How to Bid
Box - 2
Shipping Information
Picture- 2
Vase. 2
Picture 2
Vase and candleholders
Picture 2
Vase and tea ewer
Drum and candleholders
Vase and candleholder
Lidded jar 2
Vase and Figure
Vase 2
Vase 3
Vase 3
Footbath with base
Lidded box 2
Pillows 7
Vase 4
Pillows 7
Balloon bottle 2
Vase and candle holder
Vase and candleholder
Picture 2
Pots 2
Pots 2
Pillows 7
Vase 2
Picture 2
Pot 2
Vase 2
Lidded box and plate with holder
Vase 2
Vase 3
Basket and box
Horns 2
Jar 2. Lidded box
Picture 2
Picture 2
Picture 2
Picture 2
Picture 2
Pair pictures
Wood painted panel
Wood painted panels
Wood painted panel
Art - framed painted panels
Frame painted panels
Pair of pictures
Pair of pictures
Oil on canvas
Pair of pictures
Oil on canvas
Pair a vase
Pair of pictures
2 urns and large vase
2 pictures
Pair of urns
White painted jars
One planter two vases
Pair of jugs and covered dishes
Teapot three vases
Set a three planters
Four metal urns
To planters
To decorative pieces
Metal box with lid one metal urn
Ceramic vase with bronze base, one jar ceramic
Four panel screen
Pair of wood painted panels
Pair of handpainted panels
Handpainted panel old
Antique eight panel hand-painted screen
Pair of hand, painted wood, sculptured panels
2 oil, lamp prints
Art-silverware, and English cutlery
3 canvas and print art pair lemon palm tree
Art tapestry
4 gold framed art vases
3 obelisk tortoise, brown, and black
4 obelisks
4 - pair of finial and vases
3 obelisks crackled mirror
2 elephant obelisks
5 - obelisk, candle holder and gold tin
3 vases celadon
6 - 4 obelisk and 1 silver vase on stand
Hanging sconce black
3 - 1 finial 2 jars with lid green and purple
To art plate print botanical
3 - Man statue and two iron candleholders
4 - art angels and botanical
2 Arts-boats in the water
2 framed sketch art
5 - art Botanica
4 - art entry door prints
1 table lamp mirror, gray
3 - Art pineapple, lemon, butterfly
3 florals pineapples
3 art urn, topiary, modern
Art Night bird
2 ceramic brown and black lamps
8 weathered law books
2 table lamps monkey gold
1 framed art silk, Safari
1 art salma
1 art red gold jewel, Jari
3 - 2 planters 1 box with lid
4 mixed art carved wood framed art
4 mixed art framed
1- Wood Box with silver accent
1 wood ribbed box
7 mixed pieces column, finial, box, balls
1 bronze bowl
4 - 2 boxes 1 apple box on 1 glass tile
2 bronze planter and hexagon box with lid
Girl holding jar
4 - mixed fish teapot, Buddha head, 2 jars
2 mixed, art, framed, architectural and leopard
1 canvas art harvest
1 canvas, art harvest two
3 mixed art asparagus, fish, Albertus fish
3 mixed fruits
4 mixed 1obelisks 1 jar 1lamp 1 candle holder
3 deco, olive baskets and 12 acorns
3 - 1 jar 1 camel 1 metal planter and fern
Wood box wall stamp, lizard, amethyst bookend
10 mixed 2 planters, 1 basket tray, balls, stands
4 bronze candleholders stands
4 trellis pyramids on stands
3 candleholders
7 law books
1 picwais hand painted fabric
2 Chinese chest drawers and doors
2 Chinese chest
4 picwais littles
4 pickwais
4 pickwais
Art, etegere and buffet
3 Maitland smith, decorative pots
1 art toilet, and anglaise
2 armoire
2 art framed dragonfly prints
1 building façade
1 art façade
1 art façade building
2 architectural details on tree of peace
One art German birds
2 carved wood, pillars circus colors
