1860s casket lid from Chataqua prison work farm

more will be posted soon

pick-up location 7528 Lovers Lane Cattaruagus

pickup 10 to 5 mar 31 10 to 1 4/1

1860s casket lid from Chataqua prison work farm

Indonesian carved wood mask

Zem Zem Clock Masonic

Hungarian Buso mask scare away winter 1

Hungarian Buso mask 2 Busojaras

Post Mortem Photograph Large

Large Photograph woman in gold guilded frame

room divider victorian childs salesman sample

religous wall hangers jesus mary

Cleopatra bust egyptian

mermaid nautical figure head 1960s ALFCO

clay sculpture south american african

clay sculpture person south america asia?

Mickey Mouse Head paper machete disney costume

Vintage ski advertisement on cardboard

Large Last Supper print in nice oak frame

antique medical book 1905 medicology emcyclopedia

jingle bells sleigh bells antique

military bayonet

military bayonet artilleria

bayonet says japan on it

stereoviewer stereo card collection

Bible 1845

bible has 1897 copyright

creepy dolls doll parts

tomahawk Franklinville NY souvenier

1901 Pan American Exposition Buffalo Coin tray

Hoover for president license plate topper

Landon Knox metal Elephant

straight razors joseph eirlict larkin

german pipes and old gold cigarette holder

mustard tin box

Vintage pepsi thermometer

antique spectacles eyeglasses sun glasses

spirit of saint Louis planes s w cap gun cig box

Ellicottville Photos glass painted beaded purse

Mutual dairyade bucket

glass christmas ornaments

mutual dairyade bucket with logo lid

African wood masks very heavy

scale Fisher scientific

bust sculpture

cast iron mermaid

2 faced asian mask

Asian carved masks pair cool

really long mask indonesia

2 in dice bakelight amber

South American Sculpture

South American Aztec sculpture has damage

pair of long masks no labels

religous cabinet 2 door

6.5ft Egyptian sarcophagus cigar store?

roseville water lily vase

victorian room divider from pink house

wood spool cabinet

church alter

large store cupboard vintage

black magic ouija board master play board

religious prints and statue

Last rights kit copyright 1897

funeral candle holders brass

wood painted bookcase medical cabinet painted

small cider grape press

barbers chair Emil J Paidir

wood multidrawer cabinet

vintage zenith shortwave radio

zenith solid state turn table record player

black powder rifle steele warren albany

terracotta sculpture south american

terracotta religious statue candle holder

fireplace mantle figures architectural

sculpture Inca Asian not sure

Indian Native American Arrow Heads fossils

Religious sign hand painted wood

Photo 3 women victorian gold guilded frame

Asian mash head dress carved wood

African carved masks "HAVE BEEN FED"

