Keifner Closeout
Listing ID#: 1297133

Auction Location

Metamora, IL 61548
Auction Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Jun 19, 2021 Completed
Auction Type
 Live Auction 
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Mark Reynolds Auctions

Website: ID#: 5548
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms: Cash or Good Check Day Of Sale
Listing Information


Public Auction

Shop & Welding Equipment; Plate Steel; Tractors.

Saturday, June 19th 2021 9:00 AM


Location: 389 Grebner Road Metamora, Illinois 61548. From Metamora go west on Illinois Route 116 to district 8 state police headquarters then turn north on Lourdes road for 1.3 miles to Santa Fe Trail Lane then turn west for 7ths of a mile then turn onto Lourdes church road for 3ths of a mile then turn north on Grebner road for 1 mile. Watch for signs.


Tractors: (2) John Deere B tractors with square axle; JD 112 lawn tractor with round fenders; JD 318 lawn tractor with cab, loader, lifting forks and mowing deck; JD 120 lawn tractor; JD 316 lawn tractor; snow blade for JD lawn tractor; rear tine tiller for JD lawn tractor; (3) Allis Chalmers G’S with like new rear rubber on all three; (2) Allis Chalmers 45’S one with loader and one with lifting boom; Kiefner small homemade utility tractor; Swisher pull behind lawn mower; steel yard roller. Aluminum yard cart;


Equipment: 10 ft. rubber-tired disc; older JD. Manure spreader; (2) sections of Harrow; 10ft. lifting boom; Allis Chalmers rear mount sickle bar mower; hydraulic lifting mass with forks; (2) sickle bar mowers for Allis G’S; Cultivator parts for allis G; (3) bottom Allis plow; (1) bottom Allis plow; (2) bottom steel wheel plow; Heavy duty homemade log splitter; corn sheller with electric motor; (2) older yard tillers; concrete mixer; older electric saw mill;


Shop Equipment & Machining Equipment and Welders: Mohawk electric over hyd. 9000 pound car lift car lift; Sears heavy duty shop upright air compressor 220 volt; South Bend precision lathe model CL8187A with 4 ft. bed; Hammond industrial tool grinder; heavy duty industrial pipe treading machine; heavy duty industrial surface grinder; Hyd. transmission jack; heavy duty arbor press; heavy duty floor jack; Coats 40-40SA tire changing machine; heavy duty cherry picker; Carolina industrial band saw; Industrial side surface grinder; chain saw sharping blade machine; metal chop saw; Airco  model DCR-S224 Automatic Miget 200A DC MiG wire feed welder with bottle and rolling cart; Miller Matic 35S wire welder with tank and cart; Lincoln heavy duty arc welder; Acetylene torch and cart; oxygen tank and acetylene tank; 4ft.tall propane tanks; Craftsman contractor series 20’’ industrial 12 speed drill press; Craftsman ¼ hp bench grinder on stand; Chicago ¾ hp bench grinder on stand; Continental 30 ton adjustable press; valve grinding machine; Ammco model 4000 brake lathe with automatic feed;  Barrett brake grinder; Industrial sewing machine; floor transmission jack; Tandem axle wheel lift jack; rebuild engine stand; homemade can crusher.


Anvil & Coal and Fencing: Hay Budden Anvil; (7) 55-gallon drums of coal; (2) rolls of Red Brand barb wire; (1) roll of red Brand woven wire; steel post; hog trough feeder; chicken feeder; metal chicken brooder tops;


Antique Pedal Tractors & Cars and Antiques: (2) early JD. pedal tractors; Hamilton pedal tractor; JD. Pedal tractor wagon with round fenders; (2) pedal cars; boys and girls John Deere 10 speed bikes; (4) metal kids pull wagons. Shelves of metal advertising quart oil cans; gallon cans; five-gallon cans. (3) old wood radios; metal toy tractors and cars; few old car parts; 6 pack intake manifold; old Jeep 4 cyl. engine; Heyer Dyna-Vision engine analyzer with round screen from the 60”s very cool piece: Champion spark plug cleaner; berry grinder; ignition cabinets; wooden whiskey barrel; (15) ¼ inch steel cutout HAULPAK signs; ISO-VIS 35 gallon metal oil tank and pump; sprinkle cans; old metal buckets; carpenters box; old wooden show box; iron wheel garden plows; 2 wheel railroad dolly; 10 metal yard chairs; canning jars. Old grain grinder; (3) sets of Steel wheels.


