Listing ID#: 1309035

Auction Location

MASON, MI 48854
Auction Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Jul 31, 2021 Completed
Auction Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Mel White Auctioneer

Contact: Mel White
Phone: 5173943006
Website: ID#: 7062
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms: cash, check, credit cards w/3% used fee All items will be sold as is. The seller nor the auctioneers will be responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold.
Listing Information






Saturday, July 31, 10:00 AM


1645 Tomlinson Rd, Mason, Mi 48854


Directions: US127 to the Kipp Rd exit #64, east on Kipp Rd ½ mile to Eden Rd, south on Eden Rd 1 mile to Tomlinson Rd then east to the sale.


I have moved to a senior center and have no further use for the following:




2016 CHEVY Equinox LT, AWD, 6 CYL, 20k miles (reserve)




Porcelain kitchen table w/chairs


Model l hunter fiberglass bow


2 Man crosscut saw


Oak harvest table


2 Bentwood dining chairs


Oak coat tree


Oak kitchen cabinet


Craftwood wood butter bowl


Johannsson Haviland china set


Barwick grandfather clock


Walnut commode w/chocolate marble top


2 Hand carved walking sticks


Oak child’s chair


Pressed back platform rocking chair


Oak hall tree


Old pottery vase


Ladies’ old hats


Oak bookcase/secretary
Old glassware & china


Kyber flow blue bowl


Western Electric candlestick telephone w/ ringer box


Walnut clock shelf


Oak plant stand


Bissell upright vacuum


Platform rocking chair


Doll bed


Oak fern stand


7 Robert A Tino framed limited edition prints


Hull W-3 & 3 vases


Oak kneehole desk


Cedar chest


Oil lamp


Chauncey Jerome New Haven NY weight driven reverse painted wall clock


Old linens


RCA portable radio


Banthrico coin car bank


Several old quilts


W. Zeller oil painting


Scrap book


1918 Lansing State Journal


Oak dining table


4 Oak pressed back chairs


Oak dining chairs


Oak slat rocker


Cast iron doctor’s scale


Muruto bamboo fly rod


Papier Mache elephant


Vendo Model 44 Coca Cola 10c pop machine


Mtd deer shoulder mount


Mounted fish


Coo-coo clock


Westmoreland pink chip bowl s/plate


Die cast ’64 Ford peddle car


Oak rocking chair


Card table w/padded chairs


Wicker arm chair


Antique wicker couch


Battery coon hunting lamps


Tin flour sifter


Round oak pedestal table


Cast iron spittoon


Granite coffee pot


Blue canning jars


Wool hunting suits


Granite baby wash tub


Ceramic Christmas tree


Hand well pump


Metal stop light


Southwest Pump Co Gilmore gas pump


Brass fire extinguisher


Fish spears


Hand corn & potato planters




Tackle boxes w/tackle


Wood pulleys


1976 Artic Cat JAG 300 snowmobile stored inside


Coleman lanterns 57,81, 10
Galvanized sprinkle can


Pitcher pump




Huffy balloon tire ladies’ bike


Metal lawn chairs


Wood boxes


Coaster wagon




Element 32” flat screen TV


Bissell upright vacuum


Floor lamp


Framed pictures


Oak coffee table


Broyhill couch & loveseat


Oak quilt rack


Panasonic 32” flat screen TV


Iron queen bed


Mission oak queen bed




3 Pc bedroom set


Char-Broil gas grill


Bose wave radio & 2 speakers


Leather sofa


Fish table lamp


La-Z-Boy recliner


Sleeping bags


Ice chests


Leather recliner


Panasonic stereo radio


Pressure canners


Canning jars


Home Cooking 18qt roaster


Maple rocking chair




Champion gun safe


Glenfield Model 65 .22cal rifle


Stevens 12ga single hammer shotgun


New Long Range 12ga hammer


Kodiak Model 260 .22cal auto rifle


Mossberg Model 42(b) .22cal bolt


Mason Dairy ½ pint cream bottle


Pine gun cabinet




Aluminum stepladder


Ariens snowblower w/electric start


10’ Aluminum boat


10’ Aluminum duck boat


Yale 2t air chain hoist


Log chains


Portable air tank


Shop Master 4” joiner


Pro-Tec 10” table saw


Hand tools




Craftsman 6” bench grinder


Bench vise


Power tools


Sandborn portable air compressor


1 ½ T floor jack


Battery chargers


Trac Vac leaf vac system Model 580


Bushel baskets 


Porch swing


Fishing poles


Toledo 2,000lb capacity scales


8’x14’ Utility trailer




Cement lawn deer


12’ Windmill


Yard tools




Remington electric pole saw


2005 Swisher Z-Max XZT zero turn mower


John Deere 322 lawn tractor w/deck, rototiller, snowblower


Lawn trailer


Steel tractors & other yard art


Many other items too numerous to list

Terms: cash, check, credit cards

All items will be sold as is.

The seller nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold.

