Harry Potter Deathly Hallows, Sherlock Holmes Ill.
2 Illus Aviation Hardcovers, Milestones, Warplanes
3 Haynes Owners Workshop Manuals Ford, Chevy GMC
Machinery's Handbook 11th Ed 1941, Oberg & Jones
14 Fairfield Auto Parts Monthly Mag 1985-7 + Jokes
10 Vols Yearbook Science & The Future 1977-87
Facsmilie 1902 Sears Catalog + HG Wells Scrapbook
6 Humor Books Dilbert, Calvin & Hobbes, Gnomes +
9 Magazines Heavy Metal, Stuff, Maxim, FHM 2001-4
5 Space Books, Pop-Ups, UFOs, Star Trek, Star Wars
9 Classics Illustrated Comics & Homer, Textbook +
Vtg Racing Postcards, Patches, Stickers STP, ARCA+
Batman Begins Collectible Lithograph
4 Ogden Nash Hardcovers Little Brown 1938-53
4 Human Sexuality Books Joy of Sex, Please Mate +
6 Asst'd Bks L. Armstrong, Montg Ward Facsimile +
6 Asst'd Indiana Interest Bks Tarkington, Pozzatti
12 Asst'd Anne Rice Bks Cloth 1st Eds, 4 Paperback
4 Vols Works of Edgar Allen Poe 1904 Funk Wagnalls
6 Vols Theodore Roosevelt w Leather Spines 1890s+
9 Vols Complete Works JW Riley Harpers 1916
9 Audubon Field Guides Knopf, Flora & Fauna Asst'd
10 Nature, Science Bks Seas, Dogs, Fish, 6V Encycl
4 Illustrated Oversized Bks Birds, Eagles, Ospreys
3 Illust Oversized Bks Birds of Indiana, NA, World
12 Vtg YA Titles, 2 Nancy Drew, 5 Judy Bolton +
14 Life Magazines 1963 Kennedy, Vietnam +
37 Life Magazines 1964 Oswald, Bond, LBJ +
50 Life Magazines 1965 Space, Churchill, Vietnam +
49 Life Magazines 1966 Birth, Watts, LSD, China
51 Life Magazines 1967 Runaways, Peanuts, Space+
28 Life Magazines 1968 Colts, Peggy Fleming, Egypt
7 Indy 500 Programs 1964-73 + 3 Racing Pic Mag 60s
2 Indiana Univ Baskeball Programs 1981-9 + HS BB
Vtg Model A News, Ford Truck Times Mags 1966-72
Vtg+ Ford Repair & Owner's Manuals, 1951-2000
4 Foxfire Books, Education, Living History V2, 4-6
Vtg Field Artillery Weapons Mechanics Course Book
10 Vtg Hardy Boys Series Bks + Boy Scout HB 1945
7 Books Farmall Fordson Tractors Firearms Dozers +
3 Murat Shrine Circus Programs 1970s, Shriner Bk +
14 Volumes Little Leather Library Red Covers Haas
20 Volumes Little Leather Library Green Covers LLL
2 Massive Webster's New Intl Dictionaries 1927, 61
Hawaii at War 1942, Honolulu Star Bulletin Mag
1893 Laws of Kansas, 1885 Compiled Laws KS Leather
1912 Sinking of Titanic Illustrated Memorial Ed.
Naturalist's Library 1855 AA Gould, Leather Bindng
Meredith Lucille, 1908 WF Brown, Tree Calf Binding
Palaces of Sin: Devil in Society, 1902 Col. Maple
3 Vtg Bks China Town, Brave Quakeress, Bomba Jungl
