Daily Mail. D1161
Holiday Pipe Mixture. H2620
Willoughby Taylor. W2593
Forest and Stream. F1680
Tuxedo Tobacco. T4100
Bond Street. B3699
Picobac. P2883
Revelation. R1422
Old Squire. O2671
Prince Albert. Full. P5600
Prince Albert. P5600
Prince Albert. P5602
Prince Albert. P5595
Prince Albert. P5596
Prince Albert. Modified P5601
Picobac. P2887
Union Leader. U1040
Union Leader. Has paper liner. U1040
Sweet Rosemary.
Slippers Brand. Navy Cut. S3850
Black & White. B3090
Piper Heidsieck. P3415
Old Kentucky. O2260
Picobac. P2890
Karel. I. 10 senoritas
Old Virginia. O3036
Prince Albert. P5401
Old Virginia. O2909
Old Virginia. O3021
Old Virginia. O2800
Old Virginia. O2905
Old Virginia. O3152
Prince Albert. P5440
Prince Albert. P5455
Prince Albert. P5455
Prince Albert. P5425
Prince Albert. P5488
Prince Albert. P5436
Prince Albert. P5415
Prince Albert. P5415
Prince Albert. P5445
Prince Albert. P5401
Prince Albert. P5415 ?
Top. T3070
Top T3071
Old Virginia. O3038
Hollandia. H1000
Daily Mail. D1175
Top. T3075. Tin is full
Top. T3086
Rouleuses. R3395
Tips. T2569
Tips. T2573
Imperial. I1001
La Salle. L1886
Sir Walter Raleigh. S3730
Half and Half. H1181
Half and Half. H1191
Half and Half. H1192
Half and Half. H1151
Half and Half. H1155
Parliament. Cardboard cigarette pack
British Consols. B4550
British Consols. B4573
Niemeyer. N1107
State Express. S5133
State Express. S5138. Full
State Express. S5106
Ritmeester. R2056
Ogdens. O1143
Ogden's. O1142
Gold Shore. G3075
Wild fruit. W2295
Gold Cross G1961
Rex R1621
Tiger. Lunch kit. T2442
Canada Straight. C1586
Canada Straight. C1590
Canada Straight. C1592
Comfort. C3700
Comfort. C3705.
Comfort. C3708
Comfort. C3710
Comfort. C3717
Bond Street. B3690
Bond Street. B3645
Twenty Grand. T4222
Twenty Grand. T4225
Simon's Roosevelt. S2875
Brown's. B4750
My Pal M5280
Tortoiseshell. T3096
Tuckets. Orinoco. O3444
JB Page. J1026
Lloyd's Brown Navy. B4755
Toni Sama. T2965
Tartan. T1156
Tuckets. Orinoco. O3444
Bat Rock City. B1434
Daily Double Cigars. D1095.
Half and Half H1105
Portage No number.
Picobac. P2860 and P2894
Picobac. P2861
Picobac. P2865
Picobac. P2894. And. Royal R3662
Prince Albert. P5553
White Owl. W????
Daily Mail. D1120
Daily Mail. D1150
Daily Mail. D1191
Daily Mail. D1213
MacDonald's. M1388
MacDonald's. M1388
MacDonald's. M1291
MacDonald's. M1294
MacDonald's. M1253. No lid
MacDonald's. M1260
MacDonald's. M1260
MacDonald's. M1345
MacDonald's. M1485.
MacDonald's. M1487
MacDonald's. M1488
British Consols. B4684
British Consols. B4600
MacDonald's British Consols. M1487
British Consols. B4630
British Consols. B4680
British Consols. B4544
British Consols. B4546
British Consols. B4676. No Lid.
