Dean Plooster Coins/Firearms/Vehicles/Ammo Online Only Auction
Listing ID#: 1305072

Auction Location

Artesian, SD 57314
Auction Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Bidding Starts: Friday Jul 2, 08:00 AM
Bidding Ends: Monday Jul 12, 06:00 PM
Auction Type
 Online Auction 
Company Information
Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC

Website: ID#: 2926
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions


Preview Date: Contact Auctioneer 605-999-4239.
Buyers Premium: 8%
Payment: Winning bids will be paid by guaranteed funds within 24 hours of auction close. You may pay by guaranteed check or bank check or wire transfer. A limit of $2500.00 per invoice for Credit Card charges. Any Invoice totals under $100.00 will automatically be charged to the Credit Card on record. A 3% Convenience Fee will be charged to all Credit Card purchases.

Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers ONLINE AUCTIONS Feature “A MAX BID” Option as well as a “SOFT CLOSE”.
“A MAX BID” may be placed on any item and the computer will bid on your behalf, thus eliminating the need to continually watch your bids. This option is highly recommended so you do not miss out on an item you are bidding on. In the event you do not use the MAX BID feature and you are out bid you will be notified via e-mail or text that you have been outbid and will have the opportunity to raise your bid.

“THE SOFT CLOSE” feature means any bid received in the final minutes of the auction will automatically extend bidding on that particular item or lot by 1 minute to allow another bidder the opportunity to raise their bid.

GENERAL TERMS: The auction will be conducted by Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers on behalf of the owners of the property, referred to as the Seller. Auctioneer is not responsible for the acts or representations of Seller. The auction shall be governed by the terms set forth herein (the agreement), and any additional terms and conditions that are posted concerning the specific property. The Agreement constitutes a valid, binding contract between individuals participating in the auction with the intent to purchase property, referred to as the Bidder or Buyer, and Seller/Auctioneer. The term Bidder or Buyer shall include, but not limited to, the individual or the company represented by the individual and any and all of its agents, employees, representatives, officers, and directors. Auctioneer is not responsible for statements made by the Bidder, Buyer, or other parties. Auctioneer reserves the right to periodically change the terms and conditions of the Agreement, which shall be effective immediately upon posting. It is the Bidders responsibility to review any and all changes made to these terms and conditions prior to bidding on property. The act of submitting a bid shall constitute Bidder acceptance of each and every term and condition contained herein, any additional terms and conditions posted with the property, and any changes made within the full agreement. All persons attending, inspecting or removing property assume all risks whatsoever of damage or loss to person and property and specifically release the Auctioneer from all liability. Auctioneer is not liable by reason of any defect in, or condition of, the property or the premises on which the preview/sale is held. Auctioneer is released for any claims to actual damage to the property sold and/or consequential damages that may result from the sale of defective property.

DISCLOSURES/NO WARRANTY: There is no warranty offered, expressed or implied, by Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers or Sellers for any property. All property is sold AS-IS, WHERE-IS, and with all faults and defects therein. All information provided is believed to be correct but NO warranty as such is either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Bidder is solely responsible to determine condition, age, authenticity, value or any other determinative factor. Bidder inspection of the property prior to submitting a bid is strongly recommended. ALL SALES ARE FINAL!!
Auctioneer reserves the right to add or withdraw property from the auction, and/or regroup items. Auctioneer reserves the right to sell property absolute or with reserve, at Sellers discretion. The Seller does have the right to make the final bid and the Auctioneer does have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. The auctioneer reserves the right to open the bid as the result of a tie bid or discrepancies in the bid.
Buyer assumes full responsibility of property at time of purchase, and all risk of loss and damage to property. All titles will be assigned to registered buyer unless notification is received by auctioneer at the end of auction. NO TITLES WILL BE ISSUED UNLESS COMPLETELY FILLED OUT.

BIDDER REGISTRATION: Bidder must be 18 years of age or older, and are required to register for the auction. In registration, Bidder must submit information found to be current, complete, and accurate for proper identification. Auctioneer does not sell or rent this information. Auctioneer uses email mailing lists to notify customers about online and live auctions. Customers who do not wish to be notified should contact the office of the Auctioneer and request removal from the email mailing list. Bidder is responsible for security of his/her bidding number/user name and password, and any and all bids placed under the assigned number/ID. Auctioneer should be notified immediately if Bidder believes number and/or password have been compromised. Auctioneer reserves the right to terminate registration, deny any person for any reason permission or access to bid, to reject any and all bids, and to suspend or ban Bidder from bidding, at Auctioneers sole discretion. Bidder registration is not transferable or assignable.

BIDDING: Bidder must register to participate in the auction. Read the descriptions of each lot and view photographs carefully. If you have any questions call 605-999-4239. Should you visit the viewing location, please personally inspect the property on which you intend to bid during the date(s) indicated in the details per item when applicable. Using YOUR knowledge and experience, form your own opinion of the property and bid accordingly. If you are in doubt, DO NOT BID. All items are sold “AS-IS WHERE IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS” this is an AUCTION and all SALES ARE FINAL. Bids cannot be retracted and are binding contracts between Bidder and Auctioneer/Seller. Bidder is accountable to be informed about property and associated costs before bidding. A maximum bid can be placed on property. A maximum bid is kept confidential, and Bidder authorizes Auctioneer to place bids on his/her behalf up to the amount of the maximum bid. Upon sale of property, identifying information and purchase amount will be posted for a designated period of time. All questions or disputes must be resolved immediately; no changes or adjustments will be made at a later date. Auctioneer reserves the right to reopen bidding. Auctioneer decisions will be final.

BUYERS PREMIUM: A Buyers premium of 8% will be charged on each purchase. Unless otherwise stated. A buyers premium, an advertised percentage of the high bid or flat fee added to the high bid will be added to the high bid and become part of the purchase amount at settlement. Buyer agrees to these provisions and will pay the applicable buyers premium. Example if an item is sold for $100.00 + 8% buyers premium = Final bid price $108.00. There is a $750.00 BP cap per item.

PAYMENT TERMS: Sales tax, when applicable, will be charged on both the purchase price and buyers premium. Taxes, fees, shipping, handling, insurance, storage and security charges are Buyers expenses, and will be calculated and rendered due at the sale of the property. Payment will be made in full by the buyer. Upon making payment for property, no stop payment of funds will be honored, Any stop payment order of a check, or giving a check which is returned marked insufficient funds, shall be deemed by the parties to be a prima facie evidence of fraud existing at the time the transaction was consummated and shall be construed by the parties as intent to defraud. If you are from another country other than the US, you must pay in US funds.

REMOVAL OF PROPERTY / SHIPPING TERMS: Buyer assumes full responsibility of property at time of purchase, and all risk of loss and damage to property. Property will not be removed from sale premises until payment in full has been received. Any and all methods of lifting, towing, and/or hauling are the Buyers responsibility. Packing and shipping costs are the responsibility of Buyer and can be conducted by a third party of choice. The final day of removal will be posted with property information. Any and all property not removed by Buyer by the final day of removal will revert back to the Auctioneer/ Seller, and may be resold at auction or disposed of in any other manner that seems to be suitable.

CHOICE OF LAW: The laws of the State of South Dakota governs this agreement any dispute arising from the terms of this auction shall be brought in a court of Sanborn County, South Dakota.

ADDITIONAL TERMS: The following are property specific Terms & Conditions that are posted online with the individual property information and will override any likewise terms stated in this Agreement. - Buyers Premium - Sale Date and Time (Beginning and Ending) - Inspection Location, Dates, and Times - Final Date of Removal - Shipping Arrangements - Special Notes/Comments/Announcements

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Bidding Increments
$0.00 - $10.00 = $1.00
$10.01 - $25.00 = $3.00
$25.01 - $100.00 = $5.00
$100.01 - $250.00 = $8.00
$250.01 - $500.00 = $10.00
$500.01 - $1,000.00 = $25.00
$1,000.01 - $5,000.00 = $50.00
$5,000.01 - $10,000.00 = $100.00
$10,000.01 - $25,000.00 = $250.00
$25,000.01 - $50,000.00 = $500.00
$50,000.01 - $100,000.00 = $1,000.00

Currency: USD
Buyers Premium: 8% Buyers Premium added to final bid only on Online Purchases. $750.00 BP cap
Payment Terms: Cash or Bankable Check
Full payment within 24 hours of auction close via guaranteed funds. You may pay by guaranteed check or bank check or wire transfer. Credit Card is used for verification purpose only and will not be charged. Any Invoice totals $100.00 or less will automatically be charged to the Credit Card on record. A 3% Convenience Fee will be charged to all Credit Card purchases.

Shipping / Pick Up
Items will be picked up after paid in full the day after the auction or make arrangements with auctioneer. Items not picked up within 30 days will be deemed abandoned and resold, unless arrangements are made with the seller.
Listing Information

Check back soon for complete details. We are honored to be able to offer some very fine items of Dean Plooster’s from Dell Rapids, SD.
All items will be located at our facility for pickup and a listing will be coming soon. Items that will be offered are Guns, Ammo, 2 vehicles, Antiques, Coins, Silver, Stamps Tokens and more not yet uncovered.

Call Steve Larson 605-770-9818, Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Myron Grosz 605-999-4087 or Kelbi Dean 605-999-8812 for information on this auction.

Information Lot Only for the Dean Plooster Vehicle, Guns, Ammo, Coins, Gold, Silver & More!
Information Lot Only for the Dean Plooster Vehicle, Guns, Ammo, Coins, Gold, Silver & More!

We are honored to be able to offer some very fine items of Dean Plooster’s from Dell Rapids, SD. All items will be located at our facility for pickup and a listing will be coming soon. Items that will be offered are Guns, Ammo, 2 vehicles, Antiques, Coins, Silver, Stamps Tokens and more not yet uncovered.

Call Steve Larson 605-770-9818, Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Myron Grosz 605-999-4087 or Kelbi Dean 605-999-8812 for information on this auction.

Please make every attempt to pick up your items on the scheduled pickup date or call if you need to schedule and appointment for pickup.

Due to Covid 19 Please call and make arrangements with seller for pickup. Please limit Person to Person contact with Sellers. Please pickup your items as soon as possible after payment. Thank you for your cooperation and everyone please be safe!
Call Steve Larson 605-770-9818, Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Myron Grosz 605-999-4087 or Kelbi Dean 605-999-8812 for information on this auction.


Location Information, Invoice Information, Payment Information
Location Information:
All items will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314. The location of each item will be listed in the description. 

Invoice Information:
Upon successfully winning the bid of an item, an invoice will be emailed to you following the auction. Please look for your invoice following the auction in your registered email account. Please read the invoice at the bottom. If paying with cash or good check, please pay the Cash Total Due. Do Not Pay the Convenience Fee Total (This is the Credit Card Fee). Any invoice totals under $100.00 will automatically be charged to the credit card on file. We reserve the right to require wire transfers from any customer for coin & currency purchases over $100.00. 

Payment Information:
Payments (Cash or Good Check) not received by Friday Noon the week of the auction, the balance will be charged to Buyers Credit Card on File! Please mail your payment no later than Wednesday after the Auction to avoid Credit Card Charges. If payment cannot be paid by Thursday, please contact Auctioneers to make arrangements. NO Items will be released or removed until entire invoice is paid in full.


Sales Tax & Buyers Premium, Notice Information, App Information
We reserve the right to require wire transfers from any customer for coin & currency purchases over $100.00.

Sales Tax & Buyers Premium  
Buyers Premium is Charged on a Per Item Basis.
8% BUYERS FEE ON ALL PURCHASES $750.00 cap per item

4.5% SD Sales Tax - Unless you have a SD sales tax form on file with us. Contact Us prior to purchasing with your Sales Tax Information to purchase for resale

The Sellers/Auctioneers DO NOT provide transportation or shipping services for buyers to remove their merchandise. Any and all methods of towing and/or hauling, as well as all other methods or requirements for the removal and transport of the Equipment, is the sole responsibility of the buyer. All items must be picked up at auction address,


App Information:
Download our Bidding App on you Android or Apple phone, Ipad, etc. Go to the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and search “Dean Edwards” Sign Up and then Register to bid!


Practice Bidding & Covid Information
Practice Bidding & Covid Information
Use this lot to practice bidding, go ahead and bid away using the bid button, learn how to increase your bid amount by clicking on the Plus button in each lot, or setting a max bid. Also, if you click on the Star in any lot, it will add it to "Your Items" section so you can watch that particular item without having to bid on it. Any questions, call Steve at 605-770-9818 or Justin @ 605-999-4239.
Covid 19 Information:
Please limit Person to Person contact with Sellers/Agents when picking up your items. If you are feeling ill or have any symptoms, please call ahead a we will make sure your purchases can be set out for you to pickup safely. Please pickup your items as soon as possible after payment. Thank you for your cooperation and everyone please be safe!


Pickup Dates & Search Features.
Pickup Dates
July 13, 2021 from 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM and 
July 14, 2021 from 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM.

If you cannot make these set pickup dates, please contact auctioneers and make a scheduled appointment. 
Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818
We will not have any weekend pickup times available.

You can search for certain Catagory items such as Coins, Stamps, Toys, Firearms etc. by going to the 9 squares by All and Active, from there it will give you the different Catagories.

Winchester Super-X 22 Magnum- Jacketed Hollow Point
Winchester Super-X 22 Magnum - Jacketed Hollow Point
Rimfire Cartridges 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD  57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239 
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1993 United States Mint Proof Set
United States Mint Proof Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Slugger 1oz Hollow Point Rifled Slug - 5 plastic shotgun shells
Remington Slugger 1oz Hollow Point Rifled Slug- 5 plastic shotgun shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1970 and 1971 Uncirculated Coin Sets
1970 and 1971 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Mastercraft 22 Long Rifle High Velocity - Handy 4 Pack -200
Mastercraft 22 Long Rifle High Velocity - Handy 4 Pack - 200 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

The American Buffalo Coin and Currency Set
The American Buffalo Coin and Currency Set 
-Uncirculated 2001 American Buffalo Commemorative Silver Dollar
-Mint Condition 1987 10 cent Red Cloud United States Postage Stamp
-Series 1899 $5 Indian Chief Silver Certificate Replica 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Federal .22 Win. Mag. Jacketed Hollow Point - 30 Grain - unopened
Federal .22 Win. Mag. Jacketed Hollow Point - 30 Grain - unopened 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1883 Carson City Silver Dollar
1883 Carson City Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X 20 Centerfire Rifle Cartridges
Winchester Super-X 20 Centerfire Rifle Cartridges 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Kennedy Half Dollars including Proof-only issues from 1964 on - book is near full - see pictures
Kennedy Half Dollars including Proof-only issures from 1964 on - book is near full - see pictures

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington CBee 22 low velocity - full 2 boxes
Remington CBee 22 low velocity - full 2 boxes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1989 United States Mint Proof Set
1989 United States Mint Proof Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X .22 Long Rifle - High Velocity - full box
Winchester Super-X .22 Long Rifle - High Velocity

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1971 and 1972 Uncirculated Coin Sets
1971 and 1972 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

American Eagle .22 Long Rifle Copper-plated High Velocity - 38 grain Hollow Point - full
American Eagle .22 Long Rifle Copper-plated High Velocity - 38 grain Hollow Point

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1971 - 1974 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar
1971 - 1974 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S Government Standard .45 Calibre - Solid Head -20 Cartridges
U.S. Governement Standard .45 Calibre - Solid Head - 20 Cartridges 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1974 and 1975 Uncirculated Coin Sets
1974 and 1975 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Kleanbore 44 S & W Special 246 Grain Lead Bullet - unopened
Remington Kleanbore 44 S & W Special 246 Grain Lead Bullet - unopened

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Wood rocker glider
Wood rocker glider

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1990 United States Mint Proof Set
1990 United States Mint Proof Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Antique wood chair w/ wicker seat
Antique wood chair w/ wicker seat

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Cartridges 32-20 Winchester Center Fire - 100 Grain Soft Point Lubaloy Bullet
Western Cartridges 32-20 Winchester Center Fire - 100 Grain Soft Point Lubaloy Bullet

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Antique wood chair
Antique wood chair

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1964 and 1965 Uncirculated Coin Sets
1964 and 1965 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2 wood chairs
2 wood chairs

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Gambles Center Fire Cartridges Hiawatha 30-30 Winchester 170 Grain - Soft Point
Gambles Center Fire Cartridges Hiawatha 30-30 Winchester 170 Grain - Soft Point

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of misc. vintage jars, Brown glass, clear glass, Gallon jug w/handle
Box of misc. vintage jars, Brown glass, clear glass, Gallon jug w/handle

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1968 and 1969 Uncirculated Coin Sets
1968 and 1969 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of Gallon jugs and 2 quart glass jars
Box of Gallon jugs and 2 quart glass jars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X 20 GA. 2 3/4 in. Shotgun Shells - full box
Western Super-X 20 GA. 2 3/4 in. Shotgun Shells - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of misc. pint jars and quart jars
Box of misc. pint jars and quart jars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1988 United States Mint Proof Set
1988 United States Mint Proof Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box full of misc. pint jars
Box full of misc. pint jars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Empty Cartridges
Empty Cartridges

10 - 308 Win.
10 - 30-06 W-W Super 
7 - 30-30 Win.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of misc. jars Blue Ball jars, clear Ball jars, misc. bottles
Box of misc. jars Blue Ball jars, clear Ball jars, misc. bottles

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1776 - 1976 United States Bicentennial Silver Uncirculated Set
1776 - 1976 United States Bicentennial Silver Uncirculated Sets 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

9 - Blue Ball quart jars and 2 pint Blue Ball jars
9 - Blue Ball quart jars and 2 pint Blue Ball jars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Harrington Richardson SS Model 157 30-30 WIN.
Harrington Richardson SS Model 157 30-30 WIN. 

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box full of misc. pop bottles & vintage jars
Box full of misc. pop bottles & vintage jars
- Pepsi, Coke, Nesbitts, Mt. Dew, 7-UP

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1971 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar
1971 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Bucket full of misc. vintage pop bottles
Bucket full of misc. vintage pop bottles
A&W Root Beer, Coke, Pepsi, Hires, Mt. Dew, Nesbitts bottle

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X 257 Roberts - 117 Grain Soft Point
Western Super-X 257 Roberts - 117 Grain Soft Point

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of vintage jugs and bottles
Box of vintage jugs and bottles

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1776 - 1976 United States Bicentennial Silver Uncirculated Set
1776 - 1976 United States Bicentennial Silver Uncirculated Set

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Crock Jug and Glass gallon jug
Crock Jug and Glass gallon jug

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Hi-Speed 22 short hollow point - 2 full boxes
Remington Hi-Speed 22 short hollow point- 2 full boxes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of misc. glass bottles., Pepsi bottle, vintage bottles, large gal. jar w/ lid and handle
Box of misc. glass bottles., Pepsi bottle, vintage bottles, large gal. jar w/ lid and handle

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1971 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar
1971 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of misc. pint glass jars
Box of misc. pint glass jars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X 20 Centerfire Pistol-Revolver Cartridges - 45 Colt 255 Gr. Lead - full box
Winchester Super-X 20 Centerfire Pistol-Revolver Cartriges - 45 Colt 255 Gr. Lead

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2 boxes of 1 dozen Ball regular pint mason jars
2 boxes of 1 dozen Ball regular pint mason jars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1973 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar
1973 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of assorted jars - pint, quart, bottles, vintage bottles
Box of assorted jars - pint, quart, bottles, vintage bottles

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Kleanbore 257 Roberts - 117 Grain Soft Point - full box
Remington Kleanbore 257 Roberts- 117 Grain Soft Point - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Glass Fishing Float In Turquoise w/ rope net

Vintage Glass Fishing Float In Turquoise with rope net

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1974 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar
1974 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Sentry #1250 combination safe
Sentry #1250 combination safe

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Rem. 22 Short L, LR Parts
Rem. 22 Short, L, LR Parts

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2 - New General Tire Exclaim HPX A/S 235/50R18
2 - New General Tire Exclaim HPX A/S 235/50R18

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


1972 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar
1972 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Metal Sword 38" Long "Colada del Cid" Name Plooster engraved in blade
Metal Sword 38" Long "Colada del Cid" Name Plooster engraved in blade

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

22 Long Rifle Hollow Point Mini Mag
22 Long Rifle Hollow Point Mini Mag

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1957 Chevrolet Corvette, 1953 Corvette Convertible, 1914 Chevrolet Royal Mail Roadster, Ford Coupe
1957 Chevrolet Corvette, 1953 Corvette Convertible, 1914 Chevrolet Royal Mail Roadster, Ford Coupe

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

American Buffalo Commemorative Coins - National Museum of the American Indian
American Buffalo Commemorative Coins - National Museum of the American Indian

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Cast Draft Horse Team with pulling single bottom plow, Oliver 88 Narrow Front (1/64 scale)
Cast Draft Horse Team with pulling single bottom plow, Oliver 88 Narrow Front (1/64 scale)

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

5 - Remington- Peters Game Loads 12 Ga. 2 3/4 Shot gun Shells
5- Remington-Peters Game Loads 12 Ga. 2 3/4 Shot Gun Shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Pair of JD Narrow Front Tractors
Pair of JD Narrow Front Tractors

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2004 Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Silver Dollar
2004 Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Varcon Premium Quality Cream Separator Oil
Varcon Premium Quality Cream Sepearator Oil

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Weatherby Ultra Velocity .257 Magnum - full box
Weatherby Ultra Velocity .257 Magnum - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Movement Stainless Steel Watch - new
Movement Stainless Steel Watch - new

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

The American Buffalo Coin and Currency Set
The American Buffalo Coin and Currency Set 
-Uncirculated 2001 American Buffalo Commemorative Silver Dollar
-Mint Condition 1987 10 cent Red Cloud United States Postage Stamp
-Series 1899 $5 Indian Chief Silver Certificate Replica 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Corn Husker Glove
Corn Husker Glove

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Daisy 500 Premium Grade Pellets - .177 cal. Lead Airgun Pellets
Daisy 500 Premium Grade Pellets - .177 cal. Lead Airgun Pellets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

ERTL McCormick Farmall Super M-TA Tractor- Special Edition
ERTL McCormick Farmall Super M-TA Tractor - Special Edition 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1972 and 1973 Uncirculated Coin Sets
1972 and 1973 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1955 Chevrolet Bel Air - Collectors Edition - 1/18 scale Die Cast Metal
1955 Chevrolet Bel Air - Collectors Edition - 1/18 Scale Die Cast Metal 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Savage 22 LR "410" 3 Chamber, Over/Under SS Model 24
Savage 22 LR "410" 3 Chamber, Over/Under SS Model 24

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

DeLaval Cream Separator - ERTL 1/7 scale - with box
DeLaval Cream Separator - ERTL 1/7 scale - with box 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1973 and 1977 Uncirculated Coins Sets
1973 and 1977 Uncirculated Coins Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

JD Row Crop Tractor - ERTL 1/16 scale - with box
JD Row Crop Tractor - ERTL 1/16 scale - with box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Dove & Quail Load - 16 ga. and 12 ga. mixed Shotgun Shells - near full box
Winchester Dove & Quail Load - 16 ga. and 12 ga. mixed Shotgun Shells - near full box 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Misc. toys that need repair - Tonka Toys metal pickup, 2 tractors
Misc. toys that need repair - Tonka Toys metal pickup, 2 tractors
- all have wheel issues

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1969 and 1970 Uncirculated Coin Sets
1969 and 1970 Uncirculated Coin Sets
The 1970 set  has the original envelope and the 1969 set does not

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

ERTL 886 tractor w/ Safety frame 1/16 scale
ERTL 886 tractor w/ Safety frame 1/16 scale

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X 20ga. Shotgun Shells - 1 1/8 oz 6 shot
Western Super-X 20ga. Shotgun Shells - 1 1/8oz 6 shot

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Geddes Merc. Co. Advertisement Pitcher - "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year"
Geddes Merc. Co. Advertisment Pitcher - "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year"

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint 1978 and 1979 Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint 1978 and 1979 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Advertisement Bottles - Dakota Premium Beer, Sioux City Sarsaparilla Root Beer, IceHouse Beer Bottle
Advertisment Bottls - Dakota Premium Beer, Sioux City Sarsaparilla Root Beer, IceHouse Beer Bottle

**Must be 21 to purchase 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Dominion 308 Winchester - 150 Grain
Dominion 308 Winchester - 150 Grain 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Coca-Cola and Pepsi Bottles
Vintage Coca- Cola and Pepsi Bottles

- The Big Drive of '89 Montana 
-Great Seal State of North Dakota
- Celebrate the Century 1889-1989 (2)

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint 1980 and 1981 Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint 1980 and 1981 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

4 bottles of Wine - 2 SD labeled , 1 - Massachusetts
4 bottles of Wine - 2 SD made, 1 - Minnesota, 1 - Massachusetts
- Must be 21 to purchase this lot

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2 - Remington Hi-Speed 22 Short - full boxes
2 - Remington Hi-Speed 22 Short - 2 full boxes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of Misc - Blood Pressure Cuff, wall decor, knife, and canister
Box of Misc - Blood Pressure Cuff, wall decor, knife, and canister

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of misc. decor - bell, necklace, dish, red glass ball, and more
Box of misc. decor - bell, necklace, dish, red glass ball, and more

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Savage Model 99E 308 Winchester, Lever Action
Savage Model 99E 308 Winchester, Lever Action

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remote Control 4-wheeler, Desert Storm deck of cards, Tonka Truck
Remote Control 4-wheeler, Desert Strom deck of cards, Tonka Truck

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint 1978 and 1979 Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint 1978 and 1979 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Nautical Buoy Glass Floats Ornaments
Nautical Buoy Glass Floats Ornaments

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X High Brass 410ga. -6 shot - full box
Winchester Super-X High Brass 410 Ga. - 6 shot

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Advertisement Tobacco Tins - Genuine "Union Leader", Revelation Tobacco Pipe Tin, Twin Oaks Mixture
Advertisment Tobacco Tins - Genuine "Union Leader" Revelation Tobacco Pipe Tin, Twin Oaks, Mixture

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint 1980 and 1981 Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint 1980 and 1981 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Tobacco Tins - Prince Albert, Velvet, Union Leader, Kentucky Club
Tobacco Tins - Prince Albert, Velvet, Union Leader, Kentucky Club

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

8 - .30 Sec Plastic M64 30-06 cal. Practice Rounds 10- per box, 8 x money
8 - .30 Sec Plastic M64 30-06 cal. Practice Rounds 10- per box, 8 x money

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Tobacco Tins and Tobacco Box
Tobacco Tins and Tobaccos Box 

Harvester Perfecto box
Velvet Tin
Prince Albert Crimp Cut - 2
Half & Half tin

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint 1975 and 1976 Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint 1975 and 1976 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Express wood ammo box
Remington Express wood ammo box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stinger 22 Long Rifle Shells - 500 - full box
Stinger 22 Long Rifle Shells - 500 - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Express Wood Ammo Box
Remington Express Wood Ammo Box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint 1976 and 1977 Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint 1976 and 1977 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western wood Ammo box
Western wood Ammo box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Misc Shells
Misc Shells
FN 62
TW 69
WCC 79

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Small Arms Ammunition Loaded Shot Shells Wood Box
Western Small Arms Ammunition Loaded Shot Shells Wood Box

v=Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Treasury Department 1964 and 1968 Uncirculated Coin Sets
Treasury Department 1964 and 1968 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Peters wood Ammo box
Peters wood Ammo box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Colt M1911 A1 US Army 45ACP 45 Auto. - 2 clips
Colt M1911 A1 US Army 45ACP 45 Auto. - 2 clips 

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Express Wood Ammo Box
Remington Express Wood Ammo Box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2012 United States Mint Silver Proof Set
2012 United States Mint Silver Proof Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Gallon crock jug
Gallon crock jug

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Xpert Super Skeet Load - 20 ga. - 2 3/4
Western Xpert Super Skett Load - 20ga. 2 3/4 load

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Gallon Crock
Gallon Crock 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2013 United States Mint Proof Set
2013 United States Mint Proof Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Gallon crock jug
Gallon crock jug

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X Shotgun Shells 1 1/4oz shot - 125th Anniversary - full case
Winchester Super-X Shotgun Shells 1 1/4oz shot - 125th Anniversary

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Small Stickney South Dakota Centennial Crock - 1905 - 2005
Small Stickney South Dakota Centennial Crock - 1905- 2005

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 Liberty Silver Dollar - "P" Mint
1986 Liberty Silver Dollar - "P" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

McCormick - Deering 2 gal crock -Lye Solution has a hole in bottom for spigot. Crack on bottom
McCormick - Deering 2 gal crock -Lye Solution has a hole in bottom for spigot. Crack on bottom

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington 22 Long Rifle High Velocity - full boxes
Remington 22 Long Rifle High Velocity - full boxes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Gallon Crock - few chips
Gallon Crock - few chips

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

The American Buffalo Coin and Currency Set
The American Buffalo Coin and Currency Set 
-Uncirculated 2001 American Buffalo Commemorative Silver Dollar
-Mint Condition 1987 10 cent Red Cloud United States Postage Stamp
-Series 1899 $5 Indian Chief Silver Certificate Replica 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Redwing #2 Crock -good
Redwing #2 Crock -good

