Minnow Bucket

3 tackle boxes and tackle

white container tackle reel

2 fishing reels jc higgins garcia kingfisher

pellet gun and holster

12 winchester super target # 12

9mm 600 count shell casings

45- 486 count shell casings

9mm - 500 count shell casings once fired

9mm- 600 count shell casings

norma 6.5 jap

shell holder no. 18

master hunter mag. no. 1 issue

38 special musgrave shell casings

shell casings

gun strap 22 long rifle shells 30-06 shells

4 - 50rnd boxes of Remington 380 auto 95 gr.mc

4 Mags

3 Mags

4 Mags

4 mags

Olin alert locator marine signal kit

Tree Lax tree seat in box

broadheads in box

Bianchi shoulder holster large gun

Stevenson Turkey Talker call in original box

northwestern school of taxidermy paper

Johnson outboard service manual

2 fly tying books

old pal tackle box

Plano #6303 tackle box

2 bass pro reels

2 boxes tying kit 245+ pieces of furs feathers

boot blanket boots size medium

lowrance global map 100 gps

used Moultre D65LR trail camera

used moultre l50 trail camera

Arizona dial arrow straightener

Blitzenburger RH helical dial o fletch fletchmaste

Baker safety belt and misc belt

folding camo stool

Bear Kodiak BKO6950 RH recurve bow mo60

misc archery, fletching, tabs, rest, sights

12 Easton XX75 aluminum arrows

2 - 20rnd boxes 30-06 frontier

2 - 20rnd boxes of remington 30-06

1 - 50 rnd box super max 22 ammo

1 -50 rnd box Winchester 32 spl. 170 gr. sp

1 - 50rnd box Western Super X 22 ammo

1 - 50rnd box Canuck 32 short

1 - 35rnd box 22 mags

box Remington 32 auto - 42 rnds

Super X 32 win. brass - 18 ct

1 - 5 rnd box Remington 16 ga slugger

1 - 100ct box speer 25 cal 87 gr. spritzer bullets

super point 5.5 mm/ .22 cal

4 -25 rnd boxes 16 ga

1 - 25 rnd Remington 12 ga. 3" magnum express

lot 25 lb. (approx) lead bullets

5 -20rnd boxes 30cal M2 armor piercing ammo

1 - 49rnd box Blazer 45 auto

Box 303 brit brass

Remington Kleanbore 30-40 krag express

US cartidge 30-40 krag

.30 krag and Winchester blanks

box Remington UMC .38 S&W special in box

Remington 38 S&W 146 gr - half empty

Winchester 38 sp 110 gr silver tip 3/4 full

JC Higgins xtra range shotgun box

Peters Victor plastic shot gun shells 16 ga

box Remington 32cal

Bimoco Diabolo 4,5mm cal / .177 pellets

Bimoco Diabolo 4,5mm cal / .177 pellets

Peters high velocity 16 ga

Western Super X 12 ga

Remington extra long 12 ga

Remington shur shot 20 ga

Peters Victor 16 ga

Sears Sportload 16 ga

Peters Victor 16 ga

Remington shur shot 16 ga

long range plastic shot shells 12 ga

Alcan 12 ga shot gun shells

3 - 25rnd boxes field practice 20 ga

2 - 50rnd boxes Federal 40 s&w

Boot warners - size med. and coon skin hat

2 knife sharpeners

7 pocket knives

5 hunting knives & sharpening stone

Range finder - game calls - light

Weaver scope and brackets and covers

tree stand umbrella

Marbles rifle cleaning kit

1 -20rnd Remington rifle 30-06 165 gr

4 - 20rnd boxes Remington 30-06 150 gr

2 - 20rnd boxes Remington 30-06 180 gr

3 - 20rnd boxes 7.62x39mm Ammo

1 - 50rnd box Winchester 44 Mag

2 partial boxes 22 mag ammo

fishing bobbers

Bandolier ammo

bamboo fishing pole

walking stick

bipod gun rest

410 barrel

lot of reloading dies

6 set of scope rings

lot of gun cleaning suplies

boxes shell holders

gun targets

2 - 20rnd boxes 7.62mm Nato Dummy rounds

.38 sp 158 gr bullets

308 Winchester 180 gr dummy cart.

3 boxes 45 cal. dummy rounds

9mm orange training round

Large lot assorted wood grips

3 speedfeed stocks

3 Remington stocks

box of shooting tapes

box of auto primer feeders

box of white flyer clay pigeons

lot of gun cleaning patches

box of assorted gun cleaning brushes & swabs

2 boxes of manuals

brass tumbler

shooters mat

posters & targets

3 assorted testers

Lyman press & parts

Pelouze postal scale

2 Ohaus scales

Ohaus scale

scale weights

bullet cases

Remington shotgun parts

45 auto parts

1911 recoil springs

glock parts

S&W springs

6 Glock triggers

AMT parts

45 ACP parts

2 barrels - 45 ACP

misc. gun parts

set dies

NRA patches - parts

shell bags

Slings, goggles, recoil pads

