PICKUP IS THURS FRI from 11 to 6

IF you do not pickup your card will be charged

we will ship small items

If you have a shipper read this

Neon Wall Sign Nintendo Mario gaming sign

Shad Nowicki Original Pizza box art

Showcase with keys

beverage cooler 3 color lights

MS PAC MAN arcade game

Galaxian arcade game

street fighter arcade game

rotating shelf with many accessories

Urine Skateboard deck brand new

Atmosphere Urine Skateboard

Takashi Murakami complex consolidated skateboard

ikea matchspel gaming chair

donkey kong junior arcade game

glass partition wall and door

70 inch Roku TV nintendo switch

MS pac man arcade 1 up game

Terminator 2 Arcade 1 UP game

glass partition wall brushed aluminum finish

Ridge Racer Arcade 1 up game

Aerosmith Pinball arcade game

Golden TEE 3d arcade 1 up game

BIg Buck World Arcade 1 up

IKEA matchspel gaming chair

IKEA matchspel gaming chair

adjustable computer desk

Legends Pinball machine digital pinball

Embroidery machine BABY LOCK ARRAY

IKEA Matchspel gaming chair

Ikea MatchSpel gaming chair

Ikea Matchspel gaming chair

Ikea Matchspel gaming chair

watercooler avalon

microwave proctor silex

cubby holes

lockers pair mount to wall never installed

LCD monitor acer works 27 in

Acer LCD monitor 27 in works

Acer 27 in LCD monitor works

white computer table with 1 divider on side

Work table adjustable height

computer table white adjustable

PINBALL neon sign about 12 in

Eggplant neon

X men 4 player arcade game

Simpsons arcade game 4 player

70 in hisense tv

50 in tv TOL

Acer monitor keyboard mouse and headphones

gaming mouse pad

IKEA comuter gaming table

IKEA Matchspel gaming chair

gaming comuter table see lot 44

gaming computer meta pc griffin

Ikea Matchspel gaming chair like new

Gaming computer Meta PC's Griffin

Gaming Chair Stool

Kraken V# X gaming headphones new

Gaming computer table

META PC gaming computer

recon P50 gaming headset turtle beach

Recon 70 gaming headset turtle beach

graphics card not working

gaming table computer table


Gaming computer table see lot 44

gaming computer table

gaming computer new in the box

turtle beach recon 70 gaming headset

have 2 more gaming computers that will be added

recon 70 gaming headset

gaming computer and accessories 3090

recon 70 gaming headset

recon P50 gaming headset

gaming computer TRX 3080 update read

850w gold power supply new in box'

HEELYS voyager size 8 new

STAR WARS HEELYS size 8 pro 20 new

HEELYS pro 20 size 9 new i box

HEELYS PRO @) size 11 new


Sandwich board

CHROME clothing rack

Gaming cards sports card sleeves 2 boxes

7 cases card sleeves

55 i tv not working

XL mouse pad new in the box

LED LIGHT mouse pad new

XL mouse pad new

mouse pad drips xl new

XL mouse pad new blue

XL mouse pad new blk and white

MOKPR xl mouse pad

XL mouse pad new

xl mouse pad new

2 used xl mouse pads 1 led

2 used xl mouse pads

gaming keyboard mouse headphones controller

keyboard and mouse

gaming keyboard and mouse

gaming keyboard and mouse

5 keyboards and box of cables misc

case of sunglasses LFM

Gaming headphones mouse and keyboard

LED Neon signs music and others

NIKON D5200 macro lenses +70-300 zoom

Camera Accessories tripods cases misc

extension cord lot

power supplies

MISc computer items full tote

BLack T shirts most blank

shirts champion LFM

LFM hoodies most are kids sizes

LFM black hoodies

Black champion Tshirts whole tote

BLack and purple champion

t shirts and hoodies no logo

office supplies and noise makers

vaccum cleaner

HTC virtual reality gaming headset and accessories

KEEPSTAr records and makeup

Z-edge monitor works

Z-edge monitor works

mario brothers light

aluminum folding little big ladder

Star wars Millenium falcon drone toys

karaoke machine FGTEEV

nintendo switch and accessories


bathroom funny sign

gaming mouse pad and cable

gaming mouse pads MOKPR

gaming mouses and cables

tote of mouse mouse pads and cables