Biovision Process Monitor
Agilent 5977B MSD (Never Used/Unopened)
Nova Biomedical Analyzer
Agilent 7800 ICP-MS (Never Used/Unopened)
Xerox Printer
Agilent 7890B GC (Never Used/Unopened)
Pressure Columns
Agilent SPS 4 Autosampler (Never Used/Unopened)
Thermolyne 16500 Dri Bath
Agilent 7820A GC (Never Used/Unopened)
Beckman FX Device Controller
Lab Glassware Washer (Never Used)
Kelvinator Refrigerator/Freezer
Agilent G3292-80200 Chiller (Never Used/Unopened)
(8) Assorted Refrigerators/Freezers
Agilent G6011A Quiet Cover MS
Mettler Toledo Toledo Scale
Agilent 7697A Headspace Sampler
Barnstead; Qualitron Mini Centrifuge
Agilent 7697A Head Space Tray
Sartorius Industrial Scale
Nuaire Class II Type A/B3 BSC
Portable Tracing Box
Acquity UPC2-MS Mass Spectrometer
Thermolyne Dri-Bath
Agilent G6430A Mass Spec w/1200 Series HPLC
Shimadzu ICPE-9000
Undercounter Refrigerator
Agilent G6430 Mas Spec w/1200 Series HPLC
(4) Gas Flowmeters
Agilent G6530A Accurate-Mass Q-TOF w/1200 Series
Lab Pump Jr.
Agilent G6430A Mas Spec w/1200 Series HPLC
Agilent 6890N Network GC System
Baldor General Purpose Motor
Agilent G6430A Mas Spec w/1200 Series HPLC
Agilent HeadSpace Autosampler
US Motors Condenser Fan Motor
Agilent G6460C Mas Spec w/1200 Series HPLC
Peak Hydrogen Generator
York Condenser Fan Motor
Waters Acquity UPLC
Agilent G6490A Mas Spec w/1200 Series HPLC
Malvern Mastersizer System
Genteq ECM 2.3 Blower Motor
Tecan Freedom EVO-2 100 Base
Thermo Orion pH Meter
GE Electric Motor
Tecan Freedom EVO-2 100 Base
Thermo Orion pH Meter
Rainin EDP3 Plus Electronic Pipettes
Tecan Freedom EVO-2 100 Base
Mettler Toledo Balance
Hoefer Shaker/Mixer
Mettler Toledo Balance
Agilent Automation Control Unit
Mettler Toledo Microbalance
Vibration Stone
Molecular Devices Plate Washer
Buchi Magnetic Stirrer Drive
Molecular Devices Spectramax
BioMerieux Traceability Air Samplers
Agilent 1260/1290 HPLC System
Digital Drive Pumps
Agilent 1260/1290 HPLC System
Agilent 1260/1290 HPLC System
Leitz Laborlux S Microscope
Waters Acquity UPLC System
Olympus CK2 Microscope
Corning Vortexer
Ametek Reference Temperature Calibrator
Waters Acquity UPLC System
Varian 380-LC ELSD
Vankel Dissolution System
Matrical Microplate Washer
Vankel Dissolution System
Bio-Tek Microplate Washer
Metrohm Titrator
Thermo Dionex Ultimate 3000 UHPLC
Thermo Conductivity Meter
Agilent 1200 Infinity Series HPLC
Maxx Cold 3-Door Refrigerator
VWR 2-Door Laboratory Refrigerator
SP Industries Incubator
Ink Jet Coding Machine
Thermo Mechanical Oven
Cole Parmer Pump Drive
Kenmore Lab Freezer
Agilent/HP 8454 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
Applikon Stirrer Controllers
Glass Reactor Vessels
Thermo Scientific Dry Bath
Waters Acquity UPLC
DCU 3 Touch
Thermo Microplate Shaker
DCU 3 Touch
PerkinElmer FTIR
DCU 3 Touch
VWR Sheldon Vacuum Oven
DCU 3 Touch
Troemner Calibration Weights
Assorted Processing Parts
Fluke Thermometers
Sartorius DCU 3 Controller
Rudolph Research Polarimeter
Sartorius DCU 3 Controller
Branson Ultrasonic Bath
B.Braun Bioreactor Skid
Branson Ultrasonic Bath
Hamilton Plate Stacker
Beckman Coulter Centrifuge
Plate Crane Robotic Arm
Eppendorf Centrifuge
Glass Syringe Barrels
PerkinElmer Clarus GS/MS System
Nova Online Autosamplers
Lab-Line Stirrer
Air Compressor
Gerstel GC autosampler
Light Boxes
Eppendorf Pipette Lot
Allen-Bradley Versaview 1200P
AFON Melting Point Device
Applikon Stirrer Controllers
Boekel Pipette Washer
Lab Equipment
Fisher 10x10 Stirrer
Potential Analyzer
Fisher 10x10 Stirrer
Barocycler 2320EXT
Varian UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
Thermo Cryomed Freezer
Waters LACe Box
Fast Real-Time PCR System 7900HT
Waters LACe Box
Waters LACe Box
Agilent HPLC Controller
Sentry Air Systems Portable Fume Hood
Thermo Water Bath
Thermo Sci Spectrophotometer
Pall Filling Station
AFF Flanders Air Filters
WYSE Thin Clients
MRO Parts
MRO Parts
MRO Parts
MRO Parts
MRO Equipment
Assorted MRO
Millipore Valve Seals
Fisher Control Valve
Fisher Control Valves
NEW A-B AC Drive
OGDEN Air Heater
Stainless Steel Pole