Hand Tools: Snap-On wrenches, sockets, rachets; Craftsman rolling tool box; Crescent wrenches; pipe wrenches craftsman wrenches, sockets, rachets, impact sockets; files; bolt cutters; Craftsman cordless drill; pneumatic impact wrenches; gear pullers; pliers; screw drivers; drill bits; tap dies; hyd. Jacks; wood planes; boxes of welding c clamps; boxes of hammers; torque wrenches;  jack stands; (4) heavy duty bench vises; brazing rod; porta powers; motor oil; Yard tools; (30) log chains; chain binders; electric shop hand tools; half a rack of new bolts and nuts in the boxes; bolt bins full of hardware; 20ft. aluminum extension ladder; grinding disc; hose reel; (2) rolling shop battery chargers; other item’s too numerous to mention


Plate Steel: 10 skids of plate welding steel. (10) heavy duty steel saw horses; pile of Lumber; copper wire.


Owner: Georgianna C Kiefner


Auction Note: The Kiefner family has lived on this property for 50 plus years and ran a welding and repair shop. The time has come for them to liquidate the equipment and shop tools. Ray Kiefner was a well-known tradesman who could weld and repair anything mechanical. Your attendance will be much appreciated. We will be running two auction rings so please come prepared. Visit auction zip auctioneer 2783 for 125 pictures. Best Mark


Terms: Cash or Good check day of sale. Sales tax will be collected at going rate.


Auction Conducted By

Mark Reynolds Auctions

Bloomington, Illinois 61701

(309) 825-7279 (IAL 440 000323)

40 years of successful auctions in Illinois











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Keifner Closeout

Mark Reynolds Auctions

Mark Reynolds Auctions

Sale Location
389 Grebner Road
Metamora, IL 61548
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Jun 19, 2021 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
Terms: Cash or Good Check Day Of Sale
Listing Details


Public Auction

Shop & Welding Equipment; Plate Steel; Tractors.

Saturday, June 19th 2021 9:00 AM


Location: 389 Grebner Road Metamora, Illinois 61548. From Metamora go west on Illinois Route 116 to district 8 state police headquarters then turn north on Lourdes road for 1.3 miles to Santa Fe Trail Lane then turn west for 7ths of a mile then turn onto Lourdes church road for 3ths of a mile then turn north on Grebner road for 1 mile. Watch for signs.


Tractors: (2) John Deere B tractors with square axle; JD 112 lawn tractor with round fenders; JD 318 lawn tractor with cab, loader, lifting forks and mowing deck; JD 120 lawn tractor; JD 316 lawn tractor; snow blade for JD lawn tractor; rear tine tiller for JD lawn tractor; (3) Allis Chalmers G’S with like new rear rubber on all three; (2) Allis Chalmers 45’S one with loader and one with lifting boom; Kiefner small homemade utility tractor; Swisher pull behind lawn mower; steel yard roller. Aluminum yard cart;


Equipment: 10 ft. rubber-tired disc; older JD. Manure spreader; (2) sections of Harrow; 10ft. lifting boom; Allis Chalmers rear mount sickle bar mower; hydraulic lifting mass with forks; (2) sickle bar mowers for Allis G’S; Cultivator parts for allis G; (3) bottom Allis plow; (1) bottom Allis plow; (2) bottom steel wheel plow; Heavy duty homemade log splitter; corn sheller with electric motor; (2) older yard tillers; concrete mixer; older electric saw mill;


Shop Equipment & Machining Equipment and Welders: Mohawk electric over hyd. 9000 pound car lift car lift; Sears heavy duty shop upright air compressor 220 volt; South Bend precision lathe model CL8187A with 4 ft. bed; Hammond industrial tool grinder; heavy duty industrial pipe treading machine; heavy duty industrial surface grinder; Hyd. transmission jack; heavy duty arbor press; heavy duty floor jack; Coats 40-40SA tire changing machine; heavy duty cherry picker; Carolina industrial band saw; Industrial side surface grinder; chain saw sharping blade machine; metal chop saw; Airco  model DCR-S224 Automatic Miget 200A DC MiG wire feed welder with bottle and rolling cart; Miller Matic 35S wire welder with tank and cart; Lincoln heavy duty arc welder; Acetylene torch and cart; oxygen tank and acetylene tank; 4ft.tall propane tanks; Craftsman contractor series 20’’ industrial 12 speed drill press; Craftsman ¼ hp bench grinder on stand; Chicago ¾ hp bench grinder on stand; Continental 30 ton adjustable press; valve grinding machine; Ammco model 4000 brake lathe with automatic feed;  Barrett brake grinder; Industrial sewing machine; floor transmission jack; Tandem axle wheel lift jack; rebuild engine stand; homemade can crusher.


