Fancy Antique Sterling Silver forks 3.33 ozt

Antique Large Sterling Silver Forks 8.03 ozt

Lg. Antique Sterling Serving Spoons 9.85 ozt

Lg Mid 1800's Sterling Silver Spoons 6.24 ozt

Antique Sterling Silver Serving Spoons 2.37 ozt

Antique Black Americana Boy Cast Iron Bank

Celestaire Astra IIIB Deluxe Marine Sextant 1988


Stanley 113 Compass Plane (EARLY) 1892

Antique Scale Weight Set 9 pc complete

1884 CC Morgan Silver Dollar w/ CC Wrapper UNC!!

1896 Morgan SILVER Dollar in UNCIRCULATED !!

1887 Morgan SILVER Dollar in UNCIRCULATED !!

1889 Morgan SILVER Dollar in UNCIRCULATED !!

1897 Morgan SILVER Dollar in UNCIRCULATED !!

Lunt "Treasure" Sterling Silver Flatware 92 pc.

William Kendrick Coin/Sterling Silver Tea Set 1840

N. Harding COIN Silver forks 17.45 ozt

Lg .800 Silver Spoons 3.82 ozt

1891 Whiting Louis XV Sterling Silver Pie Server

1921 Morgan SILVER Dollar in UNCIRCULATED !!

1900 O Morgan SILVER Dollar in UNCIRCULATED !!

1896 Morgan SILVER Dollar in AU or !!

1921 Morgan SILVER Dollar in AU/BU or !!

1885 Morgan SILVER Dollar in BU error? !!

Antique Brass Whale Oil Lamp - 18th -19th century

Antique Thomas & Williams Wales Miners Lamp

Brass Gaucho Spurs - RARE - c 1700's??? U look

Kansas City KEY Thermometer with Indian OLD !!!

Antique Sterling Handled w/ GEM Clothes Brush

Pair of EXCELLENT unc?? 1921 Morgan Dollars

Wallace Grande Baroque Sterling Silver Flatware

German .835 Silver Candelabras weighted bases

Antique Sterling Silver Soup Spoons 9.21 ozt

Swedish .800 or better SILVER spoons 1807 & 1869

Antique Sterling Silver Spoons 4.18 ozt

1884 CC Morgan Silver Dollar w/ CC Wrapper UNC!!

1898 Morgan SILVER Dollar in AU or + !!

1889 Morgan SILVER Dollar in AU or + !!

1921 Morgan SILVER Dollar in BU !!

1921 Morgan SILVER Dollar in AU or + !!

Jan-Apr. 1889 Bound Boston Post RARE thus

REALLY OLD Cast Iron Lion Bank LOOK !!! 5.5"

OLD Cast Iron bank building bank 3.25" t

Really OLD Cast Iron Mail Box Bank - NICE

St. Bernard & Lion Cast Iron Banks

Gorham Sterling Silver Coffee Pot & Creamer

Wallace Violet Sterling Silver Serving Spoons 4.9

Gorham Gossemer Sterling Silver Spoons 3.19 ozt

Wallace Grand Baroque Sterling Silver 3.72 ozt +kf

1893 World's Fair Sterling Silver Spoon .86 zt

1882 Morgan SILVER Dollar in BU !!

1921 Morgan SILVER Dollar in BU !!

1897 Morgan SILVER Dollar in AU or + !!

1896 Morgan SILVER Dollar in AU or ..

1878 S Morgan SILVER Dollar in AU or ..

1 Troy Ounce .999 Silver round in belt buckle & bl

Art Nouveau Handles (nude) on Antique Sock Darners

Antique (1700's?) Brass Candle Box (Wall Pocket)

Pluck Mini Cap Gun Cast Iron (NICE)

Derringer Cap guns Hubley, Nichols, etc.

Vintage Cap Gun Collection

Lunt Treasure STerling Silver Flatware 22.78 ozt k

c 1840 Sterling Silver spoons (have damage) 3.62 z

c 1847 Adams Coin Silver Spoons 4.81 ozt

Lg Cook & Co COIN SILVER Tongs 1.47 ozt

Lg Sterling Silver Serving Spoons 3.27 ozt

Color 45 rpm sm lable Mostly Nashville etc records

AK 47 Bayonet - not common

Swiss M-57 Bayonet #1

Swiss M-57 Bayonet #2

BK 1971 Bayonet & sheath

Sterling & Sterling w/ Gold Filled Military items

Antique Metal Concrete Co. w/ enamel Clip Board

Antique Metal Dairy Clip Board

Antique Fireman CAPTAIN Leather Helmet Emblem

Daughters of Union Veterens Medal - Uncommon

Rare Antique Mechanical Sterling Silver Sugar Tong

c 1840 Unmarked Coin Silver Mint Julip? & Nap Ring

4 Antique Sterling Silver ladles 5.44 ozt

Antique Wood & Hughes Large Sterling Tongs 2.48 t

odd Antique Sterling Silver Serving items 2.61 ozt

2 Bakelite View Master w/ LOTS OF REELS !!!

nice Group of Arrowheads / Bird points etc.

