Vestil Pallet Jack Scale
Mettler Toledo Balance Scale
Sampling Systems SteriWare PharmaScoops
Thermo Combination Refrigerator
ESA Ultra RS Detector
Sampling Systems SteriWare PharmaScoops
Beckman Allegra X-14R Centrifuge
Baxter IV Pump
Sampling Systems SteriWare PharmaScoops
Sakura Prisma Slide Stainer
Lighthouse Analyzer
Sampling Systems SteriWare PharmaScoops
Leica DMI6000 CS Microscope
Powerware UPS
Sampling Systems SteriWare PharmaScoops
Qiagen Spectrophotometer - Needs Repair
Eppendorf Centrifuge
Sampling Systems SteriWare PharmaScoops
Lab Vision Autostainer
Mettler Toledo Balance Scale
Thermo Fisher Square Media Bottles
Eppendorf Centrifuge 5810 R
Tecan Plate Reader
Micronova J-Zone Blue Microfiber Mops
Assorted Products-Supplies
Bausch & Strobel Liquid Filler
Micronova J-Zone Blue Microfiber Mops
Spectra-Physics Laser System
Zebra Printer
Sampling Systems SteriWare PharmaScoops
Heraeus Automated Incubator
Mettler Toledo Balance Scale
Thermo Fisher Square Media Bottles
Perkin Elmer Microplate Scintillation
VWR Scientific Incubator
Corning Centrifuge Tube Plug Seal Caps
Perkin Elmer Microplate Scintillation
Thermo Scientific Vacuum Oven
Bel-Air Products Pharmaceutical Scoops
Nuaire Biological Safety Cabinets
Sanyo Scientific Incubator
Tyvek Bowl Covers
Newport Integrity-2 VCS Isolation Table
Agilent HPLC Components
Thermo Fisher Square Media Bottles
Essen IncuCyte FLR Microscope
Mettler Toledo Analytical Balance
Micronova J-Zone Blue Microfiber Mops
Eppendorf 5415C Centrifuge
Malvern & Bruker Titrator and MPA
Sampling Systems SteriWare PharmaScoops
Edwards E2M28 Vacuum Pump
Cool-lab Refrigerator / Freezer
Sampling Systems SteriWare PharmaScoops
Biacore Autosampler
Sampling Systems SteriWare PharmaScoops
Biacore Autosampler
Environmental Chamber
Zeiss Optical Microscope
Environmental Chamber
Thermo & MS Noise Vacuum Oven & Pump
Environmental Chamber
Filing Cabinet
Cryo Chamber
H2l Group Steel Cabinet
Agilent 1200 HPLC(5 Components)
H2l Group Steel Cabinet
Thermo -70 Freezer
Olympus Optical Microscope
Puffer Hubbard Lab Freezer
Zeiss Optical Microscope
Orbitrap Elite Mass Spec
Nikon Optical Microscope
Orbitrap Elite Mass Spec
Leica Optical Microscope
Edwards Pump Lot
ausJENA Optical Microscope
Edwards Pump Lot
TMO / Barnstead/Lab-Line Vacuum Oven
Masterflex 77521-40 Pump
Millipore Water Purification System
FireKing FL2007033061 4 Drawer Lateral File
BOC Edwards Vacuum Pump
GE UNIFLUX 10 Ultra-Filtration Skid
POC Edwards Vacuum Pump
Fuji Impulse V-300 Vacuum Sealer
Zeiss Microscopy Imaging System
Sartorius MSA225SI Balance
Thermo Forma Incubator
Eppendorf 5424 Centrifuge
Minipack-torre Shrink Wrap Machine
Lights Culture Station
BRANSON 1510R-MT Ultrasonic Cleaner
Metro Rolling 5-Drawer Cabinet
REVCO ULT2540-9-D37 Freezer -30C
VWR Vacuum Oven
Panasonic MDF-U76VA-PA Freezer -80C
VWR Vacuum Oven
REVCO ULT3286-9SI-D36 Freezer
VWR Gravity Oven
Cytiva/GE/Pharmacia 18-1103-11 BPG Chromatography
VWR Vacuum Oven
Eppendorf 5810 R Centrifuge
Sanyo Scientific Tissue Culture Incubator
Sanyo Scientific Tissue Culture Incubator
Lauda Brinkmann Ecoline RE106 Water Bath
Thermo Scientific ULT3030A22 Freezer
Agilent ALS Thermostat
Fisher Hamilton 541924 Hood
2- PALL Filter Housings
Hewlett Packard ALS Thermostat
HOT PACK 317512 Incubator
Fisher Mini Vortexer
Hewlett Packard ALS Thermostat
Thermo Electron Corporation 3310 Incubator
Mettler Densito 30PX Refractometer
Dayton Industrial Dust Collector
Leeson C4D17VK1F Motor
3- Mettler InLab Conductivity Probes
Toshiba 2J050L3ZVFA Motor
3- ScienceWare Colony Counters
SEW Eurodrive Baldor DFT90L4-K3 Pump Motor
VWR Digital Heatblock
Biotech 20150EH Rocker/Stirrer
Mettler SevenEasy pH indicator
Millipore Integritest 4 Filter Test Instrument
Leitz Laborlux11 Microscope
Millipore Integritest4 Filter Test Instrument
Leica 410 MicroStar IV Microscope
Sartorius Stedim 16363 Biosealer
Mettler XP6002S Balance
Nova 42343 Turbid Meter
