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Streenz HVAC Business Estate Closeout
Listing ID#: 1384365
Auction Location |
Saybrook, IL 61770 |
Auction Dates and Times |
Saturday Apr 16, 2022 Completed |
Auction Type |
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Mark Reynolds Auctions Website: ID#: 5548 View company information and listings |
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Cash or good check day of sale, 10% buyer's premium
Listing Information |
Public Auction HVAC Business Closeout Daniel Streenz Estate Saturday, April 16th 2022 10am. or auctionzip auctioneer 2783
Location: 305 South Main Street Saybrook, Illinois 61770
Van & Trailer: 1999 Ford Econoline service van; 16ft. bumper hitch double axle car trailer with ramps.
Sheet Metal Equipment: Niagara stomp press sheer; Arrow hand break; Smith’s cleat bender.
Tools: small portable torch; portable tank air compressor; Briggs & Stratton gas powered trash pump; Wissota ½ horse hp. Heavy duty bench grinder; DeWalt chop saw; Hand cart 1hp. Sewer rat; Santa Fe super sucker freon evacuation machine; pipe threading tools; freon manifold gauge sets; hand tools; pipe wrenches; Milwaukee Sawzall; Milwaukee drill; ladders; shovels; jack stands; chemicals; many other tools used in this type of work.
Hardware: several bolt bins full of hardware such as bolts; pipe fittings; screws; brass and copper fittings; PVC pipe fittings; hose clamps.
Copper: barrels of scrap copper and A coils.
Misc: Used furnaces and air conditioner units; bins full of new furnace parts; (5) furnace blower fans; shelves full of duct work; small dorm room refrigerator; table top microwave; 401 & R22 freon; 5 drawer metal filing cabinet with side door; 3 tier wood book case; 5 drawer filing cabinet drawers run left to right;
Copper Tubing & Plastic Hose: new ½ inch copper tubing; new copper fittings; rolls of new plastic tubing in assorted sizes; few rolls of electrical wiring;
Antiques: McDonald 50# hand weight; 4x6 J Streenz Wayne Feeds metal sign Saybrook, Illinois; 1960 wooden raffle car give away sign from Lourdes Parish Hall Gibson City, Illinois.; brass torch;
Auction Note: This will be a nice sale more miscellaneous is not mentioned in the add. Daniel did business in the area for many years and your attendance will be greatly appreciated. Terms of sale cash or good check day of sale. 10% buyer’s premium will be in effect for this sale. Visit auctionzip auctioneer 2783 for pictures.
Auction Conducted By Mark Reynolds Auctions Bloomington, Illinois 61701 (IAL) 440000323 (309) 825-7279 40 years of successful auctions in Illinois
Auction License: 440000323 |
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