Game 7 Auctions understands the endowment effect is powerful. That is why we endeavor to treat you with the utmost dignity and your consignments and purchases with the utmost care and respect. Our staff will work carefully and diligently to ensure we give sellers the best return on their investment and buyers the opportunity to find precisely the items they are seeking to purchase.
Each individual boasts different areas of expertise. Tony, a successful card shop owner for over a dozen years, is an expert in autographs and modern sportscards, Walter is an expert in basketball and all ephemera, Marc in hockey cards, and Steve in vintage sports cards. Between them is over 150 combined years as collectors and resellers. A fifth partner, Glyn, the visionary behind G7A and a well-respected member of the sports collectibles community for over four decades, succumbed to illness before the fulfillment of his dream was realized, but his memory lives on in the rest of us who understood and agreed with his vision, and look to carry on his legacy.
In addition, we have a network of experts in militaria, coins, precious metals, watches, Asian carpets, baseball bats, Pokemon and Magic cards, exotic cars, golf, non-sport tobacco, and bowling at our immediate disposal, and connections to myriad other experts in any subject imaginable within our collective network contacts.
At Game 7 Auctions, our goal is to be the ne plus ultra of auction sites, providing buyers and sellers with smooth transactions and with zero hassles. Our staff is excited to serve you in any way we can, and provide you with the peace of mind that your sale or purchase is handled professionally and with aplomb.