Mel White Auctioneer

Okemos, Mi


Web page:


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Mel White Auctioneer

Mel White Auctioneer

Contact: Mel White
Phone: 5173943006
Sale Location
MASON, MI 48854
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Jul 31, 2021 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
Terms: cash, check, credit cards w/3% used fee All items will be sold as is. The seller nor the auctioneers will be responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold.
Listing Details






Saturday, July 31, 10:00 AM


1645 Tomlinson Rd, Mason, Mi 48854


Directions: US127 to the Kipp Rd exit #64, east on Kipp Rd ½ mile to Eden Rd, south on Eden Rd 1 mile to Tomlinson Rd then east to the sale.


I have moved to a senior center and have no further use for the following:




2016 CHEVY Equinox LT, AWD, 6 CYL, 20k miles (reserve)




Porcelain kitchen table w/chairs


Model l hunter fiberglass bow


2 Man crosscut saw


Oak harvest table


2 Bentwood dining chairs


Oak coat tree


Oak kitchen cabinet


Craftwood wood butter bowl


Johannsson Haviland china set


Barwick grandfather clock


Walnut commode w/chocolate marble top


2 Hand carved walking sticks


Oak child’s chair


Pressed back platform rocking chair


Oak hall tree


Old pottery vase


Ladies’ old hats


Oak bookcase/secretary
Old glassware & china


Kyber flow blue bowl


Western Electric candlestick telephone w/ ringer box


Walnut clock shelf


Oak plant stand


Bissell upright vacuum


Platform rocking chair


Doll bed


Oak fern stand


7 Robert A Tino framed limited edition prints


Hull W-3 & 3 vases


Oak kneehole desk


Cedar chest


Oil lamp


Chauncey Jerome New Haven NY weight driven reverse painted wall clock


Old linens


RCA portable radio


Banthrico coin car bank


Several old quilts


W. Zeller oil painting


Scrap book


1918 Lansing State Journal


Oak dining table


4 Oak pressed back chairs


Oak dining chairs


Oak slat rocker


Cast iron doctor’s scale


Muruto bamboo fly rod


Papier Mache elephant


Vendo Model 44 Coca Cola 10c pop machine


Mtd deer shoulder mount


Mounted fish


Coo-coo clock


Westmoreland pink chip bowl s/plate


Die cast ’64 Ford peddle car


Oak rocking chair


Card table w/padded chairs


Wicker arm chair


Antique wicker couch


Battery coon hunting lamps


Tin flour sifter


Round oak pedestal table


Cast iron spittoon


Granite coffee pot


Blue canning jars


Wool hunting suits


Granite baby wash tub


Ceramic Christmas tree


Hand well pump


Metal stop light


Southwest Pump Co Gilmore gas pump


Brass fire extinguisher


Fish spears


Hand corn & potato planters




Tackle boxes w/tackle


Wood pulleys


1976 Artic Cat JAG 300 snowmobile stored inside


Coleman lanterns 57,81, 10
Galvanized sprinkle can


Pitcher pump




Huffy balloon tire ladies’ bike


Metal lawn chairs


Wood boxes


Coaster wagon




Element 32” flat screen TV


Bissell upright vacuum


Floor lamp


Framed pictures


Oak coffee table


Broyhill couch & loveseat


Oak quilt rack


Panasonic 32” flat screen TV


Iron queen bed


Mission oak queen bed




3 Pc bedroom set


Char-Broil gas grill


Bose wave radio & 2 speakers


Leather sofa


Fish table lamp


La-Z-Boy recliner


Sleeping bags


Ice chests


Leather recliner


Panasonic stereo radio


Pressure canners


Canning jars


Home Cooking 18qt roaster


Maple rocking chair




Champion gun safe


Glenfield Model 65 .22cal rifle


Stevens 12ga single hammer shotgun


New Long Range 12ga hammer


Kodiak Model 260 .22cal auto rifle


Mossberg Model 42(b) .22cal bolt


Mason Dairy ½ pint cream bottle


Pine gun cabinet




Aluminum stepladder


Ariens snowblower w/electric start


10’ Aluminum boat


10’ Aluminum duck boat


Yale 2t air chain hoist


Log chains


Portable air tank


Shop Master 4” joiner


Pro-Tec 10” table saw


Hand tools




Craftsman 6” bench grinder


Bench vise


Power tools


Sandborn portable air compressor


1 ½ T floor jack


Battery chargers


Trac Vac leaf vac system Model 580


Bushel baskets 


Porch swing


Fishing poles


Toledo 2,000lb capacity scales


8’x14’ Utility trailer




Cement lawn deer


12’ Windmill


Yard tools




Remington electric pole saw


2005 Swisher Z-Max XZT zero turn mower


John Deere 322 lawn tractor w/deck, rototiller, snowblower


Lawn trailer


Steel tractors & other yard art


Many other items too numerous to list

Terms: cash, check, credit cards

All items will be sold as is.

The seller nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold.

