1991 Lincoln Continental Executive

KitchenAid refrigerator


Cast Iron frog missing front foot

Cast Iron bank

Draw knife

Vintage change dispenser

Sad irons

Sad irons



CandleStick telephone

Billings vintage pipe wrench

Number eight cast iron skillet

Number five cast iron skillet

Number Three cast iron skillet

Number three cast iron skillet

Draw Knife

Vintage ice skates

Carbide light

Rug beater

Wood Plane

Wood plane

Wood plane

Vintage enamel strainer

4 enamel bowls

Vintage Oiler

Cast iron ice tongs

Meat saw

2 punches

Hoof trimmers


Sifter and cheese grater

Knife sharpener

Match safe

Seth Thomas mantle clock

2 gallon gas cans

2 1/2 gallon and a 5 gallon with Funnel


Galvanized trash can


Trashcan with wheels

Trashcan with no lid

Extension cords

Milk crate with miscellaneous tools

Extension cord

Electric Toro leaf blower

Light cover

Heater brand new in box

Grinding stone

Vintage metal wheel

Black & Decker edger battery operated has two

5 foot step ladder

1800 Psi power washer

26 foot extension ladder

Cobblers bench

Miscellaneous copper

Oil lamp with reflector

Hand drills

Miscellaneous primitives

Cast elephant bank

Pickle jar with fork

Billy club

Bird thread holder

Wind up monkey

Aluminum pail

Primitive wood bowl

Candle mold

Fenton hobnail fan vase

Fenton hobnail fan vase - large one has crack

Fenton hobnail squared covered dish

Fenton hobnail lot

Fenton hobnail covered butter dish

Fenton hobnail cruets

Fenton hobnail eprgene

Fenton hobnail water set

Milk glass covered dish open lace edge

Fenton hobnail jack in the pulpit vase

Large Fenton hobnail vase

Large Fenton hobnail vase

Fenton Silvercrest cake stand

Fenton Silvercrest plates

Fenton hobnail ruffle top bowl

Fenton hobnail lot

Fenton silvercrest bowl

Fenton silvercrest bowl

Fenton silvercrest compote

Fenton silvercrest lot

Fenton hobnail Crimp top bowl

Fenton Daisy and button top hat

Fenton daisy & button boot

Fenton hobnail covered boot

Milk glass lot Silvercrest bowl has Chip

Pewter lot

Glass lot

Pewter lot

Pewter lot

Silver plate lot

Carnival glass vase

Burley Clay birdbath

Fenton Log Cabin Currier & Ives Fairy Light

Miscellaneous glass and collectibles

Glass globes

Silverplate punch bowl


Duncan Glass swans

Goebel figurines

Goebel angels and more


Carve rite fork

Glass pitcher

Glass pitcher

Fenton Silvercrest saucers

Fenton Silvercrest basket

Fenton Silvercrest plates

Milk glass cake plate

Fenton handpainted custard vase

Milk glass cups and more

Pottery birds

Murano Italian art glass vase

Art glass vase

Carnival glass compote

Glass lot

Heavy glasses

Glassware and more

Daisy i& button top hat

Glass vases

Heavy glass divided Low bowl

Etched glass

Etched glass

Glass lot

Glassware lot

Glass sandwich tray and bowl

Lead crystal stemware total of four

Glass ice bucket

Glass trays and more

Collector plates

Hen on a nest

Fenton cranberry thumb print pitcher

Fenton cranberry hobnail basket

Forest green art glass vase

Fenton white and cranberry crimp top bowl

Opalescent blue ruffle top bowl

Blue Fenton hobnail covered dresser jar

Opalescent yellow glass

Handpainted Fenton vase family signed

Pink glass covered dish

Handpainted Fenton cuatard vase

Fenton iridescent vase

Fenton blue custard basket

Fenton blue custard vase

Glass lot

Glass egg plate Pyrex bowl and more

Oil lamp

RC Cola West Virginia bottle

Glassware lot


Pitcher and glasses

Glass cream and sugar with holder

