Adrian Harris grew up on a 500 acre dairy farm in New Sharon, Maine which he has passed down to his son Jeff. He also owned and operated a construction company. Now Adrian and his wife Debra are the proud owners of Harris Real Estate Appraisal and Auction Company, where he is the designated broker, certified personal property appraiser and certified auctioneer. He also worked as a broker for 14 years before opening Harris Real Estate. Adrian has been promoting Real Estate Auctions in Maine as an alternative to traditional property sales and has great success at his Auctions.
Adrian is an active Notary Public, Dedimus Justice, former member on the Agway Council, Genex, Farm Service Agency, and the Franklin County Soil and Water District. He is also a member of the New Sharon Masonic Lodge, Past President of The Farmington Rotary, The Lions Club, NFIB, The Farmington/Wilton Chamber of Commerce, the Missing Links Snowmobile Club, and former President of the Maine Auctioneers Association. He was a past M.S.A.D #9 Director, Planning Board and Town Moderator.