Baldor Electric Motor
Baldor Electric Motor
Baldor Electric Motor
Baldor Electric Motor
Marathon Electric Motor
Baldor DC Electric Motor
Electric Motors
Electric Motors
Electric Motors
Bodine Gearmotors
AMI Bellows Stoppering
Nash-Elmo Vacuum Pump
Siemens Vacuum Pump
Leybold Vacuum Pump
Leybold Vacuum Pump
NEW Vacuum Pumps
Calpeda Centrifugal Pump
Gusher Centrifugal Pump
Edwards Booster Pump
Edwards Vacuum Pump
Edwards Vacuum Pump
Hermetic Refrigeration Pump
SPXFlow Metering Pump
Mayekawa Screw Compressor
Mayekawa Screw Compressor
Copeland BTU Compressor
Trane Reciprocating Compressor
Bitzer Reciprocating Compressor
Bitzer Reciprocating Compressor
Bitzer Reciprocating Compressor
Bitzer Tube Condenser
Bitzer Tube Condenser
Chromalox Circulation Heater
NEW Rosemount Pressure Transmitters
Payne Power Controller
Yula Heat Exchanger
IMA Heater Exchanger
Nuaire Biological Safety Cabinet
IMA Heater Exchanger
Nuaire Biological Safety Cabinet
Heater Exchangers
Nuaire Biological Safety Cabinet
SRC Heater Exchangers
Nuaire Biological Safety Cabinet
Ionpure Electrodeionization Module
Nuaire Biological Safety Cabinet
Rosenberg Radial Fan
Baker Biological Safety Cabinet
RF MacDonald Centrifugal Pump
Baker Biological Safety Cabinet
Grundfos Centrifugal Pump
Nuaire 6' Biological Safety Cabinet
Siemen & Hinsch Centrifugal Pump
Nuaire 6' Biological Safety Cabinet
Serling Centrifugal Pump
Nuaire 6' Biological Safety Cabinet
Flo-Line Centrifugal Pump
Nuaire Biological Safety Cabinet
Bell & Gossett Centrifugal Pump
Baker Biological Safety Cabinet
Jordan Valve Pressure Regulator
Baker Biological Safety Cabinet
Magnetrol Transmitters
PSL Filter Dryer & Glovebox
PSL Filter Dryer & Glovebox
Baker Biological Safety Cabinet
Assorted Lab Equipment
Vestil Pallet Jack Scale
Baker Biological Safety Cabinet
Assorted Lab Equipment
Eppendorf 5920R Refrigerated Centrifuge
Thermo Combination Refrigerator
Baker Flow Control Hood
Applied Bio QuantStudio 5 Real-Time PCR
Beckman Allegra X-14R Centrifuge
Baker Biological Safety Cabinet
Thermo KingFisher Flex Purification System
Sakura Prisma Slide Stainer
Baker Biological Safety Cabinet
Applied Bio QuantStudio 5 Real-Time PCR
Leica DMI6000 CS Microscope
Baker Biological Safety Cabinet
Thermo KingFisher Flex Purification System
Qiagen Spectrophotometer - Needs Repair
Baker Biological Safety Cabinet
Applied Bio QuantStudio 5 Real-Time PCR
Lab Vision Autostainer
Baker Biological Safety Cabinet
Eppendorf Centrifuge 5810 R
Baker Biological Safety Cabinet
Assorted Products-Supplies
Baker Biological Safety Cabinet
Spectra-Physics Laser System
Baker Biological Safety Cabinet
Heraeus Automated Incubator
Baker Biological Safety Cabinet
Perkin Elmer Microplate Scintillation
Assorted Consumables
Perkin Elmer Microplate Scintillation
Assorted Consumables
Nuaire Biological Safety Cabinets
Festo Pneumatic Capper/ Decapper System
Thermo 4ft Biological Safety Cabinet
Newport Integrity-2 VCS Isolation Table
Thermo Scientific Cytomat
HT Infors AJ103 Multitron Triple Stack - As Is
Essen IncuCyte FLR Microscope
Flow Sciences Flow Hood
Dionex UltiMate 3000 HPLC
Eppendorf 5415C Centrifuge
Dynamic Devices Liquid Handler
BD FACSVerse Flow Cytometer
Edwards E2M28 Vacuum Pump
Edwards XDS 46i Scroll Pump
BD Biosciences Cell Sorter
Assorted Lab Equipment
Pimatic Pneumatic Cylinder
Greenheck Relief Dampener
Magnetrol Radar Probes
ABSciex x500r QToF
Waters Xevo TQD with Bio H-Class F
Sony LE-SA3800FA Spectral Cell Analyzer
Agilent 7890A/7000C/7693 GCMSMS
Amersham Bio AKTApurifier 10 FPLC w/A900
Teledyne CombiFlash RF Purification System
Gilson 333 & 334 HPLC Pumps
Illumina NextSeq 550 Sequencer
Shimadzu LCMS-2020 Mass Spec w/HPLC
Beckman PA800 Plus
Teledyne CombiFlash RF Purification System
Beckman PA800 Plus
Agilent 7700 ICPMS
Invitrogen Attune NxT Cytometer
ABI 3730 DNA Analyzer
Corning 6770 Microcentrifuge
Labconco 3620804 4ft. Biosafety Cabinet
Labconco 3440001 4ft. Biosafety Cabinet
Thermo Heratherm IGS180 Incubator
Newport LW3030B-OPT Optics Table
Assorted Freezers
Lab Tables.
Rack and Carts of Assorted Lab Equipment