Dugan Marigold Harvest Flower Tumbler
Northwood Amethyst Dandelion Mug
Northwood Marigold Dandelion Mug
Dugan Marigold Vintage Banded Mug
Northwood Lime Green Bushel Basket
Imperial Teal Stretch Glass Basket
Fenton Aqua Holly Ruffled Compote
Fenton Cobalt Blue Holly Ruffled Compote
Northwood Amethyst Blossomtime Ruffled Compote
Dugan Amethyst Flowers and Frames Footed Bowl
Millersburg Amethyst Peacock Tail Variant Compote
Millersburg Green Boutonniere Ruffled Compote
Fenton Blue Daisy Bon Bon
Imperial Marigold Columbia Whimsied Vase
Dugan Amethyst Stippled Petal Crimped Edge Bowl
Fenton Ice Blue Fine Cut and Roses Candy Dish
Northwood Amethyst Butterfly Bonbon
Dugan Marigold Puzzle Footed Bon Bon
Northwood Blue Fruits and Flowers Bon Bon
Fenton Green Vintage Fernery
Fenton Blue Orange Tree Fruit Bowl
Northwood Aqua Opal Drapery Rosebowl
Dugan Amethyst Formal JIP Hatpin Holder
Northwood Marigold Peacock on the Fence Bowl
Fenton Marigold Concord Grape Ruffled Bowl
Imperial Purple Scroll Embossed Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Blue Concord Grape CRE Bowl
Northwood Green Wishbone Footed Bowl
Fenton Marigold Peacock at the Urn Ruffled Bowl
Fenton White Orange Tree Ruffled Bowl
Millersburg Marigold Grape Wreath Varient Bowl
Millersburg Amethyst Peacocks Bowl
Northwood Blue Peacocks on the Fence Ruffled Bowl
Millersburg Green Blackberry Wreath Ruffled Bowl
Millersburg Marigold Rays and Ribbons Ruffled Bowl
Millersburg Green Whirling Leaves Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Marigold Concord Grape 3/1 Edge Bowl
Fenton Amethyst Peacock and Urn Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Amethyst Concord Grape Ruffled Bowl
Dugan Marigold Pony Ruffled Bowl
Millersburg Amethyst Primrose Ruffled Bowl
Northwood Amethyst Wishbone Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Green Concord Grape ICS Bowl
Millersburg Green Hanging Cherries Bowl
Northwood Green Grape and Cable Plate
Northwood Blue Three Fruit Plate
Northwood Green Three Fruit Plate
Northwood Amethyst Three Fruit Plate
Dugan Peach Opal Roundup Bowl
Imperial Smoke Grape Ruffled Bowl
Northwood Amethyst Grape and Cable Plate
Dugan Marigold Fanciful Plate
Northwood Cobalt Blue Poppy Show Plate
Dugan Peach Opal Apple Blossom Twigs Plate
Northwood Marigold Good Luck Plate
Northwood Marigold Three Fruit Plate
Northwood Marigold Three Fruit Plate
Imperial Marigold Grape Plate
Imperial Amber Open Rose Plate
Fenton Celeste Blue Acanthus Plate
Northwood Green Strawberry Plate
Imperial Honey Amber Homestead Chop Plate
Northwood Marigold Peacocks on the Fence Plate
Northwood Amethyst Strawberry Plate
Northwood Amethyst Peacocks on the Fence Plate
Dugan Electric Blue Fanciful Plate
Fenton Teal Holly Plate
Northwood Amethyst Greek Key Bowl
Northwood Marigold Grape and Cable Plate
Fenton Marigold Holly Plate
Northwood Custard Peacock and Urn ICS Bowl
Millersburg Green ICS Bowl
Dugan Marigold Windflower Plate
Imperial Purple Open Rose Plate
Northwood Green Grape and Cable Plate
