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1989 Topps "Traded Full Sets"
1990 Fleer "Full Sets"
1990 Fleer "Update Full Sets"
1992 Pro Set "Mobile Set 5 Full Sets"
1993 Bowman "Full Sets"
1993 Pinnacle "Full Sets"
1993 Power Update "Moves Full Sets"
1993 Power Update "Prospects Full Sets"
1993 Pro Set "Full Sets"
1993 Select "Full Sets"
1993 SkyBox "Full Sets"
1993 SP "Full Sets"
1993 Ultra "Full Sets"
1994 Collector's Edge "Gold Full Sets"
1994 Contenders "Full Sets"
1994 Fleer "Full Sets"
1994 Images "Full Set"
1994 NFL Experience "Full Set"
1994 Pacific "Full Sets"
1994 Pinnacle "Full Sets"
1994 Playoff "Full Sets"
1994 Pro Line Live "Full Sets"
1994 Score "Full Sets"
1994 Select "Full Sets"
1994 SkyBox "Full Sets"
1994 SP "Full Sets"
1994 Stadium Cub "High Series Full Sets"
1994 Stadium Club "SuperBowl Full Sets"
1994 Triple Folder "Full Sets"
1994 Ultra "Full Sets"
1994 Ultra "Series 2 Full Sets"
1994 Upper Deck "Full Sets"
1995 Absolute "Full Sets"
1995 Action Packed "Full Sets"
1995 Classic "Full Sets"
1995 Contender's "Full Sets"
1995 Finest "Series 2 Full Sets"
1995 Impact "Full Sets"
1995 Metal "Full Sets"
1995 NFL Experience "Full Sets"
1995 Pinnacle "Full Sets"
1995 Prime "Full Sets"
1994 Rookies/Stars "Full Sets"
1995 Score "Full Sets"
1995 SkyBox "Full Sets"
1995 SP "Full Sets"
1995 Summit "Full Sets"
1995 Topps "Full Set"
1995 Ultra Series 2 "Full Sets"
1995 Upper Deck "Full Sets"
1995 Zenith "Full Sets"
1996 Absolute Red Set "Full Sets"
1996 Donruss "Full Sets"
1996 Fleer "Full Sets"
1996 Leaf "Full Sets"
1996 Metal "Full Sets"
1996 NFL Experience "Full Sets"
1996 Pinnacle "Full Sets"
1996 Prime Bronze Set "Full Set"
1996 Select "Full Sets"
1996 SPX "Full Sets"
1996 Stadium Club "Series 1 Full Set"
1996 Trophy "Full Sets"
1996 UD Silver "Full Sets"
1996 Ultra "Full Sets"
1996 Upper Deck "Full Sets"
1996 Zenith "Full Sets"
1997 Action Packed "Full Sets"
1997 E-X2000 "Full Sets"
1997 Extreme "Full Sets"
1997 Leaf "Full Sets"
1997 Topps Chrome "Full Sets"
1997 Ultra Series 1 "Full Sets"
1997 X-Press "Full Sets"
1997 Zenith "Full Sets"
1998 Black Diamond "Full Sets"