4 boxes of cleaning supplies & gloves

tools box, pet feeder, decoration in window

flowers, basket, misc.

Tubs & Boots

maple dresser with mirror

3 shelf cabinet with mirror

lg wooden cradle

3 draw dresser

1 dollar pieces ( 16- 1971 12-1972) in case

sunflower canister set & magnets

Pans - toaster - housewares

pot and pans

dishes, canister set, cups & glasses

box of knives, knick knack on window ledge

coffee cups, dishes, glassware

glasses, mugs, dishes

assorted kitchen ware & glassware

3 totes of christmas items

pasta maker - blender - mixer - appliances

Figurines - knick knacks - coffee mugs

CB rabbit coloring books

vases, glasses, shot glasses & mixer

box of canning jars - oil lamp chimneys - glasswar

song books & magazine.

Wash board - coffee table - model car

old pictures

Geloso stenotape has controlls

4 wall hanging decorations

box pens, yarn & knick knacks

2 bar stools

electric type writer and computer

Large lot tins - glass christmas trays

Sterling china dish set - set for 8 plus

3 cups of siverware

Dishes - glassware - pepsi bottle

Round end table - fancywork - decorations

2 boxes of tupperware

Brother typewriter

Somerset china set of 12 +

hollyberry glassware - glasses

round coffee table - picture frames - misc


ironing board & tv tray

book shelf and books


large lto glassware & figurines

TV stand

dirt devil sweeper

lg picture on wall

8 boxes of books

contents of cabinet knick knacks

games & knick knacks

Christmas trees and lights

Large lot of figurines

7 Lighted houses - tapes - angel lights

Entertainment center

Christmas tree & decorations

books on shelf by window

large lot of books

corner knick knack shelf and contents

Thomas organ with bench and clock

Games & truck

music books & sheet music

glider rocker and foot stool

Trac phone - figurines - candle holders

3 boxes of books

card holder - tv - misc boxes

oval coffee table

file box - glassware - knick knacks

end stand

Stellar autowinder clock

wicker hamper and basket

fm transmitter/receiver - Radio

5 cases of tapes

Lamps - dolls - picture

box of cameras

VHS tapes - figurines

VHS tapes & CD's

3 boxes of VHS tapes

5 boxes of VHS tapes

50+ books

3 boxes of books

2 boxes of records

2 boxes of records

wagon and shelves

afgans, pillows, blankets & sheets

chair and foot stool

rocking chair

3 boxes of books

table lot of mugs, gloves, & sock slippers

60+ books

dog and pup figurines - mugs

3boxes of desk supplies tapes

box of avon bottles & box of misc.

basket of safety vests and bench

rocking chair

afgans, sleeping bags, blankets

wall hangers & figurines

large lot of stuffed animals and pillows

2 lamps and stand

2 sewing machine

picture frames


record stand

record stand

record stand

boxes of old phones and wires

boxes of old phones and wires

boxes of tupper ware

quilt rack

Stereo system w/ turn table & 8 track

old hair dryers

VHS movie recorder, computer and monitor

door knobs, old phones, drop cloths

printer, radio, door chime - light

diamond cut knife set

lot of blankets & sheets


boxes of tape, timers & batteries

box of clock radios, phones & flash lights

trimmer, head lights, rack

heating pad, blood pressure monitor & weights

personal computer with box & office misc.

checker set, wires, exercise rope

radio & misc

end table and shoe rack

box of misc. electronics

CD's - basket - misc

Walker & invalid equipment

lamp and computer desk

radio - electric tester - voice meter & misc.


antique dresser with mirror

vVCR & Okidata microline dot matrix printer

2 Columbiana pump lamps

antenna - maet grinder - jack in the box & toys

Mission oak desk

Mission oak desk

dishes & glass ware

childs hamper

drop front secretary desk and contents


communcation antenna & humidifier

rocker (needs repair) - child's chair

wicker stand & flower pots

clock & radios



Rotor & EMC vibator tester

2 station intercom, chrome plated ball and base

uhf converter, stethoscope & stereo

Viking Amateur radio

electrical box for cbs

role wire & sander

Heathkit HW101 SSB transceiver

Pioneer GT 6600 CB radio

23 channel radio with AM/FM

complete pace 23 channel cb radio

Pace 40 channel cb radio

extend-a-phone portable telephone

Clegg-Venus amateur radio


2 record players & computer

wet and dry vac

2 radios

table, hats & magazines

metal box & shoes

glass shower door

buffet (needs repair)

Clock & tablets

2 irons

2 floor lamps

2 crocks

lamp & flower pot stand

tea pot, glassware, rag doll, candle holders

pressure cooker

concrete goos - yard decorations

Johnson Sea Horse 5hp boat motor

wringer washer

Gibson frig

Speed Queen dryer



milk can - sheep shear

yard roller, sled, stand with motor

shovel & 2 cultivators

cast iron kettle - tub - misc

Hoverroun scooter - leaf blower

kettle - barrel - outdoor light

Cage - steel wheels - lawn mower - misc

draw bars - parts - large lot misc

dog box - truck tires - misc

scythes - chain - antenna

hose reel - pipe - grill

Porch swing

Hay Hooks

Platfrorm Scale

lawn sweeper - tool box - tire & wheels

Mower Deck

Tricycle Bike

Cement Mixer

Tank, wheel barrow bed, tubs, trimmers & misc

Nail Keg, sweepers - misc

Old lawn tractor & misc

Sled, potty chair, lamp, aquarium - misc

Lot of bicycles & misc

4 push mowers & lawn chairs

Rototiller, mowers, desk & air compressor