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X Magnum Shot gun Shells - 12 ga. 2 3/4 - 5 shells
Western Super-X Magnum Shot gun Shells - 12 ga. 2 3/4 - 5 shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Small Crock - few chips
Small Crock - few chips

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 Liberty Half Dollar and Silver Dollar
1986 Liberty Half Dollar and Silver Dollar 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Union Stoneware Co. #5 Crock - good
Union Stoneware Co. #5 Crock - good

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Savage '410' SS 2 1/2 and 3' Stevens Model 94 Series M
Savage '410' SS 2 1/2 and 3' Stevens Model 94 Series M 

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Bostitch Heavy Duty Wheeled Portable Compressor
Bostitch Heavy Duty Wheeled Portable Compressor - new in box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint 1979 and 1980 Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint 1979 and 1980 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Redwing # 10 Crock w/ handles - good
Redwing # 10 Crock w/ handles - good

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western 45 Automatic -230 Grain Full Metal Case - Lubaloy - mostly full
Western 45 Automatic - 230 Grain Full Metal Case - Lubaloy

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Yamato Japanese Super-Battleship - 1/350 scale
Yamato Japanese Super-Battleship - 1/350 scale 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Bicentennial Silver Uncirculated Sets 1776-1976
United States Bicentennial Silver Uncirculated Sets 1776-1976

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Terry Redlin "Evening Surprise" Print
Terry Redlin "Evening Surprise" Print

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X 303 Savage - 190 Grain expanding bullet
Western Super-X 303 Savage - 190 Grain expanding bullet

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

David Maass Pheasant Winter Scene Print - 855/950
David Maass Pheasant Winter Scene Print - 855/950

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint 2000 Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint 2000 Uncirculated Coin Sets
Phiadelphia and Denver mints

"Democracy From the Eye of an Eagle Print" - Dedication Painting of Mt. Rushmore 1991 John Greene
"Democracy From the Eye of an Eagle Print" - Dedication Painting of Mt. Rushmore 1991 John Green 
Print 398/4588 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Premium Grade Extra Long Range 12ga. Shotgun Shells empty box
Remington Premium Grade Extra Long Range 12ga. Shotgun Shells empty box 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

"Morning Solitude" - Terry Redlin Print
"Morning Solitude" - Terry Redlin Print 2610/12107

Camper and Friends Shoving off to catch and early lunch

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 United States Prestige Set
1986 United States Prestige Set

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Weed Eater Super Blower creates up to 195 MPH wind
Weed Eater Super Blower creates up to 195 MPH wind

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Hi-Speed 22 short shells - 2 full boxes
Reminton Hi-Speed 22 short shells - 2 fulls boxes 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Liberty Coin from the US Mint
3 - United States Liberty Coins from the US Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Daisy 105B BB Gun - Lever Action
Daisy 105B BB Gun - lever action 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 Liberty Half Dollar and Silver Dollar "S" Mint
1986 Liberty Half Dollar and Silver Dollar "S" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stinger 22 Long Rifle Shells - 2 full cases (50 each)
Stinger 22 Long Rifle Shells - 2 full cases (50 each)

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Million Dollar Silver Proof - Series 2000
Million Dollar Silver Proof - Series 2000

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Estate Cartridge Inc. 12 ga. High Velocity 8 ball Buckshot - 2 3/4 00 shot - full box
Estate Cartridge Inc. 12 ga. High Velocity 8 Ball Buckshot - 2 3/4 00 shot

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1989 Official Presidential Inaugural Medal
1989 Official Presidential Inaugural Medal 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X 22 Long Rifle Hollow Point High Velocity - full boxes
Winchester Super-X 22 Long Rifle Hollow Point High Velocity

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 Liberty Half Dollar "S" Mint
1986 Liberty Half Dollar "S" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington 444 Marlin Loaded Shells
Remington 444 Marlin Loaded Shells 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 Liberty Half Dollar "S" Mint
1986 Liberty Half Dollar "S" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Hopkins & Allen Arms Co. .22 LR Lever Action - single shot
Hopkins & Allen Arms .22 LR Lever Action - single shot 

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1999 Chevrolet 2500 Pickup 4x4 3 door Ext. cab - ONLY 21,572 Miles - Very clean pickup.
1999 Chevrolet 2500 Pickup 4x4 3 door Ext. cab - ONLY 21,572 Miles - Very clean pickup. Automatic Vortec 6.0 litre
Power: Seats, Windows, Locks & Mirrors
AM/FM/CD player, Split front bench seat, Custom running boards
Tires are 70%, new battery, Cloth seats, 2 key remotes.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 Liberty Half Dollar "S" Mint
1986 Liberty Half Dollar "S" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Expert 20ga. Shotgun Shells - 2 3/4 - 7/8oz - 6 shot - near full box
Western Expert 20ga. Shotgun shells - 2 3/4 - 7/8 oz - 6 shot - near full box 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 Uncirculated Coin Set with "D" and "P" mint marks
1986 Uncirculated Coin Set with "D" and "P" mint marks

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Estate 12ga High Velocity Hunting Load - 2 3/4 - 1 1/4oz - 5 shot
Estate 12ga. High Velocity Hunting Load - 2 3/4 - 1 1/4oz - 5 shot

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1974 Eisenhower United States Proof Dollar "S" Mint
1974 Eisenhower United States Proof Dollar "S" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Federal 12 gauge shells - with misc empty shells
Federal 12 Guage Shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1972 Eisenhower United States Proof Dollar "S" Mint
1972 Eisenhower United States Proof Dollar "S" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Blazer 357 Magnum - 158 Grain - full box
Blazer 357 Magnum - 158 grain - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2005 United States Mint Uncirculated Coin Set "D" and "P" Mint
2005 United States Mint Uncirculated Coin Set "D" and "P" Mint 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

H & A Safety Police Revolver - 32 Caliber
H & A Saftey Police Revolver - 32 Caliber 

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2015 Chevrolet Impala 4 door car - Nice Car Only 41,577 miles
2015 Chevrolet Impala 4 door car - Nice Car Only 41,577 miles
Cloth interior, AM/FM/CD
Automatic, Ecotek engine, New battery
Tires Good 70% +
Power: Seats, Windows, Locks, Mirrors
2 - key remotes.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1985 Uncirculated Coin Set "D" and "P" Mint Marks
1985 Uncirculated Coin Set "D" and "P" Mint Marks

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester .32 Calibre Soft Point Bullet - full box
Winchester .32 Calibre Soft Point Bullet

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1973 Eisenhower United States Proof Dollar
1973 Eisenhower United States Proof Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Pistol Ball .45 Caliber Shells
Pistol Ball .45 Caliber Shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1971 Eisenhower United States Proof Dollar
1971 Eisenhower United States Proof Dollar 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western X 38 Special Boy - 158 Grain Lubaloy - partial box
Western X 38 Specail Boy - 158 Grain Lubaloy - partial box 

2006 One Ounce Proof Silver Bullion Coin
2006 One Ounce Proof Silver Bullion Coin

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester, Marlin, & Savage .32-40 - 165 Grain Soft Point
Wincheser, Marlin, & Savage .32-40 - 165 grain soft point

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2001 American Buffalo Commemorative Coins Silver Dollar - "P" Mint
2001 American Buffalo Commemorative Coins Silver Dollar "P" Mint 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Rem. Model 31 12 ga. pump
Rem. Model 31 12 ga. pump

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Mint 1991 Prestige Set
United States Mint 1991 Prestige Set
Comes with a Certificate of Authenticity 
Mount Rushmore Anniversary Coins

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

American Eagle .22 Long Rifle High Velocity - half full boxes
American Eagle .22  Long Rifle High Velocity - half full boxes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Royal Canadian Mint Uncirculated Coin Set
Royal Canadian Mint Uncirculated Coin Set

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

7 - .30 Sec Plastic M64 30-06 cal. Practice Rounds 10- per box, 7 x money
7 - .30 Sec Plastic M64 30-06 cal. Practice Rounds 10- per box, 7 x money

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Mint 1994 Prestige Set
United States Mint 1994 Prestige Set
Comes with a Certificate of Authenticity 
World Cup USA 1994 Commemorative Coins

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- Federal .22 Cal - 50 Grain Hollow Point - full boxes
2 - Federal .22 Cal - 50 Grain Hollow Point - full boxes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1991 United Stated Mount Rushmore Anniversary Coins
United Stated Mount Rushmore Anniversary Coins
1991 Six-Coin Proof and Uncirculated Set in a wood case

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western 38 S & W 145 Grain Lubaloy Bullet - unopened box
Western 38 S & W 145 Grain Lubaloy Bullet - unopened box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

US Mint San Francisco Old Mint Commemorative Coin Program- Gold Five Dollar Coin
San Francisco Old Mint Commemorative Coin Program
Certificate of Authenticity Proof Gold Five Dollar Coin

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Hopkins & Allen 25ga. SS Shotgun
Hopkins & Allen 25ga. SS Shotgun

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Marine Corps Bicentennial Token
United States Marine Corps Bicentennial Token
November 10 1775 Birth of the US Marine Corps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western 32 Short 80 Grain Lubaloy Bullet Greased - partial box
Western 32 Short 80 Grain Lubaloy Bullet Greased - partial box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Army Bicentennial Token
United States Army Bicentennial Token

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Federal Hi-Shok Slug 16ga. Hollow Point - 4/5oz - near full box
Federal Hi-Shok Slug 16ga. Hollow Point - 4/5oz - near full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Navy Bicentennial Token 1975
United States Navy Bicentennial Token 1975
Birth of the US Navy October 13, 1775

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X 308 - 150 Grain Silvertip - full box
Winchester Super-X 308 - 150 Grain Silvertip

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Mount Rushmore Anniversary Coins-1991 Silver Dollar
United States Mount Rushmore Anniversary Coins
Certificate of Authenticity 1991 Silver Dollar Proof

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- Federal .22 Short Hi-Power 50 Rim Fire Cartridges- unopened
2- Federal .22 Short Hi-Power 50 Rim Fire Cartridges - unopened

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2001 4 oz. State Hood Quarter
2001 4 oz. State Hood Quarter
with the Certificate of Authenticity 
NC, Kentucky, NY, RI, Vermont

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Ruger MKIII 22 LR Semi Auto Pistol - 3 clips and case
Ruger MKIII 22 LR Semi Auto Pistol - 3 clips and case

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Liberty Coin from the US Mint
United States Liberty Coin from the US Mint
Comes with the Certificate of Authenticity and is in a wooded case

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington 12ga. Heavy Game Load - 4 shot - near full
Remington 12 ga. - Heave Game Load - 4 shot - near full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1960 Small and Large Date US Lincoln Cent Major Die Variety - P & D mints and 1943 Steel Cents
1960 Small and Large Date United States Lincoln Cent Major Die Variety P & D mints and 1943 Steel Cents

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Master Mag .22 Long Rifle High Velocity - 100 Cartridges - full box
Master Mag .22 Long Rifle High Velocity - 100 Cartridges - full box 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Alaska Token January 3, 1959 and 1969 First USA Landing on the Moon Token
Alaska Token January 3, 1959 and 1969 First USA Landing on the Moon Token with Edwin Aldrin , Neil Armstrong, and Michael Collins on token
Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For auction information contact Justin 605-999-4239 Steve 605-770-9818 Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X .22 Magnum - Jacketed Hollow Point Rimfire Cartridges
Winchester Super-X .22 Magnum - Jacketed Hollow Point Rimfire Cartridges 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Mint 1989 Prestige Set
United States Mint 1989 Prestige Set
with the Certificate of Authenticity

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

5 - 30-30 Winchester Shells
5 - 30-30 Winchester Shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Untied States Bicentennial Silver Proof Set
Untied States Bicentennial Silver Proof Set

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Rem 870 12 ga. shotgun pump 2 3/4 and 3'
Rem 870 12ga. shotgun pump 2 3/4 and 3'

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1776-1976 United States Bicentennial Silver Proof Set
1776-1976 United States Silver Proof Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X 410 Long Range Shotgun Shells - unopened
Western Super-X 410 Long Rang Shotgun Shells - unopened 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Mint American Buffalo Commemorative Coins
United States Mint American Buffalo Commemorative Coins
Smithsonian - National Museum of the American Indian  

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Xpert 12 ga. Shotgun Shell box - empty
Western Xpert 12 ga. Shotgun Shell Box - empty 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2 - 90% Silver Commemorative Half Dollar 1732-1982
2- 90% Silver Commemorative Half Dollar 1732-1982 
250th Anniversary of Birth 1982 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X 38 Special Mid-Range Match - 148 Grain Lead Clean-Cutting - full box
Western Super-X 38 Special Mid-Range Match - 148 Grain Lead Clean-Cutting - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

John Deere belt buckle and Charm

John Deere belt buckle and Charm 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X .22 short - High Velocity - full boxes
Winchester Super-X .22 Short - High Velocity - full boxes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1776-1976 National Bicentennial Medal & 1995 Liberty Money Clip
1776-1976 National Bicentennial Medal & 1995 Liberty Money Clip 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Ruger Security -six .357 Magnum revolver
Ruger Security - six .357 Magnum Revolver 

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1972 -  1973 - 1974 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar 
1972 -  1973 - 1974 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

10 - 8mm Mauser
10- 8mm Mauser

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

7 Rolls of Liberty Nickels - D - 2005
7 Rolls of Liberty Nickels - D - 2005

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


Ducks Unlimited Remington 12ga. Shot Gun Shells - full tin
Ducks Unlimited Remington 12ga. Shot Gun Shells - full tin 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

7 Rolls of 1987 Liberty Pennies - Standard Johnson Co. Bklyn.,
7 Rolls of 1987 Liberty Pennies - Standard Johnson Co. Bklyn.,

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


CBee22 Remington 22 Low Velocity - full boxes
CBee22 Remigton 22 Low Velocity 
"Copper Coated" 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1965 Canada 50 cents
1965 Canada 50 cents 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


Federal 410 Hi-Power 6 Shot Shells - 3 inch - near full box - Paper Shells
Federal 410 Hi-Power 6 Shot Shells - 3 inch - near full box- Paper Shells 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1935 Coin Set - Liberty Dollar - Half Dollar - Quarter - Nickle - Dime - Penny
1935 Coin Set - Liberty Dollar - Half Dollar - Quarter - Nickle - Dime - Penny

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


Harrington & Richardson Topper JR Model 098 .410 SS Shotgun - with box
Harrington & Richardson Topper JR Model 098 .410 SS Shotgun - with box

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 Liberty Half Dollar "D" Mint
1986 Liberty Half Dollar "D" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


Winchester .38 Long R.F. Shell
Winchester .38 Long R.F. Shell

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1776 - 1976 United States Bicentennial Silver Uncirculated Set
1776 - 1976 United States Bicentennial Silver Uncirculated Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


Remington 175th Anniversary Tin - 325 "High Velocity" 22 Long Rifle Cartridges - unopened
Remington 175th Anniversary Tin - 325 "High Velocity" 22 Long Rifle Cartridges - unopened


Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1984 Uncirculated Coin Set "D" and "P" Mint
1984 Uncirculated Coin Set "D" and "P" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Federal 303 British 180 Gr. soft point full box
Federal 303 British 180 Gr. soft point full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1985 The Official Presidential Inaugural Medal
1985 The Official Presidential Inaugural Medal

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2 box Rem 22 short 50Ct. boxes - Full
2 box Rem 22 short 50Ct. boxes - Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2013 America The Beautiful Quarters - Three Coin Set - Mount Rushmore National Memorial
2013 American The Beautiful Quarters - Three Coin Set - Mount Rushmore National Memorial 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

S & W Model 22A-1 - 22 LR Semi Auto Pistol - 1 clip with case - NIB
S&W Model 22A-1 22 LR Semi Auto Pistol - 1 clip with case - NIB

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Mint- The Department of the Treasury 1789 - 6 coins
United States Mint- The Department of the Treasury 1789
6 coins with the Certificate of Authenticity

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super X Magnum box - Empty box is good
Western Super X Magnum box - Empty box is good

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Royal Canadian Mint Silver ( One Troy Ounce) $20 Coins
Royal Canadian Mint Silver ( One Troy Ounce) $20 Coins
10 Elizabeth II coins from the 1988 Olympic WInter Games

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Norma 6.5x55 139 Gr Shells 2 boxes 1 full 1 partial
Norma 6.5x55 139 Gr Shells 2 boxes 1 full 1 partial

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Liberty Coins 1886-1986 from the US Mint
United States Liberty Coins 1886-1986 from the US Mint
The first coins ever issued by the US Govt. depicting the Statue and Ellis Island.  has a $5 gold coin, a silver dollar, and a half dollar 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester 9MM Lugar box w/ shells - Full
Winchester 9MM Lugar box w/ shells - Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Mint 1988 Uncirculated Coin Set w/ D and P Mint marks
United States Mint 1988 Uncirculated Coin Set w/ D and P Mint marks

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Monarch 22 LR - Full 50 ct.
Monarch 22 LR - Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Benjamin Franklin Half Dollar Collection 1948-1963
Benjamin Franklin Half Dollar Collection 1948-1963

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Henry 22 S/L/LR Lever Action Model H001 NIB
Henry 22 S/L/LR Lever Action Model H001 NIB

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Eisenhower Dollars including proof-only issues
Eisenhower Dollars including proof-only issues
missing the 1973-S 40% Proof and the 1976 Variety I Coins

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super X 303 Savage 190 Gr. Full box
Western Super X 303 Savage 190 Gr. Full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

10- 2004 .999 Chinese Silver Coins

10- 2004 .999 Chinese Silver Coins

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Black Hills Ammunition 357 Magnum 158 Gr. 50 ct. box - full
Black Hills Ammunition 357 Magnum 158 Gr. 50 ct. box - full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.
2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Expert Shotgun Shells 20 ga. 6 shot 2 1/4" - Full box
Western Expert Shotgun Shells 20 ga. 6 shot 2 1/4" - Full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.
2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Montgomery Ward 12 ga. 2 3/4" plastic shot shells - Full box
Montgomery Ward 12 ga. 2 3/4" plastic shot shells - Full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.
2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous Presidential Stamps
Stamps- Miscellaneous Presidential Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted American Flag
Stamps- Assorted American Flag

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2013 America The Beautiful Quarters - Three Coin Set - Mount Rushmore National Memorial
2013 America The Beautiful Quarters - Three Coin Set - Mount Rushmore National Memorial

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Fruit, Go Green, & Butterflies Stamps
Stamps- Assorted Fruit, Go Green, & Butterflies Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

20 Ct box of 444 Marlin shells in plastic case
20 Ct box of 444 Marlin shells in plastic case

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Flowers
Stamps- Assorted Flowers

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Five Dollar Silver Certificate
Five Dollar Silver Certificiate 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Fruit & Flowers
Stamps- Assorted Fruit & Flowers

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X 22 Short (H.P) - 50 Rim Fire Cartridges - wax coated, extra clean - unopened
Western Super-X 22 Short (H.P) - 50 Rim Fire Cartridges - wax coated, extra clean - unopened 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Flowers & Trees
Stamps- Assorted Flowers & Trees

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2010 United States Mint Silver Proof Set "S" Mint
2010 United States Mint Silver Proof Set "S" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


Stamps- Assorted Flowers & Bells
Stamps- Assorted Flowers & Bells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super- X 300 Savage 150 Grain Power-Point - full box
Winchester Super-X 300 Savage 150 Grain Power -Point - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted America Books
Stamps- Assorted America Books

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2013 Five Ounce Silver Uncirculated Coin - Mount Rushmore National Memorial South Dakota "P" Mint
2013 Five Ounce Silver Uncirculated Coin - Mount Rushmore National Memorial South Dakota "P" Mint

99.9% Silver

Stamps- Assorted American Flag- 21 Sheets
Stamps- Assorted American Flag- 21 Sheets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

The Remington Five Pounder Tin with Remington .22 Long Rifle Shells (full box), Misc Shells
The Remington Fiver Pounder Tin with Remington .22 Long Rifle Shells (full box), misc Shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted American Stamps
Stamps- Assorted American Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2010 United States Mint Presidential $1 Coin Proof Set
2010 United States Mint Presidential $1 Coin Proof Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous People
Stamps- Miscellaneous People

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted American Flag
Stamps- Assorted American Flag

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Patriotic Stamps
Stamps- Assorted Patriotic Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2010 United States Mint America the Beautiful Quarters Silver Proof Set "S" Mint
2010 United States Mint America the Beautiful Quarters Silver Proof Set "S" Mint 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted American Flag
Stamps- Assorted American Flag

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester 22 WFR 1986 Limited Edition shells 250Ct. - Full
Winchester 22 WFR 1986 Limited Edition shells 250Ct. - Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Patriotic Stamps
Stamps- Assorted Patriotic Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1861 - 1865 United States Mint Presidential $1 Coin and First Spouse Medal Set
1861 - 1865 United States Mint Presidential $1 Coin and First Spouse Medal Set 
Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd Lincoln

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted WWII
Stamps- Assorted WWII

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Hi-Speed 22 Short shells, 2 boxes 1 full 1 partial
Remington Hi-Speed 22 Short shells, 2 boxes 1 full 1 partial

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous People
Stamps- Miscellaneous People

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

$10 Roll America the Beautiful Quarters Program - Mount Rushmore National Memorial "S" "D" "P" Mint
American the Beautiful Quarters Program - Mount Rushmore National Memorial
One roll is "S"
one roll is "D"
one roll is "P" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

First Day of Issue- Stamped Postcards
First Day of Issue- Stamped Postcards

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

US Cartridges .38 Cal short Colt 50 ct. still wrapped in plastic - Full
US Cartridges .38 Cal short Colt 50 ct. still wrapped in plastic - Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Miscellaneous People Stamps & Stamp Folios
Miscellaneous People Stamps & Stamp Folios

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1991 Mount Rushmore Anniversary Coins- Silver and Half Dollar "S" Mint
1991 Mount Rushmore Anniversary Coins - Silver and Half Dollar "S"Mint

Silver Dollar - 90% Silver
Half Dollar - 91.67% Copper
                    8.33% Nickel 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


Stamps- Assorted George Washington
Stamps- Assorted George Washington

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2 Metal shell boxes, 1 big, 1 smaller
2 Metal shell boxes, 1 big, 1 smaller

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous People
Stamps- Miscellaneous People

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Ten Troy Ounce .999 Silver Bar - Wall Street Mint
Ten Troy Ounce .999 Silver Bar - Wall Street Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Space- Star Wars, Astronauts, etc.
Assorted Space- Star Wars, Astronauts, etc.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Vehicles
Stamps- Assorted Vehicles

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Inventions
Stamps- Assorted Inventions

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.
2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Patriotic Stamps
Stamps- Assorted Patriotic Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super X 22 Short 2 boxes full
Winchester Super X 22 Short 2 boxes full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Old Transportation
Stamps- Assorted Old Transportation

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.
2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Astronauts
Stamps- Assorted Astronauts

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Empty boxes with spent brass in them. Winchester 308 and Federal 30-30 brass
Empty boxes with spent brass in them. Winchester 308 and Federal 30-30 brass

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Merchant Ships
Stamps- Assorted Merchant Ships

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2-  9-11 Land of the Free 1 oz. Silver coins
2-  9-11 Land of the Free 1 oz. Silver coins
Fireman with the US Flag on 1 side and information on the other

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Merchant Ships
Stamps- Assorted Merchant Ships

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage box Rem. .32 Long RF - Partial box
Vintage box Rem. .32 Long RF - Partial box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Merchant Ships
Stamps- Assorted Merchant Ships

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2-  9-11 Land of the Free 1 oz. Silver coins
2-  9-11 Land of the Free 1 oz. Silver coins
Fireman with the US Flag on 1 side and information on the other

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Ships/Boats and Lighthouses
Stamps- Assorted Ships/Boats and Lighthouses

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Federal 243 Winchester 100 Gr. soft point - Partial box 11 good shells 9 spent brass
Federal 243 Winchester 100 Gr. soft point - Partial box 11 good shells 9 spent brass

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps- Statue of Liberty, Purple Heart, Planes
Assorted Stamps- Statue of Liberty, Purple Heart, Planes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- 9-11 Land of the Free 1 oz. Silver Commemorative Coins
2- 9-11 Land of the Free Commemorative 1 oz. Silver Coins
The Twin towers on 1 side and information on the other side

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Postcards- Assorted London
Postcards- Assorted London

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Postcards- Assorted "America the Beautiful"
Postcards- Assorted "America the Beautiful"

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Postcards- Whitehouse, Ship, Plane
Assorted Postcards- Whitehouse, Ship, Plane

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- 9-11 Land of the Free 1 oz. Silver Commemorative Coins
2- 9-11 Land of the Free Commemorative 1 oz. Silver Coins
The Twin towers on 1 side and information on the other side

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Postcards- USAirmail & Moonlanding
Assorted Postcards- USAirmail & Moonlanding

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage box Dominion 30-30 Winchester w 10 spent brass inside.
Vintage box Dominion 30-30 Winchester w 10 spent brass inside.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Postcards- Settling of Oklahoma, Northwest Territory
Assorted Postcards- Settling of Oklahoma, Northwest Territory

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

3- Chinese 2000 Ag .999 1oz Silver Coins

3- Chinese 2000 Ag .999 1oz Silver Coins

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamped Postcards- Assorted America Places
Stamped Postcards- Assorted America Places

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Winchester 22 short 50 ct. box of shells - Full
Vintage Winchester 22 short 50 ct. box of shells - Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted American Stamps
Stamps- Assorted American Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- 2000 Liberty Dollars 1 oz. Fine Silver
2- 2000 Liberty Dollars 1 oz. Fine Silver

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous People
Stamps- Miscellaneous People

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

8 - .30 Sec Plastic M64 30-06 cal. Practice Rounds 10- per box, 8 x money
8 - .30 Sec Plastic M64 30-06 cal. Practice Rounds 10- per box, 8 x money

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamped Envelopes- President George Bush
Stamped Envelopes- President George Bush

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- 2000 Liberty Dollars 1 oz. Fine Silver ​​​​​​​The Dawn Of... A New Millenium
2- 2000 Liberty Dollars 1 oz. Fine Silver
The Dawn Of... A New Millenium

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamped Envelopes & Postcards- Assorted American Stamps
Stamped Envelopes & Postcards- Assorted American Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super X 22 Magnum HP 50 ct. Full
Winchester Super X 22 Magnum HP 50 ct. Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamped Envelopes- Miscellaneous
Stamped Envelopes- Miscellaneous

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2-  2002 Canadian Elizabeth II  $5 Coins 1 oz Fine Silver
2-  2002 Canadian Elizabeth II  $5 Coins 1 oz Fine Silver
Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Birds
Stamps- Assorted Birds

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps- Animals, Flowers, People
Assorted Stamps- Animals, Flowers, People

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Animals
Stamps- Assorted Animals

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1988 1oz .999 Fine Silver South Dakota
1988 1oz. .999 Fine Silver South Dakota

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Animals
Stamps- Assorted Animals

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Rem 303 British shells 12 full 8 spent brass
Rem 303 British shells 12 full 8 spent brass

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Bison & Prehistoric Animals Stamp Folio
Stamps- Assorted Bison & Prehistoric Animals Stamp Folio

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1988 1oz .999 Fine Silver South Dakota
1988 1oz. .999 Fine Silver South Dakota

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Birds
Stamps- Assorted Birds

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Rem. 22 LR 50 ct & American Eagle 50 ct. LR - Full boxes.
Rem. 22 LR 50 ct & American Eagle 50 ct. LR - Full boxes.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Love Ribbons
Stamps- Love Ribbons

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1988 1oz .999 Fine Silver South Dakota
1988 1oz. .999 Fine Silver South Dakota

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Old Envelopes
Stamps- Assorted Old Envelopes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Winchester .25 Auto Colt - 6.35 m/m Browning - Full 50 ct.
Vintage Winchester .25 Auto Colt - 6.35 m/m Browning - Full 50 ct.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamped Envelopes- Miscellaneous
Stamped Envelopes- Miscellaneous

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1988 1oz .999 Fine Silver South Dakota
1988 1oz. .999 Fine Silver South Dakota

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamped Envelopes & Stamps- Miscellaneous
Stamped Envelopes & Stamps- Miscellaneous

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

CCI 22 Mini Mag LR Hollow Point 100 ct. Full
CCI 22 Mini Mag LR Hollow Point 100 ct. Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps & Stamp Folios- Assorted Places
Stamps & Stamp Folios- Assorted Places

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1988 1oz .999 Fine Silver South Dakota
1988 1oz. .999 Fine Silver South Dakota

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous
Stamps- Miscellaneous

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted People & Objects
Stamps- Assorted People & Objects

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Movies: Marvel, Disney, etc.
Stamps- Assorted Movies: Marvel, Disney, etc.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1999 -2000 1oz Fine Silver Canada - 5 Dollars - Elizabeth II
1999 - 2000 1oz Fine Silver Canada - 5 Dollars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamped Envelopes & Stamps- Assorted Christmas
Stamped Envelopes & Stamps- Assorted Christmas

