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Auction Spotlight
Florida Auctions
Punta Gorda, FL
Listed below are all of the upcoming Punta Gorda FL auctions. To search Punta Gorda FL auctions
for specific items, use our zip-radius-keyword auction search above.
Upcoming Auctions in Punta Gorda, FL |
$20,000 New Watch Store Liqudation (fast shipping)
February 2
Cape Coral, FL
FM Liquidators is accepting items for consignment. Tools, Ammunition, Silver, Guns, Coins, Vehicles, Motorcycles, Sports Cards. Specializing in business asset and estate liquidations. We have over 35+ years in the liquidation business.
K-BID Online Auctions
Cape Coral, FL
FM Liquidators is accepting items for consignment. Tools, Ammunition, Silver, Guns, Coins, Vehicles, Motorcycles, Sports Cards. Specializing in business asset and estate liquidations. We have over 35+ years in the liquidation business.
Ft. Myers Online Auction Bid Close 02/05/25
February 5
Fort Myers, FL
WOW AUCTION ONLINE INTERNETONLY AUCTION NO RESERVE Our INTERNET ONLY AUCTION is currently underway! This auction will close bidding on Wednesday February 5th at 7:00pm ST. There will be hundreds of lots to bid on.... take advantage and pick some ite
Fort Myers, FL
WOW AUCTION ONLINE INTERNETONLY AUCTION NO RESERVE Our INTERNET ONLY AUCTION is currently underway! This auction will close bidding on Wednesday February 5th at 7:00pm ST. There will be hundreds of lots to bid on.... take advantage and pick some ite
Februrary Coin, Silver, Collectibles Auction (flat rate shipping)
February 9
Cape Coral, FL
FM Liquidators is accepting items for consignment. Tools, Ammunition, Silver, Guns, Coins, Vehicles, Motorcycles, Sports Cards. Specializing in business asset and estate liquidations. We have over 35+ years in the liquidation business.
K-BID Online Auctions
Cape Coral, FL
FM Liquidators is accepting items for consignment. Tools, Ammunition, Silver, Guns, Coins, Vehicles, Motorcycles, Sports Cards. Specializing in business asset and estate liquidations. We have over 35+ years in the liquidation business.
February "Buck & Go" Coin & Currency Auction
February 22
Fort Myers, FL
The 500+ lots in this auction all start at $1 and have no reserve. Introducing the "Buck & Go" auction, this month and every other month. With 500+ lots all having no reserve and starting at $1, these auctions will be in April, June, August, Octobe
Coastal Edge Auction Emporium
Fort Myers, FL
The 500+ lots in this auction all start at $1 and have no reserve. Introducing the "Buck & Go" auction, this month and every other month. With 500+ lots all having no reserve and starting at $1, these auctions will be in April, June, August, Octobe
Antiques, household, new tools
February 22
Cape Coral, FL
Collectors antiques including Mardi Gras mask decor, 12" hat pins, antique furniture household items new and used tools building supplies including driveway gates, fencing, doors, electrical, plumbing new and used auto parts
Hartland Auctioneers
Cape Coral, FL
Collectors antiques including Mardi Gras mask decor, 12" hat pins, antique furniture household items new and used tools building supplies including driveway gates, fencing, doors, electrical, plumbing new and used auto parts