Anvil & Coal and Fencing: Hay Budden Anvil; (7) 55-gallon drums of coal; (2) rolls of Red Brand barb wire; (1) roll of red Brand woven wire; steel post; hog trough feeder; chicken feeder; metal chicken brooder tops;


Antique Pedal Tractors & Cars and Antiques: (2) early JD. pedal tractors; Hamilton pedal tractor; JD. Pedal tractor wagon with round fenders; (2) pedal cars; boys and girls John Deere 10 speed bikes; (4) metal kids pull wagons. Shelves of metal advertising quart oil cans; gallon cans; five-gallon cans. (3) old wood radios; metal toy tractors and cars; few old car parts; 6 pack intake manifold; old Jeep 4 cyl. engine; Heyer Dyna-Vision engine analyzer with round screen from the 60”s very cool piece: Champion spark plug cleaner; berry grinder; ignition cabinets; wooden whiskey barrel; (15) ¼ inch steel cutout HAULPAK signs; ISO-VIS 35 gallon metal oil tank and pump; sprinkle cans; old metal buckets; carpenters box; old wooden show box; iron wheel garden plows; 2 wheel railroad dolly; 10 metal yard chairs; canning jars. Old grain grinder; (3) sets of Steel wheels.


Hand Tools: Snap-On wrenches, sockets, rachets; Craftsman rolling tool box; Crescent wrenches; pipe wrenches craftsman wrenches, sockets, rachets, impact sockets; files; bolt cutters; Craftsman cordless drill; pneumatic impact wrenches; gear pullers; pliers; screw drivers; drill bits; tap dies; hyd. Jacks; wood planes; boxes of welding c clamps; boxes of hammers; torque wrenches;  jack stands; (4) heavy duty bench vises; brazing rod; porta powers; motor oil; Yard tools; (30) log chains; chain binders; electric shop hand tools; half a rack of new bolts and nuts in the boxes; bolt bins full of hardware; 20ft. aluminum extension ladder; grinding disc; hose reel; (2) rolling shop battery chargers; other item’s too numerous to mention


Plate Steel: 10 skids of plate welding steel. (10) heavy duty steel saw horses; pile of Lumber; copper wire.


Owner: Georgianna C Kiefner


Auction Note: The Kiefner family has lived on this property for 50 plus years and ran a welding and repair shop. The time has come for them to liquidate the equipment and shop tools. Ray Kiefner was a well-known tradesman who could weld and repair anything mechanical. Your attendance will be much appreciated. We will be running two auction rings so please come prepared. Visit auction zip auctioneer 2783 for 125 pictures. Best Mark


Terms: Cash or Good check day of sale. Sales tax will be collected at going rate.


Auction Conducted By

Mark Reynolds Auctions

Bloomington, Illinois 61701

(309) 825-7279 (IAL 440 000323)

40 years of successful auctions in Illinois











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Keifner Closeout
 Live Auction
Auction Date(s)
Saturday Jun 19, 2021 Completed
Auction Location

Metamora, IL 61548
Mark Reynolds Auctions


Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms: Cash or Good Check Day Of Sale


Public Auction

Shop & Welding Equipment; Plate Steel; Tractors.

Saturday, June 19th 2021 9:00 AM


Location: 389 Grebner Road Metamora, Illinois 61548. From Metamora go west on Illinois Route 116 to district 8 state police headquarters then turn north on Lourdes road for 1.3 miles to Santa Fe Trail Lane then turn west for 7ths of a mile then turn onto Lourdes church road for 3ths of a mile then turn north on Grebner road for 1 mile. Watch for signs.


Tractors: (2) John Deere B tractors with square axle; JD 112 lawn tractor with round fenders; JD 318 lawn tractor with cab, loader, lifting forks and mowing deck; JD 120 lawn tractor; JD 316 lawn tractor; snow blade for JD lawn tractor; rear tine tiller for JD lawn tractor; (3) Allis Chalmers G’S with like new rear rubber on all three; (2) Allis Chalmers 45’S one with loader and one with lifting boom; Kiefner small homemade utility tractor; Swisher pull behind lawn mower; steel yard roller. Aluminum yard cart;