Mettler EB35EDE-1 Scale
Waters 2695 Chromatographic System
Mettler EB35EDE-1 Scale
Bayer Tech. Services BaychroMAT Cell Counter
Mettler EB35EDE-1 Scale
Cole-Palmer, Applikon Multifunction Controller
Sartorius BioWelder
Cole-Palmer, Applikon Multifunction Controller
Watson Marlow 520S Pump
Cole-Palmer, Applikon Multifunction Controller
Trivac E2 Vacuum Pump
Forma Scientific 1184 Hood
Applied BioSystems 96-well block
Applikon EZ1010 Multifunction Controller
Tecan Freedom EVO-2 Automated Liquid Handler
Applikon EZ1010 Multifunction Controller
Waters Acquity HPLC System(4 Components)
Applikon EZ1010 Multifunction Controller
Bio-RAD GS-900 Densitometer
Applikon EZ1010 Multifunction Controller
Bruker 500 MHz UltraShield Magnet
Applikon EZ1010 Multifunction Controller
Branson 2510R-MT Ultrasonic Cleaner
Applikon EZ1010 Multifunction Controller
VWR 630 Hot Plate / Stirrer
Applikon ADI1010 Pump Drive
Sartorius BioWelder
Masterflex 754002 Pump
2-Mettler SevenEasy pH indicators
Electric Cell-Substrate Impedance Sensing
Consumables Pallet
Feldmeier Equipment Tank
VWR 1225PC Water Bath
Precision Stainless 23T-219 Tank
Dakota 300L Bioreactor
Precision Stainless 23-T-206 Tank
Dakota 100L Bioreactor
Precision Stainless 23-T-207 Fermentation Tank
Caron Recirculator
Feldmeier Equipment Fermentation Tank
Bahnson Environmental Chamber
Precision Stainless 23-T-619 Tank
AKTA Pilot Chromatography System
Wave Cabinet With Bioreactors
Precision Stainless 23-T-620 Tank
HPLC Columns
KNF Lab Laboport USC 840 Vacuum Pump
Wave Bioreactor
Bel-Art Scienceware Marble Slabs
Revco Ultima II Freezer
Beckman DU 800 Spectrophotometer
Revco Ultima II Freezer
Rotec Production Nesting Machine
Formulatrix Imager
Eppendorf 5417C Centrifuge
Thermo Lab Refrigerator
Linkam TMS94 LNP VC94 Controllers
Formulatrix Imager
Agilent Headspace Analyzer & Detector
Nova Bioprofile
Mettler Toledo AT400 Balance Scale
Nova Biomedical Metabolite Analyzer
Teledyne ISCO CombiFlash Rf200
Eppendorf 5415C Centrifuge
Snap-On EWB305A Tire Balancer
CO2 Bioreactor Mixers
Celltreat, Corning Lab Consumables
Lab Table
Lab Table
Marble Table
Buchi Scrubber
Perkin Elmer Plate Handling Robot
Thermo Fisher Scientific Water Bath
Molecular Devices Corporation Plate Reader
Agilent Autosampler & Pump
Thermo Fisher Scientific Power Conditioner
Uline Pallet Strapper
Bel-Art Marble Table
Conecraft Impulse Mixer
CIP Systems Inc CIP / SIP
Perkin Elmer Advanced Liquid Handling System
Spools of Tubes
Waters nanoAcquity UPLC
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer
Charmac Emergency Response Trailer
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer
Beckman Avanti J-26 XPI Centrifuge
Arctiko Undercounter -80 Freezer
Thermo Ultra-Cold Freezer
Fisherbrand Elite Pipettes
Fisherbrand Elite Pipettes
Fisherbrand Elite Stand
Hewlett Packard HPLC Columns
Pfeiffer Vacuum Pump
Agilent Injector and Autosampler
Thermo Scientific Autosampler - FOR PARTS ONLY
Vibrant & Blush Examination Gloves
Thermo Scientific Multi Dishes and Flasks
Celltreat, Corning Centrifuge Tubes
Baker Company Biological Safety Cabinet
Baker Company Biological Safety Cabinet
Baker Company Biological Safety Cabinet
Baker Company Biological Safety Cabinet
Xtreme Green Electric Trike
Agilent Gas Chromatograph
Thermo Electron Corporation Spectrometer
Thermo Scientific Ultra Low Freezer
Thermo Electron Corporation Ultra Low Freezer
VWR Water Bath
Newport Electronics Analyzer
Nova Biomedical Corp Analyzer
Endress Hauser Valve
Endress Hauser Valve
Endress Hauser Valve
Endress Hauser Valve
Lightnin Mixer
Bebco Industries Purging System -NEW
PulsaFeeder Pump
PulsaFeeder Pump
LMI Liquid Metronics -NEW
Armstrong Pump - NEW
PerkinElmer Scintillation Counter
Cozzoli Capper
Baldor Motor - NEW
Sew-Eurodrive Motor -NEW
Thermo Scientific Spectrophotometer
Thermo Electron Corporation Temperature Water
VWR Incubator
Fisherbrand Elite Pipettes
Fisherbrand Elite Pipettes