3 suede eggshell throws
8 law books
5 candleholders
12 Trays. Red leather. Metal
One large art frame building façade
Art -Building facade
Quill box and black spotted box
Tray collection
2 Art conifers
8 Beaded candlesticks
4 candlesticks column
8 candlestick holders
7 Candle stick holders
8 plates with topiary design
1 Art conifers
1 art conifers two
8 - dessert plates palms
2 right hands
2 Brass Tuscany urns
Cream, red marble table lamp
Ivory table lamp
Grape table lamp
2 table lamps
Empire floor lamp
Pole floor lamp
4 Metal braid bowls
2 - noble games, playing cards and holder
1 harlequin box
3 - 2 brass stands 1 animal horn
12 bronze columns
3 - 2 brass wall panels 1 brass book holder
2 rust iron 5 candle labra
3 - 1 Maitland smith box 2 hammered trays
1 rattan suitcase
1 leather trunk
5 - 2 seven light candle holder 2 pillars 1 stand
8 - 3 hurricane candle holder 5 candlestick
10 - mixed candlestick, paper, towel holder
3 - 2 orange and black urn, 1 clay candleholder
17 - mixed candle holders
5 white carved wood candleholders
14 concrete vases
3 wood box, wine holder, 1 urn, 1 box with lid
2 Sharpei dog book ends
8 - candleholders Ebony and Wood spotted
17 - platter, balls, and candleholders
5 ribbed, glass jars, box, Maitland Smith fruit
5 mixed 2 sconces, basket, jar, and lid, oval bowl
7 - 2 Maitland smith columns and jackfruit
6 - 2 ceramic pictures, 3 plaster pedestals ball
2 butterflies table lamps, unmatched shades black
6 - 5 Bowls 1 fish plate
3 - jar, planter and bowl in greens
1- Maitland smith, needlepoint footstool
1 halogen lamp, feather
1 Robert Abbey floor lamp, swinging arm
14 - brahma head 7 monks 6 Spinks
1 urn, sketch, framed art
3 - mixed art palm tree dragonfly carved wood
5 - 3 Metal tins, 2 book ends
3 - 1 weave box1 crown box 1 candleholder
3 - 1 bamboo trunk 2 bamboo boxes
3 - 2 marble containers 1 candleholder
3 - scallop bowls and wine bottle holder
2 elephant, lamp, and candle stick holder
4 - mixed wood and tin pieces
1 Maitland Smith, box
13 assorted bowls, and plates
13 - organizer, large bowl, turtles, pillbox
1 Japanese jewelry box
2 - blind box, 7 drawers large pocket watch
5 - asian blue and white pieces
12 - kitchen, bath, colonial candles
2- stone foo dogs
2 Maitland-smith, box brown
5 - mixed boxes
4 Maitland smith box
11 - bronze columns
3 -2 white marble bowls, 1 red ceramic pot
5 - 2 finials, 2 planters, 1 tea pot
2 - Stoneheads on stand
Maitland smith jar with lid
10- 3 planters, pumpkins on base, bowl, tray, box
1 - leather Embossed box
2 - Bronze Maitland smith box with lid on tray
3 - trays and round box
6 - 2 tea pots 3 boxes with tray
1 - Tuscany box
5 - ceramic pots
15 - marble boxes, small medium large
2 - bronze wall design
6 - 3 copper, trays, 3 tassel sconces
Brown brass box
Wood knife box
Reptile crackle box
3 - terra-cotta house and fruit
9 - snow, fish boxes, tray and bowl fake orange
1 - wine trunk metal
7 - 4-Maitland-smith boxes 3-glass jars
1 Maitland, smith, box
2 - red terra-cotta vases
2 - red terra-cotta vases
2 - Brass Tuscany urns
5 - 3 vases and 2 bowls
2 - Nobbed green vases
5 - 3 vases and 2 stands
3 - vases with lid
Glazed vase with base
2 Rattan baskets
2 brass lion door knockerS
2 Chinese jars with lid
Parchment bracket
Fluted urn
2 Small berry wall brackets
2 Chinese terracotta warriors