MacDonald's. M1590 and 1594
2 MacDonald's. M1840. And M1731
Wills. W2996
Wills. W2911
Myrtle. M5311
Ogden's. O1093
Myrtle. M5336
Myrtle. M5360
Great West. G3716
Great West. G3715
Three Nuns. T2108
Three Caftles. T1797
Twenty Grand. T4221
Twenty Grand. T4222
Checkers cut plug. C2800
Checkers cut plug. C2801
Big Ben. B2690
Briggs. B4285
Kentucky Club. K1381
Union Leader. U1040
Dill's Best. D1621
Dill's Best. D1575
Dills Best. D1560
Adkin & Sons. Nut Brown. N2240
Chateau Quebec. C2681
Ogden's. O1353
Piccadilly. P2595
Piccadilly. P2597
T&B. T1170
Myrtle T&B. M5331
Myrtle. M5336
Myrtle. M5333
Myrtle. M5339
Myrtle. M5300
Rose Quesnel. R3055
Royal Navy. R3625
Kentucky Club. K1376
Kentucky Club. K1370. ??
Wings. W3221
Wings. W3224
Sunkist. S6140
El Producto. E2250
Oceanic. O1005
Rival Twist. R2080
World's Navy. W4031
Union Leader. Lunch box. U1014
Houde's. T2770
Black cat. B3250
Zigzag. Z1010
Zigzag. Z1135
Mayfield. M3972
Turret. T4007
Brier. B4200
Brier. B4200
Brier. B4200
Brier. B4234
Belvedere. Bulwark.
Stag. S4975
Sir Walter Raleigh. S3700
Sir Walter Raleigh. S3716
Hudson's Bay Co. H3613
Hudson's Bay Co. H 3495
Alouette. A1231
Kingsway. K1900
Kingsway. K1900
Chateau Quebec. C2686
Ottoman. O3565
Ottoman. O3575
Ottoman. O3578
Vogue. V1770
Vogue. V1794 and V1745
Ogden's. O1013. No lid
Turret. T3971
Turret. T3974
Turret. T3975
Turret. T3984
Club's. C3445
Flying Dutchman. Gold Block
Gerth's G1430
Benson. B2424
Repeater. R1356
Craven. A. C4551
Panter. Epzingers.
Erinmore. Ogden's.
Turf. Cardboard 10 cents
Holland brands
Scotty. Mild. Little Cigars
Capstan. C1880
Benson and Hedges. B2416
Willem II. W2565
Belwood. B1650
Bull Durham. B5404
George Washington. G1401
George Washington. G1400
George Washington. G1390
Old Glory. O2060
Old Glory. O2064
Airman. A1083
Royal Navy. R3631
Royal Navy. R3630
Rose. R3050
Piccadilly. P2614
Field and Stream. F1096
Prince of Wales. P5630
Prince of Wales. P5630 and P5641
Virginia. V1640
Velvet. V1466
Velvet. V1471
Velvet. V1510
Velvet. V1495
Velvet. V1525
Velvet. V1493
Velvet. V1527
Horse-Shoe. H2700
Central Union. C2310
Union Leader. Lunch box . U1012
Union Leader. Lunch box. U1045
Great West. G3701
Myrtle T&B. M5339
Myrtle. M5340
Saratoga. S1852
Hignett's. H????
Capstan and Churchman's. C1827 C3098
Ritmeester & Rothmans
Three Nuns. T2122
Three Nuns. T2122
Flying Dutchman. F1577
Hudson's Bay Co. H3580
Hudson's Bay Co. H3510
Chateau Quebec. C2695
Zig-Zag. Z1030
Alouette. A1200
Alouette. A1231
Spud. S4890
Spud. S4894
Ogden's. O1050
Ogden's. O1070
Ogden's. O1015
Ogden's. O1081
Old port. O2511
Old Chum. O1712
Old Chum. O1715
Old Chum. O1731
Old Chum. O1810 and O1820
Virginia Ovals. P1000
Phillip Morris. P2340
Regent. R ????
Dixie Cigarettes D1930
Chesterfield. C2880
McDonald's. M2199
Turret T3982
Omar cigarettes. O3299
Sportsman. S4670
Bank of England. B1195
Old Gold. O2195
Philip Morris. P2323
Philip Morris. P2324
Pall Mall. P1008
Pall Mall. P1011
Herbert Tareyton. H2126
Millbank. M4570 & M 45??
