1897 Morgan 90% Silver Dollar UNC?? lots of luster

1896 Morgan 90% Silver Dollar UNC?? lots of luster

Austrian 1 Ducat (1915). Gold Coin. 3.5g 23.75 K

1883 O Morgan 90% Silver Dollar UNC?? lots of lusr


1896 Morgan 90% Silver Dollar UNC?? lots of lustr

1945 Mexico Gold 2 Pesos .0482 oz .900 Fine

1882 Morgan 90% Silver Dollar UNC?? lots of lustr

Venezuela .900 GOLD chacao (proof?) coin

1880 Morgan 90% Silver Dollar UNC?? lots of lustr

1898 Morgan 90% Silver Dollar UNC?? lots of lustr

1881 O Morgan 90% Silver Dollar UNC?? lots of lur

1884 O Morgan 90% Silver Dollar UNC?? lots of lur

1898 Morgan 90% Silver Dollar UNC?? lots of lustr

1885 O Morgan 90% Silver Dollar UNC?? lots of lur

1900 Morgan 90% Silver Dollar great DETAIL

Pair of 1921 Morgan 90% SILVER Dollars NICE !!

Pair of 1891 O Morgan 90% SILVER Dollars

1922 S & 1922 P PEACE 90% SILVER Dollars

25 Canadian SILVER Quarters

37 Canadian SILVER Dimes

1883 & 1880 O Morgan 90% SILVER Dollars

Pair of 1922 Peace 90% SILVER Dollars

10 Kennedy 90% SILVER 1964 Half Dollars NICE !!!

20 Franklin 90% SILVER Half Dollars

STerling Silver Kansas Bicentennial Medal

1880 S & 1890 Morgan 90% SILVER Dollars

50 Roosevelt 90% Silver Dimes 1964 & earlier

1922 S & 1922 Peace 90% SILVER Dollars

24 Standing Liberty 90% SILVER Quarters

1897 O & 1896 Morgan 90% SILVER Dollars

10 1964 Kennedy 90% SILVER Half Dollars NICE !!!

1880 O & 1885 O Morgan 90% SILVER Dollars

20 Franklin 90% SILVER Half Dollars

Pair of 1921 Morgan 90% SILVER Dollars mint luster

50 Mercury 90% SILVER Dimes

1898 & 1891 Morgan 90% SILVER Dollars

12 Walking Liberty 90% SILVER Dollars

1921 & 1921 D Morgan 90% SILVER Dollars NICE !

10 Kennedy 90 % SILVER Half Dollars all 1964 NICE!

1881 S & 1890 O Morgan 90% SILVER Dollars

50 Mercury 90% SILVER dimes

10 Kennedy 90% SILVER Half Dollars all 1964 NICE!!

Pair of 1921 Morgan 90% SILVER Dollars NICE !!!!

1899 O & 1880 Morgan 90% SILVER Dollars

50 Roosevelt 90% SILVER dimes 1964 or Earlier

1890 & 1885 Morgan 90% SILVER Dollars

50 Mercury 90% SILVER Dimes

25 Canada SILVER Quarters

25 Washington 90% SILVER Quarters 1964 & earlier

30 Kennedy 40% SILVER Half Dollars NICE !!

50 Mercury 90% SILVER Dimes

50 Roosevelt 90% Silver Dimes 1964 & Earlier

SILVER Saudi Arabia 1 Riyal coins (lots of luster)

3 SILVER Canadian Half Dollar coins

10 Kennedy 90% SILVER Half Dollars 1964 NICE !!

40 Kennedy 40% SILVER half dollars all 1965

30 Kennedy 40% SILVER half dollars all 1969

25 Washington 90% SILVER Quarters 1964 & earlier

1898 & Up Foreign SILVER coins

30 Kennedy 40% SILVER Half Dollars all 1967 NICE !

30 Kennedy 40% SILVER Half Dollars all 1968 NICE !

30 Kennedy 40% SILVER Half Dollars all 1967 NICE !

30 Kennedy 40% SILVER Half Dollars all 1966 NICE !

30 Kennedy 40% SILVER Half Dollars all 1967 NICE !

30 Kennedy 40% SILVER Half Dollars all 1968 NICE !

40 Kennedy 40% SILVER Half Dollars mixed NICE !

40 Kennedy 40% SILVER Half Dollars mixed NICE !

40 Kennedy 40% SILVER Half Dollars mixed NICE !

18 Eisenhower Dollars

1964 Half, Quarter, Dime 1968 Proof set MORE !!!

Nice pile of Wheat Back Cents

Group of vintage Foreign Coins

Group of Coins from Mexico

Tokens, Commeratives, Bank Bags etc