John Deere Pedal Tractor
John Deere 130 Pedal Tractor
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John Deere 130 Petal Tractor
John Deere Pull-Behind Wagon w/Fenders
Farm Toy Auction Part/Day #2 Jan 8th, 2023
John Deere Pull-Behind Wagon
JD Series 6000/7000 Tractor, Unopened
John Deere "A" Precision Tractor
John Deere "B" Precision Tractor
John Deere 8020 Diesel Precision Tractor
John Deere 5010 Diesel Precision Tractor
John Deere 630 Precision Tractor
John Deere 720 Diesel Precision Tractor
John Deere 730 Diesel Precision Tractor
John Deere 4020 Power Shift Precision Tractor
John Deere 720 Precision Tractor w/Blade & Loader
John Deere 8400 Precision Tractor
John Deere 3010 Precision Tractor
John Deere 4000 Precision Tractor
John Deere 70 Standard Precision Tractor
John Deere 70 Standard Precision Tractor
John Deere 70 Diesel Precision Tractor
John Deere 4020 Precision Tractow w/Corn Picker
John Deere 9750 STS Precision Combine
John Deere 45 Prestige Collection Combine
John Deere F145H Precision 5-Btm Moldboard Plow
John Deere 494-A Precision Four-Row Planter
John Deere 494-A Precision Four-Row Planter
John Deere 214-T Precision Twine-Tie Baler
John Deere 214-T Precision Twine-Tie Baler
John Deere 214-T Precision Twine-Tie Baler
John Deere Precision Hay Wagon
John Deere Precision Barge Wagon
John Deere 2510 PrecisionKey Tractor w/Mower
John Deere 4020 Standard PrecisionKey Tractor
John Deere "G" PrecisionKey Tractor
John Deere "R" PrecisionKey Tractor
John Deere LA Tractor w/7D Mower
John Deere/Van Brunt FB Grain Drill
John Deere/Van Brunt FB Grain Drill
John Deere 44 2-Btm Plow on Steel
John Deere 44AH 2-Btm Plow on Rubber
John Deere MI Tractor w/Sickle Mower
John Deere 55ABH 3-Btm Plow on Steel
John Deere 55 3-Btm Plow on Rubber
John Deere 55 3-Btm Plow on Rubber
John Deere 72 Forage Harester
John Deere 6 Corn Sheller
Oliver 1900 Classic Wheatland Tractor
Oliver 77 Classic Tractor w/1095 QD Cultivator
Oliver 66 Tractor w/Spring Tooth Harrow, SpecCast
John Deere 4620 Prestige Tractor
John Deere 430 Prestige Tractor
John Deere 430 Prestige Tractor
John Deere "AOS" Tractor, Collector Edition
John Deere "A" Collector Edition Tractor
John Deere 1010 Collector Edition Tractor
John Deere 1010 Tractor, Collector Edition
John Deere 2010 Collector Ed Tractor w/KLB Disk
John Deere HN Collector Edition Tractor
John Deere 80 Diesel Tractor
John Deere GM "FFA" Anniversary Tractor
John Deere D Heritage Series Tractor
John Deere A Tractor w/Man
Oliver G-1355 Ltd Edition Tractor w/Duals
Oliver 995 Lugmatic w/GM Diesel Ltd Ed Tractor
Oliver Super 99 w/GM Diesel Ltd Ed Tractor
Oliver Standard 88 Gas Classic Tractor
Oliver Super 99 Precision Tractor
Oliver 1950-T Collector Edition Tractor
Oliver Super 88 Classic Tractor
Oliver 2655 Vintage 3 - 4WD Tractor
Oliver Classic 540 Four-Row Planter
Oliver 1600 Tractor w/74 H Corn Picker
John Deere 4020 Diesel Pedal Tractor
John Deere 4020 Diesel Pedal Tractor
John Deere 4020 Diesel Pedal Tractor
John Deere Pull-Behind Wagon
John Deere Pull-Behind Wagon
Allis-Chalmers WD 45 Precision Tractor
(2) Allis-Chalmers WD-45 Precision Tractors
Allis-Chalmers WC Precision Tractor
Allis-Chalmers D17 Precision Tractor w/NI Picker
Allis-Chalmers D14 Precision Tractor w/2-R Cult
Allis-Chalmers D14 Classic Gas Tractor
Allis-Chalmers D14 Classic Gas Tractor
Allis-Chalmers D14 Classic Gas Tractor w/NI Mower
Allis-Chalmers D15 Tractor
Allis-Chalmers K Crawler Tractor
Allis-Chalmers 444 Baler & 44 Bale Thrower
Allis-Chalmers 443 Baler w/Chute
Minneapolis Moline 955 Classic Diesel Tractor
Minneapolis Moline G1355 Classic Diesel Tractor
Minneapolis Moline Four Star Super Classic Tractor