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Wood Box with Misc Shells - Some are Paper Shells
Winchester Woood Box with Misc Shells - Some are Paper Shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Christmas
Stamps- Assorted Christmas

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1987 1 oz. Fine Silver - One Dollar
1987 1 oz. Fine Silver - One Dollar 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Holidays: Birthday, Valentine's, 4th of July
Stamps- Assorted Holidays: Birthday, Valentine's, 4th of July

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Kleanbore 303 Savage Express - 180 Grain Soft Point Core-Lokt Bullet - full box
Remington Kleanbore 303 Savage Express - 180 Grain Soft Point Core- Lokt Bullet - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous
Stamps- Miscellaneous

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1999 American Eagle 1oz. Fine Silver Dollar
1999 American Eagle 1oz. Fine Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Animals
Stamps- Assorted Animals

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester 20ga. Dove & Quail Shotgun Shells - 8 shot - 7/8oz shot
Winchester 20ga. Dove & Quail Shotgun Shells - 8 shot - 7/8oz Shot

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Places
Stamps- Assorted Places

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1980 Susan B. Anthony Dollar - (25)
1980 Susan B. Anthony Dollar (25)

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Commemorative Stamp Packs
Stamps- Assorted Commemorative Stamp Packs

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Federal 12 ga. 4 shot 21 shells in box.
Federal 12 ga. 4 shot 21 shells in box.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Great British Stamps
Stamps- Great British Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1999 Susan B. Anthony Roll of Gold Dollars
1999 Susan B. Anthony Roll of Gold Dollars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted "Love"
Stamps- Assorted "Love"

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Places
Stamps- Assorted Places

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Love, Aids Awareness, etc.
Stamps- Assorted Love, Aids Awareness, etc.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Sacagawea Golden Dollars (16)
Sacagawea Golden Dollars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Christmas
Stamps- Assorted Christmas

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Rem. 22 Low velocity 2 - 50 ct. boxes full
Rem. 22 Low velocity 2 - 50 ct. boxes full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Great Britain
Stamps- Assorted Great Britain

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Sacagawea Golden Dollars (Roll of 25)
Sacagawea Golden Dollars (Roll of 25)

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Foreign Countries
Stamps- Assorted Foreign Countries

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Daisy BB & Marksman BB - near full
Daisy BB & Marksman BB - near full 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Swan Note Cards & Envelopes
Swan Note Cards & Envelopes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Roll of Quarters - Deadwood SD Paper Cover
Roll of Quarters - Deadwood SD Paper Cover 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Postcards- Assorted South Dakota 1889
Postcards- Assorted South Dakota 1889

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X 308 - 125 Grain Pointed S.P. Rifle Cartridges- full box
Winchester Super-X 308 - 125 Grain Pointed S.P. Rifle Cartridges - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Russian Stamps
Stamps- Assorted Russian Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

22 Quarters and 20 Rolled Quarters
22 Quarters and 20 Rolled Quarters

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted '60-'67
Stamps- Assorted '60-'67

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Xpert 20 ga. Shotgun Shells - 6 shot - full box
Western Xpert 20ga. Shotgun Shells - 6 shot - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted '37-'48
Stamps- Assorted '37-'48

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1987 1oz Pure .999 Gold Panda Coin
1987 1oz Pure .999 Gold Panda Coin

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted '49-'59
Stamps- Assorted '49-'59

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Steam Boats & Trains
Stamp Books- Steam Boats & Trains

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Sea & Fishing
Stamp Books- Sea & Fishing

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1991 1oz. Fine Silver - One Dollar
1991 1oz. Fine Silver - One Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Vintage Books
Stamp Books- Vintage Books

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super X 243 Win. 80 Gr. 9 full, 11 spent brass
Western Super X 243 Win. 80 Gr. 9 full, 11 spent brass

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps
Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps

​​​​​​​Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1989 BU Roll of Pennies - D Mint Mark
1989 BU Roll of Pennies - D Mint Mark

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps
Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Rem. 22 Target 50 ct. & Federal 22 LR 50 ct. - 2 full boxes
Rem. 22 Target 50 ct. & Federal 22 LR 50 ct. - 2 full boxes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps
Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1913 Liberty Indian Head Five Dollar Gold Coin .25 oz of gold
1913 Liberty Indian Head Five Dollar Coin - .25 oz of gold 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Eisenhower-USA
Stamp Books- Eisenhower-USA

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Xpert 22 Hollow Point LR 36 Gr. 500 ct. - full
Winchester Xpert 22 Hollow Point LR 36 Gr. 500 ct. - full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps
Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

45 AU Mercury Dimes - 1944
45 AU Mercury Dimes -1944 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted Air Mail Stamps
Stamp Books- Assorted Air Mail Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Rem. 22 Short 2 - 50 Ct. boxes full
Rem. 22 Short 2 - 50 Ct. boxes full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps
Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2000 One Pound Fine Silver
2000 One Pount Fine Silver 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Series: C, D, E
Stamp Books- Series: C, D, E

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted Lighthouses
Stamp Books- Assorted Lighthouses

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Vintage Books
Stamp Books- Vintage Books

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1776 - 1976 Kennedy Half Dollars - Roll
1776 - 1976 Kennedy Half Dollars - Roll

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Series: A, B, C
Stamp Books- Series: A, B, C

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

National Rifle Assoc. Wood box w/ tray
National Rifle Assoc. Wood box w/ tray

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Vintage Books
Stamp Books- Vintage Books

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2002 Chief Shooting Star Tecumseh - Silver Dollar - 1 Troy oz silver
2002 Chief Shooting Star Tecumseh - Silver Dollar - 1 Troy oz. Silver

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Vintage Books
Stamp Books- Vintage Books

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Wood box with gun cleaning supplies
Wood box with gun cleaning supplies

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Vintage Books
Stamp Books- Vintage Books

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

$50 1 oz Fine Gold American Eagle Coin - MCMLXXXVI
$50 1 oz. Fine Gold American Eagle Coin - MCMLXXXVI 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted Space Exploration
Stamp Books- Assorted Space Exploration

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Express wood box 14 1/2" x 9 1/2" x 9" tall
Remington Express wood box 14 1/2" x 9 1/2" x 9" tall

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps
Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2002 Buffalo 1 pound .999 Fine Silver Coin
2002 Buffalo 1 pound .999 Fine Silver Coin

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Prize Bags
Prize Bags

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

27 ea. 308 Winchester in plastic holder
27 ea. 308 Winchester in plastic holder

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage American Bookmark
Vintage American Bookmark

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1936 Buffalo Nickel, 1902 Liberty Head V Nickel, 1944 Mercury Dime and 1907 Indian Head Penny w Hole
1936 Buffalo Nickel, 1902 Liberty Head V Nickel, 1944 Mercury Dime and 1907 Indian Head Penny w Hole

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous
Stamps- Miscellaneous

​​​​​​​Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous
Stamps- Miscellaneous

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous People
Stamps- Miscellaneous People

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Canadian Elizabeth II Gold Coin - 1 oz. Pure Gold
Canadian Elizabeth II Gold Coin - 1 oz. Pure Gold

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous
Stamps- Miscellaneous

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Western Super X 270 Winchester 13 shells
Vintage Western Super X 270 Winchester 13 shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Yearbook- Commemorative
Stamp Yearbook- Commemorative

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

20 Kennedy Half Dollars - 1965 - 1969
20 Kennedy Half Dollars - 1965 - 1969 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- US Commemorative Stamps
Stamps- US Commemorative Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester 45 Colt 225 Gr. lead 20 Ct. box full
Winchester 45 Colt 225 Gr. lead 20 Ct. box full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- American Wildlife
Stamps- American Wildlife

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Civil War Stamp Set
Civil War Stamp Set
- Civil War First Day Ceremony Program
- The Civil War 1861 - 1865 A Collection of US Commemorative Stamps
- 2 - Civil War Post Card Set

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- USPS Mint Set of Definitive Stamps and Postal Stationery
Stamps- USPS Mint Set of Definitive Stamps and Postal Stationery

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage box only - Remington 8MM Mauser - no shells just the box.
Vintage box only - Remington 8MM Mauser - no shells just the box.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Badlands Calendar & Book
Badlands Calendar & Book

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Best of the West Complete Collection - Legends of the West Commemorative Stamp Set
Best of the West Complete Collection - Legends of the West Commemorative Stamp Set

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Photo- Painted Cover
Stamp Photo- Painted Cover

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Box Savage .22 Hi Power Savage - spent brass full
Vintage Box Savage .22 Hi Power Savage - spent brass full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

South Dakota State Centennial Stamp Year Set 1889 & Celebrate the Century SD Calendar
South Dakota State Centennial Stamp Year Set 1889 & Celebrate the Century SD Calendar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

South Dakota State Centennial Stamp Year Set 1889 & Celebrate the Century SD Calendar
South Dakota State Centennial Stamp Year Set 1889 & Celebrate the Century SD Calendar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super X 22 Magnum jacketed hollow point 50 ct. box full
Winchester Super X 22 Magnum jacketed hollow point 50 ct. box full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1978
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1978

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Remington 35 Win. 180 Gr. soft point bullets - full to near full.
Vintage Remington 35 Win. 180 Gr. soft point bullets - full to near full.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1981
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1981

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Winchester 9MM Long Shot cartridges - 10 shells
Vintage Winchester 9MM Long Shot cartridges - 10 shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of 1981 Definitive Stamps & Postal Stationery
USPS Mint Set of 1981 Definitive Stamps & Postal Stationery

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western 25-35 Winchester 117 Gr. soft point 20ct. - full
Western 25-35 Winchester 117 Gr. soft point 20ct. - full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Definitive Stamps 1987-88
USPS Mint Set of Definitive Stamps 1987-88

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of 1980 Definitive Stamps and Postal Stationery
USPS Mint Set of 1980 Definitive Stamps and Postal Stationery

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Blazer .22 Long Rifle Shells - unopened
Blazer .22 Long Rifle Shells - unopened

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Recalled Legends of the West Stamp sheet.
USPS Recalled Legends of the West Stamp sheet.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super X 22 Magnum jacketed hollow point 50 ct. box full
Winchester Super X 22 Magnum jacketed hollow point 50 ct. box full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of 1982 Definitive Stamps and Postal Stationery
USPS Mint Set of 1982 Definitive Stamps and Postal Stationery

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Monark 22 LR shells 50 Ct. full
Vintage Monark 22 LR shells 50 Ct. full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1982
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1982

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage .43 Spanish Military Cartridges - inside lubricant -unopened box
Vintage .43 Spanish Military Cartridges - inside lubricant - unopened box 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1983
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1983 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1984
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1984 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Supreme 22-250 Rem. 52 Grain Hollow Point Boattail - full box
Winchester Supreme 22-250 Rem. 52 Grain Hollow Point Boattail - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Definitive Stamps and Postal Stationery 1984
USPS Mint Set of Difinitive Stamps and Postal Stationary 1984

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington 308 Winchester 150 Gr. soft point 20 ct. Full
Remington 308 Winchester 150 Gr. soft point 20 ct. Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of 1980 Commemorative and Special Stamps
USPS Mint Set of 1980 Commemorative and Special Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Corbon 45 ACP +P 200 Gr. JHP 20 Ct. - Full Made in Sturgis, SD
Corbon 45 ACP +P 200 Gr. JHP 20 Ct. - Full Made in Sturgis, SD

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1985
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1985 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Winchester Super Speed .22 High Power 70 Gr. 20 Ct. - full
Vintage Winchester Super Speed .22 High Power 70 Gr. 20 Ct. - full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Recalled Legends of the West Sheet
USPS Recalled Legends of the West Sheet

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Flags of our Nation Stamp Roll Set 6 roll series (1-6)
USPS Flags of our Nation Stamp Roll Set 6 roll series (1-6)

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Western Xpert 20 ga. Super Skeet Load - 9 shot - paper shells - full box
Vintage Western Xpert 20ga. Super Skeet Load - 9 shot - paper shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Mt. Rushmore First Day of Issue stamped envelopes, Mt. Rushmore 50th Anniversary Post Cards
Mt. Rushmore First Day of Issue stamped envelopes, Mt. Rushmore 50th Anniversary Post Cards

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Pflueger Fish Hook - Filed Point - Ringed - partial box
Vintage Pflueger Fish Hook - Filed Point - Ringed- partial box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Spirit of America Stamp Collecting Kit
Spirits of America Stamp Collecting Kit

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester 22 Win. Mag 45 Gr. Dynapoint 50 Ct. - Full
Winchester 22 Win. Mag 45 Gr. Dynapoint 50 Ct. - Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1975
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1975

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2 Metal shell boxes, 1 big, 1 smaller
2 Metal shell boxes, 1 big, 1 smaller

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1979
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1979 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Spirit of America Stamp Collecting Kit 1776
Spirit of America Stamp Collecting Kit 1776

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Wildcat 22 High Velocity Rimfire Cartridges - full box
Winchester Wildcat 22 High Velocity Rimfire Cartridges - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1974
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1974

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

CCI 22 Mini Mag LR Hollow Point 100 ct. Full
CCI 22 Mini Mag LR Hollow Point 100 ct. Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS - 3 rolls of Flags of our Nation, 1 roll 20 cent pheasant stamp, 1 roll 44 cent US Flag
USPS - 3 rolls of Flags of our Nation, 1 roll 20 cent pheasant stamp, 1 roll 44 cent US Flag

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Western Super X 22 short 29 Gr. 50 Ct. Full
Vintage Western Super X 22 short 29 Gr. 50 Ct. Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Automobiles A World on Wheels Stamp Collecting Kit
Automobiles A World on Wheels Stamp Collecting Kit

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Winchester .38 Caliber Automatic Colt Cartridges - unopened
Vintage Winchester .38 Caliber Automatic Colt Cartridges - unopened

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1974
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1974

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Special Stamp Mini - Album 1972
USPS Special Stamp Mini - Album 1972 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Pins " Shoot Peters Shells" & "Winchester" Pin
Vintage Pins " Shoot Peters Shells" & "Winchester" Pin

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative 1975
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative 1975

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super X 308 Win. 125 Gr. soft point 20 ct -Full
Western Super X 308 Win. 125 Gr. soft point 20 ct -Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1979
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1979

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Speer Superior Gold Dot 38 Special +P 125 Grain GDHP - full box
Speer Superior Gold Dot 38 Special +P 125 Grain GDHP - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Automobiles A World on Wheels Stamp Collecting Kit
Automobiles A World on Wheels Stamp Collecting Kit

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Winchester .32 (.32-20) 115 Grain Bullet Soft Point - Staynless Non-mercuric Oilproof -
Vintage Winchester .32 (.32-20) 115 Grain Bullet Soft Point - Staynless Non-mercuruc Oilproof - full box 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Special Stamp Mini - Album 1972
USPS Special Stamp Mini - Album 1972

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Special Issues 1970
USPS Special Issues 1970 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington 12 ga. Kleanbore Shur Shot Shells box - empty
Remington 12 ga. Kleanbore Shur Shot Shells Box - empty 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Bicentennial Inauguration Memento
Bicentennial Inauguration Memento

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X 22 Hornet Center Fire Rifle Cartridges 46 Grain Open Pt. - full box
Western Super-X 22 Hornet Center Fire Rifle Cartridges - 46 Grain Open Pt. full box 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1976
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1976

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of Unknown caliber Shells- have U on bottom end
Box of Unknown caliber Shells - have U on bottom end 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Special Stamp Mini - Album 1972
USPS Special Stamp Mini - 1972

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

LEGENDS Baseball Scrapbook and Stamp Album
LEGENDS Baseball Scrapbook and Stamp Album

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

LEGENDS Baseball Scrapbook and Stamp Album
LEGENDS Baseball Scrapbook and Stamp Album

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Special Stamp Mini - Album 1972
USPS Stamp Mini - Album 1972

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Special Stamp Mini - Album 1972
USPS Special Stamp Mini - Album 1972

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Souvenir Mint Set 1973
USPS Souvenir Mint Set 1973

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Souvenir Mint Set 1973
USPS Souvenir Mint Set 1973

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1974
USPS Mint Set of Commeorative Stamps 1974

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1976
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1976

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Definitive Stamps 1987 - 88
USPS Mint Set of Definitive Stamps 1987 - 88

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1975
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1975

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Souvenir Mint Set 1973
USPS Souvenir Mint Set 1973

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Souvenir Mint Set 1973
USPS Souvenir Mint Set 1973

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1977
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1977

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1977
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1977

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1976
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1976

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1976
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1976

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1974
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1974

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps - Missing Childre, US Coast Guard, Harry Potter, Summer Harvest, Hudson River School, War of 1812 New Orleans

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps

- Civil War 1865, Fanciful Flowers, Summer Harvest, winter Fun, Gifts of Friendship, Missing Children, Elvis Presley, 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps

Civil War 1864
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Summer Harvest
Penguins NDN
US Coast Guard
Elvis Presley

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS 1969 Special Issues Stamps
USPS 1969 Special Issues Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Birds and Flowers of the Fifty States - A collective of US Commemorative Stamps
Birgs and Flowers of the Fifty States - A collective of US Commemorative Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS 1969 Special Issues Stamps & 1971 Special Stamp Mini - Album
USPS 1969 Special Issues Stamps & 1971 Special Stamp Mini - Album

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps

- Celebrating Lunar New Year, Legends of the West, 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps

- Legends of Baseball, Jazz Singers / Blues Singers, Classic Books, 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps

 - Old Glory, G Rated Make up Stamp, Classic Books

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps

- The "G" Rated Make up Stamp, Norman Rockwell, Classic Books

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Celebrate the Century Stamps - 1900s, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1950,1960, 1970, 1980, 1990
Celebrate the Century Stamps - 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Celebrate the Century Stamps - 1900(2), 1910 (2), 1930 , Calendar
Celebrate the Century Stamps - 1900 (2), 1910 (2), 1930, Calendar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

100 Years of the Olympic Games Stamps, International Images of Nature Stamps
100 Years of the Olympic Stamps, International Images of Nature Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps

- Official Envelope, Ben Franklin Envelope, 1996 Alanta Paralympic Games, misc envelops, 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Misc Envelopes
Misc Envelopes 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Lewis & Clark Prestige Book, Love Envelopes, Ribbon Star Envelope, Flag Envelope, Presidential Libra
Lewis and Clark Prestige Book, Love Envelope, Ribbon Star Envelope, Flag Envelope, Presidential Library Envelope,

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Diana Princess of Wales 1961 - 1997 - Royal Mail Mint Stamps & 20 Histore De France
Diana Princess of Wales 1961 - 1997 - Royal Mail Mint Stamps & 20 Histore De France

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Envelopes
Assorted Envelopes 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Envelopes
Assorted Envelopes

- Nobel Prize, Sporty Cars, Old Glory, Submarine, Redwood, Mt Rainier, Badlands, ect

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps

- Apples, Beautiful Blooms, Bonsai, Flowers, Pollination, Louis Comfort, Holiday Evergreens, Magnolias, 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


Assorted Stamps and Envelopes
Assorted Stamps and Envelopes

- Blue Jay, National Park, Grand Canyon, Nine MIle Prairie, Mt, Mckinley, Red Fox, Flordia Panther, 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps
- Alpine Tundra, Acadia National Park, Southern Florida Wetland, Hawaiian Rain Forest 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

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Dean Plooster Coins/Firearms/Vehicles/Ammo Online Only Auction

Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC

Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC

Sale Location
40942 234th ST
Artesian, SD 57314
Sale Dates and Times
Sale Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions


Preview Date: Contact Auctioneer 605-999-4239.
Buyers Premium: 8%
Payment: Winning bids will be paid by guaranteed funds within 24 hours of auction close. You may pay by guaranteed check or bank check or wire transfer. A limit of $2500.00 per invoice for Credit Card charges. Any Invoice totals under $100.00 will automatically be charged to the Credit Card on record. A 3% Convenience Fee will be charged to all Credit Card purchases.

Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers ONLINE AUCTIONS Feature “A MAX BID” Option as well as a “SOFT CLOSE”.
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“THE SOFT CLOSE” feature means any bid received in the final minutes of the auction will automatically extend bidding on that particular item or lot by 1 minute to allow another bidder the opportunity to raise their bid.

GENERAL TERMS: The auction will be conducted by Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers on behalf of the owners of the property, referred to as the Seller. Auctioneer is not responsible for the acts or representations of Seller. The auction shall be governed by the terms set forth herein (the agreement), and any additional terms and conditions that are posted concerning the specific property. The Agreement constitutes a valid, binding contract between individuals participating in the auction with the intent to purchase property, referred to as the Bidder or Buyer, and Seller/Auctioneer. The term Bidder or Buyer shall include, but not limited to, the individual or the company represented by the individual and any and all of its agents, employees, representatives, officers, and directors. Auctioneer is not responsible for statements made by the Bidder, Buyer, or other parties. Auctioneer reserves the right to periodically change the terms and conditions of the Agreement, which shall be effective immediately upon posting. It is the Bidders responsibility to review any and all changes made to these terms and conditions prior to bidding on property. The act of submitting a bid shall constitute Bidder acceptance of each and every term and condition contained herein, any additional terms and conditions posted with the property, and any changes made within the full agreement. All persons attending, inspecting or removing property assume all risks whatsoever of damage or loss to person and property and specifically release the Auctioneer from all liability. Auctioneer is not liable by reason of any defect in, or condition of, the property or the premises on which the preview/sale is held. Auctioneer is released for any claims to actual damage to the property sold and/or consequential damages that may result from the sale of defective property.

DISCLOSURES/NO WARRANTY: There is no warranty offered, expressed or implied, by Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers or Sellers for any property. All property is sold AS-IS, WHERE-IS, and with all faults and defects therein. All information provided is believed to be correct but NO warranty as such is either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Bidder is solely responsible to determine condition, age, authenticity, value or any other determinative factor. Bidder inspection of the property prior to submitting a bid is strongly recommended. ALL SALES ARE FINAL!!
Auctioneer reserves the right to add or withdraw property from the auction, and/or regroup items. Auctioneer reserves the right to sell property absolute or with reserve, at Sellers discretion. The Seller does have the right to make the final bid and the Auctioneer does have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. The auctioneer reserves the right to open the bid as the result of a tie bid or discrepancies in the bid.
Buyer assumes full responsibility of property at time of purchase, and all risk of loss and damage to property. All titles will be assigned to registered buyer unless notification is received by auctioneer at the end of auction. NO TITLES WILL BE ISSUED UNLESS COMPLETELY FILLED OUT.

BIDDER REGISTRATION: Bidder must be 18 years of age or older, and are required to register for the auction. In registration, Bidder must submit information found to be current, complete, and accurate for proper identification. Auctioneer does not sell or rent this information. Auctioneer uses email mailing lists to notify customers about online and live auctions. Customers who do not wish to be notified should contact the office of the Auctioneer and request removal from the email mailing list. Bidder is responsible for security of his/her bidding number/user name and password, and any and all bids placed under the assigned number/ID. Auctioneer should be notified immediately if Bidder believes number and/or password have been compromised. Auctioneer reserves the right to terminate registration, deny any person for any reason permission or access to bid, to reject any and all bids, and to suspend or ban Bidder from bidding, at Auctioneers sole discretion. Bidder registration is not transferable or assignable.

BIDDING: Bidder must register to participate in the auction. Read the descriptions of each lot and view photographs carefully. If you have any questions call 605-999-4239. Should you visit the viewing location, please personally inspect the property on which you intend to bid during the date(s) indicated in the details per item when applicable. Using YOUR knowledge and experience, form your own opinion of the property and bid accordingly. If you are in doubt, DO NOT BID. All items are sold “AS-IS WHERE IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS” this is an AUCTION and all SALES ARE FINAL. Bids cannot be retracted and are binding contracts between Bidder and Auctioneer/Seller. Bidder is accountable to be informed about property and associated costs before bidding. A maximum bid can be placed on property. A maximum bid is kept confidential, and Bidder authorizes Auctioneer to place bids on his/her behalf up to the amount of the maximum bid. Upon sale of property, identifying information and purchase amount will be posted for a designated period of time. All questions or disputes must be resolved immediately; no changes or adjustments will be made at a later date. Auctioneer reserves the right to reopen bidding. Auctioneer decisions will be final.

BUYERS PREMIUM: A Buyers premium of 8% will be charged on each purchase. Unless otherwise stated. A buyers premium, an advertised percentage of the high bid or flat fee added to the high bid will be added to the high bid and become part of the purchase amount at settlement. Buyer agrees to these provisions and will pay the applicable buyers premium. Example if an item is sold for $100.00 + 8% buyers premium = Final bid price $108.00. There is a $750.00 BP cap per item.

PAYMENT TERMS: Sales tax, when applicable, will be charged on both the purchase price and buyers premium. Taxes, fees, shipping, handling, insurance, storage and security charges are Buyers expenses, and will be calculated and rendered due at the sale of the property. Payment will be made in full by the buyer. Upon making payment for property, no stop payment of funds will be honored, Any stop payment order of a check, or giving a check which is returned marked insufficient funds, shall be deemed by the parties to be a prima facie evidence of fraud existing at the time the transaction was consummated and shall be construed by the parties as intent to defraud. If you are from another country other than the US, you must pay in US funds.

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CHOICE OF LAW: The laws of the State of South Dakota governs this agreement any dispute arising from the terms of this auction shall be brought in a court of Sanborn County, South Dakota.

ADDITIONAL TERMS: The following are property specific Terms & Conditions that are posted online with the individual property information and will override any likewise terms stated in this Agreement. - Buyers Premium - Sale Date and Time (Beginning and Ending) - Inspection Location, Dates, and Times - Final Date of Removal - Shipping Arrangements - Special Notes/Comments/Announcements

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Bidding Increments
$0.00 - $10.00 = $1.00
$10.01 - $25.00 = $3.00
$25.01 - $100.00 = $5.00
$100.01 - $250.00 = $8.00
$250.01 - $500.00 = $10.00
$500.01 - $1,000.00 = $25.00
$1,000.01 - $5,000.00 = $50.00
$5,000.01 - $10,000.00 = $100.00
$10,000.01 - $25,000.00 = $250.00
$25,000.01 - $50,000.00 = $500.00
$50,000.01 - $100,000.00 = $1,000.00

Currency: USD
Buyers Premium: 8% Buyers Premium added to final bid only on Online Purchases. $750.00 BP cap
Payment Terms: Cash or Bankable Check
Full payment within 24 hours of auction close via guaranteed funds. You may pay by guaranteed check or bank check or wire transfer. Credit Card is used for verification purpose only and will not be charged. Any Invoice totals $100.00 or less will automatically be charged to the Credit Card on record. A 3% Convenience Fee will be charged to all Credit Card purchases.

Shipping / Pick Up
Items will be picked up after paid in full the day after the auction or make arrangements with auctioneer. Items not picked up within 30 days will be deemed abandoned and resold, unless arrangements are made with the seller.
Listing Details

Check back soon for complete details. We are honored to be able to offer some very fine items of Dean Plooster’s from Dell Rapids, SD.
All items will be located at our facility for pickup and a listing will be coming soon. Items that will be offered are Guns, Ammo, 2 vehicles, Antiques, Coins, Silver, Stamps Tokens and more not yet uncovered.

Call Steve Larson 605-770-9818, Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Myron Grosz 605-999-4087 or Kelbi Dean 605-999-8812 for information on this auction.

Information Lot Only for the Dean Plooster Vehicle, Guns, Ammo, Coins, Gold, Silver & More!
Information Lot Only for the Dean Plooster Vehicle, Guns, Ammo, Coins, Gold, Silver & More!

We are honored to be able to offer some very fine items of Dean Plooster’s from Dell Rapids, SD. All items will be located at our facility for pickup and a listing will be coming soon. Items that will be offered are Guns, Ammo, 2 vehicles, Antiques, Coins, Silver, Stamps Tokens and more not yet uncovered.

Call Steve Larson 605-770-9818, Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Myron Grosz 605-999-4087 or Kelbi Dean 605-999-8812 for information on this auction.

Please make every attempt to pick up your items on the scheduled pickup date or call if you need to schedule and appointment for pickup.

Due to Covid 19 Please call and make arrangements with seller for pickup. Please limit Person to Person contact with Sellers. Please pickup your items as soon as possible after payment. Thank you for your cooperation and everyone please be safe!
Call Steve Larson 605-770-9818, Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Myron Grosz 605-999-4087 or Kelbi Dean 605-999-8812 for information on this auction.


Location Information, Invoice Information, Payment Information
Location Information:
All items will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314. The location of each item will be listed in the description. 

Invoice Information:
Upon successfully winning the bid of an item, an invoice will be emailed to you following the auction. Please look for your invoice following the auction in your registered email account. Please read the invoice at the bottom. If paying with cash or good check, please pay the Cash Total Due. Do Not Pay the Convenience Fee Total (This is the Credit Card Fee). Any invoice totals under $100.00 will automatically be charged to the credit card on file. We reserve the right to require wire transfers from any customer for coin & currency purchases over $100.00. 

