Tin Roofing 6 full 12ft sheets caps and edge

Galvanized roofing 19 sheets 12ft new

Barn door track and hardware antique

Tin Roofing 6 full 12ft sheets caps and edge

5 bent wood icecream chairs phonet

Lumber spruce rough cut 20ft

Barrel wood antique with stand

Antique glass bottles canning jars coca cola

Cast iron Christmas tree stand

table legs new

20 ft Enclosed Trailer over height

bowling pins and ball

2runner sleds and milk jug

Plastic sheeting

Ornamental iron roof topper from catholic house

black tubing water line mult sizes

GIF vintage feed bags

8 gallon stoneware crock no chips or cracks

vintage round top windows 1 pane broken

PA Speeaker vintage

Galvanized duct work new

curtain stretcher

barrel 60 gallon vintage

cabinet lot 5 wall mount 1 free standing

Lumber lot some cherry

lumber lot barn joyces rough cut hard wood

Lumber lot Barn beams wood 8x8 more

lumber 20ft cherry rough cut

lumber lot pine soft wood

used lumber and beans

used lumber lot huge


plywood, osb, paneling misc doors

2x4 2x6 2x8 lumber lot used, new

Vintage speed shop metal sign hollywood muffler

random lumber, plastic wall bathroom, trim

Faux hand cut stone Nail it 1 box

2x2 top choice 8 ft

large chain fall

dog sled ice fishing

tim A brake 2

Large roll of wire new 200 amp urd

Primative painted blue cabinet

Coil stock 7 partial boxes different colors

roofing rolls shingles and paper asphault

conents of shelve you get the siding, trim ,

ladder jacks box full

aluminum coil stock

vintage metal 3 leg stool

vintage wood crate great bear spring water

vintage wood skis WF tubbs

cabinets blue are metal

36 in culvert pipe 20 ft used once

Concrete blocks

camper jacks for truck bed camper

sharpening stone

24x30 vent lot of 2

misc new vents

Mobil pegasus vintage license plate topper sign

cattle crossing raised letter vintage

cattle crossing flat sign

GIF acres of proof vintage sign

Bump Ahead raised letter sign

Farm bureau vintage signs nos

contsruction flag sign

2 nail kegs in good shape

wood club house sign raised letters

wood dairy and beverage crate buffalo

coil stock holder roller

vintage torpedo toboggan 6 ft

vintage sled lot runner and metal

saw horses adjustable stanley

clear plastic roofing

roll of plastic insulation

construction sign/low budget droid costume

2 12 ft tables heavy folding

misc wood lot center of barn 1st floor

2 rolls of snow fence

ply wood drywall misc lot


ply wood 1 in thick heavy duty 5 sheets

pvc in th ecorner not including waterline

milk sediment tester

vinyl siding

misc stakes and 4x4 lumber lot

new furnace read description

organizer full of toggle bolts

wood stove and all the chimney

folding construction sign

scale and weights

blower works

bench grinder

bushell baskets and buckets

white buckets

fruit vegetable baskets

submersible pump works

bronco folding platform ends

heavy duty wheelbarrow handles

vintage bobsled skis

3 galvanized basins

set #2 of folding platform ends

water pump

Hydraulic pumpfor dump truck

Saw horse lot 2 full size 10 small

drawer and heater lot

heavy logging chain 20 ft

chain binder big one

3 eveners and bow saw

Zip wall system 2 foam sections in box 6 ext

trim tramp trim cutting system model 300

tile saw tile cutter

router stand

folding ladder

hay trolley vintage taken down from top of barn

milk glass shades

vintage pulley lot

chain lot

log tongs and more

saw lot 2 man and round blades

ladder jacks

chain fall

chimney sweeps

foam insulation in the rafters

concrete jitterbug

electric fence controller fencer

pipe vise and bender bridgeport

new farm water faucet

308 stainless milk fittings

308 stainless milk fittings

big bird house

big bird house

concrete float in real good shape extra handle

concrete float in real good shape extra handle

brick cutter

brick cutter

Drainage hose 4 in


cast iron base

trailer for riding mower

porta bote folding john boat 12 ft

have a heart trap

portable industrial box fan

gas powered air compressor runs good

craftsman air compressor

air compressor

Paint sprayer craftsman

jack stands 2 sets

Milk can

nail keg

tractor parts arms

coleman 3 burner camp stover

honda generator

torpedo heater ready heat kerosene

homelite generator 4400 watt

tree stand

tree stand

tractor platorm

filing cabinet

3 buckets of horse shoes

fence posts wood

3 bicycles huffy, mountain bike, older

laundry sink new

8 horse briggs and stratton

black briggs and stratton motor

ladder step

minnow traps lot of 3

bug zapper works

vapor lights new lot of 5

corn stabbers and tappers

2 double sided axes 1 marked

primative tools

primative bark removing tool

4 concrete rakes

shingle shovels roofing

basket cage coal skuttle

16 guage staples 1-11/2 in 2 boxws

roofing Nails1 1/4 half full 1 1/2 in full box

drawer slides and mounts

contents of the left side of the work bench

roofing nails and other nails

Nails 2 3/4 and 3 1/4 dou fast strip

framing nails 2 3/8 x 113

drywall screws 2 partial boxes

metal roofing screws

electrical motors

huge lot of new and used electrical wire

plumbing lot can take drawers

electrical outlets, fittings, misc

misc door slides and pipe insulators

Rolls of electrical wire.

breakers some are square d

panel new in the box

wood extentsion ladder in good shape

8ft wood ladder

rolls of felt

large tow hooks

concrete form stakes

3 50 lb tractor weights

roof snow jacks

post anchors and concrete items

ads lot some very primative

railroad hammers

large hand tool lot

tool lot left side

lumber rollers both roll

spud bars lot of 4

peavy double sided axe thors hammer

demolition lot and tamper

round up sprayer

grounding rods some are copper heavy

long wood handled rake

long sand trap rake


golf hole cutter

metal wheel antique farm implement

mortar box concrete

basketball hoop

antique door knob lot

barbed wire roll

truck bed mat 6 ft bed

cinder blocks

wood stove chimney insert

14 ft gate good shape

10ft gate county line black #1

10 ft gate #2

10 ft county line gate #3

10 ft gate #4 staight

10 ft gate #5 just front gate

10 ft gate county line #6

Hay wagon montgomery ward

dog house igloo

aggrand natural fertilizer

milk cream can buffalo eckerle and sons

more posted soon so check back

cream can and seperator

milk can

ducane furnace in the house works

oak commode wash stand nice

metal stairs solid

vintage turn table record player mcs 6603

nordic trak walkfit

office chair

wood highchair fischer price

fiberglass extension ladder grem

large christmas tree

wood extension ladder

wood extension ladder

heavy duty cable

flower planter

porter cable drywall sanding system

folding table antique

shop vac drywall

wardrobe wood antique painted

vintage bottles udder linement

adhesive and tiles

large doll

2 lamps

used monitors and keyboard work

end table night stand

antique 1 drawer stand

wood round dinningroom table antique

cook books

office chair and restaurant can opener

misc books

wood extension ladder

wood extension ladder

2 long wood extension ladders

antique seeder


treadle sewing machine table

realistic stereo 8 track record player

roll of green fabric

dog crate and second folding smaller one

water buckets chicken feeders

wagon handle

13 ft chanel stock

cribbing lot

dropleaf table with 3 extra leafs

more coming soon

antique trunk large

large trunk fullof horse tack animal leads, rope

home fire closet hose n extinguisher #1

home fire closet extinguisher n hose #2