New old stock weathervane Maryville Missouri
Emerald green pendants with hanger and short
Robins egg blue Belted Shinn Lincoln Nebraska
Embossed white Shinn system
Embossed Diddie Blitzen ruby red and caps
Purple SCA Hawkeye
White belted Shinn Lincoln Nebraska
Embossed Amber Shinn system
Robins egg blue embossed Shinn system
Diddie blitzen Rootbeer collar with and end caps
White Diddie Blitzen White milk glass
Emerald green newer ball
White beehive Minimal collar chips
Shinn system SCA Purple
7-Up green excellent collars
Ruby red ball excellent collars
Red belted ball
Amber belted SHinn Lincoln Nebraska
Ruby red fancy 4 1/2 tall
Cobalt blue embossed Shinn System
Hobnail milk glass four-inch
Milk glass fancy four-inch
Hobnail milk glass 4 1/2 inch
Emerald green metallic Electra
Milk glass Star and moons
Purple Hawkeye style 3 inch
Carnival glass Electra
Rare Amber metallic Electra
Metallic silver 6 inch ball some flaking
Amber Electra with and end caps
SCA a purple embossed Electra with caps
Cobalt blue good collars
SCA Purple silvered 5 inch original and end caps
Cobalt blue Electra
Embossed Amber Diddie Blitzen
Ruby red fancy
Amber Electra
Amber quilted six-inch George Thompson
Hobnail milk glass
Robins egg blue stars and moon
SCA purple Stars and moon
Robins egg blue ribbed
Ruby red stars and moon newer ball
Emerald green ball
Ruby red swirl ribbon embossed mast with caps
Ruby red quilted 6 inch ball George Thompson
7-Up green quilted George Thompson 6 inch ball
Unusual deep purple 5 inch ball
Quilted Amber George Thompson 6 inch ball
SCA purple ribbon swirl 6 inch ball
SCA Purple George Thomson 6 inch ball
Newer yellow with caps
Ruby red
Universal light green milk glass 5 1/2 inch
Robins egg blue D&S
Milk glass beehive 4 inch
For short lightning rods all one money
Three short lightning rods all one money
Three short lightning rods West Dodd copper
Three short rods one bass Robbins
One Robbins rod and four bases lightning rod
Box of miscellaneous parts
18 inch Kite tail weathervane with green glass
21 inch Kite tail weathervane arrow with yellow
Hollow body Whitehorse weathervane no bullet holes
Sputnik lightning rod tip copper with heavy
Thistle Lightning rod tip copper and brass 8 inch
Acorn style lightning rod tip all brass 8 inch
Bayonet lightning rod tip
Universal lightning rod tip 9 inch
Copper thistle Lightning rod tip threaded base
Copper lightning rod tip starburst
Thistle Lightning rod tip threaded base
Copper thistle lighting rod tip
Electra copper lightning rod tip
Ajax copper 3 1/2 inch five from tip
Large cow weathervane hollow 32" x 9 tall
18 inch weathervane arrow
2 weathervane arrows
Hollow body horse weathervane with bullet holes
Brass directionals solid brass
Second set of solid brass directionals
Solid copper directionals
Weathervane top or broken tip
Two plastic lighting white in color two for
Brass spear tip 9 inch
Copper lightning rod tip
Lightning rod and peace 12 1/2 inches long
Spear lightning rod tip 10 inch
Bayonet lightning rod tip 10 inch
Box of weathervane parts all one money
Box of weathervane parts
White embossed Electra with and caps
Clear belted Shinn Lincoln Nebraska
Milk glass white Hawkeye good collars
Cobalt blue with in end caps
Milk glass Hawkeye good collars
7-Up green 4 inch ball ground Collars Canadian
Amber DRS with and caps embossed
Amber ball 6 inch width and caps
Amber ball with in caps
Milk glass Hawkeye good Collars
Robins egg blue Hawkeye good collars
Cobalt blue with the end caps
Fancy robins egg blue with in end caps
7-Up green ribbon ball
Acoma Pueblo bottom signed 18 inches
8 inch Hopi Ewer
1982 pot Hopi 6 x 8
Acoma signed 1.5 inch
3.5 inch Navajo pot
3.5 inch Hobie pot
Navajo part 3x4
Hopis style basket 5 inch
Navajo vase
Two decorative pots
3 inch singed Acoma signed
4 inch basket
Decorative buffalo tile
Ceramic mask wall hanging turkey feathers
Signed Ute bowl 6 x 10
9x4 Native American bowl
Signed Native American bowl
Navajo 9 inch vase W Yazzie
12 inch vase signed by Gonzalez
RC Gorman print
Framed Acoma pot Hogan Begay
Kachina doll
Navajo pot
Kachinas book
Woven Pine needle basket 4 inch
8 inch Pine Needle basket
19 inch table runner
54 x 29 wool rug brown
74 x 26 blue Thunderbird
Blue Pueblo motif 27 x 32
Blue throw36 x 38