Payment Information:
Payments (Cash or Good Check) not received by Friday Noon the week of the auction, the balance will be charged to Buyers Credit Card on File! Please mail your payment no later than Wednesday after the Auction to avoid Credit Card Charges. If payment cannot be paid by Thursday, please contact Auctioneers to make arrangements. NO Items will be released or removed until entire invoice is paid in full.


Sales Tax & Buyers Premium, Notice Information, App Information
We reserve the right to require wire transfers from any customer for coin & currency purchases over $100.00.

Sales Tax & Buyers Premium  
Buyers Premium is Charged on a Per Item Basis.
8% BUYERS FEE ON ALL PURCHASES $750.00 cap per item

4.5% SD Sales Tax - Unless you have a SD sales tax form on file with us. Contact Us prior to purchasing with your Sales Tax Information to purchase for resale

The Sellers/Auctioneers DO NOT provide transportation or shipping services for buyers to remove their merchandise. Any and all methods of towing and/or hauling, as well as all other methods or requirements for the removal and transport of the Equipment, is the sole responsibility of the buyer. All items must be picked up at auction address,


App Information:
Download our Bidding App on you Android or Apple phone, Ipad, etc. Go to the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and search “Dean Edwards” Sign Up and then Register to bid!


Practice Bidding & Covid Information
Practice Bidding & Covid Information
Use this lot to practice bidding, go ahead and bid away using the bid button, learn how to increase your bid amount by clicking on the Plus button in each lot, or setting a max bid. Also, if you click on the Star in any lot, it will add it to "Your Items" section so you can watch that particular item without having to bid on it. Any questions, call Steve at 605-770-9818 or Justin @ 605-999-4239.
Covid 19 Information:
Please limit Person to Person contact with Sellers/Agents when picking up your items. If you are feeling ill or have any symptoms, please call ahead a we will make sure your purchases can be set out for you to pickup safely. Please pickup your items as soon as possible after payment. Thank you for your cooperation and everyone please be safe!


Pickup Dates & Search Features.
Pickup Dates
July 13, 2021 from 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM and 
July 14, 2021 from 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM.

If you cannot make these set pickup dates, please contact auctioneers and make a scheduled appointment. 
Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818
We will not have any weekend pickup times available.

You can search for certain Catagory items such as Coins, Stamps, Toys, Firearms etc. by going to the 9 squares by All and Active, from there it will give you the different Catagories.

Winchester Super-X 22 Magnum- Jacketed Hollow Point
Winchester Super-X 22 Magnum - Jacketed Hollow Point
Rimfire Cartridges 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD  57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239 
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1993 United States Mint Proof Set
United States Mint Proof Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Slugger 1oz Hollow Point Rifled Slug - 5 plastic shotgun shells
Remington Slugger 1oz Hollow Point Rifled Slug- 5 plastic shotgun shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1970 and 1971 Uncirculated Coin Sets
1970 and 1971 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Mastercraft 22 Long Rifle High Velocity - Handy 4 Pack -200
Mastercraft 22 Long Rifle High Velocity - Handy 4 Pack - 200 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

The American Buffalo Coin and Currency Set
The American Buffalo Coin and Currency Set 
-Uncirculated 2001 American Buffalo Commemorative Silver Dollar
-Mint Condition 1987 10 cent Red Cloud United States Postage Stamp
-Series 1899 $5 Indian Chief Silver Certificate Replica 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Federal .22 Win. Mag. Jacketed Hollow Point - 30 Grain - unopened
Federal .22 Win. Mag. Jacketed Hollow Point - 30 Grain - unopened 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1883 Carson City Silver Dollar
1883 Carson City Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X 20 Centerfire Rifle Cartridges
Winchester Super-X 20 Centerfire Rifle Cartridges 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Kennedy Half Dollars including Proof-only issues from 1964 on - book is near full - see pictures
Kennedy Half Dollars including Proof-only issures from 1964 on - book is near full - see pictures

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington CBee 22 low velocity - full 2 boxes
Remington CBee 22 low velocity - full 2 boxes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1989 United States Mint Proof Set
1989 United States Mint Proof Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X .22 Long Rifle - High Velocity - full box
Winchester Super-X .22 Long Rifle - High Velocity

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1971 and 1972 Uncirculated Coin Sets
1971 and 1972 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

American Eagle .22 Long Rifle Copper-plated High Velocity - 38 grain Hollow Point - full
American Eagle .22 Long Rifle Copper-plated High Velocity - 38 grain Hollow Point

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1971 - 1974 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar
1971 - 1974 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S Government Standard .45 Calibre - Solid Head -20 Cartridges
U.S. Governement Standard .45 Calibre - Solid Head - 20 Cartridges 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1974 and 1975 Uncirculated Coin Sets
1974 and 1975 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Kleanbore 44 S & W Special 246 Grain Lead Bullet - unopened
Remington Kleanbore 44 S & W Special 246 Grain Lead Bullet - unopened

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Wood rocker glider
Wood rocker glider

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1990 United States Mint Proof Set
1990 United States Mint Proof Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Antique wood chair w/ wicker seat
Antique wood chair w/ wicker seat

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Cartridges 32-20 Winchester Center Fire - 100 Grain Soft Point Lubaloy Bullet
Western Cartridges 32-20 Winchester Center Fire - 100 Grain Soft Point Lubaloy Bullet

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Antique wood chair
Antique wood chair

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1964 and 1965 Uncirculated Coin Sets
1964 and 1965 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2 wood chairs
2 wood chairs

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Gambles Center Fire Cartridges Hiawatha 30-30 Winchester 170 Grain - Soft Point
Gambles Center Fire Cartridges Hiawatha 30-30 Winchester 170 Grain - Soft Point

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of misc. vintage jars, Brown glass, clear glass, Gallon jug w/handle
Box of misc. vintage jars, Brown glass, clear glass, Gallon jug w/handle

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1968 and 1969 Uncirculated Coin Sets
1968 and 1969 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of Gallon jugs and 2 quart glass jars
Box of Gallon jugs and 2 quart glass jars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X 20 GA. 2 3/4 in. Shotgun Shells - full box
Western Super-X 20 GA. 2 3/4 in. Shotgun Shells - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of misc. pint jars and quart jars
Box of misc. pint jars and quart jars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1988 United States Mint Proof Set
1988 United States Mint Proof Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box full of misc. pint jars
Box full of misc. pint jars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Empty Cartridges
Empty Cartridges

10 - 308 Win.
10 - 30-06 W-W Super 
7 - 30-30 Win.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of misc. jars Blue Ball jars, clear Ball jars, misc. bottles
Box of misc. jars Blue Ball jars, clear Ball jars, misc. bottles

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1776 - 1976 United States Bicentennial Silver Uncirculated Set
1776 - 1976 United States Bicentennial Silver Uncirculated Sets 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

9 - Blue Ball quart jars and 2 pint Blue Ball jars
9 - Blue Ball quart jars and 2 pint Blue Ball jars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Harrington Richardson SS Model 157 30-30 WIN.
Harrington Richardson SS Model 157 30-30 WIN. 

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box full of misc. pop bottles & vintage jars
Box full of misc. pop bottles & vintage jars
- Pepsi, Coke, Nesbitts, Mt. Dew, 7-UP

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1971 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar
1971 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Bucket full of misc. vintage pop bottles
Bucket full of misc. vintage pop bottles
A&W Root Beer, Coke, Pepsi, Hires, Mt. Dew, Nesbitts bottle

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X 257 Roberts - 117 Grain Soft Point
Western Super-X 257 Roberts - 117 Grain Soft Point

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of vintage jugs and bottles
Box of vintage jugs and bottles

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1776 - 1976 United States Bicentennial Silver Uncirculated Set
1776 - 1976 United States Bicentennial Silver Uncirculated Set

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Crock Jug and Glass gallon jug
Crock Jug and Glass gallon jug

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Hi-Speed 22 short hollow point - 2 full boxes
Remington Hi-Speed 22 short hollow point- 2 full boxes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of misc. glass bottles., Pepsi bottle, vintage bottles, large gal. jar w/ lid and handle
Box of misc. glass bottles., Pepsi bottle, vintage bottles, large gal. jar w/ lid and handle

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1971 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar
1971 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of misc. pint glass jars
Box of misc. pint glass jars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X 20 Centerfire Pistol-Revolver Cartridges - 45 Colt 255 Gr. Lead - full box
Winchester Super-X 20 Centerfire Pistol-Revolver Cartriges - 45 Colt 255 Gr. Lead

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2 boxes of 1 dozen Ball regular pint mason jars
2 boxes of 1 dozen Ball regular pint mason jars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1973 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar
1973 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of assorted jars - pint, quart, bottles, vintage bottles
Box of assorted jars - pint, quart, bottles, vintage bottles

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Kleanbore 257 Roberts - 117 Grain Soft Point - full box
Remington Kleanbore 257 Roberts- 117 Grain Soft Point - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Glass Fishing Float In Turquoise w/ rope net

Vintage Glass Fishing Float In Turquoise with rope net

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1974 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar
1974 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Sentry #1250 combination safe
Sentry #1250 combination safe

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Rem. 22 Short L, LR Parts
Rem. 22 Short, L, LR Parts

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2 - New General Tire Exclaim HPX A/S 235/50R18
2 - New General Tire Exclaim HPX A/S 235/50R18

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


1972 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar
1972 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Metal Sword 38" Long "Colada del Cid" Name Plooster engraved in blade
Metal Sword 38" Long "Colada del Cid" Name Plooster engraved in blade

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

22 Long Rifle Hollow Point Mini Mag
22 Long Rifle Hollow Point Mini Mag

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1957 Chevrolet Corvette, 1953 Corvette Convertible, 1914 Chevrolet Royal Mail Roadster, Ford Coupe
1957 Chevrolet Corvette, 1953 Corvette Convertible, 1914 Chevrolet Royal Mail Roadster, Ford Coupe

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

American Buffalo Commemorative Coins - National Museum of the American Indian
American Buffalo Commemorative Coins - National Museum of the American Indian

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Cast Draft Horse Team with pulling single bottom plow, Oliver 88 Narrow Front (1/64 scale)
Cast Draft Horse Team with pulling single bottom plow, Oliver 88 Narrow Front (1/64 scale)

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

5 - Remington- Peters Game Loads 12 Ga. 2 3/4 Shot gun Shells
5- Remington-Peters Game Loads 12 Ga. 2 3/4 Shot Gun Shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Pair of JD Narrow Front Tractors
Pair of JD Narrow Front Tractors

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2004 Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Silver Dollar
2004 Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Varcon Premium Quality Cream Separator Oil
Varcon Premium Quality Cream Sepearator Oil

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Weatherby Ultra Velocity .257 Magnum - full box
Weatherby Ultra Velocity .257 Magnum - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Movement Stainless Steel Watch - new
Movement Stainless Steel Watch - new

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

The American Buffalo Coin and Currency Set
The American Buffalo Coin and Currency Set 
-Uncirculated 2001 American Buffalo Commemorative Silver Dollar
-Mint Condition 1987 10 cent Red Cloud United States Postage Stamp
-Series 1899 $5 Indian Chief Silver Certificate Replica 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Corn Husker Glove
Corn Husker Glove

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Daisy 500 Premium Grade Pellets - .177 cal. Lead Airgun Pellets
Daisy 500 Premium Grade Pellets - .177 cal. Lead Airgun Pellets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

ERTL McCormick Farmall Super M-TA Tractor- Special Edition
ERTL McCormick Farmall Super M-TA Tractor - Special Edition 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1972 and 1973 Uncirculated Coin Sets
1972 and 1973 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1955 Chevrolet Bel Air - Collectors Edition - 1/18 scale Die Cast Metal
1955 Chevrolet Bel Air - Collectors Edition - 1/18 Scale Die Cast Metal 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Savage 22 LR "410" 3 Chamber, Over/Under SS Model 24
Savage 22 LR "410" 3 Chamber, Over/Under SS Model 24

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

DeLaval Cream Separator - ERTL 1/7 scale - with box
DeLaval Cream Separator - ERTL 1/7 scale - with box 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1973 and 1977 Uncirculated Coins Sets
1973 and 1977 Uncirculated Coins Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

JD Row Crop Tractor - ERTL 1/16 scale - with box
JD Row Crop Tractor - ERTL 1/16 scale - with box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Dove & Quail Load - 16 ga. and 12 ga. mixed Shotgun Shells - near full box
Winchester Dove & Quail Load - 16 ga. and 12 ga. mixed Shotgun Shells - near full box 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Misc. toys that need repair - Tonka Toys metal pickup, 2 tractors
Misc. toys that need repair - Tonka Toys metal pickup, 2 tractors
- all have wheel issues

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1969 and 1970 Uncirculated Coin Sets
1969 and 1970 Uncirculated Coin Sets
The 1970 set  has the original envelope and the 1969 set does not

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

ERTL 886 tractor w/ Safety frame 1/16 scale
ERTL 886 tractor w/ Safety frame 1/16 scale

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X 20ga. Shotgun Shells - 1 1/8 oz 6 shot
Western Super-X 20ga. Shotgun Shells - 1 1/8oz 6 shot

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Geddes Merc. Co. Advertisement Pitcher - "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year"
Geddes Merc. Co. Advertisment Pitcher - "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year"

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint 1978 and 1979 Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint 1978 and 1979 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Advertisement Bottles - Dakota Premium Beer, Sioux City Sarsaparilla Root Beer, IceHouse Beer Bottle
Advertisment Bottls - Dakota Premium Beer, Sioux City Sarsaparilla Root Beer, IceHouse Beer Bottle

**Must be 21 to purchase 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Dominion 308 Winchester - 150 Grain
Dominion 308 Winchester - 150 Grain 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Coca-Cola and Pepsi Bottles
Vintage Coca- Cola and Pepsi Bottles

- The Big Drive of '89 Montana 
-Great Seal State of North Dakota
- Celebrate the Century 1889-1989 (2)

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint 1980 and 1981 Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint 1980 and 1981 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

4 bottles of Wine - 2 SD labeled , 1 - Massachusetts
4 bottles of Wine - 2 SD made, 1 - Minnesota, 1 - Massachusetts
- Must be 21 to purchase this lot

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2 - Remington Hi-Speed 22 Short - full boxes
2 - Remington Hi-Speed 22 Short - 2 full boxes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of Misc - Blood Pressure Cuff, wall decor, knife, and canister
Box of Misc - Blood Pressure Cuff, wall decor, knife, and canister

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of misc. decor - bell, necklace, dish, red glass ball, and more
Box of misc. decor - bell, necklace, dish, red glass ball, and more

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Savage Model 99E 308 Winchester, Lever Action
Savage Model 99E 308 Winchester, Lever Action

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remote Control 4-wheeler, Desert Storm deck of cards, Tonka Truck
Remote Control 4-wheeler, Desert Strom deck of cards, Tonka Truck

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint 1978 and 1979 Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint 1978 and 1979 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Nautical Buoy Glass Floats Ornaments
Nautical Buoy Glass Floats Ornaments

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X High Brass 410ga. -6 shot - full box
Winchester Super-X High Brass 410 Ga. - 6 shot

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Advertisement Tobacco Tins - Genuine "Union Leader", Revelation Tobacco Pipe Tin, Twin Oaks Mixture
Advertisment Tobacco Tins - Genuine "Union Leader" Revelation Tobacco Pipe Tin, Twin Oaks, Mixture

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint 1980 and 1981 Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint 1980 and 1981 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Tobacco Tins - Prince Albert, Velvet, Union Leader, Kentucky Club
Tobacco Tins - Prince Albert, Velvet, Union Leader, Kentucky Club

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

8 - .30 Sec Plastic M64 30-06 cal. Practice Rounds 10- per box, 8 x money
8 - .30 Sec Plastic M64 30-06 cal. Practice Rounds 10- per box, 8 x money

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Tobacco Tins and Tobacco Box
Tobacco Tins and Tobaccos Box 

Harvester Perfecto box
Velvet Tin
Prince Albert Crimp Cut - 2
Half & Half tin

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint 1975 and 1976 Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint 1975 and 1976 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Express wood ammo box
Remington Express wood ammo box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stinger 22 Long Rifle Shells - 500 - full box
Stinger 22 Long Rifle Shells - 500 - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Express Wood Ammo Box
Remington Express Wood Ammo Box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint 1976 and 1977 Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint 1976 and 1977 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western wood Ammo box
Western wood Ammo box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Misc Shells
Misc Shells
FN 62
TW 69
WCC 79

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Small Arms Ammunition Loaded Shot Shells Wood Box
Western Small Arms Ammunition Loaded Shot Shells Wood Box

v=Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Treasury Department 1964 and 1968 Uncirculated Coin Sets
Treasury Department 1964 and 1968 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Peters wood Ammo box
Peters wood Ammo box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Colt M1911 A1 US Army 45ACP 45 Auto. - 2 clips
Colt M1911 A1 US Army 45ACP 45 Auto. - 2 clips 

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Express Wood Ammo Box
Remington Express Wood Ammo Box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2012 United States Mint Silver Proof Set
2012 United States Mint Silver Proof Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Gallon crock jug
Gallon crock jug

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Xpert Super Skeet Load - 20 ga. - 2 3/4
Western Xpert Super Skett Load - 20ga. 2 3/4 load

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Gallon Crock
Gallon Crock 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2013 United States Mint Proof Set
2013 United States Mint Proof Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Gallon crock jug
Gallon crock jug

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X Shotgun Shells 1 1/4oz shot - 125th Anniversary - full case
Winchester Super-X Shotgun Shells 1 1/4oz shot - 125th Anniversary

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Small Stickney South Dakota Centennial Crock - 1905 - 2005
Small Stickney South Dakota Centennial Crock - 1905- 2005

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 Liberty Silver Dollar - "P" Mint
1986 Liberty Silver Dollar - "P" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

McCormick - Deering 2 gal crock -Lye Solution has a hole in bottom for spigot. Crack on bottom
McCormick - Deering 2 gal crock -Lye Solution has a hole in bottom for spigot. Crack on bottom

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington 22 Long Rifle High Velocity - full boxes
Remington 22 Long Rifle High Velocity - full boxes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Gallon Crock - few chips
Gallon Crock - few chips

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

The American Buffalo Coin and Currency Set
The American Buffalo Coin and Currency Set 
-Uncirculated 2001 American Buffalo Commemorative Silver Dollar
-Mint Condition 1987 10 cent Red Cloud United States Postage Stamp
-Series 1899 $5 Indian Chief Silver Certificate Replica 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Redwing #2 Crock -good
Redwing #2 Crock -good

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X Magnum Shot gun Shells - 12 ga. 2 3/4 - 5 shells
Western Super-X Magnum Shot gun Shells - 12 ga. 2 3/4 - 5 shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Small Crock - few chips
Small Crock - few chips

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 Liberty Half Dollar and Silver Dollar
1986 Liberty Half Dollar and Silver Dollar 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Union Stoneware Co. #5 Crock - good
Union Stoneware Co. #5 Crock - good

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Savage '410' SS 2 1/2 and 3' Stevens Model 94 Series M
Savage '410' SS 2 1/2 and 3' Stevens Model 94 Series M 

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Bostitch Heavy Duty Wheeled Portable Compressor
Bostitch Heavy Duty Wheeled Portable Compressor - new in box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint 1979 and 1980 Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint 1979 and 1980 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Redwing # 10 Crock w/ handles - good
Redwing # 10 Crock w/ handles - good

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western 45 Automatic -230 Grain Full Metal Case - Lubaloy - mostly full
Western 45 Automatic - 230 Grain Full Metal Case - Lubaloy

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Yamato Japanese Super-Battleship - 1/350 scale
Yamato Japanese Super-Battleship - 1/350 scale 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Bicentennial Silver Uncirculated Sets 1776-1976
United States Bicentennial Silver Uncirculated Sets 1776-1976

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Terry Redlin "Evening Surprise" Print
Terry Redlin "Evening Surprise" Print

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X 303 Savage - 190 Grain expanding bullet
Western Super-X 303 Savage - 190 Grain expanding bullet

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

David Maass Pheasant Winter Scene Print - 855/950
David Maass Pheasant Winter Scene Print - 855/950

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint 2000 Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint 2000 Uncirculated Coin Sets
Phiadelphia and Denver mints

"Democracy From the Eye of an Eagle Print" - Dedication Painting of Mt. Rushmore 1991 John Greene
"Democracy From the Eye of an Eagle Print" - Dedication Painting of Mt. Rushmore 1991 John Green 
Print 398/4588 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Premium Grade Extra Long Range 12ga. Shotgun Shells empty box
Remington Premium Grade Extra Long Range 12ga. Shotgun Shells empty box 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

"Morning Solitude" - Terry Redlin Print
"Morning Solitude" - Terry Redlin Print 2610/12107

Camper and Friends Shoving off to catch and early lunch

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 United States Prestige Set
1986 United States Prestige Set

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Weed Eater Super Blower creates up to 195 MPH wind
Weed Eater Super Blower creates up to 195 MPH wind

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Hi-Speed 22 short shells - 2 full boxes
Reminton Hi-Speed 22 short shells - 2 fulls boxes 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Liberty Coin from the US Mint
3 - United States Liberty Coins from the US Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Daisy 105B BB Gun - Lever Action
Daisy 105B BB Gun - lever action 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 Liberty Half Dollar and Silver Dollar "S" Mint
1986 Liberty Half Dollar and Silver Dollar "S" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stinger 22 Long Rifle Shells - 2 full cases (50 each)
Stinger 22 Long Rifle Shells - 2 full cases (50 each)

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Million Dollar Silver Proof - Series 2000
Million Dollar Silver Proof - Series 2000

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Estate Cartridge Inc. 12 ga. High Velocity 8 ball Buckshot - 2 3/4 00 shot - full box
Estate Cartridge Inc. 12 ga. High Velocity 8 Ball Buckshot - 2 3/4 00 shot

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1989 Official Presidential Inaugural Medal
1989 Official Presidential Inaugural Medal 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X 22 Long Rifle Hollow Point High Velocity - full boxes
Winchester Super-X 22 Long Rifle Hollow Point High Velocity

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 Liberty Half Dollar "S" Mint
1986 Liberty Half Dollar "S" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington 444 Marlin Loaded Shells
Remington 444 Marlin Loaded Shells 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 Liberty Half Dollar "S" Mint
1986 Liberty Half Dollar "S" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Hopkins & Allen Arms Co. .22 LR Lever Action - single shot
Hopkins & Allen Arms .22 LR Lever Action - single shot 

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1999 Chevrolet 2500 Pickup 4x4 3 door Ext. cab - ONLY 21,572 Miles - Very clean pickup.
1999 Chevrolet 2500 Pickup 4x4 3 door Ext. cab - ONLY 21,572 Miles - Very clean pickup. Automatic Vortec 6.0 litre
Power: Seats, Windows, Locks & Mirrors
AM/FM/CD player, Split front bench seat, Custom running boards
Tires are 70%, new battery, Cloth seats, 2 key remotes.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 Liberty Half Dollar "S" Mint
1986 Liberty Half Dollar "S" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Expert 20ga. Shotgun Shells - 2 3/4 - 7/8oz - 6 shot - near full box
Western Expert 20ga. Shotgun shells - 2 3/4 - 7/8 oz - 6 shot - near full box 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 Uncirculated Coin Set with "D" and "P" mint marks
1986 Uncirculated Coin Set with "D" and "P" mint marks

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Estate 12ga High Velocity Hunting Load - 2 3/4 - 1 1/4oz - 5 shot
Estate 12ga. High Velocity Hunting Load - 2 3/4 - 1 1/4oz - 5 shot

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1974 Eisenhower United States Proof Dollar "S" Mint
1974 Eisenhower United States Proof Dollar "S" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Federal 12 gauge shells - with misc empty shells
Federal 12 Guage Shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1972 Eisenhower United States Proof Dollar "S" Mint
1972 Eisenhower United States Proof Dollar "S" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Blazer 357 Magnum - 158 Grain - full box
Blazer 357 Magnum - 158 grain - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2005 United States Mint Uncirculated Coin Set "D" and "P" Mint
2005 United States Mint Uncirculated Coin Set "D" and "P" Mint 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

H & A Safety Police Revolver - 32 Caliber
H & A Saftey Police Revolver - 32 Caliber 

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2015 Chevrolet Impala 4 door car - Nice Car Only 41,577 miles
2015 Chevrolet Impala 4 door car - Nice Car Only 41,577 miles
Cloth interior, AM/FM/CD
Automatic, Ecotek engine, New battery
Tires Good 70% +
Power: Seats, Windows, Locks, Mirrors
2 - key remotes.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1985 Uncirculated Coin Set "D" and "P" Mint Marks
1985 Uncirculated Coin Set "D" and "P" Mint Marks

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester .32 Calibre Soft Point Bullet - full box
Winchester .32 Calibre Soft Point Bullet

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1973 Eisenhower United States Proof Dollar
1973 Eisenhower United States Proof Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Pistol Ball .45 Caliber Shells
Pistol Ball .45 Caliber Shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1971 Eisenhower United States Proof Dollar
1971 Eisenhower United States Proof Dollar 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western X 38 Special Boy - 158 Grain Lubaloy - partial box
Western X 38 Specail Boy - 158 Grain Lubaloy - partial box 

2006 One Ounce Proof Silver Bullion Coin
2006 One Ounce Proof Silver Bullion Coin

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester, Marlin, & Savage .32-40 - 165 Grain Soft Point
Wincheser, Marlin, & Savage .32-40 - 165 grain soft point

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2001 American Buffalo Commemorative Coins Silver Dollar - "P" Mint
2001 American Buffalo Commemorative Coins Silver Dollar "P" Mint 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Rem. Model 31 12 ga. pump
Rem. Model 31 12 ga. pump

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Mint 1991 Prestige Set
United States Mint 1991 Prestige Set
Comes with a Certificate of Authenticity 
Mount Rushmore Anniversary Coins

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

American Eagle .22 Long Rifle High Velocity - half full boxes
American Eagle .22  Long Rifle High Velocity - half full boxes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Royal Canadian Mint Uncirculated Coin Set
Royal Canadian Mint Uncirculated Coin Set

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

7 - .30 Sec Plastic M64 30-06 cal. Practice Rounds 10- per box, 7 x money
7 - .30 Sec Plastic M64 30-06 cal. Practice Rounds 10- per box, 7 x money

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Mint 1994 Prestige Set
United States Mint 1994 Prestige Set
Comes with a Certificate of Authenticity 
World Cup USA 1994 Commemorative Coins

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- Federal .22 Cal - 50 Grain Hollow Point - full boxes
2 - Federal .22 Cal - 50 Grain Hollow Point - full boxes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1991 United Stated Mount Rushmore Anniversary Coins
United Stated Mount Rushmore Anniversary Coins
1991 Six-Coin Proof and Uncirculated Set in a wood case

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western 38 S & W 145 Grain Lubaloy Bullet - unopened box
Western 38 S & W 145 Grain Lubaloy Bullet - unopened box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

US Mint San Francisco Old Mint Commemorative Coin Program- Gold Five Dollar Coin
San Francisco Old Mint Commemorative Coin Program
Certificate of Authenticity Proof Gold Five Dollar Coin

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Hopkins & Allen 25ga. SS Shotgun
Hopkins & Allen 25ga. SS Shotgun

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Marine Corps Bicentennial Token
United States Marine Corps Bicentennial Token
November 10 1775 Birth of the US Marine Corps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western 32 Short 80 Grain Lubaloy Bullet Greased - partial box
Western 32 Short 80 Grain Lubaloy Bullet Greased - partial box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Army Bicentennial Token
United States Army Bicentennial Token

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Federal Hi-Shok Slug 16ga. Hollow Point - 4/5oz - near full box
Federal Hi-Shok Slug 16ga. Hollow Point - 4/5oz - near full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Navy Bicentennial Token 1975
United States Navy Bicentennial Token 1975
Birth of the US Navy October 13, 1775

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X 308 - 150 Grain Silvertip - full box
Winchester Super-X 308 - 150 Grain Silvertip

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Mount Rushmore Anniversary Coins-1991 Silver Dollar
United States Mount Rushmore Anniversary Coins
Certificate of Authenticity 1991 Silver Dollar Proof

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- Federal .22 Short Hi-Power 50 Rim Fire Cartridges- unopened
2- Federal .22 Short Hi-Power 50 Rim Fire Cartridges - unopened

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2001 4 oz. State Hood Quarter
2001 4 oz. State Hood Quarter
with the Certificate of Authenticity 
NC, Kentucky, NY, RI, Vermont

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Ruger MKIII 22 LR Semi Auto Pistol - 3 clips and case
Ruger MKIII 22 LR Semi Auto Pistol - 3 clips and case

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Liberty Coin from the US Mint
United States Liberty Coin from the US Mint
Comes with the Certificate of Authenticity and is in a wooded case

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington 12ga. Heavy Game Load - 4 shot - near full
Remington 12 ga. - Heave Game Load - 4 shot - near full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1960 Small and Large Date US Lincoln Cent Major Die Variety - P & D mints and 1943 Steel Cents
1960 Small and Large Date United States Lincoln Cent Major Die Variety P & D mints and 1943 Steel Cents