box of gun cleaning rods

95 + count 308 brass

500ct 223 brass

Lyman Universal case trimmer

Lot of Black Powder items

Hornady 243 Winchester 2 die set full length

3 old Remington boxes

.308 88 rd brass

50 ct bag . 30- springfield new cases

16 rd 20ga federal

1/3 jar of copper beebies

5- 15 rd boxes czech military ball 7.62 x45

6-15 rd boxes czech military ball 7.62 x45

Box of 303 brit

lg lot 45-70 ammo and brass

47rnd bag 45-70 gov't

100 rnd bag 45-70 gov't

46rnd bag 45-70 gov't

50 rd - 7.92 mm Mauser ball ammo

4 - 48 rd boxes 303 Brit ball ammo

46 rd bag Czech Military Ball 7.62x45

136 rd bag Czech Military Ball 7.62x45

ammo crate .30 cal M2 ball Denver arsenal

Western ammo packing crate

2- 50 ct bags 40mm cartridge cases

micro seat precision press

owl and crow decoys

Johnny Stewart Deluxe game caller with horn

5 gun cases

5 gun cases

ammo can

ammo can

ammo can

ammo can 380 ammo rds 303 british

box of misc. ammunition & reloading supplies

Lyman Ideal 155 powder measure

4- Ruger Red Label choke tubes 2- 12ga & 2- 20ga

10 rds navy arms co. 8mm lebel

box of game calls, reloading goods and gun cleaner

Oehler Skyscreen II chronograph

ammo can

5-15 rd boxes German 8mm Mauser heavy ball ammo

5-15 rd boxes German 8mm Mauser heavy ball ammo

5-15 rd boxes German 8mm Mauser heavy ball ammo

5-15 rd boxes German 8mm Mauser heavy ball ammo

5-15 rd boxes German 8mm Mauser heavy ball ammo

6-15 rd boxes German 8mm Mauser heavy ball ammo

box of gun books

4-15 rd boxes Ecuadorian 8x57mm heavy ball ammo

40 rnds Ecuadorian 8x57mm heavy ball

lot of old ammo & primer boxes

one lg lot old ammo and primer boxes

Peters .22 long rifle box w/ 15 rds

14 rd box special ball long range

50 rd box magtech 9mm luger

2- 50 rd boxes american eagle .22 lr

1- 30 rd box winchester long cap .22

198 rds 223 reloads

rcbs .30-30 wcf fl die set

rcbs .308 win die set

rcbs .30-06 fl die set

rcbs fl .223 rem

lee loader for rifle cart.

reloading tool lee loader

lee loader for shotguns

4 mec charge bars 12ga other reloading items

lyman dial caliber

rcbs hand priming tool

rcbs model 5.0.5. reloading scale

225 assorted 12ga

knife w sheath new

700+rds 223

2 boxes of federal premium 12ga 9 shot

2 boxes of federal premium 12ga 9 shot

2 boxes of federal premium 12 ga 9 shot

2 boxes of federal premium 12ga 9 shot

2 boxes of rederal premium 12 ga 9 shot

5 steel AR mags - new

5 steel AR mags - new

5 steel AR mags - new

5 steel AR mags - new

5 steel AR mags - new

5 steel AR mags - ne

n5 steel AR mags - new

5 steel AR mags - new

5 steel AR Mags - new

5 steel AR Mags - new

5 steel AR Mags - new

5 steel AR Mags - new

5 steel AR Mags - new

5 steel AR Mags - new

5 steel AR Mags - new

5 steel AR Mags - new

5 steel AR Mags - new

5 steel AR Mags - new

5 steel AR mags - new

5 steel AR mags - new

4 lyman pocket remurs

hornady 44 cal 180 gr hp/xtp bullets

3 boxes hornady 22 cal 55 gr sp

speer .30 cal 110gr spir point bullet

speer 30 cal 170 gr flat sp 100 ct

2 cans dupont imr-30 31 smokeless power

hodgdon bl-c rifle power

remington 71/2 small rifle primers

cci large rifle primers

box of reloading tools

308 winchester silver tip

308 relaodes 42 rds

308 macth grade reloads 91 ct

box 45 cal black powder bullets

MEC 650 12ga press w/ powder bottles

200 ct 243 win primed brass

500 ct 38 spl. once fired brass

500 ct 38 spl. once fired (nickel)

350 ct 38 spl once fired (nickel)

100ct 30-06 once fired

lyman 38/357 dies

lyman case trimmer w/parts

pacific pawder scale

reloading books toolspowder meas and powder trickr

rcbs automatic primer feeder

lee 38/357 dies

lee powder scale

Redfield 1 3/4-5 variable power scope

Bushnell 6-18x40 adjustable objective

Unertl Vulture 10x43mm scope

German Military optical sight 2x 17° field of view

large lot 22 cal ammo

2 boxes Blazer 22Lr - approx 60 rnds total

4 boxes Seeker 22LR ammo - approx 125 rnds

1 - 50rnd box Federal hi-Power 22 short ammo

3 pistol rugs

Uncle Mike's size 15 shoulder holster

large lot holsters & cleaning rods

3 padded rifle cases