Test Lot
Ceramic Japanese Pagoda with imperfection
"Tude" statue concrete
Two large ceramic pots in bright red
Small Foo Dog set, finished concrete
Very large ceramic cream pot
Two large bronze beehive pots
Large cobalt blue pot
Large dark blue pot
Extra tall cobalt blue vase
Set of three textured blue pots, one large
2 large bronze vases
One large bronze beehive pot
Very tall bronze pot
2 large natural unglazed pots
Dwarf White Crape Myrtle planter in ceramic pot
Very Large green textured pot with slight crack
2 Matching Juniper bonsai in ceramic bowls
1 single Juniper bonsai in ceramic pot
Pine starter bonsai in lightweight pot with driftw
Large parryi Agave in ceramic pot, very heavy
Very large bright orange pot with cordyline
Cedar starter bonsai in medium textured ceramic bo
Awesome sky blue succulent planter
Small succulent planter in ceramic pot
Group of very small planters
Unique succulent planter in rectangle broken pot p
Group of three smaller dark gray bowls, one plante
Starter bonsai, dwarf arbutus tree
Large weeping chocolate mimosa planted pot
Three large earth tone textured pots
4 semi large off white pots
large blue traditional ps
Two tall skinnier textured gray pots
Two large shiny off black pots, one is heavily cra
Assorted blue traditionas
Large chipped blue pot
Large metallic black rectangle pot
Large cream vase with imperfect glaze
Single large blue beehive vase
Boxed Tamukeyama Japanese Maple
Sun tolerant Seriyu Japanese Maple in 15 gallon po
15 gallon lollipop Bloodgood Japanese Maple
15 gallon Emperor I Japanese Maple
Very tall Manyo no Sato Japanese Maple
Two nice small maples
Group of 2-5 gallon Japanese Maples
2 unusual Japanese Maples, one with a dead top
Nice Boxed Red Dragon Japanese Maple
Gorgeous 10 gallon Blue Shag White Pine
Nice 7 gallon Feelin Blue Cedar patio tree with pe
Nice collection of smaller conifers for the shade
More smaller conifers with unusual varieties
Nice 3 gallon Prostrate Beauty Cedars with a littl
2 five gallon Hollywood Junipers
Two large b-grade Feelin Blue prostrate cedars- so
3 lopsided Daub's frosted Junipers
3 three gallon Pancake Junipers
Group of b-grade ground cover Junipers
Group of three Feelin Sunny 5 gallon cedars
2 Gowdy Oriental Spruces
Beautiful 10 gallon Plum Cedar
2 Wichita Blue Juniper topiaries
Another Unusual conifer -Cunninghamia lancolata
Large 10 gallon Weeping Blue Spruce
Three nice Globe Spruce
Another Weeping blue Spruce
Specimen Blue Cedar
Beautiful large Kashmir Cypress
4 Blue Arrow Junipers
Single Globe Blue Spruce
Random Cedar group- three plants
2 B-grade five gallon weeping Junipers
3 Golden Deodar cedars in 15 gallon cans
3 five gallon New Zealand tea trees
5 Silver King Euonymus shrubs
3 five gallon Spring Bouquet Viburnum
7 Narihira Mahonia three gallon plants
7 Five gallon Photinia shrubs
3 five gallon Blue Plumbago shrubs
Three Alaska Azalea patio trees
9 Orange Rocket Barberry
3 five gallon Green Velvet boxwood
3 three gallon Azara shrubs
3 nice five gallon red beauty Hollies
Very large First Love Gardenia patio tree
Group of small one gallon gardenias
One Large 3 gallon black mondo grass
Three b-grade spiral Aloes in three gallon cans
Six Agave Green Surprise' in 2 gallon pots
Group of one gallon Agave geminiflora- six plants
4 three gallon whale's tongue Agaves
15 gallon Hesperaloe
Group of 5 Agave potatorum Cameron
3 very full five gallon soft leaf yuccas
Whole pallet of random desert plants #1
Whole pallet of random desert plants #2
3 bags Nyjer 150 lbs.
3 bags Nyjer seed
3 50 lbs. sacks of Scratch Grains
3 50 lbs. sacks of Scratch Grains
4 bags of no waste quality wild bird feed
4 bags of no waste quality wild bird feed
Golden Italian Cypress Lot
Topiaried Shore Pine with nice form
15 gallon Large Azara Shrub
3 15 gallon Goldcrest Cypress
Bell of the Ball- What the heck is that?
Nice large 24" box Dwarf Arbutus shrub
Nice large 24" box Dwarf Arbutus shrub
Persimmon Tree
2 spindly tall Cork Oaks
15 gallon Golden Red Bud Tree
20 gallon Ginkgo tree
20 gallon Ginkgo tree
20 gallon Ginkgo tree
Pair of dwarf fruitless Plum trees
Xylosma Patio Tree
Another Golden Red Bud
Ugliest tree on the lot
Three Stout October Glory Maple shade trees
2 espailed Little Gem magnolias
Large copper vase
Copper formal pot
Beautiful green pot with hairline crack
2 tall lightweight planters
2 whole sets of Lightweight planters
4 dark coppery plots nice size
Gray lightweight tall pots
2 ceramic pots with rings
Tall copper squared vase
Set of 5 Italian planters with saucers
Bunch of blue pots
3 square Italian pots
Mixed terra cotta pots/ some Italian
Group of medium blue textured pots
Nursery junque collection #1
Group of pots that I apparently thought looked nic
Group of white-ish smalls pots
Pallet tower of pots!!
Group of cobalt blue $8 $8 pots- no holes
4 smoke gray pots nice medium large size
5 metallic black nice size pots
Nice green pot
Matching cement colored textured pots
13 dwarf Mondo grass one gallons
Lot of ground cover strawberry plants
Lot of one gallon Yellow Kangaroo Paws
Lot of one gallon Chondropetalum
Big ol' lot randomness with a tropical grassy feel
Big ol' lot of randomness with a evergreen shrubby
Four weeping boxwood plants "unraveled"
Group of b-grade Carex Everillo shade grasses
7 more Narihira Mahonia
Barbed wire bushes
Assorted bamboo collection
Aloe in natural ceramic pot planter
Nice mixed planted with blue Mediterranean palm
Two matching succulent planter in lightweight bowl
Mixed aloe planter in oval galvanized pail
50 chick charms 50 total
Large grey used ceramic pot with shrubs and lavend
Hanging tea light recycled metal fish
Repurposed metal star wall decor
Plastic radio flyer with junque
Locally made art metal garden guy
Locally made art perched owl
3 dwarf evergreen magnolias "Baby Grand"
Three 15 gallon Vitex trees
3 five gallon Grevillea winpara gem'
Two 5 gallon calliandra native fairy dusters
2 five gallon crape myrtle shrubs
10 gallon Fat Albert Blue Spruce
10 gallon Montgomery Blue spruce
Another 10 gallon Fat Albert Spruce
Extra tall ceramic blue pot very heavy!
Single light blue dimpled pot large
Pair of green simple ceramic planters
One of kind yellow speckled pot
Three dwarf Prunus shrubs
Nice Kentia tough indoor palm
Large variegated Rubber Tree indoor plant
Large fiddle Leaf Fig Indoor plant
Group of 5 houseplants
Two random ceramic pots brownish
Antique wheel barrow with large Agave
Test Lot