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Master Mag .22 Long Rifle High Velocity - 100 Cartridges - full box
Master Mag .22 Long Rifle High Velocity - 100 Cartridges - full box 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Alaska Token January 3, 1959 and 1969 First USA Landing on the Moon Token
Alaska Token January 3, 1959 and 1969 First USA Landing on the Moon Token with Edwin Aldrin , Neil Armstrong, and Michael Collins on token
Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For auction information contact Justin 605-999-4239 Steve 605-770-9818 Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X .22 Magnum - Jacketed Hollow Point Rimfire Cartridges
Winchester Super-X .22 Magnum - Jacketed Hollow Point Rimfire Cartridges 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Mint 1989 Prestige Set
United States Mint 1989 Prestige Set
with the Certificate of Authenticity

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

5 - 30-30 Winchester Shells
5 - 30-30 Winchester Shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Untied States Bicentennial Silver Proof Set
Untied States Bicentennial Silver Proof Set

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Rem 870 12 ga. shotgun pump 2 3/4 and 3'
Rem 870 12ga. shotgun pump 2 3/4 and 3'

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1776-1976 United States Bicentennial Silver Proof Set
1776-1976 United States Silver Proof Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X 410 Long Range Shotgun Shells - unopened
Western Super-X 410 Long Rang Shotgun Shells - unopened 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Mint American Buffalo Commemorative Coins
United States Mint American Buffalo Commemorative Coins
Smithsonian - National Museum of the American Indian  

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Xpert 12 ga. Shotgun Shell box - empty
Western Xpert 12 ga. Shotgun Shell Box - empty 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2 - 90% Silver Commemorative Half Dollar 1732-1982
2- 90% Silver Commemorative Half Dollar 1732-1982 
250th Anniversary of Birth 1982 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X 38 Special Mid-Range Match - 148 Grain Lead Clean-Cutting - full box
Western Super-X 38 Special Mid-Range Match - 148 Grain Lead Clean-Cutting - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

John Deere belt buckle and Charm

John Deere belt buckle and Charm 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X .22 short - High Velocity - full boxes
Winchester Super-X .22 Short - High Velocity - full boxes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1776-1976 National Bicentennial Medal & 1995 Liberty Money Clip
1776-1976 National Bicentennial Medal & 1995 Liberty Money Clip 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Ruger Security -six .357 Magnum revolver
Ruger Security - six .357 Magnum Revolver 

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1972 -  1973 - 1974 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar 
1972 -  1973 - 1974 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

10 - 8mm Mauser
10- 8mm Mauser

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

7 Rolls of Liberty Nickels - D - 2005
7 Rolls of Liberty Nickels - D - 2005

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


Ducks Unlimited Remington 12ga. Shot Gun Shells - full tin
Ducks Unlimited Remington 12ga. Shot Gun Shells - full tin 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

7 Rolls of 1987 Liberty Pennies - Standard Johnson Co. Bklyn.,
7 Rolls of 1987 Liberty Pennies - Standard Johnson Co. Bklyn.,

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


CBee22 Remington 22 Low Velocity - full boxes
CBee22 Remigton 22 Low Velocity 
"Copper Coated" 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1965 Canada 50 cents
1965 Canada 50 cents 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


Federal 410 Hi-Power 6 Shot Shells - 3 inch - near full box - Paper Shells
Federal 410 Hi-Power 6 Shot Shells - 3 inch - near full box- Paper Shells 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1935 Coin Set - Liberty Dollar - Half Dollar - Quarter - Nickle - Dime - Penny
1935 Coin Set - Liberty Dollar - Half Dollar - Quarter - Nickle - Dime - Penny

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


Harrington & Richardson Topper JR Model 098 .410 SS Shotgun - with box
Harrington & Richardson Topper JR Model 098 .410 SS Shotgun - with box

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 Liberty Half Dollar "D" Mint
1986 Liberty Half Dollar "D" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


Winchester .38 Long R.F. Shell
Winchester .38 Long R.F. Shell

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1776 - 1976 United States Bicentennial Silver Uncirculated Set
1776 - 1976 United States Bicentennial Silver Uncirculated Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


Remington 175th Anniversary Tin - 325 "High Velocity" 22 Long Rifle Cartridges - unopened
Remington 175th Anniversary Tin - 325 "High Velocity" 22 Long Rifle Cartridges - unopened


Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1984 Uncirculated Coin Set "D" and "P" Mint
1984 Uncirculated Coin Set "D" and "P" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Federal 303 British 180 Gr. soft point full box
Federal 303 British 180 Gr. soft point full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1985 The Official Presidential Inaugural Medal
1985 The Official Presidential Inaugural Medal

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2 box Rem 22 short 50Ct. boxes - Full
2 box Rem 22 short 50Ct. boxes - Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2013 America The Beautiful Quarters - Three Coin Set - Mount Rushmore National Memorial
2013 American The Beautiful Quarters - Three Coin Set - Mount Rushmore National Memorial 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

S & W Model 22A-1 - 22 LR Semi Auto Pistol - 1 clip with case - NIB
S&W Model 22A-1 22 LR Semi Auto Pistol - 1 clip with case - NIB

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Mint- The Department of the Treasury 1789 - 6 coins
United States Mint- The Department of the Treasury 1789
6 coins with the Certificate of Authenticity

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super X Magnum box - Empty box is good
Western Super X Magnum box - Empty box is good

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Royal Canadian Mint Silver ( One Troy Ounce) $20 Coins
Royal Canadian Mint Silver ( One Troy Ounce) $20 Coins
10 Elizabeth II coins from the 1988 Olympic WInter Games

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Norma 6.5x55 139 Gr Shells 2 boxes 1 full 1 partial
Norma 6.5x55 139 Gr Shells 2 boxes 1 full 1 partial

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Liberty Coins 1886-1986 from the US Mint
United States Liberty Coins 1886-1986 from the US Mint
The first coins ever issued by the US Govt. depicting the Statue and Ellis Island.  has a $5 gold coin, a silver dollar, and a half dollar 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester 9MM Lugar box w/ shells - Full
Winchester 9MM Lugar box w/ shells - Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Mint 1988 Uncirculated Coin Set w/ D and P Mint marks
United States Mint 1988 Uncirculated Coin Set w/ D and P Mint marks

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Monarch 22 LR - Full 50 ct.
Monarch 22 LR - Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Benjamin Franklin Half Dollar Collection 1948-1963
Benjamin Franklin Half Dollar Collection 1948-1963

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Henry 22 S/L/LR Lever Action Model H001 NIB
Henry 22 S/L/LR Lever Action Model H001 NIB

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Eisenhower Dollars including proof-only issues
Eisenhower Dollars including proof-only issues
missing the 1973-S 40% Proof and the 1976 Variety I Coins

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super X 303 Savage 190 Gr. Full box
Western Super X 303 Savage 190 Gr. Full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

10- 2004 .999 Chinese Silver Coins

10- 2004 .999 Chinese Silver Coins

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Black Hills Ammunition 357 Magnum 158 Gr. 50 ct. box - full
Black Hills Ammunition 357 Magnum 158 Gr. 50 ct. box - full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.
2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Expert Shotgun Shells 20 ga. 6 shot 2 1/4" - Full box
Western Expert Shotgun Shells 20 ga. 6 shot 2 1/4" - Full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.
2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Montgomery Ward 12 ga. 2 3/4" plastic shot shells - Full box
Montgomery Ward 12 ga. 2 3/4" plastic shot shells - Full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.
2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous Presidential Stamps
Stamps- Miscellaneous Presidential Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted American Flag
Stamps- Assorted American Flag

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2013 America The Beautiful Quarters - Three Coin Set - Mount Rushmore National Memorial
2013 America The Beautiful Quarters - Three Coin Set - Mount Rushmore National Memorial

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Fruit, Go Green, & Butterflies Stamps
Stamps- Assorted Fruit, Go Green, & Butterflies Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

20 Ct box of 444 Marlin shells in plastic case
20 Ct box of 444 Marlin shells in plastic case

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Flowers
Stamps- Assorted Flowers

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Five Dollar Silver Certificate
Five Dollar Silver Certificiate 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Fruit & Flowers
Stamps- Assorted Fruit & Flowers

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X 22 Short (H.P) - 50 Rim Fire Cartridges - wax coated, extra clean - unopened
Western Super-X 22 Short (H.P) - 50 Rim Fire Cartridges - wax coated, extra clean - unopened 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Flowers & Trees
Stamps- Assorted Flowers & Trees

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2010 United States Mint Silver Proof Set "S" Mint
2010 United States Mint Silver Proof Set "S" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


Stamps- Assorted Flowers & Bells
Stamps- Assorted Flowers & Bells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super- X 300 Savage 150 Grain Power-Point - full box
Winchester Super-X 300 Savage 150 Grain Power -Point - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted America Books
Stamps- Assorted America Books

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2013 Five Ounce Silver Uncirculated Coin - Mount Rushmore National Memorial South Dakota "P" Mint
2013 Five Ounce Silver Uncirculated Coin - Mount Rushmore National Memorial South Dakota "P" Mint

99.9% Silver

Stamps- Assorted American Flag- 21 Sheets
Stamps- Assorted American Flag- 21 Sheets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

The Remington Five Pounder Tin with Remington .22 Long Rifle Shells (full box), Misc Shells
The Remington Fiver Pounder Tin with Remington .22 Long Rifle Shells (full box), misc Shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted American Stamps
Stamps- Assorted American Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2010 United States Mint Presidential $1 Coin Proof Set
2010 United States Mint Presidential $1 Coin Proof Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous People
Stamps- Miscellaneous People

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted American Flag
Stamps- Assorted American Flag

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Patriotic Stamps
Stamps- Assorted Patriotic Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2010 United States Mint America the Beautiful Quarters Silver Proof Set "S" Mint
2010 United States Mint America the Beautiful Quarters Silver Proof Set "S" Mint 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted American Flag
Stamps- Assorted American Flag

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester 22 WFR 1986 Limited Edition shells 250Ct. - Full
Winchester 22 WFR 1986 Limited Edition shells 250Ct. - Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Patriotic Stamps
Stamps- Assorted Patriotic Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1861 - 1865 United States Mint Presidential $1 Coin and First Spouse Medal Set
1861 - 1865 United States Mint Presidential $1 Coin and First Spouse Medal Set 
Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd Lincoln

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted WWII
Stamps- Assorted WWII

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Hi-Speed 22 Short shells, 2 boxes 1 full 1 partial
Remington Hi-Speed 22 Short shells, 2 boxes 1 full 1 partial

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous People
Stamps- Miscellaneous People

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

$10 Roll America the Beautiful Quarters Program - Mount Rushmore National Memorial "S" "D" "P" Mint
American the Beautiful Quarters Program - Mount Rushmore National Memorial
One roll is "S"
one roll is "D"
one roll is "P" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

First Day of Issue- Stamped Postcards
First Day of Issue- Stamped Postcards

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

US Cartridges .38 Cal short Colt 50 ct. still wrapped in plastic - Full
US Cartridges .38 Cal short Colt 50 ct. still wrapped in plastic - Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Miscellaneous People Stamps & Stamp Folios
Miscellaneous People Stamps & Stamp Folios

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1991 Mount Rushmore Anniversary Coins- Silver and Half Dollar "S" Mint
1991 Mount Rushmore Anniversary Coins - Silver and Half Dollar "S"Mint

Silver Dollar - 90% Silver
Half Dollar - 91.67% Copper
                    8.33% Nickel 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


Stamps- Assorted George Washington
Stamps- Assorted George Washington

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2 Metal shell boxes, 1 big, 1 smaller
2 Metal shell boxes, 1 big, 1 smaller

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous People
Stamps- Miscellaneous People

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Ten Troy Ounce .999 Silver Bar - Wall Street Mint
Ten Troy Ounce .999 Silver Bar - Wall Street Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Space- Star Wars, Astronauts, etc.
Assorted Space- Star Wars, Astronauts, etc.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Vehicles
Stamps- Assorted Vehicles

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Inventions
Stamps- Assorted Inventions

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.
2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Patriotic Stamps
Stamps- Assorted Patriotic Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super X 22 Short 2 boxes full
Winchester Super X 22 Short 2 boxes full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Old Transportation
Stamps- Assorted Old Transportation

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.
2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Astronauts
Stamps- Assorted Astronauts

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Empty boxes with spent brass in them. Winchester 308 and Federal 30-30 brass
Empty boxes with spent brass in them. Winchester 308 and Federal 30-30 brass

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Merchant Ships
Stamps- Assorted Merchant Ships

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2-  9-11 Land of the Free 1 oz. Silver coins
2-  9-11 Land of the Free 1 oz. Silver coins
Fireman with the US Flag on 1 side and information on the other

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Merchant Ships
Stamps- Assorted Merchant Ships

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage box Rem. .32 Long RF - Partial box
Vintage box Rem. .32 Long RF - Partial box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Merchant Ships
Stamps- Assorted Merchant Ships

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2-  9-11 Land of the Free 1 oz. Silver coins
2-  9-11 Land of the Free 1 oz. Silver coins
Fireman with the US Flag on 1 side and information on the other

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Ships/Boats and Lighthouses
Stamps- Assorted Ships/Boats and Lighthouses

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Federal 243 Winchester 100 Gr. soft point - Partial box 11 good shells 9 spent brass
Federal 243 Winchester 100 Gr. soft point - Partial box 11 good shells 9 spent brass

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps- Statue of Liberty, Purple Heart, Planes
Assorted Stamps- Statue of Liberty, Purple Heart, Planes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- 9-11 Land of the Free 1 oz. Silver Commemorative Coins
2- 9-11 Land of the Free Commemorative 1 oz. Silver Coins
The Twin towers on 1 side and information on the other side

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Postcards- Assorted London
Postcards- Assorted London

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Postcards- Assorted "America the Beautiful"
Postcards- Assorted "America the Beautiful"

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Postcards- Whitehouse, Ship, Plane
Assorted Postcards- Whitehouse, Ship, Plane

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- 9-11 Land of the Free 1 oz. Silver Commemorative Coins
2- 9-11 Land of the Free Commemorative 1 oz. Silver Coins
The Twin towers on 1 side and information on the other side

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Postcards- USAirmail & Moonlanding
Assorted Postcards- USAirmail & Moonlanding

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage box Dominion 30-30 Winchester w 10 spent brass inside.
Vintage box Dominion 30-30 Winchester w 10 spent brass inside.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Postcards- Settling of Oklahoma, Northwest Territory
Assorted Postcards- Settling of Oklahoma, Northwest Territory

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

3- Chinese 2000 Ag .999 1oz Silver Coins

3- Chinese 2000 Ag .999 1oz Silver Coins

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamped Postcards- Assorted America Places
Stamped Postcards- Assorted America Places

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Winchester 22 short 50 ct. box of shells - Full
Vintage Winchester 22 short 50 ct. box of shells - Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted American Stamps
Stamps- Assorted American Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- 2000 Liberty Dollars 1 oz. Fine Silver
2- 2000 Liberty Dollars 1 oz. Fine Silver

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous People
Stamps- Miscellaneous People

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

8 - .30 Sec Plastic M64 30-06 cal. Practice Rounds 10- per box, 8 x money
8 - .30 Sec Plastic M64 30-06 cal. Practice Rounds 10- per box, 8 x money

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamped Envelopes- President George Bush
Stamped Envelopes- President George Bush

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- 2000 Liberty Dollars 1 oz. Fine Silver ​​​​​​​The Dawn Of... A New Millenium
2- 2000 Liberty Dollars 1 oz. Fine Silver
The Dawn Of... A New Millenium

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamped Envelopes & Postcards- Assorted American Stamps
Stamped Envelopes & Postcards- Assorted American Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super X 22 Magnum HP 50 ct. Full
Winchester Super X 22 Magnum HP 50 ct. Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamped Envelopes- Miscellaneous
Stamped Envelopes- Miscellaneous

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2-  2002 Canadian Elizabeth II  $5 Coins 1 oz Fine Silver
2-  2002 Canadian Elizabeth II  $5 Coins 1 oz Fine Silver
Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Birds
Stamps- Assorted Birds

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps- Animals, Flowers, People
Assorted Stamps- Animals, Flowers, People

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Animals
Stamps- Assorted Animals

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1988 1oz .999 Fine Silver South Dakota
1988 1oz. .999 Fine Silver South Dakota

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Animals
Stamps- Assorted Animals

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Rem 303 British shells 12 full 8 spent brass
Rem 303 British shells 12 full 8 spent brass

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Bison & Prehistoric Animals Stamp Folio
Stamps- Assorted Bison & Prehistoric Animals Stamp Folio

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1988 1oz .999 Fine Silver South Dakota
1988 1oz. .999 Fine Silver South Dakota

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Birds
Stamps- Assorted Birds

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Rem. 22 LR 50 ct & American Eagle 50 ct. LR - Full boxes.
Rem. 22 LR 50 ct & American Eagle 50 ct. LR - Full boxes.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Love Ribbons
Stamps- Love Ribbons

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1988 1oz .999 Fine Silver South Dakota
1988 1oz. .999 Fine Silver South Dakota

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Old Envelopes
Stamps- Assorted Old Envelopes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Winchester .25 Auto Colt - 6.35 m/m Browning - Full 50 ct.
Vintage Winchester .25 Auto Colt - 6.35 m/m Browning - Full 50 ct.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamped Envelopes- Miscellaneous
Stamped Envelopes- Miscellaneous

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1988 1oz .999 Fine Silver South Dakota
1988 1oz. .999 Fine Silver South Dakota

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamped Envelopes & Stamps- Miscellaneous
Stamped Envelopes & Stamps- Miscellaneous

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

CCI 22 Mini Mag LR Hollow Point 100 ct. Full
CCI 22 Mini Mag LR Hollow Point 100 ct. Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps & Stamp Folios- Assorted Places
Stamps & Stamp Folios- Assorted Places

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1988 1oz .999 Fine Silver South Dakota
1988 1oz. .999 Fine Silver South Dakota

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous
Stamps- Miscellaneous

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted People & Objects
Stamps- Assorted People & Objects

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Movies: Marvel, Disney, etc.
Stamps- Assorted Movies: Marvel, Disney, etc.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1999 -2000 1oz Fine Silver Canada - 5 Dollars - Elizabeth II
1999 - 2000 1oz Fine Silver Canada - 5 Dollars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamped Envelopes & Stamps- Assorted Christmas
Stamped Envelopes & Stamps- Assorted Christmas

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Wood Box with Misc Shells - Some are Paper Shells
Winchester Woood Box with Misc Shells - Some are Paper Shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Christmas
Stamps- Assorted Christmas

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1987 1 oz. Fine Silver - One Dollar
1987 1 oz. Fine Silver - One Dollar 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Holidays: Birthday, Valentine's, 4th of July
Stamps- Assorted Holidays: Birthday, Valentine's, 4th of July

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Kleanbore 303 Savage Express - 180 Grain Soft Point Core-Lokt Bullet - full box
Remington Kleanbore 303 Savage Express - 180 Grain Soft Point Core- Lokt Bullet - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous
Stamps- Miscellaneous

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1999 American Eagle 1oz. Fine Silver Dollar
1999 American Eagle 1oz. Fine Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Animals
Stamps- Assorted Animals

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester 20ga. Dove & Quail Shotgun Shells - 8 shot - 7/8oz shot
Winchester 20ga. Dove & Quail Shotgun Shells - 8 shot - 7/8oz Shot

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Places
Stamps- Assorted Places

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1980 Susan B. Anthony Dollar - (25)
1980 Susan B. Anthony Dollar (25)

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Commemorative Stamp Packs
Stamps- Assorted Commemorative Stamp Packs

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Federal 12 ga. 4 shot 21 shells in box.
Federal 12 ga. 4 shot 21 shells in box.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Great British Stamps
Stamps- Great British Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1999 Susan B. Anthony Roll of Gold Dollars
1999 Susan B. Anthony Roll of Gold Dollars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted "Love"
Stamps- Assorted "Love"

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Places
Stamps- Assorted Places

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Love, Aids Awareness, etc.
Stamps- Assorted Love, Aids Awareness, etc.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Sacagawea Golden Dollars (16)
Sacagawea Golden Dollars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Christmas
Stamps- Assorted Christmas

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Rem. 22 Low velocity 2 - 50 ct. boxes full
Rem. 22 Low velocity 2 - 50 ct. boxes full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Great Britain
Stamps- Assorted Great Britain

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Sacagawea Golden Dollars (Roll of 25)
Sacagawea Golden Dollars (Roll of 25)

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Foreign Countries
Stamps- Assorted Foreign Countries

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Daisy BB & Marksman BB - near full
Daisy BB & Marksman BB - near full 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Swan Note Cards & Envelopes
Swan Note Cards & Envelopes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Roll of Quarters - Deadwood SD Paper Cover
Roll of Quarters - Deadwood SD Paper Cover 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Postcards- Assorted South Dakota 1889
Postcards- Assorted South Dakota 1889

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X 308 - 125 Grain Pointed S.P. Rifle Cartridges- full box
Winchester Super-X 308 - 125 Grain Pointed S.P. Rifle Cartridges - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Russian Stamps
Stamps- Assorted Russian Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

22 Quarters and 20 Rolled Quarters
22 Quarters and 20 Rolled Quarters

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted '60-'67
Stamps- Assorted '60-'67

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Xpert 20 ga. Shotgun Shells - 6 shot - full box
Western Xpert 20ga. Shotgun Shells - 6 shot - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted '37-'48
Stamps- Assorted '37-'48

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1987 1oz Pure .999 Gold Panda Coin
1987 1oz Pure .999 Gold Panda Coin

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted '49-'59
Stamps- Assorted '49-'59

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Steam Boats & Trains
Stamp Books- Steam Boats & Trains

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Sea & Fishing
Stamp Books- Sea & Fishing

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1991 1oz. Fine Silver - One Dollar
1991 1oz. Fine Silver - One Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Vintage Books
Stamp Books- Vintage Books

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super X 243 Win. 80 Gr. 9 full, 11 spent brass
Western Super X 243 Win. 80 Gr. 9 full, 11 spent brass

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps
Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps

​​​​​​​Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1989 BU Roll of Pennies - D Mint Mark
1989 BU Roll of Pennies - D Mint Mark

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps
Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Rem. 22 Target 50 ct. & Federal 22 LR 50 ct. - 2 full boxes
Rem. 22 Target 50 ct. & Federal 22 LR 50 ct. - 2 full boxes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps
Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1913 Liberty Indian Head Five Dollar Gold Coin .25 oz of gold
1913 Liberty Indian Head Five Dollar Coin - .25 oz of gold 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Eisenhower-USA
Stamp Books- Eisenhower-USA

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Xpert 22 Hollow Point LR 36 Gr. 500 ct. - full
Winchester Xpert 22 Hollow Point LR 36 Gr. 500 ct. - full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps
Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

45 AU Mercury Dimes - 1944
45 AU Mercury Dimes -1944 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted Air Mail Stamps
Stamp Books- Assorted Air Mail Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Rem. 22 Short 2 - 50 Ct. boxes full
Rem. 22 Short 2 - 50 Ct. boxes full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps
Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2000 One Pound Fine Silver
2000 One Pount Fine Silver 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Series: C, D, E
Stamp Books- Series: C, D, E

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted Lighthouses
Stamp Books- Assorted Lighthouses

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Vintage Books
Stamp Books- Vintage Books

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1776 - 1976 Kennedy Half Dollars - Roll
1776 - 1976 Kennedy Half Dollars - Roll

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Series: A, B, C
Stamp Books- Series: A, B, C

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

National Rifle Assoc. Wood box w/ tray
National Rifle Assoc. Wood box w/ tray

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Vintage Books
Stamp Books- Vintage Books

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2002 Chief Shooting Star Tecumseh - Silver Dollar - 1 Troy oz silver
2002 Chief Shooting Star Tecumseh - Silver Dollar - 1 Troy oz. Silver

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Vintage Books
Stamp Books- Vintage Books

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Wood box with gun cleaning supplies
Wood box with gun cleaning supplies

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Vintage Books
Stamp Books- Vintage Books

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

$50 1 oz Fine Gold American Eagle Coin - MCMLXXXVI
$50 1 oz. Fine Gold American Eagle Coin - MCMLXXXVI 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted Space Exploration
Stamp Books- Assorted Space Exploration

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Express wood box 14 1/2" x 9 1/2" x 9" tall
Remington Express wood box 14 1/2" x 9 1/2" x 9" tall

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps
Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2002 Buffalo 1 pound .999 Fine Silver Coin
2002 Buffalo 1 pound .999 Fine Silver Coin

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Prize Bags
Prize Bags

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

27 ea. 308 Winchester in plastic holder
27 ea. 308 Winchester in plastic holder

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage American Bookmark
Vintage American Bookmark

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1936 Buffalo Nickel, 1902 Liberty Head V Nickel, 1944 Mercury Dime and 1907 Indian Head Penny w Hole
1936 Buffalo Nickel, 1902 Liberty Head V Nickel, 1944 Mercury Dime and 1907 Indian Head Penny w Hole

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous
Stamps- Miscellaneous

​​​​​​​Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous
Stamps- Miscellaneous

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous People
Stamps- Miscellaneous People

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Canadian Elizabeth II Gold Coin - 1 oz. Pure Gold
Canadian Elizabeth II Gold Coin - 1 oz. Pure Gold

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous
Stamps- Miscellaneous

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Western Super X 270 Winchester 13 shells
Vintage Western Super X 270 Winchester 13 shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Yearbook- Commemorative
Stamp Yearbook- Commemorative

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

20 Kennedy Half Dollars - 1965 - 1969
20 Kennedy Half Dollars - 1965 - 1969 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- US Commemorative Stamps
Stamps- US Commemorative Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester 45 Colt 225 Gr. lead 20 Ct. box full
Winchester 45 Colt 225 Gr. lead 20 Ct. box full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- American Wildlife
Stamps- American Wildlife

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Civil War Stamp Set
Civil War Stamp Set
- Civil War First Day Ceremony Program
- The Civil War 1861 - 1865 A Collection of US Commemorative Stamps
- 2 - Civil War Post Card Set

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- USPS Mint Set of Definitive Stamps and Postal Stationery
Stamps- USPS Mint Set of Definitive Stamps and Postal Stationery

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage box only - Remington 8MM Mauser - no shells just the box.
Vintage box only - Remington 8MM Mauser - no shells just the box.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Badlands Calendar & Book
Badlands Calendar & Book

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Best of the West Complete Collection - Legends of the West Commemorative Stamp Set
Best of the West Complete Collection - Legends of the West Commemorative Stamp Set

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Photo- Painted Cover
Stamp Photo- Painted Cover

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Box Savage .22 Hi Power Savage - spent brass full
Vintage Box Savage .22 Hi Power Savage - spent brass full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

South Dakota State Centennial Stamp Year Set 1889 & Celebrate the Century SD Calendar
South Dakota State Centennial Stamp Year Set 1889 & Celebrate the Century SD Calendar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

South Dakota State Centennial Stamp Year Set 1889 & Celebrate the Century SD Calendar
South Dakota State Centennial Stamp Year Set 1889 & Celebrate the Century SD Calendar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super X 22 Magnum jacketed hollow point 50 ct. box full
Winchester Super X 22 Magnum jacketed hollow point 50 ct. box full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1978
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1978

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Remington 35 Win. 180 Gr. soft point bullets - full to near full.
Vintage Remington 35 Win. 180 Gr. soft point bullets - full to near full.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1981
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1981

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Winchester 9MM Long Shot cartridges - 10 shells
Vintage Winchester 9MM Long Shot cartridges - 10 shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of 1981 Definitive Stamps & Postal Stationery
USPS Mint Set of 1981 Definitive Stamps & Postal Stationery

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western 25-35 Winchester 117 Gr. soft point 20ct. - full
Western 25-35 Winchester 117 Gr. soft point 20ct. - full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Definitive Stamps 1987-88
USPS Mint Set of Definitive Stamps 1987-88

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of 1980 Definitive Stamps and Postal Stationery
USPS Mint Set of 1980 Definitive Stamps and Postal Stationery

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Blazer .22 Long Rifle Shells - unopened
Blazer .22 Long Rifle Shells - unopened

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Recalled Legends of the West Stamp sheet.
USPS Recalled Legends of the West Stamp sheet.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super X 22 Magnum jacketed hollow point 50 ct. box full
Winchester Super X 22 Magnum jacketed hollow point 50 ct. box full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of 1982 Definitive Stamps and Postal Stationery
USPS Mint Set of 1982 Definitive Stamps and Postal Stationery

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Monark 22 LR shells 50 Ct. full
Vintage Monark 22 LR shells 50 Ct. full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1982
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1982

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage .43 Spanish Military Cartridges - inside lubricant -unopened box
Vintage .43 Spanish Military Cartridges - inside lubricant - unopened box 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1983
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1983 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1984
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1984 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Supreme 22-250 Rem. 52 Grain Hollow Point Boattail - full box
Winchester Supreme 22-250 Rem. 52 Grain Hollow Point Boattail - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Definitive Stamps and Postal Stationery 1984
USPS Mint Set of Difinitive Stamps and Postal Stationary 1984