Minneapolis Moline 445 Powerline Classic Tractor
Minneapolis Moline Four Star Super Classic Tractor
Minneapolis Moline G750 Tractor
Minneapolis Moline UDLX
Minneapolis Moline 445 Classic Tractor w/Mower
Fox 3000 Forage Harvester w/Corn & Hay Head
New Idea 311 2-Row Pull-Type Corn Husker
Massey Harris 44 Precision Tractor
Case Agri King 1270 Collector Edition Tractor
Case 930 Comfort King Precision Tractor
Case DC3 Gas Classic Tractor
Case D Gas Classic Tractor
Case 2470 Traction King Tractor
Case Agri King 1170 Collectors Edition Tractor
Case Agri King 1170 Collectors Edition Tractor
Case Centennial 2-Btm Plow, Classic Series
Case D Classic Grain Drill
Case Centennial Two-Btm Plow, Classic Series
Century Drum Sprayer, Classic Series
McCormick Deering Little Genius Plow, Precision
(2) Little Genius Plows, Precision Series
Massey Ferguson 98 GM Diesel Tractor, Classic
McCormick Flare Box Precision Wagon
McCormick 200 Precision Spreader
IH Farmall 340 Gas SpecCast Tractor
IH Farmall 460 Precision Tractor
IH Farmall 450 LP Gas SpecCast Tractor
IH Farmall 504 Gas SpecCast Tractor
McCormick Deering Farmall M Precision Tractor
McCormick Farmall Super M Precision Tractor
IH Farmall 450 SpecCast Tractor
IH W 400 Gas SpecCast Tractor
IH Farmall 1206 PrecisionKey Tractor
IH 340 Utility Tractor w/251 Planter, SpecCast
Case IH 1256 Tractor
IH Farmall 544 Gas SpecCast Tractor w/Loader
International 660 Tractor, Toy Farmer
McCormick Farmall 1206 Turbo Diesel Tractor
IH TD-14 Diesel Crawler w/Blade, SpecCast
Case IH T-340 Crawler
Case IH T-340 Crawler
Cockshutt 1900 Wheatland Tractor w/GM Diesel
White 5400 4-Row Planter, SpecCast
Cockshutt 540 4-Row Planter, SpecCast
1929 Mdl JD General Purpose Wide -Tread Tractor
1928 Mdl John Deere C
Massey Harris 44 Pedal Tractor (new in box)
Toy - info coming soon
Case IH Farmall 560 Pedal Tractor
Toy - info coming soon
McCormick Farmall 806 Pedal Tractor
Toy - info coming soon
International 404 Pedal Tractor
John Deere "A" Hi-Crop Tractor
International 404 Pedal Tractor
John Deere "BW-40" Tractor
Farmall 450 Pedal Tractor
Toy - info coming soon
John Deere 520 Pedal Tractor
Toy - info coming soon
John Deere 520 Pedal Tractor
Toy - info coming soon
John Deere 520 Pedal Tractor
Toy - info coming soon
Toy - info coming soon
Toy - info coming soon
John Deere 730 Tractor, Standard Tread
John Deere 730 Hi-Crop Tractor
John Deere 630 Tractor, Standard-Tread
John Deere 530 General Purpose Tractor
John Deere 330 Utiltiy Tractor
Toy - info coming soon
Toy - info coming soon
John Deere 7020 Diesel Tractor
John Deere 4230 Diesel Tractor w/4-Post Roll Gard
John Deere 4520 Diesel Tractor w/Full Cab
John Deere 4010 Diesel Tractor w/Canopy
John Deere 6030 Diesel Tractor w/Cab
John Deere 4320 Diesel Tractor w/Cab
John Deere 4010 Diesel Tractor w/Hiniker Cab
John Deere 9400T Diesel Tractor
(2) John Deere 430 & 1010 Crawlers
(2) John Deere 430 & 420 Crawlers
Toy - info coming soon
Toy - info coming soon
(2) John Deere 40 & 430 Crawlers
(2) John Deere 430 & 420 Crawlers
Toy - info coming soon
John Deere 4WD Tractor
John Deere 8400 Tractor w/Duals
John Deere 8400T Tractor
John Deere 7800 Tractor w/Duals
Toy - info coming soon
John Deere 7600 MFWD Tractor
John Deere 6410 Tractor w/640 FE Loader
John Deere 6400 MFWD Tractor
Toy - info coming soon
John Deere MFWD Row Crop Tractor
John Deere 4255 Row Crop Tractor
John Deere 4960 MFWD Tractor
John Deere 4960 MFWD Tractor
John Deere 4620 Tractor
John Deere 5010 I Tractor
(2) John Deere 4010 Gas & Diesel Tractors
(2) John Deere 3010 Tractors
(2) John Deere 3010 & 2520 Tractors
John Deere Skid Steer Loader
(2) John Deere 830 & 820 Diesel Tractors
(2) John Deere 720 Hi-Crop & 820 Diesel Tractors