Fenton Clambroth Orange Tree Plate
Imperial Teal Grape Plate
Fenton Marigold Leaf Chain
Northwood Amethyst Thin Rib JIP Vase
Northwood Electric Blue Thin Rib Vase
Northwood Olive Thin Rib Vase
Northwood White Leaf Columns Vase
Northwood Marigold Diamond Point Vase
Imperial Marigold Ripple Vase
Fenton Marigold Knotted Beads Vase
Northwood Green Thin Rib Vase
Dugan Amethyst Lattice and Points Vase
Dugan White Big Basketweave Vase
Northwood Amethyst Tree Trunk Vase
Fenton Amethyst Fine Rib Vase
Northwood White Diamond Point Vase
Northwood Marigold Tree Trunk Vase
Northwood White Tree Trunk Vase
Fenton Electric Blue Fine Rib Vase
Eda Marigold Six Fasett Vase
Dugan Amethyst Lined Lattice Vase
Northwood Marigold Four Pillars Varient Vase
Eda Blue Six Fasett Vase
Northwood Olive Four Pillars Vase
Dugan Marigold Big Basketweave Vase
Northwood Green Tornado Vase
Dugan Purple Lattice and Points Ruffled Vase
Fenton Powder Blue Fine Rib Vase
Northwood Marigold Fine Rib Vase
Northwood Marigold Thin Rib Vase
Northwood Electric Blue Thin Rib Varient Vase
Imperial Marigold Beaded Bullseye Vase
Northwood White Thin Rib Vase
Fenton Marigold Fine Rib Swung Vase
Northwood Green Leaf Columns Vase
Millersburg Amethyst Bullseye and Loop Swung Vase
Millersburg Green Swirled Hobnail Swung Vase
Imperial Marigold Ripple Swung Funeral Vase
Fenton Blue Aurene Art Glass Vase
Fenton Celeste Blue #636 Stretch Glass Candy Dish
Imperial Marigold Beaded Acanthus Milk Pitcher
Lancaster Marigold Hobstar Band Milk Pitcher
Millersburg Amethyst Diamonds Milk Pitcher
Northwood Marigold Grape and Cable Punch Set
Imperial Marigold Broken Arches Punch Set
Fenton Powder Blue Lions ICS Bowl
Fenton Marigold Lotus and Thistle Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Green Stippled Rays Bon Bon
Northwood Electric Blue Leaf and Beads Rosebowl
Dugan Peach Opal Caroline Handgrip Bowl
Dugan Amethyst Cherries Footed Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Marigold Peacock and Dahlia Bowl
Fenton Marigold Lions Bowl
Cambridge Amethyst Inverted Strawberry Bowl
Fenton Blue Orange Tree Fruit Bowl
Dugan Peach Opal Raindrops 3/1 Edge Footed Bowl
Fenton Amethyst Butterfly and Berry Footed Bowl
Fenton Green Grape & Cable Fruit Bowl
Crown Crystal Black Amethyst Thunderbird Berry Set
Fenton Amethyst Ribbon Tie 3/1 Edge Bowl
Dugan Purple Raindrop Ruffled Footed Bowl
Fenton Blue Mirrored Lotus Ruffled Bowl
Westmoreland Lime Green Daisy Squares Spittoon
Fenton Marigold Peacock Tail Compote
Fenton Marigold Orange Tree Mug
Northwood Amethyst Tornado Vase
Imperial Smoke Heavy Grape Bowl
Fenton Blue Rustic Swung Vase
Northwood Green Flute Vase
Northwood Green Memphis Punch Base
Imperial Purple Pansy Pickle Dish
Imperial Purple Scroll Embossed Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Blue Cherry Chain Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Amethyst Feathered Serpeant Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Green Feathered Serpeant Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Blue Holly 3/1 Edge Bowl