Starfrit cookware

Boyds bear collector set

Boyds bear collector package

Boyds bear collector set

Milk glass footed cake server

Animated Christmas decorations

Peanuts Christmas animated decoration

Pottery decanter

Wood shoe forms

JFK Look magazines

Sterling silver candleholders

Sterling silver cream & sugar

Silver plate lot

Christmas decorations plug into each other

Blue coin glass covered candy dish

Glassware lot

Viking glass birds 2 have broken tails

Fenton glass lot and more

Coin glass ashtray and another ashtray

Resin Boyds bear lot

Art glass vase

Carnival glass vase

Glass lot

Resin boyds bear lot

Willow tree figurines

Hammered aluminum pot

Opalescent glass lot

Dresser boxes

Animated gingerbread house

Electric mantle clock

Fenton praying boy and girl

Iridescent fenton cat

Handpainted custard Fenton bunny

Miscellaneous glass lot

Souvenir Masonic Temple Chicago glass pitcher

Japan elephant Creamer

Crystal sleigh

Hartstone pottery bowl

Marcrest pottery bowl

Hand bell

Cast iron cornbread pan

Cast iron skillet

Cast iron skillet

Cast iron skillet

Lodge cast iron skillet

Boyds bears

Snowman cookie jar

Ceramic star accent light

Boyds bears

Card table

Card table

Glass serving trays

Boyds bears

Snowman serving platter

Crystal pitcher

Planters jar

Glass canisters

Glass vase


Glass Christmas tree

Pink glass bowls

Fenton amber compote

Glass and pottery lot

Fostoria americana candleholders

Fostoria americana Pedestal cake stand

Miscellaneous glass & pottery

Sunbeam mixmaster mixer

Cast iron boot jack

Candle warmer

Golden retriever welcome statue

2 Longaberger baskets

Longaberger tissue basket

Longaberger canister set with hard plastic

Longaberger geranium basket

Oil lamps

Card table

Miscellaneous collectibles

Pottery canister set

2 Longaberger baskets

Glass serving platters

Corning ware lot

Miscellaneous decor

Miscellaneous collectibles

Pampered Chef rectangular server

Stainglass suncatcher


Amish cookbook

Mantle clock

LG refrigerator

Corner cabinet


Commercial Cool portable air conditioner

Magic chef microwave

Queen size bed with oak headboard and footboard

Queen ann style side table

Marble top dresser one piece is cracked

Antique dresser missing bottom knobs

39 inch Vizio TV

Leonard wishtar inlaid dresser

Hisense 28" tv

Toshiba VCR with DVD player


Antique dresser with glass knobs

Quilt rack

Brass lamp

Full/queen size bed frame with headboard

Dresser with mirror


Mirror and shelf in hallway

Bedroom lamps

Milk glass hobnail lamp with extra shade

Oil lamp

Oil lamp with extra globe

Dresser with mirror contents not included

Hand painted floor lamp

Jadeite glass lamp with marble base

JVC VCR with DVD player

Full/queen bed frame with headboard

Leathertop end table

Quilt rack

Wall mirror

Infrared oven

Glass lamp with Tiffany style stained glass shade

Spindle back chair

Vintage decor


Quilt rack


Electrified lamp

Lamp with cast iron holder

Small oil lamp

Stoneware crock

Full size bed

Longaberger natures Garland platter

Longaberger woven traditions Ebony ice cream bowl

Longaberger traditional Holly pillar candle

Quilt rack without Dowel

Steam cleaner

Wardrobe with inlays

Vintage hand puppet

Vintage doll

Vintage doll missing a few fingers

Mikasa crystal Tray


12 pane antique corner cupboard Contents not

36 x 40 display cabinet contents not include

End table

Lift chair

Coffee table

End table contents not included

Coffee table contents not included

Sharp 42" tv

