Fenton Milk Glass Hobnail Mini Vases
Fenton Pink Crest Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Pink Bell
Fenton Pink Frosty Bell
Blue Miniature Basket
Fenton Blue Votive/Candle Holders
Fenton Blue Mini Bell
Green Owl
Fenton Green Hobnail Vases
Fenton Pink Opal Hobnail Vase
Blue Hobnail Vase
Blue Ombre Case Glass Vase
Westmoreland Red Child's Sugar
Fenton Blue Opal Hobnail Vase
Fenton Pink Opal Toothpick Holder
Smith Blue Moon & Stars Lot
Blue Hobnail Rosebowl
Fenton Pink Opal Powder
Fenton Pink Mary Gregory Mini Bell
Mosser Amethyst Grape & Cable Child's Lot
Fenton Blue Opal Hobnail Mini Creamer & Sugar
Purple Toothpick Lot
Blue & Pink/White Toothpick Lot
Westmoreland Blue Checkerboard Milk Pitcher
Fenton Cranberry Hobnail Creamer
Fenton Blue Hobnail Mini Vase
Fenton Blue Opal Mini Vase
Fenton White Handpainted Bell
St. Clair Marigold Indian Toothpick
Thames Glass Purple Fish
Thames Glass Green Fish
Thames Glass Amber Fish
Fenton Blue Opal Rosebowl
Fenton Plum Coin Spot Pitcher
Fenton Cranberry Opal Hobnail Bowl
Fenton Cranberry Opal Hobnail Cruet
Fenton Pearlized May Birthday Bear
Fenton Black Handpainted Cat
Fenton Light Blue Handpainted Bell
Fenton Plum Basket
Art Glass Multi Colored Cased Glass Vase
Fenton White Decorated & Signed Bell
Fenton French Opal Glass Duckling
Fenton Pearlized White Cat Figurine
Fenton Pink Decorated & Signed Bell
Egermann Bohemian Green & Gold Art Glass Tray
Fenton Cranberry Opal Coin Spot Creamer
Fenton Celeste Blue 90th Anniversary Ruffld Compot
Fenton Blue Thumbprint 3/1 Edge Compote
Fenton Amberina Paneled Daisy Candy Dish
Fenton Aqua Opal Lily of Valley Fairy Lamp Base
Vintage Blue & White Cased Glass Rosebowl
Fenton Cranberry Poppy Basket
Fenton Cranberry Opal Hobnail CRE Basket
Fenton French Opal 3/1 Edge Decorated Signed Bell
Fenton Blue Opal Hobnail Breakfast Set
Fenton Amberina Thumbprint 3/1 Edge Compote
Fenton Aqua Opal Holly Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Cranberry Coin Spot Basket
Fenton Cranberry Opal Hobnail 3/1 Edge Nut Bowl
Fenton Cranberry Decorated & Signed Mary G. Pitchr
Fenton #194 White & Pink Crested Ruffled Vase
Fenton Red Decorated & Signed Ruffled Vase
Fenton Plum White Crest CRE Bowl
Fenton Red Diamond Point Basket
Fenton Pink Opal Hobnail Ruffled Nut Bowl
Fenton Lavender Opal Daffodil 3/1 Edge Vase
Pilgrim Glass Cranberry Art Ribbed Sack Vase
Fenton Red Heavy Iris CRE Vase
Fenton Pink Opal Hobnail 3/1 Edge Nut Bowl
Fenton White Silvercrest CRE Mayonnaise Set
Fenton Lavender Nautilus Fairy Lamp
Fenton Cranberry Opal Hobnail CRE Vase
Fenton Blue Opal Hobnail CRE Nut Bowl
Fenton Ebony Decorated & Signed Rose Glass Slipper
Dave Fetty Multi Color Blown Art Glass Fish
Fenton White Silvercrest Decorated & Signed Compot
Fenton Blue Opal Nut Dish
Fenton Cranberry Daffodil CRE Vase
Fenton Blue Opal Hobnail Ruffled Rosebowl
Fenton Custard Decorated Bennett 1976 Bell
Fenton Vaseline Opal Optic Dot JIP Vase
Fenton Cranberry Mary Gregory Signed Ruffled Vase
Fenton Crayons Dave Fetty Vase
IG Russet Poppy Show Vase
Fenton Custard Decorated & Signed Glass Boot
Fenton Pink Glass Swan Figurine
Fenton Amberina Hankerchief Pedestal Vase Lot
Fenton Purple w/ Blue Base #647/890 Vase
Fenton White Decorated Bird Figurine
Fenton Chocolate Opal Compote
Art Nouveau Cobalt Blue Decorated Vase
Fenton Cobalt Blue Decorated & Signed Ribbed Baskt
Fenton Blue Opal Hobnail CRE Basket
Fenton Cobalt Blue Daisy Cookie Jar
Fenton Federal Blue Ribbed Decanter
Fenton French Opal Hobnail CRE Bowl
Fenton Custard Orange Tree Rosebowl
Mosser Amethyst Glass Slipper
Fenton Amberina Hobnail Glass Boot
Fenton White 25th Anniversary Bear Figurine
Fenton Milkglass Hobnail Ashtray Set
Fenton Amethyst Decorated & Signed Mouse Figurine
Fenton Custard Decorated & Signed Squirrel
Fenton Crystal Angel April Birthstone Set
Fenton Custard Decorated & Signed Angel Figurine
Fenton French Opal Decorated & Signed Bear
Fenton Lime Green Hobnail Glass Slipper Figurine
Fenton Custard Decorated & Signed Glass Slipper
Fenton Pink Decorated & Signed Glass Slipper
Fenton Chocolate Fawn Figurine
Fenton Marigold Water Lily & Little Fish Bowl Lot
Fenton Vaseline Decorated & Signed Angel Figurine
Fenton Burmese Decorated & Signed Angel Figurine
Fenton Custard Decorated & Signed Fairy Lamp
Fenton Custard Decorated & Signed Plate
Fenton Blue Opal Daisy & Button Glass Slipper
Fenton Teal Rose Glass Slipper
Fenton Chocolate Slag Butterfly Covered Dish
Fenton Custard Decorated & Signed Mouse Figurine
Fenton White Pearlized Decorated & Signed Clown
Fenton Pearlized Rose Heart Shaped Jewelry Box
Fenton Custard Decorated & Signed Fairy Lamp
Fenton Custard Decorated & Signed Angel Figurine
Fenton Pink Burmese Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Cranberry Stippled Daisy Bowl
Fenton Red Glass Bear Figurine
Fenton Crystal April Birthstone Angel Figurine
Fenton White Glass Angel Figurine
Fenton Custard Watching Snow Plate
Fenton Blue Slag Elephant
Fenton Custard Handpainted Bell
Fenton Blue Crest Rosebowl
Fenton Blue Feather Basket
Fenton Red Open Edge Candle Holders
Fenton Blue Silvercrest Candle Holders
Fenton Clear Bell
Fenton Lot of 2 bowls
Fenton Frosted Rose Bell
Fenton Pink Bell
Bohemia Crystal Blue & Gold
Small Glass Chicken
Fenton Pink Burmese Duck
Fenton Handpainted Raccoon
Fenton Pearlized Handpainted Duck
Fenton Green Frog
Fenton Teal Opal Hobnail Epergne
Fenton Blue Opal Bell
Fenton Red Mary Gregory Bell
Fenton Pink Roses Bell
Fenton Blue Opal Hobnail Mini Vase
Fenton Black Handpainted Bell
Fenton Purple Mini Bell
Fenton Teal Hobnail Vase
Fenton Custard Handpainted Bell
Fenton Pearlized Handpainted Bell
Fenton Pink Handpainted Mini Bell
Fenton Pearlized Handpainted Bell
Fenton Green Mini Bell
Fenton Teal Mini Bell
Fenton Red Moon & Stars Compote
Fenton Green Koi Fish Vase
Mosser Amethyst Owl Figurine
Boyd Amethyst Clown Figurine
Fenton Cranberry Floral Vase
Fenton Green Hobnail Vase
Fenton Blue Opal Candle Holder
Fenton Red Mary Gregory Creamer
Mosser Green Opal Cherry Cable Water Pitcher
Fenton Cranberry Vase
Fenton Amethyst Pitcher
Fenton White Hobnail Bowl
Fenton White Hobnail Nappy
Fenton Blue Opal Hobnail Vase
Fenton Pink Southern Bell
Fenton Green Pig Figurine
Fenton Satin Puppy Figurine
Fenton Satin Dog Figurine
Fenton Lot of 2 Hobnail Mini Vases
Fenton Blie Opal Hobnail Vase
Fenton Blue Opal Hobnail Vase
Fenton Red Handpainted Basket
Fenton Amethyst Vase
Fenton Blue Opal Hobnail Vase
Fenton Wisteria Basket
Fenton Blue Compote
Fenton Blue Kitten Figurine
Fenton Red Handpainted Duck
Fenton Pink Pig Figurine
Fenton Custard Donkey Figurine
Fenton French Opal Duck Figurine
Pearlized Sailor Duck Figurine
Fenton Deer Figurine
Fenton Yellow Puppy Figurine
Tiny Brown Bear Figurine
Fenton Red Stretch Basket
Fenton Custard Silvercrest Vase
Fenton Peach Case Glass Basket
Fenton Red Mary Gregory Basket
Indiana Red Harvest Bowl
Fenton Red Santa Votive Holder
Fenton Red Hobnail Votive
Blenko Red Vase
Fenton Birthday Bear December
Fenton Birthday Bear March
Fenton Birthday Bear September
Fenton Birthday Bear September
Fenton Birthday Bear July
Fenton Birthday Bear July
Fenton Birthday Bear July
Fenton Birthday Bear July
Fenton Birthday Bear August
Fenton Birthday Bear May
Fenton Birthday Bear August
Fenton Birthday Bear August
Fenton Birthday Bear May
Fenton Birthday Bear November
Fenton Birthday Bear October
Fenton Birthday Bear September
Fenton Birthday Bear March
Fenton Cranberry Opal Hobnail Candle Holders
Fenton Amberina Basketweave Open Edge Candlestick
Fenton Cranberry Poppy Basket
Fenton Cranberry Opal Coin Dot Vase
Fenton Cranberry Case Coin Spot Vase
Fenton Cranberry Opal Hobnail Swirl Basket
Fenton Cranberry Opal Hobnail Swirl Vase
Fenton Cranberry Opal Hobnail Basket
Fenton Cranberry Opal Hobnail Swirl Vase
Fenton Cranberry Fairy Lamp
Fenton Pink Opal Drapery Basket
Fenton Red Hobnail Low Candleholders
Fenton Amberina Hobnail Basket
Fenton Cranberry Opal Coin Dot Bowl
Fenton Cranberry Mary Gregory Fairy Lamp
Fenton Hobnail Shakers - lot of 4
Fenton Blue Opal Hobnail Shaker Set
Fenton Blue Opal Hobnail Shaker Set
Fenton Blue God Bless America Fairy Lamp
Fenton Red Hobnail Bowl
Fenton Custard Hanging Hearts Rosebowl
Fenton Blue Case Hanging Hearts Vase
Fenton Blue Opal Coin Dot Vase
Fenton Blue Opal Coin Dot Vase
Fenton Blue Opal Coin Dot Hat
Fenton Blue Opal Hobnail Bowl
Fenton Cobalt Blue Fairy Lamp
Fenton Red Cardinal Figurine
Fenton Green Mouse Figurine
Fenton Black Mouse Figurine
Fenton French Opal Mouse Figurine
Fenton Uranium Melon Rib Vase
Fenton Red Rose Compote
Fenton Cranberry Opal Heart Optics Pitcher
Fenton Land That I Love Paperweight
Fenton Uranium Owl Votive Holder
Fenton Blue Owl Votive Holder
Fenton Blue Opal Diamond Open Edge Vase
Fenton Blue Opal Hobnail Cornucopia
Fenton Blue Opal Hobnail Cream & Sugar
Fenton Blue Opal Hobnail Vase
Fenton Blue Opal Coin Dot Basket
Fenton Red Hobnail Basket
Fenton Cranberry Opal Heart Optics Vase
Fenton Uranium Persian Medallion Compote
Fenton Red Hobnail Basket
Fenton Blue Peacock Garden Fan Vase
Fenton Blue Satin Rose Votive
Fenton French Opal Coin Spot Water Pitcher
Fenton French Opal Logo
Fenton Multi-Color Fairy Lamp Base
Fenton Blue Opal Striped Guest Set
Fenton Blue Case Melon Vase
Fenton Custard Butterfly Bon Bon
Fenton Pink Crest Ruffled Hat
Fenton Blue Opal Hobnail Low Bowl
Fenton Blue Hanging Hearts Pitcher
Fenton Amberina Hobnail Basket
Fenton Yellow Daisy & Buttons Slipper
Small Red Daisy & Buttons Slipper
Fenton Red Roses Slipper
Fenton Blue Daisy & Buttons Slipper
Fenton Amethyst Daisy & Buttons Boot
Fenton Amethyst Daisy & Buttons Boot
Fenton Green Opal Bear Figurine
Fenton Pearlized Bear Figurine
Fenton White Tulip Votive
Fenton Blue Opal Hobnail Bowl
Fenton Multi-Color Vase
Fenton Uranium Hobnail Fairy Lamp
Fenton Gold Crest Melon Pitcher
Fenton Pink & White Lot
Fenton Pink Opal Coin Dot Lamp Shade
Fenton Uranium Open Edge Basket
Fenton Custard Open Edge Basket
Fenton Blue Satin Open Edge Basket
Fenton Blue Crystal Enamel Decorated Electric Lamp
Fenton Blue Electric Lamp
Fenton Red Roses Electric Lamp
Fenton Green Swirl Lamp
Fenton Blue Opal Lattice Electric Lamp
Fenton Cranberry Opal Coin Dot Lamp
Fenton Stars & Stripes Hat
Fenton White & Pink Student Lamp
Fenton White & Pink Student Lamp
Fenton Chocolate Duck on Nest
Fenton Pink Case Glass Vase
Fenton Red Potpourri Jar
Fenton Cranberry Opal Striped Vase
Fenton Burmese Nautilus Vase
Fenton Green Cruet
Fenton Black Square Vase
Fenton White & Pink Case Candle Holder
Fenton Pink Ombre Pitcher
Fenton Red Diving Dolphins Compote
Fenton Blue Ombre Diving Dolphin Compote
Fenton Cranberry Ruffled Vase
Fenton Black Dragonfly Vase
Fenton Blue Veryls Seasons Vase
Fenton Green Case Bulbous Vase
Fenton Cranberry Squatty Vase
Fenton Blue Ombre Diving Dolphins Compote
Fenton Marigold Smooth Ray Footed Plate
Fenton Cranberry Basket Weave Vase
Fenton Cobalt Blue Round Candy Dish
Fenton Orange Opal Bell
Fenton Chocolate Cactus Candy Dish
Fenton White Child's Table Set
Fenton Cranberry Vase
Fenton Cranberry Vase
Fenton Plum White Crest Vase
Fenton Blue Votive Holder
Fenton Pink Melon Rib Vase
Fenton Cranberry Coin Spot Basket
Fenton Coutnry Cranberry Melon Rib Basket
Fenton Red Iridized Stretch Basket
Fenton Cranberry Opal Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Blue Inverted Fruits Basket
Fenton Blue Satin Fernery
Fenton Blue Swirl Vase
Fenton Blue Burmese Fairy Lamp
Fenton Green Leaf Votive/Candle Holder Set
Fenton Red Fish Tray
Fenton Blue Swirl Vase
Fenton Teal Flute Water Set
Fenton Pearlized Fairy Lamp
Fenton Stars & Stripes Hat
Fenton Amethyst Grape Covered Dish
Fenton Blue Pressed Bowl
Fenton Red Covered Dish
Fenton Red Daisy Tumbler Lot
Fenton Blue Opal Hobstar Punch Set
Fenton Blue Melon Rib Dresser Set
Fenton Burmese Decorated & Signed Vase
Fenton Red Decorated & Signed Vase
Gibson Vaseline Opal 1997 Cruet
Gibson Vaseline Opal Coin Spot 1997 Cruet
Fenton Lime Green Opal Decorated & Signed Bear
Fenton French Opal Decorated & Signed Bear
Fenton French Opal Decorated & Signed Bear
Fenton Custard Bear Figurine
Fenton Chocolate Slag Figurine
Fenton Aqua Glass Bear Figurine
Fenton Purple Glass Bear Figurine
Fenton Cranberry Glass Mouse Figurine
Fenton Amber Hippo Glass Figurine
Fenton Purple Dolphin Glass Figurine
Fenton White Owl on Branch Glass Figurine
Fenton Pink Glass Bunny Figurine
Fenton Amber Decorated & Signed Elephant Box
Fenton French Opal Decorated & Signed Duck
Fenton Purple Decorated & Signed Dog Figurine
Fenton Vaseline Decorated & Signed Swan Salt
Fenton Pink Glass Ring Holder
Fenton Purple Glass Ring Holder
Fenton White w/ Lime Crest Bridal Bowl
Fenton Purple Decorated & Signed Love Bird Vase
Fenton Cranberry Opal Ribbed Vase
Fenton Decorated Nativity Wise Men
Gibson 1993 Art Glass Bird Figurine
Mosser Red Glass Kitten Figurine
Mosser Green Kitten Figurine
Mosser White Kitten Figurine
Gibson Art Glass 1993 Bird Figurine
Gibson Art Glass Bird Figurine
Gibson Art Glass Blue & White 1995 Bird Figurine
Mosser White Mini Hen on Nest Dish
Mosser Green Mini Hen on Nest Dish
Mosser White Kitten on Bed Mini Dish
Mosser Lavender Kitten on Nest Mini Dish
Mosser Blue Kitten on Nest Mini Covered Dish
Mosser White Kitten on Nest Mini Covered Dish
Mosser Cobalt Blue Kitten on Nest Covered Dish
Mosser Lavender Hen on Nest Mini Covered Dish
Mosser Plum Hen on Nest Mini Covered Dish
Mosser Plum Hen on Nest Mini Covered Dish
Mosser Baby Blue Hen on Nest Mini Covered Dish
Mosser Aqua Hen on Nest Mini Covered Dish
Mosser Amberina Hen on Nest Mini Covered Dish
Mosser Pink Opal Hen on Nest Mini Covered Dish