Fenton Lavender Peacock and Urn Ruffled Bowl
Imperial Marigold File Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Blue Thistle Banana Boat
Dugan Amethyst Lined Lattice Vase
Northwood Green Dandelion Tumbler
Northwood Marigold Dandelion Tumbler
Northwood Green Raspberry Tumbler
Northwood Blue Leaf and Beads Rosebowl
Crown Crystal Amethyst Thunderbird Berry Bowl
Fenton Blue Fentonia Fruits Bowl
Northwood Amethyst Dandelion Tankard Pitcher
Fenton Blue Paneled Dandelion Tankard Pitcher
Fenton Amethyst Paneled Dandelion Tankard Set
Northwood Green Raspberry Pitcher Set
Millersburg Green Diamonds Milk Pitcher
Imperial Marigold Flute and Cane Milk Pitcher
Northwood Blue Grape and Gothic Arches Pitcher Set
Northwood Electric Blue Peach Water Pitcher
Northwood Ice Blue Peacock at the Fountain Pitcher
Millersburg Amethyst Marilyn Water Pitcher Set
Northwood Marigold Peacock at the Fountain Set
Northwood Blue Peacocks on the Fence Plate
Northwood Blue Stippled Peacocks on Fence Plate
Northwood Marigold Peacocks on the Fence Plate
Northwood Amethyst Peacocks on the Fence Plate
Northwood Ice Blue Peacocks on the Fence Plate
Northwood Marigold Peacocks on the Fence Plate
Northwood Ice Green Peacocks on the Fence Plate
Northwood White Peacocks on the Fence Plate
Northwood Marigold Rose Show Plate
Northwood Blue Three Fruits Stippled Plate
Fenton Amethyst Orange Tree Plate
Fenton Light Marigold Orange Tree Plate
Fenton Blue Heart And Vine Plate
Fenton Marigold Three Fruits Plate
Northwood Amethyst Grape And Cable Plate
Northwood Marigold Grape And Cable Plate
Fenton Green Grape & Cable Footed Plate
Northwood Amethyst Wishbone Footed Plate
Fenton Green Peacock & Grape Footed Plate
Northwood Clambroth Stippled Strawberry PCE Bowl
Fenton Clambroth Leaf Chain Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Marigold Peacock & Urn Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Marigold Little Fishes Ruffled Footed Bowl
Fenton Marigold Little Fishes Footed Bowl
Fenton Amethyst Captive Rose Crimped Edge Bowl
Fenton Grape & Lotus Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Marigold Plaid Ruffled Bowl
Northwood Amethyst Sunflower Ruffled Footed Bowl
Fenton Green Ribbon Tie 3/1 Edge Bowl
Northwood Aqua Opal Peacocks Ruffled Bowl
Northwood Green Fruits & Flowers Plate
Dugan Purple Petal & Fan Crimped Edge Plate
Hatpin Butler's Mirror
Hatpin Elegance
Hatpin Dragonflies
Hatpin Star Center
Hatpin Triad
Hatpin Triad
Hatpin Tufted Throw Pillow
Hatpin Turban
Hatpin Six Plums
Hatpin Big Butterfly
Hatpin Top O' the Morning
Hatpin Flower Arc
Hatpin Waves
Hatpin Faceted Three-Ring Dome
Hatpin Basketflower
Hatpin Plumes & Buckle
Fenton Blue Birds & Cherries Ruffled Compote
Northwood White Peacock & Urn Ice Cream Bowl
Northwood White Peacock & Urn Ice Cream Bowl Set
Northwood White Peacock & Urn Ice Cream Bowl
Northwood White Peacock & Urn Ice Cream Bowl
Northwood White Peacock & Urn Ice Cream Bowl Set
Imperial Amethyst Iron Cross Rosebowl