Equipment: 10 ft. rubber-tired disc; older JD. Manure spreader; (2) sections of Harrow; 10ft. lifting boom; Allis Chalmers rear mount sickle bar mower; hydraulic lifting mass with forks; (2) sickle bar mowers for Allis G’S; Cultivator parts for allis G; (3) bottom Allis plow; (1) bottom Allis plow; (2) bottom steel wheel plow; Heavy duty homemade log splitter; corn sheller with electric motor; (2) older yard tillers; concrete mixer; older electric saw mill;


Shop Equipment & Machining Equipment and Welders: Mohawk electric over hyd. 9000 pound car lift car lift; Sears heavy duty shop upright air compressor 220 volt; South Bend precision lathe model CL8187A with 4 ft. bed; Hammond industrial tool grinder; heavy duty industrial pipe treading machine; heavy duty industrial surface grinder; Hyd. transmission jack; heavy duty arbor press; heavy duty floor jack; Coats 40-40SA tire changing machine; heavy duty cherry picker; Carolina industrial band saw; Industrial side surface grinder; chain saw sharping blade machine; metal chop saw; Airco  model DCR-S224 Automatic Miget 200A DC MiG wire feed welder with bottle and rolling cart; Miller Matic 35S wire welder with tank and cart; Lincoln heavy duty arc welder; Acetylene torch and cart; oxygen tank and acetylene tank; 4ft.tall propane tanks; Craftsman contractor series 20’’ industrial 12 speed drill press; Craftsman ¼ hp bench grinder on stand; Chicago ¾ hp bench grinder on stand; Continental 30 ton adjustable press; valve grinding machine; Ammco model 4000 brake lathe with automatic feed;  Barrett brake grinder; Industrial sewing machine; floor transmission jack; Tandem axle wheel lift jack; rebuild engine stand; homemade can crusher.


Anvil & Coal and Fencing: Hay Budden Anvil; (7) 55-gallon drums of coal; (2) rolls of Red Brand barb wire; (1) roll of red Brand woven wire; steel post; hog trough feeder; chicken feeder; metal chicken brooder tops;


Antique Pedal Tractors & Cars and Antiques: (2) early JD. pedal tractors; Hamilton pedal tractor; JD. Pedal tractor wagon with round fenders; (2) pedal cars; boys and girls John Deere 10 speed bikes; (4) metal kids pull wagons. Shelves of metal advertising quart oil cans; gallon cans; five-gallon cans. (3) old wood radios; metal toy tractors and cars; few old car parts; 6 pack intake manifold; old Jeep 4 cyl. engine; Heyer Dyna-Vision engine analyzer with round screen from the 60”s very cool piece: Champion spark plug cleaner; berry grinder; ignition cabinets; wooden whiskey barrel; (15) ¼ inch steel cutout HAULPAK signs; ISO-VIS 35 gallon metal oil tank and pump; sprinkle cans; old metal buckets; carpenters box; old wooden show box; iron wheel garden plows; 2 wheel railroad dolly; 10 metal yard chairs; canning jars. Old grain grinder; (3) sets of Steel wheels.


Hand Tools: Snap-On wrenches, sockets, rachets; Craftsman rolling tool box; Crescent wrenches; pipe wrenches craftsman wrenches, sockets, rachets, impact sockets; files; bolt cutters; Craftsman cordless drill; pneumatic impact wrenches; gear pullers; pliers; screw drivers; drill bits; tap dies; hyd. Jacks; wood planes; boxes of welding c clamps; boxes of hammers; torque wrenches;  jack stands; (4) heavy duty bench vises; brazing rod; porta powers; motor oil; Yard tools; (30) log chains; chain binders; electric shop hand tools; half a rack of new bolts and nuts in the boxes; bolt bins full of hardware; 20ft. aluminum extension ladder; grinding disc; hose reel; (2) rolling shop battery chargers; other item’s too numerous to mention


Plate Steel: 10 skids of plate welding steel. (10) heavy duty steel saw horses; pile of Lumber; copper wire.


Owner: Georgianna C Kiefner


Auction Note: The Kiefner family has lived on this property for 50 plus years and ran a welding and repair shop. The time has come for them to liquidate the equipment and shop tools. Ray Kiefner was a well-known tradesman who could weld and repair anything mechanical. Your attendance will be much appreciated. We will be running two auction rings so please come prepared. Visit auction zip auctioneer 2783 for 125 pictures. Best Mark


Terms: Cash or Good check day of sale. Sales tax will be collected at going rate.


Auction Conducted By

Mark Reynolds Auctions

Bloomington, Illinois 61701

(309) 825-7279 (IAL 440 000323)

40 years of successful auctions in Illinois


