(3) Video Games Wii/PC

Phillies Programs and Yearbooks

Chesterfield Tobacco Ads

Country's Family Reunion VHS Tapes

Costume Jewelry - Women's Ring Lot

(5) PA History Profiles by Reynolds

Estate Jewelry in Box

Postcard Lot - Covered Bridges

Apollo Lunar Landing Lot

(5) Silver Cerificates

(2) Coin Sets

Costume Jewelry - 30+ Women's Rings

(3) Shel Silverstein Books

Large Grouping Williams Sonoma Cookbooks

Costume Jewelry - Brooch/Pin Lot

Costume Jewelry - Holiday Lot

Small lot Sterling and Gold Filled Jewelry

Large Assortment of Costume Jewelry

Clean Holy Bible with Cedar Box + Ornament

Vintage Cut-to-Clear Decanter

Vintage Cast Iron Inkwell and Stand

Vintage Jewelry

Vintage Crock Lot

Vintage Advertising Tins Lot

Black Laquer Asian Decorative

Vintage Ohio Art Lunch Box

Paper Doll Lot with Halloween Theme

Pile of Vintage Lottery Tickets (70s)

Vintage Paper Lot

Decorative Lot Brass Owl 'La Vie' Bird

U-Haul Bank Boxes

Authentic Richie Ashborn Cards Andy Seminick Auth

Early New York Vintage Souvenier S&P

Authentic Hand Hewn Barn Pins Construction

Faux Ancient Chinese Figurines

Retro Ring Toss Game

Vintage Fishing/Knives

Two Calculcators, One Ti-83+

Miscellaneous Tokens, Opener, Thermostat etc.

Dart Trophy and Pair of Vintage Skates

Three Spode Christmas Banks

Poodle Bank AS IS Vintage Custer Cups

Ceramic Horse Planter Signed USA

Wool Fleece throw Calzeat Scotland

Winston Champions Match Books + Plated 'Cards'

'Jonal' Gold Plated Paperweight w/ Box

Advertising Lot: Landis Stone Metal Co. etc.

Vintage Christmas, Angel, Ornaments, Cookie Plate

Vintage Bags/Clutch One NWT, Leather Bags etc

Pair of Wire Tableware Pieces

Contemporary Tin Fishing Signs

Vintage Green Handle Hand Light

Model Train Railroad Ties

Mirrored Tray + Miniatures

Pentax Binoculars

Folky Hand Painted Sheep Map Holder

Carved Swan 'Soft Stone'

Lord Nelson 'ABC' , Royal Goedewagon, Delft

Primitives Lot, Hand-Wrought Ladel, etc.

Vintage Pocketknives, Ontario Knife Company

Kerosene Lamp Lot

Dale Earnhardt Lot

Lincoln Cent Book 1941-

Disney Store Snow White Ornament Set

Large Lot Life Magazines

Williams Sonoma Cookbooks

Beatrix Potter DVD + Needlepoint Book

Belmont Music Western Song Books

Large Lot of Unit Study Books

Atlas of Creation by Yahya (2) volumes

Marlboro Box Banks Vintage Openers Harley Mug

Doctor's Lot - Case Bottles Barrel

Vintage Rolls Razor Shaving Accessory

Coiled Snake - Plaster?

Tool Lot - Locks Keys Tire Locks

Lot of Fun Colorful Labels

Glass Ornaments - Mouse Snowmen others

Lot of Old Keys- many Skeleton

Vintage Table Serving Piece

Cigar Boxes and Tins

Basket Lot - Quality Figurines Pen Holder etc

Vintage Sewing Lot

Menno Folk Art - Lancaster Co.

Quilted Pattern Ruby Glass Vase

Pretty Pressed Glass, Toothpick Holders, Carnival

Miniature Vintage Frames

Giant Mickey Mouse Stuffed Animal Authentic Disney

Juice Set Pitcher

Assorted Silver Plated Flatware in Box

Budweiser Christmas Decorative Beer Steins

Mini Mow Vintage Toy Lawn Mower

(2) Tall Ship Framed Prints

Disney VHS (9) Tapes

(9) Metal Casino Coins/ tokin - Various

Grouping of Solar Bobble Heads

Modern Metal Hand-cut Arrows and Stars

Book Version Comics - Marvel + others

Wooden Box with Key

Mini Tin and Boxes Lot

Ephemera Lot Bloomingdale's Magic Kingdom Bag

Phillies Vintage Tray + Plush Lot

Dirt Bike Boots

Vintage Sony Cassette Machine

Lot of Advertising Cooking Etc Booklets

Primitive Lot - Chopper Faux Butter Print Etc

Snow White with the 7 Dwarves

Vintage Chinese Checkers Board

Framed Etching of Independence Hall + Bridge Art

Misc Tray Lot- Vintage Animal Stamps Ertl Etc

Amish-Made/Designed Wooden Toys

Asst. Bisque and Other Figurines

Assorted Cassettes some Sealed Blanks

John Wayne Trivia Book By Brideau

Sheffield Vase - As is

Cast Metal Horse and Dog Companion

Vintage Cobalt Blue Glass Lot

Large Lot Cassettes- Rock others

Vintage Brass Frame Decorative Wares

Metalwares - Horseshoe, Bells, 2-prong top

(4) Wacky Packages Erasers - Sealed Packs

Lufkin Micrometer plus little one

Large Lot BSA Booklets

Connecticut Post Card Almanacs (10)

1800s Farm Journals Lot

Diecast Lot of Assorted Cars

Beer Trays Planter's Tins Baseball Pins

Diecast - Eligor Ertl Winross etc.

Clean Cedar BoxWatch US Plaque

The Last Whole Earth Catalog

Vintage Wooden Pinnocchio

Goofy Grams Figurines and Friends

(4) 3 lb Quoits - Iron, Rough

Dremel with some bits/ Collectible books-3

Lot of Assortred Glass - Paperweight Glasses etc

100 + Same Comic Postcard

Metalwares cordial s+p and Gabriel Alarm Clock

Retro "Gourmates" Tableware

(8) Assorted Hardcover Automobile Quarterly

Decorative Assorted Lot

Fancy Glass Lot

Decorative Wares with Oriental Theme Bottle

Metal Towel Rack Lot

Contemporary Metal Sign Lot

Lot of Light Mystery Novels, Annie's Attic etc.

Lot of Light Mystery Novels, Annie's Attic, etc.

(2) Western Maryland Railroad Tickets 1893 & 1900

Black and White Photo Snapshot Lot

Tray Lot Toy Figures #1

Tray Toy Figure Lot #2

Newspaper Comic Lot - 60s Sunday Pix

Hardcover Book Lot

Mixed Mystery/Novel Lot

European Influence Hardcover Book Lot

Historical Harcovers

Assorted Linen Lot

Plastic Batman Tumblers (2)

Kidde Smoke Detector NIB

Vintage Cooking and Household Booklets

Local 1960s Equestrian Ribbons (5)

Asst.accessories - Some Barbie & Modern Monroe

4 Drawer Painted Mini Chest of Drawers

(8) Bi-Centennial Wheaton & Ginger Beer

Reload Booklets NRA Coin Etc.

Large Christmas Bulb Lot

John Hinde Placemats and Asst. Flatware

(5) Bicenntennial Robeson Township Plates

(7) Decor Plate Switch Covers + Wooden Box

Brass Oil Lamp and Battery Powered Lantern

Heavy Gauge Metal Beer Sign

Primitive 'Butter' Scoop Lot with Box

Early Crock with Accompaning #2 Lid, Lines

Cast Iron Eagle Trivet with Keg Spigot

Vintage Pulleys and Wire Rack

Unusual Chamber Stick with Concealing Match Safe

Vintage Stanley #4c Plane

'Yardley' London Talc Tins Vintage Canisters

Small Desk Top Globe and Watch, etc.

Tin Litho Noise Makers

Replacement SP Spoons

1864 Notice and Military Plaque

Horse, Pen Holder and Companion Dog

Vintage Advertising Lot and Kitchenware


Polish Ground Base Glass Swan

Pair Fashion Prints and Dresser Tin

Beiler Signed Amish Print "Friends Forever"

Beiler Watercolor Framed "Happier Days"

Decorative Metal Vase

Wooden Shoe shoe stretchers Molds and Vintage Iron

Seashore Theme - Coral Stars Etc

Astros APBA Cards Bud Texas Stein Dog Print

Old Indian Pot as is + Contemp Pot and Hammer

Large Lot of Current Euro Coins 10 20 50 + Notes

US Bicentennial Silver Proof Set

2 pair Salt and Pepper w/Sterling Tops

Lane Mini Cedar Chest PA Local Store Sheffield

1891 Indian Head cent1910 1911 cents

(2) IKE Dollars 1976 + (13) Jeff Nickels 1939-59

1920s and 1930s Lincoln Cents

1910s Lincoln Cents

Costume Jewelry - Assorted Lot

Mixed Coin Lot Some Foreign

Paddleball + Yahtzee

Color Toy Photos from Old Auction

Large Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam - Illustrated

Compound Bow

1956 Princeton University Yearbook

Noahs Shooting Gallery etc - As is

Old Camera and Dial Phone Lot

Three Bicentennial Retro Bottles

Cow Prints and Figure Salt & Pepper

(11) Bacarat France Wineglasses

Cow Themed Lot, Storage Jars, etc.

Cow Tin Sign and Lot

Reserved Sign (4) For Rent Signs

Early 19th Century Tableware Lot AS IS

Vintage Tasteful Design German Tea, Sugar, Creamer

BSA Scout Lot Local Chester County

Vintage Roseville Vase AS IS Handle

Pennzoil Cozy Lot (25)

Handmade Indigenous Craft Items

Brass Lantern Candle or Fuel

Vintage Milk Commercial Container

Vintage Brass Lot - Lamp Bell Tongs Etc

Pair of Cast Iron #3 Pans

Early Tool Lot + Early Lock (no Key)

Vintage Liberty Federal Advertising Dishes

Delaware Trust Bank with Key

Cast Iron Soap Block + Tackle CI Bracket

Clown McCoy Cookie Jar AS IS

Bank Lot

Vintage Mkt. Basket + Pr. Blue Checkered Aprons

Early Green Box w/ Wooden Dresser Pulls

Vintage Indicator Light + Adv. Screwdrivers

Large Lot Quality Brass Chandelier Fine Prisms

Primitive Wall Cabinet/Mirror

Oil Painting of Piano

Cast Iron Chicken Etc

Hand Cuffs Banks Etc

Large Lot of Bottles

19th Century Goudy Ceramic Lot - AS IS

Assorted Depression Glass Lot

Large Lot Scouting Local, Jamborees etc

Scout Pins Coins Paperweight Etc

Watches and Costume Jewelry Lot

Die Cast General Lee Etc

Lot of Goebel Hummel Annual Plates (4)

Rare 1971 Goebel Hummel Annual Plate

1980 Larger Jubilee Goebel Hummel Plate

Muscle Magazine Lot

Lot of 90s + 2000s TV Guides

Italian Bas Relief Collector Plates Lot

Table Top Swivel Acrylic Jewelry Display Stand

Vintage Hanimex Wide Angle Binoculars

Hard Porcelain Duck Etc

Packs Amish Postcards Etc

(2) Power Ventilated Gas Masks - Unused

Large CD Cassette Lot - Preowned

Magnetic Squaring Welding Jigs

Approx (60) DVDs Pre-owned Lot #2

Approx. (60) DVDs Pre-owned Lot

Approx (60) DVDs Pre-owned Lot #3

Approx (60) DVDs Pre-owned Lot #4

Approx (60) DVDs Pre-owned Lot #5

Approx (60) DVDs Pre-owned Lot #6

Approx (60) DVDs Pre-owned Lot #7

Approx (60) DVDs Pre-owned Lot #8

Approx (60) DVDs Pre-owned Lot #9

Approx (60) DVDs Pre-owned Lot #10

Approx (60) DVDs Pre-owned Lot #11

Approx (60) DVDs Pre-owned Lot #12

Office Condiment Racks

Chunky Camera Lot Etc

Lot of DC-R and DVD-R discs unused

Vintage Cookbook Lot

Ruby Red Glass 2pc tea Light

Coasters Wooden Grinder Tin Litho Tray

Austria Vase C&S, Lot

Handmade Drum

Pair of Vintage Fishing Reels 'Inductor'

Sailor Knot Framed Piece

Unknown Native American Couple Print

Covered Compote

Darkest Days Guide To Survival + Evening Post, et

Quilted Bulbous Retro Light

Book Lot - Grimm's Illustrated Classics Etc

Brian Jacques Hardcover Book Lot

Goosebumps Softcover Lot

New Sealed (2 ) Board Games

DVD Lot - All Sealed/New 20+

Postcard Reference Collectible Books Trump Bill

Classical Etc CD Lot many sealed

(2) Framed Prints

Vintage Partial Disney Ticket

(2) Vintage Tins no lids

Box of DVDs All Sealed / New (40 +)

Ephemera PA History Etc

Large Lot Babysitters Club Softcover Books

Sterling Silver Multi-tone Bracelet

PA Vintage Yearbooks - Ex-libris

Movie Store VHS Covers Matted Sci-Fi Horror Etc

Cigar Box of Odds and Ends some plate

Paper Lot Deco Print Photos Postcards Sinatra

Vintage (Heavy) Commercial Scotch Tape Dispenser

Scouting Lot Local Patches Buckles Repro Book Etc

Sleeved 45s + Playing Cards

Electronic Bike Horn

Baseball Yearbooks + Cards Yankees HOF

Vintage Matchbooks and Ephemera, etc

Lot of Tools, some Craftsman, etc.

lot of decorative bracelets

Various Pokemon cards, binder etc.

Firearm Pamphlets, Vintage

Vintage Bucks County Historical Pamphlets

vintage union league tie pf philadelphia

vintage little golden lot, etc.

easter ornaments, hardware etc

Gesso on Wood Vintage Frame and Floral Oil

Pierced Tin Lamp with Electric Candle Acc.

Decorative Lot Horse Theme

The Good Night Kiss Print Nicely Framed

Framed Vintage Pinup

Pressed Relief Paper Duck

Fiat AD, 60's

Vintage Brass Lot, Frame,server, candle snuffer

Mancave Decor Original Telephone Pole/Insulators

White Star Line 80's Replica Sign

Calmut Tin + Others

Clapper Girl Advertising Tin Anona + Others

Early Bottle Lot Some 19th Century

Early Bottles and Disney Pieces

State Quarter Booklet Complete (12.50 Face)

New Old Stock Odd Lot

VHS Cartoon Lot Pre-Owned

Cd Container Filled with CDs some Rock, pop, etc.

Disney and Dr. Seuss Hardcover Book Lot

Paper Lot - Pontiac Trapper etc

Cookbook Lot - Booklets PA Spiral Ads

Lot of CDs Mostly Classical many sealed

Paperback Lot Tarzan and Agatha Christie

Porcelain and Bisque Bird Lot (3)

H & B Leader Wooden Bat Roberto Clemente

Primitive Boxes Lot Axe Head Tins

(2) Pierced Tin Lights

RetroTumblers + (3) St Paddys Cordials

Copper Bed Warmer Ship Motif

Cast Iron Beaver + Mini Cannon

Large Lincoln Coin Corn Huskers etc

Amish Woman and Child + Oriental Figs

Vintage Bell and Keys

Bowling Pin Pen Mini Doulton etc

Lamp with Cut to clear glass on base

Rocking Horse Heart Butterfly Lot

Kruger's Milk Bottle Amber Graybill etc

Royal Doulton The Puppetmaker looks good

Canadian Mounty and Horse

Rug, Pillow, Bag etc

Basket of Do Dads

Beatles Greatest German Label + Elvis Album

Large Lot of Handbags

Pressed Glass Pitcher

Girl Scout Patches Etc

Decorative Spoons - Made in Brazil

Pair of Porcelain Cats - Japan

Early Mini Cradle Mini Mocassins Elephant Figurine

Donald Duck, Kazoo, etc.

Odd Lot-Darby & Joan Ashtray Syracuse etc

Primitive Lot - Tin Horn, Grater etc

Old Dolls Butterfly Net Etc

Vintage Pencil Box, Doll Clothes etc

Framed Pictures etc

Vintage Sewing Linen Lot Doll Wig

Doll Marble Eggs Print

Knife Lot + Mini Brass Candlesticks etc

German Porcelain Duck Creamer

Child's Teapot + Creamer

Vintage Monarch Typewriter - Cover Rough

Ceramic Birdhouse - Small Chip on Roof edge under

Elaborate Table Cover approx. 4 foot square

Small Jewelry Box filled with Costume Jewelry

Rare Olive Green Insulator

Las Vegas Clock w/real dice

(2) Vases + Plaque Vintage Era

Kodak Lamp Old Kerosene

Vintage Candle Lamp - Unusual

Vintage Brass Chamber Light

Glass Paperweight Bottle

Early Amber Bottle AS IS Ruffled Edge + Dome

(7) Vintage Storage Jars incl Mason

Wire Baskets + Brass Piece

Vintage Hammers Mallets + Coffee Grinder Tops

(5) Rubber Band Pistols

Tin Italian Egg Cup Stone Grapes

Basket Lot

Super Soaker

Insulator Lot

Terra Cotta Garden Cat - Typical Wear

De-published Dr. Seuss Book Softcover

Gone Fishin Sign

Peterbilt Sign

19th Century Ironstone Covered Vegetable

Oil Can Block Plane etc

Vintage Magazine Lot some SEP Rockwell Covers

Poloroid 800 Land Camera with case and accessories

Corvette Plastic Cover Plate

Misc Lot Gun Booklet Framed Tobacco Label etc

Historical Booklet Lot Civil War etc