1900 Green Flag, A. Conan Doyle Collier Illustr
3 Illust Heritage Pr Cellini, Cockerel, Rubaiyat
3 Illustrated Heritage Pr Ibsen, Goethe, Turgenev
4 Vols 1967 Everything Happens to Aaron Mini Books
2 Vtg Mason's Guides IN Monitor 1947, KY 1921
4 Vols Sendak Nutshell Library Mini Bks Pink Cloth
1896 Gems of Knowledge Fuller & Fuller Co Chicago
9 Mini B. Potter +, Vtg When Mother Was a Girl
1927 Roycrofters Notebook of Elbert Hubbard, Cloth
5V Asimov Foundation Ser. Faux Leather Hardcovers
Everglades Skunk Ape Research Field Guide
4V Asimov Foundation Ser. Faux Leather Hardcovers
6 Vol Secret Doctrine Blavatsky Adyar Ed 1971
5V Asimov Foundation Ser. Faux Leather Hardcovers
49 Issues Isaac Asimov Sci Fic Magazine 1989-1999
48 Issues Isaac Asimov Sci Fic Magazine 1985-1988
36 Issues Isaac Asimov Sci Fic Magazine 1979-1984
30 Science Fiction Books Herbert, Norton, Niven PB
46 Science Fiction Books Robert Heinlein PB
31 Asst'd Paperback Bks Hillerman, Lewis, Le Guin+
39 Asst'd Science Fiction Bks Isaac Asimov PB, HC
4 Illustration, Art, Photo Books Dore, Tales East+
7 Aircraft Identification, War, Technology + Cloth
3 US, Foreign Aircraft & Ship Identification Cards
5 Fighting Aircraft Illustr Hardcovers MiGs, WWII+
9 Aircraft ID, WWII, Pilots, Navy Illustr PB & HC
8 Military Combat Aircraft ID WWII, Warbirds HC +
6 Military Aircraft, Aviation History + Illustr HC
6 Military Aircraft, Warplanes, Bombers+ Illust HC
7 US Airforce, Navy, WWI Planes, Pacific+ Illustr
Aircraft, Military Model Bks, Poster, Photos +
7 Illustr Bks IN History, Hexology, Folk, Tribal+
4 Illustrated Bks Gargoyles, Medieval, Guide +
9 Illustrated Bks Green Man, Wood Spirits +
7 Vtg Asst'd Novels, Children's Bks, Scout HB +
7 Illustrated Books IN Trees, Flowers, Midwest NA+
4 OK, IN Yearbooks 1959-63 + 2 OK History Books
9 Vtg Dover Clip-Art Bks, Bewick Woodcuts, Sktchbk
1966 CBS News Folio + Dorfsman & CBS Hardcover
6 Illustr Art HC Barnes, Steinberg, Papercraft +
6 Asst'd Bks Constitution, Leaves Gold, Lincoln +
4 Vtg Western Type, Wood Type, Ruling Books
8 Illus Bks Advertising, Lettering, Photography +
8 Auction Catalogs Oriental Rugs Sothebys Skinner+
7 Illustr Bks Hali, Turkoman, Caucasian + Rugs
9 Illustr Bks & Catalogs Rugs, Weaving, Arts +
7 Illustr Books Oriental, Ethnographic Rugs
6 Vtg HC Bks Tennhyson, Shakespeare, Reade
7 Vtg HC Bks Graves, Galsworthy, Scott +
4 Vtg Novels Steinbeck, Faulkner, Fitzgerald
3 Vtg War, Politics Bks Churchill, Roosevelt +
6 Vtg Cyclopedia, Children's, Black Beauty +
