Listing ID#: 1305882

Auction Location

Auction Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Jul 17, 2021 Completed
Auction Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Mel White Auctioneer

Contact: Mel White
Phone: 5173943006
Email: melw21588@gmail.com
Website: melwhiteauctioneer.com

GoToAuction.com ID#: 7062
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms: cash, check, credit cards w/3% used fee All items will be sold as is. The seller nor the auctioneers will be responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold.
Listing Information




Lou & Lois Shepard


9409 Walnut Hwy


Dimondale, Mi 48821


Saturday, July 17, 10AM


Directions: I96 to the Lansing Rd exit #98A, southwest on Lansing Rd ½ mile to Canal Rd, south on Canal Rd 1 mile to Walnut Hwy, east to the sale.


We are preparing to sell our home and have no further use for the following items:




1932 Ford flathead roadster, (all steel) suicide doors, 90% restored, extra engine parts,


   running spare engine w/test stands (reserve)


2 1958 BMW Isetta 300 cars W/titles & a 3rd for parts for restoration (to be sold as a group) (reserve)




Welding table


Welding hand sets


Thermal Dynamics Cut Master 38 plasma cutter (used twice)


Johnson gas furnace


Oxygen/acetylene welding outfit w/cart & tanks


Metal work table w/vise


2 Bally stake pocket & stakes


di-acro 36” Spartan sheet metal roller


Pexto PX36” finger brake


Craftsman All-in-one cutting tool


Per-Fecto & Cedar Rapids Kwick Way boring bars w/stand


Craftsman Professional scroll saw on stand


Delta Sawbuck frame & trim saw, completely rebuilt


Medium blacksmith anvil (175#?)


Miller WT-2530 spot welder


Jet Woodworking shaper JWS 18HO


Craftsman 10” table saw on stand


Delta tabletop band saw


Tool Shop bench drill press


KO Lee Model 860-11-51 surface grinder


Craftsman 3,000psi power washer, needs engine repair


Craftsman 2400psivpower washer




Wellsaw Wells metal band saw


24”x18”x6” Surface plate


Homemade metal hack saw


Bench vises




Bush Hog 3pt King finish mower


King Kutter 3pt 5’ brush hog


King Kutter 3pt 6’ landscape rake


Befco T50 3pt rototiller


Work Saver 3pt post hole digger


Land Pride RBT1572 6’ 3pt rear blade


Speeco 6’ 3pt rear blade


3Pt lift platform




Bolens riding lawn tractor


6’Lawn roller


2 Lawn tractor sprinklers


Yard tools


Can’t hook


Lawn cart


Log splitter




Oils & lubes


Air & oil filters, new


Welding stock


4 F150 20” mounted tires & wheels


Bolt bin


Log splitter


Champion outboard motor


Outboard motor carts


Outboard motor test tank


Large parts cabinet


Trailer dual wheel fenders, new


Flat & round steel stock, large quantity


Deep well storage cabinet


Cessna 170B aircraft parts, tires, fuel tank, wheel pants, lift struts


3 Rolls new clear plastic 10’x100’


5’x5’x1/8” sheet steel


Kawasaki Mule fuel tank, new


2 Chaos folding bicycles


5 Boxes American Crafters Laminate wood flooring


Several tow hitches & balls


Cement landscape blocks & bricks


Roll plastic water tubing


Scrap metal


Corrugated galvanized siding


Cement steps


14’ Aluminum fishing boat & trailer


4’x8’ Utility trailer, needs help


4”x6”, 6”x6” treated lumber


Ladder jacks


Safety gas cans


Set of fork lift forks


Sheet of diamond plate steel


Frigidaire 21cf upright freezer


2 DCM large speakers


Design Acoustics speaker


Infinity speaker


Pyramid Phase III speaker Model 693


Sony speaker system SS-H701


2 Sony speakers


Vanco large speaker


Many other useful items


Terms: cash, check, credit cards


All items will be sold as is.


