What is SliBuy
We’re a bizarre bazaar. We are an online auction house where you can find the right deal for you and shop in person, too. We have a little bit of everything and plenty of pleasant surprises: The old👴 and new👶 +++ the just-what-I-was-looking-fors🔍 and I-needed-it-once-I-saw-its🔮 +++ the “Ah Has!”💡 and the “Oh Boys!”🚀
It’s simple ⚙️
The joy is in the hunt. Each day we post thousands of new deals and help thousands of customers win big. You’ll always be able to see upcoming auctions and be able to set your price.
It’s surprising 🎱
You’ll know it when you see it. We’ve got the full spectrum of deals and opportunities! It’s important to know what you're getting since one person’s trash is another’s treasure. Be confident in your bids by checking out the Conditions and Photos carefully!
It starts with a bid🪄
Use the search bar for specific items or narrow your hunt to certain categories, retrieval locations, price ranges, and exclusive deals. When you’ve found your deal, select the item and place a bid!
Do More. Have Fun. Waste Less.
(aka Steve)
(aka Chief Auction Addict)