British Consols. B4701
Lucky Strike. L2850
Wills. G2881
Wills. Gold Flake. G2884
Gold Flake. G2885
Gold Flake. G2886
Winchester. W3059
Winchester. W3060
Winchester. W3061
State Express. S5100
State Express. S5100
State Express. S5100
Sweet Caporal. S6442
Sweet Caporal. S6445
Sweet Caporal. S6445
Sweet Caporal. S6449
Sweet Caporal. S6460
Sweet Caporal. S6464
Roxy. R3428
Roxy. R3430
Black Cat. B3234
Black Cat. B3234
Black Cat B3236
Black Cat. B3240
Craven. C4500
Craven. C4591
Craven. C4591
Craven. C4593
Craven. C4595
Craven. C4601
Craven. C4605
Craven. C4535
Lucky Strike. L2850
Ogden's. O1249
Summit. S6075
Grothe's. Little Sports.
Wings. W3232
Buckingham. B5195
Buckingham. B1595
Player's. P3795
Player's. P3795
Player's. P3798
Player's. P3811
Player's. P3920
Player's. P3920
Player's. P3930
Player's. P3950. Large tin
Humo. H3820
Player's. P3960 and P3980
Player's. P4085 & P???
McDonald's. M1521. Two lid styles
MacDonald's. M1531 and M1840
Old Glory. O2075
Old Glory. O2064
Club. C3421 and C ???
Strollers. S5710
Windsor. W3100
Holiday. H2610
Mallard. M2450
Captain Black. C1890
Samson. S1389
Hickory. H2180
Filtromat. F1200
Philip Morris. P2371
Philip Morris. P2353
Philip Morris. P2344. Amber. A1271
Turret. T3997
Turret. T4033
Turret. T4020
Tucketts. T3825
Sweet Caporal. S6391
Sweet Caporal. S6400
Black Cat. B3286
Black Cat B3310.
Black Cat. B3284
Borkum Riff. B3715 & B???
Master Mason. M3030
Wakefield. W1160
Sail. S1030 and S1036
Sail. S1034 & S1011
Cameo. C1201 & C1231
Matinee. M3183. Mark Ten M2674
Sweet Caporal. Peter Jackson
5 assorted tins
Sportsman. S4612 and S4612
Sportsman and Sunkist.
Lord Tennyson. L2485
Granger. G3372
Dutch Master. D????
Spaulding & Merrick
Polo. P5245
Master Mason M3022
Big Ben. B3050
Clubman. C3537
Mountie. M5050
Martin's. M????
Archer. A2013
British Consols. B4599
Meerschaum. M4210 or 4208
Meerschaum. M4210 ?
Maple Leaf. M2480
Buckingham. B5023
Buckingham. B5026
Repeater. R1363
Repeater. R1365
Meerschaum M4199
Meerschaum. M4199
Myrtle. M5360
Buck-Eye. B4910
Buck-Eye. B4911
Buckingham. B5000
Buckingham. B5010
Gold. Cross. G1961
Gold Cross. G1961
Edgeworth. E1240
Edgeworth. E1241
Edgeworth. E1215
Edgeworth. E1250
Edgeworth E1260
Edgeworth. E1280
Edgeworth. E1315
Edgeworth. E1315
Rex. R1611
Millbank. M4563
Chancellor. C2520
MacDonald's. M1465
MacDonald's. M1470
Bugler B5350
Bugler. B5321
Senator. S2210
Senator. S2211
Senator. S2214
Salmon & Gluckstein's. S1175?
Cameron & Cameron. C1001
Lucky Strike. L2832
O. K. O1461
Dominion. D2183
Long Tom. L2322
Player's. P3536
Player's. P3556
Player's. P3556. ?
Player's. P3550
Player's. P3551
Straight Cut. S5604
MacDonald's. Unopened pack
MacDonald's. Unopened package
Harley Davidson. Unopened pack.
Old Chum. O1590
Old Chum. O1587
Old Chum. O1590
Old Chum. O1592
Old Virginia. O3163
Old Virginia. O1363
Buckingham. B5060
Buckingham. B5100
Clubman. C3557
Golden Virginia. G2719
Dixie. D1941
Model. M4739
Worlds Navy W4035
Top. T3077
Erinmore. E3179. E3110
Erinmore E3124. E3135
Mac Baren's M1045
Mac Baren's. M1000 and M1080 ???