Fenton Marigold Holly Compote
Northwood Ice Blue Peacock & Urn Ice Cream Bowl
Northwood Amethyst Peacock At The Fountain Cup
Northwood Ice Blue Peacock & Urn Ice Cream Bowl
Northwood Ice Blue Peacock & Urn Ice Cream Bowl
Northwood Blue Peacock At The Fountain Cup
Northwood Ice Blue Peacock & Urn Ice Cream Bowl
Northwood Ice Blue Peacock & Urn Ice Cream Bowl
Millersburg Amethyst Peacock Master Ice Cream Bowl
Northwood Marigold Peacock & Urn Ice Cream Bowl
Northwood Marigold Peacock & Urn Ice Cream Bowl
Northwood Marigold Peacock & Urn Ice Cream Bowl
Northwood Marigold Peacock & Urn Ice Cream Bowl
Northwood Marigold Peacock & Urn Ice Cream Bowl
Northwood Amethyst Raspberry Gravy Boat
Northwood Green Raspberry Gravy Boat
Millersburg Amethyst Peacock Master Berry Bowl
Northwood Purple Peacock At The Fountain Spooner
Dugan Amethyst Grape Delight Rosebowl
Millersburg Amethyst Peacock Berry Bowl
Millersburg Amethyst Peacock Berry Bowl Set
Millersburg Amethyst Peacock Berry Bowl
Millersburg Amethyst Peacock Berry Bowl
Northwood Blue Peacock & Urn Ice Cream Bowl Set
Northwood Blue Peacock & Urn Ice Cream Bowl
Northwood Blue Peacock & Urn Ice Cream Bowl
Dugan White Grape Delight Rosebowl
Northwood Blue Peacock & Urn Ice Cream Bowl Set
Northwood Amethyst Grape & Cable Berry Bowl Set
Northwood Blue Peacock & Urn Master Ice Cream Bowl
Northwood Ice Green Peacock & Urn Ice Cream Bowl
Northwood Ice Green Peacock & Urn Ice Cream Bowl
Northwood Ice Green Peacock & Urn Cream Bowl
Fenton Marigold Orange Tree Hatpin Holder
Millersburg Amethyst Peacock & Urn Ruffled Bowl
Northwood Amethyst Wishbone Footed Ruffled Bowl
Millersburg Green Peacock & Urn Ruffled Bowl
Millersburg Green Peacock & Urn Ice Cream Bowl
Millersburg Amethyst Peacock & Urn Ruffled Bowl
Northwood Marigold Peacocks Ruffled Bowl
Northwood Marigold Peacocks Ruffled Bowl
Millersburg Amethyst Peacock & Urn Ice Cream Bowl
Millersburg Green Peacock & Urn Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Blue Peacock & Urn Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Amethyst Peacock & Urn 3/1 Edge Bowl
Fenton Marigold Peacock & Urn Ruffled Bowl
Dugan Blue Peacock At The Fountain Pitcher Set
Northwood Amethyst Peacocks Ruffled Bowl
Northwood Green Peacocks Pie Crust Edge Bowl
Green Enameled Floral Decorated Water Pitcher
Fenton Marigold Plume Panels Vase
Northwood Olive Thin Rib Vase
Fenton Amethyst Butterfly & Berry Vase
Northwood Amethyst Leaf Columns Vase
Fenton Marigold Long Thumbprint Hobnail Vase
Northwood Marigold Strawberry Pie Crust Edge Bowl
Northwood Marigold Wishbone Ruffled Bowl
Imperial Marigold Imperial Grape Plate
Northwood Amethyst Grape & Cable Punch Base
Northwood Peacock At The Fountain Punch Base
Northwood Amethyst Grape & Cable Compote
Fenton Marigold Orange Tree Fruit Bowl
Fenton Marigold Persian Medallion Fruit Bowl
Northwood Amethyst Smooth Rays Bonbon
Westmoreland Amethyst Pearly Dots Plate
Northwood Marigold Peacocks Pie Crust Edge Bowl
Westmoreland Amethyst Corinth Bowl