1851 Pictorial History of America Goodrich Illustr
1895 American Soldier in Civil War, Frank Leslie's
1850 Decline & Fall Roman Empire Gibbon Vol II
1866 Lost Cause New Southern History of Confed War
1837 Compendium Natural Philosophy Olmsted Leather
3 Atq Miniature Books Bible 1847, Hare-Bell 1847+
3 Vtg Bks Verse+ Shakespeare, Tennyson, Browning
2 Political, War Biographies Garfield, Grant
2 Vtg History Bks Wells Outline, Furnas Americans
4 Atq Textbooks Algebra, Trigonometry, Geography
3 Vtg Ohio River Navigation Guides + US Army Rules
3 Vtg Ohio River History, Impact, Steamboat Sketch
2V Niagara Power by Adams 1927, Niagara Falls
2 Vtg Eds 1974, '84 Falls City Engineers Louisvill
Technology in Warfare Electronic Dimension 2008
2 Texts High Energy Power, Beams, AIP 650 & 691
3 Texts Microwave Tubes, Devices, Circuits
3 Texts, Thesis Paper on Traveling Wave Tubes
5 Vtg + Titles Electronics, Surveillance Devices+
6 Vtg Engineering Publications, Pocket Companions+
5 Vtg Electrical Repair, Steel Square, Home Guide+
4 Vtg Bks Irreproducible Results, Soviets, UFOs +
3 History of Martin, Crawford Counties Indiana
5 Vtg Fiction P. Buck, W. Scott, A.C. Doyle +
5 Vtg Bks Sea Power, Engineering, Hitler U-Boats +
5 Vtg Bks Disraeli, Alliluyeva, Maugham, Hugo
8 Vols Book Trails 1920s Children's Series Shepard
6 Bks Tolkien 1st Silmarillion, Hobbit +, H.Potter
10 Author Signed Novels Gerritsen, Greer, Fusilli+
9 Author Signed Novels Margolin, Lange, Meltzer +
10 Author Signed Novels Burke, Dunlap, Ablow +
9 Author Signed Novels Connelly, Cornwell, Chriss+
10 Author Signed Novels Ellis, Dunlap, Dobson +
11 Author Signed Novels Pattison, Russell, Stein +
10 Author Signed Novels Koontz, Krueger, King +
10 Author Signed Novels Walters, Tracy, Russell +
11 Vtg Children's Books Mickey, Dumpy, Readers +
15 Vtg & Atq Bks, Alger, Shakespeare, Dickens +
7 Vtg Louis L'Amour Bantam Western Paperbacks
BJ Summers' Guide to Coca-Cola 6th Ed ID's, Values
4 Vtg Picture, Story Bks Bambi, Zooparade, NA +
3 Vtg Illustr Bks Don Quioxte, Beardsley, Amer Ind
5 Vtg Bks Fishing, Herb Field Guids, Mushrooms
10 Asst'd PB & Hardcover Adult Humor & Content +
8 Asst'd PB & HC Fiction, Memoirs, King, Hoagy +
10 Vols Works Washington Irving Co-Operative Publ
13 Vols Memoirs of the Courts of Europe 1910
13 Vols Works of E.P. Roe 1900 Collier & Son
10 Vols Wonder Book of the World's Progress 1935
10V Works of George Eliot Collier, 2V Estes Co
24V Modern Business 1910s-20s A. Hamilton Inst.