Entertainment stand

Magnavox DVD player with VCR

Osculating heater

Ratan sofa

Round top table

Ratan rocking chair

Ratan chair

HP printer

Pair of floor lamps

Pole lamp


Amish artwork

Beautiful church artwork

Hutch contents not included

Dropleaf end table

Mr. coffee coffee maker

Keurig coffee maker

English garden fine China

Kitchen table with six chairs

Four barstools

Power force vacuum


Paws and pals cart




Christmas bulbs

Wooden snowman

Hoveround power chair



Cardboard stars

Oil lamp



Cheese grater and more

Purse and oven mitts

Bowl with Picture



Small wooden sleigh

TV tray with Stand

Santa Claus wooden boxes and more


Christmas decorations

Miscellaneous Christmas

Miscellaneous Christmas ornaments

Hallmark Christmas ornaments


Stainless spoons


Office supplies

Pie plates

Silver plate platter

Leslie cope print

Pampered Chef cutting board with measuring cups

Boyds bears and more

Tote of miscellaneous

Christmas tins


Vintage tins

Vintage tins

Monopoly tin

Cast-iron banks mailbox has a broken leg

Potbelly stove brass bank

Copper piggy bank

Liberty Bell glass bank

Donald Duck lucky Joe bank

Brass cowbell

Coffee grinder

Brass spittoon

Copper kettle

Jewelers anvil

Jim beam Ohio decanter

Edgemont crackers tin

Beaumont bros Christmas crock

Teddy bears and more

Bunny bank

Hartstone cookie molds tins and more

Straight razor

Oreo cookie jar

Vintage file box

Miscellaneous collectibles

Snoopy bank

Pottery pitcher

Stoneware bean pot

Stoneware jug

Teal pottery pitcher

Porcelain pitcher - Has tiny flea bite chip

McCoy pottery planter has hairline

Weller vase has hairline

Pink depression glass pitcher

Lucky Joe bank

JFK memorial glass

Soda bottles

Miscellaneous glassware

Fenton thumb print vase

Blue canning jars

Metal cast deer head

Retro glass globes

Cerro bend ingot

Collector church plates

England metal trays

Crystal candleholders

Orange glass bowl

Pair of forest green oil lamps

Glass canisters

Gone with the wind style painted lamp

Serving trays

Mare's head tavern

Rolling pin


Old world santa

Thermometer and Barometer

Bestest friend mug

Wearever pot

Jadeite baking dish chip in corner

10 glass green plates

Green glass bowl

Oil lamps

Longaberger baskets

Avon freedom plate

Coca-Cola Wooden crate

Silverplate handled server



Christmas village houses

Christmas village houses

Christmas set

Christmas village set

Pool sticks

Four drawer dresser

Flag painted on slate

Homer Laughlin China set

Style house fine China set

Fire king bowl

Longaberger plate

Burner And more


Vintage shelf

Leek Parkison Artwork







Leslie Cope 1986 Mailpouch print

Leslie cope Travis & Friends Double signed print

Mary Ann Bucci paper boy print











2 lanterns


Eat at Joe's clock

Misc Contents

Old vintage stool

Candleholders and more

Antique juicer


Plates cups anymore

Floor lamp

Floor lamp


Howard sewing machine

Vintage rocking chair

Blue office chair

Three wooden chairs


Tea cups and bowls and 8 plates

Wire planter holder

Coffee table contents not included

Coming around the mountain


Dropleap table

Marble top table

Cooking pans


Hump back steamer trunk

Longaberger baskets


Pink Depression glassware

Green depression glassware


Miscellaneous glass



Weller pottery baby's plate


Miscellaneous plates

1881 Saint Rose of Lima church new Lexington

Germany bowls

3 bowls

Candy dishes

Plates bowls and more

Christmas Decor

Cap gun and more


Huge Anderson Artwork