Trouts. T3105 and T3108
Hudson's Bay Co. H3580
Borkum. Stag. Dixie. Prince Albert
Brier Plug. B4080
Turret. T4015. No lid
Friends. F1911. No lid
Rose. R3050
Philip. Morris P2361
La Palina. L1485
Pay Roll. P1635
F C & G No catalogues no
Tiny Rival. T2465
Master Mason. M3021
Granger. G3373
Velvet. V1470 with Tobacco
Old Virginia. O3146 w Tobacco
Old Glory. O2062. W 3.5 plugs
Chateau Gay. C2671. W Tobacco
Vogue. V1700 full of Tobacco
Dominion. D217? No price on box
Dominion. D2175
Dominion. D2240
Dominion. D2205
Dominion. D2251
Prince Albert. P5576 full
Laredo.pocket tin
Kingston. K1890
Webster. W1403
W. O. Larsen. W3575
Brotherhood. B4725
Phillip's. P2550
The Puritan. T1687
Bali Shag. B1060
Horseshoe. H2705
Club's Mixture C3445
St Bruno S5270
Thunder Clouds. T2350
Bat. B1436
Bat. B1400
Britania. B4500
Union Leader. U1012
Union Leader. U1045
Patterson's. P1574
King George's. K1801
Old Chum. O1585
Bluebird. B3500
Bluebird. B3501
Meerschaum. M1498
M. Melachrino. M4309
Royal Mint. R3600
Royal Mint. R3600
Y-B. Y1035
Gallaher's Latakia. G1180
Daily Mail. D1090
Gallaher's. G1111
Gold Black. G1733
Anden. Gold
Philip Morris. P2305
Orinoco. O3432
Old English. O1975
Incentive Co Ltd. NS1001.
Pierrot. D 1318
Partagas. P1534
Rothmans. R3305
Willem II. Winchester
Barneys. B1295
John Cotton. J1230
Three castles. T1797
Kentucky Club. K1435
Kentucky Club. K1440
Kentucky Club. K1456
Smiths. Glasgow. No lid
Old Glory. Plug Tobacco
Pipe. Mate. Pipe cleaner displayer
Humidor. Made of Birch Bark
King Edwards. K1600
Sweet Caporal lighter.
Matinee lighter
Craven. A. Lighter
Player's matches
Black cat and number 7 matches
Match packs
Assorted match packs
Wooden match packs
5 wooden match packs
STC. Matches. 24 packs
2 lighters
Cigarette pack sleeves
Daily Mail cigarette pack
Long Fellow Cigarette Pack. Unopened
Wild woodbine cigarette pack. Full
Triumph. Cigarette pack. Unopened
Filter 57 cigarette pack unopened
San Felipe cigar pack
Columbia cigarros pack
Player's cigarette case opener
Black cat cigarette pack
Sweet Caporal cigarette pack
Winchester cigarette pack
Camel cigarette pack unopened
Sweet Sixteen cigarette pack
John player's. P1000
Player's P1001
Old Chum cloth bag
Durham cloth pouches
Player's cigarette case opener
Player's cigarette case opener
Vogue cigarette paper display
Chantelle's cigarette paper dispenser
Zig zag paper packs
Cigarette paper packs
Chantecler r cigarette paper packs
Benson and Hedges displayer
Copenhagen tin sleeve.
Copenhagen Display dispenser
Copenhagen snuff tins.
Tops Snuff. Unopened
Tops Snuff. Unopened
De Voe Snuff. Unopened
Dental Snuff. Unopened
Copenhagen tin sign
Camel Lights. Ash tray
Cameo Ash Tray
Mark Ten. Coupon catalogue
Little orphan cigar advertising
Craven Plain advertising
La Salle advertising
De Rezke. Cigarette collector card
Cigar box Plug. And Virginia owls
Assorted tobacco items
Buckingham advertising framed
Imperial tobacco Co lid
Cigarette Lighter Flints
Export advertising
Weyman's Snuff Jar
Snuff Jar. Copper. 6 inches tall
Weyman's Snuff Jar.
Big Ben tobacco dispenser
Archer fine cut advertising
Tuckett's Cigar. Displayer
Export A light. Works
MacDonald's advertising
Craven. A. Advertising
Player's advertising
Beer Advertising
Bar starter kit
6 tobacco tins