2 terracotta Chinese figurines
Walnut wall shelf
2 Pineapple boxes
2 white stone wall shelves
Three Pineapple boxes
2 Walnut wall shelves
Ceramic Animal statues
5 - Caspian metal vases
5 - metal planters with lion handles
Hand painted panels pair
Two piece metal gate
Two metal wall hangings
Metal gate
Pair of yellow vases
Pair Vase brown and lime glass plus metal
Pair Vase tan and green
Vase, natural bamboo platter, fish, copper pot
3 vase blown, lime, glass, metal
Porcelain tea ewer and a pair planter with rings
Bowl 17 D grave vine WH curl and jar Cathay temple
Pair Vase,brown metal and pair of bowl +stand
Camel metal
Planters with rings
Pair of planter ivory cream and a pair of
Pair of jar, porcelain floral
Pair Jar+lid+ped, porcelain
Planters with rings
Planters 6
Urn ivory terracotta sir base
Planter, ox blood fluted 22"
4 vase, ceramic antique brown with squares
Giraffe sheet metal and pair of vase bronze
Pair Ceramic Vase turquoise drip and vase cream
Pair Jar lid, blue glaze, pottery, painting
4 vase, ceramic antique, brown with squares
They ceramic cabbage and right, ahe vine, wave
9 Urn cast ivory terracotta
Horse hand carved
three bowls plus rings cast and urn cast stone
1 tray with handles round antique brass and 2
2 Tray footed ant brs.
Box, chinoiserie and bowl
Base ceramic, jar plus handle green
The square Greg crackle
To Vegas yellow blue porcelain and vase
Bass brown metal pair and canister lid rust tin
Bass, green brown and base knob green
Pair of jar lid, ginger, red crackle and jar p
Pair of vase, speckled porcelain brown white and
Pair of Pot ceramic with brown
Pair of vase, urn, red plus copper
Pair of Jar, cela, brs lid + ped
Three jars plus lid, ginger, green crackle
Jar plus lid, red with blue streak and jar plus
Jar Loki's lid plus ped white painted and vase
Six table top candle holder
Lantern bronze lotus and vase alabaster
9 Trays leather and wood
Pair of jars plus lid ox blood and jar plus lid,
3 jars +lid wavy glass 1 jar+ lid + pedes wavy
5 jar+lid glass morroccan
Pair 2 cup iron candleabra
2 Jar Browns with lid brass
3 bowl, sm Verdi spire
One tray with handles, oval, antique metal 2 to
Pair Green glass 14 de vase StanD
Bowl with stand and cats and 2 box styled all
3 candlestick, hurricane
17 candle holder wood brass
2 Obelisk croc brown
1 Elephant, scone, 2 horn bronze lotus, 1 Palm
1 pot stoneware to handle green, 1 jar, plus l
1 base with Grapes 2 handle, oriental floral jar
3 planter, ceramic green
4 vases ceramic green
three vases ceramic green
3 vases, green, and brown glaze to handle
4 pots cast ceramic, 1 vase, ceramics, ivory,
4 stone balls, 2 pots whitish
4 vases, ceramic ivory dip glazed , 2 urns with
3 urns ochre/black
1 metal, gray vase, 1 planter, brass foot pot
Pair of vases bronze
3 jars, Takata burnt amber glaze
3 pair of bowls with lid embossed, 1 bowl, plus
3 jars, old world amber glaze
3 metal basket, black
3 metal jars lidded with turtles on top
1 canister with lid round, embedded round metal,
1 planter, large red, plantar, bone plus ant
1 vase, gourd, shape, red with green Asian, 1
1 vase flared, porcelain bread, 1 vase, painted
1 ivory jar with lid, 1 vase with elephant
Pair of ram headed brackets carved
Pair of vases oxblood fruit ear
3 vases, ceramic ivory, dip, glazed, and rings
3 jars botanical chteau med.