(2) John Deere 620 Tractors
(3) John Deere 420-W, 430 & 520 Tractors
Toy - info coming soon
Toy - info coming soon
Toy - info coming soon
John Deere 12A Combine
John Deere 60 Tractor w/Picker Sheller
John Deere 9600 Combine
John Deere 50 and 60 - 50th Anniv Collector Set
John Deere 40 and 70 - 50th Anniv Collector Set
John Deere 520 and 620 - 50th Anniv Collector Set
Toy - info coming soon
Toy - info coming soon
Toy - info coming soon
Toy - info coming soon
(2) John Deere BR & R Waterloo Boy Tractors
(2) John Deere H & 62 Tractors
(2) John Deere BN & GP Tractors
(2) John Deere GP & 60 Tractors
(2) John Deere MI & BI Tractors
(2) John Deere BW & AW Tractors
(2) John Deere B Tractors
(2) John Deere MT & R Tractors
(2) John Deere 630 LP & A Gen Purpose Tractors
John Deere GP Tractor w/Flare Box Wagon
(2) John Deere "A" Tractors
(2) John Deere "B" Tractors
(2) John Deere "AR" Tractors
(2) John Deere "A" Tractors
(2) John Deere "G" Tractors
(2) John Deere "G" Tractors
Toy - info coming soon
(2) McCormick Deering "M" Stationary Engines
John Deere "A" Tractor w/Man
Toy - info coming soon
(2) John Deere Flare Box & Chuck Wagons
Toy - info coming soon
(2) John Deere Forage Wagon & Harvester
John Deere Corn Planter
(2) John Deere 6-Btm Plow & 220 Power Flex Disk
(2) John Deere Disk & 220 Power Flex Disk
John Deere Blade
(2) John Deere Hay Rake & Mower Conditioner
(2) John Deere Mower Cond & 348 Square Baler
John Deere Round Baler
John Deere Grinder Mixer
John Deere 28x46 Thresher, SpecCast
(2) Vintage Case/McCormick Deering Threshers
(2) Vintage Collectible Tractors
(4) JD ? Vintage Collectible Tractors w/Man
(2) Vintage Cast Iron Manure Spreaders
(3) Vintage Cast Iron Implements
(2) Vintage Cast Iron Horse Drawn Plow & Wagon
(2) John Deere Horse Drawn Cargo Wagons
(2) Horse Drawn Buggy's
(3) JD Horse Drawn Buggies & Plastic Horse
(4) Collectible Toys (Wagons, Figurines)
Horse & Wagon Coin Bank
Case IH Authentic Athearn Electric Train Set
John Deere Gas Pump Coin Bank, Ltd Edition
John Deere Gas Pump Coin Bank, Ltd Edition
(2) John Deere Gas Pumps & Ford Bank
Texaco Doodle Bug Tanker Coin Bank
(2) Wayne Gas Pump Replicas
(2) Wayne Gas Pump Replicas
(3) Minneapolis Moline Collectibles, SpecCast
(2) John Deere Die Cast Airplane Banks, SpecCast
Closing Auction Information
John Deere Lube Express Tanker Bank
(2) John Deere Die-Cast Truck Banks
(2) John Deere Die Cast Pickup/Tk Banks
(2) John Deere Panel Pickup/Tk Banks
(3) John Deere Bull Dog Box Tk Banks
McCormick Farmall Panel Truck Bank
(2) MM & Hesston Delivery Truck Banks
(2) John Deere Chevy Die-Cast Pickups
John Deere Studebaker Pk Tk, Prestige Series
Case Die-Cast Stake Truck
Case IH Studebaker Die-Cast Pk Tk
Ford Pk Tk w/Bed Racks, 50th Anniversary
(3) Misc Die-Cast Tk Banks & Model Pk Cab/Chassis
(2) Vintage Die Cast Dump & Grain Tks
GMC Grain Tk, Highway 61 Collectibles
Chevrolet Flatbed TK, Highway 61 Collectibles
Ford F-1 Pickup, Road Legends
Ford F-100 Pickup, Road Legends
Chevy 3100 Stepside Pickup, American Muscle
Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe, American Muscle
Studebaker, Anson Classic
(4) John Deere Collectible Die-Cast Toys
(4) Collectible Die-Cast Vintage Vehicles
(4) Allis-Chalmers Die-Cast Farm Classics
(4) Case & Farmall Die-Cast Farm Classics
(3) MM & MH Die-Cast Farm Classics
(3) John Deere Toys
(4) Vintage Case Die-Cast Toys
(7) Small Misc Die-Cast Collectibles
(6) John Deere Die-Cast Collectibles
(5) John Deere Tractors & Collectible Sets
(7) Misc John Deere Toys & Implements
(5) Misc Die-Cast Toys, White American & AC
(7) Misc Die-Cast Toys
(7) Misc Die-Cast & Plastic Trucks & Cars
Farm Toy Auction Part/Day #2, Jan 8th, 2023