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington 308 Winchester 150 Gr. soft point 20 ct. Full
Remington 308 Winchester 150 Gr. soft point 20 ct. Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of 1980 Commemorative and Special Stamps
USPS Mint Set of 1980 Commemorative and Special Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Corbon 45 ACP +P 200 Gr. JHP 20 Ct. - Full Made in Sturgis, SD
Corbon 45 ACP +P 200 Gr. JHP 20 Ct. - Full Made in Sturgis, SD

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1985
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1985 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Winchester Super Speed .22 High Power 70 Gr. 20 Ct. - full
Vintage Winchester Super Speed .22 High Power 70 Gr. 20 Ct. - full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Recalled Legends of the West Sheet
USPS Recalled Legends of the West Sheet

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Flags of our Nation Stamp Roll Set 6 roll series (1-6)
USPS Flags of our Nation Stamp Roll Set 6 roll series (1-6)

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Western Xpert 20 ga. Super Skeet Load - 9 shot - paper shells - full box
Vintage Western Xpert 20ga. Super Skeet Load - 9 shot - paper shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Mt. Rushmore First Day of Issue stamped envelopes, Mt. Rushmore 50th Anniversary Post Cards
Mt. Rushmore First Day of Issue stamped envelopes, Mt. Rushmore 50th Anniversary Post Cards

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Pflueger Fish Hook - Filed Point - Ringed - partial box
Vintage Pflueger Fish Hook - Filed Point - Ringed- partial box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Spirit of America Stamp Collecting Kit
Spirits of America Stamp Collecting Kit

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester 22 Win. Mag 45 Gr. Dynapoint 50 Ct. - Full
Winchester 22 Win. Mag 45 Gr. Dynapoint 50 Ct. - Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1975
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1975

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2 Metal shell boxes, 1 big, 1 smaller
2 Metal shell boxes, 1 big, 1 smaller

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1979
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1979 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Spirit of America Stamp Collecting Kit 1776
Spirit of America Stamp Collecting Kit 1776

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Wildcat 22 High Velocity Rimfire Cartridges - full box
Winchester Wildcat 22 High Velocity Rimfire Cartridges - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1974
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1974

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

CCI 22 Mini Mag LR Hollow Point 100 ct. Full
CCI 22 Mini Mag LR Hollow Point 100 ct. Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS - 3 rolls of Flags of our Nation, 1 roll 20 cent pheasant stamp, 1 roll 44 cent US Flag
USPS - 3 rolls of Flags of our Nation, 1 roll 20 cent pheasant stamp, 1 roll 44 cent US Flag

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Western Super X 22 short 29 Gr. 50 Ct. Full
Vintage Western Super X 22 short 29 Gr. 50 Ct. Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Automobiles A World on Wheels Stamp Collecting Kit
Automobiles A World on Wheels Stamp Collecting Kit

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Winchester .38 Caliber Automatic Colt Cartridges - unopened
Vintage Winchester .38 Caliber Automatic Colt Cartridges - unopened

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1974
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1974

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Special Stamp Mini - Album 1972
USPS Special Stamp Mini - Album 1972 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Pins " Shoot Peters Shells" & "Winchester" Pin
Vintage Pins " Shoot Peters Shells" & "Winchester" Pin

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative 1975
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative 1975

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super X 308 Win. 125 Gr. soft point 20 ct -Full
Western Super X 308 Win. 125 Gr. soft point 20 ct -Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1979
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1979

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Speer Superior Gold Dot 38 Special +P 125 Grain GDHP - full box
Speer Superior Gold Dot 38 Special +P 125 Grain GDHP - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Automobiles A World on Wheels Stamp Collecting Kit
Automobiles A World on Wheels Stamp Collecting Kit

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Winchester .32 (.32-20) 115 Grain Bullet Soft Point - Staynless Non-mercuric Oilproof -
Vintage Winchester .32 (.32-20) 115 Grain Bullet Soft Point - Staynless Non-mercuruc Oilproof - full box 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Special Stamp Mini - Album 1972
USPS Special Stamp Mini - Album 1972

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Special Issues 1970
USPS Special Issues 1970 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington 12 ga. Kleanbore Shur Shot Shells box - empty
Remington 12 ga. Kleanbore Shur Shot Shells Box - empty 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Bicentennial Inauguration Memento
Bicentennial Inauguration Memento

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X 22 Hornet Center Fire Rifle Cartridges 46 Grain Open Pt. - full box
Western Super-X 22 Hornet Center Fire Rifle Cartridges - 46 Grain Open Pt. full box 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1976
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1976

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of Unknown caliber Shells- have U on bottom end
Box of Unknown caliber Shells - have U on bottom end 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Special Stamp Mini - Album 1972
USPS Special Stamp Mini - 1972

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

LEGENDS Baseball Scrapbook and Stamp Album
LEGENDS Baseball Scrapbook and Stamp Album

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

LEGENDS Baseball Scrapbook and Stamp Album
LEGENDS Baseball Scrapbook and Stamp Album

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Special Stamp Mini - Album 1972
USPS Stamp Mini - Album 1972

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Special Stamp Mini - Album 1972
USPS Special Stamp Mini - Album 1972

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Souvenir Mint Set 1973
USPS Souvenir Mint Set 1973

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Souvenir Mint Set 1973
USPS Souvenir Mint Set 1973

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1974
USPS Mint Set of Commeorative Stamps 1974

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1976
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1976

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Definitive Stamps 1987 - 88
USPS Mint Set of Definitive Stamps 1987 - 88

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1975
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1975

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Souvenir Mint Set 1973
USPS Souvenir Mint Set 1973

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Souvenir Mint Set 1973
USPS Souvenir Mint Set 1973

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1977
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1977

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1977
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1977

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1976
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1976

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1976
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1976

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1974
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1974

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps - Missing Childre, US Coast Guard, Harry Potter, Summer Harvest, Hudson River School, War of 1812 New Orleans

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps

- Civil War 1865, Fanciful Flowers, Summer Harvest, winter Fun, Gifts of Friendship, Missing Children, Elvis Presley, 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps

Civil War 1864
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Summer Harvest
Penguins NDN
US Coast Guard
Elvis Presley

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS 1969 Special Issues Stamps
USPS 1969 Special Issues Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Birds and Flowers of the Fifty States - A collective of US Commemorative Stamps
Birgs and Flowers of the Fifty States - A collective of US Commemorative Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS 1969 Special Issues Stamps & 1971 Special Stamp Mini - Album
USPS 1969 Special Issues Stamps & 1971 Special Stamp Mini - Album

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps

- Celebrating Lunar New Year, Legends of the West, 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps

- Legends of Baseball, Jazz Singers / Blues Singers, Classic Books, 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps

 - Old Glory, G Rated Make up Stamp, Classic Books

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps

- The "G" Rated Make up Stamp, Norman Rockwell, Classic Books

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Celebrate the Century Stamps - 1900s, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1950,1960, 1970, 1980, 1990
Celebrate the Century Stamps - 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Celebrate the Century Stamps - 1900(2), 1910 (2), 1930 , Calendar
Celebrate the Century Stamps - 1900 (2), 1910 (2), 1930, Calendar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

100 Years of the Olympic Games Stamps, International Images of Nature Stamps
100 Years of the Olympic Stamps, International Images of Nature Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps

- Official Envelope, Ben Franklin Envelope, 1996 Alanta Paralympic Games, misc envelops, 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Misc Envelopes
Misc Envelopes 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Lewis & Clark Prestige Book, Love Envelopes, Ribbon Star Envelope, Flag Envelope, Presidential Libra
Lewis and Clark Prestige Book, Love Envelope, Ribbon Star Envelope, Flag Envelope, Presidential Library Envelope,

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Diana Princess of Wales 1961 - 1997 - Royal Mail Mint Stamps & 20 Histore De France
Diana Princess of Wales 1961 - 1997 - Royal Mail Mint Stamps & 20 Histore De France

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Envelopes
Assorted Envelopes 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Envelopes
Assorted Envelopes

- Nobel Prize, Sporty Cars, Old Glory, Submarine, Redwood, Mt Rainier, Badlands, ect

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps

- Apples, Beautiful Blooms, Bonsai, Flowers, Pollination, Louis Comfort, Holiday Evergreens, Magnolias, 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


Assorted Stamps and Envelopes
Assorted Stamps and Envelopes

- Blue Jay, National Park, Grand Canyon, Nine MIle Prairie, Mt, Mckinley, Red Fox, Flordia Panther, 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps
- Alpine Tundra, Acadia National Park, Southern Florida Wetland, Hawaiian Rain Forest 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

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Dean Plooster Coins/Firearms/Vehicles/Ammo Online Only Auction
 Online Only Auction
Auction Date(s)
Bidding Starts: Friday Jul 2 , 08:00 AM
Bidding Ends: Monday Jul 12 , 06:00 PM
Auction Location

Artesian, SD 57314
Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC


Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions


Preview Date: Contact Auctioneer 605-999-4239.
Buyers Premium: 8%
Payment: Winning bids will be paid by guaranteed funds within 24 hours of auction close. You may pay by guaranteed check or bank check or wire transfer. A limit of $2500.00 per invoice for Credit Card charges. Any Invoice totals under $100.00 will automatically be charged to the Credit Card on record. A 3% Convenience Fee will be charged to all Credit Card purchases.

Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers ONLINE AUCTIONS Feature “A MAX BID” Option as well as a “SOFT CLOSE”.
“A MAX BID” may be placed on any item and the computer will bid on your behalf, thus eliminating the need to continually watch your bids. This option is highly recommended so you do not miss out on an item you are bidding on. In the event you do not use the MAX BID feature and you are out bid you will be notified via e-mail or text that you have been outbid and will have the opportunity to raise your bid.

“THE SOFT CLOSE” feature means any bid received in the final minutes of the auction will automatically extend bidding on that particular item or lot by 1 minute to allow another bidder the opportunity to raise their bid.

GENERAL TERMS: The auction will be conducted by Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers on behalf of the owners of the property, referred to as the Seller. Auctioneer is not responsible for the acts or representations of Seller. The auction shall be governed by the terms set forth herein (the agreement), and any additional terms and conditions that are posted concerning the specific property. The Agreement constitutes a valid, binding contract between individuals participating in the auction with the intent to purchase property, referred to as the Bidder or Buyer, and Seller/Auctioneer. The term Bidder or Buyer shall include, but not limited to, the individual or the company represented by the individual and any and all of its agents, employees, representatives, officers, and directors. Auctioneer is not responsible for statements made by the Bidder, Buyer, or other parties. Auctioneer reserves the right to periodically change the terms and conditions of the Agreement, which shall be effective immediately upon posting. It is the Bidders responsibility to review any and all changes made to these terms and conditions prior to bidding on property. The act of submitting a bid shall constitute Bidder acceptance of each and every term and condition contained herein, any additional terms and conditions posted with the property, and any changes made within the full agreement. All persons attending, inspecting or removing property assume all risks whatsoever of damage or loss to person and property and specifically release the Auctioneer from all liability. Auctioneer is not liable by reason of any defect in, or condition of, the property or the premises on which the preview/sale is held. Auctioneer is released for any claims to actual damage to the property sold and/or consequential damages that may result from the sale of defective property.

DISCLOSURES/NO WARRANTY: There is no warranty offered, expressed or implied, by Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers or Sellers for any property. All property is sold AS-IS, WHERE-IS, and with all faults and defects therein. All information provided is believed to be correct but NO warranty as such is either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Bidder is solely responsible to determine condition, age, authenticity, value or any other determinative factor. Bidder inspection of the property prior to submitting a bid is strongly recommended. ALL SALES ARE FINAL!!
Auctioneer reserves the right to add or withdraw property from the auction, and/or regroup items. Auctioneer reserves the right to sell property absolute or with reserve, at Sellers discretion. The Seller does have the right to make the final bid and the Auctioneer does have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. The auctioneer reserves the right to open the bid as the result of a tie bid or discrepancies in the bid.
Buyer assumes full responsibility of property at time of purchase, and all risk of loss and damage to property. All titles will be assigned to registered buyer unless notification is received by auctioneer at the end of auction. NO TITLES WILL BE ISSUED UNLESS COMPLETELY FILLED OUT.

BIDDER REGISTRATION: Bidder must be 18 years of age or older, and are required to register for the auction. In registration, Bidder must submit information found to be current, complete, and accurate for proper identification. Auctioneer does not sell or rent this information. Auctioneer uses email mailing lists to notify customers about online and live auctions. Customers who do not wish to be notified should contact the office of the Auctioneer and request removal from the email mailing list. Bidder is responsible for security of his/her bidding number/user name and password, and any and all bids placed under the assigned number/ID. Auctioneer should be notified immediately if Bidder believes number and/or password have been compromised. Auctioneer reserves the right to terminate registration, deny any person for any reason permission or access to bid, to reject any and all bids, and to suspend or ban Bidder from bidding, at Auctioneers sole discretion. Bidder registration is not transferable or assignable.

BIDDING: Bidder must register to participate in the auction. Read the descriptions of each lot and view photographs carefully. If you have any questions call 605-999-4239. Should you visit the viewing location, please personally inspect the property on which you intend to bid during the date(s) indicated in the details per item when applicable. Using YOUR knowledge and experience, form your own opinion of the property and bid accordingly. If you are in doubt, DO NOT BID. All items are sold “AS-IS WHERE IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS” this is an AUCTION and all SALES ARE FINAL. Bids cannot be retracted and are binding contracts between Bidder and Auctioneer/Seller. Bidder is accountable to be informed about property and associated costs before bidding. A maximum bid can be placed on property. A maximum bid is kept confidential, and Bidder authorizes Auctioneer to place bids on his/her behalf up to the amount of the maximum bid. Upon sale of property, identifying information and purchase amount will be posted for a designated period of time. All questions or disputes must be resolved immediately; no changes or adjustments will be made at a later date. Auctioneer reserves the right to reopen bidding. Auctioneer decisions will be final.

BUYERS PREMIUM: A Buyers premium of 8% will be charged on each purchase. Unless otherwise stated. A buyers premium, an advertised percentage of the high bid or flat fee added to the high bid will be added to the high bid and become part of the purchase amount at settlement. Buyer agrees to these provisions and will pay the applicable buyers premium. Example if an item is sold for $100.00 + 8% buyers premium = Final bid price $108.00. There is a $750.00 BP cap per item.

PAYMENT TERMS: Sales tax, when applicable, will be charged on both the purchase price and buyers premium. Taxes, fees, shipping, handling, insurance, storage and security charges are Buyers expenses, and will be calculated and rendered due at the sale of the property. Payment will be made in full by the buyer. Upon making payment for property, no stop payment of funds will be honored, Any stop payment order of a check, or giving a check which is returned marked insufficient funds, shall be deemed by the parties to be a prima facie evidence of fraud existing at the time the transaction was consummated and shall be construed by the parties as intent to defraud. If you are from another country other than the US, you must pay in US funds.

REMOVAL OF PROPERTY / SHIPPING TERMS: Buyer assumes full responsibility of property at time of purchase, and all risk of loss and damage to property. Property will not be removed from sale premises until payment in full has been received. Any and all methods of lifting, towing, and/or hauling are the Buyers responsibility. Packing and shipping costs are the responsibility of Buyer and can be conducted by a third party of choice. The final day of removal will be posted with property information. Any and all property not removed by Buyer by the final day of removal will revert back to the Auctioneer/ Seller, and may be resold at auction or disposed of in any other manner that seems to be suitable.

CHOICE OF LAW: The laws of the State of South Dakota governs this agreement any dispute arising from the terms of this auction shall be brought in a court of Sanborn County, South Dakota.

ADDITIONAL TERMS: The following are property specific Terms & Conditions that are posted online with the individual property information and will override any likewise terms stated in this Agreement. - Buyers Premium - Sale Date and Time (Beginning and Ending) - Inspection Location, Dates, and Times - Final Date of Removal - Shipping Arrangements - Special Notes/Comments/Announcements

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Bidding Increments
$0.00 - $10.00 = $1.00
$10.01 - $25.00 = $3.00
$25.01 - $100.00 = $5.00
$100.01 - $250.00 = $8.00
$250.01 - $500.00 = $10.00
$500.01 - $1,000.00 = $25.00
$1,000.01 - $5,000.00 = $50.00
$5,000.01 - $10,000.00 = $100.00
$10,000.01 - $25,000.00 = $250.00
$25,000.01 - $50,000.00 = $500.00
$50,000.01 - $100,000.00 = $1,000.00

Currency: USD
Buyers Premium: 8% Buyers Premium added to final bid only on Online Purchases. $750.00 BP cap
Payment Terms: Cash or Bankable Check
Full payment within 24 hours of auction close via guaranteed funds. You may pay by guaranteed check or bank check or wire transfer. Credit Card is used for verification purpose only and will not be charged. Any Invoice totals $100.00 or less will automatically be charged to the Credit Card on record. A 3% Convenience Fee will be charged to all Credit Card purchases.

Shipping / Pick Up
Items will be picked up after paid in full the day after the auction or make arrangements with auctioneer. Items not picked up within 30 days will be deemed abandoned and resold, unless arrangements are made with the seller.

Check back soon for complete details. We are honored to be able to offer some very fine items of Dean Plooster’s from Dell Rapids, SD.
All items will be located at our facility for pickup and a listing will be coming soon. Items that will be offered are Guns, Ammo, 2 vehicles, Antiques, Coins, Silver, Stamps Tokens and more not yet uncovered.

Call Steve Larson 605-770-9818, Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Myron Grosz 605-999-4087 or Kelbi Dean 605-999-8812 for information on this auction.

Information Lot Only for the Dean Plooster Vehicle, Guns, Ammo, Coins, Gold, Silver & More!
Information Lot Only for the Dean Plooster Vehicle, Guns, Ammo, Coins, Gold, Silver & More!

We are honored to be able to offer some very fine items of Dean Plooster’s from Dell Rapids, SD. All items will be located at our facility for pickup and a listing will be coming soon. Items that will be offered are Guns, Ammo, 2 vehicles, Antiques, Coins, Silver, Stamps Tokens and more not yet uncovered.

Call Steve Larson 605-770-9818, Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Myron Grosz 605-999-4087 or Kelbi Dean 605-999-8812 for information on this auction.

Please make every attempt to pick up your items on the scheduled pickup date or call if you need to schedule and appointment for pickup.

Due to Covid 19 Please call and make arrangements with seller for pickup. Please limit Person to Person contact with Sellers. Please pickup your items as soon as possible after payment. Thank you for your cooperation and everyone please be safe!
Call Steve Larson 605-770-9818, Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Myron Grosz 605-999-4087 or Kelbi Dean 605-999-8812 for information on this auction.


Location Information, Invoice Information, Payment Information
Location Information:
All items will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314. The location of each item will be listed in the description. 

Invoice Information:
Upon successfully winning the bid of an item, an invoice will be emailed to you following the auction. Please look for your invoice following the auction in your registered email account. Please read the invoice at the bottom. If paying with cash or good check, please pay the Cash Total Due. Do Not Pay the Convenience Fee Total (This is the Credit Card Fee). Any invoice totals under $100.00 will automatically be charged to the credit card on file. We reserve the right to require wire transfers from any customer for coin & currency purchases over $100.00. 

Payment Information:
Payments (Cash or Good Check) not received by Friday Noon the week of the auction, the balance will be charged to Buyers Credit Card on File! Please mail your payment no later than Wednesday after the Auction to avoid Credit Card Charges. If payment cannot be paid by Thursday, please contact Auctioneers to make arrangements. NO Items will be released or removed until entire invoice is paid in full.


Sales Tax & Buyers Premium, Notice Information, App Information
We reserve the right to require wire transfers from any customer for coin & currency purchases over $100.00.

Sales Tax & Buyers Premium  
Buyers Premium is Charged on a Per Item Basis.
8% BUYERS FEE ON ALL PURCHASES $750.00 cap per item

4.5% SD Sales Tax - Unless you have a SD sales tax form on file with us. Contact Us prior to purchasing with your Sales Tax Information to purchase for resale

The Sellers/Auctioneers DO NOT provide transportation or shipping services for buyers to remove their merchandise. Any and all methods of towing and/or hauling, as well as all other methods or requirements for the removal and transport of the Equipment, is the sole responsibility of the buyer. All items must be picked up at auction address,


App Information:
Download our Bidding App on you Android or Apple phone, Ipad, etc. Go to the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and search “Dean Edwards” Sign Up and then Register to bid!


Practice Bidding & Covid Information
Practice Bidding & Covid Information
Use this lot to practice bidding, go ahead and bid away using the bid button, learn how to increase your bid amount by clicking on the Plus button in each lot, or setting a max bid. Also, if you click on the Star in any lot, it will add it to "Your Items" section so you can watch that particular item without having to bid on it. Any questions, call Steve at 605-770-9818 or Justin @ 605-999-4239.
Covid 19 Information:
Please limit Person to Person contact with Sellers/Agents when picking up your items. If you are feeling ill or have any symptoms, please call ahead a we will make sure your purchases can be set out for you to pickup safely. Please pickup your items as soon as possible after payment. Thank you for your cooperation and everyone please be safe!


Pickup Dates & Search Features.
Pickup Dates
July 13, 2021 from 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM and 
July 14, 2021 from 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM.

If you cannot make these set pickup dates, please contact auctioneers and make a scheduled appointment. 
Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818
We will not have any weekend pickup times available.

You can search for certain Catagory items such as Coins, Stamps, Toys, Firearms etc. by going to the 9 squares by All and Active, from there it will give you the different Catagories.

Winchester Super-X 22 Magnum- Jacketed Hollow Point
Winchester Super-X 22 Magnum - Jacketed Hollow Point
Rimfire Cartridges 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD  57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239 
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1993 United States Mint Proof Set
United States Mint Proof Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Slugger 1oz Hollow Point Rifled Slug - 5 plastic shotgun shells
Remington Slugger 1oz Hollow Point Rifled Slug- 5 plastic shotgun shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1970 and 1971 Uncirculated Coin Sets
1970 and 1971 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Mastercraft 22 Long Rifle High Velocity - Handy 4 Pack -200
Mastercraft 22 Long Rifle High Velocity - Handy 4 Pack - 200 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

The American Buffalo Coin and Currency Set
The American Buffalo Coin and Currency Set 
-Uncirculated 2001 American Buffalo Commemorative Silver Dollar
-Mint Condition 1987 10 cent Red Cloud United States Postage Stamp
-Series 1899 $5 Indian Chief Silver Certificate Replica 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Federal .22 Win. Mag. Jacketed Hollow Point - 30 Grain - unopened
Federal .22 Win. Mag. Jacketed Hollow Point - 30 Grain - unopened 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1883 Carson City Silver Dollar
1883 Carson City Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X 20 Centerfire Rifle Cartridges
Winchester Super-X 20 Centerfire Rifle Cartridges 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Kennedy Half Dollars including Proof-only issues from 1964 on - book is near full - see pictures
Kennedy Half Dollars including Proof-only issures from 1964 on - book is near full - see pictures

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington CBee 22 low velocity - full 2 boxes
Remington CBee 22 low velocity - full 2 boxes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1989 United States Mint Proof Set
1989 United States Mint Proof Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X .22 Long Rifle - High Velocity - full box
Winchester Super-X .22 Long Rifle - High Velocity

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1971 and 1972 Uncirculated Coin Sets
1971 and 1972 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

American Eagle .22 Long Rifle Copper-plated High Velocity - 38 grain Hollow Point - full
American Eagle .22 Long Rifle Copper-plated High Velocity - 38 grain Hollow Point

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1971 - 1974 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar
1971 - 1974 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S Government Standard .45 Calibre - Solid Head -20 Cartridges
U.S. Governement Standard .45 Calibre - Solid Head - 20 Cartridges 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1974 and 1975 Uncirculated Coin Sets
1974 and 1975 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Kleanbore 44 S & W Special 246 Grain Lead Bullet - unopened
Remington Kleanbore 44 S & W Special 246 Grain Lead Bullet - unopened

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Wood rocker glider
Wood rocker glider

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1990 United States Mint Proof Set
1990 United States Mint Proof Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Antique wood chair w/ wicker seat
Antique wood chair w/ wicker seat

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Cartridges 32-20 Winchester Center Fire - 100 Grain Soft Point Lubaloy Bullet
Western Cartridges 32-20 Winchester Center Fire - 100 Grain Soft Point Lubaloy Bullet

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Antique wood chair
Antique wood chair

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1964 and 1965 Uncirculated Coin Sets
1964 and 1965 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2 wood chairs
2 wood chairs

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Gambles Center Fire Cartridges Hiawatha 30-30 Winchester 170 Grain - Soft Point
Gambles Center Fire Cartridges Hiawatha 30-30 Winchester 170 Grain - Soft Point

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of misc. vintage jars, Brown glass, clear glass, Gallon jug w/handle
Box of misc. vintage jars, Brown glass, clear glass, Gallon jug w/handle

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1968 and 1969 Uncirculated Coin Sets
1968 and 1969 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of Gallon jugs and 2 quart glass jars
Box of Gallon jugs and 2 quart glass jars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X 20 GA. 2 3/4 in. Shotgun Shells - full box
Western Super-X 20 GA. 2 3/4 in. Shotgun Shells - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of misc. pint jars and quart jars
Box of misc. pint jars and quart jars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1988 United States Mint Proof Set
1988 United States Mint Proof Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box full of misc. pint jars
Box full of misc. pint jars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Empty Cartridges
Empty Cartridges

10 - 308 Win.
10 - 30-06 W-W Super 
7 - 30-30 Win.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of misc. jars Blue Ball jars, clear Ball jars, misc. bottles
Box of misc. jars Blue Ball jars, clear Ball jars, misc. bottles

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1776 - 1976 United States Bicentennial Silver Uncirculated Set
1776 - 1976 United States Bicentennial Silver Uncirculated Sets 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

9 - Blue Ball quart jars and 2 pint Blue Ball jars
9 - Blue Ball quart jars and 2 pint Blue Ball jars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Harrington Richardson SS Model 157 30-30 WIN.
Harrington Richardson SS Model 157 30-30 WIN. 