8 Vols Foreman's Management Library 1929
6 Vtg Partial Series, Presidents, Essays, Library+
3V Winston Churchill Bio 1874-1914 w Companion Gde
3 Vol History of Crusades Folio Society 1994
Works of Geoffrey Chaucer Facsimile Ed Kelmscott
6 Vols History Magic & Experimental Science 1940s
10 Vols Diary of Samuel Pepys 1920 Bell & Sons
20V Messages & Papers Presidents, Bureau Nat Lit
2V History of Reformation, Lindsay, Clark 1963-64
2V Correspondence JL Motley, John Murray 2nd 1889
2V Cathedrals & Cloisters of N France 1914 Illustr
6 Vols Myth & Legend in Literature & Art, Gresham
5 Vols Macaulay History of England Fine Binding
5V Hume's History of England 1849 Phillips Sampson
3V Prescott's Ferdinand & Isabella 1860 Lippincott
5V Oxford History of England 1950s-70s Clarendon
3 French History Bks Drury, 2V Carlyle Revolution
8 Illustrated Bks on Castles, Ruins, Fortresses +
7 Illustrated Bks on Architecture, Gargoyles +
9 Illustrated Bks on Cathedrals Cloisters Churches
6 Illustrated Bks on Maps, Cartography, Mapmaking
4 Illustrated Hardcovers on Wine, Champagne
6V in 3 Bks Thousand Nights & A Night Heritage Pr
5 Vols Praeger History of Civilisation 1968-1971
3V Elements General History Ancient Modern 1824-31
Tennyson Idylls of King Illustr Hodder Stoughton
12 Vol Vtg Fiction Conkey Company Cloth Bindings
7 Vols Works of Irvin S Cobb 1912-1923 Cloth Bound
6 Vols Works of Robert Browning 1899 Half Leather
6 Vols Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson 1909 Fireside
12 Vols Oxford Illustrated Dickens Hardcover w DJs
8V Guizot's History of France, Earliest Times-1848
2V First of the Bourbons Lady Jackson 1897 LC Page
3V Empire of Tsars & Russians Leroy-Beaulieu 1896
4 Bks Russian History, Tsars, Revolution, Empire +
5 Int'l Collectors, Franklin Lib, Waltari Tolstoy+
29 Vol Works of Charles Dickens Collier C 1900
6 Bks Poetical Works Tennyson, Malory, Longfellow+
5 Vols Macaulay's History of England Donohue Bros
12 Vols Froude's History of England 1895 Scribners
2 Vols History Rationalism in Europe, Lecky, 1906
2 Vols Mandeville's Travels Hakluyt Society 1953
5 HC Bks Philosophy of Thought Hofstadter, Fuller+
5 HC Bks World History, Western & European Thought
3 Bks European Discovery American, Morison Signed
3 Bks A. Hitler 2V Bio 1976, Hitler's U-Boat 1996
5 Vols Prescott Conquest of Mexico, Peru 1874
3 Vols Life of Samuel Johnson Heritage Press 1963
7 Bks Ships, Voyages, Columbus, Magellan, Hakluyt+
7 Bks Discoveries, Marco Polo, Mexico Conquest +
9 Bks Bio, Correspondences Burton, Chaucer, Defoe+
11 Bks English Royalty Bios Bloody Mary, Henry 8+
7 Bks History, Western Thought Schama, Freeman+
9 Bks History Calendars, Time, Christmas, Tuchman+
11 Bks Bios Jefferson, Bush, Truman, Constitution+
9 Bks Power, Alchemists, Brotherhood Arms, China +
7 Bks Economy, Industrialism, Wealth, Galbraith +
7 Bks Mediaeval Mind, Roman Empire, Greece +
6 Bks Byzantium, Gothis, Carolingians, Theodora +
7 Bks Medieval Hunting, England, Queens, History +
8 Bks Middle Ages Civilization, Crusandes, Power +
11 Bks Celts, Druids, Hist Ireland Wales Scotland+
6 Bks Hist England, Exploration, Boorstin Schama +
9 Bks Habsburg Empire, Germany, German Empire+
9 Bks Renaissance, English Church, Hist Atlas +
8 Bks Ottoman, El Cid, Tartars, Cathars, Persians+
8 Bks Plato, Aristotle, Homer, Stoics, Dictionary+
4 Bks Tristan & Isold Legend, Schoepperle, Eisner+