Northwood Marigold Bushel Basket
Dugan Peach Opal Folding Fan Compote
Fenton Marigold Butterfly & Berry Spooner
Northwood Marigold Grape & Cable Creamer
Northwood Peacock At The Fountain Berry Bowl Set
Northwood Green Grape & Cable Sugar
Northwood Ice Blue Raspberry Tumbler
Fenton Marigold Panther Ruffled Fruit Bowl
Northwood Marigold Acorn Burrs Berry Bowl Set
Fenton Marigold Stippled Three Fruits Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Marigold Peacock & Urn Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Amethyst Orange Tree Ice Cream Shape Bowl
Dugan Peach Opal Caroline Crimped Tricorner Bowl
Fenton Blue Dragon & Lotus ICS Bowl
Northwood Amethyst Grape & Cable Sweetmeat
Fenton Blue Opal Diamond & Rib Vase
Northwood Amethyst Grape & Cable Hatpin Holder
Northwood Amethyst Singing Birds Master Berry Bowl
Imperial Marigold Pansy Pickle Dish
Northwood Amethyst Grape & Cable Fruit Bowl
Diamond Blue Stretch Glass Bowl
Fenton Green Peacock Tail ICS Bowl
Fenton Blue Two Flowers Spatula Footed Bowl
Fenton Blue Grape & Cable Ext Footed Bowl
Imperial Marigold Grape Bowl
Northwood Marigold Grape & Cable Powder Jar
Northwood Amethyst Grape & Cable Cream & Sugar Set
Fenton Blue Orange Tree Powder Jar
Pastel Amethyst Swan Salt
Northwood Green Leaf & Beads Ext Footed Rosebowl
Northwood Marigold Grape Arbor Water Set
Northwood Marigold Grape & Cable Water Set
Northwood Amethyst Grape & Cable Water Set
Fenton Marigold Cherry Circles Bonbon
Fenton Amethyst Pinecone Plate
Imperial Lustre Rose Ruffled Bowl
Fenton White Peacock & Urn Ruffled Bowl
Northwood Amethyst Stippled Rays Pinched Edge Bowl
Fenton Marigold Two Flowers Footed Sauce
Fenton Marigold Enameled Forget Me Not Tankard
Northwood Marigold Dandelion Water Set
Northwood Amethyst Grape & Cable Punch Set
Northwood Green Enameled Apple Blossom Water Set
Northwood Celeste Blue Concave Diamond Water Set
Northwood Blue Peacock & Urn Ice Cream Bowl
Millersburg Amethyst Peacock Sauce
Millersburg Amethyst Peacock & Urn Ice Cream Bowl
Northwood Marigold Memphis Berry Bowl
Westmoreland Carolina Dogwood Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Marigold Dragon & Lotus Ice Cream Bowl
Northwood Marigold Good Luck Ruffled Bowl
Dugan Peach Opal Ski Star Ruffled Bowl
Fenton Marigold Stag & Holly Footed Ruffled Bowl
Northwood Marigold Three Fruits Ruffled Bowl
Imperial Marigold Windmill Pitcher
Northwood Green W/ Gold Trim Peach Water Set
Northwood Green Grape & Cable Berry Bowl Set
Northwood Marigold Peacock At The Fountain Set
Imperial Marigold Fashion Water Set
Dugan Marigold Maple Leaf Water Set
Northwood Green Singing Birds Tumbler
Northwood Marigold Flute Butter Dish
Harrach Vaseline Opal Vine Rigaree Vase
Vaseline Opal Basket
Northwood Vaseline Opal Klondyke Rosebowl
Fenton Vaseline Opal Cactus Nappy
Indiana Vaseline Dewey Sugar
Vaseline Opal Shell & Ribbon Rosebowl
Northwood Vaseline Opal Dolphin JIP Compote
Mosser Vaseline Baby Animals Mug
Fenton Vaseline Opal Cactus Basket
Indiana Vaseline Dewey Creamer