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box full of misc. pop bottles & vintage jars
Box full of misc. pop bottles & vintage jars
- Pepsi, Coke, Nesbitts, Mt. Dew, 7-UP

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1971 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar
1971 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Bucket full of misc. vintage pop bottles
Bucket full of misc. vintage pop bottles
A&W Root Beer, Coke, Pepsi, Hires, Mt. Dew, Nesbitts bottle

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X 257 Roberts - 117 Grain Soft Point
Western Super-X 257 Roberts - 117 Grain Soft Point

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of vintage jugs and bottles
Box of vintage jugs and bottles

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1776 - 1976 United States Bicentennial Silver Uncirculated Set
1776 - 1976 United States Bicentennial Silver Uncirculated Set

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Crock Jug and Glass gallon jug
Crock Jug and Glass gallon jug

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Hi-Speed 22 short hollow point - 2 full boxes
Remington Hi-Speed 22 short hollow point- 2 full boxes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of misc. glass bottles., Pepsi bottle, vintage bottles, large gal. jar w/ lid and handle
Box of misc. glass bottles., Pepsi bottle, vintage bottles, large gal. jar w/ lid and handle

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1971 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar
1971 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of misc. pint glass jars
Box of misc. pint glass jars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X 20 Centerfire Pistol-Revolver Cartridges - 45 Colt 255 Gr. Lead - full box
Winchester Super-X 20 Centerfire Pistol-Revolver Cartriges - 45 Colt 255 Gr. Lead

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2 boxes of 1 dozen Ball regular pint mason jars
2 boxes of 1 dozen Ball regular pint mason jars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1973 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar
1973 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of assorted jars - pint, quart, bottles, vintage bottles
Box of assorted jars - pint, quart, bottles, vintage bottles

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Kleanbore 257 Roberts - 117 Grain Soft Point - full box
Remington Kleanbore 257 Roberts- 117 Grain Soft Point - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Glass Fishing Float In Turquoise w/ rope net

Vintage Glass Fishing Float In Turquoise with rope net

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1974 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar
1974 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Sentry #1250 combination safe
Sentry #1250 combination safe

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Rem. 22 Short L, LR Parts
Rem. 22 Short, L, LR Parts

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2 - New General Tire Exclaim HPX A/S 235/50R18
2 - New General Tire Exclaim HPX A/S 235/50R18

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


1972 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar
1972 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Metal Sword 38" Long "Colada del Cid" Name Plooster engraved in blade
Metal Sword 38" Long "Colada del Cid" Name Plooster engraved in blade

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

22 Long Rifle Hollow Point Mini Mag
22 Long Rifle Hollow Point Mini Mag

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1957 Chevrolet Corvette, 1953 Corvette Convertible, 1914 Chevrolet Royal Mail Roadster, Ford Coupe
1957 Chevrolet Corvette, 1953 Corvette Convertible, 1914 Chevrolet Royal Mail Roadster, Ford Coupe

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

American Buffalo Commemorative Coins - National Museum of the American Indian
American Buffalo Commemorative Coins - National Museum of the American Indian

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Cast Draft Horse Team with pulling single bottom plow, Oliver 88 Narrow Front (1/64 scale)
Cast Draft Horse Team with pulling single bottom plow, Oliver 88 Narrow Front (1/64 scale)

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

5 - Remington- Peters Game Loads 12 Ga. 2 3/4 Shot gun Shells
5- Remington-Peters Game Loads 12 Ga. 2 3/4 Shot Gun Shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Pair of JD Narrow Front Tractors
Pair of JD Narrow Front Tractors

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2004 Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Silver Dollar
2004 Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Varcon Premium Quality Cream Separator Oil
Varcon Premium Quality Cream Sepearator Oil

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Weatherby Ultra Velocity .257 Magnum - full box
Weatherby Ultra Velocity .257 Magnum - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Movement Stainless Steel Watch - new
Movement Stainless Steel Watch - new

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

The American Buffalo Coin and Currency Set
The American Buffalo Coin and Currency Set 
-Uncirculated 2001 American Buffalo Commemorative Silver Dollar
-Mint Condition 1987 10 cent Red Cloud United States Postage Stamp
-Series 1899 $5 Indian Chief Silver Certificate Replica 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Corn Husker Glove
Corn Husker Glove

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Daisy 500 Premium Grade Pellets - .177 cal. Lead Airgun Pellets
Daisy 500 Premium Grade Pellets - .177 cal. Lead Airgun Pellets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

ERTL McCormick Farmall Super M-TA Tractor- Special Edition
ERTL McCormick Farmall Super M-TA Tractor - Special Edition 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1972 and 1973 Uncirculated Coin Sets
1972 and 1973 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1955 Chevrolet Bel Air - Collectors Edition - 1/18 scale Die Cast Metal
1955 Chevrolet Bel Air - Collectors Edition - 1/18 Scale Die Cast Metal 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Savage 22 LR "410" 3 Chamber, Over/Under SS Model 24
Savage 22 LR "410" 3 Chamber, Over/Under SS Model 24

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

DeLaval Cream Separator - ERTL 1/7 scale - with box
DeLaval Cream Separator - ERTL 1/7 scale - with box 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1973 and 1977 Uncirculated Coins Sets
1973 and 1977 Uncirculated Coins Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

JD Row Crop Tractor - ERTL 1/16 scale - with box
JD Row Crop Tractor - ERTL 1/16 scale - with box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Dove & Quail Load - 16 ga. and 12 ga. mixed Shotgun Shells - near full box
Winchester Dove & Quail Load - 16 ga. and 12 ga. mixed Shotgun Shells - near full box 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Misc. toys that need repair - Tonka Toys metal pickup, 2 tractors
Misc. toys that need repair - Tonka Toys metal pickup, 2 tractors
- all have wheel issues

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1969 and 1970 Uncirculated Coin Sets
1969 and 1970 Uncirculated Coin Sets
The 1970 set  has the original envelope and the 1969 set does not

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

ERTL 886 tractor w/ Safety frame 1/16 scale
ERTL 886 tractor w/ Safety frame 1/16 scale

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X 20ga. Shotgun Shells - 1 1/8 oz 6 shot
Western Super-X 20ga. Shotgun Shells - 1 1/8oz 6 shot

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Geddes Merc. Co. Advertisement Pitcher - "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year"
Geddes Merc. Co. Advertisment Pitcher - "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year"

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint 1978 and 1979 Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint 1978 and 1979 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Advertisement Bottles - Dakota Premium Beer, Sioux City Sarsaparilla Root Beer, IceHouse Beer Bottle
Advertisment Bottls - Dakota Premium Beer, Sioux City Sarsaparilla Root Beer, IceHouse Beer Bottle

**Must be 21 to purchase 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Dominion 308 Winchester - 150 Grain
Dominion 308 Winchester - 150 Grain 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Coca-Cola and Pepsi Bottles
Vintage Coca- Cola and Pepsi Bottles

- The Big Drive of '89 Montana 
-Great Seal State of North Dakota
- Celebrate the Century 1889-1989 (2)

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint 1980 and 1981 Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint 1980 and 1981 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

4 bottles of Wine - 2 SD labeled , 1 - Massachusetts
4 bottles of Wine - 2 SD made, 1 - Minnesota, 1 - Massachusetts
- Must be 21 to purchase this lot

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2 - Remington Hi-Speed 22 Short - full boxes
2 - Remington Hi-Speed 22 Short - 2 full boxes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of Misc - Blood Pressure Cuff, wall decor, knife, and canister
Box of Misc - Blood Pressure Cuff, wall decor, knife, and canister

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of misc. decor - bell, necklace, dish, red glass ball, and more
Box of misc. decor - bell, necklace, dish, red glass ball, and more

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Savage Model 99E 308 Winchester, Lever Action
Savage Model 99E 308 Winchester, Lever Action

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remote Control 4-wheeler, Desert Storm deck of cards, Tonka Truck
Remote Control 4-wheeler, Desert Strom deck of cards, Tonka Truck

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint 1978 and 1979 Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint 1978 and 1979 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Nautical Buoy Glass Floats Ornaments
Nautical Buoy Glass Floats Ornaments

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X High Brass 410ga. -6 shot - full box
Winchester Super-X High Brass 410 Ga. - 6 shot

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Advertisement Tobacco Tins - Genuine "Union Leader", Revelation Tobacco Pipe Tin, Twin Oaks Mixture
Advertisment Tobacco Tins - Genuine "Union Leader" Revelation Tobacco Pipe Tin, Twin Oaks, Mixture

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint 1980 and 1981 Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint 1980 and 1981 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Tobacco Tins - Prince Albert, Velvet, Union Leader, Kentucky Club
Tobacco Tins - Prince Albert, Velvet, Union Leader, Kentucky Club

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

8 - .30 Sec Plastic M64 30-06 cal. Practice Rounds 10- per box, 8 x money
8 - .30 Sec Plastic M64 30-06 cal. Practice Rounds 10- per box, 8 x money

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Tobacco Tins and Tobacco Box
Tobacco Tins and Tobaccos Box 

Harvester Perfecto box
Velvet Tin
Prince Albert Crimp Cut - 2
Half & Half tin

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint 1975 and 1976 Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint 1975 and 1976 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Express wood ammo box
Remington Express wood ammo box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stinger 22 Long Rifle Shells - 500 - full box
Stinger 22 Long Rifle Shells - 500 - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Express Wood Ammo Box
Remington Express Wood Ammo Box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint 1976 and 1977 Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint 1976 and 1977 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western wood Ammo box
Western wood Ammo box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Misc Shells
Misc Shells
FN 62
TW 69
WCC 79

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Small Arms Ammunition Loaded Shot Shells Wood Box
Western Small Arms Ammunition Loaded Shot Shells Wood Box

v=Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Treasury Department 1964 and 1968 Uncirculated Coin Sets
Treasury Department 1964 and 1968 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Peters wood Ammo box
Peters wood Ammo box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Colt M1911 A1 US Army 45ACP 45 Auto. - 2 clips
Colt M1911 A1 US Army 45ACP 45 Auto. - 2 clips 

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Express Wood Ammo Box
Remington Express Wood Ammo Box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2012 United States Mint Silver Proof Set
2012 United States Mint Silver Proof Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Gallon crock jug
Gallon crock jug

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Xpert Super Skeet Load - 20 ga. - 2 3/4
Western Xpert Super Skett Load - 20ga. 2 3/4 load

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Gallon Crock
Gallon Crock 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2013 United States Mint Proof Set
2013 United States Mint Proof Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Gallon crock jug
Gallon crock jug

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X Shotgun Shells 1 1/4oz shot - 125th Anniversary - full case
Winchester Super-X Shotgun Shells 1 1/4oz shot - 125th Anniversary

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Small Stickney South Dakota Centennial Crock - 1905 - 2005
Small Stickney South Dakota Centennial Crock - 1905- 2005

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 Liberty Silver Dollar - "P" Mint
1986 Liberty Silver Dollar - "P" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

McCormick - Deering 2 gal crock -Lye Solution has a hole in bottom for spigot. Crack on bottom
McCormick - Deering 2 gal crock -Lye Solution has a hole in bottom for spigot. Crack on bottom

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington 22 Long Rifle High Velocity - full boxes
Remington 22 Long Rifle High Velocity - full boxes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Gallon Crock - few chips
Gallon Crock - few chips

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

The American Buffalo Coin and Currency Set
The American Buffalo Coin and Currency Set 
-Uncirculated 2001 American Buffalo Commemorative Silver Dollar
-Mint Condition 1987 10 cent Red Cloud United States Postage Stamp
-Series 1899 $5 Indian Chief Silver Certificate Replica 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Redwing #2 Crock -good
Redwing #2 Crock -good

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X Magnum Shot gun Shells - 12 ga. 2 3/4 - 5 shells
Western Super-X Magnum Shot gun Shells - 12 ga. 2 3/4 - 5 shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Small Crock - few chips
Small Crock - few chips

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 Liberty Half Dollar and Silver Dollar
1986 Liberty Half Dollar and Silver Dollar 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Union Stoneware Co. #5 Crock - good
Union Stoneware Co. #5 Crock - good

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Savage '410' SS 2 1/2 and 3' Stevens Model 94 Series M
Savage '410' SS 2 1/2 and 3' Stevens Model 94 Series M 

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Bostitch Heavy Duty Wheeled Portable Compressor
Bostitch Heavy Duty Wheeled Portable Compressor - new in box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint 1979 and 1980 Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint 1979 and 1980 Uncirculated Coin Sets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Redwing # 10 Crock w/ handles - good
Redwing # 10 Crock w/ handles - good

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western 45 Automatic -230 Grain Full Metal Case - Lubaloy - mostly full
Western 45 Automatic - 230 Grain Full Metal Case - Lubaloy

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Yamato Japanese Super-Battleship - 1/350 scale
Yamato Japanese Super-Battleship - 1/350 scale 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Bicentennial Silver Uncirculated Sets 1776-1976
United States Bicentennial Silver Uncirculated Sets 1776-1976

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Terry Redlin "Evening Surprise" Print
Terry Redlin "Evening Surprise" Print

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X 303 Savage - 190 Grain expanding bullet
Western Super-X 303 Savage - 190 Grain expanding bullet

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

David Maass Pheasant Winter Scene Print - 855/950
David Maass Pheasant Winter Scene Print - 855/950

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

U.S. Mint 2000 Uncirculated Coin Sets
U.S. Mint 2000 Uncirculated Coin Sets
Phiadelphia and Denver mints

"Democracy From the Eye of an Eagle Print" - Dedication Painting of Mt. Rushmore 1991 John Greene
"Democracy From the Eye of an Eagle Print" - Dedication Painting of Mt. Rushmore 1991 John Green 
Print 398/4588 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Premium Grade Extra Long Range 12ga. Shotgun Shells empty box
Remington Premium Grade Extra Long Range 12ga. Shotgun Shells empty box 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

"Morning Solitude" - Terry Redlin Print
"Morning Solitude" - Terry Redlin Print 2610/12107

Camper and Friends Shoving off to catch and early lunch

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 United States Prestige Set
1986 United States Prestige Set

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Weed Eater Super Blower creates up to 195 MPH wind
Weed Eater Super Blower creates up to 195 MPH wind

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Hi-Speed 22 short shells - 2 full boxes
Reminton Hi-Speed 22 short shells - 2 fulls boxes 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Liberty Coin from the US Mint
3 - United States Liberty Coins from the US Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Daisy 105B BB Gun - Lever Action
Daisy 105B BB Gun - lever action 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 Liberty Half Dollar and Silver Dollar "S" Mint
1986 Liberty Half Dollar and Silver Dollar "S" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stinger 22 Long Rifle Shells - 2 full cases (50 each)
Stinger 22 Long Rifle Shells - 2 full cases (50 each)

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Million Dollar Silver Proof - Series 2000
Million Dollar Silver Proof - Series 2000

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Estate Cartridge Inc. 12 ga. High Velocity 8 ball Buckshot - 2 3/4 00 shot - full box
Estate Cartridge Inc. 12 ga. High Velocity 8 Ball Buckshot - 2 3/4 00 shot

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1989 Official Presidential Inaugural Medal
1989 Official Presidential Inaugural Medal 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X 22 Long Rifle Hollow Point High Velocity - full boxes
Winchester Super-X 22 Long Rifle Hollow Point High Velocity

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 Liberty Half Dollar "S" Mint
1986 Liberty Half Dollar "S" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington 444 Marlin Loaded Shells
Remington 444 Marlin Loaded Shells 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 Liberty Half Dollar "S" Mint
1986 Liberty Half Dollar "S" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Hopkins & Allen Arms Co. .22 LR Lever Action - single shot
Hopkins & Allen Arms .22 LR Lever Action - single shot 

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1999 Chevrolet 2500 Pickup 4x4 3 door Ext. cab - ONLY 21,572 Miles - Very clean pickup.
1999 Chevrolet 2500 Pickup 4x4 3 door Ext. cab - ONLY 21,572 Miles - Very clean pickup. Automatic Vortec 6.0 litre
Power: Seats, Windows, Locks & Mirrors
AM/FM/CD player, Split front bench seat, Custom running boards
Tires are 70%, new battery, Cloth seats, 2 key remotes.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 Liberty Half Dollar "S" Mint
1986 Liberty Half Dollar "S" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Expert 20ga. Shotgun Shells - 2 3/4 - 7/8oz - 6 shot - near full box
Western Expert 20ga. Shotgun shells - 2 3/4 - 7/8 oz - 6 shot - near full box 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 Uncirculated Coin Set with "D" and "P" mint marks
1986 Uncirculated Coin Set with "D" and "P" mint marks

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Estate 12ga High Velocity Hunting Load - 2 3/4 - 1 1/4oz - 5 shot
Estate 12ga. High Velocity Hunting Load - 2 3/4 - 1 1/4oz - 5 shot

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1974 Eisenhower United States Proof Dollar "S" Mint
1974 Eisenhower United States Proof Dollar "S" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Federal 12 gauge shells - with misc empty shells
Federal 12 Guage Shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1972 Eisenhower United States Proof Dollar "S" Mint
1972 Eisenhower United States Proof Dollar "S" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Blazer 357 Magnum - 158 Grain - full box
Blazer 357 Magnum - 158 grain - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2005 United States Mint Uncirculated Coin Set "D" and "P" Mint
2005 United States Mint Uncirculated Coin Set "D" and "P" Mint 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

H & A Safety Police Revolver - 32 Caliber
H & A Saftey Police Revolver - 32 Caliber 

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2015 Chevrolet Impala 4 door car - Nice Car Only 41,577 miles
2015 Chevrolet Impala 4 door car - Nice Car Only 41,577 miles
Cloth interior, AM/FM/CD
Automatic, Ecotek engine, New battery
Tires Good 70% +
Power: Seats, Windows, Locks, Mirrors
2 - key remotes.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1985 Uncirculated Coin Set "D" and "P" Mint Marks
1985 Uncirculated Coin Set "D" and "P" Mint Marks

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester .32 Calibre Soft Point Bullet - full box
Winchester .32 Calibre Soft Point Bullet

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1973 Eisenhower United States Proof Dollar
1973 Eisenhower United States Proof Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Pistol Ball .45 Caliber Shells
Pistol Ball .45 Caliber Shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1971 Eisenhower United States Proof Dollar
1971 Eisenhower United States Proof Dollar 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western X 38 Special Boy - 158 Grain Lubaloy - partial box
Western X 38 Specail Boy - 158 Grain Lubaloy - partial box 

2006 One Ounce Proof Silver Bullion Coin
2006 One Ounce Proof Silver Bullion Coin

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester, Marlin, & Savage .32-40 - 165 Grain Soft Point
Wincheser, Marlin, & Savage .32-40 - 165 grain soft point

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2001 American Buffalo Commemorative Coins Silver Dollar - "P" Mint
2001 American Buffalo Commemorative Coins Silver Dollar "P" Mint 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Rem. Model 31 12 ga. pump
Rem. Model 31 12 ga. pump

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Mint 1991 Prestige Set
United States Mint 1991 Prestige Set
Comes with a Certificate of Authenticity 
Mount Rushmore Anniversary Coins

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

American Eagle .22 Long Rifle High Velocity - half full boxes
American Eagle .22  Long Rifle High Velocity - half full boxes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Royal Canadian Mint Uncirculated Coin Set
Royal Canadian Mint Uncirculated Coin Set

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

7 - .30 Sec Plastic M64 30-06 cal. Practice Rounds 10- per box, 7 x money
7 - .30 Sec Plastic M64 30-06 cal. Practice Rounds 10- per box, 7 x money

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Mint 1994 Prestige Set
United States Mint 1994 Prestige Set
Comes with a Certificate of Authenticity 
World Cup USA 1994 Commemorative Coins

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- Federal .22 Cal - 50 Grain Hollow Point - full boxes
2 - Federal .22 Cal - 50 Grain Hollow Point - full boxes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1991 United Stated Mount Rushmore Anniversary Coins
United Stated Mount Rushmore Anniversary Coins
1991 Six-Coin Proof and Uncirculated Set in a wood case

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western 38 S & W 145 Grain Lubaloy Bullet - unopened box
Western 38 S & W 145 Grain Lubaloy Bullet - unopened box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

US Mint San Francisco Old Mint Commemorative Coin Program- Gold Five Dollar Coin
San Francisco Old Mint Commemorative Coin Program
Certificate of Authenticity Proof Gold Five Dollar Coin

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Hopkins & Allen 25ga. SS Shotgun
Hopkins & Allen 25ga. SS Shotgun

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Marine Corps Bicentennial Token
United States Marine Corps Bicentennial Token
November 10 1775 Birth of the US Marine Corps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western 32 Short 80 Grain Lubaloy Bullet Greased - partial box
Western 32 Short 80 Grain Lubaloy Bullet Greased - partial box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Army Bicentennial Token
United States Army Bicentennial Token

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Federal Hi-Shok Slug 16ga. Hollow Point - 4/5oz - near full box
Federal Hi-Shok Slug 16ga. Hollow Point - 4/5oz - near full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Navy Bicentennial Token 1975
United States Navy Bicentennial Token 1975
Birth of the US Navy October 13, 1775

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X 308 - 150 Grain Silvertip - full box
Winchester Super-X 308 - 150 Grain Silvertip

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Mount Rushmore Anniversary Coins-1991 Silver Dollar
United States Mount Rushmore Anniversary Coins
Certificate of Authenticity 1991 Silver Dollar Proof

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- Federal .22 Short Hi-Power 50 Rim Fire Cartridges- unopened
2- Federal .22 Short Hi-Power 50 Rim Fire Cartridges - unopened

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2001 4 oz. State Hood Quarter
2001 4 oz. State Hood Quarter
with the Certificate of Authenticity 
NC, Kentucky, NY, RI, Vermont

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Ruger MKIII 22 LR Semi Auto Pistol - 3 clips and case
Ruger MKIII 22 LR Semi Auto Pistol - 3 clips and case

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Liberty Coin from the US Mint
United States Liberty Coin from the US Mint
Comes with the Certificate of Authenticity and is in a wooded case

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington 12ga. Heavy Game Load - 4 shot - near full
Remington 12 ga. - Heave Game Load - 4 shot - near full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1960 Small and Large Date US Lincoln Cent Major Die Variety - P & D mints and 1943 Steel Cents
1960 Small and Large Date United States Lincoln Cent Major Die Variety P & D mints and 1943 Steel Cents

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Master Mag .22 Long Rifle High Velocity - 100 Cartridges - full box
Master Mag .22 Long Rifle High Velocity - 100 Cartridges - full box 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Alaska Token January 3, 1959 and 1969 First USA Landing on the Moon Token
Alaska Token January 3, 1959 and 1969 First USA Landing on the Moon Token with Edwin Aldrin , Neil Armstrong, and Michael Collins on token
Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314 For auction information contact Justin 605-999-4239 Steve 605-770-9818 Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X .22 Magnum - Jacketed Hollow Point Rimfire Cartridges
Winchester Super-X .22 Magnum - Jacketed Hollow Point Rimfire Cartridges 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Mint 1989 Prestige Set
United States Mint 1989 Prestige Set
with the Certificate of Authenticity

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

5 - 30-30 Winchester Shells
5 - 30-30 Winchester Shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Untied States Bicentennial Silver Proof Set
Untied States Bicentennial Silver Proof Set

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Rem 870 12 ga. shotgun pump 2 3/4 and 3'
Rem 870 12ga. shotgun pump 2 3/4 and 3'

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1776-1976 United States Bicentennial Silver Proof Set
1776-1976 United States Silver Proof Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X 410 Long Range Shotgun Shells - unopened
Western Super-X 410 Long Rang Shotgun Shells - unopened 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Mint American Buffalo Commemorative Coins
United States Mint American Buffalo Commemorative Coins
Smithsonian - National Museum of the American Indian  

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Xpert 12 ga. Shotgun Shell box - empty
Western Xpert 12 ga. Shotgun Shell Box - empty 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2 - 90% Silver Commemorative Half Dollar 1732-1982
2- 90% Silver Commemorative Half Dollar 1732-1982 
250th Anniversary of Birth 1982 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X 38 Special Mid-Range Match - 148 Grain Lead Clean-Cutting - full box
Western Super-X 38 Special Mid-Range Match - 148 Grain Lead Clean-Cutting - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

John Deere belt buckle and Charm

John Deere belt buckle and Charm 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X .22 short - High Velocity - full boxes
Winchester Super-X .22 Short - High Velocity - full boxes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1776-1976 National Bicentennial Medal & 1995 Liberty Money Clip
1776-1976 National Bicentennial Medal & 1995 Liberty Money Clip 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Ruger Security -six .357 Magnum revolver
Ruger Security - six .357 Magnum Revolver 

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1972 -  1973 - 1974 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar 
1972 -  1973 - 1974 Eisenhower Uncirculated Silver Dollar 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

10 - 8mm Mauser
10- 8mm Mauser

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

7 Rolls of Liberty Nickels - D - 2005
7 Rolls of Liberty Nickels - D - 2005

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


Ducks Unlimited Remington 12ga. Shot Gun Shells - full tin
Ducks Unlimited Remington 12ga. Shot Gun Shells - full tin 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

7 Rolls of 1987 Liberty Pennies - Standard Johnson Co. Bklyn.,
7 Rolls of 1987 Liberty Pennies - Standard Johnson Co. Bklyn.,

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


CBee22 Remington 22 Low Velocity - full boxes
CBee22 Remigton 22 Low Velocity 
"Copper Coated" 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1965 Canada 50 cents
1965 Canada 50 cents 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


Federal 410 Hi-Power 6 Shot Shells - 3 inch - near full box - Paper Shells
Federal 410 Hi-Power 6 Shot Shells - 3 inch - near full box- Paper Shells 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1935 Coin Set - Liberty Dollar - Half Dollar - Quarter - Nickle - Dime - Penny
1935 Coin Set - Liberty Dollar - Half Dollar - Quarter - Nickle - Dime - Penny

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


Harrington & Richardson Topper JR Model 098 .410 SS Shotgun - with box
Harrington & Richardson Topper JR Model 098 .410 SS Shotgun - with box

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1986 Liberty Half Dollar "D" Mint
1986 Liberty Half Dollar "D" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


Winchester .38 Long R.F. Shell
Winchester .38 Long R.F. Shell

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1776 - 1976 United States Bicentennial Silver Uncirculated Set
1776 - 1976 United States Bicentennial Silver Uncirculated Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


Remington 175th Anniversary Tin - 325 "High Velocity" 22 Long Rifle Cartridges - unopened
Remington 175th Anniversary Tin - 325 "High Velocity" 22 Long Rifle Cartridges - unopened


Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1984 Uncirculated Coin Set "D" and "P" Mint
1984 Uncirculated Coin Set "D" and "P" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Federal 303 British 180 Gr. soft point full box
Federal 303 British 180 Gr. soft point full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1985 The Official Presidential Inaugural Medal
1985 The Official Presidential Inaugural Medal

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2 box Rem 22 short 50Ct. boxes - Full
2 box Rem 22 short 50Ct. boxes - Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2013 America The Beautiful Quarters - Three Coin Set - Mount Rushmore National Memorial
2013 American The Beautiful Quarters - Three Coin Set - Mount Rushmore National Memorial 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

S & W Model 22A-1 - 22 LR Semi Auto Pistol - 1 clip with case - NIB
S&W Model 22A-1 22 LR Semi Auto Pistol - 1 clip with case - NIB

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Mint- The Department of the Treasury 1789 - 6 coins
United States Mint- The Department of the Treasury 1789
6 coins with the Certificate of Authenticity

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super X Magnum box - Empty box is good
Western Super X Magnum box - Empty box is good

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Royal Canadian Mint Silver ( One Troy Ounce) $20 Coins
Royal Canadian Mint Silver ( One Troy Ounce) $20 Coins
10 Elizabeth II coins from the 1988 Olympic WInter Games

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Norma 6.5x55 139 Gr Shells 2 boxes 1 full 1 partial
Norma 6.5x55 139 Gr Shells 2 boxes 1 full 1 partial

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Liberty Coins 1886-1986 from the US Mint
United States Liberty Coins 1886-1986 from the US Mint
The first coins ever issued by the US Govt. depicting the Statue and Ellis Island.  has a $5 gold coin, a silver dollar, and a half dollar 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester 9MM Lugar box w/ shells - Full
Winchester 9MM Lugar box w/ shells - Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

United States Mint 1988 Uncirculated Coin Set w/ D and P Mint marks
United States Mint 1988 Uncirculated Coin Set w/ D and P Mint marks

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Monarch 22 LR - Full 50 ct.
Monarch 22 LR - Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Benjamin Franklin Half Dollar Collection 1948-1963
Benjamin Franklin Half Dollar Collection 1948-1963

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Henry 22 S/L/LR Lever Action Model H001 NIB
Henry 22 S/L/LR Lever Action Model H001 NIB

FFL paper work will be done by Palace City Pawn, 700 N Sanborn Blvd, Mitchell, SD 57301 contact Austin @ 605-996-6292 during business hours. Guns will be delivered to Palace City Pawn and all FFL Paperwork will be done through them. All gun purchase pickup will be done at Palace City Pawn. There will be a $25.00 transfer fee paid at the time of checking out to Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Any shipping required will be at the expense of the buyer. All buyers must follow the gun laws of the state you reside in. Must be 18 to purchase long gun and 21 to purchase pistols.

