Allis Chalmers WD45
Allis WD45
antique tractor
Allis Chalmers WD-45 tractor
Allis-Chalmers WD-45
Allis Chalmers with PTO pump
Allis Chalmers farm tractor
1953 International
Caterpillar D4 Dozer
D-4 Bulldozer
Cat Dozer
Allis Chalmers tractor
Allis Chalmers WD
Allis Chalmers WD farm tractor
A;llis Chalmers WC
Allis Chalmers WC tractor
Allis Chalmers WC
Allis Chalmer B with loader
Allis Chalmers B loader tractor
Allis Chalmers B with loader
Allis Chalmers WC cultivator
flat spoke Allis Chalmers wheels
Log Moving Doodle Bug
Chevy frame log mover
Logging Truck
Log Moving Truck
sawmill truck and grapple boom
log grapple
hydraulic log grapple
hydraulic log grapple
48 foot sawmill
sawmill with 48 inch blade
operable sawmill
42 foot sawmill with 48inch blade
tilt table for sawmill
16 foot sawmill tilt table
roller table
Chevrolet powered sawmill motor
Chevy gas sawmill motor
48 inch sawmill blade
Kohler gas engine wood splitter
large woodsplitter
Woodmaster Planer
Woodmaster W-713 planer
25' belt elevator
25' belt conveyor elevator
buzz saw rig
hand tools and logging
1953 Ford F600 dump truck
1953 Ford F600 truck
Ford F600 dump truck
IH grain binder
International Harvester Grain Binder
Grain Binder
Wisconsin motor on truck
V-4 Wisconsin and steel wheel truck
V-4 Wsconsin
Wisconsin motore
threshing machine and belts
Nichols & Shepard Threshing Machine
Steel Threshing Machine
Nichols & Shepard Red River Special
Nichols and Shepard New Hart Model
Nichols and Shepard Steel Threshing Machine 22-30
threshing machine belts
barn find steel threshing machine
New Idea Hay Loader
New Idea Hay loader
Clipper Fanning Mill
A.T. Ferrell & Co. Saginaw Mi
Clipper Fanning mill
American Seeding grain drill
American Seeding Machine Co.
Moline Corn Planter
Moline horse drawn corn planter
Moline Plow Co corn planter
Moline Plow Company, 2 row planter
horse drawn hay rake
belt drive grain grinder
grain grinder
Allis Chalmers 72 combine
Allis Chalmes pull type combine
Single Row Corn Picker
Allis Chalmers plow
New Idea manure spreader
New Idea manure spreader
6 foot disc
Howze 5 foot bush hog
New Holland single row corn chopper
corn binder
Allis Chalmers cycle mower
McKormic 816 mower conditioner
International Harvester mower conditioner
mower conditioner
back blade
combine paddles
New Holland square baler
New Holland model 66 baler
drag sections
water pump and gas motor
8' fence rolls
3pt post hole digger