Boyd Vaseline Opal Indian Chief Toothpick Holder
Davidson Vaseline Opal Lady Chippendale Salt
Imperial Vaseline Beaded Block Plate
Vaseline Opal Mini Pitcher
Fenton Vaseline Opal Hobnail Fan
Boyd Vaseline Tomahawk Axe
Norhtwood Vaseline Opal Town Pump
Fenton Vaseline Opal Cactus Compote
Davidson Vaseline Opal Lady Chippendale Pitcher
Stevens & Williams Cranberry Opal Quilted Rigaree
Fenton Vaseline Opal Cactus Vase
Northwood Vaseline Opal Intaglio Compote
Northwood Vaseline Opal Beaded Panels Compote
Fenton Vaseline Opal Cactus Footed Vase
Northwood Amethyst Master Grape & Cable Punch Set
Norhtwood Green Acorn Burr Punch Bowl Set
Dugan Amethyst Heavy Iris Tankard Pitcher Set
Fenton Vaseline Opal Lily of the Valley Vase
Fenton Vaseline Opal Hobnail Bud Vase
Vaseline Opal Mini Vase
Dugan Vaseline Opal Inverted Fan & Feather Whimsey
Northwood Vaseline Opal Log Trough Sugar
Fenton Vaseline Opal Cactus Footed Vase
Dugan Blue Roundup Plate
Dugan White Persian Garden Sauce
Fenton Marigold Sailboat Sauce
Fenton Bue Orange Tree Hatpin Holder
Dugan Amethyst Fishscale and Beads Sauce
Fenton Green Vintage Sauce
Dugan Marigold Stork and Rushes Lattice Basket
Dugan White Leaf Rays Nappy
Fenton Marigold Pinecone Sauce
Fenton Marigold Little Fishes Footed Bowl
Fenton White Persian Medallion Hair Reciever
Northwood Amethyst Peacock and Urn Berry Bowl
Northwood Amethyst Hearts and Flowers Compote
Northwood White Hearts and Flowers Compote
Northwood Marigold Daisy and Plume Footed Rosebowl
Northwood Marigold Tornado Vase
Dugan White Grapevine Lattice Sauce
Dugan Peach Opal Four Flowers Sauce
Fenton Marigold Lions Ruffled Sauce
Northwood Amethyst Grape and Cable Plate
Northwood Pastel Marigold Grape Leaves Bowl
Fenton Marigold Pond Lily Bon Bon
Northwood Green Wishbone Ruffled & Footed Bowl
Imperial Amberina #645 Stretch Glass Plate
Fenton Red Amberina Peacock & Grape Footed Bowl
Fenton Red Holly Ruffled Compote
Fenton Amberina Holly Compote
Fenton Amberina Grape and Cable Bowl
Fenton Red Holly Ruffled Hat Vase
Fenton Amberina Lotus & Poinsettia Footed Bowl
Fenton Amberina Open Edge Ruffled Basket
Fenton Red Open Edge 2 Sides Up Basket
Fenton Red Slag Orange Tree Mug
Fenton Amberina Slag Holly Ruffled Hat Vase
Fenton Green Orange Tree Loving Cup
Fenton Green Peacock Tail Advertising Hat Vase
Fenton Marigold Holly Ruffled Hat Vase
Fenton Marigold Leaf Chain Footed & Ruffled Bowl
Millersburg Amethyst Blackberry Wreath Berry Bowl
Diamond Marigold Beaded Basket
Northwood Electric Blue Three Fruit Bon Bon
Northwood White Hearts and Flowers Footed Rosebowl
Northwood Amethyst Dandelion Mug
Northwood Green Acorn Burr Tumbler
Millersburg Green Diamnds Tumbler
Dugan Blue Peacock at the Fountain Tumbler
Northwood Green Greek Key Tumbler
Fenton Green Butterfly and Fern Tumbler
Northwood Amethyst Oriental Poppy Tumbler
Westmoreland Marigold Daisy Squares Spittoon
Fenton Green Holly JIP Hat Vase
Fenton White April Showers Vase
Dugan Marigold Golden Grape Rosebowl Set
Dugan White Double Stem Footed Plate