For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Eisenhower Dollars including proof-only issues
Eisenhower Dollars including proof-only issues
missing the 1973-S 40% Proof and the 1976 Variety I Coins

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super X 303 Savage 190 Gr. Full box
Western Super X 303 Savage 190 Gr. Full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

10- 2004 .999 Chinese Silver Coins

10- 2004 .999 Chinese Silver Coins

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Black Hills Ammunition 357 Magnum 158 Gr. 50 ct. box - full
Black Hills Ammunition 357 Magnum 158 Gr. 50 ct. box - full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.
2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Expert Shotgun Shells 20 ga. 6 shot 2 1/4" - Full box
Western Expert Shotgun Shells 20 ga. 6 shot 2 1/4" - Full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.
2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Montgomery Ward 12 ga. 2 3/4" plastic shot shells - Full box
Montgomery Ward 12 ga. 2 3/4" plastic shot shells - Full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.
2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous Presidential Stamps
Stamps- Miscellaneous Presidential Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted American Flag
Stamps- Assorted American Flag

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2013 America The Beautiful Quarters - Three Coin Set - Mount Rushmore National Memorial
2013 America The Beautiful Quarters - Three Coin Set - Mount Rushmore National Memorial

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Fruit, Go Green, & Butterflies Stamps
Stamps- Assorted Fruit, Go Green, & Butterflies Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

20 Ct box of 444 Marlin shells in plastic case
20 Ct box of 444 Marlin shells in plastic case

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Flowers
Stamps- Assorted Flowers

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Five Dollar Silver Certificate
Five Dollar Silver Certificiate 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Fruit & Flowers
Stamps- Assorted Fruit & Flowers

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X 22 Short (H.P) - 50 Rim Fire Cartridges - wax coated, extra clean - unopened
Western Super-X 22 Short (H.P) - 50 Rim Fire Cartridges - wax coated, extra clean - unopened 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Flowers & Trees
Stamps- Assorted Flowers & Trees

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2010 United States Mint Silver Proof Set "S" Mint
2010 United States Mint Silver Proof Set "S" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


Stamps- Assorted Flowers & Bells
Stamps- Assorted Flowers & Bells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super- X 300 Savage 150 Grain Power-Point - full box
Winchester Super-X 300 Savage 150 Grain Power -Point - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted America Books
Stamps- Assorted America Books

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2013 Five Ounce Silver Uncirculated Coin - Mount Rushmore National Memorial South Dakota "P" Mint
2013 Five Ounce Silver Uncirculated Coin - Mount Rushmore National Memorial South Dakota "P" Mint

99.9% Silver

Stamps- Assorted American Flag- 21 Sheets
Stamps- Assorted American Flag- 21 Sheets

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

The Remington Five Pounder Tin with Remington .22 Long Rifle Shells (full box), Misc Shells
The Remington Fiver Pounder Tin with Remington .22 Long Rifle Shells (full box), misc Shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted American Stamps
Stamps- Assorted American Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2010 United States Mint Presidential $1 Coin Proof Set
2010 United States Mint Presidential $1 Coin Proof Set 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous People
Stamps- Miscellaneous People

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted American Flag
Stamps- Assorted American Flag

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Patriotic Stamps
Stamps- Assorted Patriotic Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2010 United States Mint America the Beautiful Quarters Silver Proof Set "S" Mint
2010 United States Mint America the Beautiful Quarters Silver Proof Set "S" Mint 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted American Flag
Stamps- Assorted American Flag

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester 22 WFR 1986 Limited Edition shells 250Ct. - Full
Winchester 22 WFR 1986 Limited Edition shells 250Ct. - Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Patriotic Stamps
Stamps- Assorted Patriotic Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1861 - 1865 United States Mint Presidential $1 Coin and First Spouse Medal Set
1861 - 1865 United States Mint Presidential $1 Coin and First Spouse Medal Set 
Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd Lincoln

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted WWII
Stamps- Assorted WWII

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Hi-Speed 22 Short shells, 2 boxes 1 full 1 partial
Remington Hi-Speed 22 Short shells, 2 boxes 1 full 1 partial

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous People
Stamps- Miscellaneous People

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

$10 Roll America the Beautiful Quarters Program - Mount Rushmore National Memorial "S" "D" "P" Mint
American the Beautiful Quarters Program - Mount Rushmore National Memorial
One roll is "S"
one roll is "D"
one roll is "P" Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

First Day of Issue- Stamped Postcards
First Day of Issue- Stamped Postcards

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

US Cartridges .38 Cal short Colt 50 ct. still wrapped in plastic - Full
US Cartridges .38 Cal short Colt 50 ct. still wrapped in plastic - Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Miscellaneous People Stamps & Stamp Folios
Miscellaneous People Stamps & Stamp Folios

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1991 Mount Rushmore Anniversary Coins- Silver and Half Dollar "S" Mint
1991 Mount Rushmore Anniversary Coins - Silver and Half Dollar "S"Mint

Silver Dollar - 90% Silver
Half Dollar - 91.67% Copper
                    8.33% Nickel 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


Stamps- Assorted George Washington
Stamps- Assorted George Washington

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2 Metal shell boxes, 1 big, 1 smaller
2 Metal shell boxes, 1 big, 1 smaller

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous People
Stamps- Miscellaneous People

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Ten Troy Ounce .999 Silver Bar - Wall Street Mint
Ten Troy Ounce .999 Silver Bar - Wall Street Mint

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Space- Star Wars, Astronauts, etc.
Assorted Space- Star Wars, Astronauts, etc.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Vehicles
Stamps- Assorted Vehicles

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Inventions
Stamps- Assorted Inventions

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.
2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Patriotic Stamps
Stamps- Assorted Patriotic Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super X 22 Short 2 boxes full
Winchester Super X 22 Short 2 boxes full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Old Transportation
Stamps- Assorted Old Transportation

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.
2- Royal Canadian Mint 1988 Elizabeth II $5 Coins Fine Silver 1 oz.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Astronauts
Stamps- Assorted Astronauts

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Empty boxes with spent brass in them. Winchester 308 and Federal 30-30 brass
Empty boxes with spent brass in them. Winchester 308 and Federal 30-30 brass

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Merchant Ships
Stamps- Assorted Merchant Ships

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2-  9-11 Land of the Free 1 oz. Silver coins
2-  9-11 Land of the Free 1 oz. Silver coins
Fireman with the US Flag on 1 side and information on the other

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Merchant Ships
Stamps- Assorted Merchant Ships

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage box Rem. .32 Long RF - Partial box
Vintage box Rem. .32 Long RF - Partial box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Merchant Ships
Stamps- Assorted Merchant Ships

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2-  9-11 Land of the Free 1 oz. Silver coins
2-  9-11 Land of the Free 1 oz. Silver coins
Fireman with the US Flag on 1 side and information on the other

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Ships/Boats and Lighthouses
Stamps- Assorted Ships/Boats and Lighthouses

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Federal 243 Winchester 100 Gr. soft point - Partial box 11 good shells 9 spent brass
Federal 243 Winchester 100 Gr. soft point - Partial box 11 good shells 9 spent brass

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps- Statue of Liberty, Purple Heart, Planes
Assorted Stamps- Statue of Liberty, Purple Heart, Planes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- 9-11 Land of the Free 1 oz. Silver Commemorative Coins
2- 9-11 Land of the Free Commemorative 1 oz. Silver Coins
The Twin towers on 1 side and information on the other side

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Postcards- Assorted London
Postcards- Assorted London

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Postcards- Assorted "America the Beautiful"
Postcards- Assorted "America the Beautiful"

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Postcards- Whitehouse, Ship, Plane
Assorted Postcards- Whitehouse, Ship, Plane

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- 9-11 Land of the Free 1 oz. Silver Commemorative Coins
2- 9-11 Land of the Free Commemorative 1 oz. Silver Coins
The Twin towers on 1 side and information on the other side

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Postcards- USAirmail & Moonlanding
Assorted Postcards- USAirmail & Moonlanding

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage box Dominion 30-30 Winchester w 10 spent brass inside.
Vintage box Dominion 30-30 Winchester w 10 spent brass inside.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Postcards- Settling of Oklahoma, Northwest Territory
Assorted Postcards- Settling of Oklahoma, Northwest Territory

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

3- Chinese 2000 Ag .999 1oz Silver Coins

3- Chinese 2000 Ag .999 1oz Silver Coins

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamped Postcards- Assorted America Places
Stamped Postcards- Assorted America Places

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Winchester 22 short 50 ct. box of shells - Full
Vintage Winchester 22 short 50 ct. box of shells - Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted American Stamps
Stamps- Assorted American Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- 2000 Liberty Dollars 1 oz. Fine Silver
2- 2000 Liberty Dollars 1 oz. Fine Silver

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous People
Stamps- Miscellaneous People

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

8 - .30 Sec Plastic M64 30-06 cal. Practice Rounds 10- per box, 8 x money
8 - .30 Sec Plastic M64 30-06 cal. Practice Rounds 10- per box, 8 x money

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamped Envelopes- President George Bush
Stamped Envelopes- President George Bush

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2- 2000 Liberty Dollars 1 oz. Fine Silver ​​​​​​​The Dawn Of... A New Millenium
2- 2000 Liberty Dollars 1 oz. Fine Silver
The Dawn Of... A New Millenium

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamped Envelopes & Postcards- Assorted American Stamps
Stamped Envelopes & Postcards- Assorted American Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super X 22 Magnum HP 50 ct. Full
Winchester Super X 22 Magnum HP 50 ct. Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamped Envelopes- Miscellaneous
Stamped Envelopes- Miscellaneous

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2-  2002 Canadian Elizabeth II  $5 Coins 1 oz Fine Silver
2-  2002 Canadian Elizabeth II  $5 Coins 1 oz Fine Silver
Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Birds
Stamps- Assorted Birds

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps- Animals, Flowers, People
Assorted Stamps- Animals, Flowers, People

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Animals
Stamps- Assorted Animals

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1988 1oz .999 Fine Silver South Dakota
1988 1oz. .999 Fine Silver South Dakota

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Animals
Stamps- Assorted Animals

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Rem 303 British shells 12 full 8 spent brass
Rem 303 British shells 12 full 8 spent brass

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Bison & Prehistoric Animals Stamp Folio
Stamps- Assorted Bison & Prehistoric Animals Stamp Folio

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1988 1oz .999 Fine Silver South Dakota
1988 1oz. .999 Fine Silver South Dakota

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Birds
Stamps- Assorted Birds

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Rem. 22 LR 50 ct & American Eagle 50 ct. LR - Full boxes.
Rem. 22 LR 50 ct & American Eagle 50 ct. LR - Full boxes.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Love Ribbons
Stamps- Love Ribbons

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1988 1oz .999 Fine Silver South Dakota
1988 1oz. .999 Fine Silver South Dakota

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Old Envelopes
Stamps- Assorted Old Envelopes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Winchester .25 Auto Colt - 6.35 m/m Browning - Full 50 ct.
Vintage Winchester .25 Auto Colt - 6.35 m/m Browning - Full 50 ct.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamped Envelopes- Miscellaneous
Stamped Envelopes- Miscellaneous

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1988 1oz .999 Fine Silver South Dakota
1988 1oz. .999 Fine Silver South Dakota

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamped Envelopes & Stamps- Miscellaneous
Stamped Envelopes & Stamps- Miscellaneous

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

CCI 22 Mini Mag LR Hollow Point 100 ct. Full
CCI 22 Mini Mag LR Hollow Point 100 ct. Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps & Stamp Folios- Assorted Places
Stamps & Stamp Folios- Assorted Places

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1988 1oz .999 Fine Silver South Dakota
1988 1oz. .999 Fine Silver South Dakota

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous
Stamps- Miscellaneous

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted People & Objects
Stamps- Assorted People & Objects

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Movies: Marvel, Disney, etc.
Stamps- Assorted Movies: Marvel, Disney, etc.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1999 -2000 1oz Fine Silver Canada - 5 Dollars - Elizabeth II
1999 - 2000 1oz Fine Silver Canada - 5 Dollars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamped Envelopes & Stamps- Assorted Christmas
Stamped Envelopes & Stamps- Assorted Christmas

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Wood Box with Misc Shells - Some are Paper Shells
Winchester Woood Box with Misc Shells - Some are Paper Shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Christmas
Stamps- Assorted Christmas

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1987 1 oz. Fine Silver - One Dollar
1987 1 oz. Fine Silver - One Dollar 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Holidays: Birthday, Valentine's, 4th of July
Stamps- Assorted Holidays: Birthday, Valentine's, 4th of July

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Kleanbore 303 Savage Express - 180 Grain Soft Point Core-Lokt Bullet - full box
Remington Kleanbore 303 Savage Express - 180 Grain Soft Point Core- Lokt Bullet - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous
Stamps- Miscellaneous

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1999 American Eagle 1oz. Fine Silver Dollar
1999 American Eagle 1oz. Fine Silver Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Animals
Stamps- Assorted Animals

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester 20ga. Dove & Quail Shotgun Shells - 8 shot - 7/8oz shot
Winchester 20ga. Dove & Quail Shotgun Shells - 8 shot - 7/8oz Shot

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Places
Stamps- Assorted Places

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1980 Susan B. Anthony Dollar - (25)
1980 Susan B. Anthony Dollar (25)

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Commemorative Stamp Packs
Stamps- Assorted Commemorative Stamp Packs

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Federal 12 ga. 4 shot 21 shells in box.
Federal 12 ga. 4 shot 21 shells in box.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Great British Stamps
Stamps- Great British Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1999 Susan B. Anthony Roll of Gold Dollars
1999 Susan B. Anthony Roll of Gold Dollars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted "Love"
Stamps- Assorted "Love"

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Places
Stamps- Assorted Places

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Love, Aids Awareness, etc.
Stamps- Assorted Love, Aids Awareness, etc.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Sacagawea Golden Dollars (16)
Sacagawea Golden Dollars

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Christmas
Stamps- Assorted Christmas

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Rem. 22 Low velocity 2 - 50 ct. boxes full
Rem. 22 Low velocity 2 - 50 ct. boxes full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Great Britain
Stamps- Assorted Great Britain

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Sacagawea Golden Dollars (Roll of 25)
Sacagawea Golden Dollars (Roll of 25)

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Foreign Countries
Stamps- Assorted Foreign Countries

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Daisy BB & Marksman BB - near full
Daisy BB & Marksman BB - near full 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Swan Note Cards & Envelopes
Swan Note Cards & Envelopes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Roll of Quarters - Deadwood SD Paper Cover
Roll of Quarters - Deadwood SD Paper Cover 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Postcards- Assorted South Dakota 1889
Postcards- Assorted South Dakota 1889

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super-X 308 - 125 Grain Pointed S.P. Rifle Cartridges- full box
Winchester Super-X 308 - 125 Grain Pointed S.P. Rifle Cartridges - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted Russian Stamps
Stamps- Assorted Russian Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

22 Quarters and 20 Rolled Quarters
22 Quarters and 20 Rolled Quarters

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted '60-'67
Stamps- Assorted '60-'67

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Xpert 20 ga. Shotgun Shells - 6 shot - full box
Western Xpert 20ga. Shotgun Shells - 6 shot - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted '37-'48
Stamps- Assorted '37-'48

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1987 1oz Pure .999 Gold Panda Coin
1987 1oz Pure .999 Gold Panda Coin

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Assorted '49-'59
Stamps- Assorted '49-'59

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Steam Boats & Trains
Stamp Books- Steam Boats & Trains

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Sea & Fishing
Stamp Books- Sea & Fishing

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1991 1oz. Fine Silver - One Dollar
1991 1oz. Fine Silver - One Dollar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Vintage Books
Stamp Books- Vintage Books

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super X 243 Win. 80 Gr. 9 full, 11 spent brass
Western Super X 243 Win. 80 Gr. 9 full, 11 spent brass

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps
Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps

​​​​​​​Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1989 BU Roll of Pennies - D Mint Mark
1989 BU Roll of Pennies - D Mint Mark

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps
Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Rem. 22 Target 50 ct. & Federal 22 LR 50 ct. - 2 full boxes
Rem. 22 Target 50 ct. & Federal 22 LR 50 ct. - 2 full boxes

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps
Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1913 Liberty Indian Head Five Dollar Gold Coin .25 oz of gold
1913 Liberty Indian Head Five Dollar Coin - .25 oz of gold 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Eisenhower-USA
Stamp Books- Eisenhower-USA

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Xpert 22 Hollow Point LR 36 Gr. 500 ct. - full
Winchester Xpert 22 Hollow Point LR 36 Gr. 500 ct. - full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps
Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

45 AU Mercury Dimes - 1944
45 AU Mercury Dimes -1944 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted Air Mail Stamps
Stamp Books- Assorted Air Mail Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Rem. 22 Short 2 - 50 Ct. boxes full
Rem. 22 Short 2 - 50 Ct. boxes full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps
Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2000 One Pound Fine Silver
2000 One Pount Fine Silver 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Series: C, D, E
Stamp Books- Series: C, D, E

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted Lighthouses
Stamp Books- Assorted Lighthouses

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Vintage Books
Stamp Books- Vintage Books

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1776 - 1976 Kennedy Half Dollars - Roll
1776 - 1976 Kennedy Half Dollars - Roll

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Series: A, B, C
Stamp Books- Series: A, B, C

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

National Rifle Assoc. Wood box w/ tray
National Rifle Assoc. Wood box w/ tray

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Vintage Books
Stamp Books- Vintage Books

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2002 Chief Shooting Star Tecumseh - Silver Dollar - 1 Troy oz silver
2002 Chief Shooting Star Tecumseh - Silver Dollar - 1 Troy oz. Silver

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Vintage Books
Stamp Books- Vintage Books

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Wood box with gun cleaning supplies
Wood box with gun cleaning supplies

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Vintage Books
Stamp Books- Vintage Books

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

$50 1 oz Fine Gold American Eagle Coin - MCMLXXXVI
$50 1 oz. Fine Gold American Eagle Coin - MCMLXXXVI 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted Space Exploration
Stamp Books- Assorted Space Exploration

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington Express wood box 14 1/2" x 9 1/2" x 9" tall
Remington Express wood box 14 1/2" x 9 1/2" x 9" tall

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps
Stamp Books- Assorted American Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2002 Buffalo 1 pound .999 Fine Silver Coin
2002 Buffalo 1 pound .999 Fine Silver Coin

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Prize Bags
Prize Bags

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

27 ea. 308 Winchester in plastic holder
27 ea. 308 Winchester in plastic holder

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage American Bookmark
Vintage American Bookmark

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

1936 Buffalo Nickel, 1902 Liberty Head V Nickel, 1944 Mercury Dime and 1907 Indian Head Penny w Hole
1936 Buffalo Nickel, 1902 Liberty Head V Nickel, 1944 Mercury Dime and 1907 Indian Head Penny w Hole

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous
Stamps- Miscellaneous

​​​​​​​Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous
Stamps- Miscellaneous

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous People
Stamps- Miscellaneous People

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Canadian Elizabeth II Gold Coin - 1 oz. Pure Gold
Canadian Elizabeth II Gold Coin - 1 oz. Pure Gold

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- Miscellaneous
Stamps- Miscellaneous

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Western Super X 270 Winchester 13 shells
Vintage Western Super X 270 Winchester 13 shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Yearbook- Commemorative
Stamp Yearbook- Commemorative

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

20 Kennedy Half Dollars - 1965 - 1969
20 Kennedy Half Dollars - 1965 - 1969 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- US Commemorative Stamps
Stamps- US Commemorative Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester 45 Colt 225 Gr. lead 20 Ct. box full
Winchester 45 Colt 225 Gr. lead 20 Ct. box full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- American Wildlife
Stamps- American Wildlife

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Civil War Stamp Set
Civil War Stamp Set
- Civil War First Day Ceremony Program
- The Civil War 1861 - 1865 A Collection of US Commemorative Stamps
- 2 - Civil War Post Card Set

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamps- USPS Mint Set of Definitive Stamps and Postal Stationery
Stamps- USPS Mint Set of Definitive Stamps and Postal Stationery

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage box only - Remington 8MM Mauser - no shells just the box.
Vintage box only - Remington 8MM Mauser - no shells just the box.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Badlands Calendar & Book
Badlands Calendar & Book

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Best of the West Complete Collection - Legends of the West Commemorative Stamp Set
Best of the West Complete Collection - Legends of the West Commemorative Stamp Set

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Stamp Photo- Painted Cover
Stamp Photo- Painted Cover

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Box Savage .22 Hi Power Savage - spent brass full
Vintage Box Savage .22 Hi Power Savage - spent brass full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

South Dakota State Centennial Stamp Year Set 1889 & Celebrate the Century SD Calendar
South Dakota State Centennial Stamp Year Set 1889 & Celebrate the Century SD Calendar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

South Dakota State Centennial Stamp Year Set 1889 & Celebrate the Century SD Calendar
South Dakota State Centennial Stamp Year Set 1889 & Celebrate the Century SD Calendar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super X 22 Magnum jacketed hollow point 50 ct. box full
Winchester Super X 22 Magnum jacketed hollow point 50 ct. box full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1978
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1978

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Remington 35 Win. 180 Gr. soft point bullets - full to near full.
Vintage Remington 35 Win. 180 Gr. soft point bullets - full to near full.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1981
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1981

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Winchester 9MM Long Shot cartridges - 10 shells
Vintage Winchester 9MM Long Shot cartridges - 10 shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of 1981 Definitive Stamps & Postal Stationery
USPS Mint Set of 1981 Definitive Stamps & Postal Stationery

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western 25-35 Winchester 117 Gr. soft point 20ct. - full
Western 25-35 Winchester 117 Gr. soft point 20ct. - full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Definitive Stamps 1987-88
USPS Mint Set of Definitive Stamps 1987-88

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of 1980 Definitive Stamps and Postal Stationery
USPS Mint Set of 1980 Definitive Stamps and Postal Stationery

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Blazer .22 Long Rifle Shells - unopened
Blazer .22 Long Rifle Shells - unopened

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Recalled Legends of the West Stamp sheet.
USPS Recalled Legends of the West Stamp sheet.

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Super X 22 Magnum jacketed hollow point 50 ct. box full
Winchester Super X 22 Magnum jacketed hollow point 50 ct. box full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of 1982 Definitive Stamps and Postal Stationery
USPS Mint Set of 1982 Definitive Stamps and Postal Stationery

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Monark 22 LR shells 50 Ct. full
Vintage Monark 22 LR shells 50 Ct. full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1982
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1982

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage .43 Spanish Military Cartridges - inside lubricant -unopened box
Vintage .43 Spanish Military Cartridges - inside lubricant - unopened box 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1983
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1983 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1984
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1984 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Supreme 22-250 Rem. 52 Grain Hollow Point Boattail - full box
Winchester Supreme 22-250 Rem. 52 Grain Hollow Point Boattail - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Definitive Stamps and Postal Stationery 1984
USPS Mint Set of Difinitive Stamps and Postal Stationary 1984

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington 308 Winchester 150 Gr. soft point 20 ct. Full
Remington 308 Winchester 150 Gr. soft point 20 ct. Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of 1980 Commemorative and Special Stamps
USPS Mint Set of 1980 Commemorative and Special Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Corbon 45 ACP +P 200 Gr. JHP 20 Ct. - Full Made in Sturgis, SD
Corbon 45 ACP +P 200 Gr. JHP 20 Ct. - Full Made in Sturgis, SD

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1985
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1985 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Winchester Super Speed .22 High Power 70 Gr. 20 Ct. - full
Vintage Winchester Super Speed .22 High Power 70 Gr. 20 Ct. - full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Recalled Legends of the West Sheet
USPS Recalled Legends of the West Sheet

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Flags of our Nation Stamp Roll Set 6 roll series (1-6)
USPS Flags of our Nation Stamp Roll Set 6 roll series (1-6)

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Western Xpert 20 ga. Super Skeet Load - 9 shot - paper shells - full box
Vintage Western Xpert 20ga. Super Skeet Load - 9 shot - paper shells

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Mt. Rushmore First Day of Issue stamped envelopes, Mt. Rushmore 50th Anniversary Post Cards
Mt. Rushmore First Day of Issue stamped envelopes, Mt. Rushmore 50th Anniversary Post Cards

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Pflueger Fish Hook - Filed Point - Ringed - partial box
Vintage Pflueger Fish Hook - Filed Point - Ringed- partial box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Spirit of America Stamp Collecting Kit
Spirits of America Stamp Collecting Kit

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester 22 Win. Mag 45 Gr. Dynapoint 50 Ct. - Full
Winchester 22 Win. Mag 45 Gr. Dynapoint 50 Ct. - Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1975
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1975

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

2 Metal shell boxes, 1 big, 1 smaller
2 Metal shell boxes, 1 big, 1 smaller

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1979
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1979 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Spirit of America Stamp Collecting Kit 1776
Spirit of America Stamp Collecting Kit 1776

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Winchester Wildcat 22 High Velocity Rimfire Cartridges - full box
Winchester Wildcat 22 High Velocity Rimfire Cartridges - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1974
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1974

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

CCI 22 Mini Mag LR Hollow Point 100 ct. Full
CCI 22 Mini Mag LR Hollow Point 100 ct. Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS - 3 rolls of Flags of our Nation, 1 roll 20 cent pheasant stamp, 1 roll 44 cent US Flag
USPS - 3 rolls of Flags of our Nation, 1 roll 20 cent pheasant stamp, 1 roll 44 cent US Flag

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Western Super X 22 short 29 Gr. 50 Ct. Full
Vintage Western Super X 22 short 29 Gr. 50 Ct. Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Automobiles A World on Wheels Stamp Collecting Kit
Automobiles A World on Wheels Stamp Collecting Kit

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Winchester .38 Caliber Automatic Colt Cartridges - unopened
Vintage Winchester .38 Caliber Automatic Colt Cartridges - unopened

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1974
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1974

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Special Stamp Mini - Album 1972
USPS Special Stamp Mini - Album 1972 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Pins " Shoot Peters Shells" & "Winchester" Pin
Vintage Pins " Shoot Peters Shells" & "Winchester" Pin

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative 1975
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative 1975

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super X 308 Win. 125 Gr. soft point 20 ct -Full
Western Super X 308 Win. 125 Gr. soft point 20 ct -Full

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1979
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1979

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Speer Superior Gold Dot 38 Special +P 125 Grain GDHP - full box
Speer Superior Gold Dot 38 Special +P 125 Grain GDHP - full box

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Automobiles A World on Wheels Stamp Collecting Kit
Automobiles A World on Wheels Stamp Collecting Kit

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Vintage Winchester .32 (.32-20) 115 Grain Bullet Soft Point - Staynless Non-mercuric Oilproof -
Vintage Winchester .32 (.32-20) 115 Grain Bullet Soft Point - Staynless Non-mercuruc Oilproof - full box 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Special Stamp Mini - Album 1972
USPS Special Stamp Mini - Album 1972

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Special Issues 1970
USPS Special Issues 1970 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Remington 12 ga. Kleanbore Shur Shot Shells box - empty
Remington 12 ga. Kleanbore Shur Shot Shells Box - empty 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Bicentennial Inauguration Memento
Bicentennial Inauguration Memento

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Western Super-X 22 Hornet Center Fire Rifle Cartridges 46 Grain Open Pt. - full box
Western Super-X 22 Hornet Center Fire Rifle Cartridges - 46 Grain Open Pt. full box 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1976
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1976

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Box of Unknown caliber Shells- have U on bottom end
Box of Unknown caliber Shells - have U on bottom end 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Special Stamp Mini - Album 1972
USPS Special Stamp Mini - 1972

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

LEGENDS Baseball Scrapbook and Stamp Album
LEGENDS Baseball Scrapbook and Stamp Album

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

LEGENDS Baseball Scrapbook and Stamp Album
LEGENDS Baseball Scrapbook and Stamp Album

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Special Stamp Mini - Album 1972
USPS Stamp Mini - Album 1972

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Special Stamp Mini - Album 1972
USPS Special Stamp Mini - Album 1972

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Souvenir Mint Set 1973
USPS Souvenir Mint Set 1973

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Souvenir Mint Set 1973
USPS Souvenir Mint Set 1973

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1974
USPS Mint Set of Commeorative Stamps 1974

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1976
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1976

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Definitive Stamps 1987 - 88
USPS Mint Set of Definitive Stamps 1987 - 88

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1975
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1975

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Souvenir Mint Set 1973
USPS Souvenir Mint Set 1973

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Souvenir Mint Set 1973
USPS Souvenir Mint Set 1973

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1977
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1977

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1977
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1977

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1976
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1976

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1976
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1976

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1974
USPS Mint Set of Commemorative Stamps 1974

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps - Missing Childre, US Coast Guard, Harry Potter, Summer Harvest, Hudson River School, War of 1812 New Orleans

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps

- Civil War 1865, Fanciful Flowers, Summer Harvest, winter Fun, Gifts of Friendship, Missing Children, Elvis Presley, 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps

Civil War 1864
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Summer Harvest
Penguins NDN
US Coast Guard
Elvis Presley

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS 1969 Special Issues Stamps
USPS 1969 Special Issues Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Birds and Flowers of the Fifty States - A collective of US Commemorative Stamps
Birgs and Flowers of the Fifty States - A collective of US Commemorative Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

USPS 1969 Special Issues Stamps & 1971 Special Stamp Mini - Album
USPS 1969 Special Issues Stamps & 1971 Special Stamp Mini - Album

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps

- Celebrating Lunar New Year, Legends of the West, 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps

- Legends of Baseball, Jazz Singers / Blues Singers, Classic Books, 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps

 - Old Glory, G Rated Make up Stamp, Classic Books

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps

- The "G" Rated Make up Stamp, Norman Rockwell, Classic Books

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Celebrate the Century Stamps - 1900s, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1950,1960, 1970, 1980, 1990
Celebrate the Century Stamps - 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Celebrate the Century Stamps - 1900(2), 1910 (2), 1930 , Calendar
Celebrate the Century Stamps - 1900 (2), 1910 (2), 1930, Calendar

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

100 Years of the Olympic Games Stamps, International Images of Nature Stamps
100 Years of the Olympic Stamps, International Images of Nature Stamps

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps

- Official Envelope, Ben Franklin Envelope, 1996 Alanta Paralympic Games, misc envelops, 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Misc Envelopes
Misc Envelopes 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Lewis & Clark Prestige Book, Love Envelopes, Ribbon Star Envelope, Flag Envelope, Presidential Libra
Lewis and Clark Prestige Book, Love Envelope, Ribbon Star Envelope, Flag Envelope, Presidential Library Envelope,

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Diana Princess of Wales 1961 - 1997 - Royal Mail Mint Stamps & 20 Histore De France
Diana Princess of Wales 1961 - 1997 - Royal Mail Mint Stamps & 20 Histore De France

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Envelopes
Assorted Envelopes 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Envelopes
Assorted Envelopes

- Nobel Prize, Sporty Cars, Old Glory, Submarine, Redwood, Mt Rainier, Badlands, ect

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps

- Apples, Beautiful Blooms, Bonsai, Flowers, Pollination, Louis Comfort, Holiday Evergreens, Magnolias, 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812


Assorted Stamps and Envelopes
Assorted Stamps and Envelopes

- Blue Jay, National Park, Grand Canyon, Nine MIle Prairie, Mt, Mckinley, Red Fox, Flordia Panther, 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812

Assorted Stamps
Assorted Stamps
- Alpine Tundra, Acadia National Park, Southern Florida Wetland, Hawaiian Rain Forest 

Items for pickup will be located at 23390 SD Hwy 37, Artesian, SD 57314
For auction information contact
Justin 605-999-4239
Steve 605-770-9818
Kelbi 605-999-8812