Miscellaneous glassware

Punch bowl set


Pink Depression glassware

Glass shelf contents not included

Five barstools

Craftsman Drill press

Work table

Pipe wrenchs


Miscellaneous tools to include pliers hammer and

Drill bits

Level hand saw hammer and more

Hand held grinding wheel

Drill bits

Propane tank

Vice grips hand saw pipe cutter with toolbox

50 foot steel fish tape and more

Screwdrivers tape measure miscellaneous hardware

Drill bit and more

Craftsman reciprocating saw

Craftsman jigsaw and Roto zip

Vintage stool

Fireplace andirons


Acorn Super glide 120 chair lift



Work bench with no top

6 foot ladder

Jumper cables

Airbrown inflatable 6ft

8 foot snowman inflatable

Lighted penguins inflatable

3.3' x 7' snowman inflatable

7 foot tall inflatables

Over 7 foot tall and wide inflatable

Inflatable santa with teddy bear

6.2' x 5' 8 feet inflatable

Tigger 3 foot tall inflatable

Christmas lights

4 foot tall inflatable

Holiday projector light

Santa Inflatable

Halloween inflatables

Outdoor projector

Winnie the pooh inflatable

Lawn cart

Eight piece stemware

Eight piece Stemware

Whiskey glasses

Whiskey glasses

Whiskey glasses

12 whiskey glasses

8 whiskey glasses

Seven glasses

Jefferson whiskey glasses total of 12

Seven stemware glasses

12 glasses

Eight glasses

Large inflatable

Benchtop grinder

Lifetime Picnic table Contents not included

Miscellaneous wrenches

Craftsman Wranches

Gear pullers

C clamps And more

Pliers pop rivet gun and more

Grinding disc tape measure drill bits and more


Drill bits screwdriver and more


Wire brushes and more

Staple gun small brushes and more

Soldering guns

Breaker bars

Angle grinder


Craftsman hedge trimmer

Allen wrenches drill bits and more


sockets ratchet and extensions

40 piece tap and die set metric

Tap and die set missing some pieces

Battery tester

Large lot of screwdrivers

Socket set

Chicago cut off tool

Pulley puller

Bolt cutters

Garden tools

Hammers hatchet and more

Torque wrench

Concrete tools

Hammer punch

Saw blades

Triple cutter molding headset



Air powered grease gun

Work light

Drill bits

Jack 2 ton

Unique wheel clock

Ghost inflatable

Thanksgiving turkey inflatable

Filing cabinet on wheels

Miscellaneous glassware


Car ramps


Small toolbox

Little cart

Small ramps

Electric leaf mulcher

Vacuum system

Flower pots

Craftsman 22 inch weed trimmer


Extension cord on reel

Wooden snowman

Worx Snowblower

Wooden decor

Wooden Santa Claus

Yard seeder

electric polisher

Transmission jack craftsman

In-N-Out box with miscellaneous electrical

In-N-Out box with nuts bolts and more

In an out box with bolts nuts and more

Seven in and out boxes with miscellaneous bolts

Three in an outbox with miscellaneous screws pop

2 in and out boxes with miscellaneous screws

long handle tools with holder

Black and decker wizard

Black and decker sander

3 hp craftsman vacuum

Wooden chair


Chicago electric welder

Welding helmet

Metal cart on wheels

Runner sled

Large lot of Christmas lights

Holiday light tree

7 foot three dimensional tree

Large lot of Christmas lights and tree

Next Pro climber mountain bike

Miscellaneous power tools

Craftsman toolbox

Black & Decker electric weedeater

6 x 8 tarp

Craftsman 10 inch 3 hp tablesaw saw

Handsaw and more

Stone crock

Stone Crock

Two stone crock has crack

Cast iron pot

Cast iron pot

Shop stool

Milk can

Metal patio chair

Wicker table

Pumpkin pitcher

Metal patio chair

Chase lounge