4 Bks Tristan & Isold Legend, Beroul Tristran
Le Roman de Tristan et Iseut Bedier Vellum Scarce
9 Vols Arthurian Literature DS Brewer 1981-2001
9 Bks Holy Grail, Lancelot Grail Cycle, Malory +
11 Bks Chaucer, Guinevere, Parzival, Arthur +
15 Bks King Arthur, Knights, Arthurian Romance
11 Bks Edda, Kalevala, Reykjaholar, Beowulf +
15 Bks King Arthur, Avalon, Legends & Myths +
16 Bks Medieval Epics, Troubadours, Romance Rose +
3 Illustrated Bks Living Aquarium, Zebra Finches
10 Bks Living in France, Almost French, Provence +
9 Illustr Bks Decorating, Entertaining, Antiques +
8 Illustr Bks British Landscapes, Walks, Villages+
7 Illustr Bks Country Living, English, Early Amer+
4 Illustr Bks Beautiful Villages Loire, Burgundy +
5 Illustr Bks Beautiful Ireland, Scotland, Tuscany
7 Illustr Bks English Houses, Manors, Cottages +
20 Illustr Bks Kitchen, Porch Design, Upholstery +
12 Illustr Bks Homes London, Laura Ashley, H&G +
3 Illustr Bks Vtg + Wallace Nutting, Henry James +
6 Cook Books, Indiana, Lidia Italian, Indian, Joy+
9 Illustr Bks English Gardens, Flower Arranging +
8 Illustr Bks Gardens Vieux Carre, Filoli, Design+
7 Illustr Bks Gardening Design, Sourcebook, Guide+
17 Illustr Bks Gardening, Trees Roses Hosta +
10 Illustr Bks Oriental Rugs Buying Guides Primer+
6 Illustr Bks Oriental Rugs Design & History +
2 Illustr Bks Arts Persia, Timur Princely Vision
4 Illustr Bks Tapestries, Bayeux Tapestry, Shawls
8 Illustr Bks Illuminated Manuscripts, Kells +
5 Illustr Bks Illuminated Manuscripts, Visconti +
7 Illustr + Bks Art of the Book, British Library +
3 Vtg Illustr Bks Famous Paintings, Great Pictures
7 Illustr Bks Renaissance Art, Artists Da Vinci +
8 Illustr Bks Artist Monographs Durer Monet Goya +
5 Illustr Art Bks Medieval to 19th Century
9 Illustr Bks Old Houses, Colonials, Tudor +
9 Illustr Bks Colonials, Rock Fences, Dream Homes+
6 Illustr Bks Woodworking, Chairs, Trim, Tools +
12 Illustr Bks & Magazines Ship Models & Modeling
4 Illustr Bks Ship & Boat Models & Modeling
6 Illustr Bks Sea Battles, Navies, Wood Ships +
6 Illustr Bks Historic Ships, Armadas, Essex +
8 Illustr Bks Classic Cars, Restoration, History +
7 Illustr Bks Railroads Locomotives, N/Z Scale +
7 Illustr Bks Playing Cards, Armor, Carousels +
6 Illustr Bks Journals, Europe Photos, 1492 +
2V Stefani Insurance in Venice 1958 Trieste
Vtg Outlines History + Bios Napoleon, Barbarrossa
3 Vtg French Language Bretagne, Gilles de Rais +
4 Vtg Thackeray, Byron, Carlyle, Goethe Faust
1862 Darley's Cooper Vignettes Full Leather Illust
2V Life of George Washington, Marshall 1930 Walton
Created Equal Debates + 6V Sandburg A. Lincoln Bio
10 Vols Stevenson's Works Davos Press 1906 De Luxe
6 Vols Great Events by Famous Historians 1905
5 Illustr Bks Knights, King Arthur, Malta +
4 Illustr Bks Christmas, Dickens, Alex Haley +
3 Vtg Bks Rossetti, Aucassin et Nicolette, Tennys.
9 Illustr Bks Childrens's Stories & Readers +
12 Bks Lewis Carroll Alice, Looking Glass Illus +
4 Bks, 2V Letters Lewis Carroll, 2V Alice Illustr
4 Illustr Bks Tarot, Fairies, Bilibin, Y.A. Maten
10 Bks Myths, Fables, Fairy Tales, Folk Tales +
9 Illustr Bks King Arthur, King Albert, Wayferers+
2 Illustr Bks Malory Morte D'Arthur, Studio, Omega
9 Bks Fiction Bradley Avalon, Steinbeck Arthur +
9 Bks Fiction Dan Brown, Tolkien, Ayn Rand, Eco +
4 Bks Excalibur, First Crusade, Charters of Kings+
