John Deere 310C Backhoe
John Deere 8410T Trac Tractor
John Deere 8410T Trac Tractor
Rears Pul-Tank Orchard Sprayer
John Deere 8410T Trac Tractor
John Deere 8410T Trac Tractor
(DMV) 2006 Yamaha Kodiak Quad
John Deere 4440 Wheel Tractor
John Deere 4440 Wheel Tractor
John Deere 8410T Trac Tractor
John Deere 7520 Articulating Wheel Tractor
John Deere 7520 Articulating Wheel Tractor
18' John Deere Chisel Plow
John Deere 4955 Wheel Tractor
John Deere 4955 Wheel Tractor
Zumwalt Self Propelled Bankout
John Deere 310C Backhoe
John Deere 310C Backhoe
15' Rears Rice Chopper
John Deere CTS Combine
John Deere CTS Combine
John Deere CTS Combine
Case International 1688 Combine
Case International 1688 Combine
6' Frontier SB1106 3pt Sickle Bar Mower
Pike Self Propelled Bankout
Pike Self Propelled Bankout
18' Rice Roller
Zumwalt Self Propelled Bankout
Zumwalt Self Propelled Bankout
John Deere 8410T Trac Tractor
Rears Pul-Tank Orchard Sprayer
Rears Pull-Tank Orchard Sprayer
(DMV) 2006 Yamaha Kodiak Quad
18' John Deere Chisel Plow
(DMV) 2006 Yamaha Kodiak Quad
(DMV) Chevy 3500 Pickup
21' Honeybee SP21R Header & Transport Cart. Also,
(DMV) 1989 Chevy 3500 Pickup
(DMV) Chevy C60 Flatbed Dump Truck
Pike Self Propelled Bankout
(DMV) 1974 Chevy C60 Flatbed Dump Truck
(DMV) Chevy C60 Flatbed Dump Truck
12' John Deere Hydraulic Drag Scraper
(DMV) 1979 Chevy C60 Flatbed Dump Truck
Lincoln Ranger Portable Welder
18' Towner Drag Disc
Lincoln Ranger Portable Welder
Test Lot
Case International 1688 Combine
15' Rears Rice Chopper
15' Rears Rice Chopper
7' Sweepster 3pt Scraper Box w/ Hyd Rippers
20' 3pt Fertilizer Bar
20' 3pt Fertilizer Bar
John Deere 7520 Articulating Wheel Tractor
18' Rice Roller
18' Rice Roller
John Deere 4955 Wheel Tractor
18' John Deere Chisel Plow
18' John Deere Chisel Plow
20' 3pt Fertilizer Bar
18' John Deere Chisel Plow
18' John Deere Chisel Plow
John Deere 4440 Wheel Tractor
12' John Deere Hydraulic Drag Scraper
12' John Deere Hydraulic Drag Scraper
(DMV) 1989 Chevy 3500 Pickup
18' Towner Drag Disc
18' Towner Drag Disc
48' International Field Cultivator
(2) Stainless Steel Saddle Tanks
(2) Stainless Steel Saddle Tanks
6' Frontier SB1106 3pt Sickle Bar Mower
30' Fertilizer Bar
6' Frontier SB1106 3pt Sickle Bar Mower
40' Marvin Triplane, Dual Steel Wheels, 18' Bucket
21' Honeybee SP21R Header & Transport Cart
21' Honeybee SP21R Header & Transport Cart
10' Cook Plow
Assorted Poly Tank Sprayers & Boom Attachement
Assorted Poly Tank Sprayers & Boom Attachement
(DMV) 1979 Chevy C60 Flatbed Dump Truck
Project John Deere Pump Engine
10' Dandl 3pt Off-Set Flail Mower
Project John Deere Pump Engine
(2) Stainless Steel Saddle Tanks
10' Dandl 3pt Off-Set Flail Mower
48' International Field Cultivator
11' Drag Disc
48' International Field Cultivator
10' Cook Plow
Hyd V Ditcher
10' Cook Plow
40' Marvin Triplane, Dual Steel Wheels, 18' Bucket
10' Dandl 3pt Off-Set Flail Mower
40' Marvin Triplane, Dual Steel Wheels, 18' Bucket
30' Fertilizer Bar
(DMV) 1974 Chevy C60 Flatbed Dump Truck
30' Fertilizer Bar
Small V Ditcher on Tires
(2) Drain Oil Tanks
Small V Ditcher on Tires
Hitachi Portable Air Compressor
8000 Gallon Fertilizer Tank on Wheels
Hitachi Portable Air Compressor
Lincoln Wire-matic 255 Wire Welder
Front & Rear Bankout Axles
Lincoln Wire-matic 255 Wire Welder
Entire Contents of the South West Wall Including
Entire Contents of the North Wall Including
Entire Contents of the North Wall Including
Assorted Poly Tank Sprayers & Boom Attachement
Entire Contents of the South Wall Including
Entire Contents of the South Wall Including
(1) Set of Rebuilt Planetaries for Front & Rear
11' Drag Disc
11' Drag Disc
Lincoln Ranger Portable Welder
7' Sweepster 3pt Scraper Box
7' Sweepster 3pt Scraper Box
Entire Contents of the North East Wall Including
(1) Set of Rebuilt Planitaries for Front & Rear
(1) Set of Rebuilt Planitaries for Front & Rear
Large Lot of Bankout Axles & Parts
Large Lot of Axles & Parts
Large Lot of Axles & Parts
Project John Deere Pump Engine
Front & Rear Bankout Axles
Front & Rear Bankout Axles
Hitachi Portable Air Compressor
(2) Drain Oil Tanks
8000 Gallon Fertilizer Tank on Wheels
(2) Drain Oil Tanks
(Mechanical Issues) Forklift
8000 Gallon Fertilizer Tank on Wheels
21' Towner Disc
Lincoln Wire-matic 255 Wire Welder
21' Towner Disc
18' 3pt Chisel
Test Lot
18' 3pt Chisel
Levee Drag
Levee Drag
Rears Pull-Tank Orchard Sprayer
... AND MORE!!
... AND MORE!!
Test Lot
Test Lot