Photo album prized dogs 1920s

fish and game of new york state prints

Photo Album of camping 1900s

Black Americana Advertising cards

1900s advertising black americana, shoes, cards

1900s post cards france paris europe italy

postacards 1920s florida and teddy roosevelt pics

china japan Asia photos and post cards 1920s

Post cards photos from middle east egypt india

South America Cuba Mexico 1920s photos post cards

Asian wood carved masks

indonesian wood carved masks pair

African carved wood masks

carved wood masks uganda pair

3 carved wood masks

carved wood masks Uganda no label

der hide rug wall hanger

Sasquatch fur or sheep

Yeti fur or mountain goat

Mexican Clay candleabra

fort Fisher civil war relics dug up in 1978

7 deadly sins wall hanger modern

Chautaqua lake post cards early 1900s lot 1

post cards Chautaqua lake institute 1900s

Gowanda Salamanc Cattaruagus Post cards 1900s

insane asylum post cards un used Gowanda NY

Westfield Ripley Post cards early 1900s

Buffalo NY and other NY area post cards

Hawaii hula girls and other Prints 1900s

Hey Asshole Posted Sign Funny

Hey Asshole metal sign Posted

large Grape press

victorian halltree mirror

oak watchmakers cabinet painted 3 drawer

asian wood carved mask

wood carved mask

meican aazrec art and door knocker

grim reaper and other statues

phrenology skull skull and hand

african sculptures and tribal paratrooper tiki

mexican pitchers and sculpture

mexican sculptures and planters

2 mexican heads plus 5 tiny sculptures

religous statues and hymn board

match book collection Playboy Buffalo

goat sheep skin

sheep skin

sheep skin

Royal typewriter vintage

wall art of a dresser hand painted

greek statues

vintage sewing lot thimbles buttons ms Piggy

antique quilt lot

needle point German religous sampler 1800s

carved horses candle holder sculptures

asian sculptures terracotta

art lot political 1880s prints

black glass amethyst candy dish candle holders

ledger 1859 to 1860s

friars wall hanging

1854 Genesee county hanging map

art lot asian mexican french frames

sewing zippers lot vintage new used

sewing patterns fabric misc

postcards victorian pennsylvania black americana

army signal corps tool box 1942 world war II

mid century modern lamps pair

razor strop and razor vintage

fire king

1925 new york blimp zeplin accident

doctors bag

victorian parlor chairs lot of 2

edison dictaphone cylinder records

Edison dictaphone artdeco stands

deer hide pelt

Beaver pelt round

beaver pelt

beaver pelt

Sheep skin small

Lap Robe Buffalo antique sleigh

treddle sewing machine coffee table white

multi-band radio readers digest

1925 Africa cruise book postcards photos more

1928 Afircan cruise tribal photos postcards more

Africa cruise 1925 Rio Dejanero pics and cards

1920s cruise book south america photos post cards

1924 worlds cruise asia orient cards pics menus

Zenith shortwave radio b600 #1

Zenith shortwave world band radio #2 b600

prints hula girls Hawaii, asia opium smoking more

tall brass funeral candles

swiming timer seems to be brand new

1920s cruise photgraph album raymond witcomb

1924 cruise scrapbook Italy Ceylon

1924 cruise scrapbook south seaislands

1930 world cruise scrapbook singapore china

lithographs, Olean sand pumpings1978

spencer dilineascope projector enlarger vintage

candle mold ironstone large foot bath tools

casket mover

victorian prayer chair. flip open

mid century record rack

upholstered chair 1970s

Lane cedar chest

rustic wood shelf

highboy dresser bassett

3 end tables plant stands matching

stone planters

mid century china cabinet 2 piece

brass andirons fireplace tools light up fire

table and chair mid century white

Yellow formica top table

mini bar mid century

tobacco jars lot of 10

wood hall tree

cemetary planters

Stanley no 3 wood plane

wardrobe depression era w key nice graphics

litemaster desk lamp clock

vintage cuckoo clock germany

mirror with painting

parker 51 fountain pen and desk set vintage

wheelbarrow dolly rakes shovel lot

yard tools rakes shovels hoe more

antique axe pick shovel

watering can vintage

galvanized wash tubs and buckets

uncle reemus syrup metal sign modern

Large art print framed

1930 world cruise scrapbook japan to havana

1930 world cruise scrap book of senator Hamilton

scrapbook Chautauqua 1898 Senator Hamilton

scrapbook senator Hamilton 1903 to 1911 trips

Senator Hamilton Political papers letters telegram

ceramic christmas tree

The Dionne Quintuplets 1934 Ontario Canada

vintage Halloween jackolantern lamp shade

Odd Fellows trivet light fixture and wall hangings

political letters clippings Senator Hamilton N.Y.

Signed Teddy Roosevelt letter scrap book Senator

scrap book 1896 California Colorado pictures

circus fan misc postcards NY Pa cards photos

post cards 1913 mobile New Orleans New York

1913 post cards travel boats and more

Roseville Peony Pink teapot cream and sugar

Blue Egg MIni bar liquor holder

New York state Men vol 1 1880 encyclopedia

Beaded purse and cigarette dispenser.

flo blue bowls good condition

Nerogics dairy Salamanca + taclarino busti

wood candle holder

Masonic Bible 1988

Bible 1875 good shape

1800 Ulster county Gazette Geoge washington death

Paint by numbers deer mill on velvet

vintage christmas lot decorations santa

vintage elf on a shelf crossed legs big

rotating chrismas tree stand mid century

carpenters chest drawers and stool

soldering iron gun wen weller vintage

Drill bits and taps machinist

tube testers polisher ice pick papers

tool lot vintage american made wrenches

enamelware pot bowls

school maps vintage america, africa s amer

art lot prints on cardboard framed piece

vintage sheet music jazz blues piano

Little Black Sambo black americana music

roeville magnolia terracotta 447-6

Pink depression Glass pitcher

maruhonware japan teapot cherry persimmon

candy idshes vaseline glass and other

cranberry depression glass lot

Fenton blue glass decanter lot

misc lot toby niagra falls china

cut glass candy dishes cake plate vases lot

silverplate silverware tea set onieda rogers lot

china from austria turines bowls serving

royal albert bone china tea coffee plates

creepy baby

anniversary clock with key schatz german

misc lot thermometer plates

Lionel train model car auction coming soon

transcriber pearlcorder model t1010

westclock elgin watches board

Red cranberry glass vases 1 painted

Hampton Bay blanket purse

icebox cooler door

glass fuit candle holders depression glass more


vintage greeting cards

vintage canning jars poptops some blue

deer head mount

hubcaps rambler chevy pontiac

embroidery hoops large lot

postage meter pitney bowes

Sasquatch plywood cut out 8 ft

vintage wool blanket

painting of a woman large gold frame

table top dropleaf small

Lincoln logs vintage

erector set

ashtray lot bronze nesting set

banks and barometer howard johnsons dolphin

fireking blue bowls

Lionel train model car auction coming soon

large box of match books collection Buffalo