Mel White Auctioneer

Okemos, Mi


Web page:


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 Live Auction
Auction Date(s)
Saturday Jul 31, 2021 Completed
Auction Location

MASON, MI 48854
Mel White Auctioneer

Contact: Mel White
Phone: 5173943006

Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms: cash, check, credit cards w/3% used fee All items will be sold as is. The seller nor the auctioneers will be responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold.






Saturday, July 31, 10:00 AM


1645 Tomlinson Rd, Mason, Mi 48854


Directions: US127 to the Kipp Rd exit #64, east on Kipp Rd ½ mile to Eden Rd, south on Eden Rd 1 mile to Tomlinson Rd then east to the sale.


I have moved to a senior center and have no further use for the following:




2016 CHEVY Equinox LT, AWD, 6 CYL, 20k miles (reserve)




Porcelain kitchen table w/chairs


Model l hunter fiberglass bow


2 Man crosscut saw


Oak harvest table


2 Bentwood dining chairs


Oak coat tree


Oak kitchen cabinet


Craftwood wood butter bowl


Johannsson Haviland china set


Barwick grandfather clock


Walnut commode w/chocolate marble top


2 Hand carved walking sticks


Oak child’s chair


Pressed back platform rocking chair


Oak hall tree


Old pottery vase


Ladies’ old hats


Oak bookcase/secretary
Old glassware & china


Kyber flow blue bowl


Western Electric candlestick telephone w/ ringer box


Walnut clock shelf


Oak plant stand


Bissell upright vacuum


Platform rocking chair


Doll bed


Oak fern stand


7 Robert A Tino framed limited edition prints


Hull W-3 & 3 vases


Oak kneehole desk


Cedar chest


Oil lamp


Chauncey Jerome New Haven NY weight driven reverse painted wall clock


Old linens


RCA portable radio


Banthrico coin car bank


Several old quilts


W. Zeller oil painting


Scrap book


1918 Lansing State Journal


Oak dining table


4 Oak pressed back chairs


Oak dining chairs


Oak slat rocker


Cast iron doctor’s scale


Muruto bamboo fly rod


Papier Mache elephant


Vendo Model 44 Coca Cola 10c pop machine


Mtd deer shoulder mount


Mounted fish


Coo-coo clock


Westmoreland pink chip bowl s/plate


Die cast ’64 Ford peddle car


Oak rocking chair


Card table w/padded chairs


Wicker arm chair


Antique wicker couch


Battery coon hunting lamps


Tin flour sifter


Round oak pedestal table


Cast iron spittoon


Granite coffee pot


Blue canning jars


Wool hunting suits


Granite baby wash tub


Ceramic Christmas tree


Hand well pump


Metal stop light


Southwest Pump Co Gilmore gas pump


Brass fire extinguisher


Fish spears


Hand corn & potato planters




Tackle boxes w/tackle


Wood pulleys


1976 Artic Cat JAG 300 snowmobile stored inside


Coleman lanterns 57,81, 10
Galvanized sprinkle can


Pitcher pump




Huffy balloon tire ladies’ bike


Metal lawn chairs


Wood boxes


Coaster wagon




Element 32” flat screen TV


Bissell upright vacuum


Floor lamp


Framed pictures


Oak coffee table


Broyhill couch & loveseat


Oak quilt rack


Panasonic 32” flat screen TV


Iron queen bed


Mission oak queen bed




3 Pc bedroom set


Char-Broil gas grill


Bose wave radio & 2 speakers


Leather sofa


Fish table lamp


La-Z-Boy recliner


Sleeping bags


Ice chests


Leather recliner


Panasonic stereo radio


Pressure canners


Canning jars


Home Cooking 18qt roaster


Maple rocking chair




Champion gun safe


Glenfield Model 65 .22cal rifle


Stevens 12ga single hammer shotgun


New Long Range 12ga hammer


Kodiak Model 260 .22cal auto rifle


Mossberg Model 42(b) .22cal bolt


Mason Dairy ½ pint cream bottle


Pine gun cabinet




Aluminum stepladder


Ariens snowblower w/electric start


10’ Aluminum boat


10’ Aluminum duck boat


Yale 2t air chain hoist


Log chains


Portable air tank


Shop Master 4” joiner


Pro-Tec 10” table saw


Hand tools




Craftsman 6” bench grinder


Bench vise


Power tools


Sandborn portable air compressor


1 ½ T floor jack


Battery chargers


Trac Vac leaf vac system Model 580


Bushel baskets 


Porch swing


Fishing poles


Toledo 2,000lb capacity scales


8’x14’ Utility trailer




Cement lawn deer


12’ Windmill


Yard tools




Remington electric pole saw


2005 Swisher Z-Max XZT zero turn mower


John Deere 322 lawn tractor w/deck, rototiller, snowblower


Lawn trailer


Steel tractors & other yard art


Many other items too numerous to list

Terms: cash, check, credit cards

All items will be sold as is.

The seller nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold.

Mel White Auctioneer

Okemos, Mi


Web page: