on rollers, w/ multiple drawers *Manual Tire Changer *Several Jack Stands *Floor Jack *Bottle Jack *Gas Pump *2 Large 5 '' Vises, Columbian/Olympis *Craftsman 6" Bench Grinder, w/ stand *Older Drill Press *Lincoln Electric AC 225 Arc Welder *Craftsman Professional Air Compressor, 6.5HP, 60 gallon *Kennedy Tool Box, full of tools *Reddy Heater Pro 155 *Snap-On Graphing Scanner *Many Snap-On Hand Tools *Several Werner 21' Step Ladders *Boxes and Boxes of Hand Tools!

Antique & Collectible

*Beautiful Wooden Snow Shoes *Large Safe *Antique Wooden Coo Coo Clocks, (4 to choose from) *Numerous Antique Telephones *Antique Electric Fan *Old Water Hand Pump *Mighty Mite Boat Motor *Parking Meter *Antique Horns *Misc Car Parts *Antique Scale & Tub *Old Till *Pump Jack *Trolley *Old Corn Sheller *Rail Road 3 Light Post *Several Military Metal Gas Cans *Slot Machines, (4 to choose from) *Several Old Bicycles *Kids Yard Toys *Many Lanterns *Standing Candy Dispenser *2 Old Radios *Sleigh Table *Exotic Wooden Scupltures *RCA Tubes *Cast Iron Pans *Big Bang Cannon, uses Magnesium Nitrate to shoot *Spittoon *Electra Antique Mower *Johnson Boat Motor *Rail Road Lanterns *Honda Motorcycle 

Firearms & Ammo

*1945 Fabric Arms, 7.9 caliber, bolt action

*SS G&G 45-70

*Remington Gamemaster Model 760, 30-06, w/ Tasco 3x9 scope

*Savage Model 19 NRA, 22 long rifle 

*R6086 Rifle, (no markings)

*Stevens Model 58, 20 gauge 

*Remington Model 870, 410 bore pump action

*JC Higgins Model 583, 12 gauge, 2 3/4 chamber

*Springfield Model 511, 12 gauge, 2 3/4 chamber double barrel

*Several Boxes of Ammo, 45-70, 30-06, 410, 8mm, 16 gauge

Wildlife Mounts

*Antilope, shoulder mount *Whitetail, shoulder mount *Fisher, full body mount *White Ermine, full body mount *Bat, mounted in picture frame *Mouse, in display case *Moose Hide *Skunk Pelt *Elk Horn Sheds *2 Squirrel Mounts *Standing Mink Mount, Pheasant, flight mount *Pheasant, standing mount *Reptile, full body mount *Bird, full body mount *Turtle Shell *Blue Buffalo *Longhorn Cow, horn mount  

Star Wars Memorabilia & Collectible

*Numerous Star Wars Collectibles

*Multiple Star Wars 4 Foot Tall Figures

*Numerous Star Wars Action Figures

*Several Star Wars Life Size Stand-Up Cutouts 

*Star Wars Yoda Comes To Life Figure 

*Star Wars Hero Droid BB-8, follows voice commands

*Star Wars Masks and Costumes

*Too Many Star Wars Collections and Memorabilia to list!

Collectible Toys & Models

*Spider-Man Memorabilia *Avengers Memorabilia *Batman Collectibles, hotwheels, figures *Star Trek Models and Memorabilia *Superman Memorabilia *Multiple Themed Blankets *Hot Wheels *The Beatles Themed Hot Wheels *Iron Man Collection *Cars The Movie Collectibles *Incredibles Action Figures *Steam Engine Model Kits, (4 total) *Tons Of Train Sets and Models *Train Tracks and Controllers * Multiple Puzzles *Board Games *Vintage Car Models *John Deere Models *Erector Sets *Batman Beverage Cooler *Farm Toys *Construction Toys *Many Marvel Collectibles 

Man Cave Decor & Bar Collectibles

*Numerous Themed Shot Glasses *Cocktail Glasses *Swizzle Sticks *Themed Glasses *Bar Decor Sculptures *Beer Mirrors *Coasters *Goblets *Dirty Old Men Themed Glasses And Serving Tray *Several Beer Steins *Misc Beer Themed Lighted Wall Decor *Playboy Memorabilia *Ice Bucket *Shakers *Mini Pool Table *Dart Board  


*Hot Point Refridgerator, double door, w/water & ice despensor 






The Robert White Estate is an incredible local collection of Fireman memorabilia inlcuding an old fire engine, antique farm equipment, firearms, shop and tools, Star Wars figures and items, antique collectibles and much more. 


Check back soon for a complete listing including photos.