Antique Kansas City Fireman's Badge

ODD Hatchet form Termometer - COOLEST !!!

1896 Nutmeg Grater The Edgar

Pair of V OLD Nutmeg Graters (19th century?)

Good Antique Postcards

Group of antique Real Photo etc. Postcards

Group of antique Railroad related Postcards

Lg Group of Antique Christmas Postcards LITHO etc

Lg Group of Antique EASTER Postcards LITHO etc

Pair of Weighted Sterling Silver Compotes (large)

Internation Spring Glory Sterling Silver Flatware

8 Antique Sterling Silver Spoons 5.88 ozt

8 Antique Sterling Silver Spoons 4.67 ozt

Weighted Sterling Silver Bud Vases

Vintage German Max Carl Wind up Monkey w/box WORKS

Antique Working Childs Music Box

KKK Soap (sm contents) & Metholine uncommon

Lg Old Cast Iron Race Car

Pair of OLD Western Electric Lineman Telephones

Lg group of ANTIQUE Chirstmas PostCards

Lg group of ANTIQUE Easter PostCards

Lg Group of ANTIQUE Embossed Postcards

Group of ANTIQUE Postcards of Post Offices

Group of ANTIQUE Postcards of Government Building

Pair of Weighted Sterling Compotes

3 Weighted Sterling items

1854 pallbearer spoons Coin Silver spoons 4.01 ozt

Jones & Ball Boston Coin Silver Forks 10.67 ozt

Bigelow Bros & Kennard 1845 Coin Silver Spoons

Vintage Max Carl Knitting bear wind up w/Box

4 Antique Sock Darners

Antique John Bull Cobalt & Emerald Eye Wash cups

Pocket Knives 1 bone handled, 2 antique

Group of Antique Straight Razors and some boxes

Group of ANTIQUE Christmas Postcards

Group of ANTIQUE Easter Postcards

Group of ANTIQUE Postcards of Schools

Group of ANTIQUE Postcards Scenic, Town View etc

Group of Antique Ephemera

Rogers Sterling Silver Flatware 5.23 ozt

Antique Coin Silver & Sterling Forks c 1840 ?

Antique Coin Silver Sugar Shells c 1840?

unusual Sterling Silver Flatware pieces 6.75 ozt

Antique Sterling Silver Spoons 5.18 ozt

1928 Bowman Tally Ho Bridge Score calculator

1914 Miller, Dubrul & Peters Cigar Mold

Antique Leather Covered Opera Glasses by Lemaire

Antique Lemaire & Chevalier Opera Glasses

Wollensak Bioscope & Brass Opera Glasses

lg Group of ANTIQUE Christmas Postcards

lg Group of ANTIQUE Easter & Embossed Postcards

Antique Scenic & Library Postcards

Victorian Calling Cards and other Ephemera

Huge Group of Vintage Postcards

Pair or c 1864 Sterling Silver Spoons 1.31 ozt

Antique Sterling Silver Spoons 5.15 ozt

Sterling Silver overlay Sugar Shaker & aperitifs

Short Weighted Sterling Compotes

Group of Weighted STerling Silver items

Large Antique Camel Bell - perfect white elephant

Pair of Vintage Coin Changers Fare Box collectors

RARE mini Cast Iron etc. Black Smith anvil & tools

Razor Strop & tool & Old Razor

Antique Cast Iron Parrot Bottle Opener

Antique Chritmas Postcards

Various Antique Postcards c 1907 & up

Antique Christmas Postcards

Various Antique Postcards c 1907 & up

Lg Group of Vintage & Antique Postcards

Antique Sterling Silver Spoons 5.2 ozt

Westmoreland Sterling Silver 1.88 ozt

Early COIN SILVER Items- 3.68 ozt

2 Weighted Sterling Compotes

.800 and unmarked Coin Silver (as reported)

Antique Wine Barrel Auger Bung Hole maker

OLD Skullguard Miners hat

Cast Iron Fluter & Antique Wick Trimmer

3 OLD Whistles

Elephant Collection

Cast Iron and other Salt Shakers

Whiting and other Antique Mesh Purses

Pair of Antique Rulers

Collection of Antique Items

Segond Vagninal Spatula in package

John Wayne & Dale Earnhardt Knives MIB

Large piece of WHITE Corral

Niloak & Hull Vases Tallest is 7.25"