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Joel Schmitz Auction Service

Joel Schmitz Auction Service
GoToAuction.com ID#:2914

Contact Information

Location: Vinton, IA
Contact: Joel Schmitz
Phone: 319-443-2506
  Company Photo Gallery

Upcoming Auctions
Multi Estate Auction Live in Person Auction
March 30
Vinton IA
Multi Estate Auction SundayMarch 9. 11:30 AM  This is a Live in Person AuctionSchmitz Auction CenterLocated 3 Miles West of Urbana, Ia. on Hwy 150 the 1.6 Miles North on 29th Ave. 5332-29th Ave Vinton, Iowa Lots of    Antiqu
Joel Schmitz Auction Service More Info
Multi Estate Auction Live in Person Auction
April 27
Vinton IA
Multi Estate Auction Sunday Apeil 27. 11:30 AM  This is a Live in Person AuctionSchmitz Auction CenterLocated 3 Miles West of Urbana, Ia. on Hwy 150 the 1.6 Miles North on 29th Ave. 5332-29th Ave Vinton, Iowa Lots of    Anti
Joel Schmitz Auction Service More Info
Multi Estate Auction Live in Person Auction
December 28
Vinton IA
Multi Estate Auction Sunday Dec, 28. 11:30 AM  This is a Live in Person AuctionSchmitz Auction CenterLocated 3 Miles West of Urbana, Ia. on Hwy 150 the 1.6 Miles North on 29th Ave. 5332-29th Ave Vinton, Iowa Lots of Antiques, Household &am
Joel Schmitz Auction Service More Info

About Our Company

We are planning on Semi retiring in December of 2026 we will be very selective what we will be accepting for Auction in order to get all the Items already consigned sold before then In Light of recent events, and the rising costs of fuel, and the value of time I have compiled a list of items we will not take. We strive to bring the best Auction Experience to our buyers and consignors.We will NOT ACCEPT/SELL The Following Items:Trash/Garage...

Recent Customer Feedback


Customer Feedback

Company Information

We are planning on Semi retiring in December of 2026 we will be very selective what we will be accepting for Auction in order to get all the Items already consigned sold before then
In Light of recent events, and the rising costs of fuel, and the value of time I have compiled a list of items we will not take. We strive to bring the best Auction Experience to our buyers and consignors.We will NOT ACCEPT/SELL The Following Items:Trash/Garage sale/Tag Sale/Yard sale/Storage Auction/Flea Market/Marketplace leftovers.Appliances will be determined by Auctioneer.Furniture will be determined by Auctioneer.Broken furniture or upholstered furniture that is torn, dirty, stained, mildewed, soiled/damaged by pets, or is missing cushions. Entertainment Centers.Mattresses, Box Springs, Sofa’s, Sofa Beds,
Personal Hygiene Items: Clippers, needles, razors, lancets, etc.Toiletries: shampoos, lotions, mouthwash, powders, etc.Products: tampons, pads, Depends, medicated wipes, etc.Medicines, herbs, vitamins, supplements, lozenges, syrups, ointments, etc.Hair brushes, combs, curlers, wigs,Hearing aids, dentures, teeth, Hair Dryers, Hot Curler Sets, Curling Irons, etc.Medical Testing Supplies. We do not accept anything that has come into contact with bodily fluids.Undergarments: bras, panties, boxers, pantyhose, socks, lingerie, jock straps, etc.Drop Side Baby Cribs, Car Seats, Strollers.Food items of any kind.Dirty waste cans, used toilet brushes, used kitchen scrubbies, shower curtains, soiled bath mats, etc.Expired/Empty Fire Extinguishers.Hazardous Chemicals: pesticides, lead, asbestos anything.Mercury: fluorescent lamps, thermometers, thermostats, CFL Bulbs.Old Worn Out Tires (dry rot), Expired or spent/used Batteries.Outdated Technology: Computers, Monitors, CRT Monitors, Printers, Faxes, Software, Parts or Pieces, etc.Older Televisions (we only accept flat screen digital compatible televisions)Encyclopedias, Law books, magazines & stacks of newspaper.All items must be in a good working condition. No broken items. Items must be clean with allwires, plugs, etc. If it is cracked, broken, missing parts, or has been glued back together it should notbe sent to us.Anything given to us to take to auction deemed Unsellable will be thrown in the trash at the consignors expense.Thank you as always, and we hope to see you at the next one!


As of 4-14-11


Absentee Buyers Premium of 15% will be Charge on all Absentee Bids No Buyers Premium Will be Charge if Your at the Auction

Joel Schmitz Auction Service

5332-29th Ave. Vinton, IA 52349

Phone: 319-443-2506

Email: schmitzauction@gmail.com

Web: www.gotoauction/schmitz

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Joel Schmitz Auction Service

Joel Schmitz Auction Service

Contact Information

Upcoming Auctions
Multi Estate Auction Live in Person Auction
Joel Schmitz Auction Service
Vinton, IA
Sun, March 30

Multi Estate Auction Live in Person Auction
Joel Schmitz Auction Service
Vinton, IA
Sun, April 27

Multi Estate Auction Live in Person Auction
Joel Schmitz Auction Service
Vinton, IA
Sun, December 28

About Our Company

We are planning on Semi retiring in December of 2026 we will be very selective what we will be accepting for Auction in order to get all the Items already consigned sold before then In Light of recent events, and the rising costs of fuel, and the value of time I have compiled a list of items we will not take. We strive to bring the best Auction Experience to our buyers and consignors.We will NOT ACCEPT/SELL The Following Items:Trash/Garage...

Recent Customer Feedback