Pair of urns with lid terra-cotta
Set of three jars bronze with lid brass
Pair of vases brown, ceramic, large neck
Vase, green white with lions pedestals, bass LT,
1 lizard, Komodo bronze, 1 lizard, brass curled,
Ceramic planter
Wash off white speckled Masonary brown iron b
Pair Vase, tortoise, glass, brass pedestal
Many crabs, blue Bronze different sizes
3 bowl copper, metal pedestal bowl
10 column bronze candleholders
3 vases rust metal. believed to be Maitland Smith.
Maitland Smith dragon design box
4 - 2 urns 2 planters
1- Elizabethan box
8 - one bamboo box 7, Maitland, smith, balls
3 - light green porcelain vase with lids and bases
4 - 2 wood drums and hurricane candle holder
7 - mixed serving dish, plates
2 - columns, coconut wood
4 - copper boxes, bronze cow box
2 - writing boxes
2 - wood keyed boxes
3 - Red boxes
3 - octagon boxes
22 - red and black stands square
3 - 2 bone-in boxes 1 wood box
33 mixed stands
5 - square trivet with wooden feet
2 - tragedy, stone face, and Bird box
Brass antique box collection
3 embossed leather boxes
34 - mixed rattan balls
4 - brown wood boxes
3 - boxes and platter
5 - 2 spheres on bronze stand, 1 cast ceramic
6 - book boxes, finials, stand Book art
3 - Ceramic framed art
3 - antique metal trays
6 - traditional picture light art display
5 - mixed trays wood, metal and brass
4 - Maitland smith tray, antique mixed trays
4 - antique brass trays
3 - silver metal antique trays
Bronze crane and black obelisk
1 - wood tubs with legs
3 - wall brackets
3 - two stands, John Richard tray
2 - bronze tray table and stand
1 - chandelier
Brown glazed, ceramic pot
4 - wood boxes and wood candleholders
18 - artichoke finial 10 - candles 6 - stone balls
1 -Maitland Smith hand-painted box
4 - 2 round boxes, ceramic vegetables, candle
10 - 2 wall table, buddha head, round box, mixed
3 - accent boxes
7 - peacock box, circular art on stand, planter,
3 - tropical floral arrangements
6 - wall planters
6 - mixed large bowls
13 - bronze, wood, ceramic mixed pieces
3 - jade elephants
3 - 2 Spheres on pedestals and Viking jars
82 - mixed Books
10 art stands, 30 wood ring, holders, and basket
9 -china bowls and platters
7 -. Mixed lights.
8 - mixed glass, crystal, ripple
8 - mixed baskets, wall table, tins, bronze
10 - mixed small items
3 - art
2 Pinecone finials
2 pichwais
2 pichwais
4 pichwais
4 pichwais
2 pichwais
2 pichwais
4 pichwais
3 pichwais
3 pichwais
Six pichwais
6 pichwais
Pichwais with loops
Pichwais with loops
Pichwais with loops
Pichwais with loops
Pichwais with loops
Pichwais with loops
Pichwais with loops
Pichwais with loops
Pichwais with loops
Suede throw
3 Suede table runners
Arlington tablecloth
Arlington tablecloth
2 Rust tone tapestry
2 Jewel tone tapestry
2 Brown tone tapestry
Gold throw and jeweled throw
2 Linen throws
Burlington table cloth
Table cloth
Two throws and two pillows
Gold tapestry
Art- seabirds
4 Art-seabirds
Art- flowers 4
Art- orchids 4
4- 15th century maps collection
Collection of Tassles
Collection of tassels
15th century maps
Art- Aloe vera plant collection
Beige and gold tassels