UHAUL Storage Auction
Listing ID#: 1394412

Auction Location

Milford, OH 45150
Auction Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022 Completed
Auction Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Hogstrom Auctioneering

Contact: Bob Hogstrom
Phone: (937) 477-0263
Email: Bobhogstrom@yahoo.com
Website: www.bobhogstrom.com/

GoToAuction.com ID#: 3711
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Listing Information

Legal Notice of Public AuctionUHAUL Storage will be auctioning the stored personal contents of the units listed below.  The Following 8 Units will be sold in their entirety.  Cash only.   The auction will be on Wednesday, Apr. 20, 2022, at approximately 12:30 pm.  Notification is posted on:  3-30-22. 

Deanna Hilton 4488 Pearl Ln., Batavia, OH 45103 - Rm# 113 furniture boxes bins.

Mossie Cope 6817 Center St., Newtown, OH 45244 - Rm# 1114 furniture bags bins boxes bikes lawn tools fishing poles electronics.

Kayne Fried 10 Robbie Rdg., Milford, OH 45150 - Rm# 1120 furniture boxes bags gym stuff.

Jamie Stulz 6526 Glenn Rd., Dayton, OH 45424 - Rm# 1143 chicken wire game chair shop vac.

Glorie Johnson 2102 Harveys Rd., New Richmond, OH 45157 - Rm# 125 furniture boxes bags grill shop vac.

Andrina Holmes 70 S. Terrace Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45215 - Rm# 140 furniture boxes bags bins clothes.

Amanda Dunham 314 Saint Andrews Dr., Apt B, Cincinnati, OH 45255 - Rm# 0189 furniture bins bags toys.

Kerri Anderson 890 W. Loveland Ave., H6, Loveland, OH 45140 - Rm# 103 bins boxes bags furniture.


The above are hereby notified that their goods stored at U-haul 751 Chamber Dr., Milford, OH 45150, will be sold at public auction on April 20, 2022 at or after 12:30pm.

Terms: Cash Only.   A $50.00 Deposit will be required, which will be refunded, if the Unit is cleaned out completely in 48 Hours.  If you have Vendors #, please bring your certificate. Otherwise, state tax will be charged. 
Directions: Located at 751 Chamber Dr.,, Milford, OH 45150 
Owner: UHAUL (513) 322-2958. 
Bob Hogstrom, Auctioneer/Real Estate Agent
In Assoc. with Ohio Real Estate Auctions, LLC 
(937) 836-0662 / (937) 477-0263 
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UHAUL Storage Auction

Hogstrom Auctioneering

Hogstrom Auctioneering

Contact: Bob Hogstrom
Phone: (937) 477-0263
Sale Location
UHAUL Storage 751 Chamber Dr.
Milford, OH 45150
Sale Dates and Times
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details

Legal Notice of Public AuctionUHAUL Storage will be auctioning the stored personal contents of the units listed below.  The Following 8 Units will be sold in their entirety.  Cash only.   The auction will be on Wednesday, Apr. 20, 2022, at approximately 12:30 pm.  Notification is posted on:  3-30-22. 

Deanna Hilton 4488 Pearl Ln., Batavia, OH 45103 - Rm# 113 furniture boxes bins.

Mossie Cope 6817 Center St., Newtown, OH 45244 - Rm# 1114 furniture bags bins boxes bikes lawn tools fishing poles electronics.

Kayne Fried 10 Robbie Rdg., Milford, OH 45150 - Rm# 1120 furniture boxes bags gym stuff.

Jamie Stulz 6526 Glenn Rd., Dayton, OH 45424 - Rm# 1143 chicken wire game chair shop vac.

Glorie Johnson 2102 Harveys Rd., New Richmond, OH 45157 - Rm# 125 furniture boxes bags grill shop vac.

Andrina Holmes 70 S. Terrace Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45215 - Rm# 140 furniture boxes bags bins clothes.

Amanda Dunham 314 Saint Andrews Dr., Apt B, Cincinnati, OH 45255 - Rm# 0189 furniture bins bags toys.

Kerri Anderson 890 W. Loveland Ave., H6, Loveland, OH 45140 - Rm# 103 bins boxes bags furniture.


The above are hereby notified that their goods stored at U-haul 751 Chamber Dr., Milford, OH 45150, will be sold at public auction on April 20, 2022 at or after 12:30pm.

Terms: Cash Only.   A $50.00 Deposit will be required, which will be refunded, if the Unit is cleaned out completely in 48 Hours.  If you have Vendors #, please bring your certificate. Otherwise, state tax will be charged. 
Directions: Located at 751 Chamber Dr.,, Milford, OH 45150 
Owner: UHAUL (513) 322-2958. 
Bob Hogstrom, Auctioneer/Real Estate Agent
In Assoc. with Ohio Real Estate Auctions, LLC 
(937) 836-0662 / (937) 477-0263 
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UHAUL Storage Auction
 Live Auction
Auction Date(s)
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022 Completed
Auction Location

Milford, OH 45150
Hogstrom Auctioneering

Contact: Bob Hogstrom
Phone: (937) 477-0263
Website: www.bobhogstrom.com/

Legal Notice of Public AuctionUHAUL Storage will be auctioning the stored personal contents of the units listed below.  The Following 8 Units will be sold in their entirety.  Cash only.   The auction will be on Wednesday, Apr. 20, 2022, at approximately 12:30 pm.  Notification is posted on:  3-30-22. 

Deanna Hilton 4488 Pearl Ln., Batavia, OH 45103 - Rm# 113 furniture boxes bins.

Mossie Cope 6817 Center St., Newtown, OH 45244 - Rm# 1114 furniture bags bins boxes bikes lawn tools fishing poles electronics.

Kayne Fried 10 Robbie Rdg., Milford, OH 45150 - Rm# 1120 furniture boxes bags gym stuff.

Jamie Stulz 6526 Glenn Rd., Dayton, OH 45424 - Rm# 1143 chicken wire game chair shop vac.

Glorie Johnson 2102 Harveys Rd., New Richmond, OH 45157 - Rm# 125 furniture boxes bags grill shop vac.

Andrina Holmes 70 S. Terrace Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45215 - Rm# 140 furniture boxes bags bins clothes.

Amanda Dunham 314 Saint Andrews Dr., Apt B, Cincinnati, OH 45255 - Rm# 0189 furniture bins bags toys.

Kerri Anderson 890 W. Loveland Ave., H6, Loveland, OH 45140 - Rm# 103 bins boxes bags furniture.


The above are hereby notified that their goods stored at U-haul 751 Chamber Dr., Milford, OH 45150, will be sold at public auction on April 20, 2022 at or after 12:30pm.

Terms: Cash Only.   A $50.00 Deposit will be required, which will be refunded, if the Unit is cleaned out completely in 48 Hours.  If you have Vendors #, please bring your certificate. Otherwise, state tax will be charged. 
Directions: Located at 751 Chamber Dr.,, Milford, OH 45150 
Owner: UHAUL (513) 322-2958. 
Bob Hogstrom, Auctioneer/Real Estate Agent
In Assoc. with Ohio Real Estate Auctions, LLC 
(937) 836-0662 / (937) 477-0263 