1937 Morte D'Arthur Tennyson Illuminated Sangorski
3 Vols Robertson History of Charles V, 1812
3 Vols Anatomy of Melancholy Burton Dent 1968
3 Vols Schopenhauer World as Will & Idea Scribners
8 Bks Philosophy Kant, Summa, Hume, English +
8 Bks Philosophy in 20th Century, Cultures Mankind
8 Bks Carlyle, Macaulay, Morley, Camden, Buckle
11 Vol Story of Civilization, Simon & Schuster
8 Bks, Stalin, Marx, Mao, 2V Tolstoy's Letters
11 Bks Astronomy, Newton, Euclid, Galileo +
14 Bks Philosophy Sartre Locke Russell Descartes +
5 Bks Erasmus Adages, Epistles, Praise of Folly
16 Bks Religion, Buddha, Bible, Church, God +
8 Bks St Paul, Calvin, Pope Leo X, Christian Hist.
5 Bks Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther +
8 Bks BIbles, Concordances, Qur'an, Koran, Hymnal
4 Encylop. & Ref: Science, History, Biographical +
2V Compact Ed OED, Collins French, Cassells German
Kafka Metamorphosis LE Club 1984, Cuevas Etchings
Unused Ledger Book Boorum & Pease 9-500 D-L-U
8 Bks Essays, Sonnets Renan, Gryphius, Proust +
12 Bks Philosophy Plato, Heideger, Freud, Wahl +
6 Bks Essays, Poetry, Shakespeare, Frost +
7 Bks Russian Prose Fiction Tolstoy Dostoevsky +
8 Bks Supreme Court, Society, Politics, Marshall +
6 Vols International Congress Arts & Science 1906
11 Bks Biography Letters Cocteau, James, Pasteur +
8 Bks Religion, Sermons, Islam, Moral Law +
8 Vols Newsweek Wonders of Man, Kremlin Colosseum+
4 Illustr Bks Icons, Goldsmiths, Illumination
8 Illustr Bks Islamic Art Calligraphy, King Tut +
7 Illustr Bks Castles Architecture, Colmar, Islam+
9 Illustr Bks Bellini, LOC Prints, Photography +
9 Illustr Bks MET Cloisters Smithsonian Berenson +
13 Illustr Bks Kennedys, Interiors, Antiques +
5 Vols Home Medical Library Winslow, 1908
2 Bks Phenomenology, Hegel, Luijpen
5 Bks Personhood, Time, Psychology & Mind +
4 Bks Anna Freud, Depression, Philosophy Medicine
6 Bks Insanity in USA, Paranoid, Sexual Deviants +
4 Bks Stress, Health in Turkey, Schizoid Phenom +
4 Bks Drugs, Medical Licensing, Description +
3 Bks Anatomy Aids, Epitome Vesalius, Thalamus +
Proceedings Int'l School Physics, Fermi XVI Course
Letters to Simon, Conduct of Psychotherapy, Paul
14 Bks Hebrew Bible, New Testament, Prayers Hymns+
7 Bks Hymnals, Service Books, Church Songs
6 Vtg Bks Hist Hebrews, Yoke, Billy Sunday +
6 Heritage Pr Melville, Verne, More, Poe, Crane
6 Bks Rousseau, Twain & Cooper, Remington +
5 Bks Indiana Interest: Tarkington, Riley, Beecher
7 Bks Presidents Lincoln, McKinley, Washington +
8 Bks WWI, Imperial Germany, Third Reich, History+
8 Bks Biography, American History, Naval Tragedy +
5 Volumes Beacon Lights of History, J. Lord, 1896
2 Vols Angel Site Archaeological Study Glenn Black
4 Vols Leather Stocking Tales JF Cooper, Winston
4 Bks JM Barrie Little Minister, Tommy & Grizel +
7 Bks Steinbeck Travels Grapes +, Faulkner Hemingw
8 Bks J O'Hara Farmers Hotel, Instrument, Sermons+
12 Bks Fiction+ Irving, Atwood, Benchley, Updike +
11 Bks Fiction LeCarre, Follett, Michener, Heller+
10 Bks Vtg Fiction Leroux, DuBois, Aldrich, Malet+
11 Bks Vtg Fiction Stowe Wallace Lewis Thackary +
11 Bks Vtg Fiction+ Lane, Ferber, Riley, Kipling +
12 Bks Vtg Fiction+ Blackmore, Alcott, Quayle +
12 Bks Illustr Art MET Museum Antiques Glassware +
8 Bks Illustr Architecture, Civil War Photos +
10 Vols Robert Louis Stevenson's Works 1906
6 Vols Works of Jane Austin Nottingham Society
