N.Y.C silver ware

mixed lot of railroad silverware

Pennsylvania RailRoad

Union Pacific RailRoad

assorted Baltimore and ohio, Santa Fe silverware

lot of 5 Baltimore and Ohio railroad china

lot of 5 comemortive Rail Road plates

cast iron flower basket bookends/doorstops

oak &Ivory cast iron nantucket basket door stop

cast iron banks

cast iron antique glue pot

Three arcade cast iron road signs

lot of 4 man oil figures

lot of three manoil/barclay figures

coca cola assorted lot

Yosemite National park souvineer

lot of four books late 1800's to early 1900's

2 souvenir Washington Capitol knick knacks

souvenir Liberty Bell Bank

cast iron decortive bird

lot of metal Statue of liberty's

cast Iron door stop Bulldog

9" Hellick coffee co. coffe tin can

4 glass rail road glasses

George Washington cast iron bank, wood uncle Sam

Fish bell

cast Iron lion still Bank

Cat metal door stop

assorted metal figue /doorstop

red cast iron floor train

german historic building

lot of 5 Rail Road cups

Three vintage toy cash registers

Assorted lot office/table items

lot of banks

lot of three banks

Three pennsylvania Rail Road scotch glasses

Liberty Bell lot

Brass Rabbit Family

lot of turtles hinge box / ink well

floral cast iron door stop

brass bunny Rabbit family

souvenir metal capitol building /Jefferson head

MIsc. metal items texaco tootsie, coin bank etc..

dozen cardbord plaques with funny sayings

dog salt and pepper shakers

salt and pepper cows

assorted metal and glass salt and pepper shakers

assorted lot s&p shakers

porcelain U.S Mail s&p shakers

ceramic house bank

glass opalescent twigs vase

Ginger Imperial Brand tin

Salmon & Glucksteins Navy Cut Cigarettes

Pepsi-cola salt and pepper shaker

Double cola salt and pepper

General Mills cereals

General Mills cereal boxes Monsters Edition

General MIlls Michael Jordan Wheaties

Man OIl/Barclay figures

confederate hat ceramic bank

dog salt & pepper shaker lot

small Turtle figurines assorted lot

mixed lot of figurines

Chickens salt and peppers

Effanem Rolled Crusher hats case/12

mixed lot of 4piece Rail Road China

Salt & Pepper shakers

Rocket Ship salt & pepper shaker

silverplated metal banks

Two cast metal bronze coated train banks

Patriotic bank lot

Westclox 1940's electric clock

mini tire ashtrays

Brass candle stick 10"

Pair of brass candle sticks

brass ship candle

Brass Firefighter tappered nozzle

Vintage boot puller

misc. coin banks

misc novelty lot mostly salt&pepper shakers

Poodle Dogs Salt & Pepper

redware elephants salt&pepper shakers

Bull cow salt& pepper shakers

Green chickens salt& pepper shakers

Turkey Salt &pepper shakers

tobacco pipe salt and pepper shaker

kids ceramic salt&pepper shakers

mixed items portrayed as salt and pepper shakers

salt pepper shakers

Old TimeSake Smoking Figure mib

lot of hand bells / dinner bells

Novelty souvenir salt &pepper shakers

misc. salt&Pepper shakers/ chicago creamer pourer

mixed lot of 9 cardboard ice cream shop decor

lionel engine no2338 GP7 diesel

ice cream Baseball Hats

ice cream baseball hats

Antique coffee Grinder

pennsylvania Rail Road cocktail glasses

Napoleon 1st Regiment replica Flag

Pennsylvania RailRoad Torch Flare

Johnson & Johnson First Aid Kit

ManOil/Barclay Figures

ManOil/Barclay Figures

ManOil/Barclay Figures

ManOil/Barclay Figures lot of 4

ManOil/Barclay Figures lot of 4

lionel Sunoco Tank car "Shell Decal

lionel engine a unit and coal car

Lionel #53 snowplow

arm lot of several manoil/barclay figures

Gilbert toys james bond figure

Coca-Cola click &bottle

Coca-Cola lot of 3

coca-cola radio/ coin bank

Replica Historical Flags

tin metal coin banks

Harrisburg bottling works bottles

pair of NEHI Beverage glass bottles

mini can coin banks mixed lot

Glass ashtrays advertising

"The Phantom" 6-18860 lionel

Union Pacific Rail Road China

Train cake Toppers

Lionel Train lot Engine 1110/w tender and cars

Lionel assorted cars

Lionel engine 8357/w cars

misc. lot of metal veichles

Tootsie assorted mini train cars

Small metal and metal Tootsie's

Misc. small train cars

Lionel mib box car lot