Tripple Jack-o-lantern (3 Guys)
Tall Jack-o-lantern
Beaming Bunny
Haunted House
Conch Shell
McCoy Collection Small Christmas Thinking Pup
3 pcs - Holiday Bells
Tall Black Cat
Archer Pig Mug
2 piece Witches Hat
Wall Pocket
2pcs Scarf Santa & Mrs. Santa
Watering Can
Christmas Tree
Santa CJ/Bank
Eagle Signed by Nelson McCoy
Pumpkin Pie Plate
Brown Church
Holly Pedistal
Christmas Tree Napkin Holder
Gray Whale Planter
Resting Rabbit
Duck Planter with Holilday Ribbon
Pumpkin Napkin Holder
2pcs Pastel Cracked Eggs
White Fan Vase
McCoy Collection Sesquicentennial Bear
Black Choo Choo Train
Blue McCoy Dealer Sign
Brown McCoy Dealer Sign
Gray McCoy Dealer Sign
White Ball Candleholder
Chirstmas Candy Dish & Mug
Witches Potpourri Pot
Brown Shaker
Set of Turkey Candleholders
Set of Pumpking S&P Shakers
Pumpkin Cup
Classy Jack Planter
Pumpkin Wall Plaque
13" Triple Christmas Tree
Small Christmas Bell
Triangle Vase
7" McGhost Bank
Small Black Column Candle Holders
Tall & Short Red Candleholders
Large Snowman Figurine 17"
Pumpkin Gravy Dish, Classy Jack, & Mug
9" Tall Pumpkin
Country Cousin Pumpkin
Resting Rabbit
2pcs Small Chirstmas Trees
Beaming Bunnie
Small Colbolt Blue Jard & Pedistal
Paif of Roosters and a Duck Candleholders
5" Small Witches Hat
Pair of Bird Candlesticks
6" Ghost
8 1/2" Chirstmas Vase. Signed
2 pcs - Honey Bear & Birthday Cake
Santa Wall Plaque
3pcs - Ghost Mugs
Scarf Snowman
Pumpkin Platter with S&P Set
14" Black Cat Vase
Ohio Commenorative Bank
Ohio State House Bank
Green McCoy Dealer Sign
Brown Pottery Shop Sign
8" Jack-o-lantern
8" Pumpkin
Seashell Dish
Tall Duck Planter
Set of 9", 7" & 4" Christmas Trees
Flocked Jack-o-lantern
Red Sprinkling Can with Gold Trim. Signed
Dog Buscuit Jar. Signed
12" Pumpkin Pie Baking Dish w/Lid
Small & Large Christmas Bells w/Lids
15 1/2" McCat
Archer Pig. Signed
White Double Hearts
Pair of Turkey Candleholders
Santa Claus Bell
Christmas Tree Napkin Holder
Ohio Bicentennial Barn Bank
Pair of Holly Candle Holders
Pumpkin Napkin Holder
Turkey Napkin Holder
Pig Bank
Pink Basket
Pair of Pastel Cracked Eggs
Black Vase
Beaming Bunny
Large Green Sea Shell Nut Dish
Brown Church
McCoy Limited White Cross
Decorated Pumpkin
Fan Vase
Green Sponge Painted Night Light
Red NIght LIght
White Triangle Vase
Archer Pig Pitcher
Gold Trimmed McCoy Dealer Sign
Green & White Tiangle Vase
Green Triangle Vase
Bear Bank. Numbered & Signed
Blue & Gold Present Cookie Jar with gold trim
Bicentennial Blue Bank
Small Witch Hat
Bear with Star Cut Out Eye
Zanesville Country Club Golf Course Decantor
Bicentennial Rare Color Bank
Large Green Turtle Planter
Red Christmas Ornament with Gold Bow Cookie Jar
Christmas Tree Cookie Jar. Signed
Pair of Cinnamin Bear Bank and Shaker
Cat Bank
Pair Black Column Candleholders
Pair White Column Candleholders
Set of 4 Redhot Chili Bowls
Santa & Mrs. Claus Candleholders
2 Baking Dishes
Pair of Holly Candleholders
Set of 3 Pastel Cracked Eggs
3pcs - 2 Ducks & Small Jack-o-lantern Candleholder
2 Rooster Candleholders
Pair of Turkey Figurines
Covered Turkey Sugar Bowl
3pcs - Gravy Boat, Mug & Candleholder
Turkey Napkin Holder
4 McCoy Dog Steins
Black Eagle Figurine
Blue Onyx Urn
McCoy - Doodle Bug
McCoy - Black Swan Planter
McCoy - Lorena Stern Wheeler Planter
McCoy - Triple Lilly Planter
McCoy - Dog & Turtle Planter
Tall Blue Ewer. Signed
McCoy Large Metz Bank
McCoy - Quilted Pot & Saucer
McCoy - Woodsie Owl Bank
McCoy -Yellow Basketweave Vase
McCoy - Fawn Planter
McCoy - Cat Planter
McCoy - Brown Onyx Urn
McCoy - Puppy Planter
McCoy - Red Grape Vase
McCoy - Berry & Leaf Ewer
McCoy - Wheat Vase
McCoy - Trivet Planter
McCoy - Green Zane Trace Commeration Ashtray
McCoy - Scherig Advertising Ashtray
McCoy - Saylor Bank
McCoy - Green Y-Bridge Zanesville, Ohio Ashtray
McCoy - Black Gorilla Mug
McCoy - Drunkin Dog Dresser Caddy
McCoy - Small Dolphin Handled Pitcher
McCoy - Beagle Planter
McCoy - Leaf Nut Dish
McCoy - Yellow Bird House
McCoy - First National Bank
McCoy - Brooklyn Bank
McCoy - Green Bird House
McCoy - Hanging Strawberry Planter
LTD - White Miniature Jard & Ped
McCoy - Eagle Bank
McCoy - Central Office Tower of Strength Bank
McCoy - Eagle Bank
McCoy - Trerasure Chest Bank
McCoy - Brown & Orange Blended Glaze Ash Tray
McCoy - Hanging Planter
McCoy - Round Green Ashtray
McCoy - Round Brown Ashtray
McCoy - Round Green & Blue Ashtray
McCoy - International Rottary Ashtray
McCoy - Blue Blended Ashtray
McCoy - Brown Glazed Chicken Deviled Egg Platter
McCoy - Aqua Vase
McCoy - Black Cowboy Boots Vase
McCoy - Blue Dog & A Blanket Planter
McCoy - Blue Berry & Leaf Vase
McCoy - Blue Swan Planter. Signed
McCoy - Yellow Gondola
McCoy - Antique Rose Swan Planter w/Gold Trim
McCoy - Plow Boy Planter
McCoy - Billie & Nelson Retirement Mug
McCoy - Gold Trimmed Handled Urn
McCoy - Yellow Flower Form
McCoy -Largee Brown Stein
McCoy - Peacock Strawberry Planter
McCoy - Small Deer Planter
McCoy - Blue Swallows Jardinere
McCoy - Archature Vase