Hugo Les Miserables Illustr 2V + Scott Ivanhoe
8 Vtg Dickens Works Barnaby Rudge, Tale 2 Cities +
29 Vols Works of Charles Dickens Collier Illustr
12 Vols John L. Stoddard's Lectures Illustr 1903
1949 Esquire's Handbook for Hosts MCM, + MET Minis
4 Vtg Fiction & Verse Hawthorne, Alger, Kipling +
2 Bks 1815 Regeneration, 1858 Bio Sir H. Havelock
4 Vols Decline & Fall Roman Empire Gibbon 1830
4 Vtg Childrens Bks Wizard of Oz, Pets ABC, Spell+
1910 Digressions of V, Elihu Vedder Houghton Miff
3 Bks Egyptology Facsimile, Egypt, Egyptian Syntax
9 Vtg Bks Verse Humor Poems, Cerf, Lipton, Riley +
6 Vtg Bks Fiction Fairy Tales Kipling Barrie +
8 Vtg Bks Fiction Hemingway, Steinbeck, Twain +
8 Vtg Bks Fiction Buck, Hammarskjold, Dinesen +
1937 De Luxe Ed Moby Dick Melville Illustr R. Kent
1897 Mark Twain Following the Equator Doubleday
6 Vtg Biography, History Mussolini, Agee, Willard+
5 Vtg Medical Bks Therapeut. Obstetrics Venereal +
13 Vols Works Elbert Hubbard Roycroft Signed EH Jr
7 Vtg Bks Travel Illustrated Rome, Versailles +
4 Vtg Illustr Bks Japan, New York, Chicago, Wawase
9 Vtg Bks Travel, History, Politics, Bios & More
1918 Guide to National Parks of America, Allen
1826 Political Works of Thomas Paine Full Leather
1889 Dictionary Archaic & Provincial Words VI
6 Illustr Bks Cartoons, Flowers, Art Deco, Knots+
6 Illustr Bks Photos Brassai, Everest, South +
10 Bks Indiana, IU Illustr Basketball, IN Hist +
11 Bks Illust Decoys, Art Glass, Pottery, Guides +
10 Bks Illust Signs, Silver, Jewelry, Chihuly +
11 Children's Bks Illustr Picture, Story, Reader +
6 Vtg Cook Books France, Playboy, J.Child +
1966 Ballet Cook Book, Le Clercq HC w Paper Jacket
2 Vtg Cook Books White House 1926, Century 1899
8 Bks Peanuts, Corpses, Mormons, Chicago +
12 Vols Archives of Holocaust Garland 1990-91
1890 Pronouncing Parallel Bible, AC Thomas Illustr
2 Vtg Bks Book of Martyrs 1810, Life Mohammed 1854
4 Bibles & Religious Bks, J.Cash Holy Land Vinyl +
3 Vtg Northwestern Univ. Yearbooks 1959 1961 1962
19C Magasin Demoiselles & Peterson's Ladies Mags
Fleming You Only Live Twice James Bond 1964 NAL
6 Bks Dogs, Cats, Birds + 6 Vtg Purina Cat Calend.
9 Illustr+ Bks Nature, Plants, Gardens, Flowers +
6 Vtg Children's Bks Picture, Story Tiger Flower +
14 Bks Jane Auten Pride & Prejudice, Wuthering Ht+
16 Bks Finance, Wealth, Investing, Dividends +
13 Vtg & Used Bks Fiction, Verse, Poetry IN Auth +
17 Vtg & Used Bks Fiction, Verse, Poetry Oliver +
19 Vtg & Used Bks Self Help Enrichment Care Inspir
12 Vtg Bks Everyman's, Oxford, Mod Lib Fic, Bio +
16 Used & Vtg Bks Bios Memoirs Auden Woolf Conway+
14 Used & Vtg Bks Bios Memoirs Kerry Carter Dungy+
17 Illustr Bks Art Instruction Watercolor Drawing+
12 Illustr Bks JFK, Gift Bks, Illustration, Games+
17 Used & Vtg Bks History, Music, Bio, Astronomy +
12 Used & Vtg Bks+ Design Painting Crafts Ruins +
12 Vtg Illustrated Art Bks Wyeth Turner O'Keeffe +
9 Vols World's 100 Best Short Stories 1927 Cloth
6V Little Masterpieces of Science 1902 Doubleday
19 Vols Dent Everyman's Library Leather C 1910
12 Vols Sacred Books & Early Literature East 1917
6 Vols Victor Hugo, T.Nelson C 1900, Toilers, 93 +
2 Vols Boswell's Life of Johnson 1811, Leather
3V Percy's Folio Manuscript Ballads Romances 1867
Tableaux de L'Histoire Suisse Illustr Folio1867
Wall Chart of World History Facsimile Ed 1989
Mapping Indiana, Treasures IN Historic Society