twin pedistal oak table w/8 chairs
hide a bed sofa
hide a bed loveseat sofa
Overman Sweden mid century modern>
pod chairs, mfg'r label
flat screen TV
1930s serpentine front Chippendale>
drop front secretary bookcase desk>
mfg'd by Maddox
2 platform rockers w/footstools
large oak rolltop desk >
inside view
mahogany sideboard china cabinet
mahogany fernstands
mahogany livingroom tables
walnut bachlor's table, folds >
out to approx 8' long
record storage cabinet >
open view
mid century modern china hutch
Magnum acoustic guitar >
with inlay work>
no hidden damage >
mother of pearl string keys >
mgf'r label
24 place Oneida Dover stainless >
flatware set, w/serving pieces>
281 pcs total, mfg'r mark
Simplicity stainless steak knives
16 place Oneida Michelangelo stainless
flatware set, w/serving pcs>
176 pcs total, mfg'r mark
quartz clock
novelty clock
16 place Oneida stainless >
flatware set,pattern unkwn,
close up mfg'r mark
Seth Thomas metronome>
close up
12 place Oneida stainless >
flatware set, pattern unkwn >
121 pcs total
16 place Imperial china >
Whitney pattern
12 place Mikasa Fine Ivory>
Marseilles patern
12 place china
16 place china
partial set of Green Bay china >
mfg'r mark
assorted cup saucer sets
tea set
hand painted cabinet plates
Cailfornia Pottery
ceramic turtle
assorted pottery
16 place crystal stemware set >
close up
etched glass serving pcs
depression glass
wheel cut water set
pattern glass serving pieces
depression glass
wheel cut serving pcs
depression glass
2 German crystal footed bowls >
mfg'r label
1960s drinkware
1960s glass serving plate
small compote
cut glass serving bowl
holiday stemware
holiday stemware, more not pic'd
holiday glasses
holiday glass
Pepsi glasses
Pepsi glasses
Charlie Brown
Anri musical >
bottom view
refrigerator dishes
depression era cake savers
serving set
cake pedistal
vintage thermos set by >
poker sets
Tasco 20 x 50
Nikon & 80 x 200 lense
mans Sheffield wrist watch >
close up
Cross 14k pen set
costume jewelry
14k ladies watches & necklace >
close up
other ladies watches
Boluva & Gruen watches
costume jewelry
glass beaded jewelry
vintage jewelry boxes
artifical fig tree
radiant heaters
White Outdoor 9hp riding mower>
w/underseat grass collection
seat lifted showing grass bag>
engine view
mfg'r label
Bissell carpet cleaner
1/2 hp sump pump in box