The seller nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold.


Mel White, auctioneer


Okemos, Mi




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Mel White Auctioneer

Mel White Auctioneer

Contact: Mel White
Phone: 5173943006
Sale Location
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Jul 17, 2021 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
Terms: cash, check, credit cards w/3% used fee All items will be sold as is. The seller nor the auctioneers will be responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold.
Listing Details




Lou & Lois Shepard


9409 Walnut Hwy


Dimondale, Mi 48821


Saturday, July 17, 10AM


Directions: I96 to the Lansing Rd exit #98A, southwest on Lansing Rd ½ mile to Canal Rd, south on Canal Rd 1 mile to Walnut Hwy, east to the sale.


We are preparing to sell our home and have no further use for the following items:




1932 Ford flathead roadster, (all steel) suicide doors, 90% restored, extra engine parts,


   running spare engine w/test stands (reserve)


2 1958 BMW Isetta 300 cars W/titles & a 3rd for parts for restoration (to be sold as a group) (reserve)




Welding table


Welding hand sets


Thermal Dynamics Cut Master 38 plasma cutter (used twice)


Johnson gas furnace


Oxygen/acetylene welding outfit w/cart & tanks


Metal work table w/vise


2 Bally stake pocket & stakes


di-acro 36” Spartan sheet metal roller


Pexto PX36” finger brake


Craftsman All-in-one cutting tool


Per-Fecto & Cedar Rapids Kwick Way boring bars w/stand


Craftsman Professional scroll saw on stand


Delta Sawbuck frame & trim saw, completely rebuilt


Medium blacksmith anvil (175#?)


Miller WT-2530 spot welder


Jet Woodworking shaper JWS 18HO


Craftsman 10” table saw on stand


Delta tabletop band saw


Tool Shop bench drill press


KO Lee Model 860-11-51 surface grinder


Craftsman 3,000psi power washer, needs engine repair


Craftsman 2400psivpower washer




Wellsaw Wells metal band saw


24”x18”x6” Surface plate


Homemade metal hack saw


Bench vises




Bush Hog 3pt King finish mower


King Kutter 3pt 5’ brush hog


King Kutter 3pt 6’ landscape rake


Befco T50 3pt rototiller


Work Saver 3pt post hole digger


Land Pride RBT1572 6’ 3pt rear blade


Speeco 6’ 3pt rear blade


3Pt lift platform




Bolens riding lawn tractor


6’Lawn roller


2 Lawn tractor sprinklers


Yard tools


Can’t hook


Lawn cart


Log splitter




Oils & lubes


Air & oil filters, new


Welding stock


4 F150 20” mounted tires & wheels


Bolt bin


Log splitter


Champion outboard motor


Outboard motor carts


Outboard motor test tank


Large parts cabinet


Trailer dual wheel fenders, new


Flat & round steel stock, large quantity


Deep well storage cabinet


Cessna 170B aircraft parts, tires, fuel tank, wheel pants, lift struts


3 Rolls new clear plastic 10’x100’


5’x5’x1/8” sheet steel


Kawasaki Mule fuel tank, new


2 Chaos folding bicycles


5 Boxes American Crafters Laminate wood flooring


Several tow hitches & balls


Cement landscape blocks & bricks


Roll plastic water tubing


Scrap metal


Corrugated galvanized siding


Cement steps


14’ Aluminum fishing boat & trailer


4’x8’ Utility trailer, needs help


4”x6”, 6”x6” treated lumber


Ladder jacks


Safety gas cans


Set of fork lift forks


Sheet of diamond plate steel


Frigidaire 21cf upright freezer


2 DCM large speakers


Design Acoustics speaker


Infinity speaker


Pyramid Phase III speaker Model 693


Sony speaker system SS-H701


2 Sony speakers


Vanco large speaker


Many other useful items


Terms: cash, check, credit cards


All items will be sold as is.


The seller nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold.


Mel White, auctioneer


Okemos, Mi




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 Live Auction
Auction Date(s)
Saturday Jul 17, 2021 Completed
Auction Location

Mel White Auctioneer

Contact: Mel White
Phone: 5173943006
Website: melwhiteauctioneer.com

Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms: cash, check, credit cards w/3% used fee All items will be sold as is. The seller nor the auctioneers will be responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold.




Lou & Lois Shepard


9409 Walnut Hwy


Dimondale, Mi 48821


Saturday, July 17, 10AM


Directions: I96 to the Lansing Rd exit #98A, southwest on Lansing Rd ½ mile to Canal Rd, south on Canal Rd 1 mile to Walnut Hwy, east to the sale.


We are preparing to sell our home and have no further use for the following items:




1932 Ford flathead roadster, (all steel) suicide doors, 90% restored, extra engine parts,


   running spare engine w/test stands (reserve)


2 1958 BMW Isetta 300 cars W/titles & a 3rd for parts for restoration (to be sold as a group) (reserve)




Welding table


Welding hand sets


Thermal Dynamics Cut Master 38 plasma cutter (used twice)


Johnson gas furnace


Oxygen/acetylene welding outfit w/cart & tanks


Metal work table w/vise


2 Bally stake pocket & stakes


di-acro 36” Spartan sheet metal roller


Pexto PX36” finger brake


Craftsman All-in-one cutting tool


Per-Fecto & Cedar Rapids Kwick Way boring bars w/stand


Craftsman Professional scroll saw on stand


Delta Sawbuck frame & trim saw, completely rebuilt


Medium blacksmith anvil (175#?)


Miller WT-2530 spot welder


Jet Woodworking shaper JWS 18HO


Craftsman 10” table saw on stand


Delta tabletop band saw


Tool Shop bench drill press


KO Lee Model 860-11-51 surface grinder


Craftsman 3,000psi power washer, needs engine repair


Craftsman 2400psivpower washer




Wellsaw Wells metal band saw


24”x18”x6” Surface plate


Homemade metal hack saw


Bench vises




Bush Hog 3pt King finish mower


King Kutter 3pt 5’ brush hog


King Kutter 3pt 6’ landscape rake


Befco T50 3pt rototiller


Work Saver 3pt post hole digger


Land Pride RBT1572 6’ 3pt rear blade


Speeco 6’ 3pt rear blade


3Pt lift platform




Bolens riding lawn tractor


6’Lawn roller


2 Lawn tractor sprinklers


Yard tools


Can’t hook


Lawn cart


Log splitter




Oils & lubes


Air & oil filters, new


Welding stock


4 F150 20” mounted tires & wheels


Bolt bin


Log splitter


Champion outboard motor


Outboard motor carts


Outboard motor test tank


Large parts cabinet


Trailer dual wheel fenders, new


Flat & round steel stock, large quantity


Deep well storage cabinet


Cessna 170B aircraft parts, tires, fuel tank, wheel pants, lift struts


3 Rolls new clear plastic 10’x100’


5’x5’x1/8” sheet steel


Kawasaki Mule fuel tank, new


2 Chaos folding bicycles


5 Boxes American Crafters Laminate wood flooring


Several tow hitches & balls


Cement landscape blocks & bricks


Roll plastic water tubing


Scrap metal


Corrugated galvanized siding


Cement steps


14’ Aluminum fishing boat & trailer


4’x8’ Utility trailer, needs help


4”x6”, 6”x6” treated lumber


Ladder jacks


Safety gas cans


Set of fork lift forks


Sheet of diamond plate steel


Frigidaire 21cf upright freezer


2 DCM large speakers


Design Acoustics speaker


Infinity speaker


Pyramid Phase III speaker Model 693


Sony speaker system SS-H701


2 Sony speakers


Vanco large speaker


Many other useful items


Terms: cash, check, credit cards


All items will be sold as is.


The seller nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold.


Mel White, auctioneer


Okemos, Mi




Web page:

