Taxidermy Boars Head

Bullet making tools

Remington NPSS 22 Caliber Pellet Rifle

Power master 760 BB/Pellet Rifle Wooden Stock

Plastic patio bench

Benjamin 397 Bolt Action Variable Pump Air Rifle

22 cal. Bullets, (2) full boxes, (1) partial-Pcku

Smith & Wesson Throwing Axe Taylor Brand LLC In

J.C. Higgins Daisy BB Pistol Model 799.19250


APX .177 Caliber UX Pellet Rifle W/Simmons Scope

SOG Throwing Axe With Sheath

Metal patio bench

Winchester12 gauge Shotgun shells 100 rounds-Pcku

Winchester 12 ga. Shotgun Shells 100 rounds-Pckup

Homak gun safe

Stack-on Gun Safe with key

Winchester 12 ga. shotgun shells, 95 rounds-Pckup

Broad Hatchet Signed

Elite Stack-On Gun Safe

Fly fishing Lures


Blackhawk gun holster

AR-15 Mag * Pump for Reloading Mags.

Sentry Gun Safe

BARSKA 13 pc. Boresighter Stud set

Winchester, spinner target

Stack on gun safe

AR scope mounts

(3) Boxes Winchester, 12 ga. Shotgun Shells-Pckup

Gun safe

Nice A Frame Swing

Gun safe

Gun safe

4 PC Wooden Patio Set

Prairie dog target

44 ca. lead balls, muzzle loading (2) Boxes-Pickup

Wooden Picnic Table

Deer antlers 1986

Tackle Box Full Of Lures

Patio bench

Deer antlers 1987

Toy army plane

3 PC Concrete Bench

Fish fossil

4 PC Wrought Iron Set

(2) Deer antler mounts

Gun vise

Set Of 4 Arrowback Chairs

Daisy Model 25 BB GUN

Gerber Essentials Ripstop I And Ripstop II K


Gas powered airplane

Caldwell Lead Sled Plus Gun Rest

Daisy Powerline 880 .177 BB GUN With Powerline

Gas powered airplane

Rabbits and dog outdoor ornaments

Gerber Hatchet With Holder

Chinese Pellet Rifle

Buck 143 Paklite Skinner Knife With Sheath In T

Lighted exit sign

1950s Metal Lawn Chair

Gerber Traverse & Clutch Knife & Mini Tool Kit I

Ammo and gun information books

Browning URX .177 Caliber Pellet Pistol With

.22LR rifle barrel

Marksman Repeating .177 Caliber BB Pistol

UM McCoy Pottery Frog

Wheeler gun smith's screwdriver set

Ultrasonic cleaner Central Machinery


Magnum sonic cleaner HORNADY

Tasco shot saver #30/35E

Pumpmaster Classic Model PC77 .177CAL Pellet

Commemorative machete

Winchester, 380 auto full metal jacket, ammo, o

380 automatic Remington ammo (1) box-Pickup only

Dolly cart handmade

9 mm .355 Hornaday.-Pickup only

Fiskars Cutting Tools

.44 caliber Remington revolver filler group

Fishing Lures

Buck knife set, NIB

Throwing axe

SIG Model Airplane Parts In Tote

Blackhawk inside pocket holster

Model Airplane Parts

44. Mag brass group

Winchester, spinner target


Throwing axe

Gun holsters in cartridge carrier group

Paper targets

Smith and Wesson target stocks, square butt

(7) boxes, 30 caliber 180 grain SPITZ ER 50 count

44. Mag brass, four lever action.

Open sign

Turkey tail feathers and beard

Smokeless hand, gun powder, group, some partial

Gun grips

Folding machete & bow release

Winchester 12 gauge slugs-Pickup only

Gun parts, miscellaneous springs and roll pens

308 brass group

30-06 brass-Pickup only

12 gauge shotgun shell 12 boxes-Pickup only

Hogue gun grips

(6) boxes 22, caliber 55 GR Vmax-Pickup only

Coleman extreme cooler


Gun cleaning kits

(4) full boxes 30 cal 168 g extremely low drag-PIc

Fishing reels

Trail cams

Contemporary Forged Tomahawk

Signed Tomahawk

Hornaday 22 caliber bullets-Pickup only

556 Lake City brass

Primers for shot shells Winchester

9 mm bullets-Pickup only

243 brass

9 mm brass

556 brass

Caldwell Matrix Gun Rest

223 brass

Estwing Hatchet


RCBS bullet gun tool

3-Ruger gun cleaning kit

Ready to fish complete fly fishing outfit

Bullet making feeder

Shakespeare little pro fishing rod and reel

Gun bullet making feeder

Full metal jacket, ammo-Pickup only

3-boxes of 380 auto ammo-Pickup only

2 packages of Hornady 380 auto cartridge cases

Small G.I. patches

Large gun cleaning patches

.22 cal bullets Hornady, Sierra, barnes-Pickup onl

US marked machete

Winchester.224/55gr bullets-Pickup only

Sierra 30 cal .308 dia 180gr bullets-Pickup only

Hornady xtp 45 cal bullets-Pickup only

44 mag bullets-Pickup only

Berrys 45apc 230gr-Pickup only

Large G.I. patches

Voodoo Shotgun Scabbard

The Airborne Department Airborne Training Booklet


Targets in target order

Deer Antlers 4 Pcs

Bore snake

308 brass

223 Brass In Plastic Ammo Box-Pickup only

Hornaday 55GR SP 224 bullets-Pickup only

Hornaday 380 auto-Pickup only

Mag tech 380 auto ammo-Pickup only

Pyrodex Pellet 3 Full 50/50 1 Full 50/30

22 caliber 30 caliber bullet puller-Pickup only

Hornady 44 cal HP bullets-Pickup only

Hornady 30 cal bullets Sierra 30 cal-Pickup only

Variety of .223 and other bullets-Pickup only

Various deer antlers (4)

Deer antler grouping

556 Lake City brass-Pickup only

7.62 x 39 mm shell cases.

Mossberg clips Ruger, 1022 tall Remington 552

Butch's patches

38spl and 357 brass-Pickup only

4 deer antlers

Word 20volt leaf blower

450 bushmaster brass-Pickup only

Hornaday 30 cal. 125GR (1) full box,(1) partial Bo

Hornaday 450 cartridge cases 2 packs

Hornaday 35 cal. 358 (2) full boxes, (1) Partial-P

Reloading dies 38 45 380

Deer antlers

Remington REM oil-Pickup only

Nosler 30-06 custom brass-Pickup only

7.62MM , 30 cal bullets-Pickup only

Hornady 9mm bullets-Pickup only

Hornady xtp 9mm bullets-Pickup only

Sierra 30 cal bullets-Pickup only

Organizer with contents, Gun Parts

Various gun powders *have been opened*

Organizer with contents, Gun Parts

Rifle and pistol powder*partials*

Organizer with contents, Gun Parts

Deer antler grouping

Hornady 6.5 mm, 147 bullets (4) full boxes (1)

3030 caliber bullets (6) full boxes (2) partial-Pi

Organizer with contents, Gun Parts

Hornaday, 22 30 45 cl bullet puller

Bullet making tool

Hornady FXT 35 cal bullets

Verdant decapping tool

Primer pocket swagger combo

Hornaday 45 cal. FTX bullet (4) full boxes & (1),

Bullet puller pins sizer expander

Various reloading dies

358 custom grade dye-Pickup only

Reloading dies

Deer antlers

Reloading die sets. Various

308 cal reloading bullets-Pickup only

Pellet gun, CO2 cylinders cartridges-Pickup only

BBs in pellets

3 Barnes 50 Caliber Bullets -Pickup only

Fillet knives

Hornady 7 1/2 Hard Lead Shot 25lbs-Pickup only

All American 7 1/2 lead shot 25lbs-Pickup only

Winchester Primers

Plastic Ammo Box Only

Black Powder Items-Pickup only

Precision, laser, fishing rod, and reel

Remington #6 lead shot-Pickup only

All American 7 1/2 lead shot 25 lbs-Pickup only

Lawrence brand #6 lead shot 25lbs - Pickup only

Gun cleaning supplies

22-250 blakout brass - Pickup only

Pistol primers

Prefilled CO2 cylinders-Pickup only

Engraving tools

CO2 cylinders - pickup only

CO2 cartridges - pickup only

Boar tusks


Bullet pen holder display

Deepwoods repellent/cleaning wipes-pickup only

Group of Reloading Die Sets

Zebco gold fishing reel,

ZEB,CO, micro, fishing reel

Fishing bobbers, lures accessories

Fish fillet board

13 point deer antlers

12 point deer antlers

Gun parts

Green tips ss 109 pulls

358 brass

7.62 x38 bullet

6mm caliber bullets

30/80 bullets

35 caliber bullets

Scope mounts

Sites in scoop bases

Scope mounts and scope parts

Scope rings

Winchester 12 gauge slugs

350 brass

Straps, gun handles, gun barrel parts

Screws stripper clips gun parts

Trigger pull gauge

Gun butt pads

Primer pocket swagger

Butt stock

Shotgun rods

Anderson but stock assembly A.R. 15

Grand m1 tool

Idea gun bullet tool

Cowboy shot shell 12 gauge die

12 gauge brass

JC Higgins 4X scope

4 paper targets

Bullet making tools

Bullets and lead group

Lee case, link, trimmers

Gun parts tools

Winchester 45 automatic bullets

Hard cast bullets

Round ball, bullets, prelude, lead bullets, group

Hanson scale

Reloading books

38 caliber and 44 MG bullet

Sharpening stones

6 boxes of 38 caliber

Smokeless rifle powder, large group

Military manuals, Vietnam magazine

Gun sled

Gun rest

2 ton heavy duty wrote pulley and hoist

Gun target

Gopher target

Gun rest

Minn kota trolling motor

Lead sled

Boat anchors

Hunters seat



Plastic tool locker

Red metal box


Small totes

Double Shepherd's Hook With Bird Feed Bowl

Propane stove

2 Resin Bird Baths

Military box with camo

Cabela's Cot tree

Penthouse pop-up tent

Plastic shelf

Coleman cooking station

2-20 L fuel tanks

Coleman cooler

Blue hawk, plastic shelving

2 cots

Primrose blind

Plano tacklebox

Coleman cooler

Gun rest and case guard tray

Gun resting pads

Lasko box fan

Deer sheds


Garfield Quartz Clock

Gun, holsters, and ammo belts


Target thrower

Deer antlers

Plastic shelf

Step ladder

Black & Decker blower

Deer antlers

Ammunition box with a stripper clips


Gun diagrams

Metal storage box

Flash light

Outside tote

Sewing Items

Beer kegs

Government issue, collectors guide

Dog Collars

World War II Jeep other books

Fishing net


Post driver

Heavy cord


Landscape Edging

Boat crank

Plastic poles

Weed and seed, chemicals, carpet, etc.

Gun Spray, Bosch Band Saw Blade


Fly Tying Vise

Ron Cortez Bottle And Dog Dish

1968 Airborne Plaque,License Plate,380 Ammo Brass

Shelf and contents, laundry detergent, toilet

Backpacks, army, pants, camo bag group

Coleman, coffee pot, Mr. coffee, coffee, pot group

Coleman lantern can cooker and personal heater

Enamelware pans, Pyrex casserole, dishes and

Air mattress

Extension cords and lights

Plastic shelving

US military water jug

Coleman burner, and Stanley thermos



WD 40 3/4 of a gallon, sure shot and fluids

Stainless pans

Ceramic serving platter

Shelf and contents

Plastic shelf with rugs, blanket, lamp,

Ice melt

Ammunition cartridge boxes

Plastic shelf

Pair of blue chairs

Plastic shelf

Battery charger and battery

Camp Lee Va print

Light bulbs grouping (some new)

Windex paper towel cleaning supplies

National guard bracelet and fight for freedom

Smith and Wesson gun box only

Low profile file TV mount 40 to 70 inches new in

Grease guns

Wrenches, and sockets screwdriver group

Boat slide mounts new in package

Body trim tools

Paint spray guns

Shop light

5 gallon US government fuel tank

Electric drain pipe cleaner

Miscellaneous tools

2 trash cans

One step tool carrier

Kleenex Boxes Never Been Opened

Band-Aids Boxes Unopened

Lamp Oil (2 Bottles)

Thermacell Mosqito Repellent

Hand Sanitizers, Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Febreeze etc

Pottery Ducks And Lead Crystal Vase

Boxes Of Flexible Straws

Cinderella, Westward The Wagons, The Torch Is

Beer Mug, Trump 2020,Toy Car And Etc

Tools And Roladex

Dove Men + CARE Deodorant And Body Wash

Fire King Blue Willow Mug

Painted Gray Stand

Wayne Dairy Milk Bottle

Antique Plant Stand Small

Antique Pine Stand

Fishing Equipment

Small Pine Stool

Small 3 Tiered Plastic Shelf

Cookie jar and kitchen utinsals

A&P coffee can and Ritz Cracker tin

Wasp killer & Yellowjacket's trap

Wasp spray and yellow jacket traps

Contents of shef

Miralax and hand sanitizer (unopened)

Swifter dust pads & floor pads with mop

Elvis Presley print with record and photo

Train needlepoint


Prints and small pictures

Rabbit, lantern, pitcher & misc.

Contents of shelf

Content of shelf

Tote of stuffed bears

Digital scale & pedal exerciser

Bullet wall clock

Deer quilt (real tree)

Cutter quilt , rack & xtras

File cabinet, light, & misc

Computer desk

Tennis racket & hand weights

Gloves and hats

Deer antler

Deer antler

Decorative mirror

Strand of bells

Military duffle bag & wool blanket

Garmin drive

Jigsaw puzzles

Cosco step stool

Lightbulbs ( assortment)

Home decor signs

But & bolt drawer organizer

Hanson scale

Gun barrel rod cleaners

Entire shelving unit with contents

Shelving unit with contents

Vintage Wooden Arm Chair

Woven Wastebasket

Oak office chair ( basement)

Birdhouse Bench And Contents

Umbrellas, Plastic Water Can, Trellis

Plastic Car Ramps

Tool Rack, Kiddie Pool, Water Cans

2 Folding Lawn Chairs

Gas Can, Tomato Cage, Plastic Tub With Contents

Garden Seat Cart

Plastic Lawn Settee

Hoses and reel


Saw horses


Metal shelf unit and contents

Metal file cabinet with key

Blackhawk hip holsters new in package and other

1/4 Drive set


Pots/pans, Hamilton beach toaster

Glass straw dispenser