The pickup location136 Jefferson St Cattaraugus

pickup is wed 6/28 and thurs6/29 only

shipping offered on some lots

Gaming Chess table 1 drawer

carved chess set

car show trophies

CB radio Royce w mount

vintage style am fm radio

antique and bottle books

antique oval side table nice shape

libyana polish pottery pitcher stein set

polish pottery pitcher cups and tray

contents of shelves in piano room

Pair of shelves brass black and glass

The Great Crusaders Chess set Franklin mint

antique floor lamp

Mid Century musical guitar pic clock

sterling silver silverware International 73.3 0z

Grandfather Clock

knife set silver or plate not sure sheffield

mid century bar cart and contents

Dinnigroom table and chairs claw foot

bar cart

mid century TV and Stand magnavox

Andrew Wyeth painting prints and coffee table book

sony turntable denon 5 disc and reciever

mid century stereo cabinet no contents

metal bookshelves barrister sectional

large lowboy dresser with 2 mirrors


china cabinet real nice

mantle clock made in Buffalo

Tea set Onieda silver smiths

glass top side table bird pattern

Sterling silver candle sticks more

silver plate and misc

bar items some silver plate stir sticks vintage

sewing cabinet and contents

high ladder back chairs ornamental

German Sword Military?

Cardinal bird Feeder

yellow carpet 6x9 in piano room

mushroom canister cookie jar salt pepper

seceratary desk

car books in plastic Hudson Cadillac Auburn

asian vases lot of 3

curio cabinet lighted

car magazines posters brochures basket

civil war chess set national historical society

highboy dresser

Ethan Allen end tables

Lamps Ethan Allen blue brass

antique rocking chair

parlor table very ornate

couch back table ethan allen matches tables

queen size post bed

wardrobe 2 piece

pair of night stands

seceratary desk light colored

GE washing machine used 1 time

Kenmore Elite dryer works

yellow formica table and chairs mid century

wicker patio set

refridgerator GE 20.6 cubic foot

contents of shelves next to the fridge

lamp antique

side table duncan phyfe

fireplace set and bellows

glass front bookcase oak i think

tools in the garage shovels pitchforks

gate for driveway chain link

pruners saw

bench metal ends


ornamental cast iron fireplace insert

charcoal grill state park style

ornamental flowers that hold candles

contents of garage rt side and back wall

cast iron treddle and metal planter

heavy metal plant hanger shepards hook

contents basement store room hatchet hardware

steam cleaner mops bucket

4 bags od kingsford charcoal 80lbs total

2 croquet sets

pile of containers totes shoebox size

vintage lawn chairs

tool lot

cat carriers

candy molds and candy making supplies

wine racks in the wine cellar

canning jars new and used

conetns of the shelves in the laundry room

artificial christmas tree very large

8ft tall christmas candles

pair of chairs in basement

table of gardening supplies miracle grow

ornamental planters and garden art

wrought iron patio chair and tables

18 franklin mint Le Cordon Bleu molds

tables book case stool

victrola record player mini bar cabinet antique

record cabinet and records


ldder back dinning room chairs

carpet in dinningroom 9x12

decanter set and silverplate trays

eagle light cat decor and misc gaden items

pair bookshelves

Imperial + Camillius 1976 Military pocket knife

table lamp and stand

red glass candy dish vase and whatever

monk cookie jar vintage

velvet last supper so vintage cool

polaroid 900 land camera

binoculars 7x50 tercia

contents bookshelf in den cook books travel misc

1919 American chess bullitin and old chess books

wool carpet 5"10' x 9 couristan

coffee table

wool carpet 8'6" x 11 " shahistan in livingroom

35 in glass table top circular heavy

Franklin Mint Les FLeurs de Jardin gobblets

Franklin mint Les FLeurs De Champaign

Franklin mint the snow dove crystal gobblets

collectors series chess set 1776 new in the box

The Franklin MInt Faberge Crystal cordial glass

franklin mint faberge champaign glass 12

Franklin Mint Les Fleurs crystal champain cooler

automobile year 1953 thru 2000s j r piccarro

The worlds greatest car collection stamps

automobile quarterly lot

automotive books packard deusenberg chrysler lot

sports car pontiac studebaker book lot

Jaguar Aston Martin Porsche merc auto books

darkwood book shelf 6ft 6 in tall

left side book shelf matches other

art book sets Mcgraw Hill

art book lot modern art picasso davinchi

art book lot time life books

art book lot

closet contents jackets salt misc

contents closet with glass door jackets

car books in den top shelf

car books bugatti buick deusenburg and more

car books pierce arrow world car catalog

vintage car books manuals guides and more

car books magazines periodicals vintage

vintage yearbooks arena buffalo azuwur

car books packard cord and more

vintage Cattaraugus Ellicottville history hats

end table and contents

stand and dvds and magazine rack

steak and kitchen knives

pyrex vintage mixing bowls casserole dishes

corningware casserole dishes

corningware blue and white dishes

pyrex blue mixingbowl 11.5 in

Di Camillo cookie jar

sharp microwave

kitchen appliance lot

Franklin Heirloom doll Noel angel of Christmas

Franklin Heirloom doll porcelain w case

Franklin Heirloom doll Cinderella? pink dress

Franklin Heirloom dolls in purple dress

Kirby Vaccum G6 plus accessories

national geographic magazine collection

air conditioner in master bedroom

curio cabinet in the box samll table top one

1939 Chinese checkers and hockey game

2 boxes of records

The declaration of independence

vintage sports team photo

4 folding chairs matching mid century

contnents of the linen closet some vintage

craft yarn sewing supplies

art frame lot

craft supplies on left corner shelf.

singer sewing machine and acessories

art books in top of closet

craft cabinet and desk contents

heavy fabric rolls

much more will be posted soon

contents of closet boxes and containers

japanese paint bruches, pencils slide rule

Christmas Onieda serving platters

winter coats ladies some fur 1 sweet 80s one

boxes and misc

womens shoes and organizer on the door

Mens suits, misc. Womens, drapes records

contents of pullout closet purses, shoes, tie rac

womens clothes 80s 90s and older

vintage ladies hats and wig

mens vintage and modern neckties large lot

contents of the corner of bedroom

sanyo movie camera and microphone setup

stamp collection 1970s thru 90s war

purses basket and gloves

scrapbook portfolio pages all new

Haviland china service for 16

vintage bank Erie county savings bank

compur vintage camera no 12 watch pocket carbine

elgin pocket watch

green glass stemware

blue glass decanter set pressed glass

Gorham west Germany stemware crystal

glassware stemware misc barware

tea set

giant 100 oz margarita glass

contents candles cookie cutters napkin rings

silverware vintage

canning jars lids pinesol vinegar

contents of dishes in cupboards see the pics


Christmas glassware

china misc glassare ashtray vintage

bar shakers, gold rimmed glass china

Franklin mint crystal candle holders vase

cut glass, candy dish decanter, bowls

cut glass, dishes, sugar bowls pitchers

sugar bowl sterling silver spoon and lid

hand made pottery dish coasters feeder

flash glass cranberry and vase candy dish gobblets

vhs dvd cds lot some war movies

golden age of motorcar 24kt gold on sterling

Haviland china gemany

books some on Buffalo

books car brochures in small bedroom

cut glass in china cabinet, pressed crystal

large hat box mid century basket

pressure cooker

jewelery making supplies