2007 Chevrolet 3500 Duramax diesel, 4x4

Apache Cattle Creep / Self Feeder

New Holland 353 Grinder / Mixer

Livestock Trailer, 6' x 20', Webb's Welding

Tarter Cattle Creep Feeder

Calf Catcher & sorting stick

New Idea #213 Manure Spreader, pto, single beater

(39) 1st Cutting Grass / Alfalfa / Clover mix

New Holland 853 Round Baler

Lewis Cattle Oiler, excellent

Wood 8' Combination Hay Feeder

Tarter Mineral Feeder

Moorman's Cattle Creep feeder

Rubbermaid Stock Tank w/float regulator

Landoll 3pt. Chisel Plow, 7 shank, gauge wheels

Ford 4 -Bottom Plow

Meat clever Edick made in Germany number 84

(50) 1st cutting Round bale Grass / Clover mix

Ford 3-Bottom Plow Model TO-467

NH 469 Haybine

NH #67 Square Baler

New Holland 163 Tedder, 4 basket

Allis Chalmers 4 row Cultivators

J&M Gravity Wagon on J & M gear

Ear Corn, Harvested in 2022

New Holland 851 Round Baler

Gooseneck Bale Trailer, 6 bale, dual wheel axl

30' PTO Elevator double Chain Elevator

Allis Chambers WD Tractor w/ New Idea 2-row Picker

Allis Chalmers Running gear w/ gravity box

Brock 1.5 Ton ? Bulk bin, needs slide gate

Lawn boy, mechanics handbook

Tarter 10' Cattle Feeder, Steel and Poly

Tarter Mineral Feeder

NH 851 Baler Bars

Tarter 10' Cattle Feeder, Steel and Poly

Single Axle Sloped Feed Wagon

Allis Chalmers 1200, 10' Field Cultivator

Tarter 10' Cattle Feeder, Steel and Poly

AC 333, 4 row x 36" planter, liquid,

Tarter 10' Cattle Feeder, Steel and Poly

Better - Bilt liquid manure spreader manual

Tarter 10' Cattle Feeder, Steel and Poly

1983 American farm and investment digest

Tarter 5' Cattle Feeder, Steel and Poly

Grinder mixer manual

Skid of Woven Wire Fence

Tarter Round Bale Feeder

Tarter 10' Cattle Feeder, Steel and Poly

Tarter Round bale feeder

Farmhand Wheel Rake

8' x 12' Haywagon on IH Running gear

9' Single Roll Culti-paker

AC WD Fenders and toolbox

(150) 3rd cutting Alfalfa and Orchard Grass

AC WD Hitch

Allis Chalmers Planter Parts (2) Skids

Steel Platform on Castors, 36" x 45"

8' x 12' Haywagon on IH Running Gear

Farmall Planter for Farmall C, H or M

CountyLINE 3pt. Bale Spear

New Holland #80 Bale mover, 3 pt.

(38) Steel "T" Posts,

Allis Chalmers Planter Tongue

(7) New Chisel Plow Points

Assorted Cultivator Shovels

White 1000RPM PTO Shaft, NOS

Flat Rack Wagon with HOIST

Ford Tractor Top LInk

Original NH 67 Baler Manual

Implement Jack

Keesling Farm Equipment Allis Chalmers Manual

Category 1 sway Drawbar

New Idea Picker Manuals

Barrel pump

IH / McCormick Planter Manual

(2) 5.50 x 16 tires, 5 lug rims

Woods 72-3 & M72-3 Rotary Mower Manual

(2) 6.70 x 15" tires , 5 lug rims

New Idea Picker parts, entire skid

AC Hydraulic Cylinder

Redliine Hydraulic Cylinder with hoses

Cross Manufacturing Cylinder w/ hoses

AC Hydraulic Cylinder (no hoses)

(2) 1 7/8" BALL Hitch adapters

(2) 1 7/8" Trailer Hitches, OLDER Screw type

(2) Old Clamps / Brick carriers

Newer Fill-Rite Hand-pump

AC WD / WD-45 headlight

5-gallon Hydraulic Oil, NEW, UNopened

(3) Stock Tank Heaters

Seat from NH skidloader

(2) Poly Gate feeders

Galvanized 4-H feed scope

AC WD / WD-45 lift cylinders and drawbar bracket

(2) AC Pitman Arms

Kennedy Toolbox

New Holland Haybine skid pad

Johnson Sickle Servicer

Electric Fence Charger w/ nylon fencing

Metal US Gas Can

5 gallon Galvanized Gas Can, Blue

(2) Galvanized Gas Cans, Co-op

Standard Oil Gas Can

Galvanized 5 gallon Water Color

5 gallon Flip-top gas can

(4) Galvanized feed pans

(4) Reel Jacks

Roll of Cable

Assorted 3pt. pins, CAT 1, 2 & 3

Heavy Duty Extension Cord, 110 wired, black

(2) small clip fans

16" Homelite Saw bar, NEW

Brass Spray gun w/ hose

(2) Red Air Hose

(4) Horse Shoes

6" Chimney Brush

Roll of Cable

Shop Vac 6-gallon, wet/dry

Electrical Group, recepticles, boxes, heat shrink

(4) C-Clamps

Tub of 40#. 50#, 60#, 20-50# roller chain

Ford Steering Cylinder

(4) 5-bolt Hubs

Back rub (1 gallon) and Fly spray / sprayer

NH 851 Baler Parts

NH 479 Haybine parts

Farmhand Hay rake teeth and springs

(6) NH Hay tedder teeth

New Holland 853 parts, pick-up teeth

NH Square baler parts

NH 469 Haybine parts

Hold-down stakes for pick-up

Gallagher Electric Fence Charger

Calf Bottles, Colostrum, Bottle Holders, etc.

Cattle / Livestock needles, scalpels, etc.

Cattle tags, bands, LA 200, B-12, Scour Pills

Calf Puller Chains & Handles

Clear Plastic, 100' x 10' x .004 Mil

13' x 23' Heavy Tarp w/ Stiched eyelet loops

(2) 7' x 9' tarps, new

(3) Taylor Tarps, 19'2" x 29'6" , NEW

Single Axle Sloped Feed Wagon

Reel Mower

Portable Air Tank

Big Blue Portable Air Tank

Large Post Driver

Platform Scale on Steel Castors

IH Mold-board and shears

Hanson Model 890 Scale

Lawerence Engineering Slide Gauge

Mitutoyo SD Vernier Caliper

T & B NEW Cable Slicer

Dayton Heat Shrink Gun

GreenLee Ratchet Cable Cutter

Pipe Reemer and Pipe Cutter

Cross-Cut Saw, 2 man

Gas-Powered Pressure Washer

Old Hand Scythe

Dayton 3,400 lb. Come-along

Black Extension Cord

Standard Oil Wagon Grease Bucket w/lid

(3) Steel Planter Plates

Tonka Truck

Makita Saw -All, Electric

Grease Gun

Hand Sickels and Butcher Knife

Catte Rub Face strips

(4) Chevrolet Hub caps

Saw Mill Blade

Lodge Skillet

Reddy Heater 55 Salamander

Galvanized 1 gallon gas can

Red / Galvanized 1 gallon Gas can

Clover "Big Round" Twine, 16,000

Clevis Adapter Hitch

HARDI 25 gallon sprayer w/ pump

Group of "I" beams & Angle Iron

(2) Disc Extensions

I-beam drag

Goodyear Wrangler, P255/75R/17, 07-18 JEEP

(4) Aluminum Rims for 33/ 12.5 / 16.5

JEEP rear & Front bumper, 07-18

JEEP Wrangler 07-18 Rear Bumper

JEEP Wrangler 07-18 Rear Bumper

(2) GMC Sierra 07-13 Front Bumper

JEEP Wrangler 2018 rear bumper

2006 Beetle Rear spoiler

John Deere 2-row rotary Hoe

2005 Beetle Rear Bumper cover

8" i-Beam, 7 1/2' long

(2) FORD wheel weights

GM Charge Air Cooler Outlet Air

JEEP 2007-18 Rear Bumper

VW Beetle 99-05 Winter Bra

JEEP Rock Slider pair, 2007-18

1994 Sierra GMC Front Grill

SAFWAY rolling scaffolding

Headlights 1999-05 VW Beetle

IH Plow Shear w/ cutters

07-18 Suspension Lift JEEP Wrangler

(2) Boxes of Nails

Door panels, JEEP 11-18, for crank windows

(2) Patriot Exhaust Headers

(5) Jeep tires

JEEP Wrangler JK, 12-18 Air Box

Schumacher Battery Charger

JEEP Wrangler Radio Bezel, 07-10

LT 265/75R/R16 tire on Chevrolet Rim

(2) JEEP Wrangler Heater Core, 2012-2018

VW Beetle, 2005 Radio Bezel

JEEP Wrangler 2007-18 Tire Carrier

JEEP Wrangler 2007-2018 Grill

JEEP Wrangler Factory Sub-woofer, ALPINE, 2012-18

GMC Sierra right-side headlight, 2011

Chevy Silverado tail lights

06 Silverado headlights

2007-2012 Silverado left side headlight

JEEP Wrangler, 07-18 Foglights

JEEP Wrangler 07-18 Tail lights

JEEP Wrangler Brake Booster

VW Beetle, 2005 Front bumper Grill insert

JEEP Wrangler, Unlimited crank-windo regulator

JEEP Wranler, 07-10 Door lock window regulator

JEEP 2007-10 door panels, regulators

(3) Eight Lug Beauty Caps

(4) Wrangler P225/75R16, Jeep Rims

2005 VW Beetle LH Side Fender

JEEP Wrangler SK Cowl, around windshield motors

(4) Jeep tires, 255/ 70R / 18 Tires on Jeep Rims

LT 265/75R/R16 tire